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DG23 Green Rehab

By Dan Hass

An antidote for spank has been synthesized by Jurrius. The citizens of Odill no longer need to
be enslaved by the narcotic or the cults controlling by the cults. The only details left are
convincing the addicts to take the antidote and end their addictions, and, of course, actually
deliver the antidotes to the victims. And surely the cults will just sit idly by as the base of their
syndicates are undermined A D&D 5th edition adventure for 1-8 6th level PCs. The third
episode in the Green in Odill Arc.

DG23 Green Rehab
By Dan Hass with editing by Jeremy Esch

Adventure Summary .............................................................................................................. 2
Preparing the Adventure........................................................................................................ 2
Running the Adventure .......................................................................................................... 2
Adventure Background .......................................................................................................... 3
Adventure Outline.................................................................................................................. 4
Starting the Adventure ........................................................................................................... 5
Encounter 1: Locating the Lab. .............................................................................................. 6
Encounter 2: The Cult of the Green Dragons Lab ................................................................. 7
Encounter 3: The Resistant Patient ....................................................................................... 8
Encounter 4: The Cult of the Green Dragon Counterattacks .................................................. 9
Encounter 5: The Cult of Asmodeus .....................................................................................10
Concluding the Adventure ....................................................................................................11
Appendix 1: DM Maps ..........................................................................................................12
Lab ...................................................................................................................................12
Street ................................................................................................................................13

DG23 Green Rehab
By Dan Hass with editing by Jeremy Esch
preferences (and decide her own) and
Adventure Summary
prepare accordingly.
Green Rehab is a Dungeons and Dragons
NPC Personalities
5th Edition adventure designed for 1-8 5th
DMG p.89-91 has the guidelines for
level characters. It requires a Players
randomly generating NPC traits. A
Handbook (PHB), a Monster Manual (MM),
google search can also find online
and a Dungeon Master's Guide (DMG).
resources to do the job with little effort.
While the encounters include scaling for
This is one such website that is quite
1-8 characters, parties of 1 or 2 PCs and 7
or 8 PCs are fringe circumstances that may
The Odill Campaign Guide is a free
play oddly. Specifically, parties of 1-2 are
companion to this adventure. The Odill city
highly susceptible to a single bad die roll,
zones and NPCs figure quite strongly in
and 7-8 can slow play dramatically. Ideally
Green Rehab.
a party will be 3-6 PCs.
A battlemat or dungeon tiles may be
The adventure is set in the Dimgaard
helpful, but not necessary.
Campaign Setting (the Dimgaard Campaign
Running the Adventure
Guide is a free pdf available at
DriveThruRPG), but could be set in other
Green Rehab presents the PCs with the
campaigns where there is a city rife with
premise that it is time for them to eliminate
corruption. The Odill Campaign Guide has
the production of spank.
additional information for the city of Odill.
Running the adventure should be a
Digital copies of the encounter maps are
pretty straightforward process. There is
available here.
probably more content included than most
parties can complete in a single session
Preparing the Adventure
depending on how much time the DM puts
It is always a good idea for the DM to read
into the roleplaying part of the encounters.
through an adventure before running it.
So the DM should decide which of the
Green Rehab is no different. There are
encounters she wants to include and
some rather complex encounters that will
possibly rearrange the encounters order to
benefit if the DM spends a few minutes
reflect her priorities.
deciding how she will play them. Green
If a DM is using descriptive roleplaying
Rehab can be run with a lot of roleplaying
and believes the roleplaying elements will
interaction between the players and NPCs
go quickly, there are areas where the DM
depending on the inclinations of the PCs
may add additional encounters (perhaps
and DM. The NPCs deliberately have just
developed using the Odill Campaign Guide)
enough information and description to
which may be tailored for particular
move the plot along, leaving a lot of room
circumstances within her campaign. PCs
for a DM to individualize these to her
may have particular enmities or goals that
campaign. It makes things smoother if the
the DM would like to explore, and there may
DM spends a few minutes deciding how she
be room for this.
will deliver the NPCs interactions. Some
Encounters are formatted to fit on a
DMs revel in the opportunity to assume the
single page to make running the encounters
personas of multiple NPCs over the course
smoother whether from printed material or
of a session, others prefer a summary
from a PDF.
approach. The decision is a matter of style
These encounters are all designed to be
and showmanship. Similarly, many players
challenging in some way. Even when
look forward to opportunities to interact in
combat is not likely the PCs may be facing
character while others prefer to summarize.
difficult moral decisions for their characters.
Neither approach is correct; each are valid
Where combat is likely the goal is for a hard
ways to collaboratively build a story, but the
encounter (DMG p.82).
DM should try to anticipate her players

DG23 Green Rehab
By Dan Hass with editing by Jeremy Esch
(Chief Theologian for the Inquisition).
Modified Creatures
Among the masses, community leaders like
Many of the creatures in combat
Brother Rolf hold great influence as they
encounters are modified according to the
provide immediate and noticeable relief to
guidelines in the DMG p.273-283. Traits
the down-trodden. Though the Cult of
which do not increase the calculated CR
Orcus has been eliminated from the Odill
of the creature, but which make it more
scene, the Cult of Asmodeus has moved in
effective in the encounter are marked with
to fill the void, and has quickly gained
. This allows the DM to evaluate the
influence with Prince Priogrim.
optimization of her party and tailor the
Several groups would like to use the
difficulty of the encounter to match the
narcotic spank to control key nobles
intent. If the DM has a party that falls on
addicted to it. The Cult of Asmodeus has
the lower end of combat optimization, she
also abducted several of the green
should eliminate as many of these traits
dragonborn that produce the special version
as necessary to meet the definition of a
of the poison necessary to create spank,
hard encounter.
and are creating a rival syndicate to the Cult
The goal of the session is to have an
of the Green Dragons network. However,
interesting and entertaining challenge for
the Cult of Asmodeus is significantly behind
the adventurers, and while softballing
the Cult of the Green Dragon, but they are
encounters should not be routine, the DM
aggressively trying to catch up.
should have no qualms adjusting material to
her individual campaigns.
Spank Distribution
XP Awards
The Cult of the Green Dragon currently
The encounters use a medium XP
has a tenuous monopoly on spank. It has
budget, but likely, if run as presented, the
a small client list (a few hundred) that the
encounters will fall in the hard category
Cult delivers to daily. The process of
due to added traits to the creatures.
creating spank starts with the green
Additionally, 6th level tends to be a
dragonborn who produce the special
rather broad level. Adhering to strict XP
poison needed to create spank coming to
awards and level progressions will likely
the lab (a camouflaged warehouse) each
require on the order of 9-11 sessions to
day to make a deposit. There are about
reach 7th level.
forty of these special dragonborn and
If this seems like too long to go without
they are kept guarded and happy at
advancement, the DM should consider
various locations throughout the modest
milestone advancement.
income district of the city.
If the DM wants to track XP for
The Cult of Asmodeus has managed
advancement, but increase the
to abduct four of the special dragonborn
progression rate, she can increase the
and have located an additional two from a
XP award for the combat encounters by
village about a hundred miles away.
50% (since they likely are hard rather
However, they have only recently
than medium), and may also award XP
managed to refine their own process of
for overcoming challenges that arent
creating spank, and havent established a
combat related.
network to rival the Cult of the Green
Dragon. Now, with their own ability to
Adventure Background
produce spank, the Cult of Asmodeus
Odill is a city of around 20,000 souls (it
would like to see the Cult of the Green
varies by several hundred depending on
Dragons ability to do so destroyed
trading trends and the seasons). While the
preferably by kidnapping all their special
primary civil authority is Prince Priogrim, a
dragonborn, but alternately by destroying
great deal of institutional authority rests with
their lab.
the leaders of the One True Faith:
Archbishop Yvonus, and Tholy the Divine

DG23 Green Rehab
By Dan Hass with editing by Jeremy Esch
With great difficulty, the alchemist,
instead to simply reject it. The Cult
Jurrius, who was recruited by Brother Rolf
leaders now realize that this was a
has found an antidote to the narcotic spank.
mistake. There are many advantages to
Now the process of leading the addicts to
being recognized as a legitimate order.
recovery must begin. But convincing
So, the Cult of Asmodeus is now working
addicts to use an antidote is a difficult task.
to gain recognition as an order within the
Orders within the One True Faith
One True Faith. Centuries of tradition
When the One True Faith was
have instilled a bias against Asmodeus,
established, most deities followers
but the Cult believes that Odill could be
immediately developed into two separate
the entry point to gain their status as an
religious groups one that persists in
believing the deity is a true god, and
Adventure Outline
another which perceives the deity as an
Brother Rolf explains to the PCs that he and
intercessor for the One True God. Almost
his team have an antidote that they need to
no one follows the One True God directly.
get to the addicts and convince them to use
So the One True Faith is essentially a
it. One addicted noble agrees to undergo
very large collection of Orders following
treatment. The treatment works but with
intercessors from various pantheons. But
some disturbing problems.
almost every intercessor also has a cult
Brother Rolf suggests that the PCs
that still reveres it as a true god. For
should find and destroy the Cult of the
example, within the One True Faith, there
Green Dragons spank lab. But the Cult of
is an Order of Pelor who believes that
the Green Dragon will surely notice when
Pelor is a prophet, messenger, arch
their daily customers dont show up, and
angel, or saint who has a message of the
wont wait idly while the addicts recover.
proper way to live within the One True
Additionally, if the Cult of the Green
Faith. Outside the One True Faith is the
Dragons lab can be destroyed (eliminating
Cult of Pelor that believes that Pelor is an
the supply of spank) it would go a long way
actual deity, and not simply a servant of a
towards influencing the addicts to agree to
higher power.
treatment. This sets up a raid on the Cults
Some deities are so vile that there is
no way to present them as an acceptable
When the PCs return to Jurrius lab, they
intercessor the demon lords are
find that a second addict is in residence, but
examples, and deities such as Iuz and
she is not there voluntarily. Her father has
brought her to Jurrius lab against her will.
But even evil deities like Mask and
A rescue attempt is made by people who
Hextor have enough subtlety and
would prefer to see her remain addicted.
redeeming qualities that an argument can
The Cult of the Green Dragon counter
be made for them as intercessors.
Asmodeus is a curious case; he has
Meanwhile, the Cult of Asmodeus insists
no order within the One True Faith
that the rehab program be shut down, and it
because of his hubris. When the One
appears that the collaboration between the
True Faith was formed, he discounted it
PCs and the Cult of Asmodeus has ran its
as a trivial institution that wasnt worthy of
his attention. So even though his
followers could have developed an order
within the One True Faith, they chose

DG23 Green Rehab
By Dan Hass with editing by Jeremy Esch

Starting the Adventure

PC Gear
Another tool in modulating the difficulty of
the encounters is the gear the DM allows
the PCs to have. Parties with optimized
builds and good tactics need less gear to
overcome the challenges.
For parties built more with
roleplaying/negotiating in mind, they may
not have the firepower to deal with the
encounters when combat occurs and the
DM may afford them access to a wider
range of magic items.
The process for finding the items is left
to the DM. It can be a simple
Investigation or Charisma check, or it can
be an elaborate roleplaying event.
Green Rehab occurs immediately after
DG22 Protecting the Process. The PCs
may have some downtime to replenish
resources, upgrade equipment, and improve
their character in whatever way the DM
believes is appropriate.
When the PCs have resolved their
downtime activities, read or paraphrase:
Jurrius and Father Rolf happily announce
they have an antidote. It is part chemistry,
part art, and a little magic, but Jurrius is
sure that if an addict takes his concoction, it
will prevent death from spank withdrawal.
He believes he can produce several dozen
doses per day. The green dragonborn who
had provided the poison necessary to
synthesize the antidote has been safely
escorted back to his distant village.
Further Rolf has sent for a noble who is
anxious to kick his spank addiction Count
Gifartus, Lord of Bridges. He has agreed to
try the antidote as a trial subject. In a few
hours he arrives. He is clearly on edge,
having missed his daily spank dosage. He
quaffs the antidote and appears to relax.
He lapses into a fitful sleep, and after a few
hours is gripped by seizures which last for
several minutes. After the seizures subside,

the Count is motionless. Jurrius says, He

will likely be like this catatonic for a few
days; but he wont die as long as we keep
him hydrated.
True to expectations, two days later, the
count awakes and is free of his spank
Brother Rolf says, Well, now that we
know it works, we need to get the victims
here. I can put the word out that we can
treat them, but as long as the Cult of the
Green Dragon is delivering spank to them, it
is going to be hard to convince them to
come in. He tosses an expectant glance
towards the PCs. If someone were to
destroy the Cult of the Green Dragons lab,
it would force the victims to seek treatment.
The Cult of the Green Dragons lab is
disguised as a warehouse. Locating it is
Encounter 1.
D&D 5th edition presumes that PCs will
have several encounters without a long
rest. Even short rests should be rationed.
If PCs are able to enter encounters
with all their resources, even deadly
encounters will be routinely overcome.
The DM should monitor the PCs
remaining resources, and gauge them
against the upcoming encounter(s)
keeping in mind that the encounters are
expected to be hard. The DM can then
grant short rests accordingly.
The adventure is structured so rests
can be taken between encounters or
denied at the DMs discretion.
To speak more broadly, there are
generally three mechanisms to justify
restricting short rests: 1) a time sensitive
event; 2) an environment too hostile to
accommodate a rest; 3) interruption by
subsequent encounters. This module
employs the third mechanism.

DG23 Green Rehab
By Dan Hass with editing by Jeremy Esch

Encounter 1: Locating the Lab.

Map. Street (Appendix 1).
Encounter background. Locating the lab
involves circulating among the Odill
While finding a spank dealer is an easy
task to accomplish, subtly discerning the
location of the lab where the Cult of the
Green Dragon produces it is not as obvious.
Running the encounter. There are various
approaches the PCs can take to locate the
lab. Stealthy PCs could follow the street
dealers up the chain of leadership back to
the lab, or a party may use social
techniques like Investigation to discover the
One approach to this encounter would be
to involve extensive roleplaying as the
PCs conduct their investigation.
Organizations like the Fellowship of
Olidammara and Church of Mask have
extensive informant networks that keep tabs
on secrets such as the location of the lab.
The PCs may be able to tap into those
networks if they have a relationship with
those organizations from previous
The DM may have her own approach to
handling the PCs strategy, but for reference,
it should be at least equivalent to spending
1d4+2 hours and succeeding on a (hard)
DC20 Intelligence (Investigation) check with
failure meaning the PCs must spend
another 1d4+2 hours to attempt the check
Concluding the encounter. Presuming
the PCs find the location of the lab, they can
proceed to it (Encounter 2).

Additional Encounters
The adventure as presented likely will fill
a complete session for most parties.
However, some parties run through
encounters quicker than others, and the
DM may want to add an encounter here if
she has such a party.
Many DMs enjoy random encounters
as they bring a certain unpredictability to
a session, and the Odill Campaign Guide
has random encounter tables to indulge
this inclination.
Alternately, if a player has spent time
to develop interesting background
features, bonds, ties, flaws, etc. this is
also an opportunity to reward that effort
with an encounter tailored to the PCs
qualities. Even a brief roleplaying
interaction with a relevant PC can inspire
players to invest into their characters and
add a lot of depth in the game.

Odill Rogue

DG23 Green Rehab
By Dan Hass with editing by Jeremy Esch

Encounter 2: The Cult of the Green Dragons Lab

Map. Lab (Appendix 1)
Encounter background. The lab is
disguised as a typical warehouse.
Tables crowded with alchemical
equipment and components fill the large
main room. The room is lit by candles.
There is a faint scent of smoldering Sulphur.

Bandit Captain. MM p.450

Running the encounter. The lab is the

heart of the operation. Special green
dragonborn come daily to deposit his poison
which is refined into spank. Couriers then
deliver it to the addicts. There is an
explosive runes protecting the entrance to
the lab, just inside the doorway. And the lab
is protected by green dragonborn.
Explosive Runes

Owl. MM p.333. Familiar of acolyte

Magic trap
DC15 passive Investigation or Intelligence (Investigation)
to notice. Dispel magic to remove. If any small or larger
creature that isnt a green dragonborn enters the space it
triggers for 22 (5d8) thunder damage in a 20 ft. radius;
half damage if a creature succeeds on a DC15 Dexterity
saving throw.

Leg Sweep. As a bonus action, a creature the captain

can see within 5 ft. must succeed on a DC14 Dexterity
(Acrobatics) check or be knocked prone.


Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one

target. Hit: 6 (1d6+3) slashing and the target must
succeed on a DC15 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check or drop
an item it is holding of the captains choice.

Damage Immunities fire, force, piercing

Thug. MM p.350
Eye Gouge. As a bonus action a creature the thug can
see within 5 ft. must succeed on a DC14 Dexterity saving
throw or be blinded. A blinded creature can remove the
condition by succeeding on a DC14 Constitution saving
throw at the end of its turn.

Concluding the encounter. If the

dragonborn win, they will make an example
of one PC, and ransom the others back to
friends after a week. When the PCs return
to Jurrius lab they run into a conflict there.

Scaling the encounters. The guards varies

with the number of PCs. Each NPC has the
green dragonborn poison resistance and
poison breath from the PHB p.34.
Bandit Captain
2 Bandit Captain, Acolyte, Owl,
2 Thug
Bandit Captain, 2 Acolyte,
2 Owl, 5 Thug
2 Bandit Captain, 2 Acolyte,
2 Owl, 4 Thug
2 Bandit Captain, 3 Acolyte,
3 Owl, 4 Thug
3 Bandit Captain, 3 Acolyte,
3 Owl, 5 Thug
3 Bandit Captain, 4 Acolyte,
4 Owl, 5 Thug
3 Bandit Captain, 4 Acolyte,
4 Owl, 8 Thug
Acolyte. MM p.342. Owl familiar

Hit Points 18 (4d8)

Saving Throws Con +2, Wis +4
Gear. 2 scroll of cure wounds, scroll of dispel magic

Green Dragonborn Acolyte

DG23 Green Rehab
By Dan Hass with editing by Jeremy Esch

Encounter 3: The Resistant Patient

Map. Lab (Appendix 1)
Encounter background. Landgrave
Odouart is one of the few notable nobles in
Odill that is not corrupted in some way. He
is Lord of Taxation for the Great Square,
and a large amount of the citys tax base
flows through his position.
However, Kalissa, his daughter, is not so
virtuous. She is a spank addict. By trickery
Odouart has gotten her to the lab.
There is a small ring of questionable
characters who rely upon Kalissas
allowance to fund their various proclivities.
The second patient isnt willing to take the
treatment. Her father, Landgrave Odouart
is hopeful she can be cured of her addiction.
But she seems dead set against it to the
point of violent resistance.
Running the encounter. Kalissas
friends/exploiters noticed she went missing,
did some investigation, and have come to
rescue her. Kalissa wants to leave.
If combat ensues, Odouart (noble MM
p.348) tries to protect Kalissa (commoner
MM p.345). Neither participate in combat.
This doesnt have to be a combat
encounter. There are avenues the PCs
can take to reach a nonviolent resolution
if the DM is inclined to allow it.
Scaling the encounter. Kalissas rescuers
vary with the number of PCs.
2 Spy
3 Spy
3 Spy, Werewolf 1,300
5 Spy, Werewolf 1,700
5 4 Spy, 2 Werewolf 2,200
6-7 2 Spy, 4 Werewolf 3,200
6 Werewolf
Spy. MM p.349


Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,

one target. Hit: 5 (1d6+2) piercing damage and the target
must succeed on a DC16 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check or
drop a weapon or item it is holding of the spys choice.

Werewolf. MM p.211

Saving Throws Str +4, Con +4

Skills Athletics +4, Perception +4, Stealth +3
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, slashing
damage from weapons that arent silvered.
Eye Gouge. As a bonus action, a creature the werewolf
can see within 5 ft. must succeed on a DC14 Dexterity
saving throw or be blinded. A blinded creature can
attempt a DC14 Constitution saving throw at the end of its
turn to end the condition.

Concluding the encounter. Landgrave

Odouart is a powerful noble in Odill. If he is
indebted to the PCs, it may have effects
later. If the encounter ends with Odouart
positively inclined towards the PCs each
receives the trait: Favored by Odouard.
It takes the Cult of the Green Dragon
some time to determine who attacked their
lab. At the DMs discretion, PCs can have
time for a short rest beforehand.

Hit Ponts 31 (7d8)

Speed 40 ft.
Saving Throws Dex +4, Wis +4
Extraordinary Dexterous. The spy has advantage on
Dexterity checks.


DG23 Green Rehab
By Dan Hass with editing by Jeremy Esch

Encounter 4: The Cult of the Green Dragon Counterattacks

Map. Lab (Appendix 1).
Encounter background. The Cult of the
Green Dragon has found out about the
fledgling rehab program and that the PCs
destroyed their lab.
This is designed to be a combat
encounter. However, some groups really
like roleplaying over combat. If the DM is
inclined, some parties may be able to
negotiate a non-violent resolution.
Running the encounter. The Cult of the
Green Dragon is angry. They have sent a
hard hitting team to seek retribution. They
will first attempt to set a glyph of warding
from a scroll in front of the door so that it
explodes when any non-green dragonborn
steps outside the door. The glyph will
explode into the lab.
Explosive Runes

condition by succeeding on a DC14 Constitution saving

throw at the end of its turn.

Veteran. MM p.350

Disarm. As a bonus action, a creature that the captain

can see within 5 ft. must succeed on a DC15 Dexterity
(Acrobatics) check or drop a weapon or item of the
captains choice that it is holding. If it is a two handed
weapon, the target has advantage on the check.

Dodge is a very strong tactic for a priest.
With spirit guardians and spiritual
weapon, he can move and dodge while
inflicting damage and healing with his
bonus actions.
Concluding the encounter. If the
dragonborn win they wreck the lab, but do
not kill Father Rolf or Jurrius.
The PCs almost certainly wind up with
Enmity of the Cult of the Green Dragon.
After a short time the Cult of Asmodeus

Magic trap
DC13 Intelligence (Investigation) check to spot. Dispel
magic to eliminate. 17 (5d8) thunder damage in a 10 ft.

Scaling the encounter. The dragonborn

vary with the number of PCs Each NPC has
the green dragonborn poison resistance and
poison breath from the PHB p.34.
3 Thug
Priest, 2 Thug
Priest, Thug, Veteran
Priest, 4 Thug, Veteran 1,550
5 Priest, 2 Thug, 2 Veteran 2,150
6 Priest, 1 Thug, 4 Veteran 3,350
Priest, 5 Veteran
Priest. MM p.350

Hit Points 33 (6d8+6)

Armor Class 14 (breastplate)
Speed 30 ft.
Saving Throws Con +3, Wis +5
Divine Protection. The priest begins each day with
immunity to piercing damage, and can change the damage
type once during the day as a free action.
1st level (4 slots): cure wounds, healing word, sanctuary
War Caster. Per PHB p.170
Gear. 2 scrolls of cure wounds, scroll of dispel magic

Thug. MM p.350

Eye Gouge. As a bonus action, a creature the thug can

see within 5 ft. must succeed on a DC14 Dexterity saving
throw or be blinded. A blinded creature can remove the

Green Dragonborn Priest

DG23 Green Rehab
By Dan Hass with editing by Jeremy Esch

Encounter 5: The Cult of Asmodeus

Map. Lab (Appendix 1).
Encounter background. The Cult of
Asmodeus has heard of the attack on the
Green Dragon Cults lab, as well as the
Jurrius rehab program. The PCs should be
familiar with Aesezon, the face of the Cult.
There is a wrap at the door, and the
familiar voice of Aesezon is heard, Just
Aesezon. No need for violence. Just here
to discuss some things.
Cult of Asmodeus
The Cult of Asmodeus has become a
very influential ally of Prince Priogrim.
They have a lab capable of producing
spank, but no green dragonborns.
With the Cult of the Green Dragons
lab eliminated, they expect to co-opt the
green dragonborn for their business.
Running the encounter. The Cult of
Asmodeus has the authorization of Prince
Priogrim to shut down Jurrius lab. Aesezon
offers an ultimatum that the lab must be
shut down, or else.
If the PCs refuse to disassemble the lab,
Aesezon will politely excuse himself, and a
few minutes later their cultists attack.
Scaling the encounter. The cultist are of
infernal descent. All have:

Innate Spellcasting. The spy can cast the following

spells without any spell components: darkness 3/day


Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,

one target. Hit: 5 (1d6+2) piercing damage and the target
must succeed on a DC16 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check or
drop a weapon or item it is holding of the spys choice.


Counterspell (3/day). The spy casts counterspell.

Hellish Rebuke (3/day). The spy casts hellish rebuke.

Knight. MM p.347

Speed 30 ft., fly 40 ft.

Flyby. Per owl p.333
Legendary Resistance (1/day). Per demilich (MM p.48)
Pommel Crack. As a bonus action, a creature of the
knight can see within 5 ft. must succeed on a DC14
Constitution saving throw or be stunned for one round.

Concluding the encounter. The PCs

receive the Enmity of the Cult of
Asmodeus unless they can smooth things.

Senses darkvision 120 ft.

Devils Sight. Per imp (MM p.76)

2 Spy
3 Spy
3 Knight, 3 Spy
4 Knight, 5 Spy
5 2 Knight, 4 Spy
6 2 Knight, 6 Spy
7 3 Knight, 5 Spy
8 3 Knight, 7 Spy
Spy. MM p.349


Hit Ponts 31 (7d8)

Speed 40 ft.
Saving Throws Dex +4, Wis +4
Extraordinary Dexterous. The spy has advantage on
Dexterity checks.

Devil Knight

DG23 Green Rehab
By Dan Hass with editing by Jeremy Esch

Concluding the Adventure

If the PCs fail to protect Brother Rolfs
operation, he has to disband until Odill is
safe for him again. He secures Jurrius at
the estate of a friendly noble who has a villa
about five miles outside Odill. Each PC
receives the trait: Spank Rehab Failed.
Otherwise, Brother Rolf is able to ramp
up the rehab operation. In a few days, most
of the willing nobles have taken the
treatment (about half those who are
addicted), and each PC receives the trait:
Spank Rehab Successful.

Magic Items in Dimgaard

One of the defining characteristics of the
Dimgaard campaign is how magic items
are treated. While relatively mundane
magic items like common and uncommon
potions, +1 weapons, low level spell
scrolls, and pearl of power are crafted
according to the DMGs guidelines, every
magic item of greater significance
requires the sacrifice of a sentient
creature with a relevant trait to complete
the crafting. For example, a green
dragonborn might be a sacrifice to add
+1d6 poison damage to a melee weapon
because of its poison breath weapon. A
creature sacrificed in this way has its life
force transferred into the item, and it
cannot be returned to life as long as the
magic item exists. Further, when the life
force imbues the magic item, the item is
magically infused with the story of the
creatures life. The item will take on the
name of the sacrificed creature, and a
synopsis of the creatures life will either
be magically inscribed, or will be emitted
as a soft whisper when held near the ear.
This explains why dragonborn and other
exotic creatures are rare in Dimgaard.
Crafting is sometimes used as a
method of execution for the most vile of
criminals, but almost always after an
agreement between a civil authority and
the One True Faith that the criminal
warrants such a drastic fate.
As the creatures appropriate to craft
magic items have dwindled, the formulae
for the processes have become rare, too.
So, if the DM is inclined and the PCs
capture a dragonborn they be able to find
a crafter to convert them into magic
items, but they may want to get sanction
for such an action from the One True
Faith and a pliable civil authority (a
magister or such) to avoid getting
reputations as item crafters.

DG23 Green Rehab
By Dan Hass with editing by Jeremy Esch

Appendix 1: DM Maps

DG23 Green Rehab
By Dan Hass with editing by Jeremy Esch


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