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THE BIBLE: Luke 1: 26-47; Matthew 1:18-25; Luke 2:1-7
THEME: Let us celebrate Jesus birth.


MAIN IDEA: Jesus is Gods Son.
MEMORY VERSE: She gave birth to her first-born son. She dressed him in baby clothes
and laid him on a bed of hay, because there was no room for them in the inn.Luke 2:7 CEV
a. Gods promise was fulfilled.
b. Praise and worship.
Although the trip to Bethlehem was not easy for Mary and Joseph, they were joyful in
the birth of Jesus. As we celebrate Jesus birth, we can be joyful because we know God loves
The trip from Nazareth to Bethlehem in Luke 2:1-5, probably took five days and four
nights. Because they were poor, Mary and Joseph probably slept under the stars, using their
cloaks as blankets.
It is assumed that Jesus was born in a stable because in Luke 2:6-7, Mary laid him in a
manger, the animals feeding trough. Stables in those days were usually nothing more than a
cave in which the animals were sheltered. Whether it was a cave or another kind of stable,
Jesus birth place was crude in the extreme.
In Bible times, babies were wrapped tightly with bands of cloth to prevent them from
waving their arms and legs, which would weaken them. 1
Children today often experience times of stress and difficulty. They will be able to
relate to Mary and Josephs difficult journey. Children need to know that God loves them and
will be with them in their difficult times and can bring surprisingly good things out of their
stressful times. In this lesson, they will learn that we know God loves us because Jesus is
Gods Son, sent to earth to show us Gods love. 2 Emmanuel - God with us (READ: Isaiah
7:14 and Matthew 1:23). The Book of Isaiah was written between 701 and 681 B.C.


Read Luke 2:1-7. Hospitality was an important part of life in Bible times. Travelers
were welcomed in peoples homes and treated as family members. Because of the crowded

conditions in Bethlehem, Mary and Joseph could not find a place to rest or anyone who would
offer hospitality. How crowded are our lives? Do we offer hospitality to the children who are in
our care each Sunday? Do we make room for the new life Jesus can bring to us?


Play the following game to help the children experience what if feels like to have no room
for you as in the story they are about to hear. Children will discover that Jesus was
born in a stable because there was no room for his parents in the inn. But God did
provide a place. This game should be played outside as the children gather.
Have about 3/4 of the children form one or more circles (depending on the number of
children). They should form tight circles by locking arms. The other 1/4 of the children
will try to join the circles but are prevented by the children who have made the circles.
Do this for only a few minutes. Then ask the ones who were locked out how it felt when
the others did not make room for them. OR Have some children share an experience
when they felt left out. How did they feel?
Tell the Bible story.
SAY: Today we will hear a story about the birth of Jesus. When it was time for him to be born,
there was no room, but God did provide for his family.
Use pictures and tell the story, The Birth of Jesus.
Today I have another story for you about Mary, and the birth of Jesus. You know that
when children are born people are very happy. Everyone in the neighborhood comes and
shows their happiness. Everyone welcomes the baby. But the birth of Jesus was a little
When it was nearly time for Marys child to be born, the King (Emperor), Augustus
Caesar announced a law. He said that a list of all the people in his country must be made.
The head of each family was required to register himself at the native town of his family or
clan, and be counted. So Joseph, Marys husband, and Mary went to Bethlehem from
Nazareth, where they lived. They were both descendants of King David, and David belonged
to Bethlehem. (Picture 1)
It must have been a long, tiresome journey for them. It was over 100 kilometers. I am
sure they were very happy when they found the town of Bethlehem. So imagine their
disappointment when they found the rest house was crowded to the door! Although they
looked everywhere for a room to stay, the town was full, so they had to sleep in a stable. No
one could offer a room for them to spend the night.
(Picture 2)

While everybody slept, Jesus, the Lord of Life, was born. Mary wrapped the baby in
cloths and laid him in a manger where feed was put for the cattle. And so it was that Jesus
was born in a place where animals were kept, instead of in the home of Joseph. 3
(Picture 3)
(Based on Luke 2:1-7.)
ACTIVITY 1: Echo Pantomime
Read each line, pantomime the suggested actions and have the children follow.
Joseph was all alone. He was asleep.
(Lay head on hands, asleep.)
An angel told him, Mary will have a baby.
(Look up startled.)
Call His name, Jesus, for He is the Savior.
(Give hand signal for okay.)
Joseph believed the angel and took care of Mary.
(Arms out, as if around Marys shoulder.)
Later Mary and Joseph had to make a long trip to Bethlehem.
(Lift up food and water jugs, placing them on a donkeys back.)
When they reached Bethlehem, Joseph looked for a place for Mary to stay.
(Look around carefully.)
Finally they found a stable and Mary lay down to rest.
(Lay head to side, eyes closed.)
That night, Baby Jesus was born.
(Rock baby in arms.)
How Mary and Joseph loved Jesus, Gods Son.
(Continue rocking and smile.)
Today who else knows that Jesus is Gods Son?
(Point to self, then to each student.)

ACTIVITY 2: Retelling the story using questions and pictures

Hold up each picture and ask Who, What, Where, Why and How questions.
Some sample questions:
Who were the parents of Jesus?
Why did they go to Bethlehem?
How did they travel?
How does Mary look? How does Joseph look? Happy? Sad? Worried?
Where was Jesus born?
How do you think Mary felt?
Ask similar question about each of the pictures. This will help the child review and remember
the story.

ASK: What are some ways we can make room for Jesus in our lives this week?
(Accept all answers. Share some of your own ideas. For example: This week I will take time
to be kind to my sister. This week I will remember to thank Jesus for....)
PRAY: Dear God, thank you for your gift of Jesus. Help us to make room for him
today and always. Amen.

(Needed Pictures:
Mary and Joseph on the way to Bethlehem
At the Inn: Joseph talking with the Inn keeper
Manager Scene: Just Mary, Joseph, Baby Jesus and the animals.)
Cokesbury, New Invitation, Winter, 1997-98, Grades 1 and 2. p.30.
Ibid., p. 31
The Story the New Testament Tells by Esther L Megill and Students and Sunday School
Teachers in Sierra Leone and Zambia, p.16.
Bristol Bible Curriculum, Dec.-Feb. 1996, Primary, p. 29.

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