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Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy and Social and Political Sciences, Chair of
Philosophy, Al. I. Cuza University, Iasi, Romania. He teaches courses in Philosophical
hermeneutics, Metaphysics, Theories of interpretation, The European idea (Paradigms of
European spirituality). He was dean of the Faculty of Philosophy in 2000-2008. Coordinator
of the Hermeneutic Studies Group (1996-2005), within Al. I. Cuza University. Director of the
Centre for Studies in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology and Practical Philosophy, established in
2009 at the Faculty of Philosophy, Al. I. Cuza University, For the past 3 years, Stefan
Afloroaie has been coordinating the Philosophy section of the
interdisciplinary course organised by the Centre for Interdisciplinary
Research and ADSTR Iasi. He has also coordinated a project focusing on
the topic of edification.
Member of the editorial boards of several research and cultural journals: Analele
tiinifice ale Universitii Al. I. Cuza (seciunea Filosofie); Timpul; Dialog; Hermeneia;
Vizual; Journal for Interdisciplinary Research on Religion and Science; Studia Universitatis
Books, as sole author:
Filosofia aciunii i logica discursului practic [Philosophy of action and the logic of practical
discourse] (co-author Petru Ioan), Iai, Editura Universitii Al. I. Cuza , 1997 ;
Ipostaze ale raiunii negative, Scenarii istorico-simbolice [Hypostases of negative reason.
Historical-symbolical scenarios], Editura tiinific, Bucharest, 1991 (awarded the Vasile
Conta Prize by the Romanian Academy at Bucharest, 1992);
ntmplare i destin [Coincidence and destiny], Editura Institutul European, Iai, 1993;
Lumea ca reprezentare a celuilalt [The world as representation of the other], Editura Institutul
European, Iai, 1994 (awarded the Lucian Blaga Prize for Philosophy at Cluj-Napoca, 1995);
Cum este posibil filosofia n estul Europei [Opportunities for philosophy in Eastern Europe],
Editura Polirom, Iai, 1997 (prize for best essay of the year, National book fair in Iai, 1998);
Locul metafizic al strinului [The metaphysical place of the alien] (co-authored with Corneliu
Blb and George Bondor), Editura Fundaiei Axis, Iai, 2003;
Metafizica noastr de toate zilele (Despre gndirea speculativ i prezena ei fireasc astzi)
[Our daily metaphysics. On speculative thinking and its natural occurrence nowadays],
Editura Humanitas, Bucharest, 2008 (silver medal at the Romanian book fair, Iai, 9 May
Published lectures (at the publishing house of Al. I. Cuza University, Iai): Filosofia aciunii
i logica discursului practic (Philosophy of action and the logic of practical discourse, coauthored with Petru Ioan), 1985; Exegez i interpretare n filosofie [Exegesis and

interpretation in Philosophy], 2003; Prelegeri de metafizic [Lectures on metaphysics], 2004;

Teorii ale interpretrii [Theories of interpretation], 2004; Prelegeri de hermeneutic
filosofic [Lectures in philosophical hermeneutics], 2005; Hermeneutic filosofic
(Philosophical hermeneutics, revised edition), 2005 ; Trei interprei ai imaginii: Plotin, Kant
i Nietzsche (Three interpreters of the image. Lectures prepared for the Centre for Advanced
Studies of Image, Bucharest University), 2006, 2009.
Books, as editor (including own contributions): Petre Botezatu. Itinerarii logico-filosofice
[Logical and philosophical excursions], Editura Ankarom, Iai, 1996; Alternative
hermeneutice (Hermeneutic alternatives, in memory of professor Ernest Stere), Editura
Cantes, Iai, 1999; Limite ale interpretrii (Limits of interpretation. Book on Mircea Eliade
and Umberto Eco), Editura Fundaiei Axis, Iai, 2001; Interpretare i ideologie [Interpretation
and Ideology], Editura Fundaiei Axis, Iai, 2002; Ideea european n filosofia romneasc
postbelic [The European idea in the post-war Romanian philosophy, vol. I and II], Editura
Fundaiei Axis, Iai, 2005 and 2006.
Prefaces to: Henri Bergson, Teoria rsului [Theory of laughter], Editura Institutul European,
Iai, 1992; Petre Andrei, Prelegeri de istorie a filosofiei. De la Kant la Schopenhauer
[Lectures on the history of philosophy], Editura Polirom, Iai, 1997; Nicu Gavrilu,
Mentaliti i ritualuri magico-religioase. Studii i eseuri de sociologie a sacrului [Magical
and religious mentalities and rituals. Studies and essays in the sociology of the sacred],
Editura Polirom, Iai, 1998; Hans-Georg Gadamer, Elogiul teoriei. Motenirea Europei [In
praise of theory. Europes heritage], Editura Polirom, Iai, 1999; Angela Zabulic,
Temporalitatea n discursul fenomenologic al lui Martin Heidegger [Temporality in Martin
Heideggers phenomenological discourse], Editura Axis, Iai, 2002.
Afterwords: Dionisie Areopagitul, Numele divine. Teologia mistic [Divine names. Mystical
theology], Editura Institutul European, Iai, 1993; Dionisie Areopagitul, Ierarhia cereasc.
Ierarhia bisericeasc [Heavenly hierarchy. Church hierarchy], Editura Institutul European,
Iai, 1994.
Research grants
A. In cooperation with Corneliu Blb and George Bondor:

1) Depirea modernitii i sarcina gndirii. Michel Foucault [Overcoming modernity and

the task of thought. Michel Foucault[ (grant type A, no. 42/1999, CNCSIS 62)
2) Reprezentarea strinului n filosofia romneasc postbelic; o abordare hermeneutic
[Representation of the alien in the post-war Romanian philosophy: a hermeneutic approach]
(grant type A, no. 4/2000, no. 51/2001, no. 38/2002; CNCSIS 824, 413, 307)
3) Ideea european n filosofia romneasc; dificulti n reconstrucia ei actual [The
European idea in the Romanian philosophy: difficulties in its present reconstruction] (grant
type A, no. 1/2004, cod CNCSIS 646, reluat n 2005-2006)
4) Constituirea spaiului public. O abordare fenomenologico-hermeneutic [Development of
the public space: a phenomenological-hermeneutic approach] (grant type PN II Idei, no.
788, CNCSIS 2104, din 2008.
B. in cooperation with Gheorghe Popa, Nicu Gavrilu and Ion Dafinoiu: Interpretare i
nelegere, premise ale edificrii spirituale n lumea de astzi [Interpretation and
understanding, premises of spiritual edification in the present-day world] (grant approved by
ADSTR, 2007-2009, Iai).
Articles and studies (selection):
nelegerea lumii ca fabul [Understanding the world as a fable], in. Descartes-Leibniz.
Ascensiunea i posteritatea raionalismului classic [Descartes-Leibniz. Emergence and
posterity of classical realism], edited by Mircea Flonta, Bucharest, 1998, pp. 30-40;
Cercul ntlnirii celuilalt, in Problema iugoslav. Studii i marginalii, coordonator Silviu
Moldovan, Editura Meridian 21 Delta, Timioara, 1998, pp. 158-172 ;
Adversitate i alternativ. Expresia lor n voina de interpretare, in Alternative hermeneutice
[Adversity and alternative. Their expression in the will to interpret], edited by tefan
Afloroaei, Editura Cantes, Iai, 1999, pp. 13-42 ;
Historical Paradox and Hermeneutics, in Romanian Cultural Studies, vol. 1, no 1, 1999, pp.
Despre interpretare. Descrierea unor frontiere [On interpretation. Describing frontiers], in
vol. Limite ale interpretrii, edited by tefan Afloroaei, Editura Axis, Iai, 2001, pp. 125152 ;
tefan Lupacu. Sugestii hermenutice, in vol. tefan Lupacu. Un gnditor pentru mileniul
trei (vol. 1), edited by Petru Ioan, Editura tefan Lupacu, Iai, 2001, pp. 267-275 ;

Ioan Petru Culianu. Efecte n zona metafizicii [Ioan Petru Culianu. Effects in the
metaphysical area], in vol. Religion, Fiction and History. Essays in memory of Ioan Petru
Culianu, edited by Sorin Antohi, vol. II, Bucharest, Nemira, 2001, pp. 347-377.
Cenzura n spaiul filosofiei [Censorship in philosophy], in vol. Interpretare i ideologie
[Interpretation and ideology], edited by tefan Afloroaei, Editura Axis, Iai, 2002, pp. 253282;
Docetismul metafizicii occidentale, in vol. Ioan Petru Culianu. Memorie i interpretare,
edited by Nicu Gavrilu, Editura Timpul, Iai, 2003, pp. 114-134
Despre spusa lui Ovidius: Video meliora proboque, deteriora sequor, in Prelegeri
Academice, Academia Romn, Iai, 2003, pp. 83-102.
Reprezentare canonic i reprezentare excentric a timpului. Emil Cioran [Canonical
representation and excentrical representation of time. Emile Cioran], in Hermeneia, no. 6,
2005, pp. 83-105.
Metafizica, in Postmodernism, edited by Sorin Prvu, Editura Institutul European, Iai, 2005,
pp. 189-204
Despre justificarea metafizicii [On the motivation of metaphysics], n Filosofia austriac.
Origini, specific, reprezentri [Austrian philosophy. Origins, specificity, representations],
edited by C-tin Stoenescu & Ion Tnsescu, Editura Pelican, 2005
Eminescu: memorie i spaiu intermundiar [Eminescu: memory and the space between
worlds], in Studii eminesciene, edited by Dumitru Irimia, Editura Universitii Al. I. Cuza,
Iai, 2006
Condiia speculativ a gndirii [The speculative prerequisite of thought], in Annals of Al. I.
Cuza University, Philosophy section, 2006, pp. 9-25
Despre situaia recent a filosofiei romneti [On the recent situation of Romanian
philosophy], in Hermeneia, special issue, 2006, pp. 11-43
Argumentum, with Gheorghe Popa and Gelu Bourceanu, in Journal for Interdisciplinary
Research on Religion and Science, no 1, 2007
Efecte de limit ale unor ideologii [Borderline effects of certain ideologies], in Journal for
the Study of Religion and Ideologies, no 5, 2007;
Excese i locuri obscure n interpretarea unui classic [Excesses and obscure areas in the
interpretation of a classic], in Adevr hermeneutic i locuri obscure (edited by George Bondor
& Corneliu Blb), Editura Universitii Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Iai, 2008, pp. 145-187;
Distinct Ways of Thinking and distinct Experiences of Truth, in Journal for Interdisciplinary
Research on Religion and Science, no 2, 2008, pp. 157-188;

Mircea Eliade. Disponibilitatea pentru interpretri alternative [Mircea Eliade. Openness to

alternative interpretations], in Integrarea european i nvmntul universitar (European
integration and higher education, edited by Vasile apoc), USM, Chiinu, 2008, pp. 64-79;
Frumuseea ca atare contingent i totui atemporal [Beauty as it is, contingent yet
atemporal], in Hermeneia, no. 8, 2008, pp. 14-27;
Idei i reprezentri ontologice n proximitatea teologiei [Ontological ideas and representations
proximal to theology], in Dialogul dintre teologie i filosofie (ed. Constantin Sturzu), Trinitas,
Iai, 2008, pp. 34-50;
Despre justificarea metafizicii, n Studii tomiste, anul IV-V, 2008, pp. 30-47; Comprehensiune
i reflecie critic, n Journal for the Study of Religion and Ideologies, no 7, 2008, pp. 28-35.
Neutral Reason and Oriented Reason (Constantin Noica : a distinct project on the
phenomenology of reason), n Journal for Interdisciplinary Research on Religion and Science,
no 5, 2009, pp. 72-101
Mircea Eliade : dou lecturi inevitabile [Mircea Eliade: two unavoidable interpretations], in
Dialogul dintre teologie i filosofie, vol. II (edited by Sorin elaru), Editura Basilica,
Bucharest, 2009, pp. 35-94
Constantin Noica: despre posibilitatea raiunii orientate [Constanting Noica: on the
possibility of oriented reason], in Noica dup Noica, edited by Emilia Guliciuc, Suceava,
2010, pp. 12-24.
Situaia metafizicii astzi [The state of metaphysics nowadays], in Prelegeri Academice,
Academia Romn, Iai, 2010, pp. 83-102.
Despre neutralitatea n gndire (I-III) [On neutrality in reason], in nsemnri ieene, no. 12
(2009),1-2 (2010)
Contemplaie i expresie antinomic [Antinomial contemplation and expression], in Sfntul
Simeon Noul Teolog (dup 1000 de ani), Bacu, 2010, pp. 33-51.

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