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The benefits of grapes

Grape leaf on a tree-wood paper.

The grapes of the same nutritional and therapeutic value of good fruit has been
known since ancient time where eating Chinese and Indians desire in a high nutri
tional value, and there are grapes colors such as green and white as well as bla
ck and red.
The nutritional value of grapes is characterized by grape types as containing a
good proportion of fast sugars absorption and easy to digest as glucose and fruc
tose sugar G Vit is largely concentrated and is characterized as grapes abundanc
e in vitamins such as vitamin C - also contains a good percentage of metallic el
ements such as Vit- B as well as Vitamin B; contains potassium, calcium, sodium
metal salts. Grapes also contains the same therapeutic effect as material contai
ns a compound known as Resveratol Razveratol characterized this article on the p
ositive impact in reducing hardening of the arteries, where it has a direct and
noticeable impact in reducing cholesterol, which reduces the risk of heart disea
se. As well as it reduces the bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood. There are some
acids in grapes that have a role in preventing the accumulation of free radical
s and thus is considered a good anti-cancer.
Osteoporosis and grapes: Scientific research suggests that osteoporosis or what
is known as well Bohn bone diseases that largely spread in communities not free
our society from him, but he is spreading dramatically in the ladies where the b
ones lose their strength and hardness and strength when they start to lose calci
um, which is the unit Basic to build bones and maintain. Hormones and controlled
directly in the process, which begins clearly when women reach menopause or men
opause. Typically menopause starts at the beginning of the fifties may start a l
ittle earlier when some women may be delayed; but observations suggest that it m
ay begin at some of the ladies in the late forties and early fifties. Generally
when the menstrual cycle in menopause and stop that results from low estrogen, t
he bones begin to lose calcium gradually. To limit that increase, the hormone es
trogen will limit the process of bone loss of calcium which hinders or prevents
injury Bohn bones. Fortunately, the grapes contain metal Alboudon important cont
ributor to the process of increasing estrogen in women females) (when they reach
menopause .. Thus this hormone works to minimize the exposure to this silent di
sease osteoporosis in this age group, where as we know that the beginning of the
disease It is not associated with any pain which makes knowledge spread or diff
icult to happen. The work of this important women's estrogen on calcium absorpti
on of the hormone, which is in the food usually, but absorption decreases with a
ge in men and in women in general, but the effect in women more work done Estrog
en is very important in the absorption process but also increase the absorption
of calcium, as well as increasing the deposition process and add calcium to the
bones or very important as it contributed to a strong and direct in the bone and
reduce the fragility and vulnerability .. Therefore, there is a direct relation
ship to the consumption of grapes and the process of strength and integrity of t
he bone and reduce the Osteoporosis problems ..
The benefits of the grape of the holder there is not yet enough research on the
extent of grapes pregnancy relationship, but nutrition experts General advise pr
egnant women to avoid the grape intake during pregnancy, as it may increase the
risk of bleeding when used with Alakaar anti-blood clotting as indicated by site
Cell Health Makeover Medical, also next to painkillers such as aspirin and Alaa
brovin. It is best to consult a doctor may be addressed as it can interfere with
certain medications during pregnancy and lactation.
The benefits of the grape skin can be used grapes to lighten the skin and the fa
ce naturally, according to the World Turkish doctor, "Mehmet Oz," where is this
by Dhec fruits grapes indicates, then add a few tablespoons of flour, then mix p
ut on the face, and left about 10 minutes, before rinsing water.
The benefits of grapes for the hair can be used to extract oil fruits grapes as
a remedy to the problem of hair loss, which has a high concentration of vitamin
E is essential for hair growth, and essential fatty acids, the researchers had c
onfirmed that the grape oil can help to overcome the hormone Aldehedro testoster
one, which acts to stop the growth of hair follicles, so when you conduct tests

on laboratory animals.
The benefits of the grape of the liver was in 1936, researchers have noticed the
presence of a therapeutic benefits of grapes vehicles, including vehicles Alfol
awoonoad, after more than 70 years later, now it confirms recent studies on the
importance of these compounds in its role as an antidote to poison the liver. Th
ese compounds are powerful anti-oxidant there are high concentrations of grapes,
especially in the darker varieties such as red and purple and black, these comp
ounds are concentrated near the grape rind.
Woven many tales and legends about the grapes, and in some countries is the grap
e symbol of fertility, and was an old peoples not have the highest appreciation
is his tree blessing. Asia is the origin Grapevine, and the Phoenicians are the
ones who took him to Greece, Sicily and Italy and Marseille, Egypt and other isl
ands. Most of the old and Arab doctors recommend their patients grapes was due t
o the food and pharmaceutical benefits, and stated that he avails the stomach, s
trengthens the body, and generates new blood, and benefit the chest and lung, an
d stimulates sexual power.
As modern medicine and remember many benefits for grapes, including:
- It contains a high proportion of the rapid absorption of sugars (glucose, fruc
tose, sucrose), which provide the body with instant card. And of course on diabe
tes and obese people to take heed of over-eat grapes because it is more indispen
sable fruit sugar.
- Grape has a good bunch of vitamins, including vitamin A, B, C, bb, and the lat
ter has a big role in terms of strengthening the wall of the small blood capilla
- Recent studies have shown that grape skins contain important chemical compound
named Alrssadoratol has a long history in stopping the advance of aging and to
protection against a number of diseases such as diabetes, cancer, disease, senil
e dementia revealed.
- Found in grapes, a good percentage of minerals, especially potassium metal, wh
ich protects against high blood pressure, and calcium metal strengthens the bone
s, and metal iron is essential for making red blood cells, and metal Alsellin wh
ich prevents hardening of the arteries and is a cancer.
- According to a recent US to study it found researchers that Akecorh and seeds
containing polyurethane compounds phenols which have enjoyed great ability to ki
ll dangerous oral bacteria involved in tooth decay, researchers are counting on
this detection to stop the bacteria when alone and thus for the prevention of to
oth decay arch-enemy of the teeth. And urinary phenols compounds famous doing st
rong anti-oxidant, and is therefore useful in foil chemical free radicals scheme
s behind a range of serious human diseases.
- Grape is rich in tannin.
- Found in grapes, a good amount of dietary fiber useful in preventing constipat
ion, and lose the level of cholesterol in the blood, and in organizing sugar lev
el, and in helping to get rid of harmful substances and waste.
- Found in grapes, fruit acids useful in securing the smooth skin and get rid of
skin cells

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