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Hitler was an AvatarHitler lost the battlebut not the Warthe Kalki

Yuga began in 2012The Time is Ours Now..Arise!?

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Reality is dualistic, confusing at times, and full of catches, one of the main
catches is that of right and wrong. Knowing right from wrong is easy,
everyone knows it, what can be confusing, is choosing "the lesser wrong",
or the "lesser evil". Tall blonde haired blue eyed people, of perfect face
and bone structure have the perfect appreance, no one can deny that.
However, even people who look perfect can be unaware, living in a
blissfull ignorace, unwilling, or incapable of knowing right, some rely on
instink, others the intelect, either way, mistakes can be made, huge
mistakes that could ruin everything that life has to offer, and every good
and or perfect thing worth striving towards.
Jews are to non-jews who tend towards the critical path, pointing out the
funny noses, and so on. The image of the jew, in contrast to the image of a
tall blonde haired blue eyed race. To me, as someone well versed in
kabbalah, or jewish mysticism understand the spiritual white light of the
jews, a spiritual white light that could potentially bring the physical world
out of darkness, and living in the way continually, preserve and rehablitate
creation, filling it with spiritual white light. To me, the tall blonde haired
blue eyed race is the macroscosm, and the jew the miscrocosim. This may
seem horrible to one who is critical of the jewish people. Why would I want
a little jew living in my heart? Well, because the physical world is tricky,
and often the perfect image leads to the opposite of perfection or white
spirituality, the image of the jew, is a modest image, not meant to be
intoxicating, like the image of a tall blonde haired blue eyed race. At the
same time, the intoxication produced by the sight of the blonde haired
blue eyed race may seem cruel to all who are not one of them, but their
presnece, and preserrvation is important to any artist, for a world without
beauty is no world a artist would want to live in, and the physical world,
from a spiritual point of view, is in itself intoxication....does that mean we
should despize life? HELL NO! The existance of the silver people, the white
people, the jews, and the preservation of the golden people, and
progenation of them, is critical for the formation of a beautiful world, and a
world without beauty, is like a drug that has no effect, why take one at all?
Also the existance of jews, the critical eye, and interest in facts, is also
crucial to the new age, both are needed, and the new age will not form
without those two peoples. The jew is the white spiritual light, without
them, the world would revolve in ignorance, but without the tall blonde
haired blue eyed people, there would be no bliss, and both are needed to
live a happy life. Thus, the jew, with his nose, is a good thing, because
everything in the phyiscal world, very deep down, is the opposite of it's
appearance, thus when perfect people live wrong, one may seek one who
looks imperfect, but has the right idea. There are no absoloutes in the
material world, because it goes on, and as time moves, things always
change. Many who are raised religious, and oppressed, go to the sinners,
and find that they're hearts are in the right place. This is the paradox, the
duality of our world, many things are not what they seem, and some are!
So, the perfect image, that of the tall blonde haired blue eyed ones is
crucial, and must be promoted, and accepted, and on the microscopic
level, if there was only perfection, in our material world we could easily be
assulted, with no defense, for perfect looks, and people who can only be

nice, are easily corrupted. So, if you were only good, deep down, you
would not survive one day in this material world So the jew, being the
white spiritual light, but having a image of a big nosed one, is crucial, you
not only get the pure spiritual white light, you also have a big nose to
steer away the enemy, this is crucial. That is also why Church's have
gargoals protecting it. The jew, in our white spiritual light, and big nose,
can steer away the enemy, and at the same time charge the universe with
light, thus the tall blonde haired blue eyed ones must be on the top, and
the jews, on the bottom, only in this way is regeneration of the universe
possible, with beauty, truth, and defense.
The highest ranking angle, the soul who was incarnated in Germany, was
in a former life James the Just, the brother of Jesus, this is why he loved
him so much!
He is back, he was born in 1948, the year Israel became a state, on the
summer solstice June 21st, a very mystical and powerful birthday! He is a
askenazi jew this time, and he struggled to be a musician, and latter found
his "other life" as James the Just, leader of the Nazirenes. He suffered
persecution for being a jew in the white christian south, and is very
different person from the person he was in his last life. He has learned his
lesson, and many past life regressions revealed he was Adolf Hitler. He is a
very powerful and old soul. And wants to save as many or more lives than
he took last time. When he was a child, and his jewish relatives would
watch shows on the third reich, as they were cursing at the screen, he told
me he always felt liberated, very good, and did not know why. His aunt,
who may have been a psycic used to point her finger at him and say
HITLER! really loud! She knew who he was, but loved him anyway, she
loved him very much....sometimes she would squeeze him, as many
jewish women do, one time she squeezed his wrist so hard she drew
blood. One time she requested that he kiss her, and he said....grandma,
kiss my ass! He was close friends with Jimi Hendrix before he was famous
and took acid with him, and lived in the same house with him, one night
on LSD Hendrix told him....."you know the Kennedy assasination and the
crucifiction? SAME THING!" He did not know what to say in response, now
he knows what hendrix was talking about! He was apart of the sixties
band the Left Banke, and met many players. Somehow he never made it,
and all who knew him thought he would one day. He has not given up, and
will rise again very soon! Also, while has freinds of all shades, when it
comes to romance and reproduction, he believes "that his offspring should
resemble his ansestors". He never had a non-white girlfriend, he has only
dated jewish and non-jewish white girls. He has all the strength from all his
lives, and this time he will make it, and get it right!
Savitri Devi was a goddess of the Meditarainian, she was known only
among the peoples of the meditarainian and india. She had no connection
to the peoples of asia, africa, the native americas, or the northern
europeans, even though, the northern europeans were her favorite people.
The Egyptians knew her as Isis, the mother goddess, the persians knew
her as Ishtar, the cannanites knew about her, and regulated her to a
fertility goddess, The greeks knew her as Sophia. The rosecrucians
describe Sophia as "the mother of all living creatures on heaven and

earth". India knew her as Satya, the woman who ebodied the age of light,
the one who would instruct kalki, the one who would break the dark age,
similar to the way the second coming of Jesus christ is described in
revelation, both kalki and the second coming of christ ride on a white
horse and slay all the demons, also, and most importantly related to the
Messiah of the Essenes, the one who would break the dark age, and usure
in the age of light, and the Essenes. As a goddess of the meditarainian,
she chose to dwell with the jews, for she felt they were the only ones
concerned with white spirituality a "light in the mist of carnels". For the
others of the meditarainian, eternity was personified only in the material
world, with few ecceptions, the jews however understood eternity both as
a presence in the material and spiritual world, thus the white spiritual
light, and the golden light of the matertial world were celebrated, the
celebration of life and light was they're message to the meditarainian.
That was back then. When she incarnated as woman in the 20th century,
her hatred for humanity reached a level never precidented, for in the past,
she never hated humanity, she just saw that some are blind, and others
are not, but she saw beauty in all people, as she saw it in all of nature,
sure she knew certain individuals had sight, and certain peoples more
sight than others, but she hated no one. As a woman in the 20th century
she could not behold man, because he had become a snide unatural and
conceded beast, for who she could not behold. From early childhood she
realized this. In 1926, while on a visit to palestine, with her Church group,
she found a arab copy of mein kampf, and identified her saviour right
away, it was there in palestine that she became a national socialist, or as
she said "realized that she had always been one". Her awakening occured
in palestine. She stayed there for months and had the vision of her
saviour. As I said, she was always loyal to whatever nationality she born in.
In her last life, she was Italian, French, and English. She had viking blood
from her mother! However, she could not find a nation that she wanted to
go with, for her ideals did not corespond to Italy, France, or England, but
as she was latter to find out, Germany and India! Also picking up the
terminology of Nazism she came to see herself as a "Aryan", not only did it
imply her ideals, it also gave her a strong racial identity. She knew who
she was, as she herself stated, she was a "little dark haired dark eyed
woman of the south"......but she loved the nordics and wanted their race
to replace the current white human race. When the masons, and the
international community said "humanity" they meant white humanity, it
never applied to non-white peoples. Back then, masons did not admit
jews, or any other non-whites. When the masons accused the nazis of
"crime against humanity", what they meant was "crimes against white
humanity", for Churchill was a mason, and he bragged about enslaving
and exterminating all non-whites, and bragged about the superiority of the
Anglo-Saxons over all white peoples. I guess being part Italian, gave
Savitri Devi a reason to hate white humanity, in any case she wanted
them replaced as a ruling force by the nordics, tall blonde haired blue
eyed shining ones of pure golden conceiousness, and calmness of blue
eyes, this was the race she wanted to rule Europe, not "white people",
"crackers" "white bread", "white sugar", refined, diluted whites, the fake
white race. The main occult group in Germany, the Thule society had a
very important caption, it asked "are you blonde? Then you are in
danger!"......that is so true, blondes have a pure conceiousness that should
gaurded against all who are dark. It is a pureness of conceiousness, I don't
think blonde jews should mix with the blonde nordics, just as no one with

dark hair, not even Hitler, should mix with nordic blondes. The people of
the sun, must be protected, and the purity of their conceiousness must be
preserved, and they should replace the white human race, and the last
rights of the non-blondes, should be for the best among us to pass down
our ideals to them, so they can live by them, and replenish the earth,
vegetarianism will activate the shining gold in them, and so they will
protect the animals, the earth, and be a sun to the world, ensuring the
purity of their race will allow beauty to permantly dwell on this earth, and
vegetarianism will ensure their permanent survival for the harmonious
nature they will remember and stay with, for they will live what they are, if
they serve life, and themselves, they will translate what they are into
action and with their glorious existance they existance. The Golden Age
Savitri Devi wanted that more than anything, she loved the golden ones,
the people of the sun, for she knew they were THE MOST VALUABLE of all
the human races and all life in the universe, if they followed cosmic and
superior moral laws, their survival would be ensured, by preserving their
race, and living the right ideals they would never fade away, and never
Savitri Devi did not relate to the nationalities she was born into, and so
she could not feel loyal to them, but as a Aryan, she knew that was what
she was, and felt she could work with and support the third reich and she
wanted the blondes to preserve their kind, she did not want the sun to
fade away, but to live for all eternity!!!
Savitri Devi was a brown haired one, and her love went to the blondes, the
animals, all life on earth, the earth itself, and eternity without end.
Anyway....back to the boring shit:
Savitri Devi was usually loyal to whatever nationalites she was born into,
and as the Aryans are a race, the Ancient Hebrews was a race. All the
cultures of the meditarainian knew of her, because they had physically
known her. As a Egyptian Goddess she fought the enemies of Egypt, as a
Persian, she fough the enemies of persia, if the persians were fighting the
greeks, she would fight the greeks, as a Greek, if they were going to war
against the persians, she would fight the persians, regardless of the fact
that in her other life, she had been a persian. As a Hebrewess, or Jewess,
she fought the enemies of ancient israel. She had been Sarah, Deborah,
Rachel, and Mary Magdaline, the lover and highest dicsiple of Yeshua, she
shared her wisdom with him, and he gave his love to her. In most of her
hebrew lives she can be recognized by the presence of the Egyptian Sun
God "RA" in her name; thus she had been "SaRAI, or SaRAh, DeboRAh,
RAchel, and probably many others.....she stayed with the jews. After
Christianity became the cult of Rome, she was furious. I don't know what
she went through, I do know that as Savitri Devi she cried tears at the
thought of what was done to the northern europeans.
As a National Socialist, a devotee of Hitler, and lover of the tall, healthy,

nobel, blonde haired blue eyed ones, she was a orthodox nazi.
She did not want to live in a world without a the sun, instead she wanted
the sun to shine as bright as possible, and never die, she wanted them
healthy, and preserved!
Ooops, I forgot, I could not help bringing the sun in, bringing back the
golden ones into the conversation.
We were talikn bout the boring stuff right?
Savitri Devi developed interest in the Essenes and Israelite history, finding
it again after a lifetime, and perhaps many lifetimes of putting it in the
past with the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls. As soon as Allen Allegro
wrote his first book on the Dead Sea Scrolls, she picked up a copy, from
then on she would read books on Judaism written mostly by gentile
authors who were jew lovers, and considered their opinions to be the only
valid ones, when concerning israelite history, and ofcourse, the existance
of the Essenes, a sect never mentioned to her in childhood, certainly not
by her aunt, who would force her to read old and new testament, full of
carnige and animal sacrifice, with no redemeing quality, only irredemable
hypocracy and double talk that drove her to unpleasantness and into the
heathan world of paganism.
After the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, after readin Allegros book on
the Scrolls, and Essenes she started to take a closer look at the Anceint
Israelites, as her focus was now on the Essenes, who she probably had
never heard of before Allegros book, and by the late seventies or early
eighties, I don't remember when some lady friend gave her a copy of
Robert Ambeline book, and she began to read them, and started to
remember the extreme hebrew nationalism of her other lives, and
concluded that if Jesus did exist, he a hebrew nationalist, fighting for his
race, against Rome, and that every nazi should respect him, but that he
was no teacher of any philosphy, that was ambelines view, and that was
the view she chose. She took the view that Saul of Tarsus was the villain,
not Jesus, or, as she called him "Yeshua".
She never lived long enough to read Robert Eisenmans books, or the
books my father will be publishing, one is already in print, called "The
Gospel of The Nazirenes". If she had this information, she would have
changed her view of the historical jews, and that of the historical jesus,
seeing him and the jews spiritually, intelectually, and idealistically serious
souls, who lived as vegetarians, and were against all cruelty to animals.
She would have made a home with them. She did not live long enough, it's
that simple, she died in 83, too late. However, being incarnated as a
jewess, was not somthing she saw as impossible for herself, as she herself
told someone, "If I were a Jewess, or a servant of the jews, I would use the
fact that you say the jews against you" she continued: "I would say, we
jews not white". Those were her words, very powerful indeed!
If she reicarnated as a Jewess this time, she would not allow the white
nationalists, neo-nazis, or anyone like them to judge her.
No one could judge her, no not one!

Savitri Devi called the Essenes "the only religious authorities who were
avid for wisdom and well informed of the time period in which they lived".
In fact she valued them so much, that she insisted, that if they did not
mention Jesus, he either "made no impression upon the religous minds of
his time, or simply never existed!". Suffice it to say, The Essenes were not
"12 people in the desert", historians of the period report that they
numbered 5000. That is not a little sect, all jews of the period knew of
them, and the Nazirenes, decendants of David, made poor after the
invasion of Pompie, were initiated by the Essenes, and established a
colony for them and their decendants, which they called nazireth. In
Nazireth they were free to reproduce in full freedom the progenation of
their kind, the decendants of David and Solomon, and free to practice their
new ideals, the very ideals they learned from the Essenes, who were
spirits of light, angels in human form. Should not supprize any one that the
Essenes were strickt vegetarians, and opposed the animal sacrifices in the
temple. Being fully spiritual, they did not produce offspring, for they
wanted to return to the realm of light, from which they came. The
Nazirenes strongly believed in the reproduction of their kind, in order to
pass down their ideals to future generations, in order to ensure the
progenation of future living agents of light to effect the future, for the
ensured existance of the light, they reproduced religiously as a command
from their concience. The Nazirenes adopted vegetarianism. The Davidian
seed always loved animals, as David himself always protected the animals
of the territories he conqured. Solomon loved animals as well, and all of
nature both David and Solomon wrote poems of praise to, preffering
animals and the natural world to all of humanity, they found solice in
nature and the animals, for nature and animals were divorce from the
world of men, and Solomon and David, like Savitri Devi and Hitler did not
like men, but preffered angles, animals, and the natural world, to the world
of men. The creation of Israel was a answer to the corruption of the
meditarainian, it was never intended to apply to any other people than
those of the meditarainian, as the hebrews were the spiritually purest ones
of the meditarainian, all others had to go, with few exeptions. Israel was
never meant to apply to northern europeans, and certainly not to africa,
asia, or the native americas. The ideals of Israel, were never lived up to,
eccept by the Essenes, and the Nazirenes. Nazirene comes from the
blending of two semetic words: "Nazirite", and "Essene".....Nazirite means
"one who sets himself apart for the sake of the Lord", and Essene simply
means "purist". The Essenes were the only pure white spiritual people in
history, they were the real thing. Savitir Devi did not feel it neccessary to
reveal that they were Hebrews, and Spiritual Ultra Zionists, because they
were a community of perfect people. They were real white people.
I don't know if Savitri Devi is reincarnated, I assume she is, she may have
reincarned in 2005-6, because that is when the Savitri Devi site was put
up by Gabriel, a slavic paganess who was impressed by her ideas.
I do know that Hitler, soul who went by that name in his last life IS HERE,
he is my father, and has gone by many names, his first one was Samazi,
leader of the angles and most briliant angle in heaven, latter called
Lucifer, son of the morning, also AbRAham, who wife was SaRAh, and
who's son was Issac, I think I was him, the son of promise, the product of
the union of the two most briliant and idealistic agents of light in the

universe. I am to lead the future, and will make my own rules, as only I
can, and none other should dare mimick me, or they will suffer greatly,
they will suffer spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically.
As you know, now that I, my father, and my "virgin mother" who I know
not yet, but am yet to meet if I am lucky, the one woman who gave birth
to me (in the realm of ideas, values, morals, ideals, and intellect, whom I
channel, just as Solomon did), are jews, do you really think we will allow a
bunch of anti-semites, most of them who cannot touch our ideals with a
ten foot pole, and who really are not for the pure progenation of a tall
blonde haired race, harm us or our people the jews? We jews!?
We will never allow that, you bought our propoganda for truth, and it is all
your fault, the issue my father and mother had with the jews was very
personal to their souls expereinces, and resulted from thousands of years
of faliure, and bad luck allowed them to do what they did, and in this life
they will condem anyone who tries to copy them. Even as in their last life,
they maintained they were right, and really wanted a jew free world, and
would never deny it to their last breath, and would fight all with
unimaginable hatred anyone who tried to stick up for the jews, infact they
would have fought me, however, this time the man who led the third riech
in his last life is half Jewish on his MOTHERS SIDE!
Interesting to me, that as Savitri Devi in one sentence explained how she
could imagine herself as a Jewess in a past and future life, apparantly
Hitler too, in one line, prophecised his future incarnation in one sentence.
In Table Talk, at the very end, right before his tirade against Saul of Tarsus,
a hatred he had since his life as James the Just, Bishop of Jerusalem, only
one allowed to enter the Holy of Hollies, where he would pray everyday for
the Jewish people, so much he developed callousess, the Holy One who
was the brother of Jesus. Actually Jesus's real name is Yeshua, just as
James's real name is Jakob, Holy One of Israel, he is Israel! The one who
was Hitler in his last life is ISRAEL!.....I am rambling on....back to the point
of this paragraph. Right before his tirade against his foe Saul of Tarsus,
and his followers: The West, who he looked to save, and resuce from the
clutches a Saul of Tarsus.......he claimed that Jesus's mother was probably
a Jewess, this was to be HIS FUTURE LIFE, for this time around HE is half
Jewish on his MOTHERS SIDE. As he wanted no Aryan impregnated by a
Jew, he did not want to think that jesus's father was aryan.......the Italian
man can reproduce with a Jewess, nothin lost there, infact some gain is
expected....hahaha. However the northern europeans do have something
to lose by reproducing with jews, just as jews have much to lose by
reproducing with non-jewish whites. Even sexual relations not resulting in
children should never happen, for the northern european loses their purity,
just as a jew loses their purity. It is a spiritual and physical poisoning, and
should never happen, neither a northern european to a jew, or a jew to a
northern european, for the spiritual and material purity of these two
peoples is so important for the new age, the people of the moon, the jews,
and the people of the sun, must maintain their spiritual and material
Savitri Devi critisized neo-nazis all the time, and stated, that if she were to
reincarnate, knowing nothing about her past life or Hitler, she would not
only be turned off by them, she fight them, even as a gentile she would

fight them, imagine how much stronger she would fight you if she were
born a jewess this time! She would waste you all! As she said, she "would
either be a jewess, or a servant of the jews", either way, she would be
1000% against you, and without her blessing, you have no future.
I don't expect any of you to beilieve me, you would be mentally unstable if
you did, so you will continue, and that will pass too. I don't even know why
I am writing to yall, just born I guess. I'm in a rockin roll band, and we
haven't been getting gigs, so I write to you, hopefully you found it
interesting. I do support you, just not when it comes to violence, as I
support no one who is violent, and would not support anyone who is
violent, not even Savitri Devi, however I recognize her love, power, and
hope, and understand we all as individuals have things we are capable of
and things we are not. Me, myself am incapable of any violence, and
incapable of supporting any violence. Although I love my people, I
disagree with the way the Sate of Israel was formed, just as I disagree with
any violence, not matter where it is. Although I want the progenation of a
tall blonde haired blue eyed race, I don't think it is worth one life, no not
one. It must be done non-violently, or not at all. I decry all the crimes
against humanity commited by the nazis, and what they did to my people
in particular, can never be forgiven or forgotten, as Savitri Devi said in
regard to the bombing of dresden......never forgive, never forget!
Humanity should never forget the crimes against humanity commited by
the Third Reich.
I am a man above time primarliy, even though I can also be in time, or
against time, depending on the circumstances and what is demanded of
me, in any case, I never participate in or support violence of any kind.
Abrahma and Sarah are my parents, and learned much irreplacable
information from them, and I often failed at living up to their ideals, but I
do have disagreements with them, especially concerning violence. TO ME,
I believe that I am the last avatar, the son of the sun, as I am Abraham's
and Sarah's son, I will continue to work to make their dreams come true.
The works of Savitri Devi, was ONE LONG LETTER TO ME, and that's
Well she can give inspiration to others, like northern european paganists,
Hindu nationalists, but neo-nazis should not be reading her books, they
are not worthy of them, her, Hitler, or the real nazis, who died off long ago.
The neo-nazis are fakes, like the fake christians that arived after the

Nazirene revolution failed, a fake replacement, and I, as Savitri Devi's son

will never allow them to do that, and as a jew, and now that my father is
jewish, and I'm sure my mommy, is a jewess this time. We will discredit
you whereever, whenever we can. Well, at least me, and my mother.....my
father does not even know you exist. He does not waste his precious time
fighting small battles, only me and my mommy do that, and every small
victory is symbolic, being won in the realm of the infinitely small, it exists,
and has power, like the jews, and all human beings above time, our
victories have symbolic meaning. Savitri Devi admitted that Hitler was not
the final avatar, but that he was to come, and that when he did, she would
look forward to the new day, the new dawn, the new age which will never
end, but go on into eternity! The final avatar, who is me, as Savitri Devi
said, "will not spare one of his enemies", and he will be "more lightning
that Hitler", and that I am, and I do it all for the sun, the people of the sun,
the race of the sun, the animals, the earth, and the race of the moon, the
jews. The moon symbolizes spiritual white light in the material darkness,
as the Gnostics understand, the material creation is a place of ignorance
and darkness, even the light here is not spiritual, but material, the
material world is one of darkness, even so, we love the drug of life, being
spiritual beings, we know it is a grand illusion, and we love every second
of it; and material light in the physical world is the only thing that makes
the illusion of life worth it, therefor we support the progenation of the tall
blonde haired blue eyed ones. The Jews are a spiritual white light in the
material world. Just a the tall blonde haired blue eyed ones fill the world
with material light, the Jews bring spiritual light to the world.
So, expecting none of you to believe, infact i would not respect you if you
beleived anything contary to the spirit of science, which say only that
which can be proven, exists in reality, I will tell you what I know, expecting
you to see me as crazy, for you would be insane if you did not, and would
deserve no respect, just as smart jews see me as insane, so should you,
you need to be brought up to their level, all you gullible gentiles, must
reach their level, however, here is my LIE:
I am the final avatar, I am Kalki, I am a quarter Jewish-German-Russian, a
quarter Sicilian, a eight Irish, a eight English, and a Quarter Dutch, and I
am also related to Charlamange, my fathers brother, who has no Jewish
blood, besides the David line, is a mason, he is so funny, and wrong about
one thing, when he told me the other night "Jews are not white"......so his
masonic group believes. We jews invented the white race, we were THE
FIRST WHITES, and our race started with the White Brotherhood of Egypt,
we were the first white race, the rest are false copies. We Jews are the
White Race, the rest of you are all non-whites. Our mission, is through light
work in the saftey of our own home, in that way we will fill creation with
pure, spiritual, white light, of which at the moment, is only a spark in
them, through us Jews, it will be their whole person, that is our mission.
So, I guess the tall blonde haired blue eyed ones will be Silver and Gold,
Spiritually White Power will increase their material Goldeness, they will
shine, grow strong, and live forever, they will be the sun that never burns
out, that never fades away, through spiritual white light from the jews,
these golden ones will shine on forever, and will maintain they're glow,
throught the white light of the jews, the sun will never fade away, but be
strengthend, and shine on forever!

Yeah, so we still here, My Father will arrive soon, whether you like it or not,
just as he served the jews last time whether he liked it or not, you will
serve me and my father, and you will serve the jews, whether you like it or
The man who gave my esoteric education, my father, and the woman who
gave me my idealistic education, that woman is Savitri Devi!
The Man who was liberated when the Beatles arrived in America, and lived
the life a musican for years with much success, just not enough to be
famous, but he will fight on, and write more songs, and more books about
Jesus and the Nazirenes.
That man is my father, yes, my father, in his last life was Adolf Hitler, and
he is back, only this time as a jew, and he is coming for you! Born in 1948,
the old soul, who has very rich incarnations, one as the brother of Jesus,
and he has been very significant and auspicous figures in history, he is a
great soul. Luckily he is jewish this time, and no one will escape his
judgement, for it is true, it is vegetarian, it is Nazirene, and it is coming for
you! He is a angle, who incarnates from time to time, to fulfill a purpose,
and live the life of a musician, he has had many women, many love afairs,
and all the women who he dates become obsessed with him. My favourite
story of father is this one girlfriend, who called him one night, and said
"are you jesus, are you hitler, I can't get you out of my mind!"......splendid
story. Well, this is bad news for the anti-semites, bad new in deed.....but
you had a good time right? From 2003 till now you have been able to
reminis, well, it is time you knew the truth, and I am happy to provide it.
Sorry gentiles.....boo hoo! You lose!
I thank you for not spewing hatred towards me, or the ONE AGENT who will
bring the whole corrupt system to it's knees, through his words, and
values he will give the world a genuine code to live by, it will be a choice,
he will not mearly destroy, leaving the people with nothing, but will reveal
the masters of lies, he will accomplish this by opening the eyes of the
blind, prying them open, so they will see how evil those who are
controlling them really are, when they see this they will be scared at first,
they're heart will begin to pump the way one does when they realize
someone they've known for years is a murderer, but after they wipe away
their tears, they will begin to focus, and when they do a sense of joy and
strength will flow through their hearts and spirits, and they will listen to
the agent of light and the true law, and the kingdom of heaven will take
it's first steps, and the wicked masters will have no more power over the
people. The people deserve the truth, they are honest, work hard, and all
they wish for is some respect, and a decent salery, they don't ask for
much. They are innocent, and were led to a dangerous forest, and they will
be forgiven, but those who led them to danger will be cast out of the new
garden, left with no more power. They have already been forgiven, and
those deceptive shepards who led them ashtray, have already been
condemed. They will never have your soul, and if we gain enough of a
critical mass, while following the law, we will preserve our lives, and our
souls, and the kingdom of heaven will in time be both a spiritual and
earthly-material kingdom, and this will be the last generation to be owned.
For now we must concentrate on what can be saved, the world is running

on it's dangerous course, so let it run, give it correct advise at all times,
and don't think that you can really change anything, you have a right to
guide yourself, and you have a right to tell the world the truth. The wicked
may run the world, but they do not run you or me. Never allow them to
control you, you control you, if you teach your wife and children these
righteous princibles, they will gladly accept, will never be tempted to
rebel, and no one will be able to tell them otherwise. You own your soul,
mind, body and your spirit and soul.
I pray that you all enjoy 420! Whether it is to remember our saviour, the
one who loved us, the one who cared, and the one who tried to stop the
ocean of time, Adolf Hitler was his name, the angle sent to the world, the
voice in the wilderness, urging all mankind to repentance and rebellion
against the crooked rulers, the just one who did not spare the rod of
punishment, as a sign of love for all humanity, the one who also had the
time to love animals and children, who loved the talented, and the Aryan
Race, and whether they know it our not, also the Jewish race; the one who
loved his brother Yeshua and struck out at all who hated him, with tears in
his eyes and his heart and soul showed the world where they were
headed, and made war against them out of sorrow and disapointment, the
one who cried when the jewish people deceived themselves, and rejected
all the agents of light, and his brother, ending with the murder of James
the Just, the one who worked so hard for the jewish people, only to be
murdered by the Sanhedrin. James the Just, the brother of Yeshua, the
Bishop of Jerusalem, leader of the Nazirenes, and who guided the followers
of Yeshua after he was crucified, James the Just who was a life long
Nazirite and Vegetarian, the brother of Yeshua and leader of the Nazirenes.
The Nazirenes were the decendents of the Davidic royal family, who were
made poor when Pompie invaded Judea, as poor people, they found the
Essenes, vegetarianism and true spiritual living, being loyal to the law of
progenation they did not adopt celibicy like the Essenes, but they did
adopt vegetarianism and opposion to sacrifice as the Essenes. The history
channel presents the Essenes as if they a group of 12 people in the desert,
like the followers of Jesus, the historians of the 1st century say the
Essenes numbered 5000, that is many more people than followed Jesus,
the Essenes were very well known by all Jews of the period, and the
Nazirenes, the people of King David sought refuge from the world and
created their own town called Nazireth, a home for Nazirite Essenes of the
famliy of David. They were very beautiful, they were a people where every
woman looked like depictions of Mary, and every man looked like Jesus, a
people who chose vegetarianism and opposed the sacrifices. The whole
history of the period was delibritly covered up, taking James the just, the
brother of Jesus out of the story was biggest coverup of all time. James's
followers were vegetarians, serious about spiritual progress, and the
intelectual powerhouses of their time; and the lies told about who and
what the Nazirenes really were has caused many to not have clue what
was happening back then. Again, no one should have known what was
happening in 1st century Judea, what should it have mattered to northern
europeans, africans (who are not Ethiopian) and other peoples what was
happening in first century judea? What relevance could it possibly have for
peoples who lived as hunter gatherers? Well, Rome lied about it all, so now
the truth concerns everyone; to turn the slaves of rome away, and show
them the truth, and the real heavenly law of the pleadies and orion, and
set them on a course that will benefit them, as they live in this hell, they

can know how to defy the wicked shepards and live in the new earth; they
no longer have choice, what was done to them was a shamfull crime, but
they are no longerhunter gatherers and must wake up to where they are
right now. Rome gave them heavenly sunglasses while they instructed
them tocreate hell on earth, and now they are being blamed for it, and
there is a way to liberty, and it is the way of the Nazirenes. Jesus, Jesus's
brothers James The Just, and Jude were raised as Nazirenes, and were
raised vegetarian, and that was the primary message they were giving
back to the hebrew race, the only race trusted to maintain vegetarianism,
righteousness, and cleanliness 100% James the Just, the one who prayed
so much for the jewish people so much his knees developed callouses, the
just one who was so revered that he was the only one allowed in the Holy
of Hollies; or whether it is to enjoy the freedom of marijuana. Have a
happy 420, and may Wisdom, identified in Solomon's proverbs as the one
who was with the Creator from the beginning, as a co-creator, helping him
create the animals, plants, and angles. The Animals, Plants, and Angles
were created before Adam and Eve, infact the plants and animals were
created before the angles, "who were made in the image and likeness of
the Creator, male and female they were created" Wisdom, who was with
the Creator from the begining, instructed him never to create Adam, she
knew it was grave mistake, and she refused to have any part in the
creation of Adam, she told her Creator it would be a big mistake. The
Creator did not listen her, and existance on earth has been a drag ever
since they were instructed by wicked forces. When Adam was created,
Wisdom pledged to defend Animals and Aryans, and have them guided by
Angles like herself, as the Aryans make material existance a calm,
peacefull paradise, the angles would be able to rest. To accomplish this
she needed a powerful nation of the best, most healthy, the most briliant,
inventive, and genius race who had honest hearts and would gladly exept
her instruction, and they need to be led by her agent, the Holy One Israel,
Jakob, and he led the Germans for 12 years, unforchunatly the dream was
put off, but it will be a reality, and as Hitler said, as he had said in every
life as jacob, Abraham, and King David, but which was edited by the
writers of the hebrew scriptures, he always said: " one thing I can predict
to the eaters of meat, that the world of the future will be vegetarian!" A
few verses before that, he praised the judgments of his son Solomon,
according to him they were "definitive". Wisodm, ever since the creation of
adam, had a plan, that was to exile the corrupt masters and humanity
together, and rebuilt her creation with beautiful perfect animals and
aryans. Wisdom who in her last incarnation was a woman who went by the
name Savitri Devi, a fannatical defender of Animals and Aryans, a life long
vegetarian and animal rights activist, a woman who fed stray cats, and
bought meat, cooked it, and served it too them! A woman eternally defiant
against humanity and it's wicked rulers-instructors; and a militant woman
who had unconditional compassion for animals only, and wanted to see
the Aryan race destroy the systems of death set up by the fake white race
led by masons, who coined the term "white race"....a race that "whited
out" numerous animal species, and caused chaos in the earth, not by any
direct fault of their own however, they were instructed by wicked masters,
they must be re-educated to serve life, and not destroy it, if they
accomplish this, they will be the people of the sun, as the jews will be the
people of the moon, giving white light in the spiritual darkness of the
material world, and the aryans, the people of the sun of the material world
will give warmth and light to all living creatures, all races, to the whole of

creation, this is indeed the highest calling, and they can do it, they just
have to do it......right now! As soon as you walk out the door, visit a animal
shelter, witness for yourself the horrible lives lived by animals in America
and around, and ask "what can i do to change this?" Every little bit counts,
never think it doesen't, just as the righteous actions of righteous nazirenes
and all jews make a difference, and would have made a huge difference if
those silly people had only lived the life they were created to live. Aryans
must improve life around them, and imporve themselves simotaniously, if
they do this they will shine as bright as the sun, just as the Hebrews are
Silver, the Aryans are Gold, so if we live up to our calling we will all be rich
indeed, and very blessed. The fake white race will be replaced by a sunny,
healthy, morally superior race of golden haired aryans who will plant trees,
outlaw cutting trees, not interfere with the systems of intelegence on
earth or the universe, but serve them, serve the animal kingdoms, live in
truth and be vegetarians and be custodians of the planet, caretakers,
humble servants and stewarts of creation, and through vegetarianism
restore creation and upgrade their already perfect race, this was the grand
plan, and it makes whatever was going on in Judea 2000 years ago or
before look like a depressing memory only. Savitri Devi preached that
reality with every beat of her Aryan heart, this was as much her plan as
was Hitlers, as it was the Creator of the Pleadians (Hebrews), and Orionites
(Nordics)...we have the same Creator, now lets live by his laws! Savitri
Devi knew this grand plan of a perfect tall blonde haired blue eyed race
protecting the planet and restoring the world with justice, compassion, and
love backed up with power was much more appealing than the struggle of
some desert wanderers and their "marajes", "visions", and "lawmakers",
no one, neither jews nor gentiles of any color should ponder over these
delusion prone desert wanderers, it is a waste of time, meant to be
forgotten forever. Remember the tall blonde haired blue eyed race
improving the world, that should be the present! The Hebrews had the
information, like the greatest angles, the idea was to pass this information
to the Tall Blonde Haired Blue Eyed Aryans, but the wrong information was
passed down, info that looked divine to nobel hunters and warriors, but
angles and righteous jews know the information communicated is ALL
The priests of King Saul, the one who tried to have David murdered, his
decendents who wrote the hebrew scriptures, edited the prophesies, took
out the vegetarian demand of Moses to the hebrews, writing in animal
sacrifice at the end of every fucking speech by a prophet. Because the
Bible is written in the language of light, the same language Hitler spoke,
both in mien Kampf, Table Talk, and Memories of a Confidant and all
through his life, the Bible is written in this language, but ideals of darkness
are suggested and promoted, completly covering any light in the Bible in
darkness, and keeping humanity from progressing, and keeping the wicked
masters in control, and when they are in control, animals suffer, righteous
jews suffer, angles suffer, the earth suffers, and humanity suffers, it is a no

win deal for all invloved, if we can turn it around, we will be blessed, and
the only loser will be the wicked masters, who, right now are the only
winners! Like the prophets, many of the kings of Ancient Israel were
angles sent by Jehovah, the creator of the Pleadies and Orion and the
angelic races who dwell on planets in those two star systems, and after
thousands of years of faith in the little hebrews, that they were a kind and
righteous little people, only acting out and going away from a perfect law
out of restlessness; The Angles sent by the Creator to lead them as a
spiritual and life-centered people, a little people who would serve the
powers of light, life, and morality in the mist of fallen, spiritually unclean
peoples like the Greeks and Romans, all exiled races of atlantis....the
hebrew people, while a small people, were given quite a littleallencompassing assignment, it was to be a example, and a spiritual white
light to the future aryan race, a moral guide to the new earth, when
passed to the aryans, and only then will it be a reality....we true jews hope
for this awaited day with all our hearts. The Angles and the Aryans, while
the first darlings of the creator, were capable of falling from grace. The
Hebrew people created to be a people incapable of falling from grace, they
were not to race mix, they were not to eat meat, they were to be
physically and spiritually clean and incapable of falling into illusion like the
aryans and angles, a wise people, a mature people, a knowlegable people
of modest stature with good hearts and healthy minds. They were to be
the race at the bottom of the hexagram, influencing creation from a very
small point, a race of light workers who would usure in a new age from the
realm of the infinitly small spiritual point of light, pumping creation with
love and light, thus serving all life, and the tall blonde haired blue eyed
Aryans are on the top of the Hexagram, while receiving moral guidance
and instruction from the race created for their salvation, the Hebrews.
With this moral and spiritual white light of the Hebrews, the Aryans will be
upgraded, saved, and will be righteous stewarts of a new earth. This was
the Creators plan, as most of his plans, nothing goes as planned,
particurally because of freewill and the deceptions which are successful on
the particurally because of freewill and the deceptions which are
successful on the part of sinster beings, the worst of the fallen angles and
the dark spirits activated when the children of light bring them to life
throught they sins, and on the part of the hebrews, all the actions which
they were created and trusted, even above the angels to do. The Hebrews,
like some fallen angles fell from the station originally assigned to them, it
was a little but all encompassing station, that station was to be striktly a
moral light...driven by righteousness according to Creator. They were a
people who were meant to stay home, not go on adventures, and defile
themselves with any aspects of the outside world. They were not chosen
to physcialy serve the animal kingdoms, and creation, as is the station
assigined to The Tall Blonde Haired Blue eyed Aryans, the hebrews are the
small voice, the spiritual guide to the aryans, as aryans should be
vegetarians, hebrews should be vegetarians and never kill unless for self
defense, never for food, not only is it unclean, it is cruel, and hebrews are
not to be cruel or unclean; and so they cannot eat meat, they also were
not designed to involve themselves in the outside world, be it with
gentiles, aryans, angles, or animals.....they are the light to them all, but
any physical contact with non-jews makes dirt show on them, and so it is
not allowed.....any hebrew who has a natural love for animals, should
however be allowed to help the Aryans save the animals, but it is not in
their natural way to go out into the the world, they are not to be lost, and

were created to be only with their own people, exclusivly their own people,
bringing light to all creation by their life and their white light which they
are the only people born with, through righteous living they are to be
microscopic lightworkers filling all creation with light as they are the only
children of light. So, they're little role is not so little, after many
generations they developed forgetfullness and the angles sent to
physically lead and guide them like King David, Deborah, other prophets,
and agents of light, Nazirites who were vegetarians and fully charged in
white light felt they wasted thousands of years of time, and knew that the
aryan race personified in the tall blonde haired blue eyed people had
infinite possibilites, they were not annoying, moaning desert wanderers
who only wanted protection and had no interest in fufilling the small but
meaningful task aloted to them, a people who cared only for their own
physical and mental well being, and would destroy all creation, if it meant
peace of mind for them, a people who were afraid to make any sacrifices
on their own part, and let innocent animals, who are not even gentiles who
threatened them, just innocent animals like sheep and goats, and cows
take the place of the sacrifices that were to be on their part, in order to
keep spiritually. The Angles who incarnated as jewish leaders thousands of
years ago left the hebrews, and were very happy to chose the aryans and
really, a race of tall bonde haired blue eyed Aryans saving the world is a
much more attractive picture and would have been the most awesome
reality if it had succeeded, and i hope it still can succeed. That is much
cooler than some tragic story of a bunch of confused desert wanderers,
and the thing that could have made these otherwise insignificant people
significant, they erased from their own record and did not live, and so
some angles thought they should disapear, and the tall blonde haired blue
eyed, aryans, led by the agents of light and life, would save the world
without any help from the "jews". The morals incoaded in the hebrew dna
are the morals of the creator, and he existed before they did, so through
his specially selected angles, sent to earth in human form, the aryans and
all of creation can be saved without the help of the race that was designed
to be a moral microscopic light to aryans, in order to guide them in the
moral pursuits that will better them, and the world around them, and
awaken them from sleep, and guide them in the values of eternity, the
values all angles know. This is the divine plan for the Aryans, the TALL
happy to forget about the jews, and their not so glorious and mostly boring
past, to her, if they had perfect morals which included vegetarianism and
animal rights than these little people would have significance, who cares if
they never built a civilization or had a interesting history, if they were
righteous she would see them with no guile, and would say "these little
hebrews really are doing something out there in the desert, they apear to
the untrained eye to be nobodies, but I see that they have the light".
Instead she was forced to read the Bible by her aunt nora, and from
childhood, she was bored, discusted, and deeply offended by the history of
the jews, liberal values, and Christianity. She had been a significant agent
in ancient isrealite history, playing it's female leader, and her agent Jakob,
was the father of the jews, as she was it's mother. The Creator assigned
Abraham and Sarah to be the material and spiritual father and mother of
the hebrews, and the world, and Sarah, who latter incarnated as Deborah,
Rachel, Sheba ( a gentile who traveled from the ends of the earth to hear
Solomons wisdom. For many years Israel was a refuge for souls who were
serious about righteousness, and she was one of them, she (SaRAh)

helped Abraham create Israel and wanted it to have the ideals of light and
life, vegetarianism was a absoloute for the Hebrews, all righteousness was
to be lived by them, and as she and Abram fled Egypt, after wandering for
years, and seeing the corruption and decadence of the ancient world, they
looked to create a reform movement, and the hebrews were chosen by
Abram and Sarai because they were the only ones abraham and Sarah
trusted to be kind and righteous, and live the ideals of light and
life.....animal rights and vegetarianism were to be a absoloute for the
hebrews. The Hebrews did not keep their vegetarian upringing, and often
broke with the laws of purity designed to keep them healthy, they often
worshiped false gods, and murdered animals for them, and eating their
flesh they incorperated animal sacrifice into their religion, and thus wasted
Sarah's time. Sarah's original name was Wisdom, or Sophia, and the
hebrews adopted her because Solomon praised her so much, and
channled her. She is the wife of the creator, she helped him create the
animals, plants, and angles, and the children of adam she wish never
existed, because existance for her has been hell since they were created,
she needed them to eat from the tree of knowlege, and after that the tree
of life, when they do this, their eyes will be opened, and they will live the
ideals of light and life and will not break the laws of nature, the creator, or
her heart, untill this happens she has no love for humanity, only her
angles, animals, and plants. Her attitude towards the jews is this: if they
don't live the very small and yet important role, to be a small light, and by
their living of light regenerate creation with pure white light, the very
reason for their existance, if they don't live their destiny, or natural and
holy role, she would have no reason for them. She does not like the
children of adam and eve. She was with the Creator from the begining, she
helped him create man in the image of the Creator, male and female they
were created, latter down the line adam and eve came along, and she still
longs for them to finally eat from the tree of knowlege, and then the tree
of life, they still have not eaten yet, so she waits. the story of adam and
eve was a prophesy, humanity is in the garden of eden right now, only it is
not garden of eden but a hell, and humanity is perplexed and don't know
why everything is screwed up; the false religious leaders told many lies,
the truth is, when humanity finnally eats from the tree of knowlege they
will see the wicked leaders for what they are, and will defy them, and
humanity will change the way they live, the way they eat, and the way
they treat each other and will be worthy to eat from the tree of life.
Humanity can create the new earth, it is up to us. So, just as Adolf Hitler
had been Abraham the father of Judaism and the Jewish people, Savitri
Devi had been Sarah the mother of the Jewish people, Adolf Hitler was also
David, Jacob and many other figures of israelite history. Abraham and
Sarah reincarnated last time, and saw humanity transgressing, just as they
wandered around and witnessed to decedance and corruption of the
ancient world and chose the hebrews to live by the ideals of light and life,
as Adolf Hitler and Savitri Devi they chose the tall blonde haired blue eyed
Aryans, the best of Northen Europe, and the Germans to fulfill to enact the
plan, much bigger than a little people living right, this race would spread
righteousness all over the earth, with health, beauty, color, and life! This
was no imagination, no "vision", no maraj, this is a awesome possibility,
and should be fulfilled today more than ever! Savitri Devi was Sheba, as
her life as Savitri Devi she had finnaly put the past behind her with all it's
crushed hopes, faliures, and found something much bigger, much better
than some potential light workers in the desert! The Aryan Race! The

sunlit golden children of the sun, if they could only succceed, she would
could relax. As Savitir Devi,she quickly forgot what little international
significance the Hebrews had once under Solomon.
The Angles in jewish human form who had guided the ancient hebrews
after many generations started to feel like they were being used, and after
the faliure 2000 years ago, followed by a expulsion, and scattering of the
Jews, the same angels who had incarnated as hebrew leaders incarnated
as Germans, and founded the National Socialist Movement, National
Socialist means:maintaining natural bonderies, and at the same time
having the love of Jesus for your people. Ancient Israel was to be National
Socialist, and King David was a National Socialist, and under his authority
the hebrews were National Socialist, as opposed to Saul, who was simply a
nationalist. Under King David animals of conquered lands were adopted,
and their lives were always spared, he always spared the lives of animals,
alos he sought peaceful and compassionate relationships with foreign
peoples, even joining the Arabs, while fleeing the threats of Saul, just as
his life as James the just, the enemy and carnel one was a benjaminite,
while fully white, was still carnel, and just as David's enemy was Saul, so
too was James the just's enemy, and Saul in both lives had no
consideration for animals, let alone love for them. the white race has been
following in the way of Saul, both Saul who threatened David, and Saul of
Tarsus who threatened James, threw him down a flight of stairs, and
circumvented everything he tried to do, and opposed his genuine law, that
of absolute animal rights vegetarianism. James The Just never forgot who
Saul of Tarsus was, and what he did, and how he corrupted the teaching of
yeshua, and how he built a organized opposition to everything the
Nazirenes were working so hard to accomplish, like a vegetarian Israel,
and eventually a vegetarian humanity. Even as Adolf Hitler, he never
forgot his enemy, and knew that the white race was under his instruction,
and this is why he made war on the white christians. Being a tolerant man,
he would not have made war on them, but would have continued to voice
his concern about the fact that they were oppressing all life. Hitler hated
Saul, his old foe, and voiced it often, he knew he corrupted Yeshua's
teaching above time, and brought it down in time, and got the white race
in trouble, another joke, misciveous lie on the part of Saul, all to laugh at
those he corrupted, Saul had no mercy, and no compassion for humanity
or anyone or anything. He was the spouter of lies, the wicked priest, the
man who was the enemy of the intellectual elite who followed James, and
he called for the murder of the just one, and attempted to do it, by
throwing him down a flight of stairs, all this is recorded in the Clementine
material which the Catholic Church hid. Don't listen to the lovers of the
Catholic Church, or simply deceptive oprotunists who try to say it was a
19th century forgery, that is a outright lie! The Nazirenes, and the jews
who followed James were vegetarian, knowlegable of all cultures, very
fond of India, and they all hated Saul of Tarsus for the organized opposition
he was forming; all the jews hated him, and some pledged not to eat or
drink till they killed him......Hitler certainly felt the same, and even more
so! Hitler fought them empires of Saul, because like Saul they had forced
his hand, and like Saul they were false, life negating, and pathological
liars, hypocrites, and criminals. All races, peoples, architypes, and
individuals should be rationally and compassionatly National Socialist, and
eventually the pure socialism of yeshua must engulf all the races, leaving
only artistic expressions and inner feelings of nationalist practice. Modern
Israel should be rationally and compassionatly National Socialist, and

make a public apology to the arabs and palestinians for the cruelty they
inflicted on them, after, or before, as soon as possible they should
eliminate the slaughterhouses, ofcourse, if they do not eliminate their
slaughterhouses, no apology to the arabs can be genuine, for when cruelty
is practiced against animals, it is too easy to inflict it on people who you
don't want around, even if you threw the first stone, nations with
slaughterhouses cannot have compassion for the people who are screwed
over, because they don't want justice, they quite! Like bear hybrinating
after a kill, do you think he cares to hear the complaints of the family
members of the animal it just killed? NO! It wants to get some sleep! So,
Modern Israel should be vegetarian and rationally, and compassionatly
national socialist as should all western nations, and all nations of the
earth, and this is from Sarah, the counsler of nations, which she is called in
geneisis, and kings are to "take her advice", if they do, they will be
blessed, if they don't, sooner or latter they will be cursed. She is also
Wisdom in Judaism, Sophia in Greek mysticism, Isis in Egyptian lore, Ishtar
in persia, Satya in India, and she was involved in all Aryan and Semetic
peoples, all the peoples of the white race, and their off-white offshoots-like the Hindus. She has no history in Asia, Africa, or the native amnericas,
not even in northern europe, even though she prizes these people above
all others, she will go to war with them when they are being trained to
destroy life, othert races, andf themselves. She is a Meditarainian and
Hindu character, with no connection to Asia, Africa, the americas, or
northern europe, she is a meditarainian goddess, the sun goddess! Savitri
Devi! And she also has the white spiritual sun of the Hebrews and all
Semites, and that gift to the Aryan race does not need to be verbally
communicated, it is a free gift that comes along with her program, and the
only way you can have it, is if you are as Deborah the hebrew prophetess
said "as the sun"...you are to love all living creatures, and serve them as
the sun serves them, as the sun serves you! The role of the Jews always
was to help all blonde haired blue eyed ones be the sun, to instruct them
in spiritually and materially profitable actions, and use their lightning and
power to save the world! Aryans are to be the sun, and follow the law, and
live the ways of light and life! The woman who was with the Creator from
the begining, known as wisdom in judaism is universal and common to
many cultures, at the same time she promotes racial purity, and
devotional service and love to and for ALL ANIMALS. In her last life she
was a die hard nazi, and tirless supporter of the Third Riech, the Aryan
Race, and personal devote of Adolf Hitler, she wanted humanity and those
who instruct them punished for their crimes against animals, nature, and
beauty, and true love and compassion, she hated they're falsification of
true compassion and love, and wanted humanity done away with, and
replaced with the tall blonde haired blue eyed race who would serve a
earth that she loved, and all the fourlegged creepers who she loved, for
the sake of all her co-creations, she was more than ready to do away with
humanity. So you do not want her mad at you, you do not want to be on
her bad side. If she loves you, she will support you with everything, if she
hates you she will fight you with everything, you want her to be satisfied
by you work. True National Socialism is about doing what is right and good
for your people, but not just what is "good" for your people, but always
what is right, and at the same time being capable of being loving to other
races than your own which wish you no harm, we are all called upon to be
a righteous master race to one another, and we are to give all our service,
loyalty, and devotion to all the animal kingdoms without even a thought, it

should come natural to ever national socialist of every race, but

specifically it is important that all whites, all aryans act in this way, and it
would benefit the hebrews to at least be vegetarians, and even though
they are not to have any contact with the outside world, they should make
the right sacrifice and go out into the world to share their light with
humanity, and always feed animals, yes, the jews should join aryans in
saving the animals and serving their kingdoms, they're many species. Jews
would be very blessed if they helped the aryans earn they're wings, which
was they're original purpose, now aryans don't need jews to give them
back they wings, they have me, and many chosen angles who will instruct
them, the jews are free to come along if they want, and if they don't that's
their right, and should never be hated for not participating, I know they
will, just tell them no, and they will insist on it...reverse psycology works
every time on them jeeeewwws! So, Savitri Devi was also Mary Magdaline,
and was no prostitute, that story was made up latter by stupid christians
who envied the close relationship she had with Jesus, and envied her
unparalelled wisdom and position in his ministry. When Jesus came back
from India she was so interested to know what he had seen there, what
was India like? Surely she had herd of the place, also she loved Jesus's
kindness to animals, and he was a "man above time" who she sincerly
loved, and supported from the bottom of her heart, as he brought it out in
her, when she was in his presence she was immediatly in love and full of
hope. She had gone through so much, led the Israelites in past lives, she
was their mother incarnated Sarah, then she incarnated as Rachel wife of
Jacob the Holy One of Israel, the Creators agent for Israel; she was then
Deborah the prophetess and military leader of Israel, the woman who
brought 40 years of peace to Israel, and declared "the followers of the Lord
are like the sun".....meaning, they shine bright, as the sun keeps all
material things away from it, and yet is the reason all life on earth is
possible, so too will the followers of the Lord keep all the unrighteous,
mean, and unclean away by their power, and at the same time feed all
creation, all creatures, all life and make the angels cry tears of joy, to
finnaly have they're work complete, and more time for rest and existance.
May the woman who was a nazi in her last life, and a player in the ancient
world, called Isis, Ishtar, and many other names, relugated to a fertility
goddess of the cannanites, but who the Hebrews identified as Wisdom,
who the Greeks called Sophia, "the creator of all creatures in heaven and
on earth"----says the Rosicrucians, who have Savitri Devi's book on
Akhnaton. May you do the things that please wisdom, may you serve
animals, and follow Jesus by unconditionally serving your brothers and all
animals if it comes from the heart, she will forgive, and jesus will forgive,
and jacob will rest.
Allow Wisdom to feed you on her bread and wine, may she bless you all.
Sieg Hiel!?
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Way Of Wisdom, The Silver Jews, and Golden Aryans have a mission,
through the love of Jesus, and the compassion of Wisdom!
Seig Hiel!
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------1)This first part about Hitler blaming the Jews for the Depression in
Germany, I suppose the Jews caused the Depression in the USA as well!?

The main reasons why Jews were in key position of Government was that
the Germans were either to inept or lazy! This is very similar to when Idi
Amin, threw all the Indian Asians out of Uganda, only 10 years later to ask
them BACK again,because the country under his leadership had fallen
Hitler stated that the Rothschilds were the arch manipulators,bollox, the
Rockefellers were who had all their fingers in International Pies, throw in
the Eastmans', (kodak) as well.
2) We then lose all continuity and fast forward 50 years, we have the
President of Iran, Mr Armoureddinnerjacket saying how much he blames
the Jews for making America attack and threaten them,...more out of
context bollox..Let's put this in context, for Israel to tell America what to
do, is as similar as Northern Ireland, instigating war on Southern Ireland.
Israel is not the Major in this situation,but the Minor!, This section of the
"Vid", has NO relevence, to Hitlerite Germany, you might as well have put
a Donald Duck Cartoon in!
3) Now for those who are gullible and feeble minded, our intelligent film
maker adds a bit of mumbo jumbo,just to make it spooky, he thinks that
"out there", their are people who believe anything, especially those who
hear "alien" voices!!! Throw in a good old bit of redneck bible belt, and ALL
Jews are SATANIST!! WTF! Don't insult my intelligence you wanker, you
base your flimsy evidence on drawing of Dee Debble! How fucking
childish.You even resort to quoting , old Testament prophecy, yeah that
really is in context with the modern REAL political world.
4) OOOOOhhh! There's a women who is an exposed Zionist Ms Pamela
Geller, listen she is just a shit stirring attention seeker who wants her 15
minutes of fame. All cultures have them, Look at Islamic Choudary. Just as
one swallow seen,doesn't make a Summer, one loud mouth Jewess,
doesn't make a Zionist Plot!!!!, Have the KKK, taken over the World? Nah!!
5) So Hussain gassing the Kurdish villages was caused by the Jews!! ,Is
this person sane? Hussain deserved to die.
6) We now come to the final conclusive proof as evinced by Mr Madison,
who bangs on about Jewish "False Flag" attacks, So when Egypt and Syria
attacked Israel on the Golan Heights at Yom Kippur, WITHOUT formal
declaration of war,(remember Pearl Harbour!), that wasn't a false flag
attack? Better still understand your enemy, If your family was killed in
front of you, If you saw your children die, wouldn't you be a bit wary of
certain types of people, so you find a land, where you can be yourself and
free, and some body attacks you? What would your HONEST reaction be?
think about it
7) In conclusion, and this is the plain unvarnished truth!
Germany with Hitler in the Ranks, got beat in the 1st World War, You'd
have thought the little Corperal Hitler would have seen enough blood and
guts, but No!, He was a sore LOSER! This festered in him for years.
Finally after a long time of internecine fighting,(Brown Shirts) He became
Nazi ideology MUST have a hate plank in their manifesto, he saw that the
Jews were better off, (Why?, Jews save and Don't drink in Pubs and get
pissed in Public, as the Germans do), So THEY are to blame for the
country's' woes, they have money!!
Then Hitler/Germany got beat AGAIN! Then of course all the atrocities
started to come to light, this information was and still is, for a Nazi ,to
accept! So what to do?...Simple we take a leaf out of Goebbels book, and
that is ,If you tell a lie and tell it often enough,people will start to think it is

true, don't believe me? Urban myths, Crocodiles in New York sewers?, crop
circles, believe me we are all gullible. Why tell the lie then? It's easy, if you
keep up the steady drip of leis against a race, you start to discredit them
and of course , that's why the Germans were right all along, Forgetting
that ,children were killed while being operated on without pain killers in
Death Camps, That people were starved to Death and industrially
slaughtered in their millions, You have the Holocaust Denier's , Who still
use the Goebbels methodology.
This will no doubt appeal to the moronic ill educated ZOG conspiracist.
Finally, My Kids are Jewish,so is their Mother, me I'm a Pagan.
I have even attended freemason ladies night at the Tottenham lodge, as Pa
in Law was a Mason, no Zionist Plotters, at the function mainly Police!
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is what Hitler waged war on. He wasn't a racist like the media makes
him look like. There were blacks, muslims and even jews in the
wehrmacht. They were all against zionism and enslavement like it is
today.. If you wanted to fight for what is right, you could do so. The
concentration camps os a hoax, to make sympathy and power for the
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------LOL Hitler was New Age? Well I can see him now in his hippy clothes with
his Jimi Hendrix collection. As for sleeping with Blavatsky's book LOL? I
suppose he could have phoned up Roosevelt and Churchill and asked to be
a freemason. They probably said no and thats why he destroyed the
lodges across all Europe. Well the video is good for a laugh I suppose.?
In 1945 the Allies started de-Nazification in Germany. Hitler's name could
not even be spoken. Since then Hitler has been the most lied about person
in history. The Allied freemasonry leadership was all Jew led and funded
by Rothschilds bankers. I guess there is the answer. ?
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Anyone who interprets National Socialism merely as a political movement
knows almost nothing about it. It is more than religion; it is the
determination to create a new man."
-Adolf Hitler
"Creation is not yet completed. Man has reached a definite stage of
metamorphosis. The ancient human species is already in a state of
decline, just managing to survive. Humanity accomplishes a step up once
every seven hundred years, and the ultimate aim is the coming of the
Sons of God. All creative forces will be concentrated in a new species. The
two varieties will evolve rapidly in different directions. One will disappear,
and the other will flourish. It will be infinitely superior to modern man. Do
you understand the profound meaning of our National- Socialist
-Adolf Hitler
" I will tell you a secret...I am founding an Order. It is from there that the
second stage will emerge- the stage of the Man-God, when Man will be the
measure and center of the world. The Man-God, that splendid Being, will
be an object of worship...But there are other stages about which I am not
permitted to speak..."
-Adolf Hitler
"I had to encourage "national" feelings for reasons of expediency; but I

was already aware that the "nation" idea could only have a temporary
value. The day will come when even here in Germany what is known as
"nationalism" will practically have ceased to exist. What will take it's place
in the world will be a universal society of masters and overlords."
-Adolf Hitler
"What will the social order of the future look like? Comrades, I will tell you:
there will be a class of overlords, and after them the rank and file of Party
members in hierarchical order, and then the great mass of anonymous
followers, servants and workers in perpetuity, and beneath them, again all
the conquered foreign races, the modern slaves. And over and above all
these there will reign a new and exalted nobility of whom I cannot
speak...But of all these plans the ordinary militant members will know
-Adolf Hitler
Supernatural encounters or Madness?
The haunting dreams mentioned by Hitler were witnessed by his personal
aids and recorded by their testimonies. One such account, "Hitler was
standing there in his bedroom, stumbling about, looking around him with a
distraught look. He was muttering: " It's him! "It's him! He's here!" His lips
had turned blue. He was dripping with sweat. Suddenly, he uttered some
numbers which made no sense, then some words, then bits of sentences.
It was frightening. He used terms which were strung together in the
strangest way and which were absolutely weird. Then he again became
silent, although his lips continued to move...Then all of a sudden, he
screamed: "There Over there! In the corner! Who is it?" He was jumping up
and down, and he was howling. They assured him that everything was all
right, and he gradually calmed down.
One last word from Der Fuhrer.
In the book "The Sign" by Robert Van Kampen he quotes from a movie
made by the personal aid to Hitler, the last person to see him alive. If true,
we have a prophetic last word spoken by Der Fuhrer. Hitler's last words to
his aid was, " ...to break up and scatter to the West". In response to this
statement, the aid replied to Hitler, "For whom should we fight now for?"
With that, Hitler said in a monotone voice, "For the coming man". With
that Hitler closed the door to his bunker and shot himself with his own
gun. His wife swallowing a capsule of cyanide with him.

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