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The information technology is currently the thing which could not be

separated from education system in Indonesia. Website is one of the places to save
data and information that can accessed via internet to be used as learning media.
One of the learning media which can be accessed by mass student is web learning.
The web learning use Content Management System(CMS) Joomla interacted with
social media Facebook and Twitter, so students and teachers can make interaction
by online.
In tenth grade of Computer and Network Engineering at Vocational High
School of One Pungging, problems arising are learning materials used for learning
only depends on teachers explanation and limited text content modules. It makes
students cant understand the learning clearly because of the monotone learning. To
change the monotone learning, needs to develop learning media based on Joomla
interacted with social media Facebook and Twitter. Learning media based on Joomla
can facilitate teachers to monitor student activities, to update materials and
questions, and to store the student value in some exams. This developing of
learning media interacted with social media because the majority of students
access social media intensively. Social media allows users to discuss, to share
information, and to send messages to other users. It is expected that student can
be motivated to study and learning can be effective and efficient. Web learning
which ever existed in Vocational High School of One Pungging can not be used by
teachers or students well because the web management and development are not
too efficient. To make the learning effective, efficient and not monotone, needs
learning media that can be used by students in class or out of class.
In this research, design and software development used is Incremental
Development Model with stages (1) analytic, (2)design,(3)code, dan (4)test. The
learning media used is ADDIE method developed by Reiser and Mollenda. This
method is using following stages: (1)analytic, (2)design, (3)development,
(4)implementation, and (5)evaluation. Data collecting technique of this research
done by submitting questionnaire to a number of validator specifically the media
expert, the matter expert, and student in small group and huge group then
analyzed using the formula of percentage proposed by Arikunto (2014).

Abstract : In tenth grade of Computer and Network Engineering at Vocational High

School of One Pungging Mojokerto, productive lesson teachers of Computer and
Network Engineering can not explain the material maximally because of the short
time allocation and the monotone learning. It makes a number of students not too
understand the material explained by teacher. The purpose of this research is to
develop the learning media based on CMS Joomla interacted with social media
Facebook and Twitter in productive lesson of Computer and Network Engineering at
Vocational High School of One Pungging. Development model used in this research
is ADDIE. The value of percentage for four stages are (1) 89,9% for the media

expert, (2) 96% for the matter expert, (3) 91,9% for small group, (4) 89,8% for huge
group. It can be concluded that learning media based on CMS Joomla is valid and
proper to be used as alternative explanation in learning.

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