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Shortness of breath has many causes affecting either the breathing passages and lungs or the heart or blood

Excessively rapid breathing is referred to as hyperventilation. Shortness of Breath is also referred to as DYSPNEA.
The rate and depth of breathing normally increase during exercise and at high altitudes, but the increase seldom causes
discomfort. With dyspnea, faster breathing is accompanied by the sensation of running out of air. People feel as if they
cannot breathe fast enough or deeply enough. They may notice that more effort is needed to expand the chest when
breathing in or to expel air when breathing out. They may also have the uncomfortable sensation that inhaling is
urgently needed before exhaling is completed and have various sensations often described as tightness in the chest.
Causes of Shortness of Breath include:

Asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia

Obesity, tuberculosis, emphysema
High altitude with lower oxygen levels
Inhalation injury, pulmonary embolism
Congestive heart failure, allergic reaction
Anaphylaxis, sub-glottis stenosis, interstitial lung disease
Pulmonary artery hypertension, rib fracture, and aerobic exercise

Whether it is sudden or long term, difficulty breathing should always be taken seriously. If you experience shortness of
breath, be sure to take note of when it occurs, how often it occurs and other related symptomatic information to assist
your doctor in reviewing your case. If breathlessness is sudden and severe, it may be the result of air around the lung or
a blood clots in the lung both emergency conditions that require urgent and immediate medical attention.
Shortness of breath can be associated with symptoms of

Dizziness, fainting
Chest pain, neck pain
Pain with inspiration (pleurisy)
Cough, wheezing, bloody sputum

Diagnosis of Shortness of Breath:

To help determine the severity of the problem, doctors measure oxygen levels in the blood with a sensor placed on a
finger. Typically, they also take a chest X-ray unless the person clearly appears to be having a mild flare-up of an already
diagnosed chronic disorder such as asthma or heart failure. The chest X-ray can show evidence of a collapsed lung,
pneumonia, and many other lung and heart abnormalities. In order to uncover the reason you may be experiencing
shortness of breath, your doctor may request one or more of the following diagnostic tests:

Physical exam
CT scan of the chest
Exercise test, blood tests
Echocardiogram (EKG, ECG)
Ambulatory cardiac monitoring

Best Treatment Options for Shortness of Breath:

Treatment of dyspnea is directed at the cause. People with a low blood oxygen level are given supplemental oxygen
using plastic nasal prongs or a plastic mask worn over the face. In severe cases, particularly if people cannot breathe
deeply or rapidly enough, breathing may be assisted by mechanical ventilation using a breathing tube inserted in the
windpipe or a tight-fitting face mask.
Morphine may be given intravenously to reduce anxiety and the discomfort of dyspnea in people with various disorders,
including a heart attack, pulmonary embolism, and a terminal illness.
Prevention recommendations are based on the cause of the condition. Your physician will be able to suggest techniques
or lifestyle changes, such as a healthy diet and regular exercise, which may help control the occurrence of
breathlessness. Follow doctor's advice about what problems to watch for, such as shortness of breath or other signs of
Seek counsel from our Cardiology Doctors in Houston if you suspect you observe any signs or symptoms of a shortness
of breath for the best treatment options for you. Call on +1 281-866-7701. Advanced Cardiovascular Care Center!

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