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Description, sudden or gradual, sweating, sob, difficulty breathing at night, use of pillows
increased, palpitations, cough, wheezing, pain with inspiration, sore throat, headache,
dizziness, fatigue, rash, fever, infections, chills, night sweats, heartburn, pain in arm, jaw,
or neck, context, with or without exertion, relationship to meals, bruising, temp
intolerance, hair skin changes, n, v, d, c, ab pain

Work up
Cbc and urine analysis
Ct chest
Cpk-mb trop I
Blood glucose
Holter monitor

Physical exam

Full cardio
1. Heent
2. Cardio both sitting up and supine #3
3. Inspect, palpate, auscultation, a,p, t m, pmi, carotids
4. Pulses
5. Edema
6. Pulmonary inspect and aus
7. abd

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