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Fasting Therapy for Asthma: Essentially a disease of over-nourishment that in intake of
food much in excess of ones ability to digest & metabolize. Therefore, patients of asthma
should generally be serve periodic fasts. Instead of a heavy meal, the patient should take very
light meals. Particularly very light food at night or even avoid taking any food at all.
Asthma patient should fast for three to five days on lemon juice with honey. During this
period the bowels should be cleaned daily with warm water enema. After the fast the patient
may resort to an all fruit diet for a further 5 to 7 days to nourish the system and eliminate the
toxins. Therefore, other foods may be gradually added to diet. Further short fasts and
period on all fruit diet may be required in certain cases at intervals of 2 or months depending
upon the progress being made.
II. Wheat Grass Juice Therapy:Wheat grass juice is considered beneficial in treatment of
asthma. By furnishing body with minerals, vitamins, & chlorophyll. An exclusive diet of wheat
grass juice is mentioned in separate chapter please refer it.
III. Diet-Cure Chart for Asthma:Adopt a well balanced diet as given below after fasting
Therapy. A vegetarian diet is best for asthma.

UPON ARISING (6am): Juice of one lemon with 2 teaspoons of honey and a
teaspoon ginger juice in a glass of warm water.
B) BREAKFAST (8am): Carrot juice or any seasonal fruit juice. In carrot juice of ginger,
mint, tomatoes, beets can be added to make a delicious & nutritions drink. A handful of
germinated gram & wheat bread & dried fruit.
C) LUNCH (10-11 am): Being with salad (raw vegetable such as cucumber, lettuce,
tomato, carrot, beet) mixed with pepper & lemon juice. After eating salad, eat
vegetable soup or a bowl of boiled vegetables, 2 table spoons sprouted grain with whole
wheat bread or chappatis.
D) MID AFTERNOON (4 pm): Fresh fruits, or salted biscuits.
E) DINNER (7 pm): Any seasonal fruits and sprouted grains one bowl.
F) BED TIME (9-10 pm): 1 teaspoon powder of haritaki or har given bed times along
with one fourth quantity of rock salt every month. This will enable the body to build up
its resistance & strengthen the vital organs to carry out its function in the normal way.
Avoid: Rice, Sugar, Curd, Yoghurt, Ripe banana, Cold Drinks, Ice Cream & Sour fruit
& its juice, meat of any type for a period of 3 months, fried food, strong tea, coffee,
alcoholic, beverages, condiments, pickle sauces & all refined and processed foods.
Initially milk & milk products should be totally avoided. Avoid taking water with
meals. He should not eat very hot very cold, very spicy, very bland, very pungent, very
sweet, very scar & very bitter. Avoid food which is known to be allergic. Avoid
Elephant foot (Suran) potatoes.
Highly Beneficial Foods: Baked food, Honey, Vitamin B6, Aniseed (Saunf), Wing,
Ajwan, Laun Garlic, Ginger, Holy Basil (Tulsi), Black Pepper, Turmeric, Amla, Jung
Elyaz, Anjeer (Fig), Grape, Orange, Chauli Ka Saag, Karela, Pudina (Min Spinach
(Palak), Almond, Til (Sesame), Jawar & Bajre cow & goat milk.

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