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A. Object of the Study

The research has been done to find the form, meaning, and ilocutionarry
force of interrogative sentences by using the principles of pragmatic speech acts
Lloyd and performing Meryl Steep as the main actress used as the object of this

B. Type of Research
This research is using a descriptive qualitative type. Arikunto (1998: 245)
states that descriptive research is generally a non hypothesis therefore there is no
need to formulate the hypothesis in the re
until the descriptive research, the researcher nothing other than defining the

that will be valid generally (Hadi, 1984: 3).

Qualitative research is a research aimed to describe and analyze
phenomenon, event, social activity, demeanor, belief, perception, individual
thoughts or cluster thoughts (Sukmadinata, 2005: 60). In certain, Moelong (2006:
6) states that qualitative research is a research to conceive the phenomenon that
the subject of the research had experienced by describe it in to the words and
language. The data is available and need to be tested.
By using descriptive qualitative method, this research explains and
describes the pragmatics condition of the utterances occur in the movie
manuscript. Defining about the condition of illocutionary force of interrogative
utterances are the main object by collect the data, analyze it, and conclude about
the pragmatics phenomenon happened through the data.




C. Data and Source of Data

According to Moelong (2006: 11) the data in qualitative descriptive
research are words, pictures, and it has no deal with numbers. It could not be
dirrectly measured (Hadi, 1984: 66). This research contains data taken from the
manuscript, which consists of 96 pages. The
script contains of interrogative sentences that the researcher would like to analyze.

D. Sample and Technique of Sampling

According to Soekidjo (2005: 79), sample is a part of object which is
going to be researched and reputed as the representatives of a population. The
researches uses a purposive sampling technique to analyze this research.
Purposive sampling focuses on to the selected subject to have a deeper study
(Sukmadinata, 2005: 101). The selected subject in this research is the manuscript
movie and the researcher conducts the research based on
pragmatics study to analyze the interrogative sentences stated by the characters.

E. Equipments of Research
In doing this research, the researcher used a set of VCD player and a

internet. By making use of those equipments, the research was easier, specified,
and more accurate.

F. Techniques of Collecting Data

The researcher uses documents as the source of data. According to
Gottschalk (1986: 38), the word document could means a written historical source
as artefact or paintings. The other meaning of document is the nations formal
letter such as legislative.
Moelong (2006: 35) states that the documents could be in the form of the
private documents, fieldnotes, statues, formal documets and videotapes, transcript




as long as the data gives the information for the research. The data that is going to
be observed is film and its transcript.
The process of collecting data occurs as bellow:
context of the film.
2. Gaining information about the characters, especially Margaret Tatcher,
the main character of the film by reading some of her biographies and
also studying the current situation on the film.
3. Reading the whole transcript and finding the interrogative utterences
4. Matching the dialogue in the transcript to the utterances expressed in
the film.

G. Techniques of Data Coding

To make the data analyze become simpler, the researcher used a technique
of data coding as follows:
1. Finding out all of the interrogative sente

2. Dividing the disc into the first (I) and second disc (II) to find the
interrogative sentences occured in the film then followed by the page
of the manuscript and the number of each datum.
3. Classifying

the interrogative sentences

into its type:


interrogative questions (YNQ), wh- interrogative questions (WHQ),

tag questions (TAQ), and declarative mood question (DMQ).
4. Classifying the interrogative utterances into its function; elicitation
(ELI) or directive (DIR) function. After the interrogative utterance
belonged into elicitation or directive function, it should be arranged:
a. Elicitation Function (ELI)

Elicit-inform Interrogative Utterance





Elicit-clarify Interrogative Utterance


Elicit-confirm Interrogative Utterance


Elicit-agree Interrogative Utterance


Elicit-permit Interrogative Utterance


b. Directive Function (DIR)


Inclusive Directive


Non-inclusive Directive


H. Trustworthiness
The credibility of information that used as a data needs to be checked by
using the other sources. In this research, the researcher used triangulation that are
generally connected with qualitative research. Patton in Sutopo (2006: 92)
explains that triangulation could be used. The triangulation according to Patton

triangulation; d) theoritical triangulation. To draw a conclution, those

triangulation types could be used to check the data credibility with a different

checking or cross-referencing the data (LeCompte and Preissle, 1993; Batteson

and Ball, 1995) by combining different perceptions of the same event to provide a
more robust and holistic picture (Tritter, 1995).
This research used methodology triangulation that inquire an expert or
linguist to consult with. The linguist here is the lecturers that knowing about the
subject matter; interrogative sentences.

I. Technique of Analyzing Data

The data of the research has been analyzed using qualitative descriptive
research method. According to Miles and Huberman (1994: 10-11), it needs three
current flows of activity: data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing and
verification. Here are the explanations:




a. Data Reduction
It refers to the process of selecting, focussing, simplifying, abstracting, and
transforming the data that appear in the research. By using data reduction the
researcher does not quantification. As this reference, the researcher did some
activities to reduct the data as follows:
condition, context, and circumstances.

reading it for several times.

c) Comparing the script and the utterances uttered in the movie.

movie manuscript then giving codes to the data.
In this research, the researcher chooses the interrogative sentences and
classifies the data based on the illocutionary force that the interrogative sentences
showed. Only then the researcher filters the data based on the theory and makes it
into drawing conclusion.
b. Data Display
A data display makes the researcher finds the data that she needs easier. It
clears and the researcher can see obviously is happening and what they really need
to do trough the data. The data display wents through some steps:

rogative sentences.

The context of the interrogative sentence above is:




These utterance was uttered by Margaret Tatcher, at the shop in Nr.

Chester Square, London. She asks the employee of the shop about the price of the
milk that she wanted to buy. Margaret also distracted for a while with the
newspaper in the desk with a hotel terror highlight. Before Margaret stated that
utterance, the employee has already stated that the price of the milk is 49 pence.
b) The utterance is uttered in the first disc and first page in the movie
theory. It is a declarative mood questions because the function is
d) Classifying the interrogative utterances to its function based on

belong to elicit-confirm interrogative utterance because it intends to

confirm back the price to the shopkeeper.

How much is
the milk?



Information/ Action



The shopkeeper gives

the information about


Forty-nine pence.

The table shows us that the sentence is declarative mood questions type
and contains elicitation because it requires information from the addressee.
Margaret is confirming the price of the milk so it is classifies as elicitacionconfirm interrogative utterances. The illocutionary force of this utterance is to get
the confirmation of the addressee, in this case is the shopkeeper. The expected
answer is for the shopkeeper to confirm the price of the milk, and the shopkeeper




c. Conclusion Drawing and Verification

The researcher should conclude about her research and decide what things
mean. It is the result after the researcher explained the illocutionary force of



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