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COMP 230 Introduction to Scripting and Database with Lab DeVry

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COMP 230 All Quizzes Week 1 to 7 + Week 8 Final Exam

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COMP 230 All Quizzes Week 1 to 7
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COMP 230 Week 1 Quiz Solutions

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1. (TCO 1) Which one of the following Windows net commands are NOT used to control
services with the net ServiceName?
2. (TCO 1) Which of the following Windows commands will shutdown and restart your
computer in 2 minutes?
3. (TCO 1) Which of the following Windows commands will shutdown and restart the
computerFileServer in 2 minutes?
4. (TCO 1) Which Windows shutdown-command switch is used to shutdown and turn off a
local or remote computer?
5. (TCO 1) From the Start/Run dialog, the command used to open the 32-bit Windows command
prompt is _____.
6. (TCO 1) The Windows CLI shell command used to display all of the environmental variables
and their values is _____.
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COMP 230 Week 2 Quiz Solutions

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1. Question: (TCO 2) ____ data items may involve displaying numbers or text to the screen.
2. Question: (TCO 2) The process of walking through a program's logic on paper ____.
3. Question: (TCO 2) What is the problem with the following statement? 60 + 5 = grade
4. Question: (TCO 2) What is the problem with the following statement? lastName = "smith
5. Question: (TCO 2) What is the assignment operator?
6. Question: (TCO 2) String constants and _____ refer to the same concept.
7. Question: (TCO 2) If a variable holds the value 12345, what is its data type?
8. Question: (TCO 2) Given the rules of operator precedence, what value would the variable
contain after the following statement was executed? distance = 2 + 10 * 2 - 1

COMP 230 Week 3 Quiz Solutions

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1. Question: (TCO 3) What statement best describes the following pseudocode?
2. Question: (TCO 3) What decision structure is logically equivalent to the following?
3. Question: (TCO 3) What logic operator could be used to replace the nested selection structure
in this pseudocode?
4. Question: (TCO 3) Which logical operator has the lowest precedence?
5. Question: (TCO 3) Every Boolean expression must be true in order for the entire expression
to be evaluated as true for ______.
6. Question: (TCO 3) Only one of the Boolean expressions must be false in order for the entire
expression to be evaluated as true for ______.

7. Question: (TCO 3) Which of the following comparisons is generally most confusing?

8. Question: (TCO 3) Which of the following is a possible value for a Boolean expression?
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COMP 230 Week 4 Quiz Solutions

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1. Question: (TCO 4) A variable that determines if a loop will continue is known as a ____.
2. Question: (TCO 4) What is the name for the statements that are repeated during loop..?
3. Question: (TCO 4) Which piece of pseudocode represents incrementing the loop-control?
4. Question: (TCO 4) When a value is incremented by 1, ____.
5. Question: (TCO 4) When a loop-control variable is not altered during loop execution, a(n)
______ loop may result.
6. Question: (TCO 4) Which of the following is NOT automatically handled by the for loop?
7. Question: (TCO 4) A do-until loop has a(n) ______ condition.
8. Question: (TCO 4) A loop within another loop is known as a(n) _____ loop.
9. Question: (TCO 4) What is the term for the number used to reference an array element?
10. Question: (TCO 4) The number of elements in an array is called the ______ of the array.
11. Question: (TCO 4) Arrays are most efficiently processed using ______.
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COMP 230 Week 5 Quiz Solutions

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1. Question: (TCO 5) Although it is not a requirement of any programming language, it
frequently makes sense to use a(n) ____ as all or as part of a module's name because modules....
2. Question: (TCO 5) A variable that is used in all program modules is ____.
3. Question: (TCO 5) What statement is not an advantage of using modularization?
4. Question: (TCO 5) Variables declared within a module have what scope?
5. Question: (TCO 5) In what way do named constants differ from variables?
6. Question: (TCO 5) What is a feature of good program design
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COMP 230 Week 6 Quiz Solutions

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1. Question: (TCO 6) When you create a VBScript Scripting.FileSystemObject, you must start
the code line with _____.
2. Question: (TCO 6) Which one of the following is NOT a Windows file attribute?
3. Question: (TCO 6) To test to see if a file exists before you overwrite it in VBScript, use the
following command (assuming that fso is a Scripting.FileSystemObject).
4. Question: (TCO 6) To move the file C:\Data\CustData.txt to C:\BackUp\CustData.txt in
VBScript, use the following command (assuming that fso is a Scripting.FileSystemObject).
5. Question: (TCO 6) The following command opens a text file in VBScript. Set file =
fso.OpenTextFile(C:\Data\CustData.txt, ?, ??, ???) To open a file for reading, the value of ?
must be _____.
6. Question: (TCO 6) The following command opens a text file in VBScript. Set file =
fso.OpenTextFile(C:\Data\CustData.txt, ?, ??, ???)
To read data from this file, which condition will test to make sure we are not at the end of the
line of text?
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COMP 230 Week 7 Quiz Solutions

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1. Question: (TCO 7) What is the most common database query language?
2. Question: (TCO 7) What is the name for a column that uniquely identifies a record?
3. Question: (TCO 7) The __ in a table is the column that makes each record different from.
4. Question: (TCO 7) Which of the following is not a database-security issue?
5. Question: (TCO 7) When two tables in a database contain related data, the data in. _____.
6. Question: (TCO 7) The general syntax of an SQL select statement is _____.
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COMP 230 Week 8 All TCOs Final Exam Solutions

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Final Exam: Page 1
1. (TCO 2) What is an example of a string constant? (Points : 5)
2. (TCO 2) What is the assignment operator? (Points : 5
3. (TCO 2) The symbols used to describe the logic of a program are known as _____. (Points :
4. (TCO 2) If a variable holds the value 12345, what is its data type? (Points : 5)
5. (TCO 3) The logical AND operator can replace ____ in how it behaves. (Points : 5)
6. (TCO 3) Which pseudocode produces the same result as the following? if customerAge > 65
OR customerAge = 65 then discount = 0.10 else discount = 0 endif (Points : 5)
7. (TCO 3) What logic operator could be used to replace the nested selection structure in this
8. (TCO 3) In order to have the most efficient program, which question should be asked first
when working with an AND decision? (Points : 5)
9. (TCO 3) If you are asked to write a program that prints a list of books that have fewer than 30
pages and more than 100 pages, what type of decision structure would you use? (Points : 5)
10. (TCO 3) A ______ represents only one of two states, usually expressed as true or false.
(Points : 5)
11. (TCO 4) How many times will the following loop execute?
12. (TCO 4) Array subscripts are always ____. (Points : 5)
13. (TCO 4) When a loop-control variable is not altered during loop execution, a(n) _____ loop
may result. (Points : 5)
14. (TCO 4) A loop-control variable that is incremented a specific number of times is known as
a(n)_(Points : 5)
15. (TCO 4) A countdown loop operates by the loop-control variable _____. (Points : 5)
16. (TCO 4) All of the elements in an array have the same ____. (Points : 5)
Final Exam: Page 2
1. (TCO 1) Which of the following Windows commands will shut down and restart the computer
FileServer in 2 minutes? (Points : 5)
2. (TCO 1) The NETSH command that will set the IP address of the interface name NIC to a
DHCP-supplied IP address is _____. (Points : 5)
3. (TCO 1) From a 32-bit Windows CLI, the command used to open a new CLI window is __
(Points : 5)
4. (TCO 1) Which one of the following Windows NET commands will allow other computers to
access the C:\Data directory under the share name UserData? (Points : 5)
5. (TCO 5) What statement is used to indicate the end of a function? (Points : 5)
6. (TCO 5) What variable scope is preferable? (Points : 5)
7. (TCO 5) When writing named constant identifiers, it is a common convention to ______.
(Points : 5)
8. (TCO 5) What of the following would most likely be a named constant? (Points : 5)

9. (TCO 6) The following command opens a text file in VBScript. Set file =
fso.OpenTextFile("C:\Data\CustData.txt", ?, ??, ???) To open a file for writing, the value of ?
must be_(Points : 5)
10. (TCO 6) Once you have a file selected with file = fso.GetFile("C:\DataFile.dat"), what
command will allow you to access the file attributes? (Points : 5
11. (TCO 6) The following command opens a text file in VBScript. Set file =
fso.OpenTextFile("C:\Data\CustData.txt", ?, ??, ???) To ensure that the file is formatted as ASCII
instead of as Unicode, the value of ??? must be _____. (Points : 5)
12. (TCO 6) The following command opens a text file in VBScript. Set file =
fso.OpenTextFile("C:\Data\CustData.txt", ?, ??, ???) To open a file for reading, the value of ?
must be _____. (Points : 5)
13. (TCO 7) The general syntax of an SQL select statement is _____. (Points : 5)
14. (TCO 7) The questions that cause the database software to extract the appropriate records
from a table and specify the fields to be viewed are called ____. (Points : 5)
15. (TCO 7) What is the name for a column that uniquely identifies a record? (Points : 5)
16. (TCO 7) What is the name for a unique key that is constructed from multiple columns?
(Points : 5)
Final Exam: Page 3
1.(TCO 1) Write the Windows CLI commands thatwill clear the screen; turn off command
echo;and display the current IPaddress,subnet mask, and defaultgateway.(Points : 12)
2. (TCO 1) Write the Windows CLI NET commands that will turn the Spooler service OFF and
then ON. (Points : 12)
3. (TCO 2) Write the VBScript code lines that define a constant TAXRATE that is 25%, a
variable basePay that is $1000, and a variable bonusPay that is $500. Calculate the net pay, and
assign that value to netPay. Then, calculate the taxes, and assign that value to taxWithheld.
(Points : 11)
4. (TCO 3) Given the variable age, write the VBScript code that will decide whether the age is
of a teenager or is not of a teenager. Display the message "The value of age is a Teenager" or
"The value of age is NOT a Teenager," depending on the value of the age. (Points : 11)
Final Exam: Page 4
1. (TCO 4) Write the VBScript code that initializes all the variables in the numArray(100) to the
value numArray(0)=1, numArray(1)=2,&#-123;,numArray(100)=101. (Points : 11)
2. (TCO 5) Write a VBScript procedure (or subroutine) called Swap(ByRef num1,ByRef num2)
that accepts two number variables by reference and exchanges the two values whereby num1 is
assigned the original value of num2, and num2 is assigned the original value of num1. (Points :
3. (TCO 6) Write the VBScript code that defines the Scripting.FileSystemObject and the file
C:\Data\DataFile.txt for writing. Make sure that the file will be created if it doesn't already exist,
and ensure that the format is ASCII. (Points : 11)
4. (TCO 7) Assuming that you are connected to a database called Computers.mdb with the fields
Computer, Hostname, Room_Num, CPU_Type, Num_CPUs, Bit_Size, OS_Type, Memory, and
HDD_Size, write the SQL Query String sqlStr such that the fields Computer, Hostname, and
CPU_Type will be displayed for all the records that indicate that CPU_Type is "AMD" and the
Bit_Size is 64. The returned records should be sorted by Hostname. (Points : 11)
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