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Linking the school with the community


Humphreys Street, Albany WA 6330. Phone: 9841 1166 Fax: 9841 7262

Care, Compassion, Excellence;

Mount Lockyer Primary School a place to learn and grow

Newsletter No: 1
Dates to Remember
Wednesday 10th
Early Close 2.30pm
Thursday 11th
Monday 15th
Mini Assembly
Value: Attentive
Listening means
thinking and acting
in ways that
connect you with
the speaker.
Thursday 16th
Swimming Trials
Weeks 1 and 2 Value
Respect is treating
others and yourself
as you deserve to be
treated. I am
P&C Uniform Shop
Open Days:
8:30am 9:30am
8:30am 9:30am
Mount Lockyer
Every Wednesday at
the Child and Parent
9.00am to 12.00pm


9th February 2016

Hello everyone and welcome back to what I know will be another fantastic year. We have had
many new families join our community; we especially welcome you to our school and look
forward to developing a strong partnership with you over the coming years. Additionally to the
families of Pre-Primary students who begin their formal education this year, welcome.
The 2016 year has begun very smoothly, staff and students settling well. I put this down to the
great manner in which you have prepared your children ensuring they had the school uniform
and all the necessary school materials, thank you. Additionally I would like to thank the staff for
their efforts in developing quality learning programs to commence the school year from day 1.
This year we have approximately 540 students, 21 classes Pre Primary to Year 6. In the first
three weeks of term the numbers tend to fluctuate, this will inevitably lead to some change in the
class structure. Please be mindful that the present class lists are temporary and will, in all
likelihood, alter. I realise this is inconvenient and disruptive to both families and staff, however it
is unavoidable.
We welcome two teachers returning from leave, Mr Sluiter, who will be teaching Year 3 Room 7
and Ms Todd, who will be sharing with Mr Roggio, Room 4 Year 2, fabulous to see you back at
Mount Lockyer. Additionally returning from leave is Mrs Wright, School Officer, great to have
you back, Sarah.
Child Parent Centre: The CPC is now officially operating from the purpose-built building below
Our Place on the bottom oval. It is a fabulous facility and is already buzzing with activity. The
Playgroup Christine Tozer has run for the past 3 years will continue, Wednesday mornings;
however it will now run out of the CPC. Christine is on leave at the moment, however playgroup
is still happening.
For those new to the school and as a little refresher, following are some general organisational
issues that are crucial to smooth and safe operations of the school:
No dogs on the school grounds. This is a safety and health requirement; if dogs appear on
the school grounds the ranger will be called.
The staff car-parks are strictly for staff parking only. The two staff car-parks are high risk
areas, children run through them and you cannot get out other than reversing. This is a
recipe for disaster; please do not under any circumstances park in the staff car parks or
walk through the car park with children. There are designated parking bays for disabled and
the same rules apply to parking in the disabled car bays as everywhere else.
It is a departmental requirement that anyone entering the school grounds must come
through the front office and sign in. You will be given a visitors badge to identify yourself.
When collecting children during school hours you must see an office staff member to get a
form authorising pick up to be presented to the class teacher.
This Thursday is the first assembly for the school year and a particularly exciting one because
the four new School Councillors will be announced, wonder who it will be! I look forward to
finding out and hopefully seeing many of you there.
Maxine Augustson

Merit Certificates
Congratulations to the following students who received merit
certificates at the last school assembly in 2015:
Room 1:
Room 2:
Room 3:
Room 4:
Room 7:
Room 8:
Room 13:
Room 14:
Room 15:
Room 16:
Room 17:
Room 21:
Room 22:
Room 24:

Roshaun Jones
Lily Remaj, Matilda Richardson and
Hazel Williams
Chelsea Geddes
Prahnee McNamara
Nicholas Greay
Devlin Moor and Heinz Pornel
Abby Norman and Jordan Bobby
Lily Grixti and Jacob Whitton
Toby Sluiter
Declan Kerr
Charly Robbins and Amelia Booth
Chloe Barrett and Patricia Farmer
Ella Gladish and Maddy Nunn
Lara Burrow

School Fees
A reminder to all parents that the Voluntary Contributions for
2016 are due. The school uses this money to purchase art
and craft material, science equipment and to support various
programs run through out the school.
Payment would be appreciated. If you are having difficulty
making this payment please contact the Registrar - Christine
Davidson to make suitable arrangements.
Money can be direct deposited into the school account.
Please make sure you put a description in the payment
BSB 016510
Mount Lockyer Primary School
Acc Number 290370834
EFTPOS facilities are now available at the office.
As an incentive to pay school fees first term there will be a
voucher of $100 to be won.

Pre-Primary - Year 1 Parent Evening:

Literacy & Numeracy
Are you keen to help support what your child
is doing at school? Would you like to learn
some simple games to make learning
fun? All of this is available to you next Monday 15th February at 6pm in PP1. The session will run for no longer than 1
hour and there will be a free gift bag full of goodies that will
allow you to play the games at home.

Religious Instruction
All children are expected to participate in Religious
Instruction. If you do not want your child to participate in
religious instruction, please send a note to the classroom
teacher with this request.
Please note students do not automatically become exempt
from previous years. A new exemption note needs to be
completed for 2016.

See you there, Narelle McLean & Lennon Swann

Medical Care Plans

Last week letters and forms were sent to all parents who
noted on enrolment cards that their child has a medical
condition. These forms are required for children who may
need medication or treatment at school. If your child has a
medical condition requiring regular medication,
such as ADHD, or emergency treatment such as
epilepsy, severe asthma, allergies etc, you will
need to complete Health Care Authorization
Please contact the school office for the forms.

Pre Primary classes require spare school shorts, skirts and
jumpers. Donations of old uniforms would be greatly
appreciated. Please drop them off at one of
the Pre Primary classes.

Change of Details
If you have changed your phone numbers and address details could you please update your information with the office staff
as soon as possible.
Student(s) name:
Parent(s) name:
Phone Numbers:
Emergency Contact(s) Name / Address / Phone Number:
Does the Student have a medical condition or intensive health care need? YES NO
If yes, please specify
Medical Practice (Name and Address)
Doctors Name and Phone Number:
Please provide details of any other information that you would like noted:

School Banking
Welcome back bankers.
Banking commences this week, Wednesday 10th February.
All students should have received a banking information
envelope which contains everything you need to know
about the program. For existing bankers there is this years
prize card.
If you have any queries come and say hello,
we are in the interview room at the school
office every Wednesday from 9.30-10.30am
or call Karen 0488 014 534.
Remember to fill in your yellow banking wallet
and place it into your classes grey banking
bag before school, then remind your teacher to send it up to
the office. Thank you.
The P&C annual AGM will be held Monday 15th February in
the staffroom at 6.30pm.
All positions will be made vacant and new elections held.
Please consider coming along to provide a voice within our
school, you will not have to take on a role if you dont want
to. We are a fun and motivated P&C trying to do the best for
our school community and always welcome new members.
Scholastic Books
Please return orders to the office by
Tuesday 16th February. Online LOOP
orders will close the same day.

Triple P Stepping Stones Program

Stepping Stones Triple P has been
developed for parents of children with a
developmental disability (aged 2-12 years).
Because its based on Triple Ps proven parenting
strategies, it gives you ways to deal with the kinds of
childhood behaviour problems and issues that can make
family life stressful. Stepping Stones Triple P has been
evaluated with real families and has been shown to work
with children with intellectual and physical disabilities who
have disruptive behaviour.
Stepping Stones Triple P Seminars can help you
manage problem behaviour and developmental issues
common in children with disabilities, encourage behaviour
you like, cope with stress, develop a close relationship with
your child and teach your child new skills.
Triple P Stepping Stones Seminars consist of three
sessions, parents and caregivers can attend one, two or all
three sessions in the series.
The topics in the series are:

Positive Parenting for Children with a Disability

Helping your Child Reach their Potential

Changing Problem Behaviour into Positive Behaviour

Seminar One Positive Parenting for Children
with a Disability is Being Held on
Monday 22 February 2016 at 9.30am 11:30am
Albany Local Education Office, 85 Serpentine Road
FREE On-site child care can also be booked at no cost.
Facilitator: Jenny Allen - Lead School Psychologist
Bookings are essential
For more information or to book a place in the group,
contact Jenny Allen on Phone: 0427 083 653 or
Email: jennifer.allen@education.wa.edu.au
by 17th February 2016

Free Carer Wellbeing Workshop

Are you caring for a family member or friend who has a
disability, mental illness, chronic condition, terminal illness, an
alcohol or other drug issue, or who is frail aged? If yes, then
this workshop is for you!
Do you need a break? We will look at respite and other
creative ways you can take a break, recharge your batteries
and return to your caring role refreshed. We will also set goals
to help you improve your wellbeing one step at a time.
When: Thursday 10th March 2016
Time: 10.00am - 2.00pm
Where: Seminar Room, Motel Le Grande 479 Albany
Highway Cost: FREE! Morning tea and light lunch provided.
Registrations are essential! Places are limited. Please call
1300 227 377
or email events@carerswa.asn.au
1-2-3 Magic and Emotion Coaching
Emotionally Intelligent Parenting
A three session parenting program for parents of children
aged 2-10
Encouraging and promoting positive behaviour in children
Strategies for managing challenging behaviour
Building strong and healthy connections with your child/ren
Presented by DLGC Parenting WA Great Southern
Albany Family House, 219 North Road
Tuesdays March 22nd, 29th and April 5th
12.45 - 2.45pm
Please phone Julie on 9841 8254 to register your interest.
Free crche provided for children aged 0-5
Partners welcome to join the program.

After-School Recreation Program for Aboriginal Youth

"Strong & Proud" - Wumbudin koul-yee-rah
If you're aged between 12 - 16 years get involved in a term of
fun outdoor activities inspired by one of the six Noongar
Term 1: Coastal Bunura This will include: surfing, stand-up
paddle-boarding, fishing, snorkelling and bush walking and will
wind-up with a two-day cultural camp.
Start date: Week 3, Monday, February 15, 2016.
Register at school by Tuesday, February 9 (Week 2)
To find out more about this culturally rewarding program
please contact:
South Coast NRM Cultural Connections project officer Graeme
Simpson on 9845 8527.
Mount Lockyer Junior Soccer
There is a new registration process for soccer this season. If
your child/children are interested in playing soccer term 2 and
3 please send an email to
mtlockyersoccer@yahoo.com.au and we will
send you more information. If you are interested
but don't have access to an email please call
Marianne Tutt, secretary on 0429837046.
Junior Tennis Lessons
Starts week 1, term 1. Thursdays at Lawley Park Tennis Club,
Saturdays at Merrifield Park Tennis Club. All ages and
standards. Flyers available www.albanytennisacademy.com
Bookings and enquiries contact David Kerr 0414608523 or


Students who bring mobile phones onto school premises must adhere to these guidelines.
Mount Lockyer Primary School acknowledges that mobile phones may be used as a safety measure out of school hours.
Parents are reminded that in cases of emergency, the school office remains the most appropriate point of contact during the
school day.
The school accepts no responsibility for lost, stolen or damaged mobile phones.
Students mobile phones are to be switched off during school time and handed to the class teacher or office upon arrival in

the morning.
Students are not permitted to use mobile phones for any purpose on school grounds.
Mobile phones are not permitted to be taken to school camps, excursions or other functions unless permission is granted by
the school Principal.
Students seen using mobile phones on school groundsFirst breach- The phone will be confiscated and returned to the student at the end of the school day.
Further breaches- The phone will be confiscated and parents/carers will need to collect it from the office.

NEWSLETTER QUIZ Q: Where is the new location of Mount Lockyer Playgroup?

Answer: ________________________and_________________________
Name __________________________________________________ Room ____________________



The key to this approach is that the child is given a choice at each step to
follow directions or face increased consequences.
Students making GOOD CHOICES are acknowledged for their efforts.
For students making POOR CHOICES the following consequences
apply ~

Bullying is when a student or group

keep picking on another student. They
try to hurt them physically or
deliberate and repeated.

Student refuses to follow directions.
Verbal warning.
Student still refuses to follow directionsIn-class consequence e.g. Time Out
Student still refuses to follow directionsOut-of-class consequence e.g. Buddy
Student still refuses to follow directionsRED CARD is sent to the office.
Parents will be requested to attend

Students will be immediately
suspended for verbal abuse of
staff and/or violence towards
staff or students.

Students returning from
suspension must be
accompanied by an adult and
will attend the Intervention
Centre (Room 20) where an
Individual Behaviour
Management Plan will be
developed and implemented.

A fight or disagreement between

equal students is not bullying.

Tell an adult, it is not dobbing to

ask for help. Both victim and
those bullying will be counselled
and supported.
Do not be a by-stander; if you
witness bullying try to stop it or
report it.

Step 1: Warning
Step 2: In school isolation and
counselling at recess and lunch,
parents will be notified
Step 3:
For continued breaches
students will be suspended.

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