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This chapter present background of study, statement problems, purpose of
the study, significant of study, scope and limitation, and definition of key terms.


Background of study
Language is very important for communication. It is needed to

communicate with others or it can be meant as a tool to transfer message. For

conveying message, people should use understandable language. Lefrancois
(2000:57) argues that language is the use of arbitrary sounds in transmission of
message from one individual or organism to another. Language should not be
confused with communication
In globalization era, English is used as the international language and it is
spoken by people in many countries. English is also important in many aspects
such as education, business, etc. It is supported by Sharifian (2009:1) that for
better or worse, by choice of force, English has traveled to many part of the
world and has been used to serve various purposes.
English is very important to be mastered. To master English, students need
the role of teachers to teach English. Teachers have a rule to teach english.
Teachers have the role to transfers their knowledge to students by giving them to
subject about English, and they have to practice what have they got in the
classroom effectively. Ali (2009:34) mentions that teachers role is to set up
dialogues in which learners reorganize their states of knowledge; that learners
already know a great deal to have the ability to refashion that knowledge.

There are four skills in English. They are speaking, reading, listening, and
writing. Writing is an act or art of forming letter on stone, paper, wood, and other
suitable medium to record the ideas which characters and words express or to
communicate the idea by visible sign. Mahendra (2004) conclude that :
writing is not only a tool for communication, but also it serve as a means
of learning, thingking, and organizing knowledge or ideas. Writimg is a
complex activity involving some stage of composition task completion.
In teaching learning process in the classroom, a teacher has responsibility
to manage the class and control the students. According to Harmer (2004:41),
teaching writing is the way where teacher has to give writing direction to the
students, and simulate them to get ideas; help student when they lose their words,
and always give support. Beside, teacher has to give the reaction to the content
and construction, give suggestion to improve students writing, and evaluate
students writing by showing where they write well, and where they make mistake.
In the preliminary observation, it was found that teaching writing is so
complicate. In learning writing students need a good grammar. Not only in
grammar students must be able to elaborate ideas in a good paragraph. In addition,
each students has different level of ability in writing of course technique are need
in teaching writing. Moreover in writing IV is the more complicated than writing I
through III. The authenticity in writing 5 is very important. Many students just
copied and pasted the writing from internet. So, it needs several techniques to
solve this problem.

Base on the preliminary study which the researcher conducted to writing

lectures it was found some problems: writing is very complicate and difficult, so
that is why teaching technique in teaching writing is important.
A research by Widowati (2011) showed that teaching technique which is
used by teacher affects the learning process. The right technique will make the
students enjoy and make the teacher easier in delivering the topic. It makes the
teaching learning activity more effectively and communicative.
The other research by Indahyati (2008) found that technique which are use
by lecturers were giving model, analyzing, outlining, students teachers discussion,
writing exercises, students conference and student comment on their peers
Base on the previous explanation, teacher technique can influence the
teaching learning positively. Not every writing teachers uses the right techniques
in teaching writing. In this study, writer is interested in doing a research in ESP
class of English Department of University of Muhammadiyah Malang. Ther are
many technique used by the lecturers in ESP class at english departement umm.
Therefore, the writer would like to conduct a research on the lecturers technique
in teaching writing in ESP class of English Department of University of
Muhammadiyah Malang .

1.1 Statement of the Problems

The writer states the statement of problems as follows :
1. What are techniques used by lecturer in teaching writing at ESP class of

English Department of University Of Muhammadiyah Malang.

2. How does the lecture apply the technique in teaching writing at ESP class

of English Department of University Of Muhammadiyah Malang.

1.2 Purpose of the Study

This writer states the purpose of study as follows:
1. To know the technique used by lecturer in teaching writing at ESP class of

English Department of University Of Muhammadiyah Malang.

2. To know how the technique are applied by the lecturer in teaching writing

at ESP class of English Department of University Of Muhammadiyah


1.3 Significance of the Study

It is expected that the result of the study will be useful for the lecturers,
because it will give additional information about the technique for teaching
writing. For the students, with a good and appropriate technique, the student can
improve their writing achievment. From the result, it will antiucipate the teachers
difficulties in teaching writing and also selecting suitable techniques. Moreover,
lecturer can develop and find best way in teaching writing. By doing this, the
learners are expected to get motivation in developing their writing. In addition, the
result of this study can be used as a source of information for the next researchers
to continue or develop this research.

1.5 Scope and limitation


Base on the research above, the writer wants to make the limitation on the
study. The study focus on the techniques of teaching writing at ESP class of
English Department of University of Muhammadiyah Malang. They are use by
the lecturers and ESP students of English Department of University of
Muhammadiyah Malang.

1.6 Definition and key terms

To avoid misunderstanding and misinterpretation, the writer present some
terms used in this study:
Teaching : is showing or helping someone to learn how to do something, gives
instruction, guide in study of something, provide with knowledge, cause
to know or understanding (Brown, 2007:8).
Tecnique : is specific activities manifested in classroom that are consistent with an
approach as well (Anthony in Brown 1994:48). In this study, technique
means the tool used by the teacher to implementation specific method
in teaching learning process.
Writing : writing process is process of discovery of thoughts and other ideas
(Alexroad and Cooper, 1991). In this study writing is one of four skills
that is thought in English department.

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