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April Tutor

Remote Control Your PC ●

control your PC
Being able to take control of your PC from anywhere on the planet via ICP/IP offers you the chance
to fix problems; or just access the contents of your PC wherever you are. In this guide we detail
how you can connect to your office PC through programs such as pcAnywhere in a number of dif-
ferent scenarios so that you can get yourself connected, anytime, any place...

emote control programs such as nects. Before you can use remote con- in three of these four situa-

R Carbon Copy, Lap-

Link, NetOp and
pcAnywhere let you
connect to your host comput-
trol software over the Inter-
net, you have to know the
host’s IP address.
The good news is that
tions. The fourth—con-
necting to a system when
no one’s in the office and
with no feature in the
er over a direct cable, a LAN, even if your main sys- p rogram to help you
a phone line or the Internet. tem connects to the In- find the host over the
The last choice has the ad- t e rnet strictly by mo- Internet—is not worth
vantage, because you can use dem, you can still take wasting time on. You’re
your office system from just ad vanta ge of re m o t e better off upgrading to
about anywhere with a local c o n t rol over the Inter- a program that provides
call, instead of having to pay net. the support to help you
long distance phone There are four possi- find the IP Address.
charges. ble situations, depend- We won’t discuss es-
The hard part is that the ing on two factors: first, tablishing a connection,
remote system needs to you may be using a pro- s in c e th i s d epen ds o n
know the host’s IP address gram like pcAnywhere your spec ific p ro g r a m .
in order to connect. This 9.0, which offers special You should be able to get
is not a problem in a large features that make find- this information from the
corporation with a per- ing a host’s IP addre s s s o f t w a re vend or i n an y
manent Internet connec- easy. Alternatively, you case. You should also check
tion such as a T1 line, or may be using a with the program vendor for
even in a small business p ro g r a m — i n c l u d i n g hints on keeping your office
connected permanently earlier versions of sy s t em s ec ur e w h en it ’s
by a fractional T1 line, p c A n y w h e re — t h a t logged on to the Internet and
cable modem or DSL. In doesn’t help you find the waiting for a call.
t h e s e s i tu a ti on s , y o u host’s IP. For both of these
have the same IP address possibilities, you may or IF SOMEONE IS IN THE OFFICE
at all times. may not be able count on Knowing that someone will be in the of-
But there’s a problem if someone being in your office fice when you call means not having to
you connect by modem. ISPs when you need to connect. worry whether the system is connected
usually assign a different IP ad- In this article, we’ll discuss the to the Internet when you want to log on,
dress every time the modem con- strategies available for connecting or even whether the system is on. A quick

88 April 2000 www.DITnet .co.ae ■ www.pcmag -mideast.com

Tutor April

● Remote Control Your PC

a d d ress by running phone.

ICQ (a program and Setting your system to connect auto-
online service avail- matically to your ISP and to launch the
able at www.icq.com) host program on boot-up is also straight-
on both host and re- forward. Most remote control programs
mote systems. ha ve so me wa y to be a ut omat ic all y
launched in host mode so that the system
IF NO ONE’S IN THE is ready to take a call. In pcAnywhere,
OFFICE for example, you’ll find a check box in
Even if you can’t the host properties to Launch with Win-
co unt on someone dows. For other programs, you may have
being in your off i c e to add a shortcut to the program in your
to help set up a ses- StartUp folder. Depending on your ver-
sion, your strategy for sion of Windows, you may be able to drag
establishing a remote the shortcut to the Start Menu, then to
session is straightfor- Programs and then to StartUp. Alterna-
ward, as long as the tively, you can use Windows Explorer to
program offers some copy the shortcut into C:\Windows\Start
Figure 1: This standard Windows utility quickly displays your Internet-con- way for you to get the Menu\Programs\StartUp.
nected machine’s IP address.
host’s IP address. Once you’ve set the program to start au-
The only new twist tomatically, create a shortcut for the Dial-
(read: inexpensive) voice call to the of- in this situation is that you have to set up Up Networking entry for your ISP and
fice will be enough to get the system set your system to do everything automati- add that to your StartUp folder, too. You’ll
for an incoming call and get you the in- cally: turn on, call your ISP and load the also need a program like RtvReco (share-
f o rmation you need to make the con- host software so it’s ready for you to log w a re available at www.rtvsoft.demon
nection. on from a remote location. .co.uk/Default.htm) to automate the en-
Your strategy in this case would be to Turning the system on is easy with a re- tire process of pressing the Connect but-
make the voice call, then ask your helper mote power switch, such as the Server ton and issuing other necessary com-
to set up the system as necessary—which Technology’s Remote Power On/Off+Aux mands. You can also set RtvReco to make
might include turning it on and will in- (www2.servertech.com) or the Deltron- sure that Windows re-connects if the con-
clude connecting to your ISP. Once con- ix Remote Power Switch (www.deltron- nection is lost.
nected, some programs will make find- ix.com). The Server Technology switch The final result should be that when you
ing the IP address simple. With pcAny- will turn your system on when you call call your system and turn the power on
where 9.0, for example, you’ll find the IP and then turn it off after you hang up, remotely, the system boots up, connects
address in the Host Status screen that also waiting as little as 2 minutes or as long as to the Internet, loads the host software and
confirms the program is waiting for a call. an hour, based on your settings. The Del- waits for you to start the session. You can
For programs that don’t hand you the tronix switch lets you turn the system on then use the feature your remote control
IP address, Microsoft Windows 95 and and off manually by calling in and punch- program offers to let you find the right IP
98’s Winipcfg does the job. Choose Start ing in a command from a touch tone address, log on and do your work.
| Run, then enter the program name and
choose OK (see Figure 1). (You could also
run the DOS utility Ipconfig, which re-
quires opening a DOS window, a longer
wait and then closing the lingering DOS
window.) A still more elegant choice is
to create a shortcut to run Winipcfg from
the desktop, the Start menus or the Quick
Start toolbar.
However your helper gets the IP ad-
dress, he or she can read the number to
you, after which you hang up, establish
a connection to the Internet on your side
and enter the host’s address in the ap-
propriate place in the program.
If your helper is too rushed to give you
the information but your remote opera-
tions program offers a way to get the IP
address automatically, then all the helper
has to do is establish the host PC’s inter-
net connection. With pcAnywhere, you
can set the remote system to scan every
IP address available through your ISP and
return a list of pcAnywhere hosts waiting
for connections. You can also get the IP

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