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How to Develop Interpersonal Skills

Chances are, you'll have to interact on a variety of levels throughout your life. Whether
you're interviewing for a job, starting a new relationship, or communicating as part of a
team, interpersonal skills are important. You've probably already noticed that much of
your success depends on communication skills and that some ways of interacting are
more effective than others. To improve your interpersonal skills, work on your nonverbal
communication, how you interact, and managing your image. [1]

Part 1 of 3: Improving Nonverbal Communication


Learn what makes up nonverbal communication. Nonverbal communication includes
your facial expressions, your use of touch, and your voice (not the words you speak, but
how they sound).[2] Visual cues are more important to interpret and deliver than audio
cues. With visual cues, people are more likely to successfully interpret facial
expressions in comparison to body language.[3]

For example, if you want to show that you are happy, it's more effective to
give expressive facial cues, like smiling, than increasing your talking speed or showing

happy body language. There may be times when it is advantageous to hide emotions
that you may be feeling (like when you are afraid) but dont want to show it.

Understand the importance of nonverbal communication. Its estimated that nonverbal communication makes up to 60% of meaning in interpersonal communication.


To be successful at communicating nonverbally, you need to express emotions in

ways that are received and correctly understood by others.

Start thinking about the nonverbal cues both you send when

communicating. Also think about the nonverbal communications that you receive from

Learn comfortable body language. Generally in Western culture if you want to convey
a warm rapport with someone, focus on the following behavior: lean forward and direct
your face and body right at the other person. Use gestures, and vary your vocal pitch,
rate, and volume. Actively listen by nodding, smiling, and not interrupting. Be relaxed-but
not too relaxed.

In other words, dont slump your shoulders, but avoid stiffening your
muscles. If you find yourself focusing too much on your body language, direct your
attention instead to what the other person is saying.

Recognize cultural norms. While welcoming body language might work in some
cultures, it may not work in others. Good nonverbal communication skills come from
knowing cultural rules related to emotional expressions. For example, in Finnish culture,
making eye contact is considered a sign of being approachable, while in Japanese
culture, eye contact is a sign of anger. [5]

From a global perspective, if you are native to a particular culture, many of

the nonverbal norms will be instinctive. If you find yourself communicating in a culture
that is not your own, keenly watch others for typical nonverbal behavior.

Understand how gender differences influence nonverbal communication. It is
helpful to understand gender differences when sending and interpreting nonverbal
messages.[6] Men and women express themselves non-verbally in different ways.
Generally, women are more likely than men to use eye contact and smile. They're also
likely to receive and give more physical touch.[7]

Women also tend to interrupt less than men, listen more than men, and
are better at correctly interpreting facial expressions than men. [8]

Regulate your emotional cues. This is an important part of successful communication.
When you feel overwhelmed by emotion, you may need to take a deep breath and
search for a calm feeling. Be aware of any tense signals you are sending and relax
those signals: unclench your fists, dont grit your teeth, and release any other gripping in
your muscles.

In a study of Fortune 500 executives, those who were able to regulate and

appropriately express emotions (like resisting the impulse to cry when given criticism)
were more likely to gain trust from others.[9]

Part 2 of 3: Improving Interactions


Set goals. Are you getting the results you want when to talk to others? Take time to
think about a recent interaction you had. Did you get what you wanted out of the
conversation (for example, were you persuasive)? Did you feel like the other person
really understood you? If the answer is no, think about the strategies you use to get the
results you want.[10] Here are several effective strategies:

Be persuasive: appeal to the other person's logical side. For example, if

you want your roommate to take out the trash, explain that you both want to have the
same amount of housework and that you took out the trash last time. Therefore it is her
turn to take out the trash.

Use welcoming body language: if you're getting a cold response to a

request, try building a warm rapport with body language first, by leaning forward while
talking to them and engaging in active listening.

Listen: don't monopolize the conversation. Instead, monitor how you are
responding and listening to your conversation partner. Allow silence and give signals
that you are listening like go on, uh-huh, and really?

Be strategically assertive: use "I-messages," like Im feeling

overwhelmed.[11]Be careful about using them too much or making aggressive
statements with you-messages like You are making me really mad. [12]

Use efficient communication. Use a simple, direct request to get what you want,
instead of complex, indirect messages.[13] When you can, plan and practice what you are
going to say so that you can deliver your message with relative speed and ease.
Efficient communication not only helps others to understand you, but also lets you make
more messages in the same amount of time.[14]

For example, you may want to ask your boss for more responsibility at
your job. Instead of saying, Hello, if you think it's a good idea, Ive been thinking about

how I would like the opportunity to maybe take on more responsibilities and tasks within
our workplace say, I am hoping to take on more responsibilities as you see fit.

Give others the chance to speak. People expect that they will be able to contribute to
a conversation equally.[15] Letting the other person speak means that you should try to
be comfortable with silences, but not for more than a few seconds. [16]Altercentrism, or
focus on the other person in conversation, makes a communicator seem more

For example, pay attention to how much you are speaking in a

conversation. Has your story lasted for a long time? Wrap up your story and give a
pause to signal that it is the other person's turn in the conversation.

Know what makes good communication. Generally, there are five principles that
show effective communication: informativeness, relevance, truthfulness, politeness, and
modesty.[18] There's an assumption among people that when you talk, your speech will:

contribute information that others did not know

be relevant and of interest to everyone involved

be truthful (unless you're using sarcasm and irony)

follow social expectations about being polite, like using please and thank
avoid bragging or being self-centered


Part 3 of 3: Managing People's Impressions of You


Find common ground. This can help you and your communication partner achieve
your goals.[19] Find qualities you share and build upon common understandings. For
example, if you disagree on which restaurant to go to, but both agree that you are
hungry, draw on your mutual hunger to reach a decision.

If you find that your conversation partner struggles to see or accept the
common ground between you both, take a communication break and return to the
conversation later. For example, you can say, we both are really hungry right now, so
why dont I choose the restaurant this time and you can choose next time.

Dont presume or assume things. It's best to be completely direct and clear when
communicating with others.[20] If you presume or assume things, you'll end up
misunderstanding and causing tension in your relationships. [21] For example, imagine
that you are speaking with someone who looks elderly and she asks you to repeat
something you said. Do not assume that because she is older that she cannot hear and
dont simply speak louder to be heard.

If the context is unclear, try to figure out the request by your

communication partner before continuing to talk. You might say, Im sorry, was I
speaking too softly?

Dont force a conversation. No one likes to feel as if they dont have a choice. If you
feel yourself strong-arming in the conversation, or trying to get the other person to do
what you want through force, rethink your strategy. Try to achieve your goals through

persuasion and direct communication. This approach will make sure that your long-term
relationships stay intact and will be more successful overall.
For example, imagine you want to go on a road trip with a friend. Your

friend has a pet emergency come up on the day of the trip and can't go. Rather than
make your friend feel guilty about missing the trip, show your disappointment and offer
to help somehow. Explain that you understand the position she's in.


: http://www.wikihow.com/Develop-Interpersonal-Skills

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