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Unisystem for Nightbane

Conversion by Benjamin B
Basic ass-coverage out of the way. Nightbane and all its associated trademarks belong to
Palladium Books, and the Unisystem and all its associated trademarks belongs to Eden
Studios. This thing isnt a challenge to those trademarks, but the work of a fan of these
properties written for other fans of these properties.
I based this on the flavor of Unisystem found in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer
RPG corebook. I didnt have the Angel corebook at the time I wrote this, but I
understand it would likely be a better fit. When I get it, I might revise these rules a bit
(which Ive now done, BTW). Sure, with the demon creation rules in the Angel game,
its easy to just throw together a shape-changing demon that works like a Nightbane, but
the charm of these guys for me was the random nature of the alternate form. Oh God!
Im a giant spider wrapped in barbed wire and covered in hundreds of mouths! Rolling
up a gruesome morphus adds a bit of horror to the horror role playing. Note that not all
the roughly parallel morphus traits balance out cost wise. What the hell, right?
Anyhow, here it is. Please feel free to kick the tires, question my reasoning, and
send me feedback.
Version 2.5 Updates
The Work in Progress continues to progress. Here are the changes youll find from the
2.0 version.
As per a certain unnamed someones suggestions, Im including some notes on
using Nightbane in other Unisystem games (Witchcraft and Armageddon, for
example). Also, Im including some suggestions for making the Nightbane quality
more affordable.
Now, with extra Amphibian Table!
Added a Gaseous Form Table linked off the Elemental Form table cant think
how I missed that one.
Corrected the odd typo, and added some fascinating new ones.


Quality: Nightbane
Cost: Variable (base 14 points)
The Basics.
It takes one round for a Nightbane character to turn from Joe Normal into his monster
super freak-out form, during which he can take no other action. With a Willpower test of
at least Success Level 5, you can transform instantly. Hard, but worth a shot if someone
is trying to chop your face off with a fire axe. (-1 point)
All Nightbane have certain advantages in their
Morphus form, regardless of how weird or freaky it
is. They also have a few advantages that carry over
to their faade form.
* In their Morphus form, all nightbane get a +3
bonus to their Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution
scores. This can take them beyond the normal
human max. (+9 points)
* Nightvision. In their Morphus form, a Nightbane
character can see as well in the dim light as by day.
Even starlight is enough to see by, but total
darkness is still blinding. (+2 points)
* Sense other Nightbane. Nightbane know each
other on sight, regardless of form, and with a
Perception + Notice test can sense the presence of
other Nightbane up to 100 feet per success level.
(+1 point)
* Nightbane in their Morphus forms are very tough
and resilient. In their Morphus they gain 2 levels of
Hard to Kill, and regenerate their Constitution level
in Life Points every hour. Damage suffered by a
Nightbane character is reflected in both their forms,
but subtracted from any extra Life Point possessed
by the Morphus first, so they wont suddenly die
when they switch back to their faade form (+3

Nightbane in Other
Unisystem Games
This conversion was written with
Cinematic Unisystem in mind- mostly
because the two books I had were the
Buffy and the Angel Corebooks. I do
have first edition copies of Witchcraft
and Armageddon, and A certain
unnamed someone suggested a sidebar
noting how the new Qualities found in
this doc could be adapted using the
Custom Supernatural Creature
character types from he Armageddon
RPG (by way of the Abomination
The main difference would be using
points from the character types
Metaphysics pool to purchase the
Nightbane quality, and all rolled
Morphus qualities and Talents, or to
pay for the other package Qualities
which follow with them. Essence
costs could easily be inferred from
similar powers where needed- or to
keep things simple, just ditch anything
redundant from this doc, and go with
the Metaphysic powers from the
Unisystem game youre using.
The Geomancer quality found below
might make an especially nice
conversion- the ability to tap the
Dragon Lines for surges of Essence
would make a simple and effective
way to model the power.


* Immune to Mind Control and Physical

Transformations. Nightbane characters cant be
transformed- either with or without their consentthrough any supernatural means. Nightbane
characters are still subject to illusions and other
perception-altering supernatural effects, however.
You just cant put the old Dracula whammy on
them. (+3 points)
* Mirror Walk. While in their Morphus form, a
Nightbane character can take a minute or so and
pass through any handy reflective surface big
enough to allow them to crawl through- and pass
into the Nightlands the parallel dimension ruled
by their sworn arch-enemies the Nightlords. Not a
funky groovy weekend vacation spot. To carry
more than few pounds of stuff along with them,
they must make a successful Willpower test, and
can bring over an extra 100 pounds per success
level. This extra mass can be people, if the
Nightbane wants. (+4- yeah, sorta cheep, but the
Nightlands aint exactly safe.)
* All the Nightbane all have the equivalent of a 5
point Adversary in the Nightlords- their ancient and
implacable enemy. Nightbane also cant learn
psychic powers- Qualities such as Psychic Visions,
Telepathy, Telekinesis, Pyrokinesis, Empathy,
Hypnosis and the like. They can gain the Sorcery
Quality, and use magic like anyone else, though. (6 points)
Got all that? Well, now its time to get freaky. Roll
on the following tables to see just how weird your
Morphus form might be. Make sure to note any
additional costs associated with the things you roll
up- if you run out of Quality points, youll have to
make these points up as Drawbacks. They say you
cant choose your family, and this is true. You also
cant pick your freaky mutant alternate form.
Feeling lucky?

Damn, this is Expensive!

Who knew getting a crab claws and
goat feet would cost you an arm and a
The Nightbane quality starts out pretty
steep, and gets even more expensive.
Roll something especially exotic, and
youre paying 20, 30, 50 points for it.
That is a crap load of Disabilities to
balance it out if your GM doesnt set
you up with more points.
The Unnamed Someon has a neat set
of character types for Cinematic
Unisystem based on those from other
Unisystem games, and these typically
balance extra kewl powerz with
reduced Drama Points. Ill send you a
link to his work if asked.
To balance out Nightbane characters
in a normal Buffy or Angel game
(with normal starting Quality point
totals), you might authorize an
exchange rate of Quality to Drama
points, with a ratio based on how
much you secretly hate your players:
Actually Like Them: 3:1
Sometimes Annoy You: 2:1
Typical GM Loathing: 1:1
Why am I GMing for these guys? 1:2
Enjoy to see the bastards fail: 1:3
Alternately, players can take the single
best bonus from any rolled Morphus
quality, and pay only for that. This
will cut the cost of those big package
Morphus deals down to three or four
Even funnier, let players play
Nightbane for the base point cost, but
when they ask what the catch is, just
grin and chuckle to yourself. Cackle
when they tell you what they roll, and
make notes. Occasionally say things
like, Remind me- you did roll on the
Arachnid table, didnt you? and when
they say yes, just smile wide and say,
Oh good. This will be fun. See if
you can make them cry.


Note that any obviously non-human features cause the equivalent of the 2 point
Supernatural Form drawback. This gives you a base -2 Attractiveness, which is
modified by any Attractiveness the characters Faade possesses, or any of that gained
from other morphus characteristics. Yeah, with the right rolls you can be a bloody
nightmarish figure with broken glass protruding from your limbs, and still be hot enough
to get dates at least in the right circles.
Appearance Table
1-20%: Almost Human. Roll once on the Nightbane Characteristics Table.
21-30%: Inhuman but Beautiful. Roll once on both Nightbane Characteristic Table
and on the Unearthly Beauty table.
31-45%: Marred Beauty: Beautiful, but sorta messed up too. Make one roll each on
the Unearthly Beauty table, the Nightbane Characteristic Table, and the Stigmata Table I
or II
46-60%: Lycanthrope: Mix of human and animal. Roll on Animal Form table.
61-75%: Monstrous Lycanthrope: Man-Animal but messed up too. Roll on the
Animal From Table, on the Stigmata Table I or II, and the Nightbane Characteristics
76-90%: Inhuman Shape: A nasty mockery of the human form. Roll on the Nightbane
Characteristic and the Stigmata table I or II.
91-00% Bizarre. Yeah, it really will be. Roll on the Nightbane Characteristics,
Unearthly Beauty, Animal Form, and Stigmata tables. Whew!
Nightbane Characteristics Table
1-20% Roll on the Unusual Facial Feature table
21-40% Roll on the Biomechanical Table I or II
41-60% Roll on the Alien Shape table.
61-80% Roll on the Unnatural Limbs table
81-85% Roll on the Elemental Form table.
86-95% Roll or Pick two up to 85% on this table- if you get the same ones, roll twice on
the same table, and reroll duplicates.
96-99% Roll or pick three.
00% Roll or pick four.
Unearthly Beauty Table
1-10% Doll-Like: Tiny and freaky. Size reduced by 1d10x8%, body is cool and smooth
and inanimate. Can pass for a child with Attractiveness +3 but only in bad light. This
costs 1 Quality point.
11-30% Animal Magnetism: Totally hawt and sexy, just dripping with raw primal lust.
Gain Attractiveness +5 and Emotional Influence (lust), but you cant turn the mojo off.
All those who would be attracted to you normally must beat your Emotional Influence
(Willpower doubled minus you levels of Attractiveness) or act as if they had the 2 point
Covetous (Lecherous) Disability focused right on you. Good times. Costs 2 points..
31-50% Elfine: All Anime and stuff- big eyes, pointy ears, floaty hair etc. Weird but
good looking. Gain Attractiveness of +2 and 1d10x3% in height. Cant pass for human,
but in monster circles you wont lack for dates. This costs 1 Quality point.


51-70% Physical Perfection: Cut like a Greek god, and just as self-absorbed. Gain
Attractiveness +3, +1 to Strength and Constitution, and +2 levels of Hard to Kill. You
also gain a 2 point Covetous Drawback linked to your desire to be know for your
stunning appearance. And for mirrors. Watch out for highly reflective lakes. This costs
you 5 Quality points.
71-90% Fallen Angel: You gain Attractiveness +2, Hard to Kill +1, and big feathery
wings that you can use to glide or fly. You can fly about as fast as you can walk and run,
with about the same amount of effort. Your wings tend to stand out a bit. This costs 7
Quality points.
91-95% Roll or Pick two- reroll if this comes up again.
96-00% Roll or Pick three- reroll if this comes up again.
Animal Form Table
1-7% Roll on the Bear table.
8-14% Roll on the Amphibian table.
15-20% Roll on the Insectoid Table
21-27% Roll on the Rodent table.
28-35% Roll on the Arachnid
36-44% Roll on the Bat table
45-53% Roll on the Feline table.
54-62% Roll on the Snake table.
63-71% Roll on the Avian table.
72-79% Roll on the Canine table.
80-88% Roll on the Reptilian table.
89-95% Roll on Four-Legged Herbivore table
96-98% Roll or pick two and combine the results, taking the best modifiers when there
are duplications.
99-00%: Roll or Pick three.
Arachnid Table
All Arachnid Nightbane gain a +5 bonus on all checks related to climbing and sneaking.
1-20% Full Arachnid: a giant spider or scorpion or something. No hands. +2
Strength, +1 Dexterity, +1 Constitution. +3 levels Hard to Kill. Spiders have a bite
attach which inflicts x3 (slash/stab) damage and injects a Strength 2 poison that attacks
Dexterity. Spiders can also spin webs and whatnot. Scorpions have a x4 (slash/stab)
pincer attack, and a x2 (slash/stab) tail attack which inflicts a Strength 3 poison which
attacks Strength. Costs 8 Quality points.
21-45% Were-Arachnid: A mix of human and spider traits. +1 Strength and Dexterity.
+2 levels of Hard to Kill. Extra limbs grant a single extra attack above and beyond those
from Dexterity. Gain a bite attack or poison stinger like the full Arachnid. Effectively no
useful hands. Costs 7 Quality points.
46-70% Humanoid- Arachnid: More man than spider, but still totally inhuman. +1
Strength. +1 level of Hard to Kill. Unarmed attacked inflict x3 (slash/stab) damage, and
gain 1 additional action per round beyond those from Dexterity. Clumsy primitive hands
which impose a -5 penalty to all manual actions requiring yeaolde opposable thumbs
(including Getting Medieval and Gun Fu checks, of course). Costs 5 Quality points.


71-90% Arachnid Limbs: Pincers for arms, or clawed hairy spider limbs. Can mostly
pass for human (assuming nothing else weird) so long as the arms stay hidden. but there
is something off-putting about the character imposing -1 Attractiveness. Gain +1
Strength and +1 level of Hard to Kill. Limbs inflict x4 (slash/stab) damage, but impose a
-3 penalty to all actions requiring manual dexterity. Costs 2 Quality point.
91-00% Arachnid Centauroid: Mostly human on top, spider or scorpion on the bottom.
Big enough to have trouble fitting in most cars (get a van) and through most standardsized doorways. Hands are as good as a humans, plus you get all the benefits of the Full
Arachnid thing above. Costs 11 Quality points.
Avian/Bird Table
1-15% Full Bird: A giant birdy. +2 Dexterity, +2 Perception. +1 level Hard to Kill.
Can fly fast- 10x Dexterity in miles per hour. Acute Sense (sight). Supernatural Sense
(vision) (no penalties for distance up to Perception in miles away). Effectively no hands,
but beak and claws can inflict x3 (slash/stab) damage. Costs 12 Quality points.
16-30% Were-Bird: Junior Bird-Man. +1 Dexterity, +1 Perception. +1 level Hard to
Kill. Fly at running speed. Acute Sense (sight). Hands are pretty crappy wing/arm
combos: -5 to all manual dexterity type checks, but beak and claws inflict x3 (slash/stab)
damage. Costs 7 Quality points.
31-45% Man-Bird: Feathered dude with wings and arms. +1 Dexterity. Acute Sense
(Vision). Fly at running speeds. Claws inflict x2(slash/stab) damage, but hands work
pretty well (-1 penalty to manual actions). Costs 6 Quality points.
46-55% Bird Head: Bird brain. x3 (slash/stab) damage from beak. Acute Sense
(Vision). Costs 3 quality points.
56-66% Talons: Big bird-claws. +1 Strength. x3 (slash/stab) damage. Costs 3 quality
67-80% Bird face: Big beak. x3 (slash/stab) damage. Costs 1 Point.
81-90% Feathers for Hair: feathers for hair. Free.
91-00% Winged Human: Normal looking with wings! Can fly with the same rate as
walking or running. Costs 3 quality points.
Bat Table
All Bat Nightbane get a +4 bonus to skill checks related to climbing, and a +2 bonus to
checks related to sneaking.
1-20% Full Bat: Giant freaky bat. +1 Strength, +1 Constitution, +2 Dexterity. Fly
pretty fast at 6x Dex in miles per hour. +2 levels Hard to Kill. Bite and claw attacks
inflict x3 (slash/stab) damage. Active sonar- sense things in total darkness, in fog, while
invisible, etc with a range 100x Perception. This morphus Lacks functional hands for
fine manipulation. Costs 11 quality points. .
21-45% Were-Bat. Freaky bat-man. +1 Strength, +1 Constitution, +1 Dexterity. Can
fly as fast as the character could run or walk. +2 levels of Hard to Kill. Acute Sense
(hearing). Can use sonar with a range of up to 50x Perception feet. Claws and bite inflict
x3 (slash/stab) damage, but crude clawed wing/hands impose a -3 penalty all actions
requiring fine dexterity. Costs 7 quality points.


46-60% Humanoid Bat. Mostly human, but pretty batty. Wing flaps allow gliding, but
not actual flight. +1 Strength. +1 level Hard to Kill. Acute Sense (hearing). Claws
inflict x2 (slash/stab) damage. Costs 5 quality points.
61-80% Bat Wings. Perfectly normal, except for bigass bat wings. Fly at running or
walking speed. Costs 3 quality points.
81-00% Bat Head: Normal except for a nasty bat head. Bit inflicts x3 (slash/stab)
damage. Acute Sense (Hearing). Use sonar with a range of up to 100x Perception in
feet. Costs 5 quality points.
Canine Table
All Canine Nightbane gain a +4 bonus on skill checks related to swimming and tracking.
1-20% Full Canine. A big wolf or dog or fox or whatever. Can pass for a normal
animal though. +2 Strength, +1 Constitution, +3 Perception. +2 levels Hard to Kill.
Ground speed is doubled. +3 bonus to tracking attempts. Bite inflicts x4 (slash/stab)
damage. No functional hands, and the mouth makes a poor substitute. Costs 10 quality
21-45% Were-canine: Your basic wolf man- emphasis on the wolf. +2 Strength, +1
Constitution, +2 Perception. +2 levels Hard to Kill. Bit and claws inflict x3 (slash/stab)
damage. Speed is increased by 50%. +1 bonus to tracking related skill checks. Poor
hands (-3 penalty). Costs 7 Quality points.
46-70% Canine Humanoid. More a classic Universal monster movie wolf man- could
pass for human with heavy clothing and a balaclava. +1 Strength, +1 Constitution. +1,
Perception. +1 level Hard to Kill. Fully functional hands. Bite and claws inflict x2
(slash/stab) damage. Costs 5 Quality Points.
71-80% Canine Centauroid. Upper body of a freaky wolf-man (or dog-man, or foxman, or), lower body of a full canine. +3 Strength, +2 Constitution, +2 Perception. +2
levels Hard to Kill. Bite and claws inflict x3 damage, but hands are rough and impose a 3 penalty to fine manipulation. Speed increased by 50%. Costs 11 Quality points.
81-00% Canine Head. Just what it says. Bite inflicts x3 (slash/stab) damage. +3
Perception. Costs 4 Quality point.
Bear Table
1-20% Full Ursinoid: Big honkin bear- can pass for a normal bear unless youve got
barbed wire sticking out of your eye sockets or something. +6 Strength, +3 Constitution,
+5 levels Hard to Kill. Claws and Fangs inflict x4 (slash/stab) damage. No hands. Costs
13 Quality points.
21-45% Were-Bear: Bipedal bear-monster with semi-hands. +4 Strength, +2
Constitution, +4 levels Hard to Kill. Claws and Fangs inflict x3 (slash/stab) damage.
Poor hands (-5 penalty). Costs 8 Quality points.
46-70% Bear-Humanoid: Tipping the balance between bear and man over to the man.
+2 Strength, +1 Constitution, +3 levels Hard to Kill. Claws and Fangs inflict x2
(slash/stab) damage. Decent hands (-3 penalty). Costs 4 Quality points.
71-80% Bear Centauroid: Humanoid bear on top, normal bear on bottom. +5 Strength,
+1 Constitution, +4 levels Hard to Kill. Fangs and Claws inflict x3 (slash/stab) damage.
Decent hands (-3 penalty). Costs 10 Quality points.


81-00% Bear Head: Normal except for the big damn bear noggin. Bite inflicts x3
(slash/stab) damage. +1 level Hard to Kill. Costs 2 Quality points.
Four-Legged Herbivore Table
Cows, horses, deer etc. A head butt attack inflicts x3 damage (of the slash/stab type of
the Nightbane has antlers or horns). A hoofed kick inflicts x3 the normal damage for a
kick. .
1-20% Full Four-Legged Herbivore. Big angry herbivore that can more or less pass for
normal. +6 Strength, +1 Dexterity, +3 Constitution. Triple running speed, and double
jumping distances. +3 levels of Hard to Kill. Gains a free Dodge action in combat which
doesnt count against normal actions. Too big to fit into vehicles or through many
normal doors, and no useful hands at all. Doorknobs are a bitch. Costs 13 Quality
21-45% Minotaur Thingy: Big and beefy with an animal head. +3 Strength, +1
Dexterity, +2 Constitution. Double running speed. +2 levels of Hard to Kill. Costs 9
Quality points.
46-66% Humanoid: Sort of like a satyr- hairy with animalistic features. +2 Strength,
+1 Constitution. Speed increased by 50%. +1 level Hard to Kill. Costs 5 Quality points.
67-90% Centaur: Animal quadruped on bottom, man on top. +3 Strength, +1 Dexterity,
+2 Constitution. Double running speed. +3 levels Hard to Kill. Too big to fit into
vehicles or maneuver in tight areas. Costs 9 Quality points.
91-00% Four-Legged Herbivore Head: Normal body, animal head. +1 Strength, +1
Perception, +1 level Hard to Kill. Costs 2 Quality points.
Feline Table
Cat Nightbane take one fifth the normal damage from falls, and gain a +5 on checks
involving sneaking, hiding, and climbing.
1-10% Full Feline: Big cat or really freaky big domestic cat. Like panther or tiger big.
+3 Strength, +1 Dexterity, +1 Constitution +3 Perception. +3 levels Hard to Kill. Claws
and Bite inflict x4 (slash./stab) damage. Running speed is doubled. Triple leaping
distances. No useful hands at all. Costs 13 Quality points.
11-26% Were-Cat: Man-cat (mostly cat). +2 Strength, +1 Dexterity, +1 Constitution,
+2 Perception. +2 levels Hard to Kill. Double speed and jumping distances. Claws and
bite inflict x3 (slash/stab) damage. Hands are pretty poor: -5 to all actions requiring fine
dexterity. Costs 9 Quality points.
27-42% Furry Humanoid: Human, with fur and catty features. +1 Strength and
Dexterity. +1 level Hard to Kill. Speed increased by 50%. Claws and fangs inflict x2
(slash/stab) damage. Costs 5 Quality points.
43-58% Cat-Like: Almost normalwith the fangs, claws, and eyes. +1 Dexterity, +1
Perception. Claws and fangs inflict x2(slash/stab) damage. Costs 3 Quality point.
59-69% Feline Centaur: Really big and whatnot. +3 Strength, +1 Dexterity, +2
Constitution, +2 Perception. +3 levels Hard to Kill. Speed and jumping distances are
doubled. Claws and fangs inflict x3(slash/stab) damage. Costs 14 Quality points.
70-80% Cat Claws: Normal, but with nifty retractable claws. Inflict x3(slash/stab)
damage. Costs 3 Quality point.


81-90% Cats Head: Normalexcept for the kitty head. +3 Perception. Bite inflicts
x3(slash/stab) damage. Costs 4 Quality point.
91-00% Feline Features: Sort of catty looking. +1 Perception. Bite inflicts
x2(slash/stab) damage. Costs 1 Quality point..
Insectoid Table
All insectoids gain a +5 bonus to all climbing skill checks, and gain +5 to all Acrobatics
1-15% Giant Insect: Argh! Freaky giant bug! +5 Strength, +1 Dexterity, +2
Constitution, +3 Perception. Either triple running speed OR gain flight equal to normal
movement speed. +2 levels Hard to Kill. Level 5 Armor. Gain either a x4(slash/stab)
natural attack, or a x2(slash/stab) attack with level 3 poison. No functional hands or
anything. Costs 19 Quality points.
16-35% Were-bug: Bipedal man-insect. +3 Strength, +1 Dexterity, +1 Constitution, +1
Perception. Gain double ground speed OR fly at half normal movement speed. Gain a
x3(slash/stab) attack OR a x1(slash/stab) attack with level 2 poison. +1 level Hard to kill.
Level 3 Armor. Poor hands (-5). Costs 10 Quality points.
36-55% Humanoid-Bug: More man than bug now. +2 Strength, +1 Dexterity, +1
Constitution. Gain 50% increase in ground speed OR flight at normal movement rate.
Gain a natural attack of x2(slash/stab) or x1(slash/stab) with level 1 poison. +1 level
Hard to Kill. Level 3 Armor Poor hands (-3). Costs 7 Quality points.
56-70% Insect wings: Normal human, but with bug wings. Fly at normal movement
rates. Costs 3 Quality points.
71-80% Bug Head: Normalexcept for the big giant bug head. +3 Perception. Bite
inflicts x3(slash/stab) damage. Costs 4 Quality points.
81-90% Insect Eyes: Big faceted eyes. +2 Perception, see UV and IR light. Costs 4
Quality points.
91-00%: Insect Centaur: Humanoid bug on top, all bug on bottom. Yech! +3 Strength,
+1 Constitution, +1 Dexterity, +1 Perception. double ground speed and gain flight at
normal movement rates. +1 Levels Hard to Kill. Level 3 Armor. Natural attacks inflict
x3(slash/stab) damage. Poor hands (-3) Costs 13 Quality points.
Reptilian Table
All reptiles get a +4 bonus to climbing and swimming actions.
1-20% Giant Reptile. Gigantic lizard or crocodile or something. +3 Strength, +2
Constitution. Move at triple speed for short bursts equal to Constitution in minutes. +4
levels of Hard to Kill. Bite inflicts x4(slash/stab) damage. No hands at all, plus really
big and low to the ground. Costs 9 Quality points.
21-40% Were-Reptile. Mix of man and reptile. +3 Strength, +2 Constitution, +1
Dexterity. +3 levels Hard to Kill. Bit and claws inflict x3(slash/stab) damage. Poor
hands (-5 penalty). Costs 7 Quality points.
41-60% Humanoid-Reptile. More human than lizard. Pass for human in bad light (or
with a trench coat). +1 Strength, +1 Constitution, +1 Dexterity. +2 levels Hard to Kill.
Claws and Bite inflict x2(slash/stab) damage. Poor hands (-3). Costs 3 Quality points.
61-80% Reptile Head. Human body, lizard noggin. Bite inflicts x3(slash/stab) damage.
+1 level Hard to Kill. Costs 2 Quality points.


91-00% Reptile Centaur: Huge reptile man centaur thingy. +3 Strength, +1

Constitution, +1 Dexterity. +3 levels Hard to Kill. Bite and claws inflict x3(slash/stab)
damage. Poor hands (-3). Costs 7 Quality points.
Rodent Table
1-20% Giant Rodent: Like the size of a bear or mountain lion. Eeek! There aint a
table big enough to climb up on. +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, +2 Dexterity, +2
Perception. +2 levels Hard to Kill. Double ground speed and leaping distances. Bite
and claws inflict x3(slash/stab) damage. +4 bonus to climbing and sneaking. Poor hands
(-5). Costs 13 Quality points.
21-45% Were-Rat: Big rat-man. +1 Strength, +1 Constitution, +1 Dexterity, +1
Perception. +1 level Hard to Kill. Bite and claws inflict x2(slash/stab) damage. +2
bonus to climbing and sneaking. Poor hands (-3). Costs 4 Quality points.
46-70% Humanoid Rodent. Mostly man than rodent. Pass for human in bad light. +1
Dexterity, +1 Constitution, +1 Perception. Bite and claws inflict x2 (slash/stab) damage.
Fully functional hands. Costs 4 Quality points.
71-90% Rodent Head. Giant rat head. Bite inflict x2(slash/stab) damage. +2
Perception. Costs 2 Quality points.
91-00% Rodent Centaur. You know how it works by now. +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity,
+2 Constitution, +2 Perception. Double speed. +2 levels of Hard to kill. Claws and bite
inflict x2(slash/stab) damage. Poor hands (-3). Costs 9 Quality points.
Snake Table
All snakes can track, swim, and climb with a +4 bonus.
1-15% Full Snake Form. Freaking huge snake. No arms, hands (or legs) or anything.
+4 Strength, +2 Constitution, +1 Dexterity. +2 levels Hard to Kill. +4 to Climbing and
Sneaking. Has a poison bite inflicting x2(slash/stab) damage and injecting a strength 4
poison OR is a constrictor, and gains a +6 bonus to Grapple attacks, and can constrict
each round for x3(bash) damage. Costs 11 Quality points.
16-30% Limbed Snake. Basically a snake with primitive arms. +2 Strength, +1
Constitution, +1 Dexterity. +1 levels Hard to Kill. +2 to Climbing and Sneaking. Has a
poison bite inflicting x1(slash/stab) damage and injecting a strength 3 poison OR is a
constrictor, and gains a +4 bonus to Grapple attacks, and can constrict each round for
x2(bash) damage. Primitive hands (-5). Costs 7 Quality points.
31-50% Humanoid Snake: Humanoid with snaky head and long prehensile tail. +1
Strength, +1 Constitution. +1 level Hard to Kill. +1 bonus action per round from
prehensile tail (at -3). Decent hands (-3). +1 Climbing and Sneaking. Costs 4 Quality
51-70% Scaly Skin: Iridescent scales and shit. +2 levels Hard to Kill. Costs 1 Quality
71-85% Half-Man, Half-Snake. Pretty cool- snake on bottom, manish thing on top. +2
Strength, +1 Constitution, +1 Dexterity. +2 levels Hard to Kill. +3 to climbing, tracking,
and sneaking. Has a poison bite inflicting x1(slash/stab) damage and injecting a strength
3 poison OR is a constrictor, and gains a +4 bonus to Grapple attacks, and can constrict
each round for x2(bash) damage. Gain an extra action per round with prehensile tail (at 3). Costs 12 Quality points.



86-00% Snake Head. Giant snake head. Neato. Poison bite inflicting x2(slash/stab)
damage and injecting a level 4 poison. +2 Perception, and +4 to Tracking rolls. Costs 4
Quality point.
Stigmata Table
1-5% Bloody Ooze: Covered in bloody ooze. -4 to all Grappling attacks made on
you, and +4 to escape from bonds. -1 Attractiveness. Free.
6-10% Corpse-Like: All rotting and zombie looking and shit. +4 levels Increased Life
Points. -4 Attractiveness. Free.
11-15% Stitches. All sewn together and stuff. Gain -2 Attractiveness. +1 level Hard to
Kill. +1 level Increased Life Points. Free.
16-23% Nails: All stuck through with pointy things. Gain -1 Attractiveness. +1 level
Hard to Kill. Unarmed attacks may inflict (slash/stab) damage rather than (bash) damage
if the player desires. Costs 1 Quality point.
24-31% Razor Blades: All covered and cut through with razor blades. Gain -1
Attractiveness. +1 level Hard to Kill. Unarmed attacks inflict (slash/stab) damage if
desired. Costs 1 quality point.
32-39% Broken Glass: Broken glass all sticking through body. Gain -1 Attractiveness.
+1 level Hard to Kill. Unarmed attacks inflict (slash/stab) damage if desired. Costs 1
quality point.
40-47% Barbed Wire: All wrapped up in razor wire or barbed wire. Good fun. Gain -1
Attractiveness. 3 levels of Natural Armor. Unarmed attacks inflict (slash/stab) damage if
desired. Costs 2 quality point.
48-55% Eternal Wounds: Permanent deadly-looking ever-bleeding wounds. Fuck the
drycleaners! -1 Attractiveness. +1 level Increased Life Points. Free.
56-63% Missing skin: Some or all your skin is gone. Acute Sense (touch) and
Supernatural Sense (Enhanced Touch). -4 Attractiveness. Costs 1Quality point..
64-71% BDSM Skin: Skin all sewn into a freaky black vinyl S&M suit. Mom would be
proud. +2 levels Increased Life Points.. Level 3 Armor. Costs 2 Quality point.
72-79% Boils and Sores: Covered in pustules. Get some Retin-A. -2 Attractiveness.
+2 levels Increased Life Points. Free.
80-85% Zippers: Wounds and orifices equipped with zippers. -4 Attractiveness with
wounds opened up (-1 with them closed). +2 levels Increased life Points. Free.
86-90% Bones: Some or all flesh gone. -6 Attractiveness. Level 3 Natural Armor. +3
levels Increased Life Points. Free.
91-96% Biomechanical: Roll on the Biomechanical table I or II, except all the mods are
roughly nailed on and shit, and theyre rusty and crude as well. Costs based on
Biomechanical table roll.
97-00% Combination of the Two: Roll and combine two results (reroll this one if it
comes up again). Pay the cost for both rolled items.
Unusual Feature Table
1-7% Oversized Carnivorous Mouth: Big heavy jaws that can lock. Inflict
x3(slash/stab) damage with bite, and make a free Grapple attack with a +6 bonus to lock
your jaws and hang on. Every round, can make a free bit attack on the grappled foe as if
they were prone or otherwise unable to resist. Costs 5 Quality point.



8-15% Glowing Eyes: Groovy glowing eyes only mirror shades might hide. See
normally in total darkness, even without any light at all. Costs 2 Quality point.
16-22% Cyclops: One big eye. No major effect other than needing new shades. Gain a
Basic Supernatural Sense. -1 Attractiveness. Free.
23-30% Misshapen Features: Your features are all scrambled like Mr. Potatohead. -4
Attractiveness. Gain 2 Acute Senses. Free.
31-38% Extra Eyes: Gain a random number of extra eyes (1d10). Acute Sense (Sight).
Costs 1 Quality point.
39-46% Sharp Teeth: Bite for x3(slash/stab) damage. Costs 2 Quality point.
47-55% Skull Face: Can be on fire, a freaky skull-like mask, or be warped or
animalistic. Immune to special damage from Brain Shot, Break Neck, and Decapitationsuch attacks inflict normal damage. -4 Attractiveness. Free.
56-62% Small Horns: Little horns. A head-butt attack can inflict (slash/stab) rather
than normal bash damage. Free.
63-70% Large Horns: Big old horns. A gore or head-butt inflicts x2(slash/stab)
damage. Costs 1 Quality point.
71-78% Facial Tentacles: You make a mess of your soup. Up to -6 Attractiveness
(pick what you want, minimum -2). Gain Acute Sense (Taste). Free.
79-85% No Face: Face is totally blank. Everything works well enough though.
Immune to suffocation, poison gas, and the Choke combat maneuver. -2 Attractiveness.
86-90% Biomechanical: Roll on the Biomechanical table, but apply results only to
head. Costs based on Biomechanical table roll.
91-95% Alien features: Like a Grey alien.. or just something else, equally alien and
weird. -1 to -4 Attractiveness, pick as you like. Gain Acute Sense of your choice. Free.
96-98% Roll twice and combine, and ignore this or the next one if they come up again.
99-00% Roll three times and combine, and ignore this or the previous result if they come
up again. Free.
Stigmata Table II
1-20% Inside Out: A total effing gross-out. Your innards become your outards. Gain 8 Attractiveness. +4 levels Increased life Points. Free.
21-40% Translucent Skin: See-through skin. Pretty much as yucky as you can imagine.
-4 Attractiveness unless covered with some kind of pancake makeup. +2 levels Increased
life Points. Free.
41-60%: Extra Head(s): You have 1d10 plus one divided by 2 extra heads. These can
be nasty little distorted freaky things, or side-mounted Zaphod Beeblebrox specials. -1
Attractiveness per head, but +1 Perception per head. Free.
61-75%: Withered Flesh: Like a mummy or corpse left in the desert (assuming the
coyotes didnt eat it, of course). +2 levels Hard to Kill. -4 Attractiveness. Free.
76-90%: Gut Tentacles: Yeah, you guessed it- you intestines burst out of your belly and
do things that would make Cthulhu puke. You gain an extra action with them each
round, but also gain -6 Attractiveness. They are very sensitive, and grant Acute Sense
(touch), but your friends will likely not appreciate you stroking their new fur coat with
your dripping intestine-limbs. Costs 3 Quality points.



91-00: Shifting Stigmata: Every time you adopt your Morphus form, youve got a
different Stigmata. Each time you shape change, roll on one of these two forms and see
what fun fate has in store for you!. Rats, Ive got bleeding wounds again. I was hoping
for boils this time! Costs 2 Quality points.
Alien Shape Table
1-12% Plasmoid: A big blob of bloody goo, able to squeeze through tiny openings,
bonds, and whatnot. Able to assume any shape desired of the same mass and
bloody/gooey texture. Damage from all physical attacks reduced to one fifth. Takes
normal damage form fire and magic and whatnot. Costs 10 Quality points.
13-24% Bark-Like Skin: human/tree hybrid. +3 levels Increased Life Points. 3 levels
of Natural Armor. Five times damage from Fire. . Costs 3 Quality points.
25-37% Bony Exoskeleton: Covered in armor plates. Gain 5 levels of Armor against
all attacks. Costs 5 Quality points.
38-45% Thorns. Covered in thorny things. Unarmed attacks can inflict x3(slash/stab)
damage. Costs 2 Quality point.
46-54% Crystalline: Made of rock and crystal, or well-studded with such rubble. Level
10 Armor. +2 levels Increased Life Points. Jagged crystal claws inflict x2(slash/stab)
damage and heavy blunt unarmed attacks inflict x3(bash) damage. Sinks like awell
rock in water. Costs 12 Quality points.
55-66% Living Tattoos: Covered entirely in living animated tattoos. Can shift them
around, gaining +1 Attractiveness all the way down to -3 Attractiveness, as desired.
Anyone who stares at your tattoos and makes Perception test has a psychic episode like
the Psychic Visions quality. This doesnt cost anything- its just a cool excuse for the
GM to mess with you. Free.
67-77% Unusual Skin Color: Pick a non-standard skin color, and enjoy. Free.
78-85% Hulking Monster: Big, like a gorilla or something. Weight doubles or more.
+4 Strength, -2 Dexterity, normal speed. +3 levels Hard to Kill and +3 levels
Increased Life Points.. Costs 6 Quality points.
86-95% Mouths... all over: Body covered in mouths than talk and grimace and laugh
and whatnot. Uber-freaky. -4 Attractiveness. -4 to all sneaking and hiding. After a
successful grapple attack, 1d10 mouths will bite a victim, inflicting x1(slash/stab)
damage per mouth. For example, if 5 mouths bite, then the damage would be
x5(slash/stab). If someone listens carefully to the mouths, and makes a hard Perception
test, they have a psychic episode like the Psychic Visions quality. This doesnt cost
anything, as its just a cool excuse for the GM to mess with you. Costs 3 Quality points.
96-00% Combination of Two: Roll twice, and combine. Ignore this one if it comes up
again. Pay cost on both.
Unnatural Limbs Table
1-10% Prehensile Tail: Gain an extra action per round with tail (at -3). Tail grants a +4
bonus to climbing type actions. Costs 5 Quality point.
11-20% Spiked Prehensile Tail: As above, but tail can smack enemies for
x3(slash/stab) damage. Costs 7 Quality points.
21-30% Tentacles: Gain 1d10 tentacles. Grant an extra action per round. Hard to hide
though- need a trench coat or something. Costs 4 Quality point.



31-40% Long Sensitive Fingers: Fingers double or triple their normal length. Gain
Acute Sense (touch) and a +3 bonus to all actions requiring fine dexterity. Costs 3
Quality point.
41-50% Extra pairs of tiny arms: Clusters or tiny pairs of arms (1d10 pairs) here and
there. They arent very strong (strength 1), but grant an extra action per round (limited
by the strength of the arms). Costs 3 Quality point.
51-65% Four Arms: Gain an extra set of arms. Get an extra action per round. Costs 4
Quality points.
66-80% Psuedopods: Works just like Tentacles, but they hide until you make them burst
out of your skin or whatever. Costs 6 Quality points.
81-90% Articulated Spines: Almost like insect legs all along the forearm. They can
extend to be about a foot long, and inflict x3(slash/stab) damage, and grant a +4 bonus
when you use them to disarm an opponent. By curling and hooking, they also grant an
extra attack in a round (at -3). Costs 6 Quality points.
91-00% Antenna: Long weird antenna on head. +4 Perception. +4 to track, identify
smells or substances, and can feel around with them when it is dark. Gain Situational
Awareness quality. Costs 7 Quality points.
Elemental Form Table
1-20%: Roll on the Mineral Table
21-40%: Roll on the Plant Table
41-60%: Roll on the Energy Table
61-80%: Roll on the Liquid Table
81-90%: Roll on the Ethereal Table
91-00%: Roll twice and combine results. If this comes up a second time, roll three times
and combine results.
Mineral Table
1-20%: Rough Metal Body: Roughly human shaped, but made of lumpy raw metal. +3
Strength, +3 Constitution. Impervious to cold damage. Gain Natural Armor 8. Weight
is tripled. Sinks like a rock or a big lump of metal. Speed and jumping reduced by
half. Costs 10 Quality points.
21-35%: Metal Statue: Basically looks like a realistically well crafted metal statue. Can
even pass for human if no one looks too close or notices that cold hard handshake. +1
Strength, +1 Constitution. Natural Armor 6. Speed and jumping reduced by 25%.
Impervious to cold. Weight doubled. Sinks. Costs 6 Quality points.
36-50%: Rough Stone Body: As above, but stone rather than metal. +2 Strength, +2
Constitution. Half damage from fire and cold damage. Gain Natural Armor 8. Weight
tripled. Sinks like a big lump of metal or a rock. Speed and jumping reduced by half.
Costs 8 Quality points.
51-65% Living Statue: Pretty much as above, but stone rather than metal. Neato. +1
Strength, +1 Constitution. Natural Armor 6. Speed and Jumping reduced by 25%. Half
damage from heat and cold. Weight is doubled. Sinks. Costs 6 Quality points.
66-75% Part Inorganic: Bits and pieces are stone or metal (arms, legs, head or
patches). makes getting on an airplane a bitch- Sorry officer, I should have said- my left



leg is made of metal. +1 Strength. Gain Natural Armor 4. Weight increased by 50%. 3 to all attempts to swim and jump. Costs 4 Quality points.
76-86% Part Inorganic with Weapons: The inorganic bits have spiky mineral
weapons that inflict x4 (Slash/Stab) damage. They also take half damage from heat and
cold. Costs 4 Quality points.
86-90% Horns, Spines, or Spikes: Covered in spiky mineral bits. Unarmed attacks can
inflict x2(slash/stab) damage rather than normal bash damage. Costs 1 Quality point.
91-00%: Crystalline Body: All shiny and sharp and stuff. New Age hippies will totally
dig you. Immune to laser attack (yeah, THAT comes up a lot). Natural Armor 6. Hands
are pointy crystal claws which can inflict x3(slash/stab) damage, but they are pretty sorry
for fine work (-3 penalty). Anyone looking directly at you in bright light might be
blinded, and takes a -3 penalty to their combat totals or score when fighting you. Costs 8
Quality points.
Plant Table
All Plant-based Nightbane suffer double damage from Fire, but half damage from bullets
and bashing attacks. They also float quite well, granting a +3 bonus to Swimming related
01-20% Humanoid Tree: Yeah, youre Treebeard. Its great, except some squirrel
packed your ear full of nuts. If you dont move and talk, you can pass for a weird looking
tree. +3 Strength. +3 levels Increased Life Points. Level 3 Natural Armor. Can root
and photosynthesize rather than eat. Really slow (speed and jumping reduced by half)
and cumbersome (-3 penalty to Acrobatics). 7 Quality points.
21-30%: Cactus Skin: Green skin covered in spiky needley things. +1 level Increased
Life Points. Anyone trying to grapple with you suffers x1(slash/stab) based on their own
Strength and attack Levels of Success. They continue to suffer this each round they
grapple. Your own unarmed attacks can inflict Slash/Stab rather than bashing damage. 2
Quality points.
31-40%: Briar Skin: Skin covered in coiling vines covered in thorns. +2 levels
Increased Life Points. Anyone trying to grapple with you suffers x1(slash/stab) based on
their own Strength and attack Levels of Success. They continue to suffer this each round
they grapple. Your own unarmed attacks can inflict Slash/Stab rather than bashing
damage. 3 Quality points.
41-60%: Living Mannequin: A big wooden mannequin or puppet. Anyone who says
youre not a real boy needs an asskicking. +2 levels Increased life Points. Level 3
Natural Armor. Costs 5 Quality points.
61-70%: Tree Features: vines for hair, moss for a beard, wooden teeth. This kind of
thing. +2 levels Increased Life Points. Costs 2 Quality points.
71-80%: Flower Child: Beautiful, with a sort of flowers-and-pollen theme. Glowing
with good health, with a suspicious number of flowers woven in the hair on the skin
pretty much all over. Gain +5 attractiveness. +1 level Hard to Kill. Insects (even
monstrous demon insects) wont attack. Any attempt to track or find you by smell gains
a +5 bonus. Costs 5 Quality points.
81-90%: Bark Skin: Rough barky skin. Gain 3 levels of Natural Armor and 2 of
Increased Life Points. Costs 5 Quality Points.



91-00%: Skunky Weed: Two options here. Youre either green covered in vines and
pods that, when burst, release a nauseating stench. Anyone within ten feet or so exposed
to this stink has to make a doubled Willpower roll, taking a -3 penalty if they have Acute
Sense (Smell), or become nauseated for 1 minute or so. They act at a -3 penalty.
alternately, your body can grow the absolutely finest skunky marijuana anyones every
toked. Really premo stuff too, and if you take to harvesting and selling the bug regularly
you can gain the equivalent of a +2 Resources Quality. Yeah, you know which one
youre going for Costs 2 Quality points.
Energy Table
A Nightbane with an Energy-based Morphus is immune to the type of energy he
manifests, but suffers double damage from a counter-source. An electrical Nightbane
might suffer damage from conductive metal weapons. A Fire Nightbane from water or
cold, for example.
1-20% Energy Aura: Your body is sheathed in crackling energy. Your unarmed attacks
inflict an equal amount of damage from this energy field, and you can pop popcorn just
by holding it in your armpits. You give off pretty bright light- like a bonfire or electrical
arc. Anyone attacking you in melee combat will suffer energy damage based on their
own Strength and Levels of Success. Grappling inflicts damage automatically every
round. The Aura is under your conscious control, but when distracted (like in combat)
you have to make a doubled Willpower check to avoid it getting out of control and frying
the environment or starting fires or whatnot. Can you say massive property damage? I
know you could. Costs 6 Quality points.
21-35% Transitional Energy Form: Rather than being surrounded by your energy field,
your body has partially become the energy. Works just like Energy Aura, except you also
take only half damage from mundane kinetic attacks (bullets, punches, kicks, falling
hitting your thumb with a hammer). On the downside, your semi-material form doesnt
interact with fully-physical reality as readily, imposing a -5 penalty to actions based on
fine dexterity. It is also more difficult to keep from accidentally burning the crap out of
things, and the roll to avoid it is based on Willpower without doubling it. Costs 9 Quality
36-45% Full Energy Form: You become an immaterial creature of pure energy. This is
pretty rockin, cause youre now totally immune to mundane physical attacks- they just
pass through your crackling energy body. You get all the other benefits of Transitional
Energy Form, except you cant really touch anything anymore without a conscious effort
of will (A doubled Willpower roll allows you to touch things for one Turn, and requires
an action to do so). You cant control the burning effect of you body though, and
anything touching you will be burned or fried- even stuff like your friends and allies,
your dog Pookie, and your mint condition limited series Magic the Gathering cards.
Good thing you can hover and slowly fly (at your normal movement rate)- at least you
wont set the ground of fire. Costs 15 Quality points.
46-60% Burning Claws: Your hands are surrounded by crackling energy, or perhaps
youve got gnarly electrical blades jutting from your fingers. Whatever. In addition to
normal unarmed damage, your attacks also inflict x2 Fire damage. Damage you inflict in
a grapple can be similarly enhanced. Costs 3 Quality points.



61-75% Power Coils: You can extrude crackling lashes of energy- like whips made of
fire, or tentacles of electricity. You can attack with these within fifteen feet, using the
Getting Medieval skill, and they inflict a base damage of 20. Costs 6 Quality points.
75-90% Deadly Breath: You can shoot energy from your mouth. Always a fun trick at
parties. This has an effective range about like a pistol, and inflicts base 20 damage. You
target it with Gun-Fu or a Wild Card skill. Costs 8 Quality points.
91-00 Energy Sink: Rather than project energy, you absorb it. You appear to be an inky
black walking shadow because your body doesnt reflect any light (Giving you a +4
bonus to Crime rolls that involve skulking and hiding in shadows). Your touch is
freezing- inflicting cold damage like the Energy Aura power does above- and your
presence drops the temperature even in a large room about 5 degrees a minute. Stay ling
enough in one place, and things freeze. You cause lights to dim within fifty feet, and go
out completely within ten feet of you. You drain any electrical device you come within
five feet of- batteries, for example- and can cause any electrical device to simply shut
down by touching it. All these effects are entirely outside your conscious control- you
might be good to have at parties for your ice-making powers, but if you get near the
stereo system, people are going to be pissed. Youre immune to all energy based
damage, and just suck fire and energy into yourself. You can put out fires by standing in
them. How cool is that? Costs 12 Quality points.
Liquid Table
All Liquid form Nightbane are immune to suffocation, but suffer double damage from
fire (which boils their bodies away). Cold can freeze them, but this just temporarily takes
them out when they thaw, expect a very wet asskicking.
Aqueous Aura: Your body is surrounded by a swirling aura of water help in suspension
around you. This ever-moving aura of liquid confounds attacks, granting you a +5 bonus
to dodge ranged attacks. It also gives you a +5 bonus when using the Choke combat
maneuver- you hold your victim close and let them drown. You tend to get things wet
though. Costs 5 Quality points.
Semi-Liquid Form: You get the benefits of Aqueous Aura, plus your body is semiliquid. Mundane kinetic attacks inflict only half damage, but you suffer a -5 penalty on
actions requiring fine dexterity or dryness. Costs 9 Quality points.
Liquid Form: Catching on yet? Like Semi-Liquid Form but all the way liquid. Must
make a doubled Willpower roll to solidify enough to touch anything (for Turns equal to
the Success Level). While solidified, you are vulnerable to physical attack so watch it
bucko. You can distort and pour your form around any way you like, keeping the same
basic mass. Costs 13 Quality points.
Liquid Innards: You look normal, except you become a stretchy skin filled with liquid.
You can squish and distort your body, forcing your liquid innards from one part into
another part- shrinking your legs to stretch your arms, for example. You can easily
escape any bonds, grappling and wrestling holds, and can force your body through an
opening as narrow as your Strength in inches. You are immune to bashing damage- it
just causes ripples like a waterbed- but you suffer double damage form slash/stab damage
which punctures your skin, and releases jets of your liquidy insides. Costs 5 Quality



Super-Spew: You can spray a high-pressure jet of liquid. Hopefully, you do this from
your mouth, but there are other possibilities. Yuckier possibilities. This has a base
damage of 20, and can strike within fifteen feet. Damage is Bashing, but if youre close
enough to put your mouth right up against a victims face (a kiss, for example) you can
make a Choke attack with a +10 bonus as you jet liquid down their throat at highpressure. Costs 8 Quality points.
Ice Talons: Your hands have long icy talons. These inflict x3 (slash/stab) damage.
Costs 2 Quality points.
Ice Spikes: You are covered in spikes, thorns, or spines of ice. These allow you to
inflict slash/stab damage rather than Bash damage, and anyone trying to hurt you in a
grapple suffers an equal amount of slash/stab damage themselves. Costs 2 Quality
Ice Body: Your on the rocks, with a body is composed of living ice- all sharp angles and
blue prismatic surfaces. +2 Strength, 3 levels Natural Armor. 2 levels Increased Life
Points. Unarmed attacks inflict x2 (slash/stab) damage. Clumsy hands (-3). Costs 6
Quality points.
Ethereal Form
1-20% Astral Aura: Your body exudes a hazy cloud of charged ectoplasm which is
invisible to mundane people, though psychics, supernatural creatures, sorcerers, and the
like can see it as a weirdly-swirling fog. The Aura reveals ghost and spirits, giving them
a shadowy form, and with a Willpower + Occultism roll, you can force them to manifest.
You can harden your Aura, offering the equivalent of Natural Armor 10 against
immaterial attackers, or form a barrier ten feet across which no spirit, astral presence, or
ghost can penetrate. Costs 5 Quality points.
21-35% Semi-Material: In addition to the powers of an Astral Aura, your body is also
partially immaterial. You take only half damage from kinetic physical attacks, and can
clearly perceive any immaterial spirits, ghosts, or astral presences. You are vulnerable to
any magical effects which affect spirits or ghosts, however, and vulnerable to attacks
from other immaterial beings Your immaterial form isnt great for handling purely
physical things, and you suffer a -5 penalty on actions requiring fine manipulation. Costs
11 Quality points.
36-50% Ethereal Form: Your body is entirely immaterial, like a ghost or Astral
traveler. You can gain the same advantages as a Semi-Material form, and can enter the
Astral Plane just like someone with the 6 point version of the Astral Travel quality. You
are entirely immune to mundane kinetic attacks, but vulnerably to astral and immaterial
attacks of course. To affect the physical world. you have to concentrate for 1 Turn and
make a doubled Willpower roll. Success allows you to solidify for Turns equal to your
Success Level. While solid, loose your invulnerability to physical attacks, but keep you
sense of the Astral plane, and the effects of your Astral Aura. Costs 16 Quality points.
51-70% Ghost Claws: You have shadowy natural weapons that allow you to attack
immaterial foes physically. You can perceive such targets, of course, and can inflict x3
(slash/stab) damage on them. Costs 4 Quality points.
71-85% Necromantic Surge: Your Morphus exudes ectoplasm that infiltrates any
corpses that lie within twenty feet of your body, and resurrects them as simple zombies.



Your aura raises all corpses which fall within this range, and you can command them
with a Willpower + Occultism roll. Each Success Level is one simple command you can
issue to one zombie. Your zombies hang around until they leave your resurrection range,
you resume your Faade form, or they get bashed in the noodle. Costs 8 Quality points.
86-00% Shadow Cohort: Your Morphus form is surrounded by a shadowy aura of
ghosts, drown from miles around when you assume your monstrous form. This is really
really really unsettling- they ghosts swirl, whisper, and knock small things over. Faces
can be seen in the aura, swirling apart, merging, silently screaming, laughing, staring.
The Shadow Cohort causes a -5 penalty on Fear checks caused by your Morphus. The
Cohort is a valuable source of good- if often confusing- information about an area- there
are few things the Dead dont know. Asking the Shadow Cohort questions requires a
Perception + Occultism check, and grants once piece of information about the area per
Success Level. Costs 4 Quality points.
Biomechanical Table I
1-10% Armorgraft: Archaic armor fused to body. Gain Armor 8 against all attacks.
Costs 8 Quality points.
11-20% Plastic: Some skin replaced with plastic- can be clear! Free.
21-25% Rocket Jets: super rocket monster boy! Fly at 100mph, but noisy as hell.
Zoom! Costs 9 Quality points.
26-30% Metal Teeth and Talons: Bite and claws inflict x3(slash/stab) damage. Costs 2
Quality point.
31-40% Metal skeleton: like Wolverine! Except it pokes out here and there! Fucking
gross! +1 Strength, +1 Constitution. +1 level Hard to Kill. Armor 5. Costs 8 Quality
41-50% Mechanical Limbs: We can rebuild him, we have the technology. +2 Strength,
+2 levels Hard to Kill. Ground movement is doubled. Costs 5Quality points.
51-60% Weapon Hand: Can turn one limb into the melee weapon of choice- damage as
weapon. Costs 1 Quality point per damage multiple minus 1..
61-70% Metal Exoskeleton: Covered in a metal framework, ker-klunk. +1 Strength.
+2 levels Hard to Kill. Armor 8. Costs 11 Quality points.
71-80% Metal Head & Camera Eyes: +2 Perception. Project anything seen and
remembered movie-like onto a wall or screen. Costs 3 Quality point.
81-90% Wheels or Treads: Like a centaur, but with a motorcycle or tank or something.
Drive at vehicle ground speeds on the road (100+ mph), move triple speed when running
around with other characters. +1 Strength, +1 Constitution, +3 Increased life Points. If
grafted to a tank or something, move at max of ohsay 30mph but get 5 Armor.
Costs 14 Quality points.
91-00% Gun Limbs: Built in firearms that work about like an Assault Rifle (16
damage). It has to be reloaded and stuff- holding a max of 100 rounds within the
Nightbanes body. Alternately, a crossbow or other low-tech missile weapon can be
installed. Costs 6 Quality points.
Biomechanical Table II



01-15% Screen Face: Rather than a face, youve got a video screen that can show
whatever you like. On the upside, your features are pretty much unreadable, so you can
lie without getting caught. One the downside, your friend will constantly be asking if
they can watch American Idol on your face. Free.
16-30% Speakers: Youve got speakers, and can perfectly play back anything youve
ever heard. You cant invent new content, speaking it with a recorded voice, but you can
perfectly imitate anything youve heard exactly. Lots of great uses for something like
this, Im sure youll agree. Identifying your playback as a recording requires a listener to
manage a Perception + Notice check and beat your Intelligence + Art check. Costs 1
Quality point.
31-45%: Hand Tools: One or both hands is a veritable Swiss Army knife of useful tools.
Pretty much any kind of non-powered tool the character might need is- ahem- readily at
hand. This grants a +5 bonus to many Mr. Fix-It checks, and allows the Nightbane to
work without tools. And yes, this includes a bottle opener. Costs 2 Quality points.
46-60% Monitor Eyes: Eyes replaced with little screens that swirl and distract. By
making eye contact, you can use an effect exactly like the Level 1 Hypnosis power.
Costs 4 Quality points.
61-75% Chainsaw Arms: Holy Crap! You got chainsaws for hands! Ash would be
proud. If both arms are replaced with chainsaws, you get an extra attack, but youve got
no useful manipulative digits, and trying to pick your nose with a chainsaw well it
aint pretty. These things inflict x5 (slash/stab) damage. Costs 4 Quality points.
76-90%: Computer Creature: Youve got a computer all wedged into your body.
Nightbane with this trait are strongly divided along lines of PC vs Mac, and it has formed
the basis for more than one personal vendetta. The computer is always top of the line
(and seems to keep pace with tech advancements), it can accept state of the art media, and
the Nightbanes brain is linked to it internally- so all those Bit Torrent porn can get a real
workout. This grants a +5 bonus to all Computers checks made with the onboard
hardware (in addition to having the benefits of a powerful and VERY personal
computer). Costs 4 Quality points.
91-00% Projectile Limbs: Were talking old skool Anime style shooting fists here. You
can shoot off your arms, and after they hit the thing youre aiming at, they return. This
lets you make ranged punch-type attacks. It takes 1 Turn for your limbs to return, so you
can shoot one out, and it will snap back on the following Turn. You make this attack
with Gun-Fu or Kung-Fu (whichever is better). If desired, the limbs can be tethered to
you by articulated cables or something. Costs 1 Quality point.

Nightbane Talents
Only Nightbane characters can take these special Qualities. Each use of Nightbane
Talent adds to a pool of special mystical fatigue which subtracts from all further attempts
to use these special qualities- the astute reader will note that this is something like how
Sorcery works. An hour sleep will knock off one of these fatigue points.
5-point Quality.



Activate with a Willpower roll, and lasts for Success Level in combat rounds. While
active, the character is totally immune to Sorcery, including any forces conjured directly
by magic. Useable only in Morphus form. Go kick that annoying wizards ass.
Borrow Morphus
5-point Quality.
Can duplicate the morphus form of any Nightbane you can see, assuming it as if it were
you own. You can also use any Nightbane Talents the target possesses, but cant use
your own Talents or Morphus special abilities. Make a Perception roll, and assume the
targets form for Minutes equal to the Success Levels.
2-point Quality.
Can emit a stunning, distracting, or mesmerizing sound thematic to the Morphus type.
Make an Influence roll against the targets doubled Willpower, and stun them for your
Success Level in rounds. This can be used in a 60 radius, but everyone gets a +5 bonus
to resist the effect.
5-point Quality
Can create a doorway of dark energy that leads somewhere the character has been before,
or can see. Make a Brains check, and travel up to a mile for each Success Level, or allow
another person to pass through the Doorway with you. For example, you could travel 2
miles with 3 friends with a Success Level of 5.
3-point Quality
Conjure a whip or tentacle of dark energy up to 60 feet long. Make a Willpower roll to
conjure it, and it lasts for combat rounds equal to you Success Level. The attack inflicts
the Success Level doubled in base damage, and can be used to Grapple and Disarm with
a bonus equal to the Success Level that conjured it.
Infectious Control
8-point Quality
Infect the target with a bit of the Morphuss body in a style fitting the Morphus. Beat the
victims Willpower with your Influence, and take control for half an hour per Success
Level you manage. You can only concentrate on running one body- yours of the targetsin a given round, and the one you arent driving stands unmoving. You puppet the
targets body as if it were your own. Can also search the memory of the possessed target
with a Perception roll against their Willpower, learning one fact per Success Level. Each
such search counts as a use of a Nightbane Talent.
Lightning Rider
8-Point Quality
Transform into living electrical energy that leaps into the nearest metal or conductive
material, or if a thunderstorm is active overhead, upwards into the clouds. With a



Perception roll, you can then streak to the ground anywhere beneath the active storm as a
bolt of lightning. You cant use this to attack, just get around in dramatic style. With the
new information age, this Talent has gotten even cooler- you can travel through electrical
exchanges, phone networks, or the internet. Make a Perception+Computer check to
navigate these networks, and the better you roll the closer to your desired destination you
will arrive.
Mirror Sight
2-Point Quality
Usable in both Morphus and Faade form. Make a Percetion+Notice check, and see
through any mirror or reflective surface into the Nightlands for 5 minutes per Success
Mirror Search
4-Point Quality
With a Perception+Notice check, can look through a mirror and see out the mirror closest
to the object or person being sought if it is within a 10 mile per Success Level radius.
Once the Search creates the link, the character can try and use the Investigate skill to
identify the location by what is visible from the mirror.
3-Point Quality
Create a cold darkness with a Willpower check, with a radius equal to 10 feet per Success
Level. Those who can see in darkness are fine (Nightbane, for example) others are
effectively blind. The cloak of darkness also extinguishes fire and absorbs energy
attacks, but not magic or supernatural powers. Lasts for combat rounds equal to the
Success Level.
2-Point Quality
Works just like the Psychic Visions quality for Nightbane, and since they cant learn that
Quality this is their only route to the groovy kooky world of psychic stuff.
Reshape faade
4-Point Quality
Make a Willpower check, and alter a number of features equal to the Success Level. You
can imitate a specific person, but it requires at least 4 success levels on this check. Lasts
half an hour per Success Level.
See Truth
3-Point Quality
Make a Perception+Notice check, and see a number of true things about the target equal
to the Success Level of the check. For example. you can see another Nightbanes
morphus form superimposed on the faade. Or you can identify a vampire as undead,
recognize illness, strong but hidden emotion, demonic possession, or the effects of



Shadow Shield
2-Point Quality
With a Willpower roll, conjure a shield of dark energy that provides 10 life points per
Success Level, and lasts for half and hour per success level or until all its life points have
been consumed. All damage is subtracted from the shield first.
Shadow Slide
3-Point Quality
With a Brains check, become a flickering two-dimensional shadow. Slide through
anything but air-tight seals, and pretty much immune to anything but fire and
supernatural powers. Gain a +5 bonus to sneaking and whatnot. Lasts for 1 minute per
Success Level.
Shadow Blast
2-Point Quality
Shoot a blast of gnarly dark energy which inflicts Willpower x 3 damage per Success
Level. It is targeted with a doubled Dexterity or Dexterity+Gun-Fu check.
Sharing the Flesh
1-Point Quality
Heal a subject by transferring wounds to yourself. Make a Brains+Doctor roll, and
transfer up to 10 points of damage per Success Level. You heal this damage normally.
The Shroud
4-Point Quality
With a Brains+Crime check, the Nightbane can become invisible to people and
machines- selectively. This lasts for 1 minute per Success Level, and fails if you take any
violent action while it is active.
Soul Shield
2-Point quality
When activated with a Willpower check, this creates a pool of impenetrable blackness in
your mind. This blocks all attempts to read the characters mind and anyone trying it
will be mesmerized by the blackness, and unable to act without a Willpower roll better
than the one which activated this Talent. Lasts for 10 minutes per Success Level.
Storm Maker
8-Point Quality
Can conjure the weather. Make a Brains+Science roll, and each Success Level allows
one things to be changed about he weather, shifting existing conditions one degree of
severity, or adding one minor weather condition. Nightbane can combine their efforts
with this Talent to produce greater effects.



25-Point Quality
Your smallish, albino, and crackling with golden energy. A solar-powered mystical
warrior- once a normal human whos life has been swept aside by the supernatural forces
which imbued you with your power. As a Guardian, you receive strange visions and
flashes of the future and the past and the distant present, all guiding you to seek out the
evil and the profane, and fry it alive with bolts of radiant energy. But what about a day
The Guardian quality includes the following benefits:
Enhanced Attributes: Strength +3, Dexterity +3, Constitution +3 (+9)
3 levels Hard to Kill (+3)
3 levels Increased Life Points (+3)
Supernatural Senses: Guardians can see perfectly in any lighting conditions, further
they can see invisible and astral presences. (+5)
The Power of Light: Guardians are filled with luminous power, and can release it for a
number of interesting effects. All uses of Light require a Willpower + Wild Card (Light)
roll, with effects based on the roll. Use of Light is somewhat draining, and imposes a
cumulative penalty to further uses. Each hour of exposure to sunlight reduces this
penalty by 3 points. (+20)



Produce light from



Heals the Guardian


Heals someone the

Guardian touches

Beams and

Blasts and burns a


Mystical Shield
Light Forms

Protects the Guardian

(or someone else)
from harm.
Create a solid thing of
pure light that work
like real versions of
the same.

Dispel Magic

Break spells or dispel

magical influence

Produce light almost like sunlight for
Minutes equal to Success Levels.
Affects vampires in 2 rounds rather than
1, and inflicts 10 rather than 20 points of
Lasts for Rounds equal to the Success
Level, and heals the Guardians
Constitution in Life Points.
Lasts for Minutes equal to the Success
level (or until contact is broken) and
heals the targets Constitution in Life
Points per minute.
Inflicts a base damage of 20 to a target
within normal pistol range. This is
considered something like a combo of
slash/stab and Fire damage.
Grants 3 points of Armor per success
level on the roll, and lasts for Minutes
equal to the success level.
Lasts for Minutes equal to the Success
Level. melee Weapons work normally,
but cause injuries that heal like Fire
damage rather than normal damage.
Can you say Lightsaber? I knew you

If the success level to use the Light is

greater than the Power Level of the spell
minus 1, the spell is broken. Otherwise,


-1 penalty to further Light rolls.

-1 per Round it lasts.

-2 per Minute it lasts.

-2 per Blast.

-2 if used to protect yourself, -4 if

used to protect someone else.
Costs per minute, based on the
size of the thing.
Tiny (a knife- 1 per minute)
Small (a baseball bat: -2 per
Medium (a sword: -3 per minute)
Big (a motorcycle: -5 per minute)
Effing Huge (a Cadillac- -10 per
Minus the Power Level of the
spell to be broken- success or


the attempt is wasted.

It isnt all bitchen cool powers- being a Guardian also carries some Drawbacks.
Supernatural Form: Not terrifying, but certainly strange. (-2)
Solar Powered: Requires several hours of exposure to daylight each day, or begins to
degenerate. Each day without sunlight causes 5 points of damage to the Guardian. After
a week, all physical actions suffer a -5 penalty. After two weeks, they suffer a -10
penalty. When the Guardian reaches 0 Life Points he slips into a coma-like sleep, and
can only be awakened by a full day of direct sunlight. Exposure to sunlight for this long
restores the Guardians Regeneration power, and allows him to heal. Only when fully
healed will the Guardian loose the physical action penalties he suffers. (-3)
Psychic Visions: Guardians are haunted by visions and nightmares which reveal to them
the suffering and evil of the world. They hit hard, and dont let up. Being a
supernaturally endowed superhero sucks sometimes. (-3)
Adversary: Guardians feel an instinctive animosity to demons, monsters, and the forces
of darkness. Unfortunately, the feeling is mutual. Pretty much anyone who isnt actually
fighting the good fight for the PTBs is going to be gunning for a Guardian. Good times.
Amnesia: Guardians have broken and shadowy memories of their lives before becoming
supernatural defenders- who they were, what they did, and why they were chosen. This
works like the Secret drawback, but the real secret is who you were, whoever that might
have been. (-2).



26-Point Quality
Necrophim are astral entities- tall, beautiful, and shadowy-black. Winged angels, and
specters of Death. They bear chains and collars and other artifacts of a broken
imprisonment, and are a baroque and insular demonic race. They also have a crapload of
really cool powers, and if a vampire can fight for the good team, then no reason a
Necrophim death angel couldnt do the same, if it suited the creatures perverse sense of
humor. They are natives of the Astral Place, but Necrophim demonstrate a much greater
affinity for the material world than most Astral entities. For a time, they can assume
physical form, and even human guise, if there is business they must attend to in the
realms of flesh- such as an especially kickin party, or the premier of a new M. Night.
Shamalan movie.
Necrophim possess the following special abilities:
Enhanced Attributes: +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution. (+6)
+1 Level Increased Life Points (+1)
Unique Kill: If reduced to 0 Life Points, a Necrophim slips back into the Astral Plane to
heal and recover. They can only be killed permanently by binding them to the physical
world with magic, and then doing the usual things with the axes and the swords and the
kung-fu. (+5)
Supernatural Senses: Necrophim perceive more through psychic means than through
physical ones. They see perfectly well regardless of lighting conditions, and possess a
Basic Supernatural Sense. (+5)
Astral Form: The natural form of the Necrophim exists on the Astral plane. They can
transition to the Physical plane at will, requiring only a doubled Willpower roll to do so.
While transitioned to the Physical realms, they are still invisible presences composed of
pure psychic energy- only supernatural beings, sorcerers, psychics, animals, and
prepubescent children can see and hear them. Its pretty scary too. They can clearly see
and interact with other Astral presences- most ghosts and spirits included. While Astral,
Necophim can pass through normal matter without effort, fly and float at up to 100 times
their Strength in miles per hour, and generally be spooky. They cant affect the material
world, except to communicate with those beings who can see them. (+5)
Materialize: With some effort, a Necrophim can materialize physically in the material
plane. This requires a doubled Willpower roll, and lasts for 1 hour per Success Level.
After the materialization wears off, the Necrophim must remain immaterial for the same
number of hours before trying again. While materialized, Necrophim can still fly but do
so slower- at a rate of 10 times Strength in miles per hour. (+3)
Human Form: With an even greater effort, a necrophim can change its shape to
resemble a normal human being- always the same human. This may be done while
Materialized or while Astral, and requires a Willpower roll (not doubled). It lasts for ten
minutes per Success Level, but while it lasts, the Necrophim cant fly. It also looses its
Enhanced Attributes and levels of Increased life Points, but keeps its supernatural senses.



Dream Dance: Necrophim possess the Dream Dance quality, and can physically pass
into the Dreamlands. (+6)
Fighting Chains: All Necrophim possess 3 levels of Getting Medieval, and in their
natural forms use their chains to fight. The chains inflict x3 Slash/Stab or Blunt damage,
and can be used up to twenty feet away. Further, they can be used to perform the
following combat maneuvers at the same range- Break Neck, Choke, Decapitation,
Disarm, Grapple, Parry, Takedown, Target Limb, Toss, Wall Smash, Wrestling Hold.
The Necrophim quality also imposes the following disadvantages:
Supernatural Form: Only by great effort, and at the loss of their major powers, can a
Necrophim assume Human form. (-2)
Adversary: Necrophim arent that popular in some demonic circles, and down right
unpopular in the heroic fighting-for-the-light kind of circles. Ancient enmity makes them
hate (and be hated by) vampires, and they dont get along at all well with Guardians.
Generally, even a Necrophim working for the good guys is going to have to do some fast
talking when faced by right-thinking hero types. (-3)
Mental Problems : Necrophim have a Severe Cruelty mental problem. (-2)
Creatures of Darkness: While they dont burn like Vampires, Necrophim cant abide
sunlight. They suffer a -5 penalty to all actions when exposed to direct sunlight, and a -2
penalty even in indirect sunlight or sufficiently bright artificial light.. Only in their
materialized Human Form do they not suffer this penalty. (-3)



Astral Travel
3 or 6 Point Quality
Astral Travel is the power to mentally project yourself into the Astral Plane- the swirlly
and weird universe of psychic energy which intertwines and permeates our own
humdrum physical universe. The Astral Plane is the realm of thought and idea, and
within it the dreams of man and demon form kingdoms, heavens, and hells. There are
many creatures native to the Astral Plane, and other who can perceive it- cats, kids, and
psychics can sometimes catch glimpses of the Astral, but only with this power can you
fully experience it. Make a doubled Willpower roll, and fall into a death-like sleep for
hours equal to your Success Levels.
This creates your Astral Body- basically, am idealized version of yourself. Check
it out and see how close it resembles your normal form. You might get some insight into
how you see yourself. Once you have projected, you can move very very fast within the
Astral plane- up to 100 times your Intelligence in miles per hour. Since this body is a
projection of your will, your Intelligence as Strength, your Perception as Dexterity, and
you Willpower as Constitution. Beyond this, and the whole flying thing, being Astral is
pretty much like being Physical while whacked out of your head on psychedelic
mushrooms. You can do all the usual physical things- run, fight, scream in pain, pee your
pants out of fear- but youre interacting with a universe of psychic energy and mental
projections. Things can get pretty weird.
If you get killed while Astral, youll go shooting back to your body along your
Silver Cord (the psychic energy which links you to the old bod). You have to make a
Constitution check (not doubled) or die for real when you hit body. It is possible to
perceive the real world from the Astral Plane, but not easy.
To see anything, you have to make a Perception + Notice roll, and then the only
thing you can see are those things onto which a mind is focused. For example, if you
floated over a Britney Spears concert, you could pretty easily perceive the stage show- all
those minds focused on it make it shine clear into the Astral- but the goings-on behind the
stage would be much hazier. You might be able to look over the shoulder of a person
writing in their journal, and make out a little of what they were writing, but you couldnt
even perceive the book at all if it were just sitting on a shelf. Generally, it is a
Superheroic (-10) effort to see something without a mind focusing on it, Very Difficult (4) if there is only one mind focused on it, and Challenging with lots of minds focused on
it. This is the reason the CIAs psychic spy programs crapped out in the 70s- its hard to
perceive something from the Astral that is so secret as to have no one focusing their
attention on it. Doah!
The 6 points version of Astral Travel works exactly the same, except you
dematerialize your physical form when your transition into the Astral Plane. You keep
your normal physical Attribute scores, and can rematerialize your body into the physical
world anywhere you like, and can successfully perceive from the Astral. Yeah, the
potential for groovy ninja hijinks are there, but if you get killed in the Astral there aint
no running home to Body- youre a deadun.



Astral Lord
Variable Quality
Becoming an Astral Lord grants a ordinary Astral Traveler pretty awesome control over
the plane. With will alone, you can forge your own mystical kingdom, with faerie
princesses and magic frogs, and gumdrop forests. Hell, lets be honest though- what you
usually get is a psychodramatic ego-driven little personal party-world. Orgies from eight
to noon, then gorging until dark. To those with the skillz, the Astral can give you
anything you can imagine, and so considering some of the sick SOBs out there, you get
your fair share of personal hells too.
By spending Quality Points, you can define the sort of realm you want.
Obviously, to even get the Astral Lord Quality, youve got to have some access to the
Astral Plane. Generally, the Astral Travel Quality covers this- and assumes a Lord can
move beyond his Realm- but spells, mystical accident, and whatnot can punt someone
into the Astral Plane and give them the chance to found their own realm. Without the
Astral Travel quality, an Astral Lord cant leave his own realm. So, want to build that
psychedelic psychic party-pad youve always wanted? Heres what itll cost you.
1 Point
2 Points
3 Points
4 Points
5 Points
1 Point
2 Points
3 Points

4 Points

5 Points

Tiny Realm- about the size of an apartment or small cabin.
Small Realm- about like a house or just a more elaborate Tiny Domain.
Average Realm- about like a city block, with multiple structures and nice landscaping.
Large Realm- about like a small town, with multiple structures, and landscapes.
Greater Realm- about like small city, with lots of structures, different environments, and
complexity and stuff.

Wide Open- just about anyone who can move around in the Astral can just waltz right
in. Good if youre hosting a perpetual Astral Party, not so good if youre building a
private meditation garden.
Hidden- no barriers to outside access, but finding the entrance to your Realm requires a
Perception + Notice check and at least an hour of searching around.
Barrier- like Hidden, but the Realm is also protected by a barrier of ectoplasm and
psychic force. This barrier has Armor equal to double the creators Intelligence, and
Life Points ten times the creators Intelligence. The barrier regenerates the creators
Perception in Life Points every minute. Only those the Realms Lord invites in can
cross the barrier without problems. Sorcery can be used to bypass this barrier with a
spell of a Power Level equal to the creators Willpower
Restricted Access: The Realm is impenetrable from the Astral Plane, and can only be
accessed by specific portals (which benefit from the Hidden quality as above). Only
those invited in by the creator (or one designated with the authority to extend
invitations) can pass through a portal. The only way around this is with Sorcery, which
can be used to force a Portal or bypass it completely. The Power Level of such a spell is
equal to the creators Willpower (to force a portal) or double Willpower (to bypass the
portals completely).
Sealed: As with Restricted, but the portals can not be bypassed or forced. Only those
invited in may enter. Period. Perfect for a private little getaway.




1 Point
2 Points

3 Points

4 Points

5 Points

1 Point

2 Points
3 Points

4 Points
5 Points
1 Point

2 Points

None- to get into your Realm, you have to travel through the Astral Plane the hard way
(with the Astral Travel quality, or with a spell).
Astral Portal- from anywhere within the Astral Plane, the creator of the Realm can open
a temporary portal to access it. This requires a Willpower + Wild Card (Astral Lord)
check to do so, and takes a few minutes of concentration. Any other astral traveler who
has visited the realm before (and who is permitted access) can make a Willpower roll to
attempt to open the portal for themselves.
Physical Plane Portal- the Lord has a fixed gateway in the real world which leads to the
Realm. This gateway physically transfers those who pass through it (in a similar way to
the 6 point version of the Astral Travel Quality). Unless the Realms accessibility is
restricted, supernatural creatures, children, and animals will be able to detect the portal
with a Perception + Notice roll, and with an Intelligence + Occultism roll, open it. The
creator of the Realm can pass freely through the portal without the need to roll anything.
This can be selected more than once for more than one Physical Plane portal.
Mobile Portal- like other Physical Plane Portals, but you can move this one around.
Carpets, cabinets, doorways, creepy white kidnapper-style panel-vans, etc. It has to be
big enough to permit access, and always remains behind after the passage. If destroyed,
the creator will have to spend a Drama Point to construct a new one.
Astral Teleport- this is the totally coolest way get to a Realm. Just concentrate for a few
minutes, and make a doubled Willpower roll, and poof! Youre home. Only the creator
of the realm (and those passengers he takes along, not to exceed the Success Level of
the transition roll) can use this method of access. It creates a virtual portal point
wherever the Lord vanishes from, and this is where you end up upon returning to the
physical world. So you can use it as a Get out of Jail For the Weekend card.

Sterile- a simple, lifeless realm with no complex environments. Structures will
be simple, at best. No native life, and none of the usual things you need to
sustain life. You get air and ground, but water and food have to be imported
and Pizza Hut doesnt deliver in the Astral.
Simple Landscape- still lifeless, but more complex. Structures will have useful
features. You get water, in addition to air and ground at this point.
Limited Earthlike- you get a pretty close approximation of a specific Earthlike
environment. A forest would have trees, a street would have rats and trashcans,
an apartment might have roaches and food in the fridge. You can survive on
the land if you need to.
Complex- you get several different Earthlike environments, all inhabited with
the expected life forms.
Unique- the environment is complex, but also no longer bound to be Earthlikeit can be as weird and kooky as you like.

Alarms: If anything happens to the Realm, or anyone who shouldnt be there is there,
the creator is alerted with a psychic signal. This doesnt give much information- just
that an alarm has been tripped. Multiple Alarms can be set on different areas of the
Realm, though, and the creator will know which ones have gone off. Beating one of
these Alarms requires a successful Willpower + Occultism check and a successful
Intelligence + Crime check.
Astral Restraints: Anyone who shouldnt be in your Realm gets caught and restrained.
The restraints can look like anything- tree limbs, horrible tentacles, jeweled crabs,
animated statues, or snakes. Lots of snakes. The Realm can make one Grabble attack,
and has a Combat Score equal to 10 plus its creators Intelligence, and a Muscle Score



3 Points

4 Points

5 Points

1 Point

2 Points
3 Points

4 Points
5 Points
1 Point

2 Points

3 Points

4 Points
5 Points

equal to 10 plus its creators Willpower. The target will be bound until the Lord decides
to release him- if ever.
Blast: Anyone who shouldnt be in your realm gets blasted. The effect of the blast is
up to the creator, but it has a base damage of 15, and the Realm has a Combat Score of
10 plus the creators Intelligence. The Blast will attack anyone who shouldnt be there
once a Turn for a number of Turns equal to your Willpower, after which it will need an
hour or so to recharge.
Taps: Any traps the creator can imagine can be built into the Realm- pits with spikes,
crushing ceilings, dart-shooting idols, etc. Watch Indiana Jones and The Cube for some
ideas. These traps can capture or kill, and inflict damage equal to 5x the creators
Intelligence, and can only be avoided with Crime rolls (based on Dexterity, Perception,
or Intelligence) with Success Levels greater than your Intelligence.
Portal Traps: Like Traps, but if tripped it will spit the victim out of a portal or teleport
them somewhere. Some hell dimension somewhere, or right into the middle of the
ocean. See-ya!

Same as Astral Plane- lots of floaty, metaphorical, freaky stuff and very little reliable
physics. Not very relaxing, and certainly hard to have people over for tea. On the
upside, you can do all the usual Astral tricks like float and move fast. Physical stuff
doesnt hold up well here, so dont use it to store your comic book collection.
Same as Earth- you get gravity, chemistry, cause and effect. Pretty much what youre
used to back in the Old Country, but many Astral Lords consider this a serous waste of
freakiness potential. Ordinary stuff you bring stays ordinary.
Funky Gravity- gravity works anyway you say it works when you set things up. Any
surface could be down, you can have zero-G zones, a high-G gymnasium, or whatever.
You can move around fine, but other folks might need a Dexterity + Acrobatics check to
maneuver right.
Some Stuff Doesnt Work- guns, blades, stakes-in-the-heart, electricity magic, mental
powers, cell phones, whatever Certain things just dont work. specified when the realm
is constructed.
Some Stuff Doesnt Work For Other People- You can use the things that dont work
(as the 4 point option) normally. A great way to be a bastard.

Mindless Constructs- basically robots or golems or spirits or whatever you like. They
do their jobs, and dont ask questions, but arent much for the social interaction (unless
you go in for sexbots). There are up to a few dozen of these constructs, and each have a
single primary task with which they have a score of 14. Beyond this task (fighting,
gardening, telemarketing, playing chess, nookie) they pretty much suck. They have ten
times your Willpower in Life Points, and if destroyed sort of regenerate from the fabric
of the Realm over a week or so.
Psychic Avatars: Like Constructs, but the drones are imbued with some of their
creators awareness and skills. Beyond the one main purpose score of 15 they each
possess, they also possess three other skills the creator possesses at a rank of 14. They
have some measure of self determination, but in the end are just constructs.
Astral Entities: Creatures native to the Astral Plane at large who have taken up
residence in the Realm. They are fully-detailed creatures, and can act independently.
The creator will have no more than twice his Willpower in entities bound to the realm.
These are created like NPC demons with max scores of a single 15, and none others
higher than 13.
Powerful Entities: As above, but with max scores of 16 and 14.
Sentient Realm: the whole realm is alive, and can control all the variable aspects of the
realm. It has a Brains of 10 plus its creators Intelligence, and can direct the actions of



any other Inhabitants, control any Defenses, Accessibility options, or variables built into
the Realm. It may openly communicate with the inhabitants and creator of the realm, or
may be more vague, like a spirit of the place. A Sentient Realm is aware of anything
that happens within its borders.


Any special powers or Qualities possessed by the creator of the realm can be purchased
at a discount. If only the Creator benefits from the Qualities while within the Realm,
they cost 1/3 their normal cost (rounding fractions down, but the minimum cost is
always 1 point). If the quality is possessed by everyone in the realm, it costs its
normal cost. For example, if the Realm heals its creator, granting the Regeneration (per
Round) quality, it would only cost 2 points (1/3 of 6 points). If anyone in the realm
benefits from it, it would cost 3 points (1/2 6 points). When you an buy +15 Strength
for 5 points, you can see why attacking an Astral Lord in his crib is a pretty stupid thing
to do.



Dream Dance
3 or 6-Point quality
Similar to Astral Travel, but a Dream Dancer specializes in the Dreamworld- the
psychosphere of intermingling worlds created within the Astral Plane by the sleeping
minds of Earths human (and inhuman) inhabitants. To enter the Dreamworld, a Dancer
simply goes to sleep. All Dream Dancers are conscious dreamers- they know they are
asleep and dreaming, but recognize the dreamstate as a distinct and real place rather than
just a state of mind. Well, it IS just a state of mind, but it is also a different place.
Entering the Dreamworld creates a physical-seeming body for the Dancer, save
Intelligence becomes Strength, Perception becomes Dexterity, and Willpower becomes
Constitution. You can play around in your own Dreamscape all you like, and can change
things about as you like, with Willpower + Wild Card (Dream Shaping) checks. Of
course, this kind of thing only so interesting (unless you catch some nosey demon trying
to snoop your dreams), so why not peek into someone elses dreams?
Finding a specific dream requires a doubled Perception roll, and the better you
know the target, the lower the required Success level (1 for a friend or family member, 5
for a total stranger). Once you lock onto the dream you want, you can simply observe it.
Unless the target is a supernatural being, or possesses psychic powers or Sorcery, they are
unlikely to notice you snooping around their psyche (they have to beat your Intelligence
+ Wild Card (Dream Shaping) with their un-doubled Perception). Supernormals get to
double their Perception. Dream Dancers notice this kind of thing right off- as they notice
any kind of dream tomfoolery.
If youre not satisfied with just watching, you can change things- pretty much any
way you like. If they resist, the use their Willpower (if mundane) or Willpower doubled
(if supernorms) or they can choose to use Willpower + Wild Card (Dream Shaping) if
also Dream Dancers. Success, and you change what you like. It is possible for them to
make this resistance roll and not be aware of an outside influence- this roll represents
natural psychic defenses, not awareness of the intrusion.
If you want to hurt the dreamer though, you can throw down some dream-fu- it is
easy to create dangerous, painful, or terrifying situations, but the trick is making them
real enough to hurt before the target just wakes up. You do this with the mental
equivalent of a Grapple attack (rolled with your Wild Card (Dream Shaping) skill rather
than Kung-Fu against their Willpower or Willpower doubled). If successful, you can
hold them in the dream for a number of minutes equal to your Level of Success. Each
minute you have them locked into a damaging dream can inflict as much as your
Willpower in damage- damage which will be mirrored in their waking flesh. When two
Dream Dancers fight it out, it works just like physical combat for them, only rolled
against different skills, and it lasts until one runs away and wakes up (or gets owned, of
The 6 point version of Dream Dance lets you transform your physical body into
dream-stuff and enter the Dreamworld physically. You dont leave a body behind, and
use your normal physical attributes. You gain a +3 bonus to manipulate dreams, and
when using Dream-Fu. The downside is that if you get killed in the Dreamworld, youre
dead dead dead. You can return to the place where you entered the Dreamworld like
normal waking up, or you can try to manifest through a sleeper. This requires you lock


onto the dreamer (by Grappling with them as above) and manage a Willpower + Wild
Card (Dream Shaping) skill. If successful, you materialize next to the sleeping person
whos dream youre poking around in. If youre very very quite, they might not even
wake up.



18-Point Quality
You know all that stuff with the furniture and the directions and how important it is to
have a tank of goldfish in the bedroom or is it the kitchen? Anyhow, all that Feng Shui
stuff? Well, its crap. The real power isnt in how you arrange your sofa, but in how
nature arranged mountain ranges, and lakes, and seas, and whatnot. Geomantic energy
courses along lines of power- dragon lines, ley lines, earth-veins- and pools in Nexuses
where these lines intersect. Places of power like Stone Hinge (and other, not-so-famous
Hinges), the Nazka Lines, Graceland, and your local Hellmouth, for example, are usually
associated with the crisscrossing of these lines. Some people- though special mystical
practices- are attuned to these lines of power. They can use the energy they draw from
them to do all kinds of cool things, and many are potent sorcerers in addition to being
virtually immortal and very good at geography.
With a Perception + Wild Card (Geomancy) check, a Geomancer can sense ley
lines, their direction, strength, and power. This has a range of miles equal to the Success
Level of the check. Nexuses are even easier to sense, and can be located and read up to
ten miles per Success Level plus the number of lines that cross there. If standing in a
line, a Geomancer can read all kinds of information in the mystical mojo flowing along
it- the distance to the nearest Nexus, whether any supernatural activity is affecting the
flow of the energy, or if any other Geomancer is tapping the line for any reason. (+3)
With a similar check, and a few minutes of intense concentration, a Geomancer
can phase himself into the mystical flow, and teleport virtually instantly along the length
of a line. Lines typically run a few miles before dipping underground, or getting tangled
up in a city or complex natural feature. The Success Levels of the check are the number
of miles the Geomancer can travel. Each use of this ability is taxing though, and imposes
a cumulative -5 penalty on all further uses of it until the Geomancer can rest and recoup
for at least 5 hours. (+4)
While in contact with a line, a Geomancer can open a channel and let the power
rush through his body, supercharging him. Using this power requires a Willpower +
Wild Card (Geomancy) check, and adds the Success Level to Strength, Dexterity, and
Constitution, and grants an equal number of levels of Increased Life Points. It lasts for
the Success Level in minutes. When it putters out, the Geomancer is left dizzy and
exhausted. He Suffers -3 to Strength and Dexterity (minimum1), and automatically acts
last in combat, looses 1 action per round (either his attack or his defense). This
exhaustion lasts for the Success Level times 10 minutes (the longer the burn, the longer
the exhaustion). If the Geomancer taps the Line again, making the same roll, he can
stave off these effects for a number of Hours equal to the Success Level, but if he leaves
the line, or this duration expires, he looses consciousness for the same number of hours
that he staved off the crash. When he wakes, he then has to deal with the exhaustion
penalty. No free lunch, even for a Geomancer crackling with the power of the Earth.
Using this power on a Nexus increases the Success Level of a successful use, which boost
the power, but also the duration of the crash. (+4)
While a Geomancer remains on or rear a Line, he doesnt age and regenerates his
Constitution in Life Points every day. A line is typically about half a mile across, and it
isnt hard to get an apartment right in the middle of one. If away from a line for more


than a day, the Geomancer starts to age normally. Good thing there are so many takeout
places to order from nowadays. (+1)
Nexus points are often thin places in reality, and Geomancers can use them to
punch holes into other dimensions. Ley lines often transcend reality, running through
multiple dimensions, and at Nexus points, a Geomancer can use his skills to read the lines
that run through them. Opening a portal is trick and dangerous. It requires a Perception
+ Wild Card (Geomancy) skill to find the right dimension, and a Willpower + Wild Card
(Geomancy) skill to open the thing up. The Geomancer gets a bonus equal to the number
of Lines that cross at the nexus, but this is always a Heroic task (-9). Failure gets the
Geomancer a roll on the random magical disaster table with a bonus equal to the number
of lines in the Nexus. (+4)
Finally, Geomancers can use their skills to enhance spellcasting, using power
from the lines to fuel powerful magic. One a Line, a Geomancer can add his Wild Card
(Geomancy) skill to his normal Willpower + Occultism spell casting roll. At a Nexus, he
gains a further bonus to the roll equal to the number of lines that cross, but this number
also adds to the magical failure table if the thing doesnt quite work. (+2)



Spook Squad Agent

9-Points Quality
Trained as a member of the American Defense Agency- A.K.A the Spook Squad. The
USs first line of defense against the supernatural. Skilled at investigating supernatural
incidents, combating supernatural menaces, and dealing with the crushing bureaucracy of
the US government. Other nations have their own Spook Squads, with their own colorful
names and histories, but the training is about on par with the USs ADA. All agents get
some combat training which gives them +2 Gun-Fu, +1 Kung-Fu, and +1 Getting
Medieval. Their training also gives them a keen insight into the supernatural, giving
them +2 bonus to Occultism. All are toughened by their jobs, and gain +3 levels of Hard
to Kill as well. Theyve seen things that would make ordinary people crawl deep inside
themselves and whimper, so gain a +1 bonus on Fear tests. All have at least the
equivalent of Rank 3, and operate as semi-independent field agents. Further, all possess
the Situation Awareness quality. All this training and authority comes with some
drawbacks however. They gain a 3-point Adversary (Supernatural enemies of the
nation). Mild Paranoia (pretty much comes with the job). And of course, he has a Major
Obligation to the ADA.

Modified Sorcery Quality

5-Point per Level
Sorcery works as normal- boosting spellcasting and granting telekinesis- but Fast Casting
works differently. A Sorcerer can fast cast any spell, but doing so adds 2 to the spells
effective Power Level. If the spell has any special Requirements that cant be met in the
heat of the moment, a sorcerer can sort of pre-cast the ritual elements of the spell, then
lay down the whammy in a single turn. Doing so is a one-shot deal though- blow the
casting, and all that prep time was wasted. A Sorcerer can only pre-prep a number of
spell equal to the levels of Sorcery shes got. Spells that dont have any complex casting
requirements can be thrown around willy-nilly. Successive uses of Sorcery imposes a -2
penalty to all further attempts, and these penalties go away with an hour of R&R per -1.



Final thoughts
This thing got totally out of control. It started as a larky little quick conversion of the
random monster tables from Nightbane inspired by Grey Elf over rpg.net way, and ended
up taking on a life of its own. Im kinda surprised I havent had a nasty note from
Palladium on this thing but I hope they understand all I want to do get people talking
about- and perhaps playing- in the Nightbane universe again. Im not going to host this
anywhere- and would ask that no one puts it online. If you want to send a copy to
someone, I cant stop you, but Id like to keep a list of people who might be interested in
further updates, if there are any. So have them email me at bailywolf@gmail.com to get
on the list.
I know this thing has typos, tense-changes, spell-check gaffs, and likely some broken
rules and effups I havent caught. Let me know what you find, and Ill change it for
future versions.
Also, if you end up using this in play, PLEASE let me know, or post the Actual Play
somewhere and point to towards it. In the end, I cant publish this thing, have to
distribute it sort of on the downlow, and certainly wont ever make a dime off itknowing it might get some real play is the only reason I did it that, and Im an
incurable system monkey who loves conversions more or less for their own sake.


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