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MINUTES - Midtown Phillips Neighborhood Association, Inc.

Regular Monthly Members Meeting - Tuesday March 9, 2010, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

1. MOTION by Todd Rasmuson, 2nd by Steve Wentworth to approve minutes as amended 01/12/2010 Monthly
Members meeting. (Amendment to item #3 - including the addresses of two problem properties at 2734
Bloomington, 2717 15th Ave; rental licenses for both these properties are currently in the process of being
revoked.) Passed 8-0-0.

2. MOTION by Todd Rasmuson, 2nd by Steve Wentworth to approve 2/9/2010 Annual Meeting minutes. Passed 8-

3. MOTION by Todd Rasmuson, 2nd by Steve Wentworth to approve tonight's agenda with additions by Shirley
Heyer of items for a) Four way stop being sought at corner of E 29th St and 11th Ave S. b) Bikeway being planned
for Bloomington corridor c) supporting city plan to purchase problem property at 2619 13th Ave S.

4. Police Report from Sector Lt Duncan and Don Greeley CPS. Lt Duncan reports that statistics are trending
downward. Questions about an assault at the Franklin Ave light rail; Lt Duncan reported there is not yet a trend
with this kind of crime but he was aware of the incident. Don gave an updated on problem properties: 2717 15th -
rental license revocation hearing will occur this Wednesday, 3/10/10; 2919 12th - working for rental license
revocation due to recent narcotic calls and other crimes; 2430/32 14th - Buell property; 2037 14th - a couple
narcotic calls at this owner occupied property; 2828 15th - discussed at a recent CJCP meeting as there was a
shooting incident after a party; the shooter's identify is known and he is being sough but the property is currently
only being monitored as there is not yet an actionable next step.

5. Bob Albee presented on effort to bring focus to Phillips Community Center's future use. The facility is the largest
building in our park board district. Historically, the facility has been underutilized and it was left in considerable
disarray after the last tenants.

In the plan to reopen the building the park board intents to fill pool (which would be very expensive to repair) with
concrete. Though this is not ideal for many in the community the bigger problem is getting funding for a facility that
is as underutilized as this one is. There is a meeting Wednesday 3/17/2010 with four Phillips neighborhoods to
discuss the future use of the facility to address this question. Bob explained that the group's intention is to develop
a better plan for the building's long term use.

There were questions about the intended use of this building as it relates to the Phillips Community Center. Is
there a plan for how the uses of the two facilities will complement each other instead of duplicating programs where
inappropriate? Concern was also voiced about the long term funding stream to keep this building in operation.
MPNAI supports the planning and visioning but also recognized that the items noted above are legitimate issues
that must be thoughtfully discussed.

MOTION by Pete Eichten and 2nd by Shirley Heyer to support Ventura Village's initiative to re-define and re-open
the facility in a manner compatible with the diverse interests of the residents and stakeholders of the Phillips
Community Center. Passed 10-0-0.

6. Derek Larsen from Tobacco Free Youth Recreation. The group is requesting a policy to prohibit smoking in all
city parks and other outdoor recreational facilities. Two Minneapolis neighborhoods have already supported the
proposed policy: Downtown Minneapolis, Cedar-Isles. Derek asked for a motion of support from the MPNAI
neighborhood. Midtown will take time to consider this before taking action. Of note, 114 cities and communities in
Minnesota have already adopted a similar policy.

7. Three reports from Gary Schiff, City Council Member. First, Gary shared a Rental Licensing Standards
amendment he is creating preventing owners from renting properties if they have not consented to arsenic
studies/cleanup to be performed on their properties. Question by Jan Lovick if residents could know of properties
on or near their blocks which are at risk of not consenting to the studies as neighbors might be able to reach out to
the owners more effectively. Second, an existing city ordinance prohibits farmer markets from being held indoors.
A public hearing will be held Wednesday 3/17/10 to change the definition of a farmers market so that one could
exist inside the Midtown Exchange. Third, Neighborhood and Community Engagement is examining the services
they provide and one of the key areas is the crime prevention specialists (CPS). With this, the city is taking a closer
look at the services provided by the CPS officers to prioritize and baseline the quality and services provided by this

8. Board Member Nominations - There is currently one two-year term opening on the board. Nomination of Pete
Eichten was made by Steve Wentworth, 2nd by Marj Magnuson. Pete shared his desired to build community and
his willingness to participate on the MPNAI board. Pete answered questions about his previous experiences in this
capacity. Passed 8-0-1 (abstention by Pete as the motion concerned him).

9. MPNAI Task forces - invitation to brainstorm tasks forces for the new year.

10. REPORT by Shirley Heyer on Water Quality Grants - City is issuing RFPs for water quality. The grants must be
submitted by an organization. If there are any parties interested in such a grant Shirley is willing to help write and
submit the application.

11. REPORT on Lead Poisoning RFQ by Shirley Heyer. Shirley looked for individuals who would be interested in
helping to draft the RFQ. If awarded the grant there would have to be paid staff to administer the grant.

12. There is a request by residents to have a four-way stop at the intersection of E. 29th Street and 11th Ave South.
Shirley was directed to the motion was passed in support of the stop sign in the Oct 2009 monthly meeting minutes.

13. MOTION by Pete Eichten, 2nd by Candice Washington to support the selling of the property at 2619 13th Ave
South to the City of Minneapolis for city to dispose of as they see fit. Passed 8-0-0.

14. Shirley Heyer, Todd Rasmuson and members of the Greenway Collation met today with Gary Schiff regarding
the CEPRO site.

15. Bikeway - There is concern for the planned bikeway for Bloomington Ave. MOTION by Steve Wentworth, 2nd
by Shirley Heyer for Shaun Murphy or another representative from Minneapolis Public Works department come to a
weekly Midtown meeting to share the plans before planning and work proceeds. Passed 8-0-0.

16. Reallocation motions for 2009-2010 NRP monies.

Item #1 - Reallocation of $23,340.96 from its NRP Phase I monies for the new Consulting Fees Category in
Strategy 08. MOTION by Todd Rasmuson, 2nd by Steve Wentworth to table this item. There was concern over
the timing of the requests as the group had not had the opportunity to previously consider these expenses. As the
reallocation should all be done as a package the motion was made to table the entire item until it could be
discussed at a special board meeting later this week (time and day TBD). Passed 9-1-1 (Shirley Heyer abstaining
as the motion concerned her.)

Item #2 - MOTION by Jan Lovick, 2nd by Pete Eichten to approve the reallocation $2,000 from Strategy 04
(Community Safety District Organizers) to Strategy 08 (Administrative Management Team,
Consulting Fees sub-category for neighborhood clean up engagement and education). Passed 11-0-0.

Item #3 - MOTION by Jan Lovick, 2nd by Todd Rasmuson to approve the reallocation of $300 from Strategy 02
(Jobs/Economic Security Create Marketing and PR Strategies) to Strategy 08 (Administrative
Management Team, Consulting Fees sub-category for a MPNAI Board Member, CEPRO Site 2010). Passed 11-0-
1. (Abstention by Shirley Heyer as she benefits by the motion.)

Motion to adjourn approved by unanimous voice vote.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Andrew Eggimann

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