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Sawtelle knit in

Berroco Remix




Skill level: Easy

Shown in size 2
Directions are for childrens size 2. Changes for sizes
4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 are in parentheses
To Fit Chest Size: 20(21-22-23-24-25)
Chest (closed) 24(25-26-27-28-29)
Length 14(15-16-16-17 1/2-18)
Note: This garment was designed with
approximately 4 of ease. The sleeves and body are
slightly longer than usual, allowing for a little room
to grow. Fold the sleeves up if desired.

Body of this garment is worked in one piece
to the underarm, then divided for back and
fronts. Shoulder seams are then sewn and
sleeves are picked up and worked down in the
round on 2 circular needles.
With one circular needle, using CC, cast on
116(122-126-130-134-138) sts. Work even in
Garter St for 3. Mark next row for RS of work.
Change to MC and work even in Garter St until
piece measures 9(9- 10-10- 11-11), end
on WS.
Divide for Armholes: Next Row (RS):
K25(27-28-29-30-31), bind off 14 sts, k until
there are 38(40-42-44-46-48) sts on RH needle
after bound-off sts, bind off 14 sts, k to end.
Left Front: K25(27-28-29-30-31), slip next
38(40-42-44-46-48) sts onto holder for back,

3(3-3-3-3-4) Balls BERROCO REMIX (100 grs), #3933
Patina (MC) and 1 ball #3996 Poppy (CC)
Two 24 length circular knitting needles, size 8 (5.00
2 St holders
1 St marker
Three 1 buttons
17 sts = 4; 32 rows = 4 in Garter St
17 sts = 4; 23 rnds = 4 in St st

sl remaining 25(27-28-29-30-31) sts onto

another holder for right front.
Work even until armhole measures 3(3- 44-4-4), end on RS.
Shape Neck: Next Row (WS): Bind off 12(1314-15-16-16) sts, k to end 13(14-14-14-14-15)
Dec Row (RS): K to last 3 sts, k2 tog, k1
12(13-13-13-13-14) sts. Rep this dec every RS
row 3 times more - 9(10-10-10-10-11) sts. Work
even until armhole measures 5(5- 6- 6- 66), end on WS. Bind off. Mark placement of
3 buttons on front edge, the first 1 up from
beg of armhole, the last below beg of neck
shaping and the other evenly spaced between.
Back: With RS facing, join MC in first st on
second holder. Using circular needle, k38(4042-44-46-48). Work even until armholes
measure 5(5-5- 5- 6- 6), end on WS.
Shape Neck: Next Row (RS): K9(10-10-10-10-

11), join another ball of MC and bind off center

20(20-22-24-26-26) sts, k to end. Working
both sides at once, work even until armholes
measure 5(5- 6- 6- 6- 6), end on WS.
Bind off.
Right Front: With RS facing, join MC in first
st on remaining holder. Using circular needle,
k25(27-28-29-30-31). Work even until armhole
measures 1, end on WS.
Buttonhole Row (RS): K3, k2 tog, yo, k
to end. Work even until armhole measures
3(3-4-4-4-4), making 2 more
buttonholes opposite markers on left front,
end on WS.
Shape Neck: Next Row (RS): Bind off 12(1314-15-16-16) sts, k to end 13(14-14-14-14-15)
sts. Work 1 row even.
Dec Row (RS): K1, k2 tog, k to end 12(1313-13-13-14) sts. Rep this dec every RS row
3 times more 9(10-10-10-10-11) sts. Work
even until armhole measures 5(5-6-6-66), end on WS. Bind off.
With RS facing, using one circular needle and
MC, beg at center point of 14 bound-off sts at
underarm, pick up and k25(25-27-27-29-29)
sts to shoulder seam, using second circular
needle, pick up and k25(25-27-27-29-29) sts to
beg 50(50-54-54-58-58) sts. Mark for beg of
rnd and carry marker up. Work even in St st (k
EVERY rnd) by knitting all the sts on first circular

Collar: With RS facing, using one circular
needle and MC, beg at right front edge, pick
up and k25(25-26-26-27-27) sts along right
front neck edge, 26(26-28-28-30-30) sts across
back neck edge, then 25(25-26-26-27-27) sts
along left front neck edge 76(76-80-80-8484) sts. Work even in Garter St for 4, end on
WS. Bind off. Sew on buttons.
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Berroco Remix




3(3-4-4- 4-4)
6(6-7-7- 8-8)

6(6-7-7- 8-8)




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Photo and text copyright 2013, Berroco, Inc.



11(12- 13-13-14- 15)


needle, then all the sts on second circular

needle until sleeve measures 1 from beg.
Note: Make sure when you start to knit each
section that you pick up the other end of that
needle to start knitting. If you pick up the end
of the other needle, you will wind up with all
the sts on one needle and will have to divide
them onto 2 needles again.
Dec Rnd: K1, SSK, k to 3 sts before marker,
k2 tog, k1 48(48-52-52-56-56) sts. Rep this
dec every 11(11-12-12-13-13) times more
26(26-28-28-30-30) sts. Work even until sleeve
measures 11(12- 13- 13- 14- 15) from
beg. Change to CC and work even until sleeve
measures 12(13-13- 14-15-15) from beg.
Bind off.

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