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A Perfection of
Human Skin
By: Adithep SriNarula
“The idea that we are “stewards of the earth” is another symptom of human arro-
gance. Imagine yourself with the task of overseeing your body’s physical processes.
Do you understand the way it works well enough to keep all its systems in opera-
tion? Can you make your kidneys function? . . . Are you conscious of the blood flow
through your arteries? . . . We are unconscious of most of our body’s processes,
thank goodness, because we’d screw it up if we weren’t. The human body is so
complex, with so many parts. . . . The idea that we are consciously caretaking such a
large and mysterious system is ludicrous.”

- Lynn Magulis

“If you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe.”

- Dr. Carl Sagan


Introduction 1

Short Story 2

Director’s Statement 3

Director’s Biography 4

Inspiration 5

Synopsis 6

Theories 8

Character: Shad 11

Character: Nysa 13

Mood & Tone 15

Costumes 19

Locations 20

Specifications 21

Budget 22

Contact 28

Let me just throw it straight. Have you ever wanted to hit your partner? Take your time; think
about this carefully, it may be a very faint moment of a big one. Now ask yourself, why ex-
actly? Yes, it is the matter of need. Your partner, rather something inside them, their thoughts
or their heart is not what you like it to be, and you have no idea how to change it with words
or other form of action. This is not new, it is an ancient concept suppressed recently, if you
think about it in the past to make a student obedient, you hit them. Of course most of them
does not turns obedient by that method. Now about partner… do you think hitting will make
them change their mind? This question is deeper than you realize, sometimes violence can
appeal to both sex primitively, and other times it is less appealing and more depressive. This
film hopes to explore this in full, can you change someone’s mind with violent? Can you
make them like you? Love you? If not, then how?

Shad, just graduated from university and Research Company working on a project for better
skin. On his first day of work he met his boss, Nysa who seems to be mean to him, yet they
get friendlier and ended up making love in the lab despite him already having a girlfriend,
during this, Shad told Nysa he would volunteer to help the project in whatever way he can.
Next day Nysa saw Shad with his girlfriend, and approach him demanding the promise, she
say he has to replace his skin with one grown in the lab and see if it works. Shad wake up
again to see a small portion of his skin replace and Nysa began experimenting on him, it is
not too far in the experimental process that Shad realize that Nysa is bringing her personal
feelings into it. This is the film that will question the very nature of human relationship, and
what lies beneath the skin.

Let me throw this straight at you. I am neither a film -maker nor an artist. I appreciate art and
film but I would consider myself as a storyteller. Right now film is a very interesting format
to tell a story, therefore I will choose film to its finest details. What I want out of my proj-
ects is film with good message, yet greater storytelling. There should be no moment in the
film that the audience will want to take their eyes off the screen. I like to invent new ways to
tell the same story all the time, and the script will likely keep changing till the last days of
pre-production. Since I am trying to create an entertaining project, I welcome, values, and
respect all opinions to make the project better in any aspect. I believe that no one can own a
good project, so let’s say you are a costume designer that are on board my film, during pre
production we can spend days and night discussing the costumes, but in the end of day, your
work is your work, and I will respect it. Other than that, I am an easy going guy; I like de-
bates and discussion, so feel free to approach any time. Cheers.

Adithep SriNarula

Education: MUIC (Mahidol University International Collage) Film Production

Short Film Made: Context of Marriage, Aaron in Wonderland, Nine, The Alley, The Isolation

Acting Experiance: “Of Mice and Men”, as Crooks

Internship Experiance: Hub Ho Hin, Druation: 4 Months


When I look at the world today, especially that of relationship, I see that people cannot act
as they desires. There are too many social norms. It has become too difficult for someone to
trust other person enough to lower their shell, lower their mask, and be around that person as
one’s heart desires. It is however, not my intention to imply that a people should always acts
as his heart desires, for that would bring the world of men down to that of animals. The only
thing I am trying to convey is that, it would be better if we were to find a common ground.
It’s like the value of friendship that we find when we were in high school, but seems to dis-
appear when we grow up. With that said, in this project I’d like to specifically focus on lov-
ers. It is sad to see, and also have a firsthand experience, how much one have to position one-
self, even to be with the person who one loves the most. It is even sadder still to fell in love
with someone and not being able to have courage enough to come straight with that feeling.
It requires massive amount of trust in one self and that person, and that trust will never come
if no one is willing to lower their shell and show oneself for who one really is.

Also, I have always had an interests about the purpose of life, as to where it is going, the hu-
man’s desire for divinity. And I always argue with my friends whether or not life has a goals
or its purpose is just to survive, work hard, have fun, and die. No matter how far this subject
is argued no one can knows the truth, but nonetheless it is argued anyways.

In the field of biology, Lynn Margulis, was alone in pushing endo-symbiosis theory when all
other scientist are trying to further Darwinian theory of evolution. Endo symbiosis is an evo-
lution theory that suggests that evolution is motivated by co-operation rather than survival
for the fittest. I find her passion and courage on the subject inspiring.

In a small room on a lonesome night, in a small street of Bangkok metropolitan where one
hears nothing but a heavy drizzle of rain, a small crowd of professionals are enjoying them-
selves with cake and wines. There was a banner above them with bold letters inscribed on it:
“Congratulation Rachael”. A girl, with a straight black hair, and serious grin, stood elegantly
in midst of people and technologies. Surrounded by five computer stations and an experiment
table just right behind her, one by one people approach her to give a word of praise.

Alas as so inevitable in this kind of party, the crowd begins to demand a speech. This inevita-
bility is well suspected by Nysa and thus she begins to search for speech had written for such
occasion but to no avail. Nysa calls to the new boy as if calling a second-class citizen and
sends him to find the speech for her. Just when the new boy was gone she realizes she actu-
ally remembers the speech and could speak it out without needing the paper. The first word
out of her mouth amidst the crowd who are half drunk with wines and soft music is that she
is going to talk about work.

The new boy, Shad while searching through Nysa’s table heard that Nysa is making a speech
anyways, continue searching it in fear of not being able to complete his superior’s order in
the first day or work. He notice on her table things like books on research, photo of Charles
Darwin, which tells him she is probably a devoted scientist. Finally she returns telling him
that the party is over and he may stop searching and go home already. Instead of doing so,
Shad went straight to the wine table and helps himself with whatever is left of wines and
cake. Nysa saw this and wonder why Shad hadn’t gone home yet so they engage in a conver-
sation. Nysa finds that Shad already have a girlfriend but certain effect of alcohol tempted
them to flirt with each other anyways, they ended up having wild sex in the lab.

On the next day, Shad arrives the earliest in the lab, but was demanded by Nysa the promise
he made to her the other night while he was drunk, that he will volunteer to experiment in
project skin 2.0. She explains to him that this project uses stem cell research to grow in new
skin in a lab. And that would be replaced with human skin. In this experiment they would
have to cut off a small portion of his skin near his heart and replace it with perfect lab grown
skin. Unable to object because he already said he would, and also because everything was
happening so fast, he became the subject for the project.

When Shad wakes up he finds himself to be in the dark environment, tied to chair, and prob-
ably a lady was sitting in front of him. It appears that he is in the lab and it was Nysa in front
of him. Nysa informs him that the reason she is alone in the lab because he woke up sooner
than scheduled, and the reason the lights are out is because he cannot be exposed to it yet. He
notices that he is topless and the skin on his heart has indeed been replaced and really feels
different. She told him the experiment would center on the skin’s reaction to various extreme
environments, and thus begin with an ice. He told her that feeling of the ice on his new skin
feels excellent; it was like nothing he never felt before. Next she takes out a metallic rod and
warns him that it is going to get hurt without telling him what that rod exactly was. Now this
situation became really tense for him, it’s almost like she is enjoying his anxiety, it’s almost
like this is personal somehow.

Ignoring his protest, she place the tip of the rod on his new skin, it turns to have a heated tip.
This was not very pleasant although it sends him in agony, his skin seems to remain intact,
but his tension is not. He realizes now that she is being personal feeling into a scientific ex-
periment where he is in a helpless position, suddenly a crave for cigarette took over him and
he demanded from her. She refuses such a demand right away because an exposure to nico-
tine during the experiment could be destructive. Not to her surprise, he swings his legs up
aiming for her face, his face becomes that of a wolf, and he doesn’t care that the cabinet falls
down. With her hand shaking she let him two puffs at the cigarette and continues the experi-

This time she takes out a whip and began whipping him, to his surprises it doesn’t hurt as
much as it was suppose to. This concludes the experiment for the day, so she unties him
and opens the light, but suddenly he felt weak and felt down. He tells himself that he needs
an adrenaline, but she tells him he needs a sedative. He hit her with a tray he found on the
ground and collapses himself, while searching for a sedative.
He wake up again to hear Nysa talk to her assistant that the experiment was a total failure
because the bacteria used in making the skin broke through his immune system and enters
his body. He wakes up again to see his normal life for a bit and he dropped down again. This
time while he is carried to the lab Nysa notices something strange, the Skin 2.0 grew on its
own above the patch. After some tests it was revealed to them that the bacteria formed an
endo-symbiosis with his skin and formed a new layer of cell other than anything they have
imagined before.

Contrasting Nature’s way of relationship with human’s way.

First let us look at the way nature adheres relationships. From the smallest beings, two things
that constantly intertwined one another are survival and relationship. The complexity of
this is dependant on the complexity or each individual organism’s biological development.
One can notice that the more complex the organism becomes, the more there are smaller
less complex organism beneath it. For example Human wouldn’t be able to function if not
for countless of bacteria working tirelessly in his intestines. Questions even arise what is
human? A individual, or countless cells, bacteria, and DNA inside it? What is a city? Is it a
city? Or is it countless people, insects, and buildings inside it? Who is the dominant charac-
ter? Do people influence society, or do society influence people? Do cells influence the brain
or do brain influence the cell?

While this kind of questions tickles our mind this story would tackle more on the nature of
their existence, primarily the symbiotic or the relationships that they form. Just by writing
the last sentence, I felt overwhelmed by the magnitude of which I needed to explain, but
don’t worry, to keep it to the point that would explain the theory of this screenplay. Now at
first I begin to think what is usually involve in this relationship, which first would be emo-
tions, and benefits. The scientists would say that the chemical imbalance in your mind trig-
gers feelings that make your hear beat for some one. Others would say that it is attraction.
Benefits is usually when you lack something yourself, and other people arrives to make you
whole, to make you better, gives you some benefits by staying together, and taking some
benefits from you in return. Since primal age this relationship had been forming for various
reasons, many of which I doubt we can fathom, but the fact is that cells gets together to form
a more complex organism. They even combine with bacteria for tasks, which they have no
clues how to do it themselves. These combinations are relationship, and what boggles my
mind is that after hundred thousand of years billions of human had been born, this symbiotic
relationship never broke. How much they have to like and benefit each other for this kind of
bond to happen.
This kind of bond persists in every level of organism, for example, each cell, in a monkey
had distinctive, jobs and task in it’s body and thus from a social group that is a monkey, The
monkeys, in their group also have their specific task to from their social group, that is it’s
society. This group of monkey lives in a group of tree, and group of another animals, and
each have specific tasks, to from an individual call a jungle. So the point is that each of us is
a jungle that lives in a jungle. The thing is that in these jungles, there are varying degrees of
longitivity of bonding. This is, in most case, directly influenced by the complexity of organ-
ism. For example, a monkey will likely always remain in a relationship with its group if it
can. A human may not always be that way, at one point he may move over to new place and
start over with no one he knew before.

Now let us look at a more personal relationship, one that requires two organisms to stay to-
gether for a very long time, in nature we call it, symbiosis. Certain beings understand enough
to benefits and pleasure each other until their death, but human beings is different, some-
times even when a simple word like ‘I am sorry.’ Or ‘I love you’ can solve many things, we
let pride and other primal emotions get in a way. We tend to try to be too complex to from a
simple concrete relationship and woe to our self, drinking alone, and dissolve into our career.
That is why especially in our century these words came up like “ The more you know, the
less you know”, or “Fairy tale’s happy ending, and real life are two different thing.” It is sad
to see people which such complex thoughts is in fact disdain in relationship. Question even
arise, are they truly complex? Are they truly wise? They know how to create nuclear, cure
cancer, but do not know how to maintain relationship with their girlfriend, or their wife. Is
this how humanity should be?


Let us think back to our time within the educational institution, I am sure at one time or the
other, we would have heard some one asks us “What is your dream?”, “What is your goal?”
Now what this does is that it creates in the society two types of people. One type will know
in their heart that they will at one time at the other have to set a goal, make a plan and fol-
low a dream. The other type is the people that don’t really have any specific goal. What they
seek is vaguer; it is something like “good life.” What this type wants is to finish study and
start working any kind of job they are good at or can find, in search for the good life. These
people are usually more socially adept. I am sure it’s not hard for you to identify which type
of people you are in these. Now imagine if you are to have a working relationship with the
other type. Yeah it’s kind of weird right? Now let’s go a little bit deeper, if you actually like
this person. This is one of the very first ideas of the development of this story.
The other idea comes from the nature of relationship itself. In a modern time, not counting
your first love, but as time went on, as we become more mature, it so happens that we do not
like to allow our self to become vulnerable. But yet vulnerability is the first step in seeing
one another in ways that is beyond their physical and intellectual self. It is a step that allows
other people to see your soul, while it takes great risk to expose this because if the other
people betray this trust you could end up seriously hurt. On the other hand if one does not
take this step, it would be like two people living together, wanting each other sexually, but
never actually know what they are on the in side.

The sage Lao-Su pointed this out best, in one of his book he tried to talk about the purity of
love without the need of pleasure. There are many ways to interpret this but to me I am sure
Lao-Su is not trying to say that pleasure is bad but trying to tell the people that love and plea-
sure is two different thing. Many times it is intertwined with one another but many times it is
not. When it is not, the relationship becomes unfavorable, that is why it is imperative that we
should be able to separate it and express and receive them hand in hand.

Shad was born in a poor family, which cannot even hope to send him to good place to study.
By scholarship and his determination for better life, he was able to push himself through
good educational establishments. He finally graduated with honorary degree in biomed, and
continue to seek job in the area that he knows he is good at, and therefore finally lands at a
commercial cosmetic research company.
Erich Fleshman

He studied abroad in Viet Nam, researched sustainable development and studied the lan-
guages, cultures, and histories of Southeast Asia. Then Erich began working regularly in
Thailand’s local entertainment industry and nearing a decade and a half has been involved
in local and international feature films, television dramas, action series, international, music
videos and various other television programs.

With a role in the popular film “7 Pra-jan-barn” (2002) where he played the role of Mike the
bootlegging GI who made his living by selling American oil to the Thais. This role quickly
pushed Erich into the limelight making him a genuine celebrity in Thailand.

Erich went on to work with Pen-ek Ratanaruang and as Tim, the father of Thailand’s Paula
Taylor, in the popular Thai TV3 series “Lady Maha-chon” (2006). He also worked with Pau-
la in her TV debut “La-org-tet” in 2002 and again in the US feature film “Shadows” (2009)
starring William Hurt and Cary Elwes.

Erich has appeared in numerous other feature film and TV projects including “Lazarus Pa-
pers” (2009), “Bitter/Sweet” (2009), “Gaeng mai gaeng mai geeow” (2005), “Lanka Daeng”
(2004), “Champion Sabat-cho” (2003), “Mai Plaek Pba” (2001), “Pet Dta Maew” (2000),
“Amnaad” (1999) and HBO production “A Bright Shining Lie” (1998) starring Bill Paxton
and Eric Bogosian.

In 2006 Erich started a production company to create two documentaries about Thailand. Er-
ich also works as a film professor teaching acting and film in many of Thailand’s top univer-
sities as has been retained by multiple film productions to train actors as actors or to develop

Nysa was born to a well-established family. Since childhood she has been fascinated by the
world of science, although she never get excellent grades in her school life. It begins with
all the science fiction teasing her imagination that drove her to find out more. Later she be-
came really interested in Evolution, the beginning of mankind. After she graduated, from the
university, she did not want any more money from her family so she had to find the job that
pays. After she landed in the commercial cosmetic research, she finds it to be very close to
her area of interest and thus grows her interest in human skin. Project Skin 2.0 was partly her
Mood &
Basically the script has two sections. One is the lab in normal light and second is the lab
in red light. In the normal light I imagine the look to be really clean white with a little bit
of blue. It would be a typical science lab looks with a lot of bright light. The second part is
more of a photography room look, but it is a little bit brighter with good amount of contrast.

This is of course an introduction of what I have in mind. Normally I prefer the shot that tells
the story instead of being there only for the beauty. For example we knows that Nysa charac-
ter have been working in the lab for a long time, so we give her more long shot to show her
familiarity of the place and for shad character, a swift cut to objects around him to show he is
new to the place.

The real key here is the lab costume. Frankly I am really not sure how I would go about do-
ing it yet but I am pretty sure I will want the costume to be designed for the story. We can
take a pre existing lab coat and modify it or if budget allows, we can make our own coat. The
design would have to reflect the company. According to the script, the lab began as an inde-
pendent research lab but was later bought by DNC cosmetic. The uniform will be something
very clean and commercial. It should some how reflect this value, that at the current time, the
people who provides the uniform values money above scientific researches. There are other
private clothes, which we have to decides who will wear what according to the personal-
ity of the character, but because of the budget, I figured, once we decided we would borrow

Director: Adithep SriNarula

Running Time: Approx. 15 Minutes

Genre: Drama\ Romance

Language: English

Format: HD

Country: Thailand

Aspect Ratio: 2.35:1

Production Date: 30th April, 1st may, 2nd may

Expected Audience: 15+ (That means all the scenes that are not appropriate will be visually
shown only to the limit that audience will get the message.)

Acct # Category Description THB

1100 Story, Rights, Continuity 35,000

1200 Producer’s Unit 35,000
1300 Director 35,000
1400 Cast 30,000

Above the line 135,000

2000 Production Unit 48,000

2200 Set Design 31,000
2500 Set Operations 21,186
2700 Set Dressing 66,000
2800 Property(Props/Armorer) 5,000
2900 Wardrobe 13,000
3000 Make Up and Hairdressing 16,000
3100 Lighting 49,755
3200 Camera 75,890
3300 Production Sound 25,680
3600 Production Film & Lab 8,000
3700 Stage Facilities 0

Below the line 359,511

TOTAL 494,511
Acct No. Qty. Category Description Prep Pro Wrap Total THB Total THB

Week Week Week Week

1100 Story, Rights, Continuity

1 Writers 1 0 0 1 30,000.00 30000

1 Storyboards 1 0 0 1 5,000.00 5000


1200 Producer’s Unit

1 Producer 4 3 0 7 5,000.00 35000


1300 Director
1 Director 4 3 0 7 5,000.00 35000


1400 Cast

1 Shad 0 3 0 3 5,000.00 15000

1 Nysa 0 3 0 3 5,000.00 15000

2 Total Cast THB30,000.00

Total above the line 135,000.00

2000 Production Unit

1 Unit Production Manager 2 3 0 5 4,000.00 20,000.00

1 First Assistant Director 2 3 0 5 5,000.00 25,000.00

1 SET PA. 0 3 0 3 1,000.00 3,000.00

3 Total Production Crew


2200 Set Design

1 Art Director 2 3 0 5 5,000.00 25,000.00

2 On Set Dresser 0 3 0 3 1,000.00 6,000.00

3 Total Art Crew

6,000.00 31,000.00

2500 Set Operations Day Day Day Total

2 Grip Man 0 3 0 3 3,000.00 18,000.00

1 Dolly Track 10 M 0 3 0 3 500.00 1,500.00

1 Platform Scaffolding 1.75 m 0 3 0 0 300 300

VAT 7% 266.00 1,386.00

2 Total Set Op. Crew

1,066.00 3,186.00

2700 Set Dressing

1 Set Decorator 1 3 0 4 1,500.00 6,000.00

1 Purchases 0 3 0 3 5,000.00 15,000.00

1 Rentals 0 3 0 3 15,000.00 45,000.00

1 Total Set Dress Crew


2800 Property(Props/Armorer)

1 Property Master 1 3 0 2 2,500.00 5,000.00

1 Total Prop Crew

2,500.00 5,000.00

2900 Wardrobe

1 Costume Designer 1 3 0 4 2,500.00 10,000.00

1 Rentals 0 3 0 3 3,000.00 3,000.00

1 Total Wardrobe Crew

5,500.00 13,000.00

3000 Make Up and Hairdressing

1 Key Make Up Artist 1 3 0 4 4,000.00 16,000.00
1 Total Hair & Make up crew

4,000.00 16,000.00

3100 Lighting Travel Shoot Wrap

1 Gaffer 3 0 3 5,000.00 15,000.00

2 Electrician 0 3 0 3 1,000.00 6,000.00

1 Lighting Package 0 3 0 3 8,500.00 25,500.00

VAT 7% 1,015.00 3,255.00

3 Total Lighting Crew


3200 Camera Travel Shoot Wrap

1 Director of Photographer 0 3 0 3 10,000.00 30,000.00
1 Focus Puller (Day) 0 3 0 3 4,000.00 12,000.00

1 Videoman 0 3 0 3 3,000.00 9,000.00

1 Still Photographer 0 3 0 3 2,000.00 6,000.00

1 camera equipment Red package 0 3 0 1 17,000.00 17,000.00

VAT 7% 630.00 1,890.00

4 Total Camera Crew


3300 Production Sound Day Shoot Wrap Total
1 Sound Mixer 0 3 0 3 8,000.00 24,000.00

VAT 7% 1,680.00

1 Total Sound Crew


3600 Post Production Film & Lab

1 Editing 0 0 3 0 2,666.00 8,000.00

Total Above the line $135,000.00

Total Below the line $333,511.00

Total Post $8,000.00

TOTAL BUDGET $476,511.00


Adithep SriNarula (Bads)

Arete Production

12, Sukhumvit 27, Khlongteoy Nua,

Wattana, Bangkok 10110

Mobile: 086090966

Email: badsxx@gmail.com

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