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A Gunn Diode Operated in the Hybrid Mode

Abstract-A new mode of operation of Gran devices is reported. The
theoretical model is described from which the ellkiency and negative RF
coodwtnnce are calculated. Ibeoreticalresults show that this hybrid
mode has broad-band cbaracteristis and insensitivity to load. Good agreement between tbeory and experiment indicatesthe existence of this made.

20 -



- %I


We report a new mode of operation, the hybrid mode [l], using the
bulk differential negative resistance associated with the GUM effect [2].
This mode is characterized by having the domain formation time (T,) the
same order of magnitude as the active portion of the RF period. Thus it
represents a cross between the domain and LSA modes in that the sample
has a growing, but not a mature, dipole layer over a large portion of the
active RF period. In contrast with the LSA mode, where the growth of
space charge is limited, the traveling domain may form underhybrid
mode operation and it is subsequently annihilated during thepassive portion of the RF interval. The hybrid mode has the advantages of frequency
tunability over a broad band, and it can be operated in a very wide range
of R F circuits and load conditions.





ne / t

Fig. 1 .


Eficicncy and negative conductance versus RF bias voltage for hybrid mode.
Same curves for LSA mode (dashedline) are also shown for comparison.

The calculation of negative conductance and efficiency was done by
first finding a dynamic I,V characteristic for each set of operating conditions (no, L,V,, &,A, where 5 is the total current less the capacitive current. For a time less than T,, it can be shown that an exponentially growing
dipole layer is present, and the Ze-V characteristic is the same as the
(n,ev)-(EL) curve if a linear *E curve is used. For the hybrid mode, it is
a good approximation to take T, to be the time when the low field outside
the growing domain drops to the threshold field. For a time greater than
T, one can assume that the domain will readjust itself instantly after a
change of external voltage provided that [3] N o / f z 5 x IO4 s/cm. Then
the 4-V characteristic for t > T, can be described by the model proposed
by Butcher et al. [4]. Once the I,- V characteristic is obtained, the RF output power and efficiency can be easily calculated.



Fig. 2. Maximum aciency and the corresponding negative Conductanceversus n,//for

hybrid mode. Same curves for LSA mode (dashedliw)are also shorn for comparison.


Representative calculations are summarized for a sample of n-type

GaAs with L=25 p m , n0=8 x 1014cm-, V,=4VT, and a doping fluctuation voltage, @,(0)=0.4 volts. The W E curve is approximated by three
straight lines with a low-field mobility of 7000 cm2/V.s, a high-field mobility of zero, a negative differential mobility of - 1500 cmz/V. s, a threshold field of 3200 V/cm, and a peak to valley ratio of 2.49. Fig. 1 shows
the efficiency and negative conductance versus RF bias voltage for these
calculations. To provide a comparison, the same u-E curve and operating
condition are used to calculate the efficiency curve for the LSA mode
from Copelands model [5 1. It is seen that the hybrid mode can be operated
under a much wider range of R F circuit and load conditions. Fig. 2 shows
maximum efficiency and the corresponding negative conductance versus
no/ The LSA mode results are also shown for comparison. It is evident
that under the same dc bias condition, the hybrid mode has a wider range
of nolf than the LSA mode. The hybrid mode is in fact predominate for
no/f> 6 x 104 s/cm3.
Calculations show that the RF negative conductance is mainly contributed by the interval while the growing dipole layer is present. However, the broad bandand insensitivity to load propertiesof the hybrid
mode have to do with the presence of a traveling domain.
Devices have been operated in the hybrid mode to yield a maximum
efficiency of 14.9 percent with 34.2 watts peak at X-band. Efficiencies
Manurnpt reocived April 8, 1968. Pari of this work was performed at Cornell University, lthaca N. Y., and supported by the Air Force System Command, Research andTechnology Division, Rome Air Development Center, GriJEss AFB, Rome, N. Y.
@do) may vary from sample to sample, but its actual value docs not significantly
dect the results.

Fig. 3. Comparison of theory and experiment.

around 12 percent are commonly obtained.Epitaxial GaAs n+-n-n+ sandwich structures prepared by F. V. Williams of Monsanto were used for
these tests. Data given in Fig. 3 were obtained from wafer 647298-5 with
~ , a low-field
active layer 10.3 pn thick, doping density 1.4 x 10 ~ m - and
mobility of 6500 cm2/v.s. The operating bias voltage is eight times the
threshold voltage. Theoretical efficiency curves of the hybrid mode and
the LSA mode are also included in Fig. 3. It is clearly seen that the no/
values of these experimental points alllie outside therange ofthe allowable
LSA operation, yet they agree fairly well with the hybrid mode theory.


The experimentally obtained efficiency is slightly less than what this theory
predicts. This may be due to the W circuit loss.


The authorswish to thankJ. B. GUM, C. A. Lee, and L. F. Eastman for
many valuable discussions.
Monsanto Company
St. Louis, Mo.




[ I ] At the time this work was completed the authors notiad that a numerical calculation
for the hybrid mode was carried on independently in Englatldby W. Fawcett and I. Boa.
[Z] J. B. Gunn, Microwave oscillationsof Current in 111-V semiconductors, Solid-Sfufe

Commw., vol. I, p. 8&91, September 1963.


H. W. Thim, Linear negative conductance amplification with Gunn oscillators,

Proc. IEEE (Lerfers),vol. 55, pp. -7,

March 1967.

141 P. N. Butcher, W. Fawcett, and C. Hilsum, A simple analysis of stable domain

propagation in the GUM el-
Brir. 1. Appl. PAYS.,vol. 17, pp. 8 4 1 4 5 0 , 1966. Also,
P. N. Butcher acd W. Fawcett, Stabk domain propagation in the GUM effect,
&if. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 17, pp. 1425-1432, 1%.
[SI J. A. Copelacd, LSA oscillator diode theory, J. Appl. Phys., vol. 38, pp. 309&3101,



T z0.2 V S , T = 0 . 4 U s , T = @ . 6 G S , T =@.8 p s


July 1%7.

Dynamic Current-Voltage Characteristicsand Instabilities

m Sexnicductor AvalanAe Plasma
A b s t r a c t - - D m cnnmt-voltage characteristicsof a balk n-InSb
showed ktability in its avalnnehing region d e r a nearly pnrallel strong
magnetic field, and the microwave emipsion from it was a h observed d e r
tbk instability coaditioa.Hole plesne 901pd wave instabilities excited in the
bulk n-LnSb d
r a magnetic field win give rise to the microwave &ion
and Stype Werential negative resistnnce in the I-Vcharacterktk
High field transport properties of n-InSb under magnetic fields have

so far been studied extensively by several authors,[] and many experiments

on the microwave emission from InSb have been reported.I2] However,
very little attention seems to have been paid to a relation between the
transport phenomena and the instabilities or microwave emission. Static
measurements of transportproperties are unable to relate these two
We have measured the dynamic current-voltage (I-V) characteristics
and the threshold magnetic fields for microwave emission simultaneously
by the use of samplingscope and CRO in order to study the mechanism of
instability in an avalanche plasma in InSb.
An InSb specimen (with dimensions of 3.0 x O S 2 mm3) was mounted
in an X-band rectangular waveguide as an inductive post and kept at 77%.
Fundamental electrical properties of the specimen were as follows:
carrier density n = 7 x lOI3 ~ m - ~electron
mobility p e = 6 . 5 x lo5
cm2.V-.s-, and resistivity p=O.15 R.cm at 7 7 K equilibrium condition.
Dynamic I-V characteristics of the specimen were observed from the
coaxial cable, which supplied the voltage pulse to the specimen from an
SCR pulser. Current and voltage through the specimen were sampled at a
proper time interval during the pulse for display on the samplingscope.
The microwave power emitted from it was detected at one end of the waveguide with a microwave diode 1N23B for display on the CRO, the other
end of the waveguide being short-circuited to give the maximum output.
Typical I - V characteristics are shown in Fig. 1. Fig l(a) shows the
time dependence of I-Vcharacteristics, with sampling time as a parameter.
Applied pulse width was about 1 p at 200 pps, and sampling times after
the application of pulse voltage were approximately TI=0.2 ps, T, = 0.4
p , T3=0.6 p , and T4=0.8p, respectively. The threshold current for
instability to occur was higher at the leading edge of the pulse, and thenonequilibrium plasma density decreased with the increasing sampling time.
Fig. l(b) shows the magnetic field dependence; clearly, the instability
Manuscript received January 29,1968.


Fig. I . Typical I- Y characteristics of bulk n-InSb under magnetic lield. (a) Time depcndence. Applied pulse width =I p : T,=sampling time after the application of pulse
voltage. Applied magnetic field (IO LC) is parallel to the current flow. (b) Mapetic field
dependence. Applied magnetic field is parallel to the current flow. (c)Andepmdence, with 0 as an angkbetween the current flow in the bulk and the applied magnetic
field (6 LG).

begins to occur with the increasing magnetic field, and the average conductivity of the bulk is increased during the instabilities. The curves obtained show an S-type differential negative resistance during the transition
from stable to unstable I-V characteri~tics.~~~
Fig. l(c) shows the angular
dependence of I-V characteristics, 0 being an angle between the applied

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