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The Holy Ark

This is what the modern jewish people refer to when they store their Torah. This Ark makes no
mention of Enoch. Enoch was The Holy Scribe. These documents handed over to Methusalah and
Then to Noah was considered Holy, and Enoch was the Ethiopian Patriarch. The problem that modern
day religion has with this is that it originates in Africa, the land of the Black people. Unfortunately,
Israel or Jews do not consider Black people as people but as cattle and animals, and even savage.
Where if we comprehend the Holy works of Enoch, it is the fallen angels and the nation of Israel whom
follow after the fallen angels as savages and the unrighteous.
The Ark Of The Covenant, is in fact The Holy Ark. The First Ark with The Covenant was established
through Noah with the Holy writings that Enoch received from Heaven and The Almighty Creator and
Holy Arch Angels which contained the writings or commandments of The Almighty and the sentence
of Hell for the fallen angels. Somehow, just as the nation of Israel or Jews rewrote history, The
writings of Enoch likewise have been re-written by the Jew, and 1Enoch, not long after Constantines
Bible, by Rabbi Ismael, whom replaced the works of Enoch with his own dream. Shortly thereafter
The Book of Enoch was cursed and put out of circulation.
This Holy Book of Enoch is what not only Methusalah and Noah read from, it was mentioned by the
Jew in their Torah. It was the literature of the day that Moses learned from, and not only that, Jesus had
to have learned from the very same book.
As we visit the story of Noah in the Torah and Old Testament we can see the story of the Ark unfold as
animals were the focal point of the Ark. However, in the Book of Enoch, the earth was replinished by
the Almighty through The Holy Angels with a command to the Holy Angels to go forth and replinish
the earth from the cleansing of the flood.
Moreover, why do the Jews call the cabinet or compartments that contain their writings Holy,
especially when their laws, and history are not Holy. Instead it is a long running list of rebellion from
the Word of The Almighty. It includes devil and ornament worship, not to mention the blood letting
and other transgression opposed in the Book of Enoch.
As one views the Ten Commandments, If they loved the Lord Thy God, and Loved Their neighbor, and
did not commit murder, it would be unrecognizable that these are the same people of Israel, as they do
the total opposite of what the Book of Enoch and their commandments which They consider Holy
dictates. What's more is that they oppress Black people, The Chosen of the Almighty. This Holy Word
came from Africa. They will admit that the crattle of civilization is Africa. However, they will never
present in their history a Black Enoch, Moses, Jesus, instead they white wash as the fallen angels do
through oaths any simblince of the truth.
They, the jew has also stolen the locks of Africa. They have the one lock of hair on either side of their
head, as Enoch had an entire head of 'dread' locks. They borrow what they wish and change it around
to suit their deception of the masses.

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