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4 PHONE: (503)829-2301 FAX: (503)829-2317 MOLALLA PIONEER E-MAIL: pioneer@eaglenewspapers.

com Wednesday, May 14, 2008


the News
Joe Wilson
Editor & General Manager

Let’s save
our river
or, how a lazy TV-watching kid can become
an environmentally conscious adult
grew up a child of the 70s in a suburb of Cleveland,

I Ohio. When I think back to those days, I have a very

clear recollection of the television commercials I
watched, nestled between episodes of Hogan’s Heroes and
Lost in Space. I guess that means the jingle guys and the
guys writing the ad copy knew what they were doing.
The one commercial that actually had a lasting effect on
me was the one with the Native American rowing his canoe
in a pristine river and later walking along the side of a free-
way to watch some careless driver throw litter out the car
window. Sadly, the litter lands on the Indian’s feet and the
camera moves in on the Indian’s face just as one tear falls
down his cheek.
During all this, the voiceover says, “Some people have a
deep, abiding respect for the natural beauty that was once this
country. And some people don’t. People start pollution.

L etters To the Editor

People can stop it.”
That campy TV spot surprisingly had a deep, abiding
effect on my young life. I never wanted to litter after seeing
that a few times. I didn’t want to make that Indian cry.
Of course I wasn’t yet sharp enough to ponder how he got
from his canoe on the river to the freeway so fast and why he EDITOR’S NOTE: Election-related I grew up in Molalla, and I looked forward those who are fighting this disease.
to the hugs from my friends. It showed me Remember, having cancer is tough, but
was walking along a busy Interstate in the first place. But letters begin on Page 11. that people still care. As for the students who none of us need to fight alone. Help is just a
that didn’t matter. What mattered was the idea that Native
Americans knew something about our country’s land that we don’t want to be hugged, give them extra phone call or a mouse click away at 1-800-
didn’t seem to get — something I wanted to know. Other things can be done time with a counselor and maybe give them
ways to speak up in those situations, “no” is
ACS-2345 or www.cancer.org.
It would be years later — after I moved to Oregon —
before I would personally see rivers like the one in the com- besides outlawing hugs still a word, isn’t it? MOLALLA

mercial. Instead of a ban on hugs, why not put a

My hometown may be a family-friendly locale that’s a
This letter is in regard to the article about
students at the middle school and the princi-
stricter tardiness policy into effect — maybe Thankful for hard work
great place to start a business, but it’s not known for its pris- then hugs won’t seem like something so ter-
tine rivers. Actually, it’s quite the opposite.
pal’s absurd “no hugging” policy.
Do you remember when you were that
rible. of teacher, his students
The river that runs through downtown Cleveland, the age? I sure do. It’s a very social time in any Molalla Middle School teacher Dan
Cuyahoga River, was featured in Time magazine after the child’s life and hugging to show affection and Leighton and his eighth-grade class offer a
river caught fire, due to all the pollution, on June 22, 1969. positive contribution to our community.
The magazine described the Cuyahoga as the river that
care for a peer is nothing to “ban”.
At that age, if a friend needed sympathy, I
Please join us in painting We would like to take this opportunity to
“oozes rather than flows” and in which a person, “does not
drown but decays.” Pretty harsh words, but we deserved it.
would give them a hug, or before going to
class, a hug as a “goodbye” wasn’t longer
Molalla purple this week express our appreciation to Mr. Leighton for
teaching his class that they, through hard
We treated our river badly. I knew there must have been at than four to seven seconds long. What’s four During Spring Fling this weekend, your work, can make an impact on our community.
least one Indian crying after that hit the newsstands. to seven seconds? It would take hugging nine Molalla Relay for Life Planning Committee His class project, earning the money for a
I’m sure the Cuyahoga was once a pristine river, like parts to 15 classmates to make someone one and some of your Relay teams (check us out life-support system for the Molalla Fire
of the Molalla River still are today. So could this level of minute late. at www.MolallaRelay.com) will be avail- Department, sent those students who volun-
neglect ever happen to the Molalla? Let’s hope not. But I believe that the principal or the school able in Long Park to talk with you about teered to do a variety of work for people need-
rather than just hoping, let’s get busy making sure it never district is trying to cover their rears in this Relay and share some of the awesome ing assistance with projects around their
happens. day and age of sexual harrassment. resources available from the American homes and property.
I can’t say I understand why businesses and people messed Found on MSNBC, this explains it all... Cancer Society. Jeff Beyer, Andrew Howard, Allison
up the Cuyahoga, but it was in an industrial area. So I’m “Title IX, the federal statute that bans sex dis- We encourage all Molallans to join in a fun Brown, Chloe Avila, and a parent that volun-
even more dumbfounded why people pollute the Molalla crimination in schools, also protects students campaign to PAINT THE TOWN PURPLE teered his time and energy to supervise, were
with garbage. I would have thought that by now, we would from sexual harassment. Hugging didn’t this weekend. the hard working crew that came to our home.
have listened to that Indian. become an issue until 1999, when the We will be distributing door hangers to I was truly amazed and encouraged by the
The Molalla River may not have an Indian like the one in Supreme Court ruled that a school district help spread the word that teams can still join work ethic and conduct of these eighth
the commercial looking out for her, but luckily she has could be liable for damages in a case of sex- us for Molalla Relay 2008. So what can you graders. I told Mr. Leighton how wonderful
Molalla RiverWatch. With your help, this organization can ual harassment by a peer that the district do to show your support? It’s easy! his kids were and what hard workers they
make sure that the litter and garbage that people are leaving ignored.” You can: Decorate home, office, store or were — without complaining — and he
at the river will not accumulate. My idea — listen to students who have restaurant windows with a purple display. quickly gave the praise to the parents for
Again this year, Molalla RiverWatch is participating in the issues with unwanted hugs, or even take up a Decorate with purple balloons. Paint your instilling these values at home.
SOLV “Down By the Riverside” Enhancement, Cleanup and vote within the school that the students can porch light purple or insert a purple bulb. Tie We suspect that what is possibly taught at
Appreciation Day event. participate in. purple ribbons around trees in your neighbor- home is being taught and modeled at school
The group is assembling volunteers at 9 a.m., Saturday, Without knowing how many students are hood. Wear your favorite Relay gear or any by a teacher who is very proud of his students.
May 17, at Feyrer Park for the annual spring cleanup. A vol- offended by hugging, how can you ban it? purple clothing. Thank you again Mr. Leighton and parents
unteer appreciation barbecue, provided by Molalla What if there are none? The idea behind painting our town purple for allowing us to reap some rewards from
RiverWatch, will be back at Feyrer Park in the afternoon. A hug goes a long way, especially when is twofold. your hard work.
The target areas include The Molalla River Corridor and there is a friend in need. How did this ban First, it tells everyone that we are a com- JIM AND TERI HAROLD
other public river access sites near Molalla. come into effect? munity that has joined in the fight against MOLALLA
Volunteers should dress appropriately for Oregon’s ever- Was it voted on by the school board or did cancer, and we support the goal to eliminate
changing weather; wear sturdy boots and bring gloves. If you it just come out of the principal’s head and he cancer as a life-threatening disease by 2015. Turn to LETTERS on Page 10
forget or don’t have any gloves, some will be provided by took it upon himself? Second, it sends a message of hope to all
SOLV and the Oregon Lottery.
Participants can also earn community service credit for this
I have to give Kay Patteson, executive director of Molalla
RiverWatch, a lot of credit. She’s stood by this river for a
Editorial Guidelines
long time and hasn’t wavered. 300 words is the limit on letters. The Pioneer may print unsubstantiated allegations of criminal acts, profanity,
Here are her own words about Saturday’s event:
“This is a wonderful opportunity for volunteers to meet letters longer than that, but it reserves the right to edit or not personal attacks or other objectionable content. This is a
new people, enjoy the beautiful Molalla River and feel good run letters longer than the standard. place to debate the issues at hand.
about helping to keep the Molalla River clean and beautiful
for everyone to enjoy.” Noon on Friday is the deadline for letters to the editor, Letters to the Editor may be:
I agree, Kay. though the Pioneer will try to run letters if they arrive later. Mailed to:
I should give some credit to those who are sponsoring the
Molalla Pioneer
local cleanup. They are: Molalla RiverWatch, Inc., the
The Letters to the Editor and Guest Columns printed in the Letter to the Editor
Bureau of Land Management, SOLV “Down By the
Pioneer do not necessarily reflect the opinion or approval P.O. Box 168
Riverside”, Metro, Clackamas County “Dumpstoppers” and
Molalla, OR 97038
Molalla Communications Company. of this newspaper.
For more information or to pre-register your group, call Emailed to: pioneer@eaglenewspapers.com
Kay Patteson, 503-824-2195 or Zach Jarrett at BLM, 503-
Letters to the Editor will not be printed if they are judged Submitted via the Web site:
That Indian would have been proud of these folks. He inappropriate for publication because they contain libel, www.molallapioneer.com
might have even stopped crying.

STAFF General Manager / Editor
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