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Bobble Head

To see a bobble head in your dream represents your tendency to go along with
what other people do or say. You need to start thinking for yourself. Alternatively,
the bobble head indicates indecision. TOP
Bobby Pin
To see or use a bobby pin your dream represents your need for order and
neatness. Everything needs to be in placed. You are feeling insecure about
something. TOP
To see a bobcat in your dream suggests that you need to pay close attention to
what you see and hear in your daily life. TOP
*Please see also Cat.
To wear a bodice in your dream suggests that you are holding in your emotions and
not fully expressing yourself. TOP
To dream about your own body signifies your level of self-worth and self-esteem.
Often times, these qualities are dependent on your physical appearance or how
your perceive yourself. The dream body also reflects your conscious identity or is
representative of your state of health.
To dream about dead bodies implies that you are feeling detached from those
around you. It may also mean that you are feeling emotionally drained.
To see a decomposing body in your dream refers to a situation that has long been
dead. It is time to move on.
To see or find a bloody dead body in your dream refers to a situation or issue that
you can no longer avoid. You need to make an important decision and act on it
immediately. TOP
Body Bag
To see a body bag in your dream indicates that you are feeling distant or
disconnected. You are out of touch. TOP
Body Builder
To see a body builder in your dream suggests that you need to develop a better
sense of power or be more flexible in some situation.
To dream that you are a body builder means that you are feeling empowered.
Body Odor
To dream that you have body order suggests that you are being offensive to others
without realizing it. You need to adjust your attitude.
To smell body odor in your dream signifies an issue or problem that needs to be
addressed. Alternatively, the dream implies not to take too many things personally.
Body Paint
To dream that you are covered in body paint represents acceptance of yourself. You
are proud of your body.

Dreaming that you or someone is covered in blue paint indicates a state of calm
and relaxation. You don't want to be judged by your appearance. Alternatively, it
may reflect sadness or depression. TOP
Body Piercing
*Please See Piercing.
Body Swap
To dream that you switch bodies with someone implies that you secretly want what
the other person has. Alternatively, dreaming of switching bodies with someone
suggests that you are trying to understand the other person and see things from
their perspective.
To dream that you have a bodyguard indicates that you are uneasy about some
situation in your waking life. You are feeling insecure, either physically or
emotionally. Perhaps you have been hurt recently.
To dream that you are a bodyguard represents your desire to protect others from
emotional hurt.It highlights your sympathetic and nurturing side. TOP
*Please See Swamp.
To see a bogeyman in your dream symbolizes the repressed and rejected aspect of
yourself. It also signifies fear. For children, to dream of the bogeyman represents
the disciplinary aspects of the parents that brings about fear and punishment. TOP
To dream that you are a bohemian or that you are living a bohemian lifestyle
symbolizes your carefree and easy going attitude. Alternatively, it signifies a lack of
direction or motivation. TOP
To see a boiler in your dream represents rage that is on the verge of being
expressed in a dramatic way. TOP
Boiler Room
To dream that you are in a boiler room refers to your ability to keep your temper and
aggression contained. You are trying hard to keep your cool. TOP
To dream that something is boiling represents transformation and/or sacrifice.
There is something that you need to get down to the heart of. In particular to dream
that water is boiling suggests that you are expressing some emotional turmoil. It
also may mean that feelings from your subconscious are surfacing and ready to be
acknowledged. TOP
Bok Choy
To see or eat bok choy in your dream suggests that you need to stop dwelling on
minor things in your life. You need to move ahead and look at the overall picture.
To eat bologna in your dream indicates financial insecurities. Alternatively, the
dream may be a reference on something that is phony or nonsense. TOP

To see a bolt in your dream suggests that you are protecting yourself from difficult
emotions and experiences. The dream may also be a pun on your tendency or
desire to flee from a situation. TOP
To see a bomb in your dream indicates that you are going through a potentially
explosive situation in your waking life. The bomb could represent repressed desires
and unexpressed emotions that are on the verge of exploding or bursting if not dealt
with soon.
To dream that you are unable to disarm a bomb suggests that your anger is out of
To dream of a bomb threat suggests that you are experiencing some inner anger
and/or pressures which are on the verge of exploding into violence. TOP
Bomb Shelter
To dream that you are in a bomb shelter suggests that you are being overly
protective with some emotion or aspect of your waking life. You are trying to keep
your unexpressed feeling from coming to the surface. TOP
To dream that you are in bondage signifies that aspects of your emotions and/or
character are too tightly controlled or that are repressed. You may be restricting
your need for self-expression or feel that you are a prisoner of your circumstances.
In a sexual sense, dreams of bondage represents your desires to be more sexually
submissive. Perhaps you have not acknowledged these sexual passions. TOP
To see bones in your dream represent the discovery of your personal, family, or
cultural secrets. It is also symbolic of your underlying strengths that you have not
yet recognized. Consider the symbolism of getting to the "bare bones" or the
significance of "having a bone to pick with someone."
Dreaming that you are burying the bones of someone who is living means that there
are secrets that this person knows about and you are trying to keep those secrets
from coming out.
To dream of broken bones represents the discovery or realization that that there is a
weakness in your plans or in your thinking. Your dream may call for your immediate
attention to a particular situation or relationship.
To see a dog eating or chewing a bone represents your basic desires and
instincts. TOP
To see a bonfire in your dream suggests that you need to find a new path and set
forth toward a different goal. It is time to express yourself more freely and let go of
the old outdated ways of thinking. TOP
To see or smoke a bong in your dream suggests that you are not confronting your
feelings head on. You are trying to downplay your own emotions and are looking for
an escape. TOP
To see or wear a bonnet in your dream represents your sheltered ideals and oldfashioned beliefs. Your close-mindedness is restricting your vision and plans.

Bonsai Tree
To see a bonsai tree in your dream indicates the limitations of your own conscious
mind. You need to consider what your instincts are telling you. TOP
To dream that you are picking a booger out of your nose indicates that you are
ready to confront some subconscious material.
To dream that your nose is full of boogers implies that you are being stuffy,
unyielding and rigid. If you try, but cannot get the boogers out of your nose, then it
means that you are unable to be your true self. Something or someone is restricting
you from fully expressing yourself. TOP
Boogie Board
To see or ride a boogie board in your dream indicates that you are riding out the
difficulties and taking each day one day at a time. TOP
To hear booing or dream that you are being booed indicates that you are seeking
approval and affirmation from others. Alternatively, you may find yourself in an
embarrassing or shameful situation. TOP
Book Bag
*Please See Knapsack.
To dream that you are a bookkeeper represents a need to keep you life in balance
and in harmony. Alternatively, it may indicate that you should be held accountable
for some condition or circumstance. TOP
To see a bookmark in your dream represents memories and aspects of your past. It
serves as a reminder of where you've been and where you are headed. The dream
may also be a metaphor that you should not forget your place. Perhaps you are
overstepping certain boundaries. TOP
To see books in your dream indicate calmness. You are moving toward your goals
at a slow and steady pace.Books also symbolize knowledge, intellect, information
and wisdom. In particular, to see an open book in your dream, means that you are
able to grasp new ideas with ease. If the book is closed, then it represents your
allure and mysteriousness. Consider the type of book for additional clues. The
dream may represent your calling into a specific field of work or an area that you
need to devote more study to. Alternatively, the dream could be telling you not to
judge a book by its cover.
To see dusty books in your dream denotes forgotten knowledge or previous
"chapters" of your life.
To see children's books in your dream symbolize memories from your own
childhood. It may also suggest your desire to escape from reality and retreat into
some fantasy world.
To see a satanic book in your dream represents your one-sided way of thinking and
looking at things. You are trying to denounce any responsibility in your actions and

are putting forth as little effort as possible. TOP

To see a bookshelf in your dream represents the various levels of your mind where
ideas, concepts, and memories are kept. It also suggests your need to acquire
some information or knowledge in a situation before making your decision. TOP
To dream that you are at a bookstore symbolizes your quest for knowledge and
ideas. You want to develop your mental sharpness. TOP
To see or throw a boomerang in your dream indicates that what you do to others will
come back to you, whether it is positive or negative. TOP
Booster Cables
To see or use booster cables in your dream suggests that you need to get a
jumpstart on your goals. Stop wasting your life away and start getting a move on.
Boot Camp
To dream that you are in a boot camp represents your need for discipline and rigid
rules. You need to have a better focus on your goals. If you have been through boot
camp, then the dream may represent the feelings you were going through at the
time. Something in your current life is triggering those similar feelings. Alternatively,
the dream may represent your need for a new start or fresh beginning. TOP
To dream that you are a bootlegger suggests that you feel that you are above the
law. You feel that the rules do not apply to you. TOP
To see or dream that you are wearing boots refers to the power in your movement
and the boldness of your position. You are taking a firm stance. The dream may
also be a metaphor that you are getting the boot. Are you getting kicked out
somewhere? TOP
To see or cross the border in your dream indicates that you are entering a new
phase or transition in your life. You are encountering new territory. Alternatively, it
represents the conversion of two states of mind or attitudes. TOP

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