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Chart for the Implementation of S

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Self Assessment Criterion
1 Criterion 1:Program Mission, Objectives and Outcomes

1.1 Standard 1-1: Development and Documentation of:

1.1.1 Mission Statement of the University
1.1.2 Mission Statement of the Department
1.1.3 Mission Statement of the Program
1.1.4 Measureable Objectives of the Program
1.1.5 Learning Outcomes for Graduating Students
1.1.6 Programme Objectives vs. Programmed Outcomes Matrix
1.1.7 Strategic Plan for achievement of Programme Mission and Objective
1.1.8 Method of Measurement of Objectives
1.2 Standard 1-2: Development and Documentation of:
1.2.1 Method to assess the graduate's ability to fulfill outcomes
1.2.2 Results of Student Survey after each Semester
1.2.3 Results of Alumni Survey after every Two Years
1.2.4 Results of Employers Survey after every Two Years
1.3 Standard 1-3: Development and Documentation of:
1.3.1 Actions taken on the base of Student, Alumni and Employer Survey Result
1.3.2 Strengths and Weaknesses of the Program
1.3.3 Future Plans for the Program Development
1.4 Standard 1-4: Development and Documentation of:
1.4.1 the method of Assessment of Overall Performance.
1.4.2 the frequency of Assessment of overall performance.
1.4.3 percentage of honor students during last 3 years
1.4.4 Student Faculty Ratio
1.4.5 Average grading point average per semester
1.4.6 average time for completing the undergraduate program
1.4.7 Attrition Rate
1.4.8 percentage of Employer Satisfaction from the graduating students
1.4.9 Average Student Evaluation for all the courses
1.4.10 Percentage of faculty awarded with Research excellence
1.4.11 Current performance measures for research activities
1.4.12 Faculty 's Journal Publications
1.4.13 Funded Projects for Faculty
1.4.14 Conference Publications per faculty Member per year
1.4.15 Schedules of Short Courses during the year
1.4.16 Schedules of Workshops/seminars during the year
1.4.17 Extent of Faculty and Student satisfaction with the Administrative Services
2 Criterion 2: Curriculum design and Organization

2 Standad2-0:Development and Documentation of:

2.0.1 Title of Program
2.0.2 Definition of Credit Hours
2.0.3 Flow Charts for the Prerequisites, core and elective courses of the Program
2.0.4 Table 4.3 of the Self Assessment Manual to show breakdowns.
2.0.5 Course Titles
2.0.6 Course Objectives and Outcomes
2.0.7 Catalog Description
2.0.8 List of Text Book(s) and References
2.0.9 Syllabus Breakdown in Lectures
2.0.10 Computer Usage
2.0.11 Laboratory Usage
2.0.12 Content Breakdown in Credit Hours for Basic Science, Math, Engineering and Design
2.1.0 Standad2-1:Development and Documentation of:
2.1.1 Course v/s Program Outcomes Matrix (table 4.4 of Self Assessment manual)
2.2 Standard2-2:Development and Documentation of:
2.2.1 Theoretical Backgrounds of the course
2.2.2 List of Problem Analysis
2.2.3 Solution Design's Accordance within the Program's core material.
2.3.0 Standard2-3:Development and Documentation of:
2.3.1 Minimum Requirements for each program
2.3.2 HEC Requirements for each program
2.3.3 PEC Requirements for each program(if applicable)
2.3.4 Deviations(if any)
2.3.5 Justification of the reason of deviation from minimum requirements
2.3.6 Requirements of Accreditation Body for each program(if applicable)
2.4.0 Standard2-4:Development and Documentation of :
2.4.1 Integration of Information Technology with the Program
2.5 Standard 2-5: Development and Documentation of:
2.5.1 the method to enhance student's oral and written communication
3 Criterion 3: Laboratories and Computing Facilities

3.0.1 Standard 3-0: Development and Documentation of:

3.0.2 Laboratory Titles
3.0.3 Location and Area of Laboratories
3.0.4 courses to be taught in the laboratories
3.0.5 List of Experiments to be carried out in the Laboratories
3.0.6 Objectives of the Experiments
3.0.7 Software Requirements and Availability in the labs (if applicable)
3.0.8 List of Major Equipments in the Laboratory
3.0.9 List of Major Apparatus in the Laboratory
3.0.10 List of safety Regulations in the laboratory
3.1 Standard 3-1:Development and documentation of:
3.1.1 Laboratory Manuals for all the apparatus/equipment (if applicable)
3.1.2 Instructions of Experiments to be carried out in the lab.
3.1.3 method of easy access of lab manuals to faculty and students
3.2 Standard 3-2:Development and documentation of:
3.2.1 List of Support Personnel in the Laboratory
3.2.2 List of expertise of laboratory support personnel
3.2.3 Job Description of the Laboratory personnel's
3.3 Standard 3-3:Development and documentation of:
3.3.1 university computing facilities at the departmental level.
3.3.2 benchmarks to access the performance relative to other departments
3.3.3 performance matrix so that facilities support program objectives
4 Criterion 4.0: Student Support and Advising

4.1 Standard 4-1: Development and Documentation of:

4.1.1 Department's strategy for course offering
4.1.2 frequency of course offering
4.1.3 frequency of elective course offering
4.1.4 method of management of course offering outside the department(number/frequency)
4.2 Standard 4-2: Development and Documentation of:
4.2.1 method of interaction between faculty and students of major subjects
4.2.2 method of interaction between faculty and students of minor/elective subjects
4.2.3 the location, timing of faculty, teacher assistants and student interaction
4.3 Standard 4-3: Development and Documentation of:
4.3.1 method to inform students about program requirements.
4.3.2 Advising system regarding the program prevailing in the department
4.3.3 Advising system regarding the career choices prevailing in the department
4.3.4 method to measure the effectiveness of advising system(program/career counseling)
4.3.5 the method of provision of customized student counseling.(on student request)
4.3.6 the list of opportunities for the student to interact with professionals, technical and skilled practitioners.
5 Criterion 5.0: Process Control

5.1 Standard 5-1: Development and Documentation of:

5.1.1 the Program Admission criteria at the institutional level.
5.1.2 policy regarding the Program/credit transfer
5.1.3 method of evaluation of the admission criteria
5.1.4 the frequency of the evaluation of admission criterion
5.1.5 results of admission criteria evaluation process
5.1.6 the method to inculcate corrections in the Admission process
5.2 Standard 5-2: Development and Documentation of:
5.2.1 the method of student registration in the program.
5.2.2 method of monitoring student academic progress
5.2.3 method of verification of program of study to adhere to degree requirements
5.2.4 the frequency of the registration and monitoring process(5.2.2)
5.2.5 results of registration and monitoring process
5.2.6 the method to inculcate corrections in the registration process
5.3 Standard 5-3: Development and Documentation of:
5.3.1 the process of recruiting the highly qualified faculty
5.3.2 method to ensure that highly qualified and experienced faculty is recruited.
5.3.3 method to retain excellent faculty members
5.3.4 method of evaluation and promotion process.
5.3.5 the fact that method of evaluation and promotion process is aligned with institutional mission statement
5.3.6 the frequency of evaluation of the recruitment process
5.3.7 results of recruitment process
5.3.8 the method to inculcate corrections in the recruitment process
5.4 Standard 5-4: Development and Documentation of:
5.4.1 the teaching process and procedures.
5.4.2 method to ensure that teaching process and course delivery is effective and focuses on student learning
5.4.3 frequency of the teaching process evaluation
5.4.4 the method to inculcate corrections in the teaching process
5.5 Standard 5-5: Development and Documentation of:
5.5.1 the method to ensure that graduates meet the program requirements
5.5.2 the method to evaluate the 5.5.1 procedure
5.5.3 the frequency to evaluate the 5.5.1 procedure.
5.5.4 the method to inculcate corrections in the teaching 5.5.1 on the basis of results
6 Criterion 6.0:Faulty

6.1 Standard 6-1:Development and Documentation of:

6.1.1 the full time faculty profile
6.1.2 the part time faculty profile
6.1.3 completed table 4.6 of Self Assessment Manual of HEC.
6.1.4 fresh/current Resume Bank of the faculty
6.2 Standard 6-2:Development and Documentation of:
6.2.1 criteria for faculty to be deemed current and active in their discipline
6.2.2 the method to ensure that faculty does have enough time for scholarly and professional development
6.2.3 the faculty development programs at the departmental and university level
6.2.4 method to demonstrate the effectiveness of faculty development program
6.2.5 the frequency of evaluation of faculty programs
6.2.6 the method of improvement of faculty programs based on the evaluation of faculty programs
6.3 Standard 6-3:Development and Documentation of:
6.3.1 process and program in place for faculty motivation
6.3.2 the results of Faculty Survey on programs for faculty motivation and job satisfaction
6.3.2 method to measure the effectiveness of the motivational programs

7 Criterion 7: Institutional Facilities

7.1 Standard 7-1: Development and Documentation of:
7.1.1 the list of Infrastructure and facilities in the department
7.1.2 the list of Infrastructure and facilities in the department that support new trends in learning
7.1.3 the statement of adequacy of facilities
7.2 Standard 7-2: Development and Documentation of:
7.2.1 the statement of adequacy of Library's technical collection
7.2.2 the statement of the support rendered by the library
7.3 Standard 7-3: Development and Documentation of:
7.3.1 the statement of adequacy of class rooms
7.3.1 the statement of adequacy of faculty offices

8 Criterion 8: Institutional Support

8.1 Standard 8-1: Development and Documentation of:

8.1.1 the statement of Secretarial support to the department provided by the Institution
8.1.2 the statement of technical support to the department provided by the Institution
8.1.3 the statement of office equipment provided by the Institution
8.1.4 the statement of adequacy of Secretarial, technical and office support for faculty and scholars to maintain competence.
8.2 Standard 8-2: Development and Documentation of:
8.2.1 the Statement providing the number of graduate students
8.2.2 the Statement providing the number of Research Assistants
8.2.3 the Statement providing the number of PhD students
8.2.4 the statement of faculty: graduate student ratio for the last three years
8.3 Standard 8-3: Development and Documentation of:
8.3.1 the statement of Financial resources available for the library
8.3.2 the statement of Financial resources available for the laboratories
8.3.3 the statement of Financial resources available for the computing facilities
rt for the Implementation of Self Assessment Manual

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