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Part 1

Part 2


Using your own Samples


The Autho rs








Ya ma ha M O X F
Flash Memory Guide
One of the most important extensions of the MOXF6/

In the MOXF Samples are always integrated in Waveforms.

MOXF8 is the ability to install the optional Flash Memory

A Waveform is a group of Keybanks. A Waveform contains at least

Expansion Module. This feature was added due to the

one and a maximum of 128 Keybanks. A Keybank is a keyboard

many requests of users. In this issue well provide

general information, ranging from the installation of
the module to the handling of files. In addition, well
compare the workflow of the MOXF series and the
MOTIF XF series.
With the optional Flash Memory Expansion Module (FL512M/

and velocity zone to which a Sample is assigned. This creates what is

known as a Multisample in common parlance.
Subsequently, only the terms Sample and Waveform will be used.

I nst all ing a Fla sh Me mory

Exp a nsion Module
The installation of the module is very simple. The bay is located on the

FL1024M) User Waveforms and Samples can be stored in a non-

bottom of the instrument. The cover is secured by four screws that are

volatile way, meaning that they remain in the memory even if the

to be loosened. Then the board can be installed in accordance with

instruments is powered off and are available at any time.

the diagram below.

The Flash Module FL512M provides a memory of 512 MB, while

the FL1024M holds a memory of 1 GB. The MOXF has one slot for
installing one Flash Memory Expansion Module.

Sam p l es a nd W a vefor ms
Before we take a first look at the management of Sample and
Waveform data here is a short explanation of the terms in this context.






It is strongly recommended to have yourself grounded when installing

The loading process is immediately started with the key SF1 (EXEC),

optional boards to prevent damage to sensitive electronic components

without any confirmation. Data contained in the user memory of the

from electrostatic discharge!!

MOXF will be overwritten. Contents of the Flash Memory Module

will not be overwritten, but instead the newly loaded Waveforms

After installation, the Flash Memory Expansion Module must be

are added, starting from the last occupied Waveform Number. The

formatted. When first switched on after installation the following

Loading of User Waveforms and Samples into the Flash Memory

message will appear on the display of the MOXF: Unrecognized

takes some time due to technical reasons. In contrast to volatile

Flash Memory Module. and Please format that.

RAM memory modules the data is permanently installed into the

Flash Memory. So they are - just like the Preset Waveforms in the

The device must not be switched off before formatting is complete!

ROM - immediately available after switching on the MOXF without

additional loading time.

F irst steps
The functions for managing the Flash Memory can be found using FILE F6 Flash. The first time the menu item FORMAT is pre-selected. Pressing
the ENTER button will start the formatting after confirmation. All data on
the Flash Module will be deleted by formatting.

The loading time for Samples into the Flash Memory can be
calculated with an average of about 2.4 sec for 1 MB. A soundset
with 128 MB requires about 5 minutes of loading time, 512 MB
Samples take about 20 minutes.
Use the sub-function buttons SF1 to SF3 to call functions for the Flash
Board. SF2 displays a list view of all installed Waveforms. Here it is
possible to delete Waveforms from the Flash Memory. In addition,
each Waveform from the list view is playable on the keyboard for an
auditioning function (the MOXF has to be in the Voice mode).

FILE mode for managing the Flash Memory

The general file handling with a USB stick is done just like on the MOX,
using the function keys F1 to F5. Use LOAD to load complete sound
libraries, including User Waveforms and Samples by selecting the type
Listenansicht der Waveforms, auch fr Audition

All. Files in native MOXF (.X6A) or MOX format (.X4A) and MOTIF XF
files (.X3A) are accepted. When loading a MOXF file, the boxes with
Waveform and with Sample must be activated.

All User Waveforms and Samples currently installed in the Flash

Memory can be saved as an ALL file along with all other user data,
or separately as an ALL WAVEFORM file. This is done using the
F2 - SAVE.

Im port ant infor ma tion for

MOTIF XF users
FILE Load with options

When loading MOTIF XF files only the box with Waveform appears. The

If you have worked with the MOTIF XF prior to the MOXF, you will
soon be familiar with the functions of the Flash Memory. However,
you need to somehow rethink about the loading options for the files.

Samples it contains are automatically loaded.

In the file mode of the MOTIF XF you deselect certain components
(bottom right of the corresponding display).
With the default setting FL1 or FL2 Waveforms and Samples are
Using the options FL1 without sample or FL2 without sample,
FILE Load with options

only the Waveforms but no Samples are loaded.

The also visible loading option with System does not refer to Waveforms

Using the None option no Waveforms and no Samples are loaded.

and Samples, but determines whether the system settings of the Utility

On the MOXF this functionality is reversed. The options are not used

mode are to be loaded or not.

to deselect but to add components. The boxes with Waveform






and with Sample are enabled by default. This means that User

As sound food for the Flash Memory a huge potential of free and

Waveforms and Samples contained in the files will be loaded along

optional sounds and Samples will be available in the near future.

with the other data.

If neither option (box) is enabled, no Waveforms and no Samples

Ho w to l oa d into t h e Fla s h

are loaded, which corresponds to the setting none on the

Mem ory

The options with Waveform and with Sample can also be
activated independently of each other. However, this is only useful in
rare special cases. In the normal case both options should always

The easiest way to install User Waveforms and Samples into the Flash
Memory is to load an existing All file in MOXF format (.X6A) or in
MOTIF XF format (.X3A).

be enabled or disabled.

The procedure has already been described in the section First steps.

Thus the following load options on the MOTIF XF find their

A disadvantage of loading ALL files in the MOXF may be that in doing

counterparts on the MOXF as follows:

so the existing Performances, Songs, Patterns, and Masters will be

MOTIF XF > FL1/FL2 = MOXF > with Waveform + with Sample

MOTIF XF > FL1/FL2 without sample = MOXF > with Waveform
MOTIF XF > None = MOXF > no option selected

overwritten. If this is not desired, the Voice Banks, including their User
Waveforms and Samples, can also be loaded individually. This method
is also suitable to compile Voice Banks from different libraries into one
single file.

In practice this means: To load complete soundsets with User Waveforms

and Samples (All file) both boxes with Waveform and with Sample
must be activated. After the Waveforms and Samples are stored in the
Flash Memory, soundsets can later be loaded without having the boxes
checked, which is the none option on the MOTIF XF. This prevents the
creation of Waveform duplicates.

S te p s to load in div idual Vo ice Ban k s :

In FILE mode set Type to 1BankVoice
Select the file from the right list view
If necessary enable the options with Waveform & with

Th e possi b i lities of th e
Flash Memory
For the first time the Flash Memory (or in its long form: the Flash Memory
Expansion Module) of the MOXF offers the possibility of building a
comprehensive individual Wave ROM. In addition to the Preset Wave

Press [ENTER] to go to the list of your source Bank

Bank = select source Bank USER 1, USER 2, or USER 3 and
confirm with [ENTER]
Use the arrow button [<] to select the target Bank

ROM of 741 MB (3,977 Waveforms) the installation of the optional Flash

Use the [SF1] button (EXEC) to start the loading procedure

Memory Expansion Module FL1024M features up to 1 Gigabyte for User

!!The loading procedure is started immediately without

Waveforms and Samples.

Putting together an individual Flash Memory content is easier than you

Initially the message Now loading ... and then Now

might expect. The User Waveforms and Samples are automatically

installing to the Flash Expansion Memory Module will appear

loaded along with the appropriate Voices from existing soundsets.

on the display to inform you about the current status

By sequentially loading complete soundsets, individual User Voice Banks,

or single Voices, you automatically create a Waveform Library in the
Flash Memory. Waveform duplicates are detected automatically. This
prevents that User Waveforms are loaded more than once and have to
be deleted manually.
With the MOXF it is possible to set up your own best-of compilation (that
is always available) from a variety of different files and sound libraries
in the shortest time. All Waveforms contained in the loaded Voices are
gradually added to the list of User Waveforms in the Flash Memory. These
Waveforms form an extended Wave ROM and can be used flexibly for
modified or all new Voices.
With the User Voice Banks 1-3 a total of 384 Voices are available that
can access the User Waveforms. More Voices can be managed in the
editor and loaded into the MOXF when needed. Since the Waveforms
are securely stored, no corrections to the assignments in the Voices are

After the first Bank is loaded, another can be added from the same or
a different file by following the same steps. Of course, a different target
Bank should be selected.





S te p s to loa d s in gle Vo ices :

In FILE mode set Type to Voice
Select the file from the right list view
If necessary enable the options with Waveform & with
Press [ENTER] to go to the list of your source Bank
Bank = select source Bank USER 1, USER 2, or USER 3 and
confirm with [ENTER]
Select the Voice from the list view using the data wheel or the
[YES / NO] buttons
Use the arrow button [<] to select the target Bank and target
Use the [SF1] button (EXEC) to start the loading procedure
!!The loading procedure is started immediately without
Initially the message Now loading ... and then Now installing
to the Flash Expansion Memory Module will appear on the
display to inform you about the current status

In the next issue we will continue here and give recommendations on how
to compile your very own custom library from different soundsets. This is
very likely of interest for both live and studio musicians.
We hope youll be back and remain with flashed regards
Hans-Peter Henkel & Peter Krischker







Y a ma ha M OXF
Fl as h M e mor y Gui d e pa rt 2
The edition 04/2013 of the Music Production Guide

In Method 2, however, individual Voices or individual Voice Banks,

included an introduction to the subject Flash Memory

including their User Waveforms and Samples, are loaded from

Expansion for the new MOXF6/MOXF8. We want to

several soundsets into the three User Voice Banks and combined

follow up on this with this workshop and give you some

into an aggregate library that is always available.

recommendations on the organisation of soundsets

We will now present both of these methods by means of examples

and Samples.

in several steps.

L ibrary Management

M eth o d 1: Lo ading so und s et s

Building up a Flash Memory content for multiple soundsets can be

felt as something of a challenge for less experienced users. However,
with the necessary knowledge and the descriptions below, it is easier
than expected and to cope within a short time. We provide two
different methods.

As described in the section First Steps (Music Production Guide
04/2013, page 13), soundsets with Samples are normally loaded
with the options with Waveform and with Sample by activating
the appropriate boxes in the File menu.
However, soundsets can also be loaded without User Waveforms

In method 1, the Flash Memory is first successively filled with the

and Samples by de-ativating the two options with Waveform and

Waveforms and Samples of the different soundsets. Any single

with Sample.

Waveform receives a fixed number and their assignment is

Doing so will load all data contained in an All-file (Voices,

automatically corrected in the Voices. Each soundset is, however,

Performances, Songs...) with the exception of User Waveforms and

re-saved with the new assignment but without Waveforms and


Samples. After completion of the newly combined library, the

However, as functional this option may seem, it has far-reaching

individual soundsets can be loaded alternately - their Waveforms

consequences with respect to the Sample organisiation in the Flash

and Samples are already located in the Flash Memory.







The deactivation of the options allows you to build a comprehensive

The User Waveforms and Samples of both soundsets are now in the

Voice and Performance library based on the User Waveforms and

Flash Memory and have a fixed Waveform number. The assignment

Samples installed in the Flash Memory. This can include the entire

in the Voices was automatically adjusted.

memory of three User Voice Banks and two Performance Banks.

Nevertheless, it can be loaded with a very small amount of time of

Now you can alternately load the files DANCEPR2 and XTASYN2

just a few seconds.

that youve generated with steps 2 and 4. But de-activate the

Suppose you have purchased the soundsets Dance Pro and

Xtasyn. You want to use both soundsets frequently without having

options with Waveform and with Sample. The loading time for
every soundset is only a few seconds because no User Waveforms

to reload the Samples every single time, so you install them in the

and Samples have to be loaded. These are - similar to the ROM

Flash Memory.

area - installed in the Flash Memory. After the loading process no

reassignment or correction is required.

To d o so, follow these step s :

According to this description, you can proceed with other soundsets.

1. Load the All-file DANCEPRO.X6A. The options with

In each case, first load the complete All-file with the options with

Waveform and with Sample are activated

Waveform and with Sample enabled, then re-save without the

Finally, please do not forget to store the entire set of Waveforms
and Samples in the Flash Memory as a new All-file on an external
storage medium.
By the way: If you want to combine more than two soundsets in

2. Save the loaded memory content with SAVE Type All. Here,
the option with Sample is to be disabled. Be sure to select a
different file name (eg DANCEPR2) so as not to overwrite the
existing file
3. Now load the All-File XTASYN.X6A. The options with
Waveform and with Sample are activated. The Waveforms
and Samples contained in this file are added to the Flash
Memory. The Waveforms and Samples that were loaded with the
DANCEPRO file will not be overwritten!
4. Save the loaded memory content with SAVE Type All. Here,

the Flash Memory using the method described above, we strongly

recommend an intermediate backup of the complete contents,
which is done in the above example in step 5. This means that you
also create an All-file with the options with Waveform and with
Sample being activated. This results in increasingly larger files with
every soundset, but these files can be backed up on the PC when
needed. This caching is important in the event that you make a
mistake, which can happen perhaps due to lack of routine. From
regular backups, however, the most recent state can be recovered
easily, so you do not have to start all over again.

the option with Sample is to be disabled. Again, be sure to

However, the method described above is only one of several ways

select a different file name (eg XTASYN2)

of sample organisation. If you want to have complete soundsets

5. Store the current memory contents again with SAVE - Type All

available alternately and without long loading times, this way is

as a backup file. This time, however, you need to activate the

highly recommended. The Waveforms and Samples of all soundsets

option with Sample, so that the new compilation in the Flash

are permanently available in the Flash Memory. By loading the files

Memory - that is, all Waveforms and Samples - are stored, too.

without options you have access to all the Voices, Performances,

This backup is important in the event that you ever are forced to

and possibly also all Arpeggios of a soundset - without any effort for

re-install or format the Flash Memory module - from whatever

compilations or assignments.

6. Copy the data files stored on the USB flash drive to a PC or
save them to an external server

If you play in several bands, for example, or simultaneously work

on different projects, this method is optimal. Changing the required
Voice memory is done very quick and without long Sample loading

M eth o d 2: St o ring a
combined soundset
A fundamentally different way than the method described above
is to load individual Voices or individual Voice Banks from several
soundsets, including the User Waveforms and Samples, into the
three User Voice Banks and combine them to a total library.





In the following example these EASY SOUNDS soundsets will be

combined into one sound library:


The proposed compilation of Voice Banks looks as follows:


= Xtasyn (128 Voices)


USER2 1 64

= Xtasyn (64 Voices)

Synth Xtreme

USER2 65 128

= Chill Xperience (64 Voices)


= Synth Xtreme (128 Voices)

Chill Xperience
When compiling, a systematic approach is generally recommended.

The highest priority in this compilation is conceded to the soundset

Xtasyn. This soundset is loaded completely and all of its Voices,

First, you should get an overview of the content contained in the

Performances, User Waveforms, Samples, and User Arpeggios are

soundsets, which in our example is as follows:

From the other soundsets the Voices including their Waveforms and

Xta s y n

Samples are included in the extent described above. Compromises

128 Voices (USER1)

have to be made concerning the Performances and User Arpeggios.

64 Voices (USER2)

In the soundset Synth Xtreme many Performances contain Slice

10 Drum Kits
24 Performances
128 User Waveforms

Loops and User Arpeggios, so that it is not possible to include them

in our compilation.
From Chill Xperience only those Performances can be considered,
which rely on the first 64 Voices.

120 MB Samples
182 User Arpeggios

Syn t h Xtrem e
128 Voices (USER1)

Ste p 1 = Pr e par at io n s
UTILITY Job - Factory Set
Copy the three soundsets (X6A files) onto a USB stick
Format the Flash Memory module

48 Voices (USER1)
16 Performances
52 User Waveforms
124 MB Samples
156 User Arpeggios

Chi l l X perien ce
128 Voices (USER1)
5 Drumloop Kits (USER2)
24 Performances
Now it is time to plan the compilation and to to make some
preliminary considerations.

Ste p 2 = Loadin g MOXF Xtas yn ( c o mpl et e)

File - Type ALL

The three User Banks feature 384 Voice memory slots. However, the

Select the file XTASYN.X6A

content of the soundset includes 496 Voices.

Activate the options with Waveform & with Sample,

Therefore only USER 1 is used from Synth Xtreme. The 48 Slice Drum
Voices in USER 2 are omitted.

if necessary
Press the button SF1 (EXEC) to start the loading process
!!! The loading process is started without immediately !!!

From Chill Xperience only the Voices 1 - 64 are selected. Since these

First the message Now loading... appears,

Voices do not contain Samples, its no problem to flexibly change

followed by Now installing to the Flash Expansion

these Voices later. The five Drum Loop kits (USER2) are omitted.

Memory Module.





St e p 3 = Loa d ing MOX F Chill Xp e r ience

( 6 4 Voices ))



Ste p 5 = Data Bac kup

File - Type ALL

File - Type Voice

Select F2 SAVE

Select the file CHILLXP.X6A

Activate the option with Sample

Activate the options with Waveform & with Sample,

Use the cursor buttons to highlight the field for the name and

if necessary
Press the ENTER button to enter the list of Banks contained in

enter a filename
Press the button SF1 (EXEC) to start the storing process

that file, then select the desired source Bank (USER 1)

Use the ENTER button again to jump into the list of Voices
contained in the selected Bank
Use the dial or the YES/NO buttons to select the first Voice to
be loaded from the list
Use the cursor button [<] to call up the selection of the
target Bank and target Voice for our example please select
USER1:065 (E01), since the Voices 1-64 are already occupied
Press the button SF1 (EXEC) to start the loading process
!!! The loading process is started without immediately !!!
First the message Now loading... appears, followed by
Now installing to the Flash Expansion Memory Module.

The Voice Compilation is now complete.

Copy this file to the hard disk of your computer in order to have
a backup!

For the other Voices 2-64 proceed likewise. So for Voice 2 choose
the target Voice 66, for Voice 3 the target Voice 67, etc.

Ste p 6 = F ur t h e r P e r f o r man c e s
If desired, you can now add Performances from the soundsets. The
procedure corresponds to the file type Voice we already described.
Performances can be loaded individually with the data type
While the loading is in process a message may appear, stating
that the Performance makes use of User Voices - this should be
understood only as an information and not as an error message.
In the Performance Parts, however, a correction of the parameters

St e p 4 = Loa d ing MOX F Synth Xt r e me

( 1 Vo ice Ba nk )
File - Type 1BankVoice
Select the file SYNTHXT.X6A
Activate the options with Waveform & with Sample,
if necessary

Bank and Number is necessary because the Voices are no

longer in their original location.
Ste p 7 = R e p l ac in g in di v idual Vo i c e s
After loading complete Banks you may want to include a few
individual Voices from other Voice Banks into your new compilation.
This is done as described in step 3 with the type Voice.

Press the ENTER button to enter the list of Banks contained in

that file, then select the desired source Bank (USER 1)
Use the cursor button [<] to jump into the left part of the
display where you can select the target Bank

C on c lu si on
So far for the description of the steps for compiling an individual
Flash Memory content, which is in principle applicable to any other

Set USER3 as target Bank


Press the button SF1 (EXEC) to start the loading process

The loading of soundsets with deactivated options with Waveform

!!! The loading process is started without immediately !!!

& with Sample is also possible and useful if a memory content

was previously stored without the option with Sample. Like for the

First the message Now loading... appears, followed by

MOTIF XF, this comes in handy when the time-consuming re-saving

Now installing to the Flash Expansion Memory Module.

of the Samples should be avoided if only Voices and Performances






have been changed. Ideally, ALL files are available in two versions:
One that is including all the Samples - stored in somewhat larger
intervals as a backup - and another without Samples as the working
copy that is made after each relevant change to the user memory
We hope that the recommendations and instructions have put you in
the position to fully exploit the potential of your instrument with the
new features. So the sentence Inspiration Comes In A Flash is now
fully valid for the owner of the MOXF series, too.

Hans-Peter Henkel & Peter Krischker








U s i n g your
o w n S amp les
In addition to the two-part MOXF Flash

In the MOXF Samples are always integrated in Waveforms.

Memory Guide, that was published in the

A Waveform is a group of Keybanks. A Waveform contains

Music Production Guides 04/2013 and

at least one and a maximum of 128 Keybanks. A Keybank

02/2014, I will now show you how to work

is a keyboard and velocity zone to which a Sample is

with your own User Samples in the MOXF.

assigned. This creates what is known as a Multisample

But first let me explain the terms that are used in this

in common parlance. However, these terms are merely

context. The following is an extract from the Flash Memory

background information. Subsequently, only the terms

Guide Part 1.

Sample and Waveform will be used.







Unlike the instruments of the MOTIF series, the

Here are direct links to the mentioned MPG editions - in case you missed

MOXF has no parameter set to the extensive

them or would like to read again:






Nevertheless, your are not limited to use only


ready soundsets with sample content. For

example, for special sound effects, drum Samples as a
supplement in User Drum-Kits or Drum Loops a further
processing in the instrument is seldomly required.
A deep introduction to the sampling technology is not

Press [FILE]
Use the dial to change the "TYPE" from "All" to
Use the cursor [] to navigate to the selection and
locate your Sample
Press [SF1] EXEC

necessary at this point, I just want to give some preliminary

informations, which are helpful for the further course. It's
one of the more important criteria for the distinction of
Samples, whether it is a One-Shot Sample or a Loop.
A One-Shot Sample is essentially a normal audio

By doing so you get option on the left of the display

to assign the new Waveform to a dedicated User slot
1- 2048 and to set its root key. This is the note from

recording that is played back once and must be re-started


for another playback.

it's C3).


In Sample Loops two markers are placed in the audio
recording, between which the playback is repeated in a
loop as soon as the end of the Waveform is reached.












[SF1] EXEC again

The Sample will be installed on the Flash Memory Board.
Go to your initialized Voice.
Press [EDIT]

O ne - S h ot fi rst ,
p leas e . . .




to Element

button [1]

So let's say you want to prepend a particular sound effect

to the intro of a song. How can you do that? First, find an
unneeded Voice from the User Voices. Initialize that Voice.
Press [JOB] > [F1] INIT > [ENTER] (2x) - then
press [EXIT]
Store the initialized Voice.
Press [STORE] > [F1] INIT > [ENTER] (2x)
Copy the desired sound effect in WAV or AIFF format

In the "OSC" / "WAVE" display use the cursor [] to

navigate to "Wave Bank"
Change the entry "pre" to "user" using the [INC] button
Use the dial or the [INC] / [DEC] buttons to select your
new Sample
Play C3 on the keyboard to play your Sample immediately.

(44.1 kHz, 16 bit) on a USB stick and connect the stick

If you want to store your Voice, use the procedure described

with the MOXF.








A simple Sample, with a Waveform generated in this

If you are willing to deal with the terms in this context, I

way, can only be assigned to a single key, and then can

suggest you to take a look at the Yamaha Synth Guide.

not be detuned. If you change the coarse tuning (Pitch

Coarse), the Sample will only be played on a different


key (Transpose). I will come back again to the loading of

A detailed description of the relationships is given in

Waveforms in the further course.

Chapter 3 "MOTIF Terminology" on page 14.

If you load a Waveform that contains Keybanks, Samples

P i mp m y D rum s
The inclusion of a Sample in a User Drum Kit is similarly
simple. The loading process is not different from the
procedure described above. For example, select a User

and additional information, such as loop points etc.,

it can be much more edited with the Voice parameters
as a single Sample. For example, if you add such a

Drum Kit in which you want to replace an existing snare

Waveform in your initialized Voice, the assignment of

drum from the ROM-Waves by one of your Samples.

each Sample to the keyboard is transferred from the

information of the Waveform. This Waveform can be used

Press [EDIT]



to Element

button [1]

just like the internal ROM-Waveforms. Also drum loops

run "smoother" when they are well prepared. Again, the

Play the key to which you want to assign the Sample

John Melas Waveform Editor is seriously recommended

If necessary adjust "Coarse" to the value "0" in the

for all those who are interested in the subject of Samples.

"PITCH" / "TUNE" ([SF1]) display

And I have permission to tell one thing: In the summer of

this year there will be an update that supports the import
of Voices and Waveforms from files from the MOTIF XS,
MOTIF XF, and MOXF (X0A, X3A, X6A...)

Press [F1] OSC to change to the Oscillator section of

the selected Drum Voice
Use the dial or the [INC] / [DEC] buttons to select
your new Sample (for a better overview not only the
WaveNumber, but the name of the Samples is displayed
in the top of the display, too)

C onclusion
I hope I could help you with the extended use of your
installed Flash Boards. Almost mandatory at this point I
would like to point out that you should regularly create
backups of your important data. In particular, before
working with Waveforms / Samples it is practically
mandatory to save an ALL file including Waveforms as a
backup that you can access to if needed.

Store your Drum Kit with the settings

Based on the Yamaha slogan I now wish you to have

"Inspiration In A Flash".

W av e s i n Form
These examples only contained a single Sample. The
MOXF is also able to load a complete Waveform. A
Waveform, as described above, can contain one or more
so-called Keybanks, to which the Samples are assigned.


Your Hans-Peter Henkel






Peter Krischker

Hans-Peter Henkel (alias hape13)

Works for Yamaha since 1991 as a sound designer and

Keyboardist in several bands since 32 years. Is also involved

synthesizer specialist, he also runs his own sound distribution

as a mentor at the Yamaha Synthforum and author for the


Music Production Guide.






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