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Confrence Internationale permanente

dInstituts Universitaires de Traducteurs et Interprtes


Sous le Haut Patronage de

S.E. Monsieur Mauro DELL'AMBROGIO
Secrtaire dEtat la formation, la recherche et
linnovation de la Confdration Suisse
Equitable Education through intercultural Communication:
Role and Responsibility for non-state Actors

14th 15th January 2016

United Nations Geneva
Working languages: English, French
Entrance free
Registration mandatory under: www.ciuti.org

List of speakers

Al Maliki, Amal Mohammed

Dr. Amal Mohammed Al-Malki is Founding Dean of the College of Humanities and
Social Sciences at Hamad bin Khalifa University, Qatar Foundation. Prior to that she
served as Executive Director of the Translation and Interpreting Institute, which she
founded in 2011. She also served as Associate Professor at Carnegie Mellon University in
Qatar where she taught courses in writing composition, postcolonial literature, theories
of translation and Islamic feminism

Annoni, Jean-Marie
Jean-Marie Annoni studied Medicine (1981) and Neurology (1989)at the University of
Geneva, Developed interest in Neurosciences; Habilitation in 2000. Activities in Zurich
(1985), London (1990), Montreal (1991), Lausanne (2000-2010). Since 2011, Teaches and
works at the university and the hospital of Fribourg. Research interests i) Bilingualism
and Brain, ii) Neurological patients behaviour, particularly decision-making patterns,
capacity of initiating activities and social cognition.

Auroi Jaggi, Genevive

Genevive Auroi-Jaggi is currently Director of LEARNINGprod producing and directing
videos for communication and e-learning. She was previously producer and journalist at
the RTS Swiss Radio and TV specialized in media education. She also lives and work for
media for 3 years in South America. Founder Director of the Center for
Continuing Education of the University of Geneva she developed its UCE high profile.
She published articles and created a range of media tools and videos for Continuing and
online education.

Awaiss, Henry
M. le Professeur Henri AWAISS sest investi lUniversit Saint-Joseph (USJ) dans quatre
domaines savoir : lenseignement, la recherche, la formation, la publication
douvrages de rflexion en traduction. Notamment Al Kimiya et la collection Sourcescibles en co-direction. En 2012 Une nouvelle facult la 13me est ne : La Facult des
Langues (FdL) laquelle est rattache lETIB. M. le Professeur Henri AWAISS est lu

Bellodi, Martina
After several years working as a freelance translator, Martina Bellodi joined Swiss Post
Language Services in 2009. She has held several different roles there including
Translator, Head of the Italian Group and Head of IT & Processes. Martina became Head
of Language Services in May 2014. Since then, she has worked successfully to develop
her team and its services to promote multi-language communication at Swiss Post.

Berthet, Stphane
Stphane Berthet, docteur en astronomie, astrophysique de lUniversit de Genve.
Depuis 2003, Secrtaire gnral de l'Universit de Genve. De 1992 2003 reprsentant
de la Suisse au sein dorganisations internationales comme notamment l'Agence spatiale
europenne (ESA) et l'Observatoire astronomique europen (ESO). De 2001 2003, vicedirecteur du Bureau suisse des affaires spatiales. Membre depuis 2004 et vice-prsident
ds 2012 de la Commission fdrale des affaires spatiales suisses (CFAS).

Bratschi, Pierre
Scolarit obligatoire Genve, ville de naissance. Etude dingnieur lEPFL termines
en 1981, puis doctorat en astronomie luniversit de Genve en 1998. Journaliste
scientifique la Radio Suisse Romande de 2000 2006 puis correspondant en Argentine
de 2007 2014. De retour en Suisse pour la communication du ple de recherche national
sur les plantes extrasolaires (Unige).

Constable, Andrew
Andrew Constable is Vice-President of the International Association of Conference
Interpreters (AIIC), responsible for Training and Professional Development as well as
Distance Interpreting. He is also Vice-Chair of AIICs Staff Interpreters Committee, and
Court Interpreter at the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague, Netherlands,
where he trains interpreters with Languages of Lesser Diffusion for trials.

Delgado, Luchner
Carmen Delgado Luchner is a trained translator and conference interpreter. She is
accredited with the EU institutions, holds an MAS in interpreter training and a PhD in
interpreting. She was been a teaching and doctoral assistant at the Facult de traduction
et dinterprtation at the University of Geneva from 2009 to 2014, first in the Interpreting
Department and, from 2011 for InZone and is currently a post-doctoral researcher with
InZone. Her PhD thesis focused on the challenges of setting up conference interpreter
training programmes on the African continent and cooperation between universities in
Europe and Africa. Her research interests include multilingualism in Europe and Africa,
language classification in interpreting, the creation of university networks in Africa as
well as interpreting and higher education in the development aid context.

Dnges, Daniela
Daniela Dnges holds a master in specialized translation from the University of Geneva
with a master thesis about translation in the context of intercultural dialogue. She is
passionate about human rights and as representative for Servas International regularly
participating in meetings of the UN Human Rights Council. She is founding member
and president of Scales for Justice and frequently invited to hold presentations on
specific human rights situations at the UN.

Drechsel, Alexander
Alexander Drechsel is a staff conference interpreter at an European institution. His
working languages are German (A), English (B), French and Romanian (C). Alexander
takes a special interest in tablets and other mobile devices, regularly sharing his passion
and knowledge with fellow interpreters on his website www.tabletinterpreter.eu and on
Twitter as @tabterp.

Egorova, Olga
Full Professor, PhD. FIT Council member. Director of the Caspian Higher School of
Interpreting and Translation; Olga Egorova is the Head of the Regional Office of the
Union of Translators and Interpreters of Russia. Director, Institute of Language and
Professional Communication. Director, Centre for Translation Studies and Conference
Interpreting. Astrakhan State University, Russia.

Flckiger, Yves
Professor Yves Flueckiger has studied sociology and economics at the University of
Geneva, where he received his Ph.D. He is Full Professor at the Geneva School of
Economics and Management since 1992. From 1996 to 2003, he has been Member and
then, between 2003 and 2007, Vice-President of the Swiss Competition Commission.
From July 2007 to July 2015, he has been Vice-Rector of the University of Geneva in
charge of finance, international relations and strategic plan. As from July 2015, he his the
new Rector of the University of Geneva.

Forstner, Martin
Martin FORSTNER (PhD) is full professor of intercultural communication (Arabic) at
the University of Mainz (Germany). He has published extensively on translation policy
and lectured in several European and non-European universities. He was President and
Secretary General of CIUTI. He is co-organizer of the CIUTI -Forum.

Fox, Brian
Brian Fox is in charge of the organisation of Interpreting in the European Commission's
DG Interpretation. Studied at Universities of Edinburgh and of Aix-en-Provence.
Trained as a conference interpreter in the Commission's own course. Formerly in charge
of all training and university outreach, co-founder of the European Masters in
Conference Interpreting, Chair of IAMLADP Working group on Training.

Garbovskiy, Nikolay
Nikolay Garbovskiy is the founder and director of the HSTI, Lomonosov Moscow State
University, Honorable Professor, laureate of the Lomonosov Prize for pedagogical
activity (2004), Vice-President of CIUTI, Chair of CIUTI Train the Trainer Working
Group, editor-in-chief of the Bulletin of Moscow University. Series 22. Translation
Theory, member of editorial board of Babel.

Geaney, John
John Geaney started his career in the commercial aircraft industry. He moved to the
rapidly growing IT industry in 1974 and has held a variety of technical and management
roles during his career in IT. Since 1986 he has held international positions related to
the development of business across most regions of the world. His current role is that of
Worldwide Consulting Services Portfolio Manager with Hewlett Packard Enterprise.

Goldsmith, Joshua
Josh Goldsmith is an EU accredited conference interpreter working from Spanish,
French, Italian and Catalan into English. He is currently pursuing a PhD in Interpreting
at the University of Geneva, where his research interests focus on the intersection
between interpreting, technology and education. An avid tablet interpreter, he can be
found on Twitter at @Goldsmith_Josh

Guseynova, Innara
Innara A. Guseynova, PhD, Associate Professor, Dean of the T & I Faculty of Moscow
State Linguistic University. The author of over 90 academic papers in the fields of

intercultural, professional and marketing communication, theory of teaching foreign

languages, language theory and German studies.

Gwinner, Petra
Petra GWINNER has more than 20 years of experience in teaching languages at the
Anhuac University, Campus Mexico North. Currently the director of the School of
Languages in charge of undergraduate and graduate programs, as well as continuing
education courses and language requirement courses which are taught at all levels. BA
in English and M.a in TESOL, International Certifications in teaching and languages.

Holzer, Peter
Peter HOLZER, PhD, Studied Romance Studies, Translation Studies and Law at the
Universities of Innsbruck and Munich. He holds a PhD in Translation Studies, is
Professor at the Department of Translation Studies of the University of Innsbruck. Main
research topics: translation theory, cultural studies, legal translation, literary

Huang, Vica
Vica HUANG is the Marketing Director and VP of TAIDEN, a world leading conference
system and simultaneous interpretation system provider. She is also a committee
member of ISO/TC 37/SC 5/WG 3 Facilities and equipment for interpreting services.
Vica Huang received a bachelor degree with joint honors from Beijing Foreign Studies
University, and a master degree in Media Management from Syracuse University.

Huber Kodbaye, Sophie

Sophie HUBER KODBAYE is the Director of the Centre for Continuing and Distance
Education at the University of Geneva.A historian by training, she started training
professionals in 2001 working with an NGO dedicated to the advancement of the
protection of human rights. From 2005, she joined CASIN and organized training
programs for diplomats and high-level civil servants from the DPRK, Iraq, Algeria and
Guinea among others. Sophie joined the Graduate Institute of International and
Development Studies in 2008 to run both customized and open-enrolment programs in
Geneva and in the field. Sophie holds a PhD in International Affairs from the Graduate
Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva.

Jakobson, Arndt Lykke

Arnt Lykke JAKOBSEN, professor emeritus of translation and translation technology at
Copenhagen Business School (CBS). In 2005 he established the CBS Centre for research
and innovation in translation and translation technology, CRITT. He invented the
software program Translog, which has been a key technology in numerous translation
process studies, including two major EU research projects, Eye-to-IT (2006-09) and
CASMACAT (2011-14).

Jimenez Marin, Juan Carlos

Juan Carlos JIMENEZ MARIN is the Director responsible for the organisation of
meetings with interpretation as well as for interpreter-training and contacts with
universities in the European Parliaments DG for Interpretation and Conferences. He is

Executive Secretary of HINTS (chief interpreters of national and international

organisations) and actively participates in several international fora, such as IAMLADP.

Kamer Diehl, Christine

Christine Kamer Diehl is Global Quality Manager at CLS Communication and
responsible for the successful implementation and certification ISO 9001:2008 and EN
15038:2006 at all CLS offices. As head of CLS & Academia, Christine is the central
contact for all partners in the field of training and further education. Further, she is
actively involved in EU projects such as Transcert and Agora. Christine Kamer Diehl
completed her T&I studies at the former Dolmetscherschule Zurich (today ZHAW
Zurich University of Applied Sciences). In the same year she joined UBS as an editor and
translation coordinator. From there she joined CLS Communication AG in 1999 as head
of the German translation group. Since 2010, Christine Kamer Diehl is Global Quality

Khaleeva, Irina
Irina I. Khaleeva, Doctor of Applied Linguistics, professor, member of the Russian
Academy of Education; Rector of the Moscow State Linguistic University. The author
of over 100 academic papers in the fields of the theory of teaching foreign languages and
translation, language theory, and German studies; she has awards of the Russian
Federation and several foreign awards.

Kostikova, Olga
Olga Kostikova is Associate professor and Vice-Dean for Research & International
Relations of the HSTI Lomonosov Moscow State University. Since 1998 she has been
working as a T&I trainer at the Lomonosov University. She also works as a freelance
interpreter and translator. Member of editorial board of the Bulletin of Moscow
University. Series 22. Translation Theory, coordinator of Continuing Education Seminar
on Translation Didactics.

Kremer, Benot
Benot Kremer (1958), diplm en traduction (1981) et en interprtation de confrence
(1983) de lETI (aujourdhui FTI), universit de Genve. Traducteur et interprte de
confrence free-lance, il a prsid lAssociation internationale des interprtes de
confrence (AIIC) de 2006 2012. Il enseigne la traduction juridique allemand-franais
en MA (traduction spcialise) luniversit de Grenoble, la traduction anglais-franais
et linterprtation (simultane et conscutive) depuis langlais et lallemand la FTI.

Krouglov, Alexander
Alexander Krouglov holds degrees in Translation and Interpreting, and a PhD in
Sociolinguistics. He has worked as a translator, interpreter, editor, lecturer, assessor,
advisor, project manager and consultant in many countries. Before he joined London
Metropolitan University in 2007, he worked in the Foreign & Commonwealth Office
looking after the training of diplomatic staff, translators and interpreters.

Lee-Jahnke, Hannelore
Prof. Dr. Hannelore Lee-Jahnke made her career as Professor at the University of Geneva
(ETI). She was Chair of the Training Committee of FIT (3 mandates) and President of
CIUTI from 2006 to 2012. Since then she is Honorary President of CIUTI. Her research
is closely linked to translation didactics and stresses the interdisciplinary approach
linked to affective sciences and neurosciences (FNS-funded). She is member of many
scientific committees and editorial boards. Since 2003 she co-organizes the CIUTI

Li, Zhengren
After graduating from the United Nations Interpreter and Translator Training Course in
Beijing in the summer of 1984, Mr. Li started working for the Organization in New York
in September of the same year. Transferred to the Geneva Office in 1987, Mr. Li has been
Chief of the Interpretation Service since 2008.

Loutan, Louis
Professor Louis LOUTAN, MD, MPH is an independent consultant, former President of
the Geneva Health Forum, former head of the Division of International and
Humanitarian Medicine since its creation in the Department of Community Medicine
and Primary Care at the Geneva University Hospitals (HUG) in Geneva, Switzerland.
Prof. Loutan is a specialist in internal medicine, tropical medicine and public health.

Mackiewicz, Wolfgang
Wolfgang Mackiewicz is Honorary Professor of English Philology at Freie Universitt
Berlin and honorary president of the Conseil Europen pour les Langues / European
Language Council (CEL/ELC). He co-ordinated a total of nine EU development and
network projects in the area of languages, and was involved in preparations for the
EMCI. He was rapporteur of the High Level Group on Multilingualism (2006-7).

Martikonis, Ryan
Rytis Martikonis has been Director-General of the European Commission's DirectorateGeneral for Translation since 2011. He holds degrees in law, political science and
international relations. He started his career in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
Lithuania, where he last worked as Secretary of State. From 2005 to 2010 he was
Lithuania's Permanent Representative to the EU.

Massey, Gary
Gary Massey is Director of the Institute of Translation and Interpreting at the Zurich
University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), Director of its MA in Applied Linguistics and
past head of its undergraduate degree programmes in Translation and Applied
Languages. His research interests include translation processes, translation pedagogy
and information literacy for translators. He can be contacted at mssy@zhaw.ch.

Mavric, Valter
A linguist by training, Valter Mavri has a university degree in Italian and English. He
has additional qualifications in translation, interpreting, linguistics and management,
and holds a Master of Arts in Education (Applied Linguistics). Key moments in his
career: Freelance sworn legal interpreter and translator at Ljubljana District Court (19932004); Head of the Translation Division and the Language School at the Slovenian
Ministry of Defence (1993 2004); Head of the Slovenian Translation Unit at the European
Parliament (2004 2010); Director of Translation at the European Parliament (2010current).

MLLER, Michael
Mr. Michael Mller is Director General at the United Nations Office, Geneva. His
experience includes more than 30 years as an international civil servant in the United
Nations. He was Executive Director of the Kofi Annan Foundation from 2008 to 2011 and
served as the Secretary-Generals Special Representative for Cyprus (2006-2008) and
Director for Political, Peacekeeping and Humanitarian Affairs in the Office of the
Secretary-General (2001-2006), also serving concurrently as Deputy Chief of Staff for the
last two years of that period. Between 1997 and 2001 he was the Head of the Office of the
Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs at UN headquarters in New York. He served
in different capacities in Iran, Mexico, Haiti and Geneva, where he started his career in
1979 with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Born in 1952 in
Copenhagen, Mr. Mller completed a Masters course in International Relations at Johns
Hopkins University and a Bachelors degree in International Relations from the
University of Sussex, United Kingdom.

Morard, Bernard
De nationalit franaise, M. Bernard Morard est professeur de contrle de gestion
l'Universit de Genve. Il est titulaire d'un doctorat de gestion et d'un doctorat d'Etat de
l'Universit d'Aix Marseille III.Ses recherches et publications portent sur les domaines
de la comptabilit analytique, du contrle de gestion et de la finance.

Moreau, Philippe
Directeur du Service des relations internationales de lInstitut Libre Marie Haps
(Bruxelles) de 2004 2015, Philippe Moreau a particip de nombreux projets europens
ou internationaux. Il coordonne le METS, Master europen en traduction spcialise.
Depuis septembre 2015, il est le responsable des changes internationaux de la Louvain
School of Translation and Interpreting (Universit catholique de Louvain). Membre du
Conseil de la CIUTI depuis mai 2015, il en est galement le trsorier.

Pauwels, Paul
Prof Dr Paul Pauwels is full professor of English Linguistics at the Faculty of arts at KU
Leuven in Antwerp, and vice-dean of educational affairs. He is a member of the
Education Council of the university. As a former head of department and director of
academic affairs at Lessius, he has been actively involved in policy concerning
curriculum development and innovations in teaching both at the level of the university,

and more specifically in the areas of Applied Languages and Translation and
Interpreting. He has been a CIUTI Board member since 2003.

Prario, Alessia
Alessia Prario a obtenu sa licence en traduction en 1998 l'cole de traduction et
d'interprtation de Genve et son M. A. en interprtation de confrence en 2002 la
University of Westminster de Londres. Depuis 2006 elle travaille au sein du pouvoir
judiciaire de Genve avant comme traductrice-interprte auprs des Juges d'instruction,
puis comme responsable du service linguistique du Ministre public et actuellement
comme cheffe du greffe des traductions et interprtations du pouvoir judiciaire.
Rodriguez, Nadia
Dr. Nadia Rodrguez holds the position of Vicedean of International Relations of the
Faculty of Human and Social Sciences. She is engaged in the teaching of
documentation and terminology in translation studies. Her research focuses on
translation, documentation and terminology and her most recent publications include
Diccionario de las migraciones. Del concepto a la palabra (2007), Regard sur la
terminologie adapte linterprtariat (2009), Aproximacin a la enseanza de la
terminologa (2010), etc.

Roukens, Jan
Jan Roukens (Bandung, 1937) graduated from the Technical University Delft in the
Netherlands (1961). He worked for companies in the IT sector, the field of health
information in particular, and founded international professional organizations in that
field. In 1981 he joined the European Commission in Brussels and Luxembourg for IT and
Language policies until retirement (2002). He is board member of several language and
cultural organizations since then.

Samarrai, Ghanim
Ghanim Samarrai, who holds a Doctorate degree in comparative literature, is the author
of A Critical Reading of the Browningesque Legacy in Modern American Poetry (2011),
Western Impact on Modern Arabic Poetry (2009), and the editor and translator of an
anthology titled Sharjah, a Poetic Perspective (2013). Besides, he has translated several
books into and from Arabic and published papers in comparative literature and crosscultural studies.

Sturz, Wolfgang
Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Sturz (1954) is founder and CEO of the Transline Gruppe GmbH. The
group of translation companies provides consultation services covering every issue
involved in globalized product and process communication.Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Sturz is
the author of a host of technical papers, a lecture at various institutions of higher
education and a speaker at seminars and conferences.

Tanaka, Yoshiro
Professor and Dr. Yoshiro Tanaka is Executive Officer for Global Initiatives, J.F. Oberlin
University, Tokyo, Japan. He is also Deputy Secretary General of International
Association of University Presidents (IAUP). He has been committed to and noted for
its innovation and globalization of higher ducation. Dr. Tanaka is a specialist on higher
educational reform in Asia-Pacific and has published many articles on Access, Equity,
and Capacity in Asia-Pacific Higher Education.

Twidle, Patrick
After graduating from Cambridge, and living in Germany, Sweden and France, Patrick
Twidle worked as a translator and interpreter and became an official of the European
Parliament in 1973 when the United Kingdom joined the European Common Market.
AIIC conference interpreter (EN, FR, DA, DE, NL, SV) and member of the advisory board
of the International Journal of Research and Practice in Interpreting, he has been
Director of Interpretation at the Court of Justice of the European Union since 2007.

Veuthey, Jean-Luc
Jean-Luc Veuthey is full professor at the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University
of Geneva. His research domain is dedicated to the development of analytical techniques
in pharmaceutical sciences. He is also member of the UEFA Anti-Doping Panel since
2005. He is author of more than 330 scientific publications and book chapters.

Viezzi, Maurizio
Maurizio Viezzi is professor of interpreting at the University of Trieste and adjunct
professor of Italian translation and interpreting at the University of Turku. He has
published extensively on different aspects of translation and interpreting and lectured
in several European and non-European universities. He was President of the European
Language Council and is currently President of CIUTI.

Wylin, Bert
Bert Wylin (1970) is a university researcher since 1993, in the field of education
innovation and computer assisted language learning: integration of the Internet and
technology in education. In 2001 he founded a university spin-off company, now Televic
Education, to develop educational multimedia products and services, e-assessment and
e-learning mainly. He manages and consults Televic Education educational eassessment projects (mainly publishers, (high) schools, hospitals and major companies).

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