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Current Profession
Ramos & Arroyo Abogados, Partner
Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona), Professor
Legal education
University of Santiago de Compostela (J.D.-69)
University of Oviedo (PH.D.-72)
Employment History
Practicing lawyer since 1975.
Teaching positions held: Assistant Professor, University of Santiago de Compostela
(1969), University of Oviedo (1970-72), University of Barcelona (1972-74).
Professor, University of Barcelona (1974-75), Autonomous University of Barcelona
(1975-90), Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona, 1991 until present
Alternative Dispute Resolution Experience
Personal experience in major arbitration proceedings includes inter alia:
Construction of a gas plant in Saudi Arabia (counsel).
Construction of a major road tunnel in Spain (counsel).
Construction of a relevant power station in Spain (arbitrator).
Acquisition of a main turbine for electrical plant (mediator).
Dispute involving an international Air Company (Counsel)
Construction of a large shopping center (probably the biggest in Spain): Dispute
between a USA company and a German defendant (arbitrator).
Dispute relating big holidays complex in Mexico (counsel).
Construction of a Power Plant in England (sole arbitrator).
Dispute relating a leasing agreement between UK companies (arbitrator)
Dispute relating a barter contract involving a Ukrainian company (sole arbitrator).
Dispute relating services provided by an Architect (sole arbitrator).
Dispute relating responsibility of administrators of a Company (sole arbitrator).
Dispute between the main contractor of a civil work and the property (counsel).
Dispute between a Spanish businessman and a German Bank concerning the sale of
the Bank (counsel).
Dispute between a Swiss Company and a Syrian defendant, textil machines sale (sole
Dispute between a Italian company and a Spanish company, trademark license
agreement (co-arbitrator).
Dispute between an USA company and a Greek company, disribution agreement (sole
Dispute between two Swiss businessman and an Italian company, complex multiparty
arbitration (sole arbitrator).

Dispute between a German Company and a Portuguese company relating to the

construction of a Biowaste treatment plant (Chairman of the Arbitral Tribunal).
Dispute between a Morocco company, a Spanish company and a Nippon company,
complex arbitration, relating to a fishing agreement (co-arbitrator).
Dispute between a Sovereign State and an Austrian company re privatization
agreement of a Petroleum company (Chairman of the Arbitral Tribunal)
Alternative Dispute Resolution Training

New York
International Commercial Arbitration
International Commercial Arbitration
International Commercial Arbitration
ICC, Paris
Le droulement d'une instance arbitrale
Arbitrage et mesures conservatoires
Evidence in arbitration proceedings
Groups of companies and Arbitration
Rio Janeiro International arbitration
Strasbourg Arbitration in Spain
Arbitration and commercial companies
Curs d'especialitzaci sobre le Llei d'arbitratge
Buenos Aires Arbitrajes y otros medios alternativos para la solucin de
conflictos (Arbitration and ADR)
TAB Arbitraje y Arrendamientos Urbanos
Comit Franais de lArbitrage
Arbitraje de Conflictos
Universit di Roma: Unificazione del diritto e rimedi alternativi
per la risoluzione delle controversie civili nel sistema giuridico
IDEC: Arbitraje y seguros (Arbitration and insurance)
ICC: Mock trial
Curso de formacin de rbitros del TAB (Arbitrators school)
International Arbitration Seminar: The enforcement of
Arbitration Awards
Camera di Commercio: gruppi di societ e arbitrato
International arbitration
International arbitration
Arbitrato internazionale: lesecuzione del lodo arbitrale
Arbitraje o LEC?
Curso de formacin de rbitros (ESADE) (Arbitrators school)
International arbitration
International arbitration
Mediation and international arbitration
International arbitration
International arbitration
International arbitration
International arbitration
International arbitration

Professional Associations
Barcelona and Madrid Bar, International Chamber of Commerce, UIA, IBA, AIGLI,
Instituto Iberoamericano de Derecho Procesal.

Major Publications (Books)

(1) Enjuiciamiento civil, Cmo gestionar los litigios civiles (Civil Procedure. How
to manage civil cases), Atelier, Barcelona, 2008, 2 vol., 1659 p.
(2) Arbitraje y proceso internacional, (Arbitration and international procedure)
J.M. Bosch, Barcelona, 1987, 280 p. Index:

Identificacin de litigante extranjero y suficiencia de poderes para

pleitos otorgados en el extranjero, (Foreign litigant's identification and
sufficiency of powers of attorney granted abroad)
Competencia de los Tribunales espaoles y litispendencia internacional,
(Jurisdiction of the Spanish Courts and international lis-pendence)
La prueba del derecho extranjero, (The proof of the foreign law)
Las clusulas de arbitraje y su validez desde el punto de vista del
derecho espaol, (Arbitration clauses and their validity from the point
of view of the Spanish law)
Primeras aplicaciones del Convenio de New York de 10 de junio de 1958
al "exequatur" de sentencias arbitrales extranjeras por el Tribunal
Supremo, (First applications of the Convention of New York of June 10
of 1958 on the "exequatur" of foreign arbitration decisions by the
Supreme Court)
Eficacia ejecutiva en Espaa de letras de cambio extranjeras,
(Enforcement in Spain of foreign bills of exchange)
Arbitraje internacional: confirmacin de la doctrina jurisprudencial,
(International arbitration: confirmation of the jurisprudential doctrine)
Cmo iniciar y conducir un procedimiento arbitral internacional:
anlisis de un caso prctico, (How to begin and to drive an international
arbitration procedure: analysis of a case study)
Arbitraje internacional y medidas cautelares, (International arbitration
and preliminary measures)
Ejecucin en Espaa de sentencias extranjeras de divorcio,
(Enforcement in Spain of foreign divorce sentences)
Auxilio judicial internacional, (International judicial assistance)
Traduccin al castellano de los documentos que acompaan a un
emplazamiento ante Tribunal extranjero? (Translation into Spanish of
the documents that accompany a summons in front of a foreign

(3) Arbitraje y litigios transfronterizos en un foro global, (Arbitration and

transborder litigations in a global forum), Atelier, Barcelona 2005, 302 p.

La nueva regulacin del arbitraje en Espaa (The new regulation of

arbitration in Spain)
Compatibilidad entre un arbitraje CCI y un arbitraje regulado por la ley
espaola de 1953 (Compatibility between an ICC arbitration and an
arbitration regulated by the Spanish law of 1953)
Accin civil ex delicto y compromiso arbitral (Civil Action "ex delicto"
and arbitration agreement)
La jurisdiccin de equidad es exclusiva de los rbitros y no puede ser
revisada por el Tribunal Supremo (The equity jurisdiction is exclusive
of the arbitrators and cannot be revised by the Supreme Court)
Mediacin en relacin a sociedad conjunta (Mediation in relation to a
joint venture)

Los abogados de las partes no pueden ser rbitros (The lawyers of the
parties cannot be arbitrators)
Jurisprudencia arbitral (Arbitration awards)
Medidas alternativas a la resolucin de conflictos por la va judicial en
el mbito civil patrimonial (ADR in the civil patrimonial context)
Cuestiones prcticas del arbitraje en las sociedades annimas
(Practical issues of arbitration in limited liability companies)
Arbitraje y Ley de Arrendamientos Urbanos (Arbitration and the Law
on Urban Leases)
Eficacia de un convenio arbitral en el caso de acumulacin de acciones
(Effectiveness of an arbitration agreement in the case of accumulation
of actions)
Arbitraje o jurisdiccin? (Arbitration or jurisdiction?)
Inaplicacin de la norma de conflicto que remite al derecho extranjero
(Inapplicability of the conflict rule that points to foreign law)
Praktische Vertragsgestaltung im Hinblick auf die Absicherung gegen
Zahlungsverzug und Nichterfllung in Spanien
El Convenio entre Espaa e Italia sobre asistencia judicial y
reconocimiento y ejecucin de sentencias en materia civil y mercantil
(The Convention between Spain and Italy on judicial assistance and
recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and mercantile
Anmerkungen zu dem Entwurf des bilateralen Abkommens mit der
Bundesrepublik Deutschland ber die Anerkennung und Vollstreckung
gerichtlicher Entscheidungen in Zivil- und Handelssachen
Adis a la rebelda tctica (Good-bye to the tactical default)
Ejecucin de una sentencia inglesa dictada en rebelda contra un
demandado espaol (Enforcement of an English judgement by default
against a Spanish defendant)
Eficacia jurdica de las cartas de patrocinio en el derecho espaol (The
effectiveness of patronage letters under Spanish law)
Eficacia jurdica de las cartas de patrocinio emitidas por una sociedad
espaola a favor de su filial inglesa (The effectiveness of patronage
letters issued by a Spanish company in favor of their English branch)
Discovery y Convenio de La Haya (Discovery and The Hague
Il fallimento in Spagna e i problemi di diritto interno e internazionale
(Bankrutpcy proceedings in Spain and international and domestic legal
Declaracin de un ciudadano espaol residente en el extranjero en
relacin con un proceso penal seguido en Espaa (Affidavit of a Spanish
citizen residing abroad in connection with criminial proceedings held in

(4) Cdigo procesal civil internacional, (Code of international procedure), 1st

edition (1985), 2nd edition, J.M. Bosch, Barcelona 1992, 3rd ed. 2000, two
volumes of loose leaf pages, pp. 2,000 approximately.
(5) Jurisprudencia procesal civil internacional, (Casebook on international civil
procedure and arbitration), J.M. Bosch Editor, Barcelona 2001, 923 p.
(6) El sistema procesal espaol, (The Spanish procedural system), J.M. Bosch,
Barcelona, 1st edition Barcelona, 1992, 9 ed., Atelier, 2013, 420 p.
(7) El juicio civil (The civil process), Atelier, Barcelona, 2013, 256 p.

(8) La sucesin procesal. Estudio de los cambios de parte en el proceso,

(Procedural Subrogation. A study of the change of parties in a judicial
process), Hispano Europea, Barcelona 1974, XVI+ pp. 378
(9) Las medidas cautelares en el proceso civil, (Preliminary measures in civil
procedure), with SERRA DOMINGUEZ M., Barcelona 1974, p. 115-219
(10) La jurisdiccin voluntaria en negocios de comercio, (Voluntary jurisdiction in
commercial affairs), Ed. Civitas, Madrid 1978, pp. 204
(11) Derecho Procesal, Gua para el estudio y el trabajo cientfico y profesional,
(Procedural law - A guide for the scientific and professional study and work),
Librera Bosch, Barcelona 1978, pp. 455
(12) Derecho y proceso, (Law and procedure), Librera Bosch, Barcelona 1979, pp.
(13) La anotacin preventiva de demanda, (Preventive annotation of a claim),
Librera Bosch, Barcelona 1980, pp. 235
(14) Derecho procesal civil, (Civil procedure), Librera Bosch, 1st edition (1980),
5th edition, J.M. Bosch, Barcelona 1992, Vol. I, LVIII + 701 pp., Vol. II, XLII
+ pp. 673.
(15)Actas del quehacer cientfico y forense, (Proceeds of the scientific and forensic
tasks) Universidad Autnoma de Barcelona, 1988, 424 p.
(16)El proceso penal. Lectura Constitucional, (The criminal proceeding.
Constitutional Reading), J.M. Bosch, 1st edition, Barcelona 1988; 10th edition,
Barcelona, Atelier, 2011, 416 p.
(17) Tirocinio procesal, (A procedural learning experience), J.M. Bosch Editor,
Barcelona 1991, pp. 265
(18) Cmo estudiar Derecho, (How to study law), J.M. Bosch Editor, Barcelona
1991, pp. 216
(19) Enjuiciamiento civil, (Civil Procedure) J.M. Bosch, Barcelona, 1997, Vol. 1 pp.
XXVII +586, Vol. II pp. XXXIII + 1217
(20) Gua para una transicin ordenada a la LEC (A guide for an ordered transition
to the new LEC), Barcelona 2000, 734 pp.
(21) Bibliografa procesal espaola (1978-2000), (Spanish procedural bibliography
1978-2000) J.M. Bosch Editor, Barcelona 2001, 637 p.
(22) El mito de Ssifo y la ciencia procesal, (The myth of Sysiph and procedural
science), Atelier, Barcelona 2004.
Other publications
First application by the Spanish Supreme Court of the New York Convention of
June 10, 1958 to the Exequatur of foreign arbitral awards, Droit et pratique du
commerce international, 1982, p. 95-116.
Les clauses d'arbitrage international, Revue de lArbitrage, 1982 (2), p. 149-168.

L'Arbitrage en Espagne, Gazette AIJA Arbitrage international, 1984, p. 18-21.

Mesures conservatoires et arbitrage, Revue de l'Arbitrage, 1985 (1), p. 51-67.
Vereinbarkeit eines Schiedsverfahrens nach der VglSchO der IHK mit einem
Schiedsverfahren nach dem spanischen Gesetz von 1953, Festschrift fr W. J.
HABSCHEID, Bielefeld, 1989, p.239-251.
La nuova disciplina dell'arbitrato in Spagna, RTDPC, 1990, p. 241-250.
International Arbitration in the New Spanish Arbitration Act, The International
Arbitration Law Review, 2004 (6), 165-176.
Carcter definitivo de un laudo CCI dictado en Francia y su exequtur en Espaa,
Arbitraje, Revista de arbitraje comercial y de inversiones, 2008 (1), 24-31.
Spanish, English, French, Italian, German
Professional Addres
Paseo de Gracia 92
Barcelona, 08008 (SPAIN)
Tel. +34 93 487 11 12
Fax + 34 487 35 62
Email: ramos@rya.es

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