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Testimoni Pembaca Buku Run Because You Can

(Ini hanya contoh sementara....)

Founder of SIP Institute & Pengarang buku Strength Integrity
Purpose (SIP) Book
"Right practice makes perfect. Coach Anggia dan The New Habit
melalui Transform Me program membuktikan bahwa latihan saja
tidak cukup, hanya latihan yang benar lah yang memberikan
dampak signifikan. Setelah berlatih secara benar bersama Coach
Anggia, mindset saya tentang kesehatan berubah dan akibatnya
kebiasaan saya pun berubah.
Tiga pelajaran dasar hidup sehat yang tidak akan pernah saya
lupakan: keseimbangan antara pola makan, olahraga dan tidur yang
cukup. Setelah 40 hari menjalaninya terbukti berat badan saya
turun sebanyak 6 kg, pikiran lebih tajam, tubuh terasa lebih segar
dan saya menjadi lebih aktif. Menariknya, ini barulah 'starting point'
menuju kehidupan yang lebih berdampak. Terima kasih, Coach
Anggia & The New Habit"
Former Brand Manager,Infant Formula Premium and Maternal Milks
Nestl Nutrition Indonesia
"I was quite busy at work and had no time to exercise, when I
started to feel that something wasn't quite right with me. I often felt
restless, I didn't sleep well and got easily tired.
Then I took up sessions with Anggi to try improving my physical
fitness. It was quite hard at the beginning, but Anggi was very
patient and encouraging all through. After two sessions, I already
felt somewhat better. I slept well and feeling fresh waking up. I had
fewer headache and feeling more energized. Thanks!"
Founder of Goeroe.id & Kon-go Publisher Studio
"Anggia is the kind of coach who can adapt well to his client. He is
very well-planned and always gives information about the purpose
of each exercise movement that we do together. To me, Anggia is
not only a coach, but also a friend whom I can discuss about
Strength, Integrity, and Purpose with. He is willing to adjust his
running pace to match mine (read: going slower than his usual
pace), not only during our one-on-one training session, but also
when we meet up for 2RU (Reborn Runners United) club training.
Anggia is always happy to accompany new runners and provide
helpful insights about running and healthy lifestyle. He is very
passionate in this area and he will be very keen to help anyone who
wants to live a healthy lifestyle."

Strategic Marketing Partnership Lazada.co.id

"My training with Anggi was beyond the experience I had had
before. Never thought that a training could be this mindset
changing, which I think it is just as important as how we need to
train our body. I had a wrong perspective about fitness back then
until I got physical stress that even my exercises didn't give me
effective result. Once I knew Anggi, it's like the old chain had gone,
my body turned to respond better to the more effective training
Anggie gave me.
Within a month of training, my body performed better and I felt
stronger, my running pace became faster, and my mind became
more positive. So basically he opened my mind that our own body,
mind and soul are all connected. We can't train one without the
other. In the end, this was also what I wanted to see; the number on
that scale began to show a surprise as well. I am such a happy
client. Good thing is that he is also flexible to fit the training in your
busy schedule. So, no more excuse! You are more than what you
think you are."

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