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User Manual for Match!, version 3.

March 2008
Table of Contents
1. Introduction...................................................................................................................................................4

2. Exploring Match!...........................................................................................................................................5

2.1. Functions....................................................................................................................................................9
2.2. Data............................................................................................................................................................9
2.3. Access-Reports.........................................................................................................................................13
2.4. Excel-Reports...........................................................................................................................................14
2.5. Web-Reports.............................................................................................................................................14
2.6. Queries.....................................................................................................................................................14

3. Procedure tasks before start competiton...................................................................................................14

3.1. Step 1: Specify match details (yes/no)......................................................................................................14

3.2. Step 2: Include pictures in report (yes/no)...............................................................................................15
3.3. Step 3: Toto (gambling)............................................................................................................................15
3.4. Step 4: Extra base data............................................................................................................................16
3.5. Step 5: Print reports with match-schedule and group-scheme................................................................16

4. Procedure tasks during competition..........................................................................................................18

4.1. Step 1: Enter Lineups...............................................................................................................................18

4.2. Step 2: Enter match-results......................................................................................................................18
4.3. Step 3: Generate rankings of players, subplayers and gamblers.............................................................18
4.4. Step 4: Print reports with match-results and rankings............................................................................20
4.5. Step 5: Run Queries..................................................................................................................................20
4.6. Step 6: Update current round...................................................................................................................20
4.7. Step 7: Update current group-round........................................................................................................21
4.8. Step 8: Generate matches for next group-round......................................................................................21
4.9. Step 9: Print reports with new match-schedule........................................................................................21
4.10. Step 10: Print report End Ranking Player..........................................................................................21

5. Installation....................................................................................................................................................22

6. Contact..........................................................................................................................................................25

7. Appendix 1: Definitions Match!.................................................................................................................26

8. Appendix 2: Definitions MS Access and Databases.................................................................................28

9. Appendix 3: Abbreviations.........................................................................................................................30

10. Appendix 4: Predicted match results for FIFA WC2006........................................................................31

10.1. FIFA WC2006 demo-competition........................................................................................................31

11. Appendix 5: Reports....................................................................................................................................33

11.1. Group-scheme......................................................................................................................................33
11.2. Match Schedule/Results per Group.....................................................................................................34
11.3. Virtual Match Schedule.......................................................................................................................35
11.4. Gamble Input Form.............................................................................................................................36
11.5. Match Schedule Matrix........................................................................................................................37
11.6. Match Scheduler – Calendar, location view.......................................................................................38
11.7. Match Scheduler – Calendar, player view..........................................................................................39
11.8. Match Schedule – Time Table.............................................................................................................40
11.9. Group Ranking Players, global...........................................................................................................41
11.10. Group Ranking Players, detailed........................................................................................................42
11.11. Ranking Subplayers.............................................................................................................................43
11.12. Ranking Gamblers...............................................................................................................................44
11.13. Match Results Matrix...........................................................................................................................45
11.14. Lineup..................................................................................................................................................46
11.15. Match Results Details..........................................................................................................................47
11.16. Performance Subplayers of Player X, graph.......................................................................................48
11.17. End-ranking Players............................................................................................................................49

12. Appendix 6 : Queries...................................................................................................................................50

12.1. Competition Statistics..........................................................................................................................50

12.2. Fairplay Ranking Players....................................................................................................................51
12.3. Ranking Subplayers for Player X........................................................................................................52
12.4. All stars team, global...........................................................................................................................53
12.5. All stars team, detailed........................................................................................................................54
12.6. Peformance Subplayers of Player X, table..........................................................................................55
12.7. Goals Time specification of Player X..................................................................................................55

13. Appendix 7 : Directory structure Match !................................................................................................56

14. Appendix 8 : Gambling manual : how to fill gamble-form....................................................................58

2. Introduction

This document is the user-manual of Match! 3.0, which is dedicated to UEFA 2008 EuroCup
soccer (EC2008). This manual is based on Match 2.0, which was made for FIFA 2006 World
Cup (WC2006). In this manual all examples refer to WC2006, but because the two
tournaments are similair, Match! works the same for EC2008 and WC2006. The only
differences between EC2008 and WC2006 are:
 EC2008 has fewer participating teams and fewer rounds (no 1/8 final-round)
 EC has no match for the (end-)rank 3 and 4, only for rank 1 and 2

The demo-competition for EC2008 is 71, this has the results for all the matches (a simulation
of EC2008). When you are going to use Match! for real, you should use competition 70.
For EC2008, we did not enter all the detail-data for a match (goals, referees, line-ups etc), but
you can see this is competiton 61, which has a simulation of WC2006. NB: To see this, you
have to download version 2 of Match, you can’t see it in version 3, the EC2008-version.

For product-information about Match!, see the readme-file, or our website:


Match! is a standard application, which can be used for different kinds of sports. The
consequence of this is that Match! sometimes uses it’s own ‘abstract’ terms for concepts
which may have different names in sports A and sports B. Therefore it’s important that you
first read par. 8 which gives definitions of all these terms.
Translated to WC2006, the most important ‘Match!-terms’ are:

 player: a national team , e.g. Netherlands

 sub-player: a person of a team, e.g. 'van Nistelrooy' (belongs to player ‘Netherlands’)
 group: in the WC there are 8 groups, A-H, each with 4 players.
 group-round: the 1st round of the WC is group-round 1, the 1/8-finals are group-round 2,
the 1/4 finals are group-round 3 etc.
 virtual match: a match in a final-round for which the players are not known yet, but are
indicated by variables, like e.g. A1-B2 (match between winner of group A and nr.2 of
group B)
 virtual player: a player in a virtual match

Match! is a database-application build in MS Access. Although you don’t have to know a lot
of Access and databases to be able to use Match!, it’s necessary to have a basic understanding
of it. If you don’t, you should first read par. 9, which contains some important Access and
database terms.

This manual will first give a global description of the components of Match, like the GUI, the
functions (which automate your tasks), the database and the output (reports and queries).
Then a step-by-step procedure will be given of how you should work with Match!. This
description is split in 2: first it will describe what you should do before the start of the
competition, and then the things you should do during the competition are described.
Because all the base-data (like groups, players and the match-schedule) for WC2006 have
already been entered by us, the way how to fill base-tables will not be explained in detail in
this manual, but we will focus on those parts of Match! which deal with processing the match-
results and generating output.

The text in this manual is illustrated with screen-shots and output of Match!, or more specific:
with the demo-competition of WC2006. The WC2006 competition has id 60. Comp.61 and
62 are copies of this, with test-data., that is: we made a simulation for WC2006, in which all
matches have been played. In comp.61 only the match-results have been entered, in comp.62
also match-details (like goals and line-ups were entered). But both demo-competitons have
exactly the same match-results. In par. 11 you can see what these results are.

The rest of the appendices contain Match!-output. So if you want to have a quick look what
you can do with Match!, you should browse through them now.

Tip: Always make a backup of Match periodically, e.g. every week. So just make a copy of
file Match_FIFA_WC2006.mde, e.g. to a CD.

3. Exploring Match!

Match! 1st screen looks like this:

Figuur 2-1: Introduction window

You now have to choose the competition in which you want to work, e.g. comp.60
Also you must choose which menu style you want to use: modern (a Windows-Explorer-like
menu (treeview)) or classic (menu with buttons).
NB: unfortunately menu style ‘modern’ doesn’t work on all PC’s, caused by ActiveX-control-
registration problems, which is something not only Match! suffers from as you can see on
internet.. in this case you have to choose alwasy menu-style ‘classic’.

The 2 menu-forms are functionally equivalent, they only differ in appearance.

After you have clicked on OK, you will see the menu-form you chose, see Figuur 2 -2: Main
menu, style ‘Modern’ and Figuur 2 -3: Main menu, style ‘Classic’

Figuur 2-2: Main menu, style ‘Modern’


The menu-tree has 2 kind of items (‘nodes’), yellow parent-nodes (comparable to a directory
in Windows Explorer) and white child-nodes (comparable to a file in Windows Explorer)
When you click on a parent-node, the underlying child-nodes will become visible.
When you click on a child-node, the underlying DB-object will become active, e.g.: a form
will be opened or a function will be executed.
The listview contains the matches in the current active round, and shows the result if a match
is played. This listview is only a view, you can’t edit it. At the end of a round, for all matches
in this list-view , the columns score A/B must be filled.
Figuur 2-3: Main menu, style ‘Classic’

To activate a menu-item, click on the corresponding button. After that, the button will remain
in position ‘pressed’, so later you can see you already pressed it once, and you won’t press a
button twice by accident when it’s not necessary.

The main-menu form will always remain open. So after you have opened another form, e.g.
form Match, on the background the main-menu is still there. You can change screen via the
menu-toolbar, see menu. 'Window'.

As you can see in the menu-form, Match! consist of the following kinds of objects:
1. Functions
2. Process Data
3. Base Data
4. Access Reports
5. Excel Reports
6. Web Reports
7. Queries

These objects will now be described in more detail.

3.1. Functions

Functions automate tasks which you otherwise had to do yourself, e.g. calculating the ranking of the
players. Functions execute some kind of DML-action on the database, e.g. the function ‘Update
Ranking Player’ will update the Player-Ranking-table. While it’s executing, a sandbox will be
displayed. After a function has been executed succesfully, it will display this to you (in a message-
box). And if there’s a problem, it will show an error-message that will tell you what’s wrong.
There are 2 kinds of functions:
1. Functions which you have to execute before the start of the competition, e.g.: ‘Reading Gambler
2. Functions which you have to execute during the competition, e.g. ‘Update Player Ranking’

NB: When a function has done an insert in a table T while the form for table T was open, you
won't see the new records. Press on the filter-icoon 2 times and then you'll see them, or close
and re-open (the form of) tabel T.

3.2. Data

In Match! there are 2 kinds of data:

1. Base-data: data which you enter before the start of the competition and after that don’t change
anymore, e.g. player-data and time/location-data.
2. Process data: data which will change after every round of the competiton, e.g. match-data (results)
and player-ranking.

So during the competition, you will only have to enter data for tables in the Process Data-groupbox.

Data is stored in the tables of the database. For every table, Match! has 2 forms:
1. record-view, showing 1 record, see Figuur 2 -4: Record-view table Match
2. list-view: showing all records in table, see Figuur 2 -5: List-view table Match

Only in record-view you can do DML-actions (like inserting a record).

Figuur 2-4: Record-view table Match

Explanation of red-marked circles in figure (from left to right, top to bottom):

1. filter, if pressed (like in figure), a filter is active. See also status-bar (’64 Filtered’) and ‘FLTR’
2. play-symbol + *: insert record
3. play-symbol + X: delete record
4. cross X on top-right corner of form: close form
5. triangle left to vertical line (left margin): current record indicator, i.c record 1 (see status-bar)
symbol will change in a pencil if record is in update-mode. After confirmation of update (=
[SHIFT] + [ENTER]), it will change again in a triangle.
6. triangle for combo-box-control PlayerA: click on it and select desired player
7. Played: check-box control: checked (as in figure) = True, and unchecked = False.
8. Point# player A/B: grey fields: non-edit, are filled by system (by function ‘Update ranking’).
9. Switch-view: action-control to switch to list-view.
10. Buttons ‘Goal’ etc: action-buttons to open corresponding form (e.g. ‘Goal’ etc).
11. Record (play-symbol etc): record-navigators, goto 1st record, last record, next record.
Play-symbol + * =: insert record
12. Text in status-bar:, i.c: %|*|Match ID (user): help-text for active control (i.c.: Match ID). For this
field the folowing coding is used:
Type | Null | help-text

Ad Type:
@ = hyperlink
$ = string (char)
% = number
B = Boolean (Yes/No)
D = date

Ad Null:
‘*’ means that field can be null, else it is ‘ ‘.

Figuur 2-5: List-view table Match

Explanation of red-marked circles in figure (from left to right, top to bottom)

1. symbol A>Z / Z>A: sort: if you click on it, the table will be sorted on the current column from
A>Z. If you click another time, it will sort on Z>A
2. filter-symbols, if pressed (like in figure), a filter is active. See also status-bar (’64 Filtered) and
‘FLTR’. There are 2 types of filters:
 filter by selection: filter current column on value of current cell
 filter by form: you can specify more than 1 field to filter on, and you can also save the filter.
Later you can load this filter (see icon: load from query). In Match! there is 1 stored form-
filter, ‘QfiltrMatch_playr_id’, which will filter all matches for 1 player, see Figuur 2 -6:
Match-form with filter
3. binoculars: search for a specific value for current column
4. Switch-view: action control to switch to record-view
Figuur 2-6: Match-form with filter

Match-table after applying form-filter ‘all matches of player X', i.c. X = ‘Netherlands’
3.3. Access-Reports

An Access-report is a printable document containing data of the database. See the appendices for
examples of reports (e.g. see par. 12.1). Access-reports can be exported to Word (press on the Word-
icon in the menu).

Some reports have parameters so you can specify the apperance of the report and what kind of data
you want in the report. A report-parameter-form looks like this:

Figuur 2-7: Parameter-form for Access-report

There are 2 kinds of parameters:

1. Type-parameters: to specify the appearance of the report, e.g. match-schedule sorted by date or
grouped by groups (i.c. A-H)
2. Filter-parameters: to specify which data you want in the report, e.g. show only matches in round 1.
If you leave a filter-parameter empty, it will mean it won’t filter on that field. If you have to
specify an ID (i.c. Round ID) for a parameter, look at the corresponding table (i.c. Round) for the
specific value (integer). (NB: for match-ID, you should always specify the Match ID (user) field
of table Match, so your own number (not that of the system (=Access)).

A report can include pictures, e.g. the flags of the countries. If you want this, you should set parameter
REP_INCL_PIC to 1 (and else to 0).
3.4. Excel-Reports

(NB: You should have MS Excel on your PC to be able to generate these reports.)

An Excel-report is a printable document (xls-doc) containing data of the database. It can be both textal
as graphical. See the appendices for examples of reports (e.g. see par.12.6)

Excel-reports can have parameters, just like Access-reports.

A report can include pictures, e.g. the flags of the countries. If you want this, you should set parameter
REP_INCL_PIC to 1 (and else 0).

Tip: for a PC with not so much memory, it’s recommend to specify ‘Yes’ for paramater ‘Save Excel-
report’, else the PC might not show the report after it’s generated, so you can never save it.

3.5. Web-Reports

An Web-report is a document containing data of the database in a format so you can publish on
Internet (HTML-format). See the appendices for examples of reports (e.g. see par.12.15)

NB: A web-report will be written to this file: C:\Match\Web\rep_match_details.htm.

So you should open it outside Match!, via your browser (e.g. Internet Explorer).

3.6. Queries

Match! contains some queries to get statistics about the whole competition, or about a specifc
player. See the appendices for examples of queries (e.g. see par. 13.1)

Queries can have parameters, just like Access-reports.

The query-result can be sorted (via icon A>Z / Z>A) and filtered (via filter-con), just like records in a
table can be filtered (via filter-form).

NB: After a query has been executed, you should close it without saving!!

4. Procedure tasks before start competiton

Hint: before you start entering your data in Match, make a backup of the empty DB, so if
something goes wrong, you can start from scratch with this backup.

4.1. Step 1: Specify match details (yes/no)

With Match! it’s possible to register everything of a match, so not only the score, but also
who scored, who got a yellow/red-card and what was the line-up of a team. But it is not
necessary to register all these details if you want to use Match! primarily to calculate the
rankings and maybe also for gambling. But if you want to use all match functionality and get
all possible statistics, you should enter all match-details. If you decide to do this, it is
recommended that you set parameter SCORE_SPEC to 1 (and else to 0). Match! will then
always check if the score-specification you entered in table ‘Goal’ corresponds to the score
you specified in table ‘Match’.

4.2. Step 2: Include pictures in report (yes/no)

Reports can be made more fancy by including pictures, e.g. the flags of the countries. If you
want this, you should set parameter REP_INCL_PIC to 1 (and else to 0)

4.3. Step 3: Toto (gambling)

If you want to use Match! for a toto (gambling), you should decide about the points which are
given to the following criteria:
 Toto (= win/draw/loss): parameter GAMBL_TOTO_PNT (default: 2 points)
 Score (goals made by player A and B): parameter GAMBL_GOAL_PNT (default: 1
 Virtual player (prediction of who will play in a final-match): parameter
GAMBL_PLAYR_PNT (default: 1 point per player, so max. 2 points for a match)
 End-ranking of player 1, 2 (and sometimes also 3 and 4): parameter
GAMBL_ENDRANK1..4 (default values resp.: 16, 8, 4, 2)

After that, you should enter the persons (gamblers) who participate in the toto, in table
‘Gambler’. Then, you should generate the Excel-form ‘Gambler Input form’.
You should email this form to all gamblers. They should fill this form and email it back to

NB: on the Excel-report is explained how this form should be filled, see e.g. the form for the
demo: C:\Match\GambleInput\ MatchScheduleReport1.xls. Gambler 1 in the deno-
competition predicted every match-result correctly, so his gamble-form is like that in par. 11.

You should check if all gamblers gave the form the right name, that is: MatchScheduleReport
+ <gambler-ID> (so: MatchScheduleReport1, MatchScheduleReport2,
MatchScheduleReport3 etc), and then you must put all the forms in dir:
C:\Match\GambleInput (NB: Don’t forget to remove the demo-forms!).

Then you can execute function ‘Read Gambler Input’. The function first checks if all forms
are filled correctly. If there is one (or more) form with an error, none of the forms will be
processed. (So this function uses the ‘transaction-principle’: it will handle all forms, or
none).The result of this function is that all gambler input will be inserted in Match!, in tables
‘Match-Gambler’ and ‘Virtual Match-Gambler’. If there are n gamblers, there will be n x 64
‘forecast-records’ (WC2006 has 64 matches).

Finally, you should export these tables to Excel, and email this to all the gamblers, so later
there can never be a suspicion of fraud (e.g. that you changed your forecast so you would
win). To do an export, see menu: File > Export.

 You should not try to enter gambler-input yourself, the above function also does some
calculation which will not be done if the gambler-input is entered manually.
 You should run the read-function for all gambler-input forms 1 time only. In case you still
have to read one (or more) forms later (so after you already read some forms), you should
first delete (or better: move to another dir.) the ‘old gambler-forms’, and then add the new
forms in the dir. GambleInput (to prevent duplicate gamble-records)

4.4. Step 4: Extra base data

We already entered all necessary data for the WC in Match!, and more. But you could extend
the base-data with extra sub-players and referees, now Match! is not complete for this data.
For referees the data you need to enter is quite obvious. How to fill the Sub-player table needs
some explanation:

Every subplayer must have an unique ID within the context of a player. You could e.g. use the
position-nr (number on back of shirt) for this. Because in Match! subplayers are sorted by ID,
you could also number the subplayers according to their names (alphabetically), so that they
will be sorted on their names.

For field 'def.position-nr', you must fill:

 1-keeper;
 2,4-lateral defenders(Left, Right);
 3,5-central defenders(L, R);
 6,7-defensive midfield(L, R);
 8,10-offensive midfield(L, R);
 9-1st forward;
 11-2nd forward

NB: This numbering is needed for Excel-report 'LineUp' and query 'All Stars Team'.

The fields named ‘def.*’ refer to default-data, that is: what would normally be true for the
subplayer. E.g.: if for subplayer X field def. 'position = 10, it means that normally this
subplayer will play on position 10, although in a particular match he might have to play on
another position. If you filll the default-fields for sub-players, it will be easier to fill table
‘Match-Subplayer’ during the competition. Namely function ‘Fill table Match-Subplayer’
puts all subplayers for which the default-fields are filled in the table.

4.5. Step 5: Print reports with match-schedule and group-scheme

The following reports are interesting to print now:

1. Group Scheme
2. Match Schedule
3. Virtual Match Schedule

1. Match Schedule Matrix
2. Match Schedule Calendar
3. Match Schedule -Time Table
5. Procedure tasks during competition

The steps which are the subject of this paragraph should be executed in a specific order,
which you can see in Figuur 4 -8: Flowchart tasks during competiton

Match-details (like who scored the goals, who got yellow/red-cards, marks for the
performances of the subplayers) can be stored in 3 tables: ‘Goal’, ‘Report’, ‘LineUp’, see the
buttons below on the Match-form. Click on a button to open the corresponding form.
NB: never click on a button to enter match-details before you have saved the match-record
(by pressing [SHIFT]-[ENTER], after which the record-indicator should be a triangle, and
not a pencil)).

5.1. Step 1: Enter Lineups

Some time before the start of a match, the lineups (who will play) are given. You can enter
these in table ‘Lineup’ (see form Match). To fill this table automatically with the base-
subplayers, press button 'FillTable'. (NB: you won’t see the result directly, for this, press
twice on the filter-icon, or open and close the ‘LineUp’-form).
You can also generate an Excel-report, ‘Lineup Match X’, which shows te lineups

5.2. Step 2: Enter match-results.

After a match has been played, you should enter the results in table Match. The fields you
need to fill are in the Results-groupbox. First, alway set field ‘Played’ to True, and then fill the
score-fields. You can also fill the match-details (goals, lineups, offenses).

5.3. Step 3: Generate rankings of players, subplayers and gamblers

You can calculate the match-points for each player (see fields point# player A/B of table
match) and the player-ranking, via function ‘Update Ranking Player’.
If you have goal-information for the matches (which subplayers scored), you can also
generate the subplayer-ranking, via function ‘Update Ranking Subplayer’.
If you have a toto (gambling), you can generate the gambler-ranking, via function ‘Update
Ranking Gambler’.
1:Enter Lineups

2:Enter match-

3: Generate

4: Print reports
match-results and
Time + 1 Time + 1

5: Run Queries

6: Update current Time + 1

Time = end of

Time = end of

7: Update current

8: Generate
matches for next

9: Print reports with Time = end of 10: Print report

new match- last group- End Ranking
schedule round? Y Player

Match: flowchart task -execution

Figuur 4-8: Flowchart tasks during competiton

Match! calculates the player ranking based on the following criteria:
1. Point#
2. Goal-saldo (balance)

Suppose that at the end of group-round 1, 2 players in a group have exactly the same value for
these criteria, Match will rank the players alphabetically, by their name. This might not be
correct. In this case you should correct the ranking manually. You should do this in 2 steps:
1. Go to table ‘Group Ranking Player’, and change the ranking
2. Go to the group of the players for which you corrected the rankings, and set field ‘Manual
correction Ranking’ to true. (this will prevent Match! from re-calculating the ranking for
this group, so your changes will be saved even after you will do step 3 (calculate ranking)
another time).

5.4. Step 4: Print reports with match-results and rankings

The following reports are interesting to print now:

1. Match Results
2. Group Ranking Player
3. Ranking Subplayer
4. Ranking Gambler

1. Match Results Matrix
2. Match Results – Time Table
3. Performance Subplayer X (if you specified the marks for each subplayer’s performance
after a match)

1. Match Details

5.5. Step 5: Run Queries

To get statistics about the whole competition or a specific player, run the queries.

5.6. Step 6: Update current round

In Match! you should always keep the current round and group-round up-to-date. At the
beginning of the competition, at 9/6/06, the current round and group-round are 1. At 14/6/06,
round 1 is finished, that is: every player has played 1 match. So at that time, you should
update the current round to 2. You can update the current round via function ‘Update active
round’. This function will check if you entered all match-results of the previous round. The
result of this function will be that field ‘Active’ of table ‘Round’ is updated.
5.7. Step 7: Update current group-round

When the group-stage is over, (so all matches in the groups are played), at 23/6/06, group-
round 1 is finished, and group-round 2 (1/8-finals) becomes the active group-round. At this
time, you should update the group-round, via function ‘Update active group-round’.
This function will check if you entered all match-results of the previous group-round. The
result of this function will be that field ‘Active’ of table Group Round is updated.

5.8. Step 8: Generate matches for next group-round

After you updated the active group-round (see step 7), you must update the match-schedule.
After e.g. group-round 1 ('Qualifications 1-3') is finished, it is known which players will play
in group-round 2, the 1/8-finals. So the virtual players in the virtual matches for group-round
2, can now be substituted by the real players, resulting in real matches. This can be done by
function 'Generate Match from Virtual Match'. The result of this function is in this case that
(for group-round 2) table Match has 8 new records, with alt.match ID = 10.001-10.008 (but
you can replace this by 49-56 if you want).

5.9. Step 9: Print reports with new match-schedule

The following reports are interesting to print now:

1. Match Schedule

1. Match Schedule Calendar
2. Match Schedule -Time Table

You will see the new (generated) matches, for the new current group-round.

5.10. Step 10: Print report End Ranking Player

After you entered the match-results of the last group-round (‘Final’), and you did step 3
(calculate ranking), the final-ranking is known, and can be printed:

1. End Ranking Players

Match! will show only the top-4 players in this report. If you want to see the end-ranking for
all players, you should fill the rankings yourself, via table ‘Player’.
6. Installation

(NB: the readme-file also contains information about the installation, which is not repeated
here. So you should read this file too.)

Match is supplied with a setup-application (SETUP.EXE), which will do the installation for
you. You should always choose ‘Standard installation’ (so never: ‘Customize’).

If you want to use not only the basic functionality of Match (processing match-results,
calculating rankings and producing Access-reports), but also the extra Excel-functionality
(which includes the gambling-functionality and diverse Excel-reports), you should have Excel
installed on your PC. If that is not the case, do this now (so before installing Match!).

During installation, the setup might ask to overwrite language-specific DLL’s. You don’t
have to do this.

After the setup has been completed, you should have the directory-structure as listed in par.
14. The Match!-application file is Match_FIFA_WC2006.mde (MDE is MS Database

NB: You should not change the directory suggested by the setup-app.
So: Match should be installed in: c:\Match.
Also the sub-directories should not be changed.

The setup has made a entry for Match! in the start-menu, see:
Try this menu now. If Windows asks you to enter the path of MS Access, type this:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\ msaccess.exe

In Access you must see the references (see Access menu: Tools > References) as in Figuur 5
-9: Necessary references (DLL's) for Match! . ( NB: The Common-control and Calendar-
control are necessary if you want to have menu-style Modern, see Figuur 2 -2: Main menu,
style ‘Modern’ ).
Access97 DLL’s

Acces 2000 DLL’s

Figuur 5-9: Necessary references (DLL's) for Match!

After Match! has been installed, you should check in Access if the options are the same as in
Figuur 5 -10: Access-options for Match!.
(NB: If you dont’ set field ‘Action queries’ to false, Match! will ask you for every DML-
action that a function does, if you want the DML to happen or not. For a function with a lot of
DML-actions (like the function ‘Update Gambler Ranking’) this is not really pleasant.)

To set the options, open Access (so without opening Match!), and then choose the demo-database of
Access, Northwind.mdb (see dir.: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\Examples). Or you can
create your own (empty) database. Then goto menu Tools>Options>Edit/Find-tab.

Figuur 5-10: Access-options for Match!

The Match!-GUI is made for a screen-resolution of (at least) 1024 x 768. If you run a lower
resolution, but you can get this minimum resolution, change it now.

The reports in Match! use (Microsoft) font Haettenschweiler. Check if you have this font
installed on your PC (see dir c:\windows\fonts).
If not, copy the file Haettenschweiler.ttf from dir c:\match to dir c:\windows\fonts.
7. Contact

Match is a product of:

Eiger Software Inc.

H: http://eigersoftware.tripod.com/

E: eigersoftware@hotmail.com
8. Appendix 1: Definitions Match!

A series of matches for the championship.
Competitions can be classified according to the next dimensions:

dim.A: with/without group-system

Because for some competitions the number of players is too large and the time too limited to let
everyone play against each other, players are divided in groups, and in a group everyone plays against
each other ('group-competition'). After that, the winners can be divided again in groups or can play
according to the knock-out system (see dimension B). Group-systems are often used with tournaments
like e.g. the FA-cup or the WC-soccer.
A competition in which everyone plays against everyone else, is sometimes called a ‘full competition’.
If there are in a full-competition n players, then the competition will have n-1 rounds and n*(n-1)/2
matches. So if e.g. n = 6, then the competition has 5 rounds and 15 matches.

dim.B(1): with/without knock-out system

With some competitions per round the defeated ones (losers) go out of the competition, so the next
round of the competition has half of the original number of players, e.g. with the FA-cup. This ‘knock-
out system’ can be sub-divided in:

dim B(2): with/without draw for next round

With the FA-cup per round there is a draw to determine who plays against who. With tennis it is
already known in advance who in the next round will be the possible opponent (2 options), because of
the use of the 'binairy-tree system'. With this system, the top-players are protected, so they have the
guarantee that they will not encounter another top-player before e.g. the 1/8-finales.

The dimensions C and D are related:

dim.C: with/without 'out (away)-matches' (C1 resp C2)

In full-competitions, a player (A) often plays 2 times against another player (B): 1 time at home, and 1
time away. The match-notation is often respectively: match A-B and match B-A.

dim.D: competition has 1 or 2 periods (D1 resp D2)

A competition has 2 periods if every player plays 2 times against all other players.

The next 3 competition-systems (combinations of C and D) are possible:

C1 C2

Vb II: Premier League
Vb III: Wimbledon
dim.E: score-specificatie-systeem

Based on the score-specification-system, sports can be categorized like this:

1. goal-sports
2. set-sports

ad 1: goal-sports
With soccer, one counts in goals. The winner of a match is the one who scored the most goals. This
system is used with many sports (e.g. basketball, handball), although one not always uses the word
'goal', but e.g. 'point'. While the term 'point' means in Match! something else, the scores in all sports
that use the same score-specification-system as soccer, are called 'goal'. So in Match, basketball
and handball are considered as 'goal-sports'.

ad 2: set-sports
With some sports, one counts in sets, e.g. with tennis and volleyball. In a 'set-sport', the winner of a
match is the one who won x sets (e.g. in (men-)tennis: x = 3). And the winner of a set is the one who
wins y 'set-units' (e.g. in tennis, a 'set-unit' is a 'game' and y = 6).

A set of related competitions. E.g. in tennis, Wimbledon and Roland Garos belong to the competiton-
class ‘Grandslam-tournaments’.

Sport(-type) in which 2 players compete with each other for the victory, like e.g. with soccer
and tennis.

*lineup / selection
The sub-players of a certain player (team) who are selected for a certain match plus
information about who plays where (on which position)

A graphical, compact representation of all matches that will be played in a competition, by
putting on the x- and y-axis the players. The matrix is NxN, with N = # players. The match
between player A and B has the coordinates (playerA_id, playerB_id) or v.v., depending on
who plays at home. For a competition with 2 periods, the matrix will be filled fully, and for a
competition with 1 period, the matrix will be filled half.

A time-range in which every player has played 1 time against all other players .

Participant of a competition. This can be: a team (for team-sports like soccer) or an individual (for
individual sports like tennis).

After the end of a match between 2 players A and B, points are given to A and B, which are the base
for the ranking. In soccer, they use the following point-system:
3 = victory, 1 = draw, 0 = loss (defeat).

* ranking
A list with for each player the realised number of points, sorted by descending points-number.

The definition of a round in Match! depends on the type of competition.

For a full-competition, a round is a series of matches played on the same day (or days, e.g. on Sa and

For a tournament, we have 2 type of rounds:

A round in which 1 of the 2 players drops out (the loser) and 1 goes to the next round (the winner). So
for e.g. WC2006 the matches in 1/8-finals is a round, the matches in the ¼-finals are another round

A round in the group-competition. If there are in a group n players , there are (for that group)
n-1 qualification-rounds. So for e.g WC2006, with 4 players per group, there will be 3
qualification rounds.

In Match!, there are 2 tables to implement this:

*Round: is both a qualification round as a final-round. In WC2006, there are 3 qualification-

rounds and 4 final-rounds, so there are in total 7 rounds.

*Group Round: is a round after which players have to leave the competition (the losers), so a
‘knock-out’ round. This can be both a qualification round as a final-round. In WC2006, there
are 3 qualification-rounds, which together are considered as 1 group-round with ID = 1 (at the
end of group-round 1, 50% of the players are out of the competition). And the 4 final-rounds
are also each 1 group-round. So in total there are in total 5 group-rounds.

Team-member, a person who belongs to a certain player.

A list with for each each sub-player the number of goals he has made, sorted by descending goals-

9. Appendix 2: Definitions MS Access and Databases

Cross-point of a row and a column of a table, in which a value (table-attribute) can be specified. So
it’s like a cell in a spreadsheet.

A control with a true/false value. In Match! there is e.g. a check-box in form ‘Match’, for field

A control with a list of values from which you can select, by clicking on it. In Match! there is e.g. a
combo-box in form ‘Match’, for field ‘PlayerA-id’.

A button on a form . There are 2 types of controls:
 action-control: to which a certain action is bound, like e.g.: 'open form'
 data-control: to which a certain (table-)field is bound.

*database (DB)
A place where data can be stored. A DB consists of a set of tables and relations between the tables.
The Match!-DB has e.g. a table ‘Match’, which has a relation with table ‘Player’, linking the fields
‘playerA/B-id’ of table ‘match’ to table ‘player’.

*Data Manipulation Language (DML): insert/update/delete-action on a table. MS Access uses the

term ‘action-query’.

*field / table-column
Part of a table in which a property (attribute) of the entity (table) is stored. E.g. the table 'match' has
the fields 'match_id' and 'player_A/B_id'.

By applying a filter on a table, only those records are shown for which the filter-expression is true.

A window, which contains a number of controls . A special type of form is:
 table-form
A form to which a table is bound, so you can see 1 or more records in this form,
depending on the form view-mode: list-view-mode or record-view-mode. The
corresponding forms are called:
 record-form
 list-form

A control: a Rectangle around set of related fields.

A question to the database, e.g.: show all players in competition 2.

A (printable) document which is based on 1 (or more) table(s).

*record / table-row
An element of a table which represents 1 certain entity and for which all fields are specified, e.g. for
table 'player': player 12 (team ‘Netherlands’).

Part of a (relational) database, for storing the relations between tables. In Match!, there is e.g. a
relation between table ‘Player’ and “Subplayer’, of the type: 'belongs to' (a sub-player belongs to a

Storage-place for data of a certain entity. A table consists of a set of fields. In Match e.g. there is the
table 'match'. There are 2 types of tables:
 process-table: contains data about entities with a time-dimension. These tables are frequently
updated. In Match, the process-tables are the table 'match' and the tables in which match-
details can be registered: 'goal', 'set', 'referee-report' and 'lineup'
 base-table: contains data about 'static' entities, so tables which will be updated only once (with
the implementation). In Match these tables are e.g.: 'competition' and 'player'.

10. Appendix 3: Abbreviations

DB: database

DML: Data Manipulation Language

ESI: Eiger Software Inc.

GUI: Graphical User-Interface

HTML: Hypertext Markup Language

IS: information system

MS: Microsoft

QBE: Query By Example

SQL: Structured Query Language

WC: World Championship

WC2006: FIFA WC 2006

11. Appendix 4: Predicted match results for FIFA WC2006

11.1. FIFA WC2006 demo-competition

This Excel-file contains all match-results for competition 61/62, the demo-comp. For
(NB: The spreadsheet automatically calculates the rankings and players of the final-matches,
so they were a good tool for testing Match!, so thank you Excely.com!)

I: Group Rounds
II: Final Rounds
12. Appendix 5: Reports

12.1. Group-scheme

See file: GroupScheme__Rrl_grp_playr.rtf

12.2. Match Schedule/Results per Group

See file: MatchResultswithGroup_Rmatch_with_grp_3_end.rtf

12.3. Virtual Match Schedule

See file: Virtualmatch_schedule__Rvr_match.rtf

Virtual players are indicated as: group-name + ranking-nr, e.g.: VR-player A1 is nr.1 of
Group A, A2 = nr.2 of group A, B1 = nr.1 of group B etc.

Virtual matches without virtual players, i.c. VR-matches in group-round 3, 4 etc, are indicated
as: M<previous match player A/B> + R<ranking player A/B>, e.g.:
M10009 = M10001\R1 – M100002\R1 = winner of match 10001 - winner of match 10002
12.4. Gamble Input Form

See file: Gamble_input_form.xls, MatchScheduleReport1.xls

All gambler input should be filled in the blue cells.

File-name should be: MatchScheduleReport + <gambler-ID>

For final-matches (see label ‘-FINALS-‘), player-ID’s should be specified in column VR

Player A/B. E.g. match 10001 = player 1 – player 9 ( = Germany –Sweden, see fig. 11.1. ,
which also contains the forecast of the gambler)
12.5. Match Schedule Matrix

See file: Match_Schedule_Matrix.xls

12.6. Match Scheduler – Calendar, location view

See file: MatchSchedule_Calendar.xls

For an explanation of the notation of the final-matches (in group-round 2, 3 etc, see the light-
blue cells), see par. 12.3
12.7. Match Scheduler – Calendar, player view

See file: MatchSchedule_Calendar_Player_view.xls

12.8. Match Schedule – Time Table

See file: MatchSchedule_TimeTable.xls

For an explanation of the notation of the final-matches (in group-round 2, 3 etc, see label
‘-FINALS-‘), see par. 12.3
12.9. Group Ranking Players, global

See file: GroupScheme__Rrl_grp_playr.rtf

Column ‘saldo’ (‘balance’) is difference between Score_positive and Score_negative.

12.10. Group Ranking Players, detailed

See file: GroupRankingSpec__Rranking_with_grp_spec_end.rtf

12.11. Ranking Subplayers

See file: SubplayerRankingEnd__Rrankng_sub.rtf

12.12. Ranking Gamblers

See file: GamblerRanking__Rrankng_gamblr_end.rtf

Field Point# = Toto# + Score# + Player#.

For an explanation of the points-fields, see table ‘Parameters’, value ‘GAMBL*’
12.13. Match Results Matrix

See file: Match_Results_Matrix_end.xls

Cells are color-coded: green = victory, red = loss, orange = draw

12.14. Lineup

See file: MatchLineUp_NL_AR.xls

To generate this report, you should follow the subplayer-numbering system as described in
par. 4.4
12.15. Match Results Details

See file: MatchDetails_NL_AR.htm

Explanation codes:
 POS = position, see par. 4.4
 PER = mark for performance of subplayer (0-10)
 PNL = penalty
 (C) = captain of team
 Tin: Time (minute) player entered field
 Tout: Time (minute) player left field
 T50: minute 50 of match (so Tx = minute x)
12.16. Performance Subplayers of Player X, graph

See file: Subplayer_Performance_NL.xls

NB: Sometimes Excel changes x- and y-axis, but you can easily correct this, see menu ‘Graph
> source-data’
12.17. End-ranking Players

See file: PlayerRankingEnd__Rplayr_grp_end_rankng_end.rtf

13. Appendix 6 : Queries

13.1. Competition Statistics

Statistics at end of WC2006 (all 64 matches have been played)

13.2. Fairplay Ranking Players

For every offence, a player gets ‘unfair-play-points’, i.c. :

 1 point for yellow-card
 2 points for red-card

You should sort the query yourself on column ‘unfair-play-points’, in ascending order. Most
sportive player is nr.1 in list, most un-sportive is last.
13.3. Ranking Subplayers for Player X

13.4. All stars team, global

If you want a subplayer to join the ‘all stars competition’, you should give the player a mark
after each match (see table LineUp).

13.5. All stars team, detailed

Played time : in minutes

13.6. Peformance Subplayers of Player X, table

13.7. Goals Time specification of Player X

Query shows the goal# (positive and negative) for Player X after every quarter of the game,
cumulated over all played matches. Figure shows this stat. for player ‘Netherlands’, at end of
tournament. You can e.g. see that after 25% of the match-time, this player scored in total 2
goals, and had 0 against, and that they in total scored 9 goals and had 4 against.
14. Appendix 7 : Directory structure Match !
Volume in drive C is HDC
Volume Serial Number is D497-4C1F

Directory of C:\Match

14-05-2006 08:28 <DIR> .

14-05-2006 08:28 <DIR> ..
14-05-2006 08:19 <DIR> GambleInput
14-05-2006 00:00 267.906 Match_FIFA_WC2006.bmp
14-05-2006 08:28 8.843.264 Match_FIFA_WC2006.mde
14-05-2006 08:19 <DIR> Pics
14-05-2006 08:19 <DIR> setup
14-05-2006 08:19 <DIR> Web
14-05-2006 00:00 2.197 Web_template.htm

14-05-2006 00:00 Haettenschweiler.ttf

3 File(s) 9.113.367 bytes

Directory of C:\Match\GambleInput

14-05-2006 08:19 <DIR> .

14-05-2006 08:19 <DIR> ..
14-05-2006 00:00 29.696 MatchScheduleReport1.xls
14-05-2006 00:00 29.696 MatchScheduleReport2.xls
2 File(s) 59.392 bytes

Directory of C:\Match\Pics

14-05-2006 08:19 <DIR> .

14-05-2006 08:19 <DIR> ..
14-05-2006 00:00 479 flagAO.PNG
14-05-2006 00:00 303 flagAR.PNG
14-05-2006 00:00 816 flagAU.PNG
14-05-2006 00:00 724 flagBR.PNG
14-05-2006 00:00 303 flagCH.PNG
14-05-2006 00:00 235 flagCI.PNG
14-05-2006 00:00 326 flagCR.PNG
14-05-2006 00:00 224 flagCS.PNG
14-05-2006 00:00 401 flagCZ.PNG
14-05-2006 00:00 226 flagDE.PNG
14-05-2006 00:00 386 flagEC.PNG
14-05-2006 00:00 485 flagES.PNG
14-05-2006 00:00 241 flagFR.PNG
14-05-2006 00:00 922 flagGB.PNG
14-05-2006 00:00 384 flagGH.PNG
14-05-2006 00:00 458 flagHR.PNG
14-05-2006 00:00 427 flagIR.PNG
14-05-2006 00:00 241 flagIT.PNG
14-05-2006 00:00 314 flagJP.PNG
14-05-2006 00:00 624 flagKP.PNG
14-05-2006 00:00 1.001 flagMX2.PNG
14-05-2006 00:00 2.512 flagMX_old.PNG
14-05-2006 00:00 280 flagNL.PNG
14-05-2006 00:00 168 flagPL.PNG
14-05-2006 00:00 560 flagPT.PNG
14-05-2006 00:00 560 flagPT_TST.PNG
14-05-2006 00:00 337 flagPY.PNG
14-05-2006 00:00 593 flagSA.PNG
14-05-2006 00:00 338 flagSE.PNG
14-05-2006 00:00 652 flagTG.PNG
14-05-2006 00:00 361 flagTN.PNG
14-05-2006 00:00 667 flagTT.PNG
14-05-2006 00:00 181 flagUA.PNG
14-05-2006 00:00 503 flagUS.PNG
14-05-2006 00:00 20.738 GroupesWK06_v3.PNG
14-05-2006 00:00 2.988 logoMatch_app_small3_v2.PNG
14-05-2006 00:00 21.145 LogoMatch_app_v2.png
14-05-2006 00:00 4.149 timeLineWK06_v4_paint.png
14-05-2006 00:00 7.091 WK2006_logo.PNG
14-05-2006 00:00 9.162 WK2006_logoPicOnly.PNG
40 File(s) 82.505 bytes

Directory of C:\Match\setup

14-05-2006 08:19 <DIR> .

14-05-2006 08:19 <DIR> ..
14-05-2006 00:00 553.472 32AUTOLE.DLL
14-05-2006 00:00 14.490 acmsetup.hlp
14-05-2006 00:00 184.832 msacccah.dll
14-05-2006 00:00 195.072 msodeusa.dll
14-05-2006 00:00 255.488 mssetup.dll
14-05-2006 00:00 3.318 odbckey.inf
14-05-2006 00:00 22.016 odbcstf.dll
14-05-2006 00:00 352.256 SETUP.EXE
14-05-2006 00:00 16.589 SETUP.INF
14-05-2006 00:00 149 setup.ini
14-05-2006 08:19 14.031 setup.stf
14-05-2006 00:00 84 setup.tdf
12 File(s) 1.611.797 bytes

Directory of C:\Match\Web

14-05-2006 08:19 <DIR> .

14-05-2006 08:19 <DIR> ..
14-05-2006 00:00 63.747 rep_match_details.htm
1 File(s) 63.747 bytes

Total Files Listed:

58 File(s) 10.930.808 bytes
14 Dir(s) 5.161.865.216 bytes free
15. Appendix 8 : Gambling manual : how to fill gamble-form

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