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Ever wondered why advertisements for pork, bacon
or ham never actually show how pigs are ‘farmed’?
It’s because 95% of pigs in Australia are not raised
on farms—they are raised in factory farms.

Animals Australia’s SaveBabe.com campaign

was created knowing that most Australians are
completely unaware of how pigs are raised
in Australia. As a nation we have laughed
and cried over the antics and adventures of
famous piglets such as ‘Babe’ and ‘Wilbur’ from
Charlotte’s Web. Yet the reality for most pigs in
Australia is a tragic one. They endure lives of
confinement and misery in factory farms.

“Making the movie Babe opened my eyes to the intelligence and the inquisitive
personalities of pigs. These highly social animals possess an amazing capacity for love, joy
and sorrow that makes them remarkably similar to our beloved canine and feline friends.”
— James Cromwell (’Farmer Hoggett’, Babe)

Peer into a factory farm and you will see row Simply by refusing to
after row of pregnant females in tiny metal purchase factory-
crates, barely able to move. In the next shed farmed pork, ham
are hundreds of mother pigs, their bodies and bacon products
completely encircled by metal bars which you will be casting
stop them from interacting with their piglets. your vote against
They watch helplessly as their babies scream animal cruelty.
whilst having their eye-teeth clipped and
tails cut off without any pain relief. Visit SaveBabe.com for a free action pack,
and discover how you can join thousands of
For millions of factory-farmed pigs, often other caring Australians in making the
their first and only experience of the outside Pro Pig Pledge!
world is on the last day of their lives—when
they are trucked for slaughter. In doing so, you will help Animals Australia
to change the lives of more than 5 million
You can change how they live. ‘Babes’ and ‘Wilburs’ in Australia every year.

SaveBabe.com AnimalsAustralia.org
37 O'Connell St, North Melbourne, Victoria 3051

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