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Complete homework will contain…

…a complete heading.
…questions and correct, boxed answers written in pencil on loose leaf paper.
…questions answered following the process in your notes.
Failure to follow these guidelines will result in an IHW, regardless of the reason. If you have questions, please call.
HW#100 Name: _____________________ Date: _____________________
Using the LCD to KIPP/2014/_________________ Math/Homework
add and subtract Mission: KWBAT apply previous knowledge to find the LCD of
rational rational expressions and add/subtract them.

Part 1: Open response

Answer the question in a complete sentence.
 What makes clearing fractions a useful skill to have?

Part 2: Solving rational equations by clearing fractions

 Solve using the method we learned in class.

ଵ ଷ ଻ ଵ ଷ ହ
1) ‫ ݔ‬+ 2 = ‫ݔ‬ 2) ‫ ݔ‬+ ‫ = ݔ‬3‫ ݔ‬+ + ‫ݔ‬
ସ ସ ଶ ଶ ଶ ଶ

ହ ଶ ଶହ ହ ଷ ସ ଷ ଷ
3) + ‫=ݔ‬ + ‫ݔ‬+ 4) ‫ ݔ‬− ‫= ݔ‬ ‫ݔ‬−1
ଷ ଷ ଵଶ ସ ସ ହ ସ ଵ଴

଻ ଵ ଷ ଵ ଶ ଵ ଷ
5) ‫ ݔ‬− + ‫= ݔ‬ +‫ݔ‬ 6) ‫ ݔ‬+ ‫= ݔ‬ ‫ݔ‬+1
଼ ସ ସ ଵ଺ ଻ ଶ ସ

ଵ ଵ ଵ ଵ
7) ସ ሺ8‫ ݕ‬+ 4ሻ − 17 = − ଶ ሺ4‫ ݕ‬− 8ሻ 8) ଷ ሺ6‫ ݔ‬+ 24ሻ − 20 = − ସ ሺ12‫ ݔ‬− 72ሻ

Part 3: Operations on rational expressions

 Perform the indicated operation. Show all factoring.

௫ మ ାସ௫ାଷ ଶ௫ మ ାସ௫ య ௫ ସ௫ ହ
9) ଶ௫ మି௫ିଵ଴ ∙ ௫ మାଷ௫
∙ ௫ మାଷ௫ାଶ 10) ଶ௫ିଵ − ௫ି଺

Mixed Answer Key

4 -1 -2 4 28

ଶ௫ మሺଵାଶ௫ሻ ସ௫ మିଷସ௫ାହ
5 6 ሺଶ௫ିହሻሺ௫ାଶሻ మ ሺ௫ି଺ሻሺଶ௫ିଵሻ
Complete homework will contain…
…a complete heading.
…questions and correct, boxed answers written in pencil on loose leaf paper.
…questions answered following the process in your notes.
Failure to follow these guidelines will result in an IHW, regardless of the reason. If you have questions, please call.
Honors Assignment HW#100

 Complete the open response.

 Complete only the even numbered problems from homework #100.
 Complete the problems below.


ଵ ଵ ଷ
1) 7 ‫ ݔ‬− ‫ = ݔ‬3 ‫ ݔ‬+ 39
ଶ ଶ ସ

S only:

2) After the death (about 290 A.D.) of Diophantus, a famous Greek

mathematician, someone described his life as a puzzle.

He was a boy for ଺ of his life.

After ଵଶ more, he acquired a beard.

After another ଻, he married.
In the fifth year of his marriage, his son was born.
The son lived half as many years as the father.
Diophantus died 4 years after his son.
How old was Diophantus when he died?

3) Apples are collected in a basket for six people. One third, one fourth, one
eighth, and one fifth of the apples are given to four people, respectively. The
fifth person gets ten apples with one apple remaining for the sixth person. Find
the original number of apples in the basket.

4) Carol shared a package of graph paper with 3 of her friends. She gave ସ of
ଵ ଵ
the pack to Willy. Sara got ଷ of what was left. Then Marcy took ଺ of what was
left in the package. Carol kept the remaining 30 sheets. How many sheet were
in the package to start?

84 − 120 72

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