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Impersonating Muhammed ( saw )

The current topic of impersonating Muhammed ( saw ) is very much in

discussion and debate in Pakistan and from many corner mixed opinions are
received – A few interested think that it is not a blasphemy but a mental trance
of a person and after all such kind of statements are also recorded in various
books of Saints and Sufis , although not many have said this in a very clear term
but under the veil which they mysteriously claim this to be the Reality or
Haqeeqat and this Haqeeqat is transferred from seena to seena means from one
bosom to another ( heart to heart ) and not publicized or published for a common
man to know or comprehend , therefore as long as one does not declare himself
or herself a new Prophet Nabi or Rasool the ruling of Khatim unnabeen does not
apply on that person and the status of Muhammed ( saw ) is not jeopardized .

In many Psychiatric hospitals and in Mental treatment centers one can find such
disoriented and disorderly people who claim themselves as President or
Priminister of a Country , Prophets , Jesus incarnated and even Muhammed
incarnated as well as God or Allah himself. Hence these people need not be
executed but treated for their mental disorder.

The above explanations are made to confuse the general masses , looks very
logical simple for it’s face value to be accepted by those who are naïve or totally
stupid and can not see the seriousness of the issue and potential threat to
undermine Allah’s Deen and it’s basic foundation.

Yes, those who are admitted in mental hospital they are never executed but
treated and some time cured to get back to their senses , but what about those
who publicly spread all such non sense with a very strong conviction and
generate followings for them – Yes , I agree that they are also sick people but
under the spell of Satan and only when the case is not left to an individual to be
psychologically treated but it starts spreading like epidemic and many are
affected with this ailment or sickness then to protect the sane society going
disorderly and getting disoriented from the healthy assignment each has in his
hand from Allah ( swt ) to pursue , what is the choice ? Counseling and
Preaching like applying balm or chemo therapy can be the first treatment to be
given but if the wound or the Cancer starts spreading on the body or soul of the
society which could affect major portion to go rotten , then surgery has to be
done for the infected part only to save the healthy Body or Soul.

People must understand that ; Impersonating Muhammed ( saw ) or calling one

self as Muhammed ( saw ) incarnated or carrying noor of Allah ( swt ) and of
Muhammed ( saw ) in one’s own body is much more a serious issue than even
declaring one self as a new Nabi or Rasool because Muhammed ( saw ) being
the final messenger , Allah ( swt ) has fulfilled and completed the divine
messages through him only hence any one thereafter claiming to be Muhammed

( saw ) therefore places himself on a status where by he only can alter the divine
messages and his followers in what ever trance they are will accept all the
changes he will be making hence it will destroy the basic fabric of Islam and if the
following multiplies to a total population of more than 1.5 billion Muslims today
because Muhammed ( saw ) has come back to this earth again in a different
body then can you imagine the consequences ? All such non sense whether a
few misguided Muslim by name Sufi have said it through Seena ( Bosom )
gazette or this concept has been imported from any other source or religion
should be out rightly rejected , strongly discouraged and even strong hand be
applied if necessary to stop masses going astray for their own benefit and

Pakistanis & Muslims must decide : Either they have love and respect for
Muhammed ( saw ) and would not allow any one to impersonate him or declare
himself as Prophet ( saw ) incarnated or Allah ( swt ) in human uniform or any
impostor to declare himself as a Prophet or Messenger OR they will sympathize /
support such blasphemer ( gustakhey ) Rasool , deviant groups or Cults to
prevail and infect the root of Islam and Allah’s deeN , albeit they keep pursuing
their hidden agenda under the veil of Islam , a modern Islam , a new Islam , a
human Islam , a moderate Islam , a Sufi Islam and name any Islam or
terminology but be on guard please – There is no Islam other than which has
basic principles laid in by Muhammed ( saw ) , there is no interpretation of Quran
other than what Muhammed ( saw ) has made us learn.

Don’t let any one hide under the cover of jugglery of words , fascinating
statements and philosophy , or theology if those are not driven out from the
statements and character of Muhammed ( saw ) – There are many entertainers ,
charmers , public speakers , religious shops , stages built these days but
TRUTH is one and only ONE. We need to deal deviant and misguided people
with what ever it takes – even with strong hands if necessary till all Fitnas are
eliminated. Followings of seasonal frog like Nabi , Rasool , Walee popping up
these days must be stopped – Creditability and Yard stick to measure is just one
ie the Quran and the way it has been interpreted and practiced by Muhammed (
saw ) ie Sunnah – Hold tight the rope of Allah ( swt ) and of His only one final
Nabi or Rasool Muhammed bin Abdullah ( saw ) and don’t look for phony Reality
some where else – Don’t fall in to Satanic prey.

Life is a complete struggle – continue in the right direction and for right cause to
make life useful and with purpose defined by Allah ( swt ). We all have little time
to prove our worth in this world to Allah ( swt ).

Fi-aman Allah
Hesham A Syed.

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