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The metabolic system in the human body is a biochemical process linked to

nutrition by which it allows the body to absorb nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.
There are two ways that the metabolism uses the nutrients in the body. One is
catabolism, the process which the body breaks down nutrients into smaller
molecules and uses them as a direct energy source and anabolism is the process
which the body uses these smaller molecules to build together more complex
chemical compounds for other uses.
An example of metabolic process is the digestion of food into nutrients and energy.
The main source of energy used by the body is carbohydrates, also known as sugar.
Through the metabolic process of catabolism, carbohydrates are broken down into
glucose for energy and extra unused glucose is built together into glycogen (energy
storages) for further use through the metabolic process of anabolism.
Please introduce what the disease is and how it affects your particular
body system.
Metabolic food disorders are due to complications the body has to digest
(metabolize) certain compounds from foods. Examples of this is lactose intolerance,
the body is unable to breakdown and absorb the sugar lactose from milk, which
causes complications in the digestive track.

In the body, you must first explain the normal physiology of your
particular organ system.

In healthy individuals, all of carbohydrates including lactose must be broken down

to its simplest form, glucose and galactose in order to be absorbed. This process
happens with the help of the enzyme lactase. Lactase is produces by the small
intestine and its function is metabolize lactose into glucose for absorption.

The cause of lactose intolerance is the bodys inability to produce lactase.

So, when the lactose from milk products is consumed, the body is unable to break
down lactose and letting lactose skip the metabolic breakdown process by passing
through the small intestine undigested directly into the large intestine. In the large
intestine, where the unprocessed lactose goes through a chemical reaction with the
existing living bacteria in the colon resulting in excess fluids and accelerated
excretion of waste. Symptoms of lactose intolerance include diarrhea, abdominal
bloating and pain and occur usually within 30 minutes of lactose intake.

Lactose intolenrance occurs based on race and background. The body is supposed
to stop producing lactase after infancy n

Continue to explain the pathophysiology (how the physiology changes in

the disease state)

The main issue with lactose intolerance is the reduced intake of calcium and
Vitamin D, two nutrients found in milk essential for healthy bones. Reduced intake
of calcium can lead to fragile bones and osteoporosis.
The most efficienty methos of threating lactose intolerance is the decrease of
lactose intake. Small ammounts of lactose can still be processed by the body; for
example, a maximum of 12g of lactose can be digested without severe symptons, or
up to 18g when with food.
Another way to control it lactose reaction, would be replacing regular milk with milk
substitutes, for example, soy milk, almond milk. Or even lactose free milk., which
has the same nutrient content (Calcium)
Calcium supplement pills are also another way of getting the required amount of
calcium in the diet.
Explain how dietary deficits (or deficits in the body's ability to process
nutrients) lead to the disease.
Lactose intolerance is earned from birth, it is more likely to happen to
people from country who do not drink milk in their diet. In pastorial
countries who farms and drinks milk regularly, makes the lactose enzyme
never cease to be produces and continues into adulthood.

Include nutritional modifications required or suggested for management of

the disease or how nutritional supplementation is required to maintain
adequate health.

Conclusion (summarizing the main points you discussed)

(are broken down and used in the body.

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