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List of Programs for VB.


WAP to Check the divisibility of a no. by 2,3,5 using nested if.

WAP for Different Operators(Comparison, Numeric, Logical, Bitwise)
WAP to develop a calculator using select case.
WAP to check whether a no. is prime or not using for loop.
WAP to print power of no a to b using while loop.
WA sub procedure in .Net to Swap two numbers by Passing Parameters ByVal
and ByRef.
7) Write a Function procedure to find the largest among three numbers.
8) WAP to Find Largest and Smallest no. in a 1-D array.
9) For a Jagged array take number of columns for each row from user and WAP to
add all the elements of a jagged array.
10)Write a Function procedure to find the largest among three numbers
11) WAP for structures AND Enumerations in VB.net
12)WAP to demonstrate Polymorphism in Vb.net through Method Overloading and
Constructor overloading
13)WAP to Demonstrate Constructors and Destructors in VB.net
14)WAP to Demonstrate single and Multilevel Inheritance in Vb.net
15)WAP for
a) For Structured Exception Handling.
b) For Unstructured Exception Handling
16) Write a Program to Demonstrate Overriding in Vb.net.
17)Write a program to demonstrate abstract class and abstract methods in VB.net
18)Write a program in VB.Net to build a class which implements an interface.
19)WAP to show the use of Namespaces in Vb.net.
20)Create a Program that allows to Fill up a list box with items, retrieve the total
number of items in the list box, sort the list box, remove some items and clear
the entire list box
21)Use Various controls available in ToolBox to create a Registration Form in
Windows Form.
22)Fill a combo box with various items, get the selected items in the combo box and
show them in a list box and sort the items.Drag and drop a combo box to store
the items, a list box to display the selected items, four button controls to add to
the list box with selected items, to fill the combo box, to sort the items and to
clear the combo box list, respectively.
Add a label control that would display the selected item
23)Write a Program in VB.net to show the use of ListView Control and TreeView
24)Write a Program in VB.net to show the use of Timer Control, PictureBox and
Scroll Bars.

25)Write a Program in VB.net for MDI form, Menus and various Dialog Controls
(save, Open, Font, Color etc)
26)Write a Program in VB.net to Create a Custom Controls.
27)Write a Program that connect to student Table(sname,srollno,marks,Attendance)
in SQL database and provide buttons to Insert, Delete,Select,Modify and Move
Across the Records. Records Should be displayed in TextBoxes.
28)Write a Program that connect to product Table(PID,Pname,Price,Quantity) in
Access database and provide buttons to Insert, Delete,Select,Modify and Move
Across the Records. Records Should be displayed in TextBoxes.
29)WAP in ADO.net(SQLDB or OLEDB) to show the data of student table in
DataGridView Control through DataSet and DataAdapter Classes and navigate
to next, Previous, Last, First Record.
30)Build a Crystal Report in Vb.Net. Modify, Publish and Export it.

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