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BAPTISM by Katherine Vaz

In her essay Baptism, Katherine Vaz predominantly points about how the mystery of
the sacrament of baptism awaits to be replicated in our quotidian life in our daily lives. It is a
meditation not only on the sacrament itself, but on to many baptisms of love and enlightenment
and even of death and loss that continuously re-initiate us into living. She made use of her
personal experiences that deepened the significance of the said sacrament in spiritual and
everyday lives.
Vaz grew up into a quiet child, though her head swam with words, a white-water rush.
She had a pronounced fear of doing or saying anything that might lead to a confrontation that
is, to an acute awareness of her as a physical being. But despite such, she grew with the love
and care of her family. It is truly undeniable that throughout the story, Vaz kept on mentioning
her grandmother all accurately described the state of love for her grandmother and from her
grandmother back to her. She also made mention of her college roommate, Lee Haines who
took everything she possessed about silence, water, and words and forced it into action. Her
silence took a dedicated turn because of Lee. And so, extreme agony caused her when this
great friend of her died because of brain tumor. Years later, Vaz went back to California to see
her grandmother on her brothers wedding day. But then unfortunately, after they departed, her
grandmother donned her burial dress and collapsed.
Katherine Vaz firmly believes that the truest precept of Baptism was that the life, death,
burial, resurrection, and grace are enacted all at once. The Sacrament of Baptism condenses
the doctrines of the Christian faith Christ was born, crucified, buried and rose again in flesh.
Furthermore, she believes that we are asked to die in water and come out living. Saint Paul
once declared that water is a tomb, and also a womb from which we are resurrected in spirit and
body; in a flow of water, we die and find ourselves simultaneously, newly alive, grafted into the
paschal mystery, as the Second Vatican Council frames it.
Perhaps the most interesting leg of Vazs argument or idea about baptism is the quarrels
over Baptisms meaning its symbols and actual ceremony. The writer also initiated the idea of
infant baptism. Vaz stresses about the point of being baptized as a child. Though the writer was
aware that it makes people receptive to grace for the rest of their lives, she questioned why
not wait until we can bring that awareness to the ceremony? Adults once consciously chose
faith: Lent used to be preferred for the catechumenate, with Easter as the ideal day for Baptism,
to be followed swiftly by Confirmation and the Eucharist.
I must say that I find Katherine Vazs views as somewhat compelling, intelligent, and
perhaps most importantly well worth heeding. Vaz weaved images of water creation, and
rebirth to evoke the eternal readiness of the soul to receive grace. Furthermore, the writer was
able to convey his thoughts about the Sacrament of Baptism. As to sharing her personal
experiences in life, she ideally specified how the mystery of the sacrament of baptism awaits to
be replicated in our quotidian life.

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