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Friends Boys School

Bassam Shakaa

10 C
MYP Level 5 (Physics)

Science Department
Waves, Sound & vibrations

Lab: Frequency of a mass-spring system

Aim :The aim of this experiment is to figure out

the relation between mass and time when we have
different masses (100,200,300,350,400)g are
handled on the spring and how much time each
mass needs to finish one cycle while moving
vertically .

Hypothesis :In This Experiment , I Predict that

before releasing the spring off its equilibrium
position all the energy would be P.E consuming
there is no K.E , After Releasing the spring , the K.E
will Increase As the speed of the Spring increase
too while going downwards because when the
mass gets greater the total energy becomes
greater , just before reaching the max point , the
speed of the spring will decrease therefore K.E will

also decrease , in the whole experiment we will

have more P.E Because the K.E will only increase
when the spring is released and will no more have
K.E when it reaches max point , according to
hookes law , when the mass increases , the total
energy increases when the mass gets greater , the
mass pushes the spring up and down so the track
becomes longer and it will take longer time to
finish one complete cycle ,and when the mass
decreases the track will get shorter . I predict that
the reaction between the time and mass will be
direct proportional relation but the graph wont be
linear because in this equation T=2 m/k when
we have a square root , we should square the T to
solve the equation , so when we square the T it
wont be linear it will be increasing curve as shown
in figure (1) , as we increase the mass , the time
will increase , in addition to my hypothesis the
graph will be increasing curve .

Variables : Independent :1Mass

Dependent:1-The Time It Takes the spring +
mass to complete one cycle
Controlled :1-Elasticity of The Spring
2-Friction of air resistance
3-Spring Material
4-Length Of The Spring

Tools And Materials :Spring (1 3)

Ruler (to determine the starting spring
release point)
Spring hanger to hold spring (Retort
Stop Watch ( to determine the time
that it takes the spring to complete
one cycle vertically )

Notebook (write Data on )

Tape (to stick the ruler on the retort

Procedure :1.Bring all the tools and materials listed .

2.Place the hanger on the retort stand .
3.Stick A Ruler beside the retort stand to
measure the starting point by a tape
4.Place the mass cubes on the spring
starting with the (100g)
5.Hold the spring upward till the it
reaches the maximum point of the ruler
6.Release the spring
7.Start the stop-watch at the same exact
time you release the spring
8.Let the spring finish ten complete cycles
then stop the stop- immediately
9.Calculate the average time taken to
complete one cycle
10. Remove the mass cube (100g) and
add another mass cube (200g)
11. Repeat the steps (#5-#9) each time
you change the mass cubes till you
reach (400g).

Data Collection :100g

Trial #1
Trial #2
Trial #3





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