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May 1, 2008


5003: CEQ has redacted the fax coversheet and withheld pages 2-15 of the fax based on DPP.
5005: CEQ has redacted the email and withheld the attachment based on DPP.
5017-18: The attachment was not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.
5020-21: CEQ is consulting with NOAA about the attachments.
5042-43: The attachment was not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.
5045-48: The attachment was not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.
5050-51: The attachment was not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.
5053-54: The attachment was not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.
5094: CEQ is consulting with DOC about the attachment.
5096-97: CEQ has redacted the email based on DPP. CEQ is consulting with NASA about
the attachment.
5125: Pages 2-4 of the fax were not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.
5144: Pages 2-4 of the fax were not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.
5211: The attachment was not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.
5245: CEQ has withheld pages 1-25 of this document based on DPP.
5247: CEQ is consulting with NOAA about the attachment.
5252-53: CEQ released the unredacted email on May 1, 2008 as CEQ 013745. CEQ is
consulting with DOE about the attachments.
5261: The attachment was not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.
5262: CEQ is consulting with DOE about the redacted email and the attachments.
5319: CEQ released the attachment on May 1, 2008 as CEQ 017872-78.
5328-29: The attachments were not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.
5355: CEQ is consulting with OMB about the attachment.
5395: The attachment was not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.
5397: CEQ released the unredacted email on May 1, 2008 as CEQ 014195. CEQ is
consulting with DOE about the attachments.
5429: CEQ withheld the attachment based on DPP.
5431: CEQ is consulting with NOAA about the attachment.
5433: CEQ is consulting with NOAA about the attachment.
5439-42: The attachment was not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.
5532-33: CEQ is consulting with OMB about the attachment.
5537: CEQ is consulting with OMB about the attachment.
May 1, 2008

5636: The attachment was not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.
5638: CEQ is consulting with NOAA about the attachment.
5642: The attachment was not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.
5659: CEQ is consulting with DOE about the attachments.
5661-62: CEQ is consulting with OMB about the redacted email and the attachments.
5664: CEQ is consulting with EPA about the attachment.
5887: The attachment was not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.
5901: The attachment was not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.
5957-59: CEQ released the unredacted email on May 1, 2008 as CEQ 014701-03. CEQ is
consulting with OMB about the attachments.
5961: CEQ is consulting with OMB about the redacted email. The attachments were not
located in the documents identified as potentially responsive to CREW’s request.
5963: This document is a duplicate of CEQ 005961.
6184: The attachment was not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.
6185: The document is a duplicate of CEQ 006185.
6329: The attachment was not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.
6400: The attachment was not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.
6402: CEQ is consulting with NOAA about the attachment.
6411: The attachment was not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.
6441-42: The attachment was not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.
6449: The attachment was not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.
6518-19: The attachment was not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.
6587: CEQ is consulting with DOE about the attachment.
6589: CEQ is consulting with NOAA about the attachment.
6607: The attachment was not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.
6622: The attachments were not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.
6695: The attachment was not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.
6700: The attachment was not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.
6761: CEQ is consulting with NOAA about the attachment.
6763: The attachment was not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.

May 1, 2008

6765: CEQ is consulting with NOAA about the attachment. This attachment is a
duplicate of the attachment to CEQ 006761.
6769: The attachment was not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.
6777: The attachment was not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.
6803: The attachment was not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.
6805: The attachment was not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.
6807-08: The attachment was not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.
6813: This email has no attachment.
6815: The attachment was not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.
6817: The attachment was not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.
6819: The attachment was not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.
6821: The attachment was not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.
6839: The attachment was not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.
7025: CEQ is consulting with NOAA about the attachments.
7030: The attachment was not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.
7043-44: The attachments were not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.
7080: The attachment was not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.
7082: CEQ has redacted the email based on DPP. The attachment was not located in the
documents identified as potentially responsive to CREW’s request.
7084-86: The attachment was not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.
7099: The attachment was not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.
7101: The attachment was not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.
7128-31: CEQ is consulting with OMB about the attachments.
7133-36: CEQ has redacted the email based on DPP. CEQ is consulting with OMB about
the attachment.
7148: The attachment was not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.
7150-51: The attachments were not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.

May 1, 2008

7177: The attachments were not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.
7205: The attachment was not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.
7209-10: The attachments were not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.
7215: The attachment was not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.
7223-31: The attachment was not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.
7277: The attachment was not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.
7291: CEQ is consulting with NOAA about the attachments.
7293-94: CEQ is consulting with OMB about the attachment.
7296-97: CEQ is consulting with OMB about the attachment.
7299-00: CEQ is consulting with DOC about the redacted email. CEQ has one page of one
of the four attachments to this email. It is consulting with NOAA about that page.
7305: CEQ is consulting with EPA about the redacted email. The attachments were not
located in the documents identified as potentially responsive to CREW’s request.
7307-08: CEQ is consulting with NOAA about the attachment.
7325: The attachment was not located in the documents identified as potentially
responsive to CREW’s request.
7327-28: CEQ is consulting with DOE about the attachment.
7330-31: CEQ is consulting with the State Department about the attachment.
7342: CEQ is consulting with DOE about the attachment.
7344-45: CEQ is consulting with NOAA about the redacted email and the attachment.
7347: CEQ is consulting with Commerce about the attachment.
7371-72: CEQ is consulting with DOE about the attachment.
7378: CEQ is consulting with OMB about the redacted email and the attachment.
7380: CEQ is consulting with OMB about the attachment.
7382: CEQ is consulting with OMB about the attachments.
7388: CEQ is consulting with OMB about the attachment.
7394-95: CEQ is consulting with the State Department about the attachment.
7397: CEQ is consulting with EPA about the redacted email and the attachment.
7472-73: CEQ released the unredacted email on May 1, 2008 as CEQ 014380-81. CEQ is
consulting with DOE about the attachment.

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