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Nanyang Technological University Library

MP4J03 - Marine Engineering Systems and Control
Time Allowed: 21/2 hours

April/May 2008

This paper contains FOUR (4) questions and comprises FIVE (5) pages.


Answer ALL questions.

Question 1 carries 40 marks and remaining three questions carry 20 marks each.

Sketch a ladder diagram for a series-relay current-limit acceleration type of motor

starter to be connected to a shunt dc motor. Briefly describe the operating features of
this type of dc motor starter.
(9 marks)


What are the factors to be considered in selecting a pump for the various piping
systems on board a ship?
(5 marks)


Identify and discuss two advantages or benefits that field bus concept has over
2-wire analogue transmission systems for used in offshore or onshore installations.
(4 marks)


For marine vessel (liquid) tank cargo compartments, the depths of the tanks are large.
Discuss suitable level measurement systems that can be used and that are easy to
integrate into a cargo computerised system.
(5 marks)


Explain the differences between direct and reverse action of a controller and give an
example for each action.
(4 marks)

Note: Question 1 continues on page 2.

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The equation below describes the flow between parallel plates.

P P2

Qv = bh 3 1



Identify the parameters in the equation.


Using the equation, explain the importance of precision, tight tolerances and
mechanical structural stiffness in the manufacture of high power and high
efficiency hydrostatic actuators.
(7 marks)

With specific reference to hydraulic systems, write short notes on the following:

Open Loop
Close Loop
Open Circuit
Close Circuit

If you were tasked to select a configuration for a mobile hydraulic circuit, which
configuration would you choose? As space and weight are important considerations
in such a system, you would prefer not to include a large fluid reservoir.
(6 marks)


List the advantages of electric propulsion drives for ships and ocean going vessels.
(4 marks)


Define the terms, speed regulation and droop rate of a governor. Sketch the curve of
prime-mover speed (or governor frequency) versus active power of the alternator.
(6 marks)


A 700 kW, 60 Hz generator A, with 2.0 % speed regulation, is operating in parallel

with generator B of equal kilowatt rating, but whose speed regulation is 6.0 %. The
total bus load of 1000 kVA at 60 Hz, 2400 V, and 80.6 % power-factor lagging is
divided equally between the two machines. If a 200 kVA, 60.0 % power factor load is
disconnected from the bus, determine the new operating frequency and the active
power load on each machine.
(10 marks)

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Cylinder 1






Cylinder 2



Figure 1 Two interconnected cylinders.

The schematic diagram in Figure 1 shows a circuit of two interconnected cylinders.

Their corresponding flow and pressure relationships are given below:
Flow equation: ( AP1 AR1 )v1 = AP 2 v 2
Force equation: p1 AP1 = F1 + F2

F, A, p denote force, area and pressure, respectively, and subscripts P and R denote
piston and rod ends. v1 and v2 are the cylinder extension velocity of cylinders 1 and 2,

Note: Question 3 continues on page 4.

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Assuming incompressible flow, zero internal leakage and negligible friction forces,
derive the above flow and force equations.
(6 marks)


It was proposed that the circuit be used to synchronise the rudders of a twin propeller
propulsion system. Briefly describe the operation of the circuit, and establish the
necessary conditions for the motion of the cylinders to be synchronised. Also
comment on the load capacity of a single cylinder configuration, and the two-cylinder
interconnected configuration.
(4 marks)


Given the following conditions:

Supply pressure: 2,000 kg/cm2

Minimum force per actuator (outward stroke): 80000 kg
Rod diameter: 5 cm

Calculate the minimum cylinder diameter that will ensure sufficient actuation force
at the rudder piston. Identify any additional parameters that are unidentified. Explain
your calculation.
(6 marks)

Other than the synchronising circuit, suggest a method for synchronising the rudder
actuators. Comment on its advantage in comparison to the use of the synchronising
(4 marks)

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Figure 2 shows a simple boiler unit with feed water flowing into a drum. The flow of
the feed water is regulated by a control valve. The objective of the control loop is to
keep the level in the drum constant even as the water is converted to steam.
Steam output

Current-air converter

Level gauge

Feed water

Figure 2 Boiler Unit Control System



In Figure 2, identify all the instruments, give each of them an appropriate tag
and draw a P&I Diagram.
(5 marks)


Give a brief description of the types of instruments you will select for the level
control and instrumentation items on your P&I Diagram.
(5 marks)

The feed water pumping system has the following characteristics:

The pressure required at the Steam drum inlet = 320 kPa
Total equivalent length of pipes and pipe fittings = 12 m
Water specific gravity = 1

Flow rate
Pressure drop per 3 m
Pump output pressure

Maximum flow condition

Q1 = 56.78 m3/hr
P1 = 4 kPa
P1 = 655 kPa

Minimum flow condition

Q2 = 11.36 m3/hr
P2 = 0.2 kPa
P2 = 740 kPa

Use the factor N1 = 0.0865 (for use with SI units given) and FP = 1 in the standard
valve sizing equation to:

Determine the pressure drops that control valve must handle at both flow
(6 marks)


Calculate the required Cv factor for the control valve.

(4 marks)

End of Paper

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