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Spectral similarited etalon processes:

24.05.15 RADICULITIS # F D=0.726 E=1
24.05.15 ALLERGY #J D=0.872 E=1
A disease group with an allergic affection of different sections of the respirat
ory tract. Aetiology and pathogenesis result from allergic reactions both early
and delayed. Both the respiratory tract as a whole and separate fragments can be
affected, which, in turn, determines the allergosis form.
24.05.15 NODES TOXIC GOITER D=2.000 E=1
Hub toxic goiter - a disease characterized by the presence of node autonomously
producing the elevated thyroid hormones, hyperplasia and reduced function of the
remaining thyroid tissue. Usually occurs in women, usually aged over 40 years.
In the pathogenesis of toxic goiter the primary role played by local disorder of
the nervous impulses received by the individual sections of thyroid tissue. In
contrast to diffuse toxic goiter in the pathogenesis of nodular goiter tiostimul
iruyuschy long-acting factor (LATS) is not involved nodular goiter has often mal
osimmpomnoe flow with moderately severe clinical picture (slight weakness, sligh
t weight loss, moderate tachycardia) with no ophthalmopathy and myxedema pretibi
alnoy. On palpation of the thyroid gland opredelyaktsya elastic unit with clear
boundaries and a smooth surface, freely shifting swallowing.
# U D=0.897 E=1
Toxic diffuse goitre (Graves'-Basedow's disease) is a disease marked by the thyr
oid gland's hyperplasia and hyperfunction. The disease may be prompted by heredi
tary factors, infections, intoxications, psychemical traumas, etc. The foundatio
n of pathogenesis is a disturbance of immune "supervision" resulting in the form
ation of autoantibodies as a stimulating factor causing the gland's hyperfunctio
n, hyperplasia and hypertrophy. Of significance here is changed sensitivity of
tissues to thyroid hormones leading to a disturbance of metabolism between them.
Clinical manifestations are dictated by a surplus of thyroid hormones affecting
different kinds of metabolism, organs and tissues. Patients complain of irritab
ility, weepiness, hypererethism, insomnia, flaccidity, fatigue, sweating, hands
and body tremors. Patients lose weight despite good appetite (limosis). Young pa
tients, on the contrary, may gain weight ("fat" Basedow). The thyroid gland is d
iffusely enlarged, there being no relationship between its enlargement and serio
usness of thyrotoxicosis. Changes in the eyes are as follows - bilateral exophth
alm (no trophic disturbances), restricted movement of the eyeballs, Greffe sympt
om (the upper eyelid lags behind the eyeball when looking down), Dalrimple sympt
om (wide opening of the palpebral fissure), Mobius symptom (weakness of converge
nce), and Kocher's symptom (retraction of the upper eyelid when shifting one's g
2. Prescriptions:

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