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AP LIT, 2015-2016

Name ______________________________
Major Works Data Sheet

Part 1:
3 new literary terms or other important words/terms I can use to improve on some aspect
of literary analysis, writing, AP test prep, or just because its an awesome addition to my
Each word will include:
The word, a definition in your own words, with connotative meanings included, a picture that
represents the word to you, and an example of how the word is used in textual analysis or if its
not a literary term, how you will and have used it since discovering its meaning.
Please note all 3 words can be literary terms but 1 word may be just a fun addition to
vocabulary. 2 MUST be literary devices/terms.
Asyndeton: To not use any conjunctions in a phrase. This keeps everything succinct and creates
an impact in the writing.
For example: He was a bag of bones, a floppy doll, a broken stick, a maniac. - On the Road by
Jack Kerouac
Illustration or image:

Each defined term is worth 15 points, for a total of 45 points.

PART 2: Major Works Analysis Study Guide. (75 points for most major works. Larger
texts--- like Crime and Punishment, Invisible Man (Ellison), etc. ---are worth 100 points)
Title: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead

Biographical information about the author (and how it

helps you with overall analysis of the work:

Born in Czechoslovakia, left to escape Nazi

occupation. Family settled in Britain. When he
was 17, he started work as a journalist, having
Date of Publication: 1967
never gone to a university. Regretted not going,
but was happy as a journalist. Later, another
Genre(in your opinion):
newspaper offered him a job as a drama critic,
Tragic Comedy
writer, and humorist. Greatly influenced by
(Types of literature, like adventure, historical,
Waiting for Godot, Death of a Salesman.
suspense, satire, scifi, memoir, etc)
Acknowledged after writing the play that
Historical information about the period of publication
working as a journalist, he is better suited to
comment on social change, rather than
Counterculture and revolution in Social norms, transcendental topics that are present in
clothing, music, drugs, dress, sexuality,
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead.
formalities, and schooling. Era of flamboyance, However, enjoys writing in an intellectual,
excess, decay of social order. Cold war in peak, meta- theatrical fashion, playing with words (is
political move towards left for western nations. a grammar nerd), audiences perception, and
Civil rights, welfare, freedom of many nations theater as a physical art from, however his
in Africa from European colonialists. Vietnam works are criticized for possible being only
war, Arab-Israeli conflict (Six Days War),
showmanship, rather than works that are
Indo-Pakistani War. Chinese Cultural
substantial and well-developed.
Revolution, The Troubles in Ireland,
Stonewall riots, Communism and Socialism
Characteristics of the genre (OPTIONAL):
taking effect in Europe. Student uprisings
everywhere. Recession in U.S. Space Age.
Author: Tom Stoppard

Plot summary: Act

I: Ros has been flipping a coin that has landed on heads 90 times in a row. He
and Guil are betting on flipping coins, and Ros is winning with his bets. Guil is much more
bothered than Ros, and debates probability. They remember that a messenger came to them in the
morning and informed them that they had important official business. They meet a group of
actors led by the Player, who offer to perform any tradgedy for a fee, and offers to perform the
Rape of the Sabine Woman. Ros is clueless, Guil is offended and accuses the Player of being a
pornographer. He then challenges the Player to bet on coin flips, and bets the player that the year
of his birth doubled is an even number, and then Claudius and Gertrude enter and ask Ros and
Guil to find Hamlet, tempt him with enjoyable things, and find out why he is acting strange.
After this, they are directionless and play the questions game. They see Hamlet in the distance
with a book and decide to roleplay, with Ros as himself and Guil as Hamlet. They eventually
decide that Hamlet is troubled because his father died and Claudius married Gertrude to become
king. Hamlet meets them and the scene ends.

Describe the author's style:

An example that demonstrates the style:

Memorable Quotes


Major Works Data Sheet

Page 3


Role in the story



Major Works Data Sheet

Page 4


Significance of opening scene


Significance of the ending/closing scene

Possible Themes and motifs

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