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1/, I have been living in .. for seven years; before that I lived in .. ...

but I originaly
came from .. in ninty seven .. you probably heard about the war over there ...it is
not bad at all compared how people still live there
He estado viviendo en .. durante siete aos; antes de que yo viva en .. ... pero yo
originalmente vena de .. en el noventa y siete .. usted probablemente ha odo
hablar de la guerra por all ... no est nada mal en comparacin de cmo la gente
todava viven all
2/ I can see that you now you are calm, cooperative, that you are able to control
your behavior. can you tell me why did you then behave on the way how it was
reported to me. I was told that you were upset, angry, and agitated. Am i correct ?
Puedo ver que ahora usted est tranquilo, cooperativa, que son capaces de
controlar su comportamiento. usted me puede decir por qu entonces se comporta
en la forma en cmo se inform a m. Me dijeron que usted era molesto, enojado y
agitado. Estoy en lo correcto? you are really upset, frustrated .. can you calm down
a little to talk about it .... are you able you tell me what really happened? is going
on here
3/ you are really upset, frustrated .. can you calm down a little to talk about it ....
are you able you tell me what really happened?what is going on here
usted es realmente molesto, frustrado .. puede calmarse un poco para hablar de
eso .... eres capaz de que me digas lo que realmente pas? Que est pasando aqu

4/how are you? what 's going on? life is good? as long as I can afford to pay a rent.
How long have you been living/ have lived here/ there ... for seven years . do you
like it here ? so... so. things can always be better, am i correct ?
cmo ests? qu est pasando? la vida es buena? todo el tiempo que puedo pagar
un alquiler. Cunto tiempo ha estado viviendo / ha vivido aqu / all ... por siete
aos. Qu le gusta aqu? tan ... tan. las cosas siempre pueden ser mejor, estoy en lo
hola hi, hello ,Cmo te llamas? What's your name? (familiar) Cmo se llama
usted? What's your name? (formal) Me llamo... My name is... (I call myself) mi
nombre es... My name is... Yo soy... I am
Buenos das! Good morning! Buenas tardes! Good afternoon! Buenas noches!
Good night! Cmo ests? How are you? (familiar) Cmo est usted? How are you?
(formal) Estoy bien. No estoy bien. I'm fine(OK). I'm not fine (OK) Bien! Fine! OK!
Ms o menos! OK!, so so

Estoy mal. I'm bad. (I'm not OK) ,as, as so so ,Ms o menos! so so, OK! Qu tal?
How's it going? What's up? Qu onda? How's it going? What's up? Cmo le va?
How's it going? De dnde eres t? Where are you from? (familiar) De dnde es
usted? Where are you from? (formal)
Eres de...? Are you from...? (familiar) Es usted de...? Are you from...? (formal)
Soy de... I am from...
Quin es...? Who is ...? Adnde vas? Where are you going? Vivo en... I live
in...Resido en... I live in... Dnde vives t? Where do you live? (familiar) Dnde
vive usted? Where do you live? (formal) No s. I don't know. Yo s. I know ..Lo
conozco. (No lo conozco.) I know him. (I don't know him.) La conozco. I know her.
Es conocido. I know her, him adis good bye,hasta luego see you later ,hasta la
vista see you later ,hasta maana see you tomorrow ,hasta pronto see you soon,me
voy I'm going (leaving) ,me retiro I'm going (leaving)
hablar to speak/talk ,caminar to walk,andar to walk,trabajar to work,estudiar to
escuchar to listen to ,visitar to visit,viajar to travel, ensear to teach, show, point
llevar to take, carry, wear ,llegar to arrive,bailar to dance,nadar to swim,cocinar to
charlar to chat, visit, platicar to chat, visit,llorar to cry , esperar to hope for,buscar
to look for, search for
mirar to look at, watch ,pintar to paint,pagar to pay, gastar to spend,ganar to win,
earn, gain
comprar to buy,tocar to take, play music,tomar to take, drink,sacar to take out, take
photos, earn (grades) ,ayudar to help,cantar to sing,desear to desire, wish,
want,necesitar to need, to be necessary
cortar to cut ,contestar to answer,dibujar to draw,
llamar to call
abrazar to hug
acabar to finish
dejar to leave (behind) go away
admirar to admire
ahorrar to save

cambiar to change, exchange

reparar to repair
arreglar to fix, repair
celebrar to celebrate
tratar to try
invitar to invite
pasar to pass, spend time, happen, occur
durar to last
eliminar to get rid of, eliminate
entrar to enter
estacionar to park
parquear to park
respetar to respect
cruzar to cross
saltar to jump, go up, leap
limpiar to clean
mandar to send
enviar to send
llenar to fill
marcar to score (game)
borrar to erase
celebrar to celebrate
castigar to punish
adivinar to guess
comparar to compare
comunicar to communicate

decorar to decorate
mezclar to mix
olvidar to forget
respirar to breathe
hallar to find, discover, come across

crear to create
ejercitar to exercise
pescar to fish
salvar to save
saludar to greet
participar to participate
usar to use
representar to represent
brillar to shine
continuar to continue
excavar to dig, excavate
lanzar to throw
alquilar to rent
entregar to deliver
disfrutar to enjoy
preguntar to ask (a question)
quedar to stay, remain

copiar to copy
manejar to drive
bajar to lower, go down, get off
golpear to hit
luchar to fight
pegar to hit, stick
tirar to throw
presentar to present
montar to get on, mount (a horse, bike, etc.)
adaptar to adapt
acceptar to accept
variar to vary, change
terminar to end, terminate
consultar to consult
reservar to reserve
arrancar to start, pull out
bloquear to block
derrotar to defeat
comer to eat
beber to drink
leer to read
aprender to learn
comprender to understand, comprehend
correr to run
deber to have to, to owe
vender to sell

romper to break, tear

temer to fear
reprender to scold, chide
barrer to sweep
conmeter to commit
poseer to own, possess
responder to answer, respond
prometer to promise
meter en to put into
someter to submit
absorber to absorb
emprender to undertake, assume, adopt
coser to sew
ceder to cede, yield
exceder to exceed
ofender to offend
esconder to hide
lamer to lick
tejer to weave
reprender to scold

escribir to write
vivir to live
decidir to decide
compartir to share
discutir to discuss

consistir to consist
unir to join, unite
impartir to impart, give, disclose
coincidir to coincide
permitir to permit
aplaudir to applaud
evadir to evade
debatir to debate, discuss, agitate
aburrir to bore
describir to describe
sobrescribir to overwrite
asistir (asistir a) to assist (to attend)
cubrir to cover
descubrir to uncover, discover
admitir to admit
abrir to open
cumplir to comply, fulfill
aadir to add
definir to define
omitir to omit
prescribir to prescribe
desunir to disconnect
recibir to receive, get
transmitir to transmit
dividir to divide
ocurrir* to occur

partir to leave, part, split

reunir to meet, have a meeting
*only 3rd person is conjugated
Question - Pregunta

I have (got) some questions

I have (got) several questions
Yo tengo algunas preguntas

I would like to raise a question about ...

Quisiera hacer una pregunta acerca de ...

Several very important questions have been raised ...

Se tuvieron en cuenta unas preguntas muy importantes...

One of the questions which I have in mind is whether ...

Una de las preguntas que tengo en mente es si ...

My second question is related to your findings.

Mi segunda pregunta esta relacionada con (a) sus hallazgos.

As to the question of Mr. N.

To come back to Mr. N.'s question.
Para regresar a la pregunta del Sr. N ...

I would question how long...

I would question what...

Yo cuestionara cuanto (que )...

I would like to ask...

I want to ask...
I am willing to ask...
Me gustara preguntar...
Quisiera preguntar ...

I don't question ...

Yo no cuestiono ...

I have some questions I would like to ask Prof. S.

Yo tengo algunas preguntas que me gustara hacer al profesor S.

I am always wondering whether ...

Me siempre interesa si ...

In answer to your question I would like to say that ...

En respuesta a su pregunta yo quisiera decir ...

Answer - Respuesta

The answer may lie in ...

La respuesta consiste en lo siguiente...

The answers to your points are ...

Las respuestas a sus puntos son...

It's difficult to give an answer to ...

Es difcil dar una respuesta a ...

The answer is "no" .

La respuesta es no. La respuesta es negativa.

I will try to answer your questions.

Yo tratar de responder a sus preguntas.

I wish we could answer your questions about...

Espero que podemos responder a sus preguntas acerca de ...

I cannot answer.
Yo no puedo responder.

I am unable to answer.
No estoy en la capacidad de responder.

I would answer that ...

Yo respondera que...

I reply to Prof. B.'s question ...

Yo respondo a la pregunta del profesor B...

remarks ... comentarios...

comments ... comentarios...

I would like to reply Prof. N. on the point about ...

Yo quisiera responder al profesor N en el punto acerca...

In reply to your first question ...

In response to your first question ...

En respuesta a su primera pregunta...

To tell - Decir

I would like to say that ...

Yo quisiera decirle que...

A word may be said about ...

Aqu podemos decir algunas palabras acerca de...

I would say that ...

Yo dira que...

I won't to say that ...

Yo no dira que...

I am willing to say that ...

Quiero decirle que...

I must say that ...

Yo debo decir que...

In regard to ... I can only say that ...

With regard to ... I can only say that ...
Con respecto a ... yo puedo decir solo que...

I would venture to say that ...

Me aventurara a decir que ...

There is much to say about ...

Todava hay mucho que decir acerca de ...

We have not yet said much about ...

Todava no hemos dicho mucho acerca de...

I shall avoid the subject of except to say that ...

Sin tocar las preguntas acerca de ..., digo solamente que...

To tell the truth ...

A decir la verdad...

It is a pleasure for me to tell you ...

Es un placer para m decirle a Uds. ...

It would be presumptuous to speak in detail about ...

Sera pretencioso hablar detalladamente acerca de...

Speaking of ...
Hablando de ...

I would like to make brief comments about ...( on ...)

Quisiera hacer un pequeo comentario acerca ... (sobre...)

To mention - Mencionar

I would like to mention that ...

Me gustara comentar que ...

I should mention that ...

Yo mencionar que ...

As mentioned ...
As I have already mentioned ...
Como (ya) se mencion ...

The question that Dr. N. mentioned.

La cuestin que el Dr. N mencion.

It should be mentioned ...

Se debe mencionar...

I would like to point out that ...

Quisiera sealar que...

I will just briefly point out ...

Yo resaltar brevemente...

As you have pointed out ...

Como Ud. ha indicado...

The discussion points out that ...

La discusin indica que ...

I would like emphasize that...

I should like emphasize that...
Me gustara enfatizar que...
Yo enfatizara que...

I would like to stress...

Quisiera recalcar...
I would like to add a few words to ...

Quisiera agregar algunas palabras a ...

The only thing that I might add to ...

Lo nico que podra agregar a ...

I might add however ...

Yo podra agregar (adicionar) sin embargo

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------In discussing... Discutiendo...

by discussing... Por discutir...
while discussing... Mientras se discuta...

I would start out by discussing ...

Yo quisiera empezar con la discusin ...

The question is indeed a complex one and a great deal is discussed among
La pregunta es realmente difcil y es muy discutida frecuentemente entre nosotros

We are fortunate to have Dr. N. to discuss this case ...

Somos afortunados contar con el Dr. N. para la discusin del caso...
method ... mtodo
problem ... problema

This discussion points out that ...

Esta discusin muestra que ...

In view of this discussion I should say that ...

Teniendo en cuenta esta discusin yo dira que ...

In the discussion of ...

En la discusin de ...

Such questions are not open to discussion.

Tales preguntas no estn abiertas para la discusin.

This is a question to be open to discussion.

Esta es la pregunta que iremos a discutir.

Mr. N. has brought to discussion a problem which ...

El Sr. N. ha trado a discusin un problema, el cual...

At the close of the discussion ...

Para finalizar la discusin...

This discussion has been most interesting.

Esta discusin ha sido la mas (muy) interesante.

Comments - Comentarios

I have a few comments about ...

Tengo un poco de comentarios acerca de...

I have several comments about ...

Tengo algunos comentarios acerca de...

Prof. N. made some comments about ...

El profesor N. hizo algunos comentarios acerca de ...

In regard to Dr. A.'s interesting comments...

With regard to Dr. A.'s interesting comments...
Acerca de los comentarios interesantes de Dr. A. ...

These few comments are prompted by ...

Estas pocas observaciones se tomaron de ...

I want to add to this comment that ..

Yo quiero adicionar a este comentario que ...

I would like to thank Mr. B. for his interesting comments.

Quiero agradecer al Sr. B por sus comentarios interesantes.

Comment should be made in conclusion that ...

En conclusin se debe comentar que ...

Would you care to comment about ...

Podra comentar acerca de...

I would like to comment on

Me gustara comentar acerca de ...

I wish to comment upon

Yo deseo comentar sobre ...

I can best comment on this by stating two facts

Puedo comentar mejor sobre esto constatando hechos.

I really cannot comment any further ...

Realmente no puedo hacer otro comentario...

Most present tense verb forms have several equivalents in English. For example, the
form hablo may be translated in numerous ways:
I speak

(customary action)

I am speaking (action in progress)

hablo I do speak (emphatic form)
I will speak (near future action)
do I speak (interrogative form)
I have been speaking (action started in the past but still in progrerss)

The subject pronouns that accompany these verbs are:


yo I nosotros, nosotras we
t you (familiar)

vosotros, vosotras you (familiar pl., Spain)

usted you (formal) ustedes you (formal)

l he ellos they (masculine or mixed)
ella she ellas they (feminine)

The formal second-person forms (usted and ustedes) take third-person forms of a

Ustedes hablan bien. You (plural) speak very well.

Usted es norteamericana, no? You (sing.) are an American, right?

The formal study of the various moods and tenses of Spanish verbs will be be
spread out over several weeks of the semester, and the individual exercises will
normally concentrate on the tense/mood being studied. Nevertheless, it is assumed
that you do already know all the tenses. Furthermore, you will be required to
produce many of the forms before their introduction, including subjunctive forms.

Present Indicative of Verbs - Review of Forms

Regular verbs. To form the present indicative of regular verbs, drop the infinitive
ending (-ar, -er, or -ir) and add the endings given below:

hablar (to speak)

comer (to eat)
vivir (to live)

hablo hablamos como comemos vivo vivimos

hablas hablis comes comis vives vivs
habla hablan come comen vive viven

In the above examples, note that the endings for the -er and -ir verbs are identical
except for the nosotros and vosotros forms.

Stem changing verbs. These verbs are also referred to as radical changing verbs;
the word radical in Spanish means stem or root. The stem vowel undergoes a
change when it is stressed in the present tense. [These verbs do not so change in
any other tense except for -ir verbs, which experience a stem change in the -ndo
form, in the present subjunctive and in the preterit.]

o > ue (the stem vowel o changes to ue when stressed)

acostar (put to bed) acuesto, acuestas, acuesta, acostamos, acostis, acuestan
volver (return, go back) vuelvo, vuelves, vuelve, volvemos, volvis, vuelven
dormir (sleep) duermo, duermes, duerme, dormimos, dorms, duermen

Similar verbs: acordarse (remember), almorzar (eat lunch), apostar (bet), contar
(count, relate), costar (cost), encontrar (find), llover (rain), morir (die), mover
(move), oler (smell), poder (be able), probar (try, prove), recordar (remember),
rogar (beg), sonar (sound), soar (dream), volar (fly).

e > ie (the stem vowel e changes to ie when stressed):

empezar (begin) empiezo, empiezas, empieza, empezamos, empezis, empiezan
querer (want) quiero, quieres, quiere, queremos, queris, quieren
sentir (feel) siento, sientes, siente, sentimos, sents, sienten

Similar verbs: advertir (notice), atravesar (cross), calentar (heat), cerrar (close),
comenzar (begin), convertir (convert), defender (defend), despertar (awaken),
divertir (amuse), empezar (begin), gobernar (govern), herir (injure), pensar (think),
perder (lose) querer (want), sentir (feel, regret), tropezar (stumble).

e > i (the stem vowel e changes to i when stressed; -ir verbs only):
pedir (request, ask for) pido, pides, pide, pedimos, peds, piden

Similar verbs: competir (compete), conseguir (get), corregir (correct), derretir

(melt), despedir (fire, say goodbye), elegir (elect), medir (measure), rer (laugh),
servir (serve), seguir (follow, continue), sonrer (smile), repetir (repeat), vestir

u > ue (the stem vowel u changes to ue when stressed [in the verb jugar only]):
jugar (play [a game or sport]) juego, juegas, juega, jugamos, jugis, juegan

Verbs with an irregular first person singular (yo) form. [Note that all of these verbs
will also have special forms for the present subjunctive, since present subjunctive
forms are based on the first person singular.]

c > zc in the yo form:

conocer (know, be aquainted with [people or places]) conozco, conoces, conoce,
conocemos, conocis, conocen

This is the usual pattern for verbs whose infinitive ends in -cer or -cir: acontecer
(happen), agradecer (thank), amanecer (dawn), aparecer (appear), conducir (drive,
conduct), crecer (grow), enflaquecerse (get thin), enriquecerse (get rich),
envejecerse (get older), establecer (establish), merecer(deserve), nacer (be born),
obedecer (obey), ofrecer (offer), padecer (suffer), parecer (seem), permanecer
(remain), producir (produce), reducir (reduce), and traducir (translate).

appearance of g in the yo form:

caer (fall) caigo, caes, cae, caemos, cais, caen
traer (bring) traigo, traes, trae, traemos, trais, traen

decir (say, tell) *digo, dices, dice, decimos, decs, dicen

hacer (do, make) hago, haces, hace, hacemos, hacis, hacen
poner (put, set) pongo, pones, pone, ponemos, ponis, ponen
salir (leave, go out) salgo, sales, sale, salimos, sals, salen
tener (have) *tengo, tienes, tiene, tenemos, tenis, tienen
valer (be worth) valgo, vales, vale, valemos, valis, valen
venir (come) *vengo, vienes, viene, venimos, vens, vienen

*These are also stem changing verbs.

other types of yo form changes:

caber (fit [in something]) quepo, cabes, cabe, cabemos, cabis, caben
dar (give) doy, das, da, damos, dais, dan
saber (know [facts]) s, sabes, sabe, sabemos, sabis, saben

ver (see) veo, ves, ve, vemos, veis, ven

Verbs which add an accent over a final weak vowel. The vowels i and u are weak
vowels in contrast to the strong vowels a, e, and o. When they come in contact
with any other vowel they normally form a diphthong; the addition of a written
accent keeps this diphthonization from occurring. Such accents are necessary for
some verbs because the i and u are the stem vowels:
continuar contino, continas, contina, continuamos, continuis, continan
(I continue, you continue, etc. Note that the unaccented words continuo and
continua, are adjectives meaning continuous.)
enviar envo, envas, enva, enviamos, enviis, envan
(I send, you send, etc.)

Similar verbs: actuar (act), efectuar (bring about), graduar (graduate), confiar
(trust), criar (raise, bring up), esquiar (ski), vaciar (empty).

With most other verbs the i and u are not stem vowels, and thus form diphthongs:

copiar copio, copias, copia, copiamos, copiis, copian

(forms of the verb to copy; the i is not stressed)

Similar verbs: anunciar (announce), apreciar (appreciate), asociar (associate),

cambiar (change), divorciar (divorce), ensuciar (dirty), estudiar (study), iniciar
(initiate), limpiar (clean), negociar (negociate), renunciar (renounce).

Verbs like huir. Verbs whose infinitive ends in -uir (but not -guir) insert a y in present
tense endings whenever the ending does not contain the sound i, that is, in all
forms except for nosotros and vosotros.
huir (flee) huyo, huyes, huye, huimos, hus, huyen

Verbs conjugated like huir: construir (construct), contribuir, (contribute), disminuir,

(diminish), incluir (include), influir (influence).

Irregular verbs. The following verbs are completely irregular (usually because of the
way they evolved from Latin) or display characteristics so rare as to be considered
irregular for our purposes.
estar (to be) estoy, ests, est, estamos, estis, estn
ser (to be) soy, eres, es, somos, sois, son
ir (go) voy, vas, va, vamos, vais, van
oler (smell) huelo, hueles, huele, olemos, olis, huelen
[Oler is a stem changing verb; however, no word can begin with ue in Spanish, so an
initial h is added.]

Orthographic changes. Some verbs exhibit orthographic or spelling changes to

maintain the same pronunciation of the final stem consonant:

g > j: Verbs whose infinitive form ends in -gir change the g to j before an a or an o.
dirigir (direct) dirijo, diriges, dirige, dirigimos, dirigs, dirigen
elegir (elect) elijo, eliges, elige, elegimos, elegs, eligen

[Elegir is also a stem changing verb, where the e changes to i.]

More verbs in this category: corregir (correct), exigir (require), fingir (pretend), and
surgir (arise).

gu > g: Verbs whose infinitive form ends in -guir drop the u before an a or an o.
distinguir (distinguish) distingo, distingues, distingue, distinguimos...

Other verbs like this include seguir (follow, continue; e>i) and its compounds:
conseguir (get, obtain) and perseguir (pursue).

Invariable. There is one verb which never changes in the present tense. Hay (there
is, there are, from the infinitive haber) has only one form in the present
indicative. The same form is used for both singular and plural subjects (or
Hay muchos espaoles en tu clase? Are there many Spaniards in your class?
No, slo hay uno. No, there is only one.

Note: This carries over to the other tenses as well: it is only used in a singular form,
even when used with plural subjects/complements:

Haba tres chicas en la esquina. There were three girls on the corner.
Hubo dos accidentes aqu ayer. There were 2 accidents here yesterday.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Usage of the present tense

Special case: The present tense with hacer in expressions of time. As indicated at
the beginning, the present tense is used to indicate an action in progress, and this is
true even if the action began in past time but the emphasis is on the present time.
This is frequently seen with the hacer + expression of time construction:

Hace un mes que busco una casa nueva. I've been looking for a new house for a

Busco una casa nueva desde hace un mes.

Note that if the hace clause may be used either before or after the main verb; if
used afterwards, desde is inserted before hace.

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