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Centers for Med~care& Med~caidServ~ces


7500 S e c u r ~ hBoulevard, Mail Stop C2-21-15

Balhmore, Maryland 21241-1850

Acquisition and Grants Group -

August 3. 2004

ATTN: Ms. Taren Williams - ---.
2000 L Street. N.W. --
Washington, DC 20036


Dear Ms. Williams:

In accordance with the contract clause 52.21 7-9 entitled "Option to Extend the Term of The
Contract," you are hereby notified of the Government's intent to exercise Option Year Four under
the subject contract.

This notice does not obligate the Government to renew the contract if conditions at actual time of
renewal dictate otherwise. A modification to the contract would be the instrument used to effect
the actual renewal.

If you have any questions concerning this matter. please contact Mr. Kevin M. Pope. Contract
Specialist on (4 10) 786-5794 or write to the undersigned.


Debra Hoffman / '

Contracting Officer

- 7500 ScCInity Boulevard

Baltimore. MD 21Zi418.50

Ketchum August 27.2003

ATTN: Ms. Sandy Pnntz
2000 L Street, N.W.
Suite 300
Washington, D.C. 20036
- .-..
Dear Ms. Pnntz:
.-. - -

t Please be advised, this letter serves as preliminary notice of the Government's intent to exercise
Option Year Three under the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) contract
number 500-0 1-0002.

On or before the scheduled Option Year Two completion date of October 30, 2003, it is
anticipated that Option Year Three will be exercised pursuant to contract provision I. 1 - 52.2 17-9
"OPTION(S) TO EXTEND THE TERM OF THE CONTRACT." This preliminary notice does
not constitute a commitment on the part of the Government.

If you have questions concerning this matter, please contact the undersigned on (4 10) 786-5 163


Mary E. Jones, contraVcting Officer . - -

Acquisition and Grants Group
Division of Program Contracts
P DEI'ARrrMENrl-OF Hm1:l.H 8; HIIMAN S E R m C a cwrens n,n MEl)ICAHL . \ l )

Ketchum August 14,200 1

A m : Mr. Mark Schamon
2000 L Street, N.W.
Suite 300
Washington, D.C. 20036

Dear Mr. Schannon: -. - -

Please be advised, this letter serves as preliminary notice of the Government's intent to exercise
Option Year One under the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) contract number
500-0 1-0002.

On or before the scheduled Base Year completion date of October 30, 200 1, it is anticipated that
Option Year One will be exercised pursuant to contract provision I. 1 - 52.2 17-9 "OPTION(S) TO
EXTEND THE TERM OF THE CONTRACT." This preliminary notice does not constitute a
commitment on the part of the Government.

If you have questions concerning this matter, please contact the undersigned on (410) 786-5538.


Mary E. ~ o n kcontr#ting
, Oficer .. . - #

Acquisition and Grants Group

Division of Program Contracts
Ketchurn September 24,2002
A T I N : Ms. Sandy Printz
2000 L Street, N.W.
Suite 300
Washington, D.C. 20036
- ---
Dear Ms. Printz:
Please be advised, this letter serves as preliminary notice of the Government's intent to exercise
Option Year Two under the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) contract number
500-0 1-0002.

On or before the scheduled Option Year One completion date of October 30, 2002, it is
anticipated that Option Year Two will be exercised pursuant to contract provision I. 1 - 52.2 17-9
"OPTION(S) TO EXTEND THE TERM OF THE CONTRACT." This preliminary notice does
not constitute a commitment on the part of the Government.

If you have questions concerning this matter, please contact the undersigned on (410) 786-5538.


Mary E. Jon ,Con& g Officm-
Acquisition and ~ r a n K G r o u ~
~ i v k i o nof Program contracts
- - -
Gary Jones ---Award Not~ce
for LRFP 01-006 und; ?MS
-- CRC Contracts --
- - -- - -- -- -- - --Page 1
--- - -

From: Mary Jones

To : CRC Contractors
Date: 9/21/01 2:59PM
Subject: Award Notice for LRFP01-006 under CMS CRC Contracts

Please be advised that the Academy for Educational Development (AED) is the successful offeror for the
subject competition entitled "NutritionlHydrationAwareness Campaign: Phase 2 - Dietary
ManagerslDieticians" . Two proposals were received. The task order was awarded for a firm-fixed price
of $300,632.

Offerors may request a debriefing by contacting Mr. Derrick Heard on 410-786-2545.

Thank you for your interest in the programs of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
- Mary Jones, Contracting Officer

CC: DHeard; DHiggins;. TChiappelli

1 Derrick Heard - LRFP 01-006 under CMS CRC U
.- rella
--- contracts pagel

From: Mary Jones

To: CRC Contractors
Date: 7120101 2:33PM
Subject: LRFP 01-006 unde: CMS CRC Umbrella Contracts

Attached is the subject Letter Request for Proposals entitled "NutritionIHydration Awareriess Campaign:
Phase 2 - Dietary ManagersIDieticianC- CMS anticipates a firm-fixed price task order will result from this
competition. BIDINO BID decisions and questions are requested by Monday, July 30, 2001. Proposals
are due at 2:00 PM on Friday, August 10. Oral presentations are not planned for this competition. Award
is expected in early September.

Questions may be directed to the contract specialist, Derrick Heard (DHeard@.cms.hhs.qov) on

401-786-2545 or me (MJonesl@.cms.hhs.qov) on 410-786-5163.

Thank you for your continued interest injhe programs of CMS.


- Mary Jones, Contracting Officer

- --

CC: DHeard
'., ................ <... :: - ...... ,. . .-... . . . .. . . . . .
! Derrick Heard - LRFP,01-006.. Attachment:
- Watch ~ ~ ~ ? ~ o ~ ~ a k ,merials.
e ' A c t ~ o ..n
t~ ..
Page -

From: Derrick Heard

To: Internet: adickins@aed.org; Internet: jstrand@aed.org; Internet:scrossley@aed.org;
Internet: tpetrosini@gcigroup.com; Internet:Tpierce@gcigroup.com; Internet: Jdelmazo@gcigroup.com;
Internet: Lwoodworth@gcigroup.comylnternet: Jvianna@gcigroup.com; Internet: Ilevins@gcigroup.com;
Internet: moni~.marshall@ketchum.com;Internet: scott.sloat@ketchum.com; Internet:
david.cornell@ketchum.com; Internet: yolan.laporte@ogilvypr.com; Internet:Tom.beall@ogilvypr.com
Date: 7/25/01 4:38PM - -
Subject: LRFP 01-006 Attachment: Watch Report Take Action materials .

To All CRC Contractors,

The LRFP 01-006 entitled "NutritionlHydration Awareness Campaign: Phase 2 Dietary

ManagersIDieticians" the Watch Report Take Action materials attachment is not available electronically
Please contact me via email and let me know if you would like to pick up the package from CMS on
Friday, July 27, 2001 or have the package mailed to you.

If you have any questions or concerns you can contact me at-410-786-2545 o'r Mary Jones at

Derrick Heard
Contract Specialist

CC: Jones, Mary

-.- -- -

___ __.. Heard - Amendment 0002, LRF

1I. Derrick $09, (tensionIQgA
- - - - - Page 1

From: Derrick Heard

To: CRC Contractors
Date: 8/8/01 2:59PM
Subject: Amendment 0002, LRFP 01-009, Extension/QgA

To All CRC Contractors.

Amendment 0002 is forthcoming for LRFP 01-009. Amendment 0002 will provide CMS's response to
technical and administrative questions. The subject Amendment will also extend the due for receipt of
proposals from August 13,2001 to August 20,2001. The time for receipt of proposals has been
extended from 10:OO AM t o 4:00 PM.

Derrick Heard
Procurement Analyst
ibiary Jones
L--- - Havance-
Notice to Kelez 2 cornpetltlve
- I asK Vraer actlons
-- -- Page
- -- 1
- - ----

From: Mary Jones

To : CRC Contractors
Date: 7/16/01 3:02PM
Subject: Advance Notice to- Release 4 Competitive Task Order actions

CMS intends to release the following requests for proposals early this week.

LRF,P 01-006 entitled "NutritionlHydration Awareness Campaign: Phase 2 - Dietary Managers/Dieticians"

LRFP 01-007 entitled "NutritionlHydration Awareness Campaign: Nursing Home Initiative"

LRFP 01-008 entitled "NMEP Assessment Case Study Sites"

LRFP 01-009 entitled "NMEP Media Assessment"

All four competitions are expected foraward by early September 2001. Mr. Derrick Heard is the contract
specialist for these actions and may beieached on 410-786-2545, o r y o u ~ m I ycontact me on
410-786-5163 as the contracting officer.

Thank you for your interest in the programs of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS),
formerly known as the Health Care Financing Administration. - Mary Jones

CC: DHeard
-- -
Mary Jones - Award Notice for LRFP L 32 under CMS CRC contracts Page !
" -

From: Mary Jones

To: CRC Contractors -
Date: 811 1104 4:53PM
Subject: Award Notice for LRFP 04-002 under CMS CRC contracts

Please be advised that the subject sokitation entitled " ~ a r t n e r s hOutreach

~~ Planning for Medicare
Prescription Drug Benefit and Medicare Advantage Benefit" is awarded to Ketchum for $357,580. Three
proposals were received in response to this solicitation.

Requests for feedback may be directed to Jaime Galvez (JGalvez@cms.hhs.qov). Thank you for your
interest in the programs of the Centers for Medicare 8 Medicaid Services.

Mary Jones

CC: Chiappelli, Ted; Cometa, Lindsey; Galvez, Jaime

- --
From: Mary Jones
To: CRC Contractors i
Date: 2/11/03 3: 12PM
Subject: -
Notice of Release of LRFP 03-003 under CRC umbrella Contracts

Please be advised that CMS intends to release LRFP 03-003 entitled "2003 National Multi-Media &
Education Campaign" by February 12, 2003. Limited written technical proposals will be due March 4 with
oral presentations tentativelyplanned forthe week of March 10. Award is anticipated by mid-April 2003.

~ u e s t i o n smay be directed to the contracting officer, Mary Jories, on 410-786-5163 or the contract
specialist, Debra Hoffman, on 410-786-0517.

7500 Security Boulevard

- Baltimore, MD 21244-1850

02 August 2001




The Letter Request for Proposal (LRFP) No. 01 -009, entitled "The National Medicare
Education Program (NMEP) Media Assessment" is amended as follows:

The proposal due date has been extended fiom August 6,200 1 to August 13 200 1. The time
for receipt of proposals remains unchanged. The response to the technical and administrative
questions will be sent on or about August 6,200 1.


Mary E. Jones
Contracting Officer
7500 Security Boulevard
Baltimore, MD 21244-1810

- - 02 August 200 1





The Letter Request for Proposal (LRFP) No. 0 1-008, entitled 'WMEP Assessment Case Study
Sites" is amended as follows:

1. The instructions for the technical proposal (c - understanding of the problem and technical approach)
indicate that data should be collected from persons with Medicare, caregivers, and CMS partners, and
then lists 6 contractor activities that do not seem related to data collection, such as on-site coverage in
regional offices for marketing support, devising effective communication processes, conducting PR
campaigns, and undertalung coalition building. Later under Task Requirements, the RFP focuses
entirely on data collection activities like surveys, focus groups, and partner interviews. Could CMS
please clarify how the technical proposal instructions - specifically items 1-6 under 'technical approach'
relate to the task requirements and confirm that it is lookmg for a contractor to assess the NMEP and not
implement the program?

'Response: - - -
This has been addressed by Amendment 0001 LRFPOI-008 for NMEP Assessment Case Study Sites,
issued July 31, 2001.

2. Under corporate experience, the RFP indicates that contractors should demonstrate experience
marketing to targeted populations. Should we demonstrate experience in actually marketing to such
populations, or experience in assessing the impact of PR campaigns that market to targeted populations?

The contractor should demonstrate experience in assessing the impact of education campaigns that
market to target populations.

Question: - - -
3. Under Task requirements, one bullet mentions a targeted, quasi-experimental media campaign. Could
(Arnpwment UUUL) L M r U I - U U ~
h3lEP Assessment Case Study Sites

CMS please explaiddescribe this quasi-experiment? Does CMS require a full evaluation of this quasi-

Response: -

This bullet should be deleted. The LRFP will be amended to reflect this change.
- -
4. Wlzlch CMS divisiodunit will have responsibility for t h ~ contract?

Responsibiliv for this Task Order will be assigned to CMS/CBC/BEAG/DBA - specr/icall,; the CMS
Centerfor Beneficiay Choices. Beneficiay Education and Analvsis Group. Division of ~ e n ~ f i c i a ~ ,
Analysis. - -.

- -- I

5. Would CMS provide more information on its plans for the fall media campaign? What components of
CMS in the Central Office and Regonal Offices will implement and direct the campaign?

The Fall Media Campaign consists of a multi-media and education campaign that provides informatiotl
on Medicare, Medicare program options and Medicare information channels to Medicare beneficiaries
and their caregivers. The goals of the campaign are to encourage people with Medicare (and their
caregivers) to ask questions about their health plan options, encourage people to call 1-800-
MEDICARE or visit mv.medicare.aov for answers to their questions, increase awareness that CMS ofSers
resources to get help with their Medicare questions and convey that Medicare provides accurate,
reliable, understandable and relevant consumer information and resources to help people make
informed decisions about their health care coverage.

At this point it is anticipated that the Compaign will be directed by the head of CBC with supportj-om
the Communications StafSand Social Marketing stafSin CBC. The Campaign will have some impact on
this Case Studies project, but it is a separate project efSort.

'Question: ) . _ a

6. Could CMS please confirm our understanding that the Internet assessment ?
is being conducted under another contract and is not a required task under
the NMEP Assessment Contract Case Study Site Task Order?

The Internet assessment is being conducted under another contract, and is not a required task under the
NMEP Assessment Contract Case Study Site Task Order.

7. Does the term "follow-up assessment" as used on page 1 1 of the RFP refer
to the annual NMEP Case Study Reports required in this contract?

Response: - -
The term 'Ifollow-up assessment" does refer to the annual NMEP Case Study Reports.
8. Is the assessment of the NMEP in this project limited to its impact in the six case study sites only or is it
national in scope?

Response: -
The assessment of the NMEP in this project is limited to the 6 case studj~sites.
-. -
Question: :
9. The 10 AM deadline for submission of proposals complicates the logistical options and cost of proposal
delivery. Would CMS consider extending the deadline for later in the day, perhaps to 4 PM?

CMS will extend the deadline until 4 PM.
- -
,. Question: - .
10. Would CMS provide a level of effort estimate for this task order?

At this time, CMS will not provide a level of eflort for this task order. If CMSfeels it is warranted to
provide a level of eflort, it will do so at a later date.

1 1. Because CMS' responses to many of these questions will have a major impact on the scope and content
of proposals, would CMS consider extending the due date of proposals to allow at least two weeks for
proposal preparation following receipt of CMS' responses to technical questions?

CMS will extend the due date to August 16"'

12. Section A. ContentFoxmat of the RFP lists both a Work Plan and a Management Plan as required
sections of proposals. Would CMS please provide more details on what the contents of the Work Plan
should be and how it differs from the contents of the Management Plan?
- I-
The Work Plan should clearly de)ne the necessary tasks for completion of work delineated by the RFP.
The Work Plan should include a description of the work required bv each task, a necessary chronology
of tasks, the amount of time needed to complete each task, and the overall amount of time needed to
complete the entire project.

The Management Plan should clearlv define the proposed approach to manage the project. The
Management Plan should name the members of the work team, clearly delineate each team member's
project responsibilities, ident~fj,the level of eflort to be contributed by individual team members
kercentage of employees time), and describe the proposed use of subcontractors (ifany) and the lines
of authority/responsibility. The Management Plan should also specifi stafl computer and equipment
resources that will be available.
- --
13. Would it be possible to receive a copy of the survey being used in the communities?

A copy of the survey is attained.

= Question:
14. Are we to administer the telephone survey in the six communities?

- -
If so, have you determined the sample size or can you give guidance on the precision desired?

In previous years, we have asked the contractor to get 400 completed surveys per site.

Also, how does this survey relate to-the Regional Survey of Medicare Beneficiaries to be conducted
under the Assessment of Medicare and You EducationProgra. ' '

These are separate survey eflorts although a number of the questions are similar. The survey in the case
study sites supplements other information collected in these sites to understand the impact of the
education program at the local level.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Derrick Heard on (4 10) 786-2545.


Mary E. Jones
Contracting Officer

! ~ a i m -eGalvez - LRFP 04-002 under C

i _. .. . . .. . . . .. . . .
- .~ . -
. ;CRC Umbrella Ccntracts
- .~ -- .. - -- ..~

... . . .

.. .
. .

. -. . -. . ...-- .... .~ . ..


From: Jaime Galvez

To: CRC Contractors
Date: 51271044:45PM - '

Subject: - LRFP 04-002 under CMS CRC Umbrella Contracts

Dear CRC Contractors: -. -

You are invited to submit a proposal in response to the sub!ect solicitation entitled "Partnersh~pOutreach
Planning for Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit and Medicare Advantage Benefit".

Questions are requested in writing by June 3, 2004. BlDiNO BID Decisions are requested by June 3.
2004. Written Technical and Cost Proposals are due to CMS, Attn: Jaime E. Galvez, contract specialist.
by 2:00 PM Thursday, June 10, 2004. Award is expected by July 29, 2004.

'The solicitat~onpackage IS attached. -Thank you for your interest In the programs of the Centers for
Medicare & M e d ~ c a ~Services.
d . --

Jaime E. Galvezi CPPB

Acquisition and Grants Group
Division of Program Contracts
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
7500 Security Blvd., Mailstop C2-21-15
Baltimore, MD 21 244-1850

Phone: (410) 786-5701

Fax: (410) 786-9088
Email: jgalvez@cms.hhs.gov~

CC: Galvez, Jaime: Jones, Mary

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
7500 Security Boulevard, Mail Stop CZ2 1 - 15
Baltimore, Maryland 21244-1 850 L T mI k r ~ m m ~

Acquisition and Grants Group - -

Division of Propam Contmcts

May 27,2004




We invite you to submit a proposal in response to this Letter Request for Proposal (LRFP) No.
04-002, entitled "Partnership Outreach Planning for Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit and
Medicare Advantage Benefit," for a proposed task order we will competitively award under the
CRC contracts. We anticipate awarding a Cost Plus Fixed Fee (CPFF) task order from this
statement of work. Your response must be in accordance with the requirements set forth in
Section G.2 entitled "Task Order Proposals" of your base contract and this correspondence.

1. Bid/No Bid Decisions:, Please provide your bidlno bid decision via E-mail to Jaime
E. Galvez Cjgalvez@cms.hhs.gov) by Thursday, June 3,2004. We also request that
you provide a rationale for any NO BID decisions at that time.

2. Ouestions: Please submit any questions in writing to the e-mail address provided in
paragraph 1 above by June 3,2004.

3. Proposal Due Date: You must submaityour technical and business proposal on or
before 2:00 PM local prevailing time on Thursday, June 10,2004, to the address -
listed below. Late proposals, as defined in FAR 52.215-1, as well as pi-oposals
submitted electronically, are not acceptable

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Acquisition and Grants Group
ATTN.: Mr. Jaime E. Galvez, Mail Stop C2-21-15
7500 Security Boulevard
Baltimore, MD 21244-1850

The evaluation criteria are included. The evaluation process is the "tradeoff' approach, with
award being made to the offeror(s) whose proposal(s) islare the most advantageous to the
Government. Technical quality of the proposal(s) is more important than costlprice. We reserve
the right to award without disc-ussions.
We are not committed to reimburse any costs associated with the preparation or submission of a
proposal nor to procure or contract for the services described herein. In addition, the Contracting

Officer is the only individual who can legally commit the Government to the expenditures of
public funds in connection with the proposed procurement. If you have any questions, please do
not hesitate to contact Jaime E. Gdvez on (410) 786-5701.


contracting Officer

1) Proposal Preparation Instructions (3 pages)
2) Evaluation Criteria (2 pages)
3) Statement of Work (5 pages)
LRFP 04-002


To assist us in thoroughly and c6mpletely evaluating all proposals, you must submit your
proposal in accordance with the following format requirements specified below, and adhere to
the page limitations. There will be an opportunity for oral presentations. Assume a early-
J U I ~2004 award date.

You are requested to provide a hard copy (original and 4 copies) of your technical and business
proposal. The following should be included:


- -
For the purposes of this Statement of Work, offerors are required to submit a written techn~cal
proposal in accordance with the following instructions:

1 . Offerors must respond to all aspects of the SOW as presented in the Letter Request for
Proposal (LRFP).

2. Offerors shall submit as part of the proposal a Volume entitled Technical Proposal that
addresses the following information:

Technical understanding and Approach

Past Performance
Management Plan

3. The entire written technical proposal may be no more than 10 single-spaced (one-sided)
pages. Type font may be no smaller than Times Roman 12 pt. All page margins must be at
least 1 inch.

4. Key personnel resumes, past perforyance references, and project summaries may
be included as separate attachments and are not counted toward the page limitation. -
Technical Understandinn and Approach
The offeror shall demonstrate a clear, concise, and sound manner the Statement of Work is to be
performed. Present a clear understanding of the nature of the work being undertaken and fully
explain the proposed process. Substantiate research design'andmethodology.

Past Performance
The technical proposal must provide the general background, experience and qualifications of
the offeror's organization. The offeror shall demonstrate relevant capabilities that it can bring to
this project and any other advantages it offers based upon its experiences.

Page 1 of 3
LRFP 04-002

The offeror shall provide at least three (3) references for similar services within the past 5 years
that can address your relevant capabilities for this task order:
contract Number (for subcontracts, provide the prime contract number and the
subcontract number) - -
Project Title
Name of CompanyIAgency
Technical & Contract Point of Contact/Names/Phone Numbers
Project Description stressing the relationship to the work required by this solicitation
Total Dollar Value
Period of Performance
- -

Offerors are reminded that they are responsible for erisuring that acwrate information is
provided with the reference material, including up-to-date telephone numbers and points of

The Government is not required to contact all references provided by the offeror. Also,
references other than those identified by the offeror may be contacted by the Government to
obtain additional information that will be used to evaluate the offeror's past performance.

Past performance references shall be included as an attachment to the proposal and will
not count against the limited written technical proposal page limit.

NOTE: It is acceptable to provide more than three references in order to account for
significant subcontractors that may be on your team.

The technical proposal must include a list of names and proposed duties of the key personnel,
consultants and subcontractor employees assigned to the project. The approximate percentage of
time each individual will be available for this project must be included. The proposed staff hours
for each of the above individuals should. be allocated against each task or subtask for the project.
. -
Their resumes shall be included as an attachment to the proposal and shall contain information
on their education, background, recent experience and special qualifications that directly relate to
this task order. Resumes shall be a maximum of 2 single-sided pages and will not count
against the limited written technical proposal page limit.

Management Plan
The t e c h c a l proposal shall describe how the offeror will organize and manage the project, how
tasks will be sequenced, in what time frames, and what management control and coordination
mechanisms will be used to assure the timely and successful conduct of this project. The
proposed management plan should specify resource allocation by tasks. This should include a
matrix of hours committed to the project by person, by task, and should indicate any work that
will be subcontracted.
- - -

Page 2 of 3
LRFP 04-00?


Offerors shall provide a breakoul of estim ited costs for the proposed task order. The offeror
shall in include at a minimum the following ~nformationin the cost proposal:
Direct labor rate(s) for each labor category proposed (identify key personnel by name) for
Prime and Subcontractors;
Overhead rate(s) for Prime and Subcontractors (include fringe if separate pool), show how
the rate is applied to its base and the resultant cost;
General and Administrative (G&A) rate for Prime and Subcontractors. show how the rate is
applied to its base and the resultant cost;
Labor rates for Prime and Subcontractors;
Number of hours per week of uncompensated overtime by laborsategory (if proposed):
Distribution of effort by hours between Prime and Subcontractors;
Name, address and telephone number of the Offeror's cognizant Defense Contracting
Auditing Agency office, if any;
A Summary for the task order of the following (as applicable):
Direct Labor $
Fringe $ %
Overhead $
G&A $ %
Profit $ %
G&A on ODC $ %
Indirect on ODC $ %
Total $

Page 3 of 3
i LRFP 04-002


The Government will conduct a camprehensive evaluation of each proposal utilizing the
"tradeoff' process to determine which proposal offers the best combination of technical
capabilities and estimated costlprice
- to
- the Government. We reserve the right to award
without discussions.

The following criteria are listed in descending order of importance:

Technical Understanding and Approach

The evaluation of soundness of approach shall consider the offeror's understanding of the CMS
requirements and the offeror's proposed approach to complying.with - -the requirements in a
timely manner. The evaluation shall include the following:
Understanding the use of partnership outreach activities to reach target audiences.
Understanding the information needs of the senior audience and their sensitivity to changes
in the Medicare program that will be made by the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement,
and Modernization Act of 2003.
Social Marketing Model, Selection of a Social Marketing model and explanation of how the
proposed model will be used to identify the following: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,
and threats that might be encountered at each stage of partnership development.

Past Performance

The evaluation of past performance shall consider the offeror's involvement in projects of a
similar magnitude and type (size and technical area). Experience in work relevant to this task
order, such as conducting consumer research on Medicare-related issues and simplifying
government documents into more consumer friendly language. Performance information will be
used for both responsibility determinations and as an evaluation factor against which offerors'
relative rankings will be compared to assure best value to the Government. The Government
will focus on information that demonstrates quality of performance relative to the size and
complexity of the acquisition under consideration, such as: Previous experience in using focus
groups to shape analysis; and Previous experience in preparing business or strategic plans
specific to health care. I

Personnel ,

The evaluation of personnel shall consider key personnel who are competent and experienced in
the skills required in the SOW. The caliber of key personnel shall be based upon the individual's
past performance on similar efforts, academic qualifications, and relevant training. This
evaluation shall also consider any proposed subcontractors and their experiences. Your proposal
indicates the percentage of time each staff member will contribute.

Page 1 of 2
Management Plan I

The evaluation of management skill consider the offeror's ability to manage and balance
techmcal performance, time constraints, cost factors and the management of subcontractor
personnel. This section shall also wmider the offeror's ability to address and resolve problems
that may arise during contract performance.

Cost Evaluation

We will perform a cost analysis on your proposal and analyze it for cost realism. Cost realism is
defined as your ability to propose estimated costs, which are reasonable and indicate thar you
understand.the nature and extent of the work you will perform.

Page 2 of 2
LRFP 04-002

Statement of Work
~ a ; t n e r s h i ~Outreach Planning for
Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit
-- and for
Medicare Advantage Benefit

C.1. Scope.
The purpose of this contract action is to obtain detailed business plans that can be used by the
Centers of Medicare & Medicaid Services, through its Division of Partnership Development. to
optimize partnership arrangements. l o ensure that the maximum number of Medicare
beneficiaries learn about the new benefits and provisions provided-by the Medicare Prescription
Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 (MMA). The business plans shall detail a
social marketing strategy that creates outreach opportunities by identifying optimal partnership
relationships specific to the outreach topics, both globally (national) and at the grassroots level;
training and liaison needs; and integration with existing or emerging outreach programs.

Two distinct business plans shall be produced that focus on MMA provisions for:
- Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit, and
- Medicare Advantage Benefit.

- The business plans shall be organized in a highly structured format that follows an accepted
social marketing model that incorporates a systematic study of educational and environmental
supports for actions. The goal is to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that
might be encountered at each stage of partnership development. The objective is to create a
template that can be implemented through both national and community-based partnerships to
successfully reach all Medicare beneficiaries with effective outreach activities.

Optional: As an option to this contract, prospective contractors shall bid on the cost of providing
a third business plan to address new Medicare Preventive Benefits provided under Title VI of the
MMA legislation. 1.- -
This is proposed as a fixed fee, cost-plus, contract award. The period of performarhe shall be no
more than 6 months. 1 !

C.2. Background.
Two major portions of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement. and Modernization Act of
2003 are the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit and the Medicare Advantage Benefit, which are
detailed under Titles I and I1 of the new legislation. In summary, the provisions for these
benefits are:

C.2.1. Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit (Title I): Effective January 1,2006, this
provision establishesa-new voluntary drug benefit under a new Part D (Voluntary
Prescription Drug Benefit Program) of Title XVIII of the Social Security Act (SSA). The

Page 1 of 5
provision establishes a new optional Medicare prescription drug benefit-,program
augmenting a comprehensive, flexible, and permanent voluntary prescription drug benefit
program the limited covefage of certain outpatient prescription drugs, biologicals. and
vaccines currently covered under the Medicare program under its original fee-for-senlice
component under both Medicare parts A (Hospital Insurance) and B (Supplementary
Medical Insurance) and unde; its managed care, medical savings account (MSA). and
private fee-for-service component under Medicare part C (Medicare C h o i c e ) .
In 2006, standard coverage will have a $250.00 deductible, 25 5% coinsurance for costs
between $25 1.OO and $2,250.00, and catastrophic coverage after out of pocket expenses
of $3,600.00. Once the beneficiary reaches the catastrophic limit the program pays all
costs expect for nominal cost sharing. Low income subsides will be provided for persons
with income below 150% ofpoverty. Coverage will be provided though a new Medicare
part C Medicare Advantage o r prescription d w g plan. The
- program will rely on pnvate
plans to provide coverage and to bear some of the financial risk for drug costs; federal
subsides will be provided to encourage participation. Plans will determine premiums
through a bid process and will compete based on premiums and negotiated prices.

C.2.2. Medicare Advantage (Title 11): Effective January 1, 2006, this provision
replaces Medicare -/Choice. Medicare Advantage (MA) modernizes and revitalizes
private plans under Medicare. The Balanced Budget Act (BBA) of 1997 altered
payments for private plans and expanded the types of plans that could be offered under
Medicare. Since payment rate changes were implemented, enrollment in private plans
has fallen from 6.2 million beneficiaries in 1998 to 4.6 million beneficiaries in November
2003, and the number of plans has decreased from 346 risk plans in 1998 to 155 (15 1
coordinated care plans and 4 private FFS plans) in November 2003.
To increase beneficiary choice, Title I1 reforms the payment system in 2004. All plans
would be paid at a rate at least as high as the rate for traditional FFS Medicare, as
recommended by the hledicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC). After 2004,
private plans' capitation rates would grow at the same rate as FFS Medicare. To increase
beneficiary choice in more rural areas, Title I1 would establish regional plans, which
would encourage private plans to serve Medicare beneficiaries in larger regions,
beginning in 2006. Both local arrd regional MA private plans would bid competitively
- -
against a benchmark beginning in 2006. I
Once private plans became established. and enrollment in private plans incriased, a
demonstration of comparative cost adjustment in selected sites would begin in 2010.
Plan bids from private plans and rates for traditional FFS Medicare would be averaged to
create a benchmark for competitive bidding. The competitive program would encourage
beneficiaries to enroll in the most efficient plan, producing savings for both beneficiaries

C.3. Requirements.
The contractor shall produce two detailed business plans using a highly structured format that
follows an accepted social marketing model. The social marketing model shall incorporate a
systematic study of educational and environmental supports for actions. The goal is to identify
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that might be encountered at each stage of
partnership development. The-objective is to create a template that g n be implemented through

Page 2 of 5
i LRFP 03-002
both national and community-based partnerships to successfully reach all Medicarei beneficiaries
with effective outreach activities.-
Educational support shall be aimed primarily at voluntary actions that people can [eke on their
own, individually or collectively,fo become better informed about the new benefits provided by
the MMA legislation. Environmental support refers to the social, political, economic,
organizational, policy, and regulatory circumstances that influence an individual's opportunity to
become engaged in outreach activities. For greater definition, the contractor shall refer to Green
& Kreuter in their book on Health Promotions:

". . . education is any combination of learning experiences designed to facilitate voluntary

actions conducive to health, Combination emphasizes the importance of matching the
multiple determinants of behavior with multiple learning ex~eriencesor educational
interventions. Designed distinguishes health education from incidental learning
experiences as a systematically planned activity. Facilitate means predispose, enable.
and reinforce. Voluntary means without coercion and with the full understanding and
acceptance of the purposes of the action. Action means behavioral steps taken by an
individual, group, or community to achieve an intended health effect."

Two distinct business plans shall be produced that focus on MMA provisions for:
- Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit, and
- Medicare Advantage Benefit.

As an option, an additional (third) business plan shall be produced that focuses on the new
Medicare Preventive Benefits.

All plans shall be constructed. in accordance with the following deliverables:

C.3.1. Social Marketing Model.

The contractor shall specifyas the first step in gathering data for the preparation of the
business plans, the social marketing model that will be followed in providing a . .
structured, organized approach. 'The contractor shall explain how it will apply the model
to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that might be encointered at
each stage of partnership development.
C.3.1.1. The Government GTL shall approve the social marketing model used to
frame the business plan development. The model shall be presented in a paper no
more than 5 pages in length.

C.3.2. Best Practices Review.

The contractor shall conduct a review of all published literature and available reports that
might be applicable to the topic of partnership development and consumer outreach. This
review shall consider all materials produced within the last five years. A synopsis of
these findings and lessons learned shall be provided in a report not to exceed 20 pages.
This shall be a single report that includes all aspects of the MMA legislation that might
be referenced. -. - -

Page 3 of 5
LRFP 04-002

C.3.3. Focus Groups.

The contractor shall conduct at least 12 focus groups in three geographically different
sites to gather information about partnership development and outreach opportunities.
Participants in the focus groups shall contain randomly selected cohorts of:
- Potential or existing partners, both national and community-based;
- Intermediaries who have coordinated outreach efforts through partnerships;
- Consumers who potentially would be reached through partnership efforts.
The focus groups shall be used to gain a thorough understanding of the strategic and
tactical use of partners in delivering CMS messaging specific to MMA benefits. The
discussion guide used to structure the focus group discussions shall be approved in
advance by the GTL. - -
C.3.3 .l. The contractor shall provide a topline report-to the CMS GLT for each
business plan topic:
- Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit,
- Medicare Advantage Benefit, and
- Medicare Preventive Benefits (optional).

C.3.4. Business Plans.

The objective is to create a template that can be implemented through both national and
community-based partnerships to successfully reach all Medicare beneficiaries with
effective outreach activities. A separate detailed business plan shall be prepared for each
Medicare Benefit, incorporating the structure of the social marketing model and analysis
of best practice report and focus group findings. Each business plan shall be at least 25
pages in length. Each plan shall detail outreach opportunities that identify optimal
partnership relationships specific to the outreach topics, both globally (national) and at
the grassroots level; training and liaison needs; and integration with existing or emerging
outreach programs.

Page 4 of 5
LRFP 03-002

C.4. Deliverables. I
The deliverable schedule for this task order follows. The due date shall be determined from date
of contract award. All deliverabres shall be prepared in the latest version of Microsoft Word
with standard formatting (12 point type, 1 inch margins, single spaced). All documents shall be
forwarded electronically to the GTL.-


Best practices review

1 Description

IAW C.3.2
1 week

1 month
I Deliverable
( Original plus 3 copies to
Original plus 10 copies shall 1
be provided to GTL.

Focus group study guide IAW-.C.3.3

, 2 months Original plus 3 copies to
- + I GTL. .._
Focus Group Topline IAW C.3.3.1 4 months Original plus 10 copies of
reports each Topline report shall be
1 provided to the GTL.
Business Plans IAW C.3.4 6 months ' Original plus 10 copies of '
each Topline report shall be
1 provided to the GTL. I

C.5. Key Personnel.

The Contractor shall propose staff fully trained and experienced in the management and/or
technical area in which they will work. The Contractor shall be responsible for the validation of
employee qualifications to perform the services described herein. The following list provides
definitions of minimum qualifications for key personnel.

C.5.1. Project Manager. The contractor shall provide a Project Manager who shall be
the primary contact and shall be responsible for managing the completion of all tasks in
this statement of work. The Project Manager shall have at least seven years of experience
in designing social marketing applications and a minimum of a master's degree in
behavioral science, health communications, or a surrogate field. The requirement for
length of experience shall be redbced for each additional year of post-graduae education.

C.5.2. Content Director. The contractor shall provide a Content Director who shall be
responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the business plans. The Content
Director shall have an understanding of health care and the use of social marketing to
share outreach and awareness campaigns as they apply to health care andlor aging issues,
demonstrated by experiential involvement in projects similar to the one proposed in this
Statement of Work and at least three years of experience. The Content Manager shall
have a minimum of a master's degree in public health or a health-related science.

Page 5 of 5
Checklist Requirements for Processing a 393
(Dollar Value $1 00,000 or more)

[ ] Requisition Number-

[ ] Request for Contract/RJC) Action Memo (see AGG website for sample).
Contains the signature of the ~ i v i s i o nDirector for the Program Component and the
following information:

[ ] Purpose of action (new contract or modification to exist in.^ contractitask

order: if modification. must have contractltask order number)

[ ] :Period of performance
.- for action being processed
- -
[ ] Any special c~earanceslapprovals(e.g., PWRA, Privacy - Act. Public
Relations, OGC . . .etc)

[ ] Project Officer point of contact information

[ ] Technical evaluation criteria if competitive

[ ] Nameslcontact info. of possible sources for competition (attached)

[ JI Statement of Work (see AGG website for sample)

-3 [ ] Independent Government Cost Estimate (IGCE)

[ 1 Funding document (393) 3 q 35

[ 4 FMlB Number if applicable (p 5 1 \ d (4 5 'a
[ APP Number if known 40 80 (
- - i

[ ] 01s signature if action involves any IT equipmentlsen~ices.(Currently, Gem

Nenninger (or designee) signs 393 to show approval of IT Investment Review

[ ] Justification for Other Than Full and 0pen.Competition (JOFOC) if effort

being proposed for one vendor only (see AGG website for sample)

[ 1 Signature on 393 Certifying Not a Bundled E f f o r t 7


-LA c B d , a j b 7 1 b 4
Program Component ~ 8 p r e s e n t ~ et i
q&&Jp& bSolb

Page 2 - Checklist Requirements for Processing a 393

A. Bundling-is defined as consohdating two or more requirements for supplies or services.
previously provided or performed under separate smaller contracts and no\v being rolled into one
contract where it is unlikely that award could be made to a small business concern.

Effective 41 1512003, program officials are required to certify on the front page of the 393 that the
proposed effort receiving the funding either does or does not constitute contract bundling of
requirements previously performed by small businesses. The certificat~onmust be approved at
one level higher than the Project Officer.

B. If any checklist item is not applkabl~.place an NIA in the appropriate box.
I ~-_._a r yones - .,LKFP UI-009 on CMS C !Umbrella
. Contracts . ,
--Page 1
. . .. , .--.
I ... . . . .~

From: Mary Jones

To : CRC Contractors
Date: 712610 1 11:53AM
Subject: LRFP 01-009 on CMS CRC Umbrella Contracts

Forwarding the subject letter request for proposal entitled "The National Medicare Education Program
(NMEP) Media Assessment". Proposals are due by 10AM on Monday, August 6. BlDlNO BID Decisions
and.questions are requested by Mon&y July 30 to Derrick Heard (DHeard@cms.hhs.qov).

7500 SecuriQ Boulevard
- Baltimore, MD 21244-1850

26 July 200 1





We invite you to submit a proposal in response to this Letter Request for Proposal (LRFP) No.
01 -009, entitled "The National Medicare Education Program (NMEP) Media Assessment" for
a proposed task order we will competitively award under the CRC contracts. We anticipate
awarding a Cost-Plus-Fixed-Fee type task order from t h s statement of work. Your response
must be in accordance with the requirements set forth in Section G. lentitled "Task Order
Procedures" of your master contract and this correspondence.

You must submit technical and administrative questions concerning this LRFP as well as
BID/NO BID decisions via E-mail to Derrick Heard (dheard@cms.hhs.gov) by Monday, 30
July 2001. We request that you also provide the rationale for any NO B D decisions at that

You must submit your price proposal and technical proposal on or before 10:OO A.M. local
prevailing time on Monday, 06 August 2001 to the address listed below. Pro~osals --
submitted electronicallv are not acceptable.

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Acquisition and Grants Group 1 ASP
ATTN.: Mr. Derrick Heard, Mail Stop C2-2 1 - 15
7 500 Security Boulevard
Baltimore, MD 2 1244- 1850

The evaluation criteria are included. The evaluation process is the "best value" approach; with
award being made to the offeror(s) whose proposal(s) islare the most advantageous to the
Government. Technical quality of the proposal(s) is more important than costJprice.
- - --
We are not committed to reimburse any costs associated with the preparation or submission of a
proposal nor to procure or contract for the services described herein. In addition, the Contracting
Officer is the only individual who can legally commit the Government to the expenditures of public
funds in connection with the proposed procurement. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate
to contact Derrick Heard on (410)786-2545.


Mary E. Jones
Contracting Officer

1) Proposal Preparation Instructions (2 pages)
2) Evaluation Factors for Award (4page)
3) Selection Process (1 page)
4) Statement of Work (4pages)
. 1 VI-uu7 !
NMEP Media Assessment


You must submit your proposal-in accordance with the following format requirements to
assist us in thoroughly and completely evaluating all proposals. I

You must submit an original plus four (4) copies of the following documents:

1. Technical Proposal:

(a) Executive Summary (2 page limit)

(b) Wclrk Plan (2 pagelimit)
(c) Technical Understanding and ro roach (5 page-limit7
(d) Personnel Qualification (2 page limit)
(e) Management Plan and Facilities (2 page limit)
( f ) Corporate Experience (2 page limit)
(g) Past Performance (submitted as attachment; no page limit; not counted
towards page limit) - List of relevant references (description, dollar
amount, period of performance, customer, point of contact, and phone
(h) Resumes (submitted as attachments for those categories you propose as
key personnel; 2 pages maximum for each resume; not counted towards
page limit)

3. Cost Proposal (no page limit): You must provide a breakout of estimated costs
for the proposed task order.

4. Assumptions: Assume an early September 2001 award.



A. General Information

As set forth above, the technical proposal musteffectively convey your ability to
perform this effort, and must address the evaluation factors identified for this
requirement. You must submit hard copies of your technical proposal by 10:OO
A.M. local prevailing time on Monday, 06 August 2001. Proposals submitted
electronically are not acceptable.

B. Technical Proposal

(a) Executive Summam: Your proposal should present your detailed, comprehensive and
overall techmcal approacbfor successfully meeting the objectivescand requirements of
this task order.
-a- * " L ww,

NMEP Media Assessment

(b) Work Plan: Your proposal should set forth a reasonable approach, describe the
resource allocations and time_frames for successfully completing this task order.

(c) Technical Understanding and Approach: Your proposal should describe:

- -
(1) The utility of media audits and assessments in general. and how this
information could benefit CMS;
(2) Your proposed method of how clips would be collected and. if necessary.
sampled to ensure an adequate representation of the type of coverage for a
given month;
(3) An indication as to how staff will be trained to ensure uniform
assessment of the media clips;
(4) Your plan to have on-site coverage-inregional office cities to address
both marketing and logistical support;
(5) Your ability to do health promotion projects, planning and
implementing health behavior change campaigns, marketing public
relations campaigns, graphic design function, and conference planning;
(6) Your plan to devise effective communication processes, especially
with regard to communications between regions and central office;
(7) Your ability to integrate activities between regions and central office;
(8) Your ability to turn around quality work products in a timely and
efficient manner;
(9) Your ability to do partnershiplcoalition building; and
(10) Ability to accommodate warehouselstorage capabilities and
material distribution (fulfillment) mechanisms.

(d) Personnel: Your proposal should demonstrate your ability to provide personnel that
are not only competent and experienced in the skills required in the Statement of Work,
but that also have the requisite academic qualifications and a variety of experiences in
similar tasks and relevant training and experience. When teams are involved, it is
important that individuals be displayed, not just firms. For the key personnel,.including
subcontractor staff and consultants, the following items should be provided:

A description of their anticipated functions and duties with respect to the TO;

A brief description of relevant training, experience, and publications;

Specification of anticipated degree of availability for the TO period, i.e., any other
work that might constrain the availability and at what times; and

A description of the formal relationship between the individual and the contractor
(e.g., employee, employee of subcontractor, consultant).
--- - "A "",
NMEP Media Assessment

(e) Management Plan and Facilities: Your proposal should describe your:

(1) Ability to provide an administrative framework satisfactory for

maintaining quality control over the implementation and operation f!c the
task order, -- 1 I
(2) An organization chart and management plan for the conduct of the TO that
shows the individual members of the work team. The offeror should'
specify exactly how the personnel employed under this contract would
operate in the organization, their responsibilities, and the specific amount
of time devoted to the project.
- -
(3) A resource allocation table, showing hours by individual by task, and a
milestone chart. The management plan should also indicate whether any of
the subtasks are to be subcontracted. The milestone chart should detail the
lines of authority between the offeror and any subcontractors. Lines of
authority between the contractor and CMS are to be considered and

(4) Ability to provide resources that you will require to support your plan (i.e.
facilities, hardware, software, other direct costs, communications, etc.),

Corporate Experience: Provide a-description of:

(1) Your involvement in a variety of projects performing the same or

similar type tasks,
(2) Your knowledge and experience working with and communicating
with diverse (e.g., ethnic, racial, gender, income level, rural vs. urban,
disabilities) audiences,
(3) Your ability to understand and market to targeted populations,
(4) Your knowledge of existing a g n g networks and experience in utilizing --
aging networks,
(5) Your knowledge of Federal health programs (e.g., Medicare, !

Medicaid) or health insurance.

(0 Past Performance: For the prime and any major subcontractors, provide a list of five
(5) references for services directly related to these projects within the past 3 years and
include for each listing:

Project title and contract number

Amount and period of performance;
Project description stressing the relationship to the work required by this solicitation;
Key project staff, -
Sponsoring agency and its technical representative with phone number.
- - * --,

-- FOR
NRIEP Media Assessment


Criteria and Weights

A. T e c h c a l Understanding andApproach - 50 Points Total

The proposal should reflect substantive understanding of the implications of the scope.
The offeror should make a clear and concise presentation of the technical abproach that
completely covers all aspects of the Scope of Work. Offerors must demons'trate the
ability to comply with any specific requirements stipulated in this scope.

B. Personnel Qualifications --25 Points Total

- --
The proposal should describe the relevant background, experience, and qualifications of
individuals selected to work on the scope.

C. Management Plan and Facilities - 10 Points Total

The offeror should present a management plan for the scope reflecting the responsibilities
and authority of the relevant personnel andlor organizations involved.

The offeror should demonstrate the capacity of their firm (and their team) in terms of
facilities, equipment, and other nonstaff resources as it relates to this effort.

D. Corporate Experience - 10 points total

Your proposal should demonstrate your understanding of the Medicare populations, Medicare
program and sufficient experience that is relevant to the types of services required under this

E. Past Performance - 5 Points Total . - --

The proposal should contain descriptions of related projects conducted by the offeror that
demonstrate the capability of the offeror to respond to this task order. Your past
performance will be evaluated based on your quality control, commitment to meeting
your contractual obligations, cost control and overall success on related projects.

The Government is not required to contact all references provided by the offeror. Also,
references other than those identified by the offeror may be contacted by the Government
to obtain additional information that will be used in the evaluation of the offeror's past

- - Total Points: 100

NMEP Media Assessment

Selection Process

a. The selection process for thls acquisition will be in accordance with F A R Part 15.3 Source
Selection. Significant features of these provisions include:

(1) Pursuant to F A R Part 15.306, discussions/negotiations shall be conducted with each

offeror whose proposal is determined to be in the competitive range.

(2) Upon completion of discussions, a request for final proposal revisions shall be issued
to all offerors still within the competitive range.
- --.

(3) After receipt and evaluation of all final prbposal revisiom, a source may be selected
for award and may be involved in finalization of details pursuant to HHSAR 3 15.370.

b. The Contracting Officer may limit the number of proposals in the competitive range to the
greatest number that will permit an efficient competition among the most highly rated

c. In accordance with F A R 15.306(a)(3) offerors are advised that award may be made without
discussion. Accordingly, your proposal should be submitted initially on the most
favorable terms fiom a costlprice and technical standpoint.
LRFP 01-006 I


experiences (meals/snacks) to enhance nutrition and hydration of nursing home residents. ~ e \ ) e l otest.
~ , and revise
a tool that suggests ways to improve the dining experience in nursing homes. Test draft tools for targeted aud~ences.
4. Identify dietary best practices as used in long term care facilities, using qualitative methods from the
perspective of dietary managers and dieticians Collect best practices from the perspective of dietary managers,
dieticians and directors of nursing and provide a report of findings.

5. Identify possible systemic barriers to good nutrition and hydration in dining facilities and offer ways
to remove such barriers.

B. Reporting Requirements: - ---

.- - -
Kick-off meeting: Participate in akick-off meeting and briintation to meet the key government players
and set expectations. The Contractor shall participate in an initial meeting that shall be held after award
of the Task Order.

GTL Meetinas: Participate in regular monthly meetings between the GTL and /contract management
staff to review major issues/milestones including:
O Progress over the past month
E l Upcoming activities for the next month
O Issues that have arisen and recommended solutions
Discussion of costs
Monthly Status Reports: Provide monthly contractor status reports on activities and deliverables in
accordance with the base contract.

Evaluation Final Report: Prepare a final report at the end of the contract.

The Government Task Leader and other appropriate Workgroup members will review the drafi report
and provide feedback to the Contractor within
. .two weeks afier receipt.
C. Personnel Requirements:

Proiect Manager: Provide key personnel with organizationand management skills to serve as project
manager for this effort. Thls individual(s) will participate as the primary point of contact and overall
coordinator of contract activities. This individual(s) should have a sufficient background in long term
care and nutritionhydration awareness. Must also have background in qualitative research.

Government Task Leader (GTL)

7500 Security Blvd
Baltimore, MD 2 1244
LRFP 01-006

Period of Performance:

The period of performance for this task W

r shall be (1) year from the date of award. 1


Description Delivery Delivery Date

Literature Review and Introductory Letter 6 copies to GTL October 15,200 1

Draft report of Interview findings 6 copies to GTL - January 15,2002

January 3 1,2002
Final Report of Interview findings 6 copies to GTL
Draft Dietary Best Practice Report 6 copies to GTL January 15,2002
Final Dietary Best Practice Report 6 copies to GTL January 3 1,2002

Prototype of Dining tool 6 copies to GTL March 15,2002

June 15,2002
Tool testing report 6 copies to GTL

Revised tool submitted 6 copies to GTL June 30,2002

July 15, 2002
Tool approved by CMS ". 6 copies to GTL
June 15, 2002
Draft Barriers Report 6 copies to GTL

Final Barriers Report 6 copies to GTL June 30,2002

August 30,2002
Final Report(s) 6 copies to GTL
IAW basic contract --
Monthly Status Report GTL, CO/CS
- & lllEDlCAID SEK\'I<'F
7500 Securio Boule\ ard
Baitinlore. AID 21244-1850
- -
July 15. 2003


- 4 -


We invite you to submit a proposal in response to this Letter Request for Proposal (LRFP) No.
03-008, entitled "Image and ldentity - Consumer Resonance of Medicare Publications." for a
proposed task order we will competitively award under the CRC contracts. We anticipate
awarding a Cost Plus Fixed Fee (CPFF) task order from this statement of work. Your response
must be in accordance with the requirements set forth in Section G.2 entitled "Task Order
Proposals" of your base contract and this correspondence.

1. Bid/No Bid Decisions: Please provide your bidlno bid decision via E-mail to Juanita
Wilson (JWilson@cms.hhs.gov) by Tuesday, July 22,2003. We also request that you
provide a rationale for any NO BID decisions. Dates for oral presentations will be
scheduled at this time.

2. Questions: Please submit any questions in writing to the e-mail address provided in
paragraph 1 above by July 22,2003.

3. Audioivisual equipment: Plea,se notifv the Contract Specialist of any-

audiolvisual equipment that is needed by July 29,2003. . -

4. Proposal Due Date: You must submit your technical and business proposal on or
before 2:00 PM local prevailing time on Tuesdav, Julv 29.2003 to the address
listed below. Late proposals, as defined in FAR 52.2 15- 1 , as well as pi-oposals
stlbr?litted electr-oizically, ai-e izot acceptable.

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Acquisition and Grants Group
ATTN.: Mrs. Juanita Wilson, Mail Stop C2-2 1 - 15
7500 Security Boulevard
Baltimore. MD 2 1244- 1850
-. - --
5. Oral Presentations anticipated for week of August 4'h.
The evaluation criteria are included. The evaluation process is the "tradeoff' approach. nit11
award being made to the offeror(s) whose proposal(s) isiare the must advanta&ous to thc
Government. Technical quality ~f the proposal(s) is more important than costiprice. We
' reserve the right to award without discussions.
We are not committed to reimburse any costs associated with the preparation o,r submission of'a
proposal nor to procure or contract for the services described herein. In addition. the Contracting
Officer is the only individual who can legally commit the Government to the expenditures of'public
funds in connection with the proposed procurement. If you have any questions, please do not hesitati.
to contact Juanita Wilson.on (40) 786-5538.
- --

MaryE.Jones '
Contracting Officer

1 ) Proposal Instructions
2) Evaluation Criteria
3) Statement of Work (7 pages)
LRFP 03-008

To assist us in thoroughly and completely evaluating

- all proposals, you must submit your I proposal In
accordance with the following format requirements specified below. and adhere to the page1 l~mltatlons
Assume a mid-September 2003 award date.
You are requested to provide a hard copy (original and 5 copies) of your limited written tkchnlcal and huslnesh
proposal. The following should be included: I

For the purposes of this Statement of work, offerors are required to subrniLa limited written technical proposal
in accordance with the following instructions:

1. Offerors must respond to all aspects of the SOW as presented in the Letter Request for Proposal (LRFP).

2. Offerors shall submit as part of the proposal a Volume entitled Lirnited Techr~icalPr~oposalthat addresses
the following information:

Technical Understanding and Approach

Management Plan
Personnel Qualifications
0 Past Performance

3. The entire limited written proposal may be no more thari 20 double-spaced (one-sided) pages. Type font
may be no smaller than Times Roman 12 pt. All page margins must be at least 1 inch.

4. Key personnel resumes, past performance references, and project summaries may
be included as separate attachments and are not counted toward the page limitation.
. . - - -
Technical Understanding and Approach
The offeror shall demonstrate a clear. concise, and sound manner the Statement of Work is to be performed.
Present a clear understanding of the nature of the work being undertaken and fully exp1ai:n the proposed
approach or method. Specifically, the offeror shall address the proposed process for conducting fonnative
research to determine priorities in design and messages for CMS publications, and for conducting research with
various target audiences to determine which CMS-created designs are the most effective in reaching the tasks'
goals. The offeror shall substantiate research design and methodology.

Management Plan
The technical proposal shall describe how the offeror will organize and manage the project, how tasks will be
sequenced. in what time frames, and what management control and coordlnatiun mechanisms will be used to
assure the timely and successful conduct of this project. The proposed management plan should specify
rcsource allocation by tasks. This-should include a matrix of hours committed to the project by person, by task,
and should indicate any work that will be subcontracted.
LRFP 03-008

Personnel Qualifications

The technical proposal must include a listof names and duties of the proposed key perso+el. consultants and
subcontractor employees assigned to the project. The approximate percentage of time each individual will hv
available for this project must be included. The proposed staff hours for each of the abed individuals should hr.
allocated against each task or subtask for the project. Your proposal indicates the percentdee of time each stafi.
member will contribute.
Their resumes shall be included as an attachment to the proposal and shall contain information on their
education, background, recent experienceand special qualifications that directly relate to this task order.
Resumes shall be a maximum of 2 single-sided pages each and witi nettount against the limited written
technical proposal page limit.

Past Performance

The technical proposal must provide the general background, experience and qualifications of the offeror's
organization. The offeror shall demonstrate relevant capabilities that it can bring to this project and any other
advantages it offers based upon its experiences.

The offeror shall provide at least three (3) references for similar services within the past 5 years that can address
your relevant capabilities for this task order:

Contract Number (for subcontracts, provide the prime contract number and the subcontract number)
Project Title
Name of CompanyiAgency
Technical gi Contract Point-of Contact/lVames/Phone Numbers
Project Description stressing the relationship to the work required by this solicitation
Total Dollar Value
Period of Performance . - -

Offerors are reminded that they are responsible for ensuring that accurate information is pfoovidedwith the
reference material, including up-to-date telephone numbers and points of contact.

The Government is not required to contact all references provided by the offeror. Also, references other than
those identified by the offeror may be contacted by the Government to obtain additional information that will be
used to evaluate the offeror's past performance.

Past performance references shall be included as an attachment to the proposal and will not count
against the limited written technical proposal page limit.

NOTE: It is acceptable to provide

- - more than three references in order-
- to account for significant
subcontractors that may be on your team.


Offerors shall provide a breakout of estimated costs for the proposed task order. Your business proposal shal!
set forth your proposed price based on a CPFF basis. Categories and amounts for labor. mkterials. travel.
computer time, qverhead and other direct costs are required. Your business proposal shall Isegregate costs for
each Subtask, as well as provide a table, which reflects a comprehensive view of total cost! associated \i,ith all
subtasks. I

The estimated direct labor dollars (broken out by hours and rates) for each individual asslgned
to/proposed for the task order. The hoursa_nd rates shall be appropnate for the labor categoq/posltian
title of each individual proposed. ~etailed'costsfor any p r o p ~ s e dsubcontra_ctors shall also be provided.
if applicable.

Proposed travel (if applicable) shall be broken out into number of trips, number of travelers and duration
of trip (including transit time) for each destination. Cost detail shall be shown for all items including
commercial transportation, daily per diem rates, personal mileage, daily care rental, etc.

An explanation and basis shall be provided for each item of "Other Direct Cost" proposed such as materials,
reproduction costs, etc. Also include any assumptions that were made in preparing the business proposal.
LRFP 03-008
- -
~ e n e r a lInformation

The oral presentation will be 1 '/z hours in duration. The offeror may divide the presentation time in any \\-a!-
they feel appropriate. However. approximately 30 minutes shall be allotted to the Government for a question
and answer session.

Please provide CMS with oral presentation materials (e.g., slides, handouts) that effectively con\;ey your
' -
technical approach and understanding for performing this scope qf work. Specifically, address your
proposed process for conducting'formative research to determine priorities in design and messages tor
CMS publications, and for conducting research with various target audiences to determine which CMS-
created designs are the most effective in reaching the tasks' goals. One of the slides should be a task-
loading chart specifically identifying the personnel who will be involved in each task and the role each
identified person will have within each task. Please note that the presenters must be designated from
those identified as Key Personnel in accordance with HHSAR 352.270-5 (APR 1984) for this

d for oral presentations will be held during the week of August 4thand will be scheduled
~ n t i c i ~ a t edates
when the government receives your notification of intent to bid. Please notify the contract specialist of
any audiolvisual equipment that is needed by July 29,2003.
., LRFP 03-008

The Government will conduct a comprehensive evaluation of each proposal utilizing the
process to determine which proposal offers the best combination of technical capabilities
costlprice to the Government. We resewe the right to award without discussions.

Technical Understanding and .Approach

The evaluation of soundness of approach shall consider the offeror's understanding of the CMS requirements
and the offeror's proposed approach to complying with the requirements in a timely manner. The evaluation
- -
shall include considerat'ion of the proposed process for designing and- -carrying out the following: " I ) Formative
research with target audiences to determine priorities in desitGand messages for.CMS publications: and 2 )
Research with target audiences to determine which of various CMS-created designs are the most effective in
reaching the task's goals.

Management Plan

The evaluation of management shall consider the offeror's ability to manage and balance technical performance.
time constraints, cost factors and the management of subcontractor personnel. This section shall also consider
the offeror's ability to address and resolve problems that may arise during contract performance.

Personnel Qualifications (Resumes as Attachmeizts; Not Couizted To~1ai.d~

Page Limit)

The evaluation of personnel shall consider key personnel who are competent and experienced in the skills
required in the SOW. This evaluation will also consider personnel experienced with graphic design and
production experts. The caliber of key personnel shall be based upon the individual's past performance on
similar efforts, academic qualifications, and relevant training. This evaluation shall also consider any proposed
subcontractors and their experiences. Your proposal indicates the percentage of time each staff member will
. - -
Past Performance (As Attachment; Not Coztrzted Towal-ds Page Lirnit)
The evaluation of past performance shall consider the offeror's involvement in projects of a similar magnitude
and type (size and technical area). Experience in work relevant to this task order, such as experience in k~aphic
design and production; conducting formative research with people with Medicare; conducting formative
research on graphic design and message development; conducting product testing of materials that combine
giaphics and messages with people with Medicare; conducting focus groups, in-depth intewiews, mall
intercepts or other proposed research strategies; gathering graphic materials for research purposes; writing clear
and concise research reports; and presenting research findings will be evaluated. Performance information will
be used for both responsibility determinations and as an evaluation factor against which offerors' relative
rankings will be compared to assure best value to the Government. The Government will focus on information
that demonstrates quality of performance relative to the size and complexity- of the acquisition under
- -
"Image and Identity - Consumer Resonance of Medicare Publications"
LRFP 03-008,

I. Scope

A. Purpose

The purpose of this Task Order is to obtain professional technical services f i r the ~esting
and assessment of the design of CMS publication covers. The research is airhing to
determine if CMS publication covers achieve the following goals:
.-. - - !

1 . Differentiate CMS publications from non-CMS publications

2. Communicate that CMS publications are from the federal government
3. Convey consistent messages to consumers that are aligned with CMS objectives. such
as recognizing CMS publications as:

coming from the government

being the official source of Medicare information
being influential in their decision to read a publication (publication is trustworthy.
important, attractive, up-to-date, not,too "slick")
conveying important Medicare messages.

This project has been divided into 2 overall phases.

Phase 1 buiids on and re-tests findings from specific CMS-sponsored Image and Identity
research. Phase 1 focuses on conducting formative research to determine consumer
priorities in the look of Medicare publications related both to design elements (e.g..
photos vs. line drawings, flag, tagline, colors, differentiating families of-publications,
etc.) and key messages Medicare'publication covers convey (e.g., publication. is- .-
trustworthyJcredible, important, from the federal government, up-to-date, etc.).

Phase 2 focuses on consumer testing of CMS created, refined designs of publication

covers based on findings from Phase 1 to learn which designs are the most effective at
communicating the important consumer messages outlined above.
B. Background
- I

Recent CMS-sponsored research investigated CMS' Image and identit) for;lUedlcare*\

communications. One study included a materials analysis of CMS publications.
including brochures, pampftlets. and handouts. Findings from the matenals analysis
included the following critiques of Medicare's publications:

Medicare's communications lack a consistent message to convey Medicare

benefits (e.g., "Helping You Help Yourself' is used sporadically and was rated
neutrally in testing)
Publications lack a consistent color scheme that represents "Medicare"
here are inconsisteficies in design layouts across publications
Publications have an inconsistent use of basic desigi glements
Publications do not communicate that they are "from the government" because
beneficiaries do not know that CMS is the government agency that administers
the Medicare program

Researchers conducting this materials analysis suggested that, because of these

limitations, Medicare beneficiaries and other readers maynot know that CMS
publications are from the federal government and, therefore, that they contain' credible
information about Medicare.

The work within this task will-address the critiques outlined above, and provide research
findings to refine CMS' publications designs in creative, meaningful ways.


The Medicare public is relatively unaware of the Medicare information resources,

including 1 -800-MEDICARE, www.inedicare.co~!, - and the publications available
through those resources.
People think of Medicare as zfn insurer/claims processor vs. a provider of-M-edicare
People with Medicare are provided with a wealth of health care information from
non-government sources, making it difficult to discern official materials from
People with Medicare have varying opinions regarding the spending of funds for
healthcare and promotional materials. The look of materials are affected by public
People with Medicare vary in income and literacy, affecting the layout of Medicare
information on the covers and insides of publications.

Target audiences:
Pnmary: People with Medicare. including those of low income and literacy
Secondary: caregrvers, those "coming of age" and infomiation intermediaries
C. Definitions
Medicare Information Channels: CMS Medicare primary information channyels are the
toll-free help line, 1-800-MEDICARE and on the web, w\v\~medicarc.i.o\;.lother
information channels incluae ihe Medicare & Yozl Handbook, the State Health Insurance
Assistance Program (SHIP), and regonal and partnership outreach.

Medicare Beneficiaries: People who currently receive Medicare services.

Caregivers: People who help or support beneficiaries making Medicare decisions.

s : 6Z-64 who will "age -in".- to the Medicare program at 65

Coming of ~ ~ e rPeople
-- a -
Information Intermediaries: People who hand out Medicare publications to consumers.
such as hospital discharge planners, providers, Medicare educators, SHIP counselors.

11. Requirements

The contractor shall hrnish all necessary services, qualified personnel. materials,
equipment and facilities, not otherwise provided by CMS, as needed to perfcrm the
requirement of this Statement of Work (SOW).

- A. Objectives/Tasks to be performed

Key objectives of this task include:

The Contractor shall plan, develop, execute and assess the effectiveness and design of
CMS publications. CMS shall approve all stages of development and execution of the
research design. Specifically,

Project Plan
Develop a work plan, including timeline, critical dependences and key decision pdints
for the overall project, including both rounds of testing. The project plan should
include three principal components, research design, creative productiori of ChlS
supplied materials and assessment.
Creative Production
Produce all necessary materials for testing with CMS supplied electronic files.
including print outs, mock-ups, presentation boards, etc.

Research Plan/Execution
Keview research conducted by CMS for previous Image & Identity effcrts.
Suppleinent existing research with consumer testing of publication desigps for both
Phase 1 and Phase 2. (See further detail below) -
Report on research finding to ChIS, including but not limited to video taping resting.
top line reports, detailed reports and presentations to CMS.
Elaboration on Phase I & Phase 2:

Phase 1 : Formative Research

Conduct research to fill in information gaps that exist from current CMS research

The forrnat~veresearch w i M e supplemented by CMS' current lmage and Identity and
publications research. Prior to developing the-formative research desi_m. the Contractor
shall review the research provided by CMS.

The Contractor shall conduct research with consumers to determine priorities in design
and messages for CMS publications. Consumer research shall be conducted with targer
audiences that include but are not limited to those listed above.

Research Planning:
The Contractor shall plan the testing mechanism, such as focus groups, in-depth
interviews, andlor other research techniques. In addition, the contractor will collaborate
with CMS to draft the formative research questions. A sampling of questions may

According to various target audiences, whit messages are important for CMS
publications to convey (e.g., trustworthy. up-to-date, good use of taxpayers money,
not trying to sell a product, CMS is the expert on Medicare, etc.)
How do consumers differentiate government communications from non-government
How can consumers recognize that CMS publications are from the federal
government? - -
What do consumers want to open their mailbox to? What kinds of materials are they
most likely to pick up when other materials are presented (e.g., health fair)?
How can one publication category (e.g.. various "Guides to Choosing. .:" look distinct
from other publication categories (e.g., benefits, claims, preventive car!. etc.)

Phase 2: Consumer Testing

Conduct research to detennine which of various publication desibms most effectively
meet goals of differentiating CMS publications from non-government publications,
communicating that CMS publications are from the federal government. and conveying
other important messazes to consumers. The "important messages" will be determined
by the results of Pha'ie-1.
Based on the consumer re-search findings in Phase 1. CMS will develop vaned examples
of publication covers for Phase 2 research. The Contractor shall conduct res'earch u ~ t h
the task target audiences (listed above) to determine wh~chof \ arious CMS-kreated
designs are the most effectlvein reaching the task's goals. I
Research Planning:
The contractor shall plan the testing mechanism, such as focus groups, in-depth
interviews. mall intercepts, andlor other research techniques. In addition. the contractor
will collaborate with CMS to draft the consumer testing questions.

B. Deliverables


The Contract shall submit three (3) hard copies to the GTL for each written deliverable
(e.g. project plan, research protocols, reports). For all deliverables, electronic versions
shall be submitted to the GTL and CMS project team in MS Word, PowerPoi~t,or Excel

The Contractor shall perform the following activities:

1 Deliverable Summarv 1 Due Date

1 1. Kick-Off Meeting 09108103
Meeting Notes ' 2 working days after mtg.
2. Project Plan 1 9/25/03
3. Screener & Recruitment Protocol for Testing in Phase 1 Draft Phase 1 : 1011 5!03 1
& Phase 2
Final Phase 1 : 1012 1/03
Draft Phase 2: 03/30/01
I Final Phase 2: 04/05/04
1 4. Production of Testing- for Phase 1 & Phase 2 1 Phase 1 : 11112103 1
Phase 2: Oli201Q4. --
1 5 . Consumer Testing- for Phase 1 &: Phase 2 Phase 1: 11/17(03
I 1 Phase 2: 04129i04 1
1 6. Research Reports for Phase I & Phase 2 Draft Phase 1 : 12/08/03
Final Phase 1 : .I2117103
1 Draft Phase 2: 0511 8/04
Final Phase 2: 0610 1 104
1 7. Oral Presentations of Research Findings to CMS / Phase 1 : 12130103 1
I Phase 2: 07120104

8. Weekly Status & Expenditure Reports IEach Wednesday COB

9. Monthly Status Report I IAW Section F.2 Base
1 . Kick-Off Meeting: The contractor shall hold a kickoff meeting with CMS staff to
discuss project parameters and work plan development. Following the meeting. the
contractor shall provide meeting notes to CMS for review and approval.
2. Project Plan: The contractor shall develop and submit a work plan ~ r i t ha more
detailed schedule of deliverables. The work plan will include tasks necessary to
complete the project, including timeline. critical dependences and key decision points
for the overall project, including both rounds of testing. The pro-iect plan should
include three principal components - research design, creative production of CMS
supplied materials and assessment.

3. Screener & Recruitment Protocol for Testing in Phase 1 & Phase 2: The contractor
shall propose the geographic locations, researchlother facilities. and number of
individuals at each site,-to be interviewed. The GTL shall approve the ~rariables( e . ~ . .
race, age, geographic location, level of edutation, relationship to individuals
receiving home health services, etc.) used to select people with Medicare or other
participantslinterviewees.The contractor shall develop and submit a proposed
screener and recruitment protocol to be used to select and recruit
intervieweeslparticipants. All screeners, protocols, reports, and presentations shall be
submitted in draft fonn allowing 3-5 business days for Government reviews,
comments, discussion, and recommendations of revisions prior to the finalization of
those materials.

4. Production of Materials for Phase 1 & Phase 2 Testing: For focus groups, in-depth
interviews, andlor other research, an assortment of varied communication materials
will be needed. ,CMS will supply printed samples as well as electronic files to the
contractor for final production. The Contractor will print and produce the presentation
items necessary for testing for Phase 1 and Phase 2. The contractor will also gather
other health care and insurance related materials from the marketplace to include in
the Phase 1 testing only. Additionally for Phase 1 , research participants may be asked
to bring in examples of communications (e.g.. brochures, booklets, etc., about
Medicare or health care that they find appealinglunappealing; up-to-dateloutdated;
trustworthyluntrustworthy: etc.).

5 . Consumer Testing for Phase 1 gi Phase 2: The contractor shall conduct consumer
testing of the various publication designs in Phase 1 & Phase 2. In the event of last
minute changes to the moderator's guide, the contractor shall refine specific research
questions and obtain the GTL's approval prior to testing. The contractor shall also
videotape all focus groupslinterviews, as the research allows. Video cameras should
be focused on the participant who is speaking. A release must be obtained fioln all
participants that will allow CMS to videotape interviews, provided that participants
are not identified by name. The contractor shall submit the draft release to CMS for
approval prior to its use as well as supply the completed releases to the GTL. The
contractor shall submit 2 VHS copies of the recorded interviews to CMS. All
videotapes throughout all subtasks shall be dated, and labeled with Contract number
and project title.
- - -
6. Research Reports for Phase 1 &L Phase 2: The contractor will prepare a written Top
Line report that follows the research plan a f t e ~ e a c hround of testing. and present Top
Line report findings oTaIly in a PowerPoint presentation to CMS staff within 7
wbrkdays after the research has been completed. The demographics andrelevant
socioeconomic information for all participants will be summarized for sZbmission
with the Top Line rePo>.-In addition, the contractor will submit a more detailed Final
Report within 3 weeks after the research has been completed. This detaiied findings
should include but not limited to an executive summary, detailed finding;. participant
quotes. suggestions, statistics of the participants and the moderators guide. A11
findings should be submitted in Microsoft Word 2002 and/or PowerPoint 2002, as
well as in hard copy.

7. Oral Presentations of Research Findings to CMS: For both Phase I and Phase 2. the
contractor shall develop and provide oral presentationsh~efingson findings to
appropriate CMS staff, and possibly, at the discretion of the GTL, to a separately
convened review panel.

8. Weekly Status & Expenditure Reports: The contractor shall establish weekly
conference calls or meetings with the GTL to identify and review the status of each
part of the work, potential problems, issues that need to be resolved, schedule for
meeting due dates, and additional support that may be required. The contractor shall
also provide to the GTL, on a weekly basis -Wednesdays COB, a written status
report detailing activities and money spentlallocated for the project and other
pertinent information to be specified by the GTL as the project evolves.

The contractor, subcontractor, and consultants shall discuss with the GTL any
opportunities to publicize and disseminate research findings and shall not pursue
publication or presentation relating to subtask findings without approval of the GTL.

111. Period of Performance

. .
The period of performance for this task order is from the date of award through ~ u ~ ~ s t
15. 2004.
7500 Security Boulevard
Baltimore, M D 2 1233-1850
- -



- --

We invite you to submit a proposal in response to this Letter Request for Proposal (LRFP) No.
03-005, entitled "Consumer Testing of 2005 Medicare & You Handbook," for a proposed task
order we will competitively award under the CRC contracts. We anticipate awarding a Cost
Plus Fixed Fee (CPFF) task order from this statement of work. Your response must be in
accordance with the requirements set forth in Section G.2 entitled "Task Order Proposals" of
your base contract and this correspondence.

1. Bid/No Bid Decisions: Please provide your bidlno bid decision via E-mail to Juanita
Wilson (JWilson@,cms.hhs.gov) by Tuesday, July 8, 2003. We also request that you
provide a rationale for any NO BID decisions at that time.

7 Questions: Please submit any questions in writing to the e-mail address provided in
paragraph 1 above by July 8,2003.

3. Proposal Due Date: You must submit your technical and business proposal on or
before 2:00 PM local prevailing time on Wednesday, Julv 16,2003 to the address
listed below. Late proposals, as defined in FAR 52.2 15- 1, as well as p r - o ~ o ~ a l -s
submitted electr-onicallv, ar-e rlot acceptable

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Acquisition and Grants Group
ATTN.: Mrs. Juanita Wilson, Mail Stop C2-2 1- 15
7500 Secun ty Boulevard
Baltimore, MD 2 1244-1850

The evaluation criteria are included. The evaluation process is the "tradeoff' approach, with
award being made to the offeror(sj whose proposal(s) islare the most advantageous to the
Government. Technical quality of the proposal(s) is more important than costlprice. We
reserve the right to awardwithout discussions. -
We are no't committed to reim6urse any costs associated with the preparation or submission of a
proposal no; to procure or contract for the services described herein. In addition. the Contracting
Officer is the only individual who can legally commit the Government to the expenditures of public
funds in connection with the proposed procurement. If you have any question~,~please do not hesitate
to contact Juanita Wilson on (4 10) 786-5538. I


- - Mary E. Jones u
Contracting Officer

Attachment: .
1) Statement of Work (4 pages)
2) Proposal Preparation Instructions
3) Evaluation Criteria
Consumer Research:
2005 Medicare and You Handbook Testing
LRFP 03-005
Statement of Work

I. scope of Work

A. Purpose

The purpose of this task order is to obtain professional technical services to assist in conducting
research on emerging issues that may effect the content of the 2005 Medicare & Jrozr Handbook. as
well as design and implement all .formative
and product testing of specific sections of the document.

Medicare & You is the handbook of general ~ e d i c & ea d piG comparison information that is
leg~slativelymandated to be mailed to all current beneficiaries each fall by October 15. and monthly
to new enrollees as a result of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997. The handbook is also ava~lableon
the website (www.rnedicare.qov), by request when calling Medicare's toll-free line. and through
partner organizations.

11. Requirements

The contractor shall provide technical professional services for conducting consumer testing on the
"2005 Medicare & You Handbook" to address the following questions:

1) Can Medicare beneficiaries read the handbook?

2) Can they find the information that they are looking for?
3) Can they understand the information that they find?
4) If they cannot find the information that they are looking for, where are they looking in error?
5) Specific questions regarding Handbook goals will be developed during the planning phase.

. A. Tasks
. - -
In order to answer the questions noted above the contractor shall conduct the following phases of

1) Development of Research Plan

2) Consumer Testing
3) Additional testing, if needed
Details of the phases are described below.

1) Development of Research Plan

The contractor shall design a research plan in order to: assess how well beneficiaries and their
caregivers can read and understand the handbook, assess the ease of navigating throuch the
handbook (i.e. can they find the information that they are looking for), obtain feedback on the
content, format and layout of the handbook. CMS will help define the specific sections of the
handbook that need to be evaluated.

Meet with CMS staff from the Center for Beneficiary Choices (CBC), to review expectations
for the work to be performed, necessary deliverables, and due dates.

Develop and submit a,project work plan and detailed timetable. The work plan will include
tasks necessary to complete the defined consumer testing. The proposed work plan and
timetable must be reviewed and approved by the CMS ovenb bent Task Leader (GTL).

The contractor shall schedule regular meetings with CMS staff to review plan due dates and
expectations for the work to be performed in the research plan;

The contractor shall allow one week for review and approval of the research plan and all
component sections (methodology, number and location of tests in subsequent phases,
discussion guides, and screeners) by CMS staff prior to implementation.

2) Consumer Testing

The contractor shall provide technical professional services for conducting cognitive testing on the
2005 Medicare & You Handbook. The proposed methodology should consider the following:

Overall Demographic Composition

Consumer testing will include a mix of malelfemale, urbadrural locations, people on Original Medicare
and in Medicare + Choice plans, Caregivers of Medicare Beneficiaries, and the disabled. Additional
demographic compositions to be applied to reSearch are: - -

Ethnicity: Compared to current population percentages, ethnic minorities will be over sampled:

Race: Percent of Actual National Approximate Research Plan :

Population 62+ Sample Breakdown

A h c a n American 13% 16% '

Hispanic 12% 15%

AsiadPacific lslander 4% 8%
Native American 1% 7%
Total .loo% 100%

Education Level: Percent of National Research Plan

Medicare Beneficiary Sample Breakdown
LOMYLess than 121hgrade education 38% 33%
Mid: 12Ih gradelhigh school graduate 33% 33%
High: some college/college graduatelpost graduate 29% 33%
Total 100% 100%

3) Additional Testing

This testing may occur if CMS-.@proves based on the results of Phase Two (or if changes occur
due to legislation). The focus of this research is to-test ~ignificanichan~es
to the booklet and/or
further test findings fiom Phase Two. Consumer Testing may be scheduled at locations of

B. Project Deliverables

1) Monthly Status Reports

The contractor shall prepare a monthly status report in accordance with Section F.2 of the base

The deliverables for phases 1 - ,3 of the research are outlined below. Although the findings for Phases 2
and 3 will be combined into one final report detailed reportlpresentation, topline summaries will be
prepared at various intervals:

Phase I - Develop Research Plan:

- A summary of the finalized methodology for conducting research.
- Scheduled weekly conference call to discuss progress.

Phase 2 - Consumer Testing: - -

- Screener
- Moderator's Guide
- Topline summary focusing on recommendations for the writers due three days after interviews
are completed.
- Periodic updates by conference call (e.g. after each city is completed).
- Videotape all focus groupslinterviews, as the research allows. Video cameras should be
focused on the intervieweelparticipant who is speaking. A release must be obtained fiom all
intervieweesiparticipants that will allow CMS to videotape interviews, provided that
i n t e r v i e w e e ~ / ~ a r t i c i ~ aare
n t snot identified by name. All videotapes throughout all subtasks
shall be dated, and labeled with Contract number and project title. Videotapes should be
submitted so they will be useable in the future, i.e. audio is functioning. responses aren't
muffled, etc. -
- - -

Phase 3 -- Additional Testing

- Conference Call the day after testing occurs to discuss some of the key findings.
- Topline summary focusing on recommendations for the writers.
At the conclusion:
- Comprehensive, actionable final report and presentation.
- Detailed report in Powerpoint format.
- CD-ROM report of findings and interview clips.

- -
C. Schedule of Deliverables

Deliverables - .Delivery Date

I 1. Kick-off meeting Se~tember2003 I

2. Scheduled conference calls Weekly !

3. Summarv of Finalized Methodologv for research 1 011 5/03 1
4. Screener's to CMS For Approval -.: 4/2/04
1 6. Consumer testing (Hard Date - cannot change) 4/26/04 - 4130104 I

[ 7. Topline report of research findings 5/3/04 I

1 8. Additional Consumer Testing (Hard Date - cannot 1 5/10/04 - 5/14/04 I
9. Oral Topline with CMS 51 1 7/04 I
1 10. Written Topline to CMS 1 512 1/04 1
1 1 . Final Report * 7/23/04
12. Month1y Status Reports IAW F.2 of Base Contract

'Distribution: One orignal and 3 copies of the final report to the Government Task Leader

Period of Performance:

The period of Performance for this task order is from date of award through July 23, 2004.
LRFP 03-005


To assist us in thoroughly and completely_evaluating all proposals, you must submit your p,roposal in
accordance with the following format requirements specified below, and adhere to the limitations.
There will be an opportunity for oral presentations. Assume a late-August 2003 award !date.
You are requested to provide a hard copy (original and 2 copies) of your technical and business proposal. The
following should be included:


- - - --
For the purposes of this Statement of Work, offerors are required to submit a written technical proposal in
accordance with the following instructions:

1 . Offerors must respond to all aspects of the SOW as presented in the Letter Request for Proposal (LRFP).

2. Offerors shall submit as part of the proposal a Volume entitled Technical Pi-oposal that addresses the
following information:

Technical Understanding and Approach

Management Plan
Past Performance

3. The entire written proposal may be no more than 10 single-spaced (one-sided) pages. Type font may be no
smaller than Times Roman 12 pt. All page margins must be at least 1 inch.

4. Key personnel resumes, past performance references, and project summaries may be lncluded as separate
. attachments and are not counted toward the page limitation.
- >-
Technical Understanding and Approach
The offeror shall present a clear understanding of the nature of the work being undertaken and briefly
explain and substantiate the proposed approach ormethod. You must demonstrate an understanding of
the statement of work and awareness of task order objectives and activities required. Provide a
milestone schedule that maps out your plan for accomplishing the deliverables, with dates for the
government to consider for task order award purposes.

Management Plan
The technical proposal shall describe how the offeror will organize and manage the project, how tasks will be
sequenced, in what time frames, and what management control and coordination mechanisms will be used to
assure the timely and successful conduct of this project. The proposed management plan should specify
resource allocation by tasks. This shwM include a matrix of hours committed to the project by person, by task,
and should indicate any work that will be subcontracted.
- LRFP 03-005

- -
The technical proposal must include a list of names and proposed duties of the key personnel. consultants and
subcontractor employees assigned to the project. The approximate percentage of time each individual will be
available for this project must be included. The proposed staff hours for each of the above individuals should
be allocated against each task or subtask for the project.

Their resumes shall be included as an attachment to the proposal and shall contain information on their
education, background, recent experience-and
-- special qualifications that directly relate to this task order.
Resumes shall be a maximum of 2 single-sided pages and will not muntagainst the limited written
technical proposal page limit.

Past Performance
The technical proposal must provide the general background, experience and qualifications of the offeror's
organization. The offeror shall demonstrate relevant capabilities that it can bring to this project and any other
advantages it offers based upon its experiences.

The offeror shall provide at least three (3) references for similar services within the past 5 years that can address
your relevant capabilities for this task order:
Contract Number (for subcontracts, provide the prime contract number and the subcontract number)
Project Title
Name of CompanyIAgency
Technical & Contract Point of Contact/Names/Phone Numbers
Project Description stressing the relationship to the work required by this solicitation
Total DollarValue
P,eriod of Performance

'Offerors are reminded that they are responsible for ensuring that accurate information is provided with the
reference material, includingup-to-date telephone numbers and points of contact.

The Government is not required to contact all references provided by the offeror. Also. references other than .

those identified by the offeror may be contacted by the Government to obtain additional information that will be
used to evaluate the offeror's past performance.

Past performance references shall be included as an attachment to the proposal and will not count
against the limited written technical proposal page limit.

NOTE: It is acceptable to provide more than three references in order to account for significant
subcontractors that may be on your team.
LRFP 03-005


Offerors shall provide a breakout of estimated costs for the proposed task order. Your business proposal shall
set forth your proposed price based on a CPFF basis. Categories and amounts for labor, materials. travel.
computer time. overhead and other direct costs are required. Your business proposal shall segregate costs for
each Subtask, as well as provide a table, which reflects a comprehensive view of total costs assoc~atedwith all
- ---
The estimated direct labor dollars (broken out by hours and rates) for each ,individual assigned
tolproposed for the task order. The hours and rates shall be appropriate for the labor categorylposition
title of each individual proposed. Detailed costs for any proposed subcontractors shall also be provided.
if applicable.

Proposed travel (if applicable) shall be broken out into number of trips, number of travelers and duration
of trip (including transit time) for each destination. Cost detail shall be shown for all items including
commercial transportation, daily per diem rates, personal mileage, daily care rental, etc.

An explanation and basis shall be provided for each item of "Other Direct Cost" proposed such as materials,
reproduction costs, etc. Also include any assumptions that were made in preparing the business proposal.
LRFP 03-005


The Government will conduct a comprehensive evaluation of each proposal utilizing the "bdeoff''
process to determine which proposal offers the best combination of technical capabilities and estimated
cost/price to the Government. We reserve the right to award without discussions.

The following criteria are listed in descending order of importance: i

Technical Understanding and Approach
The evaluation of soundness of approach shall
.- consider the offeror's understanding of the CMS requirements
and the offeror's proposed approach to coriiplyng with the requirements in a_timely manner. The evaluation
shall include consideration of the proposed process for designing and canying out consumer testing the
Medicare & Yozl 2005 Handbook. The evaluation shall include substantiation of research design and

The evaluation of management shall consider the offeror's ability to manage and balance technical performancc.
time constaints, cost factors and the management of subcontractor personnel. This section shall also consider
the offeror's ability to address and resolve problems that may arise during contract performance.

Personnel (Resumes as Attachments; Not Counted Towards Page Limit)

- The evaluation of personnel shall consider key personnel who are competent and experienced in the skills
required in the SOW. The caliber of key personnel shall be based upon the individual's past performance on
similar efforts, academic qualifications. and relevant training. This evaluation shall also consider any proposed
subcontractors and their experiences. Your proposal indicates the percentage of time each staff member will

Past Performance (As Attachment: Noi Corrlzted Toltlai-ds Page Limit)

The evaluation of past performance shall consider.the offeror's involvement in projects of a similar magnitude
and type (size and technical area). Experience in work relevant to this task order, such as conducting consuiner
research on Medicare-related issues and simplifying government documents into more consumer fhendly
language. Performance information will be used for both responsibility determinations and as an evaluation
factor against which offerors' relative rankings will be compared to assure best value to the Government. The
Govenunent will focus on information that demonstrates quality of performance relative to the size and
complexity of the acquisition under consideration.

Cost Evaluation
We will perform a cost analysis on your proposal and analyze it for cost realism. Cost realism is defined as your
ability to propose estimated costs. which are reasonable and indicate that you understand the nature and extent
of the work you wil! perform.
A ~ I )

- - 7500 S e c u r i e Boule\ard
Baltimore. lLlD 21244-1850

August 15. 2003

Ketchum Public Relations
ATTN: Ms. Sandy Printz
2000 L Street. N.W., Suite 300
Washington, D.C. 20036
- -
RE: LRFP NO. 0 3 - 0 0 ~ L C o n s u m eTesting
r of 20b5Medicare & T o u Handbook"

Dear Ms. Printz:

We have reviewed and evaluated your revised proposal dated August 8,2003 in the amount of'
$306,720.12. Your cost proposal is within our independent Government Cost Estimate (IGCE).
However, the GTL would like to add some additional consumer testing in accordance with the
attached amended SOW. Please provide a final revised proposal due by 2:00 PM on Fridav,
August 22, 2003 that includes the additional work, which is annotated in bold italics.

This request does not commit the Government to reimburse any costs for the preparation or
submission of a revised proposal nor to procure or contract for the services described herein.
Should you have any questions concerning this correspondence, please do not hesitate to contact
Juanita Wilson (4 10) 786-5538.


Contracting Officer
Consumer Research:
2005 Medicare and You Handbook Testing

- Statement of Work

I. Scope of Work - -

A. Purpose

The purpose of h s task order is to obtain professional technical services to assist in conducting
research on emerging issues that may effect the content of the 2005 Medicare & You Handbook. as
well as design and implement all formative and product testing of specific sections of the document.

Medicare & You is the handbdok of general Medicare and plan comparison ~nformationthat 1s
legislatively mandated to be mailed to all current ben&ciaries &a& fall by October 15, and monthly
to new enrollees as a result of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997. The handbook is also available on
the website (www.rnedicare.qov), by request when calling Medicare's toll-free line. and through
partner organizations.

11. Requirements

The contractor shall provide techrucal professional services for conducting consumer testing on the
"2005 Medicare & You Handbook" to address the following questions:

1) Can Medicare beneficiaries read the handbook?
2) Can they find the information that they are looking for?
3) Can they understand the information that they find?
4) If they cannot find the information that they are looking for, where are they looking in error?
5) Specific questions regarding Handbook goals will be developed dunng the planning phase.

A. Tasks

In order to answer the questions noted above the contractor shall conduct the following phases of

1 ) Development of Research Plan

2) Consumer Testing
3) Additional testing, if needed
Details of the phases are described below.

1) Development of Research Plan

The contractor shall design a yesearch plan in order to: assess how well beneficiaries and their
caregivers can read and understand the handbook, assess the ease of navigatingthrough the
handbook (i.e. can they find t k information that they are looking for), obtain feedback on the
content, format and layout of the handbook. CMS will help define the specific sections of the
handbook that need to be evaluated. 1
. I
Meet with CMS staff fiom the Center for Beneficiary Choices (CBC). to re:liew expectations
for the work to be performed, necessary deliverables, and due dates.

Develop and submit a projest work plan and detailed timetable. The work plan will include
tasks necessary to complete the defined consumer testing. 'The proposed work plan and
timetable must be reviewed and approved by the CMS ~rojec: Officer.

The contractor shall schedule regular meetings with CMS staff to review plan due dates and
expectations for the work to be performed in the research plan;

The contractor shall allow one week for review and approval of the research plan and all
component sections (methodology, number and location of tests in subsequent phases,
discussion guides, and screeners) by CMS staff prior to implementation.

2) Consumer Testing

Task 1 of the consumer testing should require the contractor to provide technical
professional services for conducting exploratory research to test concepts related to the
potential changes based on the Medicare Reform legislation. The proposed formative
research should include approximately 45 one-on-one interviews, to determine the
participant's understanding of the new legislation, and how to best communicate this
information in the handbook. CMS shall provide the materials to be tested in this phase of
the research.
- -
Task 2 of the consumer testing should require the contractor to provide technical
professional services for conducting cognitive testing on the 2005 Medicare & You Handbook.
The proposed methodology should include approximately 120 one-on-one cognitive

3) Additional Testing

This testing may occur if CMS approves based on the results of Phase Two (or if changes occur
due to legslation). The focus of this research is to test significant changes to the booklet andlor
further test findings from Phase Two. The additional testing should include approximately 30
one-on-one cognitive interviews. Consumer testing may be scheduled at locations of
- - -

All phases of the testing should consider the following:

Overall Demographic Composition

Consumer testing will include a mix of malelfemale. urbanlrural locations, people on Orignal Medicare
and in Medicare + Choice plans, Caregivers of Medicare Beneficiaries, and the disabled. Additional
demographic compositions to be applied to research are:

Ethnicity: Compared to current population percentages, ethnic minorities will be over sampled:
-- -
Race: Percent of Actual National Approximate Research Plan ;
Population 62+ Sample Breakdown
Caucasian 70% 54%
A h c a n American 13% 16%
Hispanic 12% 15%
Asian/Pacific Islander 4% 8%
Native American - -- .
~ 1% 7YO
Total 100% - - . -100%


Education Level: Percent of National Research Plan

Medicare Beneficiary Sample Breakdown ;
Lo~tj Less than 1 2Lhgrade education 38% 33%
Mjd 1 2Ih gradelhigh school graduate 33% 33'43
Hlgll some collegeicollege graduateipost graduate 29% 3390
Total 100% 100%

B. Project Deliverables

1 ) Monthly Status Reports

The contractor shall prepare a monthly status report in accordance with Section F.2 of the base
- - z.

The deliverables for phases 1 - 3 of the research are outlined below. Although the findings for Phases 2
and 3 will be combined into one final report detailed report/presentation, topline summaries will be
prepared at various intervals:

Phase I - Develop Research Plan:

- A summary of the finalized methodology for conducting research.
- Scheduled weekly conference call to discuss progess.

Phase 2 - Consumer Testing:

- Screeners
- Moderator's Guides
- Topline summary focusing on recommendations for the writers due three days after interviews
- - -
are completed.
- Periodic updates by conference call (e.g. after each city is completed).
- Videotape all focus goupslinterviews, as the research allows. Video cameras should be
focused on the intervieweelparticipant who is speaking. A release must be obtained from all
intervieweeslparticipantsthat will allow CMS to videotape interviews, provided that
intervieweed participants are not identified by name. All videotapes throughout all subtasks
shall be dated, and labeled with Contract number and project title. Videotapes should be
submitted so they will beuseable in the future. i.e. audio is functioning, responses aren't
muffled, etc.

Phase 3 -- Additional Testing

-. Conference Call the day after testing occurs to discuss some of the key findings.
- Topline summary focusing on recommendations for the writers.

At the conclusion:
- Comprehensive, actionable final report and presentation.
-. Detailed report in Powerpaint format.
- CD-ROM report of findings and interview clips. - - --

C. Schedule of Deliverable~

1. Kick-off meeting 9/26/03

2. Scheduled weeklv conference calls 9/26/03
3. Summary of Finalized Methodology for research 1 1011 5/03
4. Screener's for Phase 2, Task 1 - formative research 1/27/04
5. Moderator's Guides to CMS for approval - Phase 2, 2110104
1 Task 1
6. Formative Testing 3/1/04-3/5/04
7.Topline report of formative research findings 3/19/04
8. Screener's For Phase 2, Task 2 Approval to CMS 4/2/04
Moderator's Guides for Phase 2, Task 2 to CMS for 41 1 6/04

1 0. Consumer testing (Hard Date - cannot change) ) 4/26/04 - 4/30/04 1

1 1 .Tooline r e ~ o r of
t research findings / 5/3/04 1
) 12. Additional Consumer Testing (Hard Date - cannot change) 1 5110104 - 5/14/04 1
13. Oral Topline with CMS
14. Written Topline to CMS 512 1 I04
15. Final Report * 1 7/23/04
1 16. Monthly Status Reports / IAW F.2 of Base Contract 1
*Distribution: One orignal and 3 copies of the final report to the Government Task Leader

Period of Performance:

The period of Performance for this-task order is from date of award through
- July 23, 2004.
7500 Security Boulevard
‘be Baltimore, MD 21244-1850

26 July 2001




We invite you to submit a proposal in response to thls Letter Request for Proposal (LRFP) No.
0 1-009, entitled "The National Medicare Education Program (NMEP) Media Assessment" for
a proposed task order we will competitively award under the CRC contracts. We anticipate
awarding a Cost-Plus-Fixed-Fee type task order from this statement of work. Your response
must be in accordance with the requirements set forth in Section G. lentitled "Task Order
Procedures" of your master contract and this correspondence.

You must submit technical and administrative questions concerning this LRFP as well as
BID/NO BID decisions via E-mail to Derrick Heard (dheard@cms.hhs.gov) by Monday, 30
July 2001. We request that you also provide the rationale for any NO BID decisions at that

You must submit your price proposal and technical proposal on or before 10:OO 9.M.
prevailing time on Monday, 06 August 2001 to the address listed below. Proposal;
submitted electronicall11are not acceptable.

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services I

Acquisition and Grants Group / ASP
ATTN.: Mr. Denick Heard, Mail Stop C2-2 1 - 15
7500 Security Boulevard
Baltimore, MD 21244-1 850

The evaluation criteria are included. The evaluation process is the "best value" approach; with
award being made to the offeror(s) whose proposal(s) idare the most advantageous to the
Government. Technical quality of the proposal(s) is more important than costJprice.
-. - --
We are not committed to reimburse any costs associated with the preparation or submission of a
proposal nor to procure or contract for the services described herein. In addition, the Contracting
Officer is the only individual who can legally commit the Government to the expenditures of public
funds in connection with the proposed procurement. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate
to contact Demck Heard on (4TU1)786-2545.


- .-
Mary E. Jones
Contracting Officer

1) Proposal Preparation Instructions (2 pages)
2) Evaluation Factors for Award (4 page)
3) Selection Process (1 page)
4) Statement of Work (4 pages)
LKr r
u 1-UUY
NMEP Media Assessment


You must submit your proposal in accordance with the following format requirements to
assist us in thoroughly and completely evaluating all proposals.

You must submit an original plus four (4) copies of the following documents:

1. Technical Proposal:

(a) Executive Summary (2 page limit)

(b) Work Plan (2 pagefimit)
(c) Technical Understanding and ~ ~ p r o a c(5' h pagelimit7
(d) Personnel Qualification (2 page limit)
(e) Management Plan and Facilities (2 page limit)
(f) Corporate Experience (2 page limit)
(g) Past Performance (submitted as attachment; no page limit; not counted
towards page limit) - List of relevant references (description, dollar
amount, period of performance, customer, point of contact, and phone
(h) Resumes (submitted as attachments for those categories you propose as
key personnel; 2 pages maximum for each resume; not counted towards
page limit)

3. Cost Proposal (no page limit): You must provide a breakout of estimated costs
for the proposed task order.

4. Assumptions: Assume an early September 2001 award.


A. General Information

As set forth above, the techmcal proposal must effectively convey your ability to
perform this effort, and must address the evaluation factors identified for this
requirement. You must submit hard copies of your technical proposal by 10:OO
A.M. local prevailing time on Monday, 06 August 2001. Proposals submitted
electronically are not acceptable.

B. Technical Proposal

(a) Executive Summary: Your proposal should present your detailed, comprehensive and
overall technical approach for successfully meeting the objectives and requirements of
this task order.
LKr r Ul-UUY
NMEP Media Assessment

(b) Work Plan: Your proposal should set forth a reasonable approach, describe the
resource allocations and time frames for successfully completing h s task order.
(c) Technical Understanding and -4pproach: Your proposal should describe:
- -

( 1 ) The utility of media audits and assessments in general, and how this
information could benefit CMS;
(2) Your proposed method of how clips would be collected and, if necessary,
sampled to ensure an adequate representation of the type of coverage for a
given month;
(3) An indication as to how staff will be trained to ensure uniform
assessment of t k media clips;
(4) Your plan to have on-site coveragein regional oXce cities to address
both marketing and logistical support;
(5) Your ability to do health promotion projects, planning and
implementing health behavior change campaigns, marketing public
relations campaigns, graphic design function, and conference planning;
(6) Your plan to devise effective communication processes, especially
with regard to communications between regions and central office;
(7) Your ability to integrate activities between regions and central office;
(8) Your ability to turn around quality work products in a timely and
efficient manner;
(9) Your ability to do partnershiplcoalition building; and
(10) Ability to accommodate warehouselstorage capabilities and
material distribution (fulfillment) mechanisms.

(d) Personnel: Your proposal should demonstrate your ability to provide personnel that
are not only competent and experienced in the skills required in the Statement of Work,
but that also have the requisite academic qualifications and a variety of experiences in
similar tasks and relevant training and experience. When teams are involved, it is
important that individuals be disfilayed, not just firms. For the key personnel, including
subcontractor staff and consultants, the following items should be provided:

A description of their anticipated functions and duties with respect to the TO;

A brief description of relevant training, experience, and publications; ,

Specification of anticipated degree of availability for the TO period, i.e., any other
work that might constrain the availability and at what times; and

A description of the formal relationship between the individual and the contractor
(e.g., employee, employee of subcontractor, consultant).
UIU I V I - V V /

NMEY Media Assessment

(e) Management Plan and Facilities: Your proposal should describe your:
(1) Ability to provide an administrative framework satisfactory for
maintaining quality control over the implementation and operation of the
task order, --
(2) An organization chart and management plan for the conduct of the TO that
shows the individual members of the work team. The offeror should '
specify exactly how the personnel employed under this contract would
operate in the organization, their responsibilities, and the specific amount
of time devoted to the project.
- ---

(3) A resource allocation table, showing h6urs by indivrdml by task, and a

milestone chart. The management plan should also indicate whether any of
the subtasks are to be subcontracted. The milestone chart should detail the
lines of authority between the offeror and any subcontractors. Lines of
authority between the contractor and CMS are to be considered and

(4) Ability to provide resources that you will require to support your plan (i.e.
facilities, hardware, software, other direct costs, communications, etc.),

Corporate Experience: Provide a description of:

(1) Your involvement in a variety of projects performing the same or

similar type tasks,
(2) Your knowledge and experience working with and communicating
with diverse (e.g., e t h c , racial, gender, income level, rural vs. urban,
disabilities) audiences,
(3) Your ability to understand and market to targeted populations,
(4) Your knowledge of existing aging networks and experience in utilizing =
aging networks,
(5) Your knowledge of Federal health programs (e.g., Medicare,
Medicaid) or health insurance.

(f) Past Performance: For the prime and any major subcontractors, provide a list of five
(5) references for services directly related to these projects within the past 3 years and
include for each listing:

Project title and contract number

Amount and period of performance;
Project description stressing the relationship to the work required by this solicitation;
Key project staff;
Sponsoring agency and iis iechnical representative with phone number.
L K k Y Ul-UUY
NMEP Media Assessment


Criteria and Weights

A. T e c h c a l Understanding and Approach - 50 Points Total

The proposal should reflect substantive understanding of the implications of the scope.
The offeror should make a clear and concise presentation of the t e c h c a l approach that
completely covers all aspects of the Scope of Work. Offerors must demonstrate the
ability to comply with any specific requirements stipulated in this scope.

B. Personnel Qualifications -23 Points Total

The proposal should describe the relevant background, experience, and qualifications of
individuals selected to work on the scope.

C. Management Plan and Facilities - 10 Points Total

The offeror should present a management plan for the scope reflecting the responsibilities
and authority of the relevant personnel andlor organizations involved.

The offeror should demonstrate the capacity of their firm (and their team) in terms of
facilities, equipment, and other nonstaff resources as it relates to this effort.

D. Corporate Experience - 10 points total

Your proposal should demonstrate your understanding of the Medicare populations, Medicare
program and sufficient experience that is relevant to the types of services required under this

E. Past Performance - 5 Points Total A -

The proposal should contain descriptions of related projects conducted by the offeror that
demonstrate the capability of the offeror to respond to this task order. Your past
performance will be evaluated based on your quality control, commitment to meeting
your contractual obligations, cost control and overall success on related projects.

The Government is not required to contact all references provided by the offeror. Also,
references other than those identified by the offeror may be contacted by the Government
to obtain additional information that will be used in the evaluation of the offeror's past ,
- - --
Total Points: 100

NMEP Media Assessment

Selection Process

a. The selection process for this acquisition will be in accordance with FAR Part 15.3 Source
Selection. Significant features of these provisions include:

(1) Pursuant to FAR Part 15.306, discussionslnegotiations shall be conducted with each
offeror whose proposal is determined to be in the competitive range.

(2) Upon completion of discussions, a request for final proposal revisions shall be issued
to all offerors still within the competitive range.
- ---

(3) After receipt and evaluation of all final proposal revisions, a source may be selected
for award and may be involved in finalization of details pursuant to HHSAR 3 15.370.

b. The Contracting Officer may limit the number of proposals in the competitive range to the
greatest number that will permit an efficient competition among the most highly rated

c. In accordance with FAR 15.306(a)(3) offerors are advised that award may be made without
discussion. Accordingly, your proposal should be submitted initially on the most
favorable terms from a cost/price and technical standpoint.
NMEP Media Assessment

NMEP Media Assessment

Statement of Work
Purpose: -

The purpose of this contract-is continue an assessment of our National Medicare

Education Program (NMEP),' which is intended to educate people with Medicare about
their health care choices, via a comprehensive print media monitoring system.
Performance assessment plays a critical part of CMS' efforts to provide this
information. The contractor shall provide assistance to CMS in assessing how 'news'
related to CMS and Medicare is being covered in the print media.

Background: - .-

CMS' National Medicare Education Program

The Balanced Budget Act of 1997 mandated the greatest changes to Medicare since its
inception. One of these changes was the expansion of health insurance options by the creation
of Medicare+Choice. To support the new program and help people with Medicare make
more informed health care decisions, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
initiated the National Medicare Education Program (NMEP) called Medicare & You. The
NMEP employs numerous communication vehicles to educate people with Medicare and help
them make more informed decisions concerning; Medicare program benefits; health plan
choices; supplemental health insurance; rights, responsibilities, and protections; and preventive
health services. The primary objectives of the NMEP are to ensure that people with

receive accurate and reliable information

have the ability to access information when they need it
understand the information needed to make informed choices; and
perceive the NMEP (and the federal government and its private sector partners) as trusted
and credible sources of information: . - -

The National Medicare Education Project (NMEP) Media Audit is an effort to gauge coverage of
CMS messages and program exposure by evaluating the tone and content of print media coverage
surrounding the issue of Medicare as it relates to CMS' NNIEP campaign.

Task Requirements:

The Contractor shall conduct a media audit from September 2001 through July 2002 related to
the National Medicare Education Program (NMEP) and its activities. The NMEP employs
numerous programs and media to educate beneficiaries and help them make more informed
decisions. The media audit will track stories that appear in US newspapers. The results of this
traclung process will be summarized in six national bimonthly reports, two NMEP special event
reports, and ten regional coverage reports.
L N ' Z w1-ww7 I
NMEP Media Assessment

Specifically the Contractor shall:

Meet with CMS to discuss relevant search terms to be used and periodicals to be searched. A
list of pr&r year search terns is attached.

Meet with the Project Officer and other CMS staff to develop a coding sheet that addresses
important content analysis codes and allows reporting in a manner most useful to the

Provide quarterly and cumulative annual reports. The contractor shall work with the Project
Officer and appropriate CMS staff to develop a report format that best meets the needs of the
government in describing the extent and content of the national and regional print media
- -
coverage. .-
The results of both the amount and content of Medicare media coverage serves a number of
purposes. Specifically, it allows CMS to:

Identify which NMEP programs are working best.

Calculate how many opportunities there were for people to be exposed to stories containing
information about Medicare.
Identify what messages are appearing in the media and what ones are not, allowing
assessment of the extent to which the issue is framed as desired and providing guidance for
tailoring future content of media outreach efforts.
Monitor competing messages, again providing guidance for tailoring future efforts to ffame
the issue.


I Research plan, search terms and codebook Four weeks after award of contract
Quarterly reports of national coverage (6) First report due four months after award of
- ,
including Powerpoint summary contract 1
Two reports on special events TBD -
Final summary report on national coverage and September 2002
1 10 regional synopses - each year 1
Period of Performance:

The period of performance for this task order is from the date of award for twelve (1 2) months.
~ m VI-VUY
r !
NMEP Media Assessment

200012001 NMEP Search Terms

Please search specified U.S. newspapers and magazines for articles containing the following terms
- (I*):

"Medicare + Choice" - pull articles using h s terminology. which is the official name Medicarels HMO p r o m

"National Medicare Education Program" or "NMEP" - pull articles usiug tlus terminology. which is the
official name of CMS' outreach program to educate seniors about Medicare

Medicare and health plan choicesloptions - pull articles that discuss the different types of health plans available
to seniors under the Medicare program

. Medicare and managed careMMO - pull articles that discuss Medicare's effort to offer managed care plans
(HMOs, PPOs, etc.) in addition to traditional fee-for-service health plans
- ---.
Medicare Handbook or "Medicare & You" - pull articles that mentionlhisannual guide to Medicare benefits,
published by Medicare

. 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227) or Medicare toll free line - pull articles that mention Medicare's national
toll-free telephone number

. www.rnedicare.gov -- pull articles that mention Medicare's consumer dormation website

Medicare and partners - pull articles that discuss Medicare's effort to partner with government and private
industry organizations in order to educate seniors about Medicare benefits

Medicare and preventive services - pull articles that mention any preventive health care services in conjunction
with Medicare, including but not limited to cancer screenings and flu immunizations.

Medicare and benefits - pull any articles that explain health care benefits available to seniors through Medicare

Medicare and information - pull any articles that provide seniors with Information about applying for Medicare
or dormation being given to seniors already in the program

"Today's Medicare" -- pull articles using h s terminology, which is the tag line of CMS' outreach program to
educate seniors about Medicare

Medicare and patient rights - pull articles t h k discuss rights that seniors iu Medicare have to see doctors, --
receive medical treatments or obtain any other program benefit

Medicare and prescription drugs - pull articles that discuss Medicare benefits covering prescription drugs

. Medicare and health care quality - pull articles that discuss the quality of health care that seniors receive under

Medicare and solvency - pull any article that discusses the prospect of the Medicire program going bankrupt or
unable to cover expenses.

Medicare and fraud - pull any article that discusses any effort involving seniors -toelirmnate waste, fraud or
abuse in the Medicare program.

** Please repeat this s a m seareh 4ist substitutingthe term "CMS" or "Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
Services" for "Medicare."

- -
7500 SecuriQ Boulevard
Baltimore, MD 21244-1850

March 22, 2002

To: Academy for Educational Development (AED)


Dear Ms. Dickinson:

We are providing a Revised Statement of Work (SOW) in response to your e-mail dated March
20, 2002. This Amendment 0001 deletes the SOW in its entirety and substitutes the attached
SOW in lieu thereof.

As a result of these clarifications, the date for receipt of proposals is being extended until 2:00
PM on Wednesday, March 27,2002.

Tf you have any further questions, please call Juanita Pang at (410) 786-5538.
Consumer Research:
2003 Medicare and You Handbook Testing
LRFP 02-002, Amendment 0001
- Statement of Work

I. Scope of Work -. -

A. . Purpose

The purpose of this contract is to obtain professional t e c h c a l services to assist in conducting

research on emerging issues that may effect the content of the 2003 Medicare & You Handbook, as
well as design and implement all formative and product testing of specific sections of the document.
- ---
11. Requirements . < -

The contractor shall provide t e c h c a l professional services for conducting consumer testing on the
"2003 Medicare & You Handbook" to address the following questions:

1) Can Medicare beneficiaries read the handbook?

2) Can they find the information that they are looking for?
3) Can they understand the information that they find?
4) If they cannot find the information that they are looking for, where are they lookmg in error?
5) Does the quality section prompt readers to seek additional quality information?
6) Specific questions regarding Handbook goals will be developed during the planning phase.

A. Tasks to be Performed

In order to answer the questions noted above the contractor shall conduct the following phases of

1) Initial planning;
2) In person one-on-one cognitive interviews

Details of the phases are described below.

1) Initial Planning

- The contractor shall work with CMS Staff to finalize a workplan for canylng out the work of
the project. The contractors should plan on malung several trips to CMS for planning and final
presentation purposes.

- The contractor shall schedule regular meetings with CMS staff to review plan due dates and
expectations for the work to be performed in the research plan;

- The contractor shall iltow sufficient time for review and appioval of the research plan and all
component sections (methodology, number and location of tests in subsequent phases,
discussion guides, and screeners) by CMS staff prior to implementation.
2) Field Work
The field work will be comprised of cognitive interviews, and mini-focus groups (triads conducted
in person or over the phone). The contractor shall design a research plan with these requirements
taken into account: -
In-person One-on-one Interviews:
- Interviews will utilize "talk aloud" methods. Respondents will be asked to look up certain
information in the handbook and read it. Respondents will be asked specific knowledge
questions after reading the material to measure their ability to understand it. Researchers will
observe to determine whether the respondent could find the information and whether they
could understand the information.

- A sufficient number of interviews will be conducted to allow enough observations over

approximately 15 "look-up'-l-tasks. Past experieilce suggests respondents can perform on
average 4 tasks in an hour. It is assumed that 100- 150 cogmtive interviews will be needed

- Interviews will be one hour long.

- One third of interviews will be videotaped.
- All screeners will be kept and analyzed.
- Ethnic minority groups will be over-sampled in each city.
- Testing in this phase will be done with the "2003 Medicare and You Handbook." All test
copies of the Handbook will be printed by AED.
- Times and dates of interviews will be communicated early enough in advance to allow CMS
staff to attend interviews, especially in Baltimore.
- AED staff will conduct an oral topline report.

Overall Demographic Composition

These demographic compositions will be applied to one-on-one interviews.

Ethnicity: Compared to current population percentages, ethnic minorities will be over sampled:

Race: Percent of Actual Approximate Research

National Plan
Population 62+ Sample Breakdown 1
Caucasian 70Y0 54%
A h c a n American 13% 16% , I

His~anic 12% 15% 1

Native American 1% 7%
Total 100% 100%

Education Level: Percent of National Research Plan

- Medicare Sample Breakdown
Low: Less than 12'h grade education 38% 33%
Mid: 12'h gradehigh school graduate 33% 33%
High: some college/college graduatelpost 29% 33%
Total 100% 100%

3) Additional Testing
Dependent upon the outcome of the Phase 2 research andor unanticipa'ted CMS requirements for content
or organization changes, re-testing the Handbook may be necessary. The contractor should build in to the
workplan and budget that 35 individual interviews will be conducted at 2 locations of convenience.

4) [OPTIONAL] - Conducting Focus Groups to Look at Physician Access Issues

The purpose of this optional line item is to conduct research that gauges Medicare Beneficiaries'
perceptions concerning their access to physician care. The outcome of thls study may result in changes to
the content of the Handbook. However, CMS is unclear at this time as to whether there is a need to do
this study.

Over the last several years, anecdotal reports have suggested that beneficiaries in certain parts of the
country are having difficulty-finding physicians who will accept new Medicare patients. Beginning in
January 2002, Medicare payments to physicians were substantially reduced, resulting in an increase in the
number of anecdotes being brought to our attention. Therefore, the need to determine in as close to a real
time basis as possible, who perceives they are likely to be affected, and strategies the agency can adopt to
address the issue is becoming even more critical. Therefore, CMS requests the following 12 options.

. Option 1: AED will purchase omnibus data.for 1000 seniors. The data will include 5 items on people
65+ access to and perception of access to physician care.

Option 2: An exact copy of option 1 , .

Option 3: An exact copy of option 1

Option 4: An exact copy of option I

Option 5: An exact copy of option 1

Option 6: An exact copy of option 1

Option 7: AED will conduct six focus groups with seniors in the Seattle -Washngton regonal area.
CMS will provide a list of new ek6llees and people who have recently moved in the Seattle area. Four of
the groups should be recruited fiom this list. Two of the groups should be recruited fiom general
population of people enrolled in Medicare. All of the groups should be segmented by education (half
high and half low). Groups should also be evenly segmented by MCO and FFS prticipatoin.
Option 8: Same as 7 except for Colorado.

Option 9: Same as 7 except for Florida.

Option 10: same as 7 except for Illinois.

- -.

Option 1 1: Same as 7 except for Baltimore.

Option 12: Same as 7 except for Texas.

Tasks to be conducted by the contractor for options 1 though 6:

- --~
1. Identify proper omnibus information for purchase. -
2. Topline report of research findings.
3. Final written report with recommendations.

Tasks to be conducted by the contractor for options seven through 12

1. Research plan for meeting the research objectives of the project.

2. Develop the screening instruments, moderator's guide and interview instruments to be used in
conducting the groups.
3. Topline report of research findings. .
4. Final written report with recommendations.

The period of performance for this optional line item is four (4) months from date of exercising option.

r Activitv/Deliverable 1 Time Frame I -

. -
( Kick-off meeting ( 1' week from date option is I
Final research desim. ~ l a nand budget 1 week
1 Draft screener to HCFA 1 week I

' Screener a p p s 3 days

1 Recruitment begins TBD
I Draft interview/moderator7sguides to HCFA 1 2 weeks after research design (
is approved
Guides approved by HCFA 1
Focus groups/interviews held
Topline report
Final written report submitted to HCFA
1 week after groups are held
3 weeks after topline is due
B. Project Deliverables

1) Monthly Status Reports

The contractor shall prepare a monthly status reports in accordance with Section F.2 crthe base
contract. -

The deliverables for phases 1 - 3 of the research are outlined below. Although the findings for Phases 2
and 3 will be combined into one final topline and subsequent detailed reportlpresentation, topline
summaries will be prepared at various intervals:

Phase 1 - Initial Planning & Pretest:

- A summary of the finalized methodology for one-on-one interviews and groups.
- Scheduled weekly conference call to discuss progress.
- ---

Phase 2 - Field Work:

- --
- Topline summary focussing on recommendations for the writers due three days after
interviews are completed.
- Periodic updates by conference call (e.g. after each city is completed).

Phase 3 -- Additional Testing

- Conferencecall the day after testing occurs to discuss some of the key findings.
- Topline summary focusing on recommendations for the writers.

At the conclusion:
- Comprehensive, actionable topline report and presentation.
- Detailed report in PowerPoint format.
- CD-ROM report of findings and interview clips.

C. Schedule of Deliverables

Lliverables 1 Delivew Date - -

( 1 . Kick-off meeting 41 1102
1 2. Scheduled weeklv conference calls 4/2/02 1
3. Summary of Finalized Methodology for research 4/8/02
4. Screener's to CMS For Approval 4/3/02
1 5. Moderator's Guides to CMS for A~uroval 1 4117/02
1 6. Consumer testing w a r d Date - cannot change) 4/22/02 - 4/26/02

1 7. Topline report of research findings 5/2/02

1 8. Additional Consumer Testing w a r d Date - cannot 5/10/02 - 5/14/02
i change)
I 9 . Oral Tovline with CMS 5115/02 I


10. Written Tooline to CMS I 5/22/02

/ 1 1. Final Report * 1 6/28/02 1
1 12. Monthly Status Reports 1 IAW F.2 of Base Contract 1

*Distribution: One orignal and 3 copies of the final report to the Government
-- Task Leader
-. -
Pe'riod of Performance:

The period of Performance for this Task Order is five (5) months from date of award.
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Seryices
7500 Security-Boulevard, Mail Stop C2-21-15
B a l b o r e , Maryland 21244-1850 mVEiU~hEmi2REBMLDK;Q/D~CET
Acquisition and Grants Group -

18 March 2002


- -
CMS CONTRACT NO. 500-0 1-000 1

We request that jlou to submit a proposal in response to thisLetter Request for Proposal
(LRFP) for a proposed, follow-on task order, entitled "Medicare National Multi-Media &
Education Campaign for 2002" we will issue under your CRC contract. The Government
anticipates award of a cost-plus-fixed-fee task order for t h s statement of work. Your response
must be in accordance with the requirements set forth in Section G.2, entitled "Task Order
Proposals," of your master contract and this correspondence.

1. Questions: Please direct any questions to Debra A. Hoffman, Contract Specialist, or

Mary E. Jones, Contracting Officer.

2. Proposal Due Date: Please submit your technical and business proposal no later than
2:00 PM on Tuesday, 02 April 2002 to the address listed below.

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)

Acquisitions and Grants Group
ATTN.: Debra A. Hoffinan, Mail Stop C2-2 1 - 15
7500 Security Boulevard I - -
Baltimore, MD 2 1244- 1850 I
3. Proposal Preparation Instructions: Offerors shall submit their proposals in accordance
with the following format requirements to assist the Government in making a complete
and thorough evaluation of all proposals.

A. Written Technical Proposal I

1. Executive Summary

Your proposal must demonstrate a detailed, comprehensive, and overall

technical approach for successfully meeting the obpctives and requirements of
LRFP 0 1-010

this task order.

2. I
~echmcaknderstandineand Aporoach: Your proposal shall address
the following: 1
(a) Describe your understanding of the scope, complexity and req*irements
associated with the task order,
(b) Present a work plan that illustrates your ability to present in a clear,
concise, and sound manner the steps in your approach to the work to be
carried out in the SOW, . . -

(c) Describe your qualifications and approach to perform the qualitative and
quantitative research,
(d) Describe your approach to the SOW in all respects and reflect your ability
to comply with all requirements; and
(e) Describe your plan to effectively execute this project, including access to
requisite data and information, resources, staff, expert consultants, and
computers, as necessary.

3. Management Approach and Personnel 0ualificationr;:Yourproposal

shall address your:

(a) Plan to provide an administrative framework satisfactory for maintaining

quality control over the implementation and operation of the task order,
(b) Plan to provide resources that you will require that support your plan (i.e.,
facilities, hardware, software, other direct costs, communications, etc.),
(c) Skilled personnel that are not only competent and experiences, but that also
have the requisite academic qualifications, relevant training and
(d) Your proposal must include resumes for all proposed key personnel. --
(e) Organization chart and management plan reflecting the re~po~nsibilities and
authonty of the relevant personnel andlor organization invol4ed. The plan
should illustrate the individual members of the work team. You should
specify exactly how the personnel employed under thls contract would
operate In the organization, their responsibil~ties,and the specific amount
of time devoted to the project. The line of authority between you and any
subcontractors are to be detailed.

4. Corporate Experience

Demonstrate your experience in the development of health promotion

campaigns. - - - .
LRFP 0 I -01 i)

5. Past Performance
- -
Provide a list of three (3) references for same or similar services within the past
five (5) years that can address your capabilities for this task including the
following for each project: project title, brief description, cornpan$ name.
contract number, point of contact (name and phone number), period of
performance, and contract amount.
B. Business Proposal -(No page limit)

- --
You must submit a costlprice proposal, supported by other than cost and pricing data.
adequate to establish the reasonableness and realism of the proposed price and to allow
complete costlprice analysis. In addition, all proposed subcontractors shall submit a
complete cost proposal in the same format.

4. Evaluation Process: The Government intends to award a task order resulting from this
LRFP, which represents the best value to the Government at a fair and reasonable
price. This will be determined after evaluation of the proposal in accordance with the
factors and subfactors in the LRFP.

A. Technical Evaluation Factors: The technical evaluation factors for this

requirement are listed below in descending order of importance:

1 . Technical Understanding and Approach

We will evaluate your technical proposal to determine that it is

complete and demonstrates that you understand the statement of work
and are aware of the objectives and tasks required to produce the
desired products. Your firm is of sufficient size and has adequate - '

resources to completeisupport the various tasks. Since the tasks

identified in the SOW will not occur at a steady rate throughout the
period, but rather will probably occur sporadically, your proposal
demonstrates your ability to adjust and be able to quickly reassign or
add human resources when needed.

2. Management Approach & Personnel

Your proposed approach is reasonable, ensures successful completion

of the task order, and has adequate quality assurance procedures in
place. Your proposal includes key personnel who are competent and
experienced in the skilled required in the SOW. You have submitted
LRFP 01-010
Page 1of 1
resumes of key personnel that reflects a variety of experience in similar
tasks. Your proposal indicates the percentage of time each staff
member will contribute. If you propose subcontractors, you have
providedinformation supporting their qualifications. 1
3. Corporate Experience

Your p'roposal demonstrates experience developing and assessing

health promotion campaigns.
4. Past 'Performance and Experience

Your proposal will be evaluated to determine the extent to which your

company has the necessary experience and past performance record
with work similar to that required under this task order.

B. Business Proposal Evaluation

We will perform a costlprice analysis on your proposal and analyze it for

cost/price realism. Costlprice realism is defined as your ability to propose
estimated costs/prices, which are reasonable and indicate that you understand
the nature and extent of the work you will perform.

We are not committed to reimburse any costs associated with the preparation or submission of
a proposal nor to procure or contract for the services described herein. Jn addition. the
Contracting Officer is the only individual who can legally commit the Government to the
expenditures of public funds in connection with the proposed procurement. If you have any
questions, please contact Debra A. Hoffman on (4 10) 786-05 17.
- -

Contracting Officer

(1) Statement of Work (8 Pages)
"INTRACT 500-01-0001
LRFP 02-0003
Page 1 of8

Statement of Work

The centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), Department of Health and
Human Services, National Multi-Media
-- and Education Campaign for ZOO2

I. Scope

A. Purpose

The purpose of this task order is t o obtain technical professional services for the
development, implementation/operation, and assessment o f a national, integrated
multi-media and education ca-mpaign that promotes t h e informed use of Medicare
information channels by people with Medicare and their caregivers.

The consumer response sought is t o get people with Medicare and their caregivers

Remember the 1-800-MEDICARE f , understand its purpose, and remember t o

use it when they have a need for it.
Use t h e 800 # and other information channels t o learn more about Medicare.
Ask more questions about their options in Medicare.
Know where t o go t o get help with their questions.

The campaign shall:

Increase knowledge o f 1-800-MEDICARE so people with Medicare t o know where

t o go t o get help with their questions. (Knowing means current knowledge and
retained knowledge.)
Identify t h e purpose of 1-800-MEDICARE such that people know its purpose, t h e
telephone numbers, and remember t o use it when they have a need for it.
Convey that 1-800-Medicare provides accurate, reliable, understandable, and
relevant consumer information 'and resources t o help people make informed--
decisions about their health care coverage. 1 . -
Associate www.medicare.sov with 1-800-MEDICARE as the Internet alternative
Build knowledge o f t h e array of information available.
Increase awareness o f the family of information resources available t o get help
with questions about Medicare, including 1-800-MEDICARE, www. m e d i c a r e . 9 0 ~ ~
the Medicare & You handbook, the State Health Insurance Assjstance programs,
and other partnerships.
DNTRACT 500-0 1-000 1
LRFP 02-0003

B. Background -
I n order t o make informed decisions about receiving Medicare services, consumers
need t o know that: - -

Options exist
Personal needs can and should drive choices made I
Medicare provides quality, dependable information to help make thobe decisions

Medicare options t o be compared include choice oflfor:

- ---
Health plans - - - - -
Medigap plans (supplemental)
Service providers
Medicare benefits, rights and protections
Supplemental and ancillary insurance, including assistance for low income

This contract will use an integrated multi-media approach t o successfully

communicate this information t o target audiences in creative, meaningful ways.


The Medicare public is relatively unaware of CMS information resources.

Strong name recognition of Medicare and a legacy o f trust among beneficiaries.
People with Medicare know relatively little about Medicare plan options, benefits,
supplemental insurance.
Information seeking among beneficiaries and caregivers tends t o be reactive.
They seek Medicare information when a specific need arises such as a change i n
health or financial status, change in care provider or plan availability.
People with Medicare are passive information seekers.
People with Medicare like persdn to person contact such as t h r o u g h ' l - 8 0 0 - --
Medicare or through certain options on www.medicare.gov.
Target audiences:

Primary: People with Medicare

Secondary: Caregivers
Special Target Audiences: Spanish dependent
)NTRACT 500-01-0001
LRFP 02-0003

C. Definitions -
Multi Media Campaign: Specific products will include paid development, production,
and placement of advertisements for television, radio, print, and web media as
recommended in campaign planning.

Medicare Information Channels: CMS Medicare information is offered primarily by .

phone (1-800-MEDICARE) and on the web, www.medicare.gov. Other
information channels include the Medicare & You handbook, the State Health
Insurance Assistance Program, and regional and partnership outreach.

Medicare Program Options: Cho~cesthat beneficiaries can make, including choice of

health plan, supplemental and ancillary insurance, service provider, and programs
t o assist people with low-income and limited assets.

Medicare Beneficiaries: People who receive or will receive Medicare services.

Caregivers: People who help or support beneficiaries making Medicare decisions.

11. Requirements

The contractor shall furnish all necessary services, qualified personnel, materials,
equipment and facilities, not otherwise provided by CMS, as needed to perform the
requirements of this Statement of Work (SOW).

A. Objectives/Tasks to be performed

Key objectives o f this task order include:

Plan, develop (including formative testing), implement, and assess a national

integrated multi-media advertising campaign t o be conducted throughout the period
of performance with an emphasis 'during the fall enrollment period in September,
October, and November. Specifically,

Plan a 2002 campaign using the industry best practices and building off lessons
learned from the 2001 campaign.
Analyze industry best practices, research, and results of 2001 campaign
including lessons learned to develop the 2002 campaign plan.
Detail contingency planning/risk mitigation. Monitor with CMS, call volume to 1-
800-MEDICARE. Develop risk mitigation plan for changing ads based on call
volume. This information is essential to ensure that the campaign does not
induce more responses than can be met with the 1-800 and website capacity.
Coordinate the development of materials with Communications Staff in the
Center for B e n e f i c i a-~Choices to ensure a consistency in look and feel of the
)NTRACT 500-01-0001
LRFP 02-0003
Page 4 of8

products. This will support the buildingof a foundation for branding Medicare as
a source for trusted, reliable, and accurate information.

Develop, Test and I m p l e m e n t c a m p a i g n

Develop culturally competent materials for the majority audience and the
Spanish dependent audiences.
Segment and tailor the campaign as necessary t o target African-Americans, and
low-income people with Medicare.
Develop and consumer test the ad concepts
Test market ad concept(s).
Implement the campaign based on consumer testing and results of market test.
Conduct all ad production (TV, radio, ~rint,and web) arXl placement.

Media Buy
Develop and implement comprehensive media strategy.
Conduct all ad.placements.
Develop with CMS a strategy t o leverage paid media advertising using earned
media, partnerships, etc. t o promote and reinforce key messages using the
many channels and points of contact within CMS including the brand identify of
Medicare & You.

Conduct comprehensive assessment of t h e mi pcit of the campaign on people
with Medicare and their caregivers, produce detailed reports on results, and
recommend next steps based on lessons learned. The assessment shall also
analyze the impact on targeted audiences.
3NTRACT 500-01-0001
LRFP 02-0003
Paqe 5 of8

B. Project Delivera bles -

CMS requires technical professional services for the development, implementation,
operation and management, and assessment of a national multi-media campaign.
he Contractor shall provide a wide variety of planning, coordination, strategy
development, oversight, implementation, and assessment in defining and carrying
out this campaign and its complementary marketing components.

Deliverables will include:

- ---
I Deliverable Summary - Date
I I. Project Manaqement Plan 1 Weekly
/ 2. Weekly Status & Expenditure Report Every Monday, 12 noon
j 3. Monthly Progress Report lStMonday each month I
I 4. Multi-Media Campaiqn Plan TBD 1
5. Campaign Assessment & Testinq Plan 1 TBD
6. Finalized Ads -rB D
1 7. Recommendations for Next Steps
/ 8. Comprehensive Project Completion including, Lessons .

I Learned I

( 9. Regular Meetings with CMS staff in Baltimore & D.C. On-going

1. Project Manasement Plan: The Contractor shall provide t o the Government Task
Leader (GTL) a Project Management Plan, on a weekly basis, which includes the
critical path, decision points and dependencies, and risk identification/mitigation
plan. The plan shall include a review/inclusion of any supplemental CMS media
buys (e.g. regional offices). Additionally, this plan shall ensure minimum cost
and labor efficiency in coordinating activities relating to the.design,
implementation, and assessment of this project.
2. Weeklv Status & Expenditure Reports: The Contractor shall provide t o the GTL,
on a weekly basis, a written status report detailing money spent or obligated t o
date; correlate money spentlobligated t o work completed; expected
expenditures over the 30 days following each weekly report to match
activitieslmedia buys and other pertinent information t o be specified by the GTL
as the project evolves.

3. IYonthlv Proqress Report: The Contractor shall provide to the GTL and the
Contracting Officer an updated monthly project plan, In accordance with Section
C.7.2 of the base contract, for each project conducted under the task.
Information shall include, but not be limited to:

i; Project milestones
> Problems encountered and anticipated, recommended solutions
> Deliverables due
)NTRACT 500-01-0001
LRFP 02-0003

; Deliverables submitted and dates completed

Key staff responsible

4. Multi-Media C a m ~ a i q nPlaw The contractor shall provide a campaign plan that

articulates the various communications and plans that they will provide to
ensure that CMS is fully engaged in the planning, development, clearance and
oversight of the campaign. These should include but are not limited to a
creative brief and media-buying plan, which includes national and local media
placements/buys with time, date, media outlet, length/size as appropriate.

5. Campaign Assessment & T-estinq Plan The Contractor shall provide t o the GTL a
plan, which outlines how the campaign will b e tested and assessed. The
contractor shall provide a plan for testing ad concepts and shall implement the
plan upon GTL approval. The plan shall include a test market and an
assessment of the impact in the test market. Based on the test market, ads
may need t o be revised based on findings. The contractor shall conduct an
assessment of the campaign t o determine whether the intended audience was
impacted by the campaign. Specifically, the Contractor shall measure whether
there was an increase in general awareness of CMS' information channels,
increased usage of the information channels, increase in the target audience's
desire to seek information about their health care coverage, and reactions t o the
media campaign itself. The Contractor shall provide plans for all intended
audiences, such as general audience, Spanish dependent, African-American, and
low income.

6. Finalized Ads: The Contractor shall provide ad concepts and finalized ads after
test market for print, radio, W, and web media in size/formats t o be determined

; Print: newspaper/Sunday supplements, magazine

Radio: local, national, syndicated
h Television: cable, syndication, spot/local, national
i On Line Media/Web: banner ads, microsites as appropriate, t o be - --

7. Recommendations for Next Steps: A report with recommendations for future

national multi-media and education campaigns.

8. Comprehensive Project Completion Plan: The Contractor shall provide t o the GTL
a comprehensive project completion plan that shall include "lessons learned"
and recommendations for future campaigns.

9. Regular Meetinqs with CMS: The contractor will be required to meet face t o face
with CMS staff in both D.C. and Baltimore throughout the course of the contract
on as needed basis and regularly on a schedule t o be defined in the project plan.
- - -
)NTRACT 500-01-0001
LRFP 02-0003
111. Period of Performance:
The period of performance for this task order is from date of award to April 30,
2003. -. -

I.V. Government Task Leader:

The Government Task Leader (GTL) is Ms. Kelly DiNicolo. Her phone number is
(410) 786-0046. Ms. Patty Helphenstine is t h e backup GTL and she can be reached
a t (410) 786-0622
3NTRACT 500-01-0001
LRFP 02-0003

Lessons Learned in 2001:-

Test reactions to t h e advertisements beyond the story board stage.

Build i n time for a test market.
Segment message and medium t o reach specific audiences based on
demographic and psychographic/lifestage criteria.
Align all advertising and outreach efforts with Medicare's brand values &
platform t o deliver desired consumer experience with Medicare.
Create a more integrated campaign amorrg mediums.
You should see increase in awareness/recall b y 1,000 plus points.
Media efforts should be sp-read out over a longer period of time with peak points
tied t o enrollment period. -
Academy for Educational Development

July 3, 2001

Ms. Mary Jones

Contracting Officer ..-

Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) -. > -

Department of Health and Human Services

7500 Security Boulevard
Baltimore. MD 2 1244

Ref: CMS Consumer Research & Communications Contract Number 500-01-0001

Subj: Award of Task Order for LRPP 01 -003 "Dual Eligible Partnership Train~ngand Coalition Building"

Dear Ms. Jones:

We recelved CMS's email dated July 2, 2001 notifying AED that an award had been made on the
referenced LRFP.

Per FAR 15.506, AED requests a postaward debriefing to discuss the government's evaluation of our

I will be out of the office from Wednesday, July 4 through Friday, July 6, and will therefore plan to contact
your office early next week to schedule a date and time for t h ~ sdebriefing

TharJc you and best regards,

Sr. ~ o n t r a c t s / ~ r a nAdrmnistrator

Cc: Juanita Pang

John Strand
Susan Crossley
Mark Miebach

1825 Connecricur Avenue, NW, W a s h ~ n g r o n DC

, 20009-5721
Tel. 202-884-8000 Fax 202-884-8400

Baltimore. hlL 21244-1850

Academy for Educational Develog.ment

ATTN: Mr. Byron Radcliffe
1825 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20009

Reference HCFA-00-00 1 1, Communications and Social Marketing, Request for Task Order

Dear Mr. Radcliffe

You are invited to submit a proposal for at least three (3) of the five (5) task orders in response to
this Letter Request for Proposal (LRFP) for the award of task orders 0001, 0002, 0003: 0004.
and 0005 under the "Communfcations and Social Marketing" solicitation. Your proposals shall be
submitted in accordance with the requirements set forth below.

1. Prepare a limited written t e c h c a l proposal (see Attachment 1 for specific proposal


2. Prepare a business proposal in accordance with Attachment 1 to this LRFP,

3. Submit one ( 1 ) original and four (4) hard copies of the limited written technical
proposal and one (1) original and two (2) copies of the business proposal, and

4. Your proposal must be received no later than 2:00 D.m. Eastern D a v l i ~ h tTime on
August 15, 2000, at:

Health Care Financing Administration

. -
Office of Acquisition and Grants
Mailstop: C2-2 1-1 5
7500 Security Boulevard
Baltimore, Maryland 2 1244- 1850

Attention Ms Juanita Pang OR Ms Debbie Strittmatter

Contract Specialist Contract Specialist
(410) 786-5538 (410)786-5136
The evaluation process to be utilized in this acquisition will be the "best value" approach v,itt,
award being made to the offeror(s) whose proposal(s) is!'are the most advantageous to the
Government. Technical quality of the proposals is more irnportant than costlprice Task Orders
will only be-awarded to those offerors who are awarded an IDIQ base contract. ,

The Government is not committed_tq reimburse any costs associated with the prepar!?tionor
submission of a task order proposal. In addition, the Contracting Officer is the only jndividual
who can legally commit the Government to the expenditure of public hnds in connection with the
proposed procurement.

Questions concerning t h s LRFP should be referred to Ms Juanita Pang, at (410) 786-5538 or

Debbie Strittmatter, at (4 10) 786-5 136

Edward Hodges, ~ i r d t o r
Acquisition and Grants Group
Division of Program Contracts


1 . Proposal Instructions
2. Level of Effort Per Task Order
3. Statement of Work (Task Orders 0001, 0002, 0003, 0004, 0005)

The offeror's proposal submissim shall consist of Volume I, Business proposal and Volume 11.
Limited Written Technical Proposal. Your offer shall be organized as follows.

A. . Volume 1 - Business Proposal: The Business Proposal shall consist of the following.

1. Table of Contents
2. Cost Estimating Assumptions
3 Breakdown of Proposed Costs
4. Subcontract Proposals

B Volume I1 - Limited written Technical Proposal The Written

- -
Technical Proposal shall

consist of the foIlowing.

1. Technical Understanding and Approach

2. Staffing Plan


A. The proposal shall be numbered. The number of pages for Volume I are not limited,
however, Volume I shouId be carefilly prepared to be clear and concise. Volume I1 should
be kept to no more than 12 pages per task order

B. General Instructions:

1 Page Size, typing, Spacing and Page Numbering - Page size shall be 8.5 by
11 inches Foldouts will count as two pages The task order proposals shall
be numbered and printed on one side pages Submit task order proposals,
to the extent possible, on high-grade whte paper, which can be recycled
Type size shall not be less than 12 pitch type with a double-space between
lines Resumes fo; key personnel are limited to 2 pages each The resumes
shall be provided as an attachment, and will not be counted towards the
page count I


NOTE: It is anticipated that Cost Plus Fixed Fee Task Orders (CPFF) will be issued as a resuIt of
this LRFP.

The business proposal shall be comprised of the following elements

a Table of Contents - -
b Cost Estimating Assumptions

Explain the methodologies and significant assumptions used in developing the proposal
c. Breakdown of Proposed Costs

Costs associated with each task order should be broken out as follows

a) Direct Labor Rates

- -
i) Provide the basis of proposed labor rates and labor classifications including any
proposed escalation factors.

ii) The contractor shall distribute labor hours provided at Attachment 2, amon9
themselves and their subcontractor(s) by areas of expertise or where they would
intend to utilize them
- >

b) Indirect Costs - As applicable, appropriate indvecis;hould be applied to ODCs

and subcontractor(s) costs

C) Other Direct Costs (ODCs) - Use appropriate "plug" figures as stated in

Attachment 2.

d) Fee

The offeror shall propose a fixed fee

Fee should not be proposed on Facilities Capital Cost of Money (FCCM)

e) Facilities Capital Cost of Money (FCCM)

If applicable, the Contractor shall provide the calculations utilized in computing

FCCM. NOTE: In accordance with HHSAR 3 15-905-74, when facilities capital
cost of money (cost of capital committed to facilities) is included as an item of cost
in the contractor's propo?al, a reduction in fee shall be made in an amount equal to
the amount of facilities capital cost of money allowed in accordance with the ;

Facilities Capital Cost-of-Money Cost Principal.

d Subcontract Proposal(s)

All proposed subcontractors shall submit a complete cost proposal in the same format as
the offeror's cost proposal.

If a commercial item or service is being acquired from a subcontractor, then data

submitted to substantiate price reasonableness can be limited to sales data relating to same
or similar items sold in the past vear. The contractor need only include information that is
in a form regularly maintained'by the offeror as part of its commercial operations (See
FAR Part 2.101 for-the - definition of Commercial Item) --


The Limited Written Technical Proposal shall include
A. Technical Understanding and Approach - Your proposal will be evaluated
based upon the extent to which your proposal demonstrates.
Task Order 000 1

1 . Describe the process for evaluating existing consumer education materials to initiate a neu
research plan that seeks to improve the existing product.
2. Describe how you will collect and surnrnarize.information profiling relevant consumer
audiences, stakeholders, and other parties that will have an interest and role in developing
these new materials
3. Describe how you will design and carryout consumer testing of products that will inform
beneficiaries about their rights and responsibilities, claims and co-payments, fraud and
abuse, non-renewal of c-racts for health plans, and other policy-related issues under the
Medicare, Medicaid, State Children's Health Jnsurancg, and Health Insurance Portability
and Accountability Act (HIPAA) programs.
4. Describe your corporate experience in work relevant to this task order such as,
redesigning and simplifying complex legal documents into more consumer friendls
5. Describe the qualifications of key personnel assigned to this task order, such as:
experience simplifjring legal documents and conducting research on document

Task Order 0002:

1 Describe the plan and the type of qualitative and lor quantitative formative research to
develop campaignloutreach strategies that include identification of cultural, linguistic, and
functional barriers for specific target audiences
2 Describe how the Contractor would create message products, implement communication
efforts, monitor the communication efforts, and design and implement the assessment of
campaign processes and effects
3 Describe your corporate experience in work relevant to this task order such as
researching, planning and implementing health behavior change campaigns
4 Describe the qualifications of key personnel assigned to this task order, such as
knowledge of campaign development, research, and implementation as well as health

Task Order 0003

1 . Describe the process for an initial evaluation of existing consumer'education materials to

help direct a new research plan that seeks to improve the existing product.
2. Describe how you will collect and summarize information profiling relevant consumer
audiences, stakeholders, and other parties that will have an interest and role in developing
these new materials.
3 . Describe how you would plan, implement, and assess your marketing and education
campaigns aimed at educating consumers about HCFA's Health Insurance Programs.
4 Describe your corporate experience in work relevant to this task order such as conducting
consumer education and research with older adult populations, informing the public about
health plan choices, or informing the public about social program availability.
5 . Describe qualifications of key personnel assigned to this task order, such as: de\,elopini.
web sites, conducting formative and assessment communication research. designing
messages, and producing and implementing campaigns.
Task Order 0004: !

Describe how you will coiect and summarize information profiling relevant consumer
audiences, stakeholders, and other parties that will have an interest and role in developing
these new materials.
Describe how the Contractor would create message products, implement cAmmunication
efforts, monitor the communication efforts, and design and implement the assessment of
campaign processes and effects.
Describe-your corporate e,xperiencein work relevant to this task order. such as. promoting
the use of appropriate channels relative to health-information-seeking :~haviorand
conducting nationwide health related campaigns.
Describe qualifications of key personnel assigned to this task order, such as: knowledge of
~ e d i c a r+
e Choice and information seeking behaviors.

Task Order 0005:

Describe your corporate experience in work relevant to this task order, such as reporting
comparative quality information about various levels and components of the health care
Describe how you would create strategies and work plans for designing, completing,
testing, and evaluating products related to Comparative Health Quality Information
Describe how the Contractor would design and carry out product testing (with consumers,
friends and family, community leaders, advocates, experts), to explore consumer interest,
to test available quality measures, and to test draft consumer reporting products in both
Internet and print formats
Describe how the Contractor would design and carry out experimental tests of the impact
of consumer reporting products of differing design on the accuracy of consumer
interpretation and appropriateness of consumer conclusions and decisions
Describe qualifications of key personnel assigned to this task order, such as -knowledge
of health care systems and quality measures as well as, experience and knowledge of
communication and education program development and implementat~on

B. Staffing Plan - names of personnel who will be working on the task order; their
position title appropriate to their qualifications and effort to be contributed to the
contractkask order effort including thbse of any subcontract~rs Identification of
key personnel; Key Personnel Resumes: Resumes shall contain information on
education, general background, industry background, and specific professional
accomplishments directly applicable to this Statement of Work. Letters of
commitment are required of all key personnel not presently employed by the
offeror. (Resumes shall be provided as an attachment, and will not be counted
towards the-page limit.) -
LRFP 01-006

intended audiences (CNAs). An extensive literature review was conducted to ensure information
used for the campaign was scientifically and professionally sound. The Alerts were received
favorably, however respondents made suggestions to make the information more usehl to them
and that is why the Nutrition Care Alerts evolved to CMS7sWatch Report Take Action materials.
(see attached) --

The contractor developed the Fact Pac for Nursing Home Managers and Administrators. The
Fact Pac was also designed for use by nursing home administrators, directors of nursing and
those persons involved with staff development. The Fact Pac contains informative materials
such as ideas on how to make a difference, benefits of proper nutrition, challenges to Care,
Resources and the Watch Report Take Action materials (designed to teach what to watch for and
- -
report problems.) .-
- --
The primary message for users of the Fact Pac is how to identify warning signs of poor nutrition and
dehydration and steps that should be taken to prevent these outcomes.

The campaign is now moving into Phase 2. Phase 2 will focus on increasing the promotion of the
campaign message to Director's of Nursing, dieticians and dietary managers in order to expand their
involvement and commitment to implementing systemic changes to promote the improved dining
experience for nursing home residents that is so important to nutrition and hydration.

111. Requirements

The overarchng purpose of thls task order is to expand,the Nutrition/Hydration Awareness campaign by
developing materials to help Directors of Nursing, dietary managers and dieticians work in conjunction
with Certified Nursing Assistants to promote better nutrition and hydration for nursing home residents.
Independently and not as an agent of the Government, the contractor shall furmsh all of the necessary
services, qualified personnel, material and equipment, and facilities, not otherwise provided by the
Government, as needed to perform the requirements of this Statement of Work (SOW).

A. Specific Tasks to be performed: - -

1. Conduct a literature search on "Dining experiences in nursing homes". Provide results to CMS.

2. Conduct interviews with Directors of Nursing, dietary managers and dieticians at no more than 30
facilities randomly selected (at least 10 must be in-person interviews) with geographic representation
from the listing of approximately 17,000 Medicare certified nursing homes. These interviews should
address potential barriers (i.e. institutional, environmental, financial) to providing improved dining
experiences and how to overcome the bamers. The Contractor shall be responsible for drafting,
subject to GTL approval, and releasing an introductory letter and to coordinate all interactions with
the facilities.

3. Based on feedback from qualitative research with key informants (dieticiansldietary managers,
directors of nursing) recommend too& iieeded to support system changes which will promote improved dining
LRFP 01-006

Statement of Work
NutritiodHydration Awareness Campaign
Phase 2 - Dietary Managersmieticians

I. Purpose:
- -

The purpose of this task order is to develop an initial understanding of the knowledge and atti4des that Director's
of Nursing, Dietary Managers, and Dieticians in Nursing Homes have regarding improving the dining experience
for nursing home residents. II
11. Background: . -

The Health Care Financing Administration (CMS) implemented the ~ & - i t i o d H ~ d r a t i oAwareness
Campaign to reduce unintended weight loss and dehydration among nursing home res'dents by
increasing the awareness of preventable causes and steps that can be taken to maintain weight and
normal levels of hydration. The campaign is in response to a Presidential Nursing Home initiative in
which physical abuse and neglect were targeted for intervention.

The NutritionIHydration Awareness campaign targets nursing home caregivers, specifically Certified
Nursing Assistants (CNAs) as well as family members of residents.

Since 1998, a workgroup of various experts (members include; providers, professional

association representatives, resident advocacy members, other government agencies that oversee
care for the elderly, and internal CMS staff) offered guidance to the direction of this campaign.
The groups mission was to develop, plan, and implement awareness of proper nutrition and
hydration for nursing home residents. The workgroup collaborated with CMS partners to
develop an effective campaign designed to improve nutrition and hydration in Nursing Homes.

As stated above, the goal of this campaign is to promote good nutrition and hydration for
residents in nursing homes to improve not only their quality of care but also their quality of life.
The workgroup focused on critical staff bihaviors that would have the most impact on resident's
care in the area of nutrition and hydration. Staff behaviors reviewed included: RNs, Social
Workers, Dietary Managers, Activity staff, dietitians and nursing assistants. After the critical
behaviors were prioritized, the workgroup determined that Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs)
who routinely interacted with the residents had the most potential to impact quality of care and
life overall.

In May 1999, the Nutrition Screening Initiative (NSI) introduced a product they developed the
Nutrition Care Alerts (NCAs) which are multidisciplinary and addressed many of the goals of the
CMS campaign. CMS, in total cooperation with NSI tested the NCA's and the Nutrition Care
Alerts, are the source document for CMS's campaign materials.

CMS, with the assistance of a contractor, tested the ~utritionCare Aleqs. Based on the testing
the contractor made suggestionsand developed alternative products based on the feedback for the
LFWP 01-006

-- -

Selection Process

a. The selection process for this acquisition will be in accordance with FAR Part 15.3 Source Selection.
Significant features of these provisibns include: -
(1) Pursuant to FAR Part 15.306, discussions/negotiations shall be conducted with each offeix whose
proposal is determined to be in the competitive range.

(2) Upon completion of discussions, a request for final proposal revisions shall be issued to all offerors
still within the competitive range.

(3) After receipt and evaluation of all final proposal revisions, a source may be selected for award and
may be involved in finalization of details pursuant to HHSAR 3 15.370.

_ b. The Contracting Officer may limit the number of proposals in the competitive range to the greatest number
that will permit an efficient competition among the most highly rated proposals.

c. In accordance with FAR 15.306(a)(3) offerors are advised that award may be made without discussion.
Accordingly, your proposal should be submitted initially on the most favorable terms from a cost/price
and technical standpoint.
ERFP 01-006


Evaluation Factors: The techmcal evaluation factors for h s requirement are listed below in descending
order of relative importance.

1 . Technical Understanding and Approach (50 pts)

Your proposal is complete and demonstrates that you understand the statement of work and are
aware of contract objectives and tailis required to produce the desired products. Your proposal
demonstrates your understanding of nursing home s y s t k s and diniiigservices and your
qualifications for providing qualitative and quantitative research. Your firm is of sufficient size
and has adequate resources to complete/support the various tasks. Since the tasks identified in
the statement of work will not occur at a steady rate throughout the period, but rather will
probably occur with several peaks and valleys, your proposal demonstrates your ability to adjust
and be able to quickly reassign or add human resources when needed.

2 . Management Approach & Personnel Qualifications (30 pts)

Your proposal includes key personnel who are competent and experienced in the skills required
in the SOW, specifically in long term care and nutritionhydration awareness. You have
submitted resumes of key personnel that reflect a variety of experiences, including qualitative
research. Your proposal indicates the percentage of time each staff member will contribute. If
you propose subcontractors, you have provided information supporting their qualifications.

4. Corporate Experience (5 pts)

Your proposal demonstrates experience developing and assessing health promotion campaigns.

3 . Past Performance and Experience (1 5 pts)

Your proposal will be evaluated to determine the extent to which your company has the necessary
experience and past performance record with work similar to that required under this task order.

B. Cost Evaluation

We will perform a cost analysis onyour proposal and analyze the elements comprised in the build-up of your
firm-fixed price.
LRFP 01-006

(b) Technical Understanding and Approach: Your proposal should address the following:

(1) Your understanding of the scope, complexity and requirements associated with the
task order and of nursingheme systems, specifically focusing on nursing home dining
(2) Present a month-by-month work plan which illustrates your ability to present in a
clear, concise, and sound manner the steps in your approach to the work to be carried
out in the Statement of Work (SOW);
(3) Describe your qualifications and approach to perform the qualitative and quantitative
(4) Your approach to the SOW in all respects and reflect your ability to comply with all
- - - - -
requirements; and
(5) Your plan to effectively execute this project, including access to requisite data and
information, resources, staff, expert consultants, and computers, as necessary.

(c) Management Approach and Personnel Oualifications: Your proposal should address your:

(1) Plan to provide an administrative framework satisfactory for maintaining quality control
over the implementation and operation of the task order,
(2) Plan to provide resources that you will require which support your plan (i.e. facilities,
hardware, software, other direct costs, communications, etc.),
(3) Skilled personnel that are not oily competent and experienced, but that also have the
requisite academic qualifications, relevant training and experience. Key Personnel
should have sufficient background in long term care and nutritionhydration awareness.
(4) Skilled personnel must also be proposed with a background in qualitative research.

/d) Corporate Experience:

Demonstrate your experience in the development of health promotion campaigns.

(e) Past Performance:

. . . . -
Provide a list of three (3) references for similar services within the past 5 years that can
address your capabilities for this task order:

Project Title
Brief Description
Contract Number
Point of Contact/Name/Phone Number
Period of Performance
Contract Amount

NOTE: It is acceptable to provide more than three references in order to account for
significant subcontracfors that may be on your team.
LRFP 01-006


To assist us in thoroughly and completely evaluating all proposals, you must submit your proposal in
accordance with the following format requirements specified below, and adhere to the page limitations.
There will not be an opportunity for oral presentations. Assume an early September 200 1 award date,
with the Kick-off meeting and orientation to meet the key government players and set expectations to be
held after 'award of the Task Order.

A. ContentIFormat
You must submit an original plus three (3) copies of the following documents:

1. T e c h c a l Proposal (Not more Thin 25 Pages):

, - - .- a -
(a) Executive Summary
(b) Techmcal Understanding and Approach
(c) Management Approach and Personnel Qualifications
(d) Past Performance (submitted as attachment; not counted towards page limit) - List of
relevant references (description, dollar amount, period of performance, customer, point of
contact, and phone number)
(e) Resumes (submitted as attachments for those categories you propose as key personnel; 2
pages maximum for each resume; not counted towards page limit)

2. Cost Proposal (No Page Limit): YOU must provide a detailed breakout of costs for the
proposed task order, including the detailed costs for any proposed subcontractors, if applicable.
Provide an option with cost breakouts for providing an additional 20 interviews (10 in-
person and 20 via telephone) under Section 111, Task 2.

3. Assumptions: Assume an early September 2001 awards date.


. -
A. General Information

As set forth above, the technical proposal must effectively convey your ability to perform this
effort, and must address the evaluation factors identified for this requirement. You must submit
hard copies of your technical proposal by 2:00 P.M. local prevailing time on Friday, August
10,2001, to the address specified in the LRFP. Proposals submitted electronically are

Technical Proposal

(a) Executive Summary: Your proposal should demonstrate a detailed, comprehensive and
overall technical approach for successhlly meeting the objectives-and requirements of this
- - -
task order.
We are not committed to reimburse any costs associated with the preparation or submission of a
proposal nar to procure or contract for the services described herein. Ln addition,the Contracting
Officer is the only individual who can legally commit the Government to the expenditures of public
finds in connection with the proposed procurement. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate
to contact Derrick Heard on (4 10) 786-2545.



1) Proposal Preparation Instructions (2 Pages)
2) Evaluation Factors for Award (1 Page)
3) Source Selection Process (1 page)
4) Statement of Work (5 Pages)
7500 Security Boulevard
- Baltimore, MD 21244-1850

July 20,200 1





We invite you to submit a proposal in response to h s Letter Request for Proposal (LRFP) No.
0 1-006, entitled "Nutrition/Hydration Awareness Campaign: Phase 2 - Dietary
ManagersIDieticians," for a proposed task order we will competitively award under the CRC
contracts. We anticipate awarding a firm-fixed price task order fiom this statement of work.
Your response must be in accordance with the requirements set forth in Section G. 1entitled
"Task Order Procedures" of your base contract and this correspondence.

You must submit technical and administrative questions concerning h s LRFP as well as
BIDIN0 BID decisions via E-mail to Derrick Heard (DHeard@cms.hhs.gov) by Monday,
July 30,2001. We request that you also provide your rationale for any NO BID decisions at
that time.

You must submit your price proposal and technical proposal, on or before 2:00 P.M. local
prevailing time on Friday, August 10,2001 to the address listed below. Proposals -.
submitted electronicallv are not acceptable.

Health Care Financing Administration

Acquisition and Grants Group I ASP
ATTN.: Mr. Derrick Heard, Mail Stop C2-2 1- 15
7 500 Security Boulevard
Baltimore, MD 2 1244-1850

The evaluation criteria are included. The evaluation process is the "best value" approach; with
award being made to the offeror(s) whose proposal(s) islare the most advantageous to the
Government. Technical quality of the proposal(s) is more important than costlprice.
- .- ......... %. .
,;.. . . . . . . . -- . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . .
~ a rjones
y - LRFP
. . . . . . .01--006.under'
.i . . . . . . . . . . -
............. C M ~
. - ....... ...... - . . . . . Page
. 1

From: Mary Jones

To: CRC Contractors
Date: 7120101 2:33PM
Subject: LRFP 01-006 underCMS CRC Umbrella Contracts

Attached is the subject Letter Request for Proposals entitled "NutritionlHydration Awareness Campaign:
Phase 2 - Dietary ManagerslDieticians'L-GMS anticipates a firm-fixed price task order will result from this
competition. BIDINO BID decisions and questions are requested by Monday, July 30, 2001. Proposals
are due at 2:00 PM on Friday, August 10. Oral presentations are not planned for this competition. Award
is expected in early September.

Questions may be directed to the contract specialist, Derrick Heard (DHeard@cms.hhs.qov) on

401-786-2545 or me (MJonesl@cms.hhs.qov) on 410-786-5163.

- programs of CMS.
Thank you for your continued interest in- the

- Mary Jones, Contracting Officer - --

CC: DHeard
Amenurnem UUUL LN' r VI-VVY

. . FOR
NMEP Media Assessment

Specifically the Contractor shall:

Meet with CMS to discuss relevant search terms to be used and periodicals to be searched. A
list of prior year search terms is attached.

Meet with the Project Officer arrd-other CMS staff to develop a coding sheet that addresses
important content analysis codes and allows reporting in a manner most useful to the

Provide bi-monthly (every 2 months) and cumulative annual reports. The contractor shall
work with the Project Officer and appropriate CMS staff to develop a report format that best
meets the needs of the government in describing the extent and content of the national and
- -
regonal print media coverage. --
The results of both the amount and content of Medicare media coverage serves a number of
purposes. Specifically, it allows CMS to:

Identify whch NMEP programs are workmg best.

Calculate how many opportunities there were for people to be exposed to stories containing
information about Medicare.
Identify what messages are appearing in the media and what ones are not, allowing
assessment of the extent to which the issue is framed as desired and providing guidance for
tailoring future content of media outreach efforts.
Monitor competing messages, again providing guidance for tailoring future efforts to frame
the issue.


Research plan, search terms and codebook Four weeks after award of contract
Bi-monthly (every 2 months) reports of First report due three months after award of
national coverage ( 12) including PowerPgint contract

1 10 regional synopses - each year I

Note: The final report can be received on an agreed upon date by CMS and the Contractor,
after the twenty four (24) months period of performance has expired.

Period of Performance:

The period of perfcrmance for t h s task order is from the date of award for twenty four (24)
Amenament uuul LW r ui-UUY
NMEP Media Assessment

NMEP Media Assessment

Statement of Woimk

Purpose: -

The purpose of this contract is continue an assessment of our National Medicare

Education Program (NMEP), which is intended to educate people with Medicare about
their health care choices, via a comprehensive print media monitoring system.
Performance assessment plays a critical part of CMS' efforts to provide this
information. The contractor shall provide assistance to CMS in assessing how 'news'
related to CMS and Medicare is being covered in the print media.

Background: -
- .-
- --
CMS' National Medicare Education Program

The Balanced Budget Act of 1997 mandated the greatest changes to Medicare since its
inception. One of these changes was the expansion of health insurance options by the creation
of Medicare+Choice. To support the new program and help people with Medicare make
more informed health care decisions, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
initiated the National Medicare Education Program (NMEP) called Medicare & You. The
NMEP employs numerous communication vehicles to educate people with Medicare and help
them make more informed decisions concerning; Medicare program benefits; health plan
choices; supplemental health insurance; rights, responsibilities, and protections; and preventive
health services. The primary objectives of the NMEP are to ensure that people with

receive accurate and reliable information

have the ability to access information when they need it
understand the information needed to make informed choices; and
perceive the NMEP (and the federal government and its private sector partners) as trusted
and credible sources of information.
1 - -
The National Medicare Education Project (NMEP) Media Audit is an effort to gauge'coverage of
CMS messages and program exposure by evaluating the tone and content of print media coverage
surrounding the issue of Medicare as it relates to CMS' NMEP campaign.

Task Requirements:

The Contractor shall conduct a media audit tiom September 200 1 through July 2002 related to
the National Medicare Education Program (NMEP) and its activities. The NMEP employs
numerous programs and media to educate beneficiaries and help them make more informed
decisions. The media audit will track stories that appear in US newspapers. The results of thls
traclung process will be summarized in twelve national bi-monthly (every 2 months) reports, two
NMEP special event reports, and twenty regional coverage reports. --
NMEP Media Assessment

(b) Work Plan: Your proposal should set forth a reasonable'approach, describe the
resource allocations and time frames for successfully completing this task order.

(c) Technical Understanding and Approach: Your proposal should describe:

(1) The utility of media audits and assessments in general, and how this
information could benefit CMS;
(2) Your proposed method of how clips would be collected and, if necessary,
sampled to ensure an adequate representation of the type of coverage for a
given month;
(3) An indication as to how staff will be trained to ensure uniform
assessment of the media clips;
- ---
(d) Personnel: Your proposal should demonstrate yourability to provide personnel that are not
only competent and experienced in the skills required in the Statement of Work, but that also
have the requisite academic qualifications and a variety of experiences in similar tasks and
relevant training and experience. When teams are involved, it is important that individuals be
displayed, not just finns. For the key personnel, including subcontractor staff and consultants, the
following items should be provided:

A description of their anticipated functions and duties with respect to the TO;

A brief description of relevant training, experience, and publications;

Specification of ,anticipated degree of availability for the TO period, i.e., any other
work that might constrain the availability and at what times; and

A description of the formal relationship between the individual and the contractor
(e.g., employee, employee of subcontractor, consultant).
Amenament U U U l LMr UI-UUY
.. FOR
NMEP Media Assessment

1) Replacement Pages
A L U ~ A A U L I ~ ~uuul
NMEP Media Assessment

15. Roman Numeral II, letter (c) T e c h c a l Understanding and Approach, Number (10) asks to demonstrate
the,"Ability to accommodeate warehouse/storage capabilities and material distribution (fulfillment)
mechanisms." Can you please provide more explanation of how this task relates to the teams ability to conduct
a media assessment for NMEP? - -

Under section II.B.(c) Technical Understanding and Approach items 4 - 10 have been deleted from LRFP
No: 0 1-009 per amendment 0002.

16. How will having the ability to accominbdate material distribution play a role in assessing the media
coverage of NMEP? -
The LRFP requirement under section II.B.(c) T e c h c a l Understanding and Approach item no. 10 which
makes reference to the ability to accommodate materials distribution has been deleted per
amendment 0002.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Derrick Heard on (410) 786-2545.


Mary E. Jones
Contracting Officer
Am~ndment0001 L W P 01-009
NMEP Media Assessment

11. Under II.B.(f) Past Performance, the LRFP asks for a list of five references for the prime and any
subcontractors. Does this mean five references each or five total?
-- -
Response: .
Five total references.

12. In the Scope of Work under Deliverables, please confirm that there should be 6 bi-monthly (vs quarterly)
reports and that there should only be one final summary report summarizing national coverage and regional
coverage in 10 regions (it is unclear what is- -meant by each year).

- --
For each year, there shall be six bi-monthly (every two months) reports, an annual report that summarizes
coverage for the year at the national level, and ten regional reports that summarize coverage for the prior year
for each CMS region. For example, the Atlanta regional report would summarize all print media coverage that
occurred in the Atlanta region for the prior year.

13. Roman Numeral I1 of LRFP 0 1-009 for the NMEP Media Assessment indicates that we are to submit
Limited T e c h c a l Proposal and Oral Presentation Materials. While there is further direction on the T e c h c a l
Proposal, there is no other mention of the Oral Presentation Materials in the LRFP. Can you please confirm
- whether or not Oral Presentation Materials should be included with the Limited T e c h c a l Proposal of this
LRFP? If Oral Presentation Materials are to be included, should they be included in the binders when they are
submitted on Monday, August 6, or separately on a later date?

Section 11. Submission of Limited T e c h c a l Proposal And Oral Presentation Materials has been changed
to delete the reference to oral presentation. There will be no oral presentation. All references to oral
presentations are deleted from this requirement.
. -
14. Roman Numeral 11, letter (c) T e c h c a l Understanding and Approach, Number (4) asks to include the
following,"Your plan to have on-site coverage in regonal office cities to address both marketing and logistical
support." Does this indicate that you would like the awarded team to travel to the regonal offices in each
specified city to provide andlor address marketing and logistical support? What marketing and logistics issues
would the awarded team be addressing in each office? What services would be expected of the awarded team
with regard to this element?

Under section II.B.(c) T e c h c a l Understanding and Approach items 4 -10 have been deleted from LRFP
No: 0 1-009 per amendment 0002. - - -
runenamen1 u u u l ~ r rrr ul-UUY
NMEP Media Assessment

5. An oral presentation is referenced in the heading "Submission of Limited Technical Proposal and Oral
Presentation Materials" yet is not mentioned again in the RFP document. Will an oral presentation be a
necessary component of this RFP response? If so, when would it be held and what are the page limitations of
the handouts, overhead slides, etc.
- -

Response: I
There will be no oral presentation. All references to oral presentations are deleted from this

6. Which CMS divisiodunit will have responsibility for this contract?
- ---
Response: -
The Beneficiary Education & Analysis Group.

7. The 10 AM deadline for submission of proposals complicates the logistical options and cost of proposal
delivery. Would CMS consider extending the deadline for later in the day, perhaps to 4 PM?

Per amendment 0002, the time for receipt of proposals has been extended from 10:OO AM to 4:00 PM.

_ Question:
8. Because CMS' responses to many of these questions will have a major impact on the scope and content of
proposals, would CMS consider extending the due date of proposals to allow at least two weeks for proposal
preparation following receipt of CMS' responses to t e c h c a l questions?

Per amendment 0002, the proposal due date has been extended from August 13,2001 to August 20,2001.

Question: . - -
9. Under II.B.(c) T e c h c a l Understanding and Approach, were items 4-1 0 meant to be included with this
LRFP? Please clarify.

Under section II.B.(c) T e c h c a l Understanding and Approach, items 4 -1 0 have been deleted from
LRFP No: 0 1-009 per amendment 0002.

10. Under II.B.(e) Corporate Experience, were items 2-4 meant to be included with this LRFP? Please clarify.

Section II.B.(e) Corporate Experience requirement has been deleted from LRFP No.: 01 -009.
- - -
Amendment 0001 LKkY 01-009
NMEP Media Assessment

CMS is providing the following answers to questions we have received for the subject LRFP:
1. The Deliverables section calls for "Quarterly reports of national coverage (6) including PowerPoint summan1
- First report due four months after award of contract". In the Task Requirements section it states
"The results of this tracking process will be summarized in six national bi-monthly (every 2 months) (every 2
months) reports,..."

Are you expecting 4 Quarterly reports or 6 bi-monthly reports and when would the first report be due?

-,a CMS wants twelve bi-monthly (every 2 monihs) reports and the first report
award of the task order.
-- -
-is due three (3) months after

2. The Task Requirements section calls for "...ten regional coverage reports." Is CMS requesting 1 report for ten
different regions or 10 reports including details for each region?

The ten regions shall receive reports that summarize activities that occurred in their specific region. Not
a summary of activities that occurred in other regions.

- Question:
3. The instructions for the technical proposal (c - t e c h c a l understanding and approach) outlines the proposed
media audit, analysis and methodology and then lists a few contractor activities that do not seem related to the
process, such as ability to lead health promotion projects, devising effective communication processes, and
undertaking coalition building. Could CMS -pleaseclarify how the t e c h c a l proposal instructions - specifically
items 5 , 8 , 9 and possibly 10 under ' t e c h c a l approach' relate to the task requirements?

Under section ILB.(c) T e c h c a l Understanding aid Approach, items 4 -1 0 have been deleted fiom --
LRFP No: 01-009 per amendment 0002.

4. A list of prior search terms was included as the final page in the scope of work:Should we address or
recommend specific search terms in our response?

The list was provided to g v e you additional information to help you prepare your response. You may
address or recommend specific search terms if you think it would help demonstrate your capabilities for
t h s work.
Amenament uuul LMY UI-UUY
NMEP Media Assessment

Quarterly reports of national coverage (6) First report due four months after award of 1I
including Powerpoint summary contract
Two reports on special events - TBD
Final summary report on national coverage and September 2002 1
1 10 regional synopses - each year
Replace it with the following Deliverables section:


I Research plan, search terms and codebook 1 Four weeks after award of contract I
Bi-monthly (every 2 months) reports of First report due three months after award of
.*- national coverage (1 2) including ~ o w e r ~ o i f i t contract - - - - --
Two reports on special events TBD
Final summary report on national coverage and September 2003
1 10 regional synopses each year

Note: The final report can be received on an agreed upon date by CMS and the Contractor, after the twenty
four (24) months period of performance has expired.

5. Statement of Work section Period of Performance has been changed as follows:

Delete the Period of Performance section (text below) in its entirety:

Period of Performance:

The period of performance for this task order is from the date of award for twelve (1 2) months.

Replace it with the following Period of Performance section:

Period of Performance: . - -

The period of performance for this task order is from the date of award for twenty four (24) months.
Amendment 0001 LKbY 01-009
NMEP Media Assessment

Replace it with the following Technical Understanding and Approach subsection:

(c) T e c h c a l Understanding and Approash: Your proposal should describe:

(1) The utility of media audits and assessments in general, and how this information could
- -
benefit CMS;
(2) Your proposed method of how clips would be collected and, if necessary, sampled to ensure
an adequate representation of the type of coverage for a given month;
(3) An indication as to how staff will be trained to ensure uniform assessment of the
media clips.

2. The Statement of Work Section, Task Requirements,

the last sentence of the first paragraph has been
--- .
changed to read as follows: .. a -
Delete the following sentence:
The results of this traclung process will be summarized in six national bi-monthly reports, two NMEP
special event reports, and ten regional coverage reports.

Replace with the following sentence:

The results of this traclung process will be summarized in twelve national bi-monthly (every 2 months)
reports, two NMEP special event reports, and twenty regional coverage reports.

3. The Statement of Work (SOW) Section, Task Requirements, the third bullet has been changed to
- read as follows:

Delete the third bullet of the SOW Task Requirements section (text below) in its entirety:

Provide quarterly and cumulative annual reports. The contractor shall work with the Project Officer and
appropriate CMS staff to develop a report format that best meets the needs of the government in describing
the extent and content of the national and regional print media coverage.

Replace it with the following third bullet to the SOW Task Requirements section: -

Provide bi-monthly (every 2 months) and cumulative annual reports. The contractor shall work with the
Project Officer and appropriate CMS staff to develop a report format that best meets the needs of the
government in describing the extent and content of the national and regional print media coverage.

4. The Statement of Work Section, Deliverables, has been changed to read as follows:

Delete the Deliverables section (text below) in its entirety:


1 Research plan, search terms and codebook 1 Four weeks after award ofcontract
7500 Security Boulevard
- - Baltimore, MD 21244-1850

1 o August 200 1





The Letter Request for Proposal (LRFP) No. 01-009, entitled "The National Medicare
Education Program (NMEP) Media Assessment" is amended as follows:

1. The LRFP Techmcal Proposal section has been changed as follows:

Delete the Technical Understanding and Approach subsection (text below) in its entirety:

(c) Techmcal understanding and Approach: Your proposal should describe:

(1) The utility of media audits and assessments in general, and how this information could
benefit CMS;
(2) Your proposed method of how clips would be collected and, if necessary, sampled to ensure
an adequate representation of the type of coverage for a given month;.
(3) An indication as to how staff will be trained to ensure uniform assessment of. the -

media clips;
(4) Your plan to have on-site coverage in regional office cities to address both marketing
and logistical support;
(5) Your ability to do health promotion projects, planning and implementing health
behavior change campaigns, marketing public relations campaigns, graphic design
function, and conference planning;
(6) Your plan to devise effective communication processes, especially with regard to
communications between regons and central office;
(7) Your ability to integrate activities between regions and central office;
(8) Your ability to turn around quality work products in a timely and efficient manner;
(9) Your ability to do partnershqicoalition building; and
(1 0) Ability to accommodate warehouselstorage capabilities and material distribution
(fulfillment) mechanisms. -
- W ' i e k Heard - Amendment 0002, LRr .
. L,

91-009 ~ x t & n s i o ~ / ~ & A

. . . . -

. .--
. .

. *

Page 1

From: Derrick Heard

To: CRC Contractors
Date: 8/8/01 2:59PM
Subject: Amendment 0002, LRFP 01-009, Extension/Q&A

To All CRC Contractors,

Amendment 0002 is forthcoming for ~ R F P 01-009. Amendment 0002 will provide CMSts response to
technical and administrative questions. The subject Amendment will also extend the due for receipt of
proposals from August 13,2001 to August 20,2001. The time for receipt of proposals has been
extended from 10:OO AM to 4:00 PM.

Derrick Heard
Procurement Analyst
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
7500 Security Boulevard, Mail Stop C2-21-15
Baltimore, Maryland 2124l-1850
- -
Acquisition and Grants Group
Division of Beneficiary Support Contracts

March 39,2005

A m . : Felecia Parker - ---. .

2000 L Street, N.W. - ' -

Suite 300
Washington, DC 20036

Subject: Letter Request For Proposal Number 05-00 1 Under The Centers for Medicare and
Medicaid Services (CMS) Consumer Research and Communications (CRC)
Umbrella Contract Number 500-0 1-0002

Dear Ms. Parker:

You are invited to submit a proposal in response to t h s Letter Request For Proposal (LRFP)
Number 05-001 for a proposed follow-on task order to Task Orders 00 14 under the subject
contract entitled "Chronic Care Improvement Programs (CCIP)". The specific work to be
performed under t h s task order is a follow-on to the efforts under the Multi-Media Campaign.
The Government anticipates award of a Cost Plus Fixed Fee (CPFF) task order for t h s statement
of work. The anticipated period of performance for the entire task order is from date of award
through December 30, 2005. Your response must be in accordance with the requirements set
forth in Section G.2 entitled "Task Order Proposals (IDIQ)" of the subject contract and this

Please prepare and submit one (1) original plus two (2) copies of your Techmcal and ~ u s i n i s s
Proposals in the following format:

1. Techmcal Proposal :

Please submit a detailed technical approach for accomplishing the work under t h s SOW. The
proposal shall have information on the assumptions used to formulate the estimates for the
proposed activities, Work Plan, Staffing Plan, and Key Personnel (the Contractor shall make
every attempt to utilize staff currently assigned to similar Medicare Modernization Acts tasks.

2. Cost Proposal:

Please submit a cost proposal detailing the breakdown of the Cost Plus
- Fixed Fee (CPFF) for the
Project described in the SOW.
You must sl-'~mityour proposal by 2:00 P.M. local prevailing time on April 6,2005 (or sooner
if possible; to the address listed below.

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)

Acquisition and ~ r % i sGroup
Division of Beneficiary Support Contracts
ATTN.: Jaime E. Galvez, Mail Stop C2-2 1 - 1 5
7500 Security Boulevard
Baltimore, MD 2 1244- 1 850

In addition, you may e-mail your reyonse to ~ a l v e z ~ , c m s . h h s . ~and

dhoffman2@,cms.hhs.gov. Please note that when considering whether - a d to send your response via
e-mail, our computer facility is run by a contractor and we are not able to ensure the security of
any proprietary data that might be included in your response.

Direct any questions to Jaime E. Galvez on (410) 786-5701 or the undersigned on (41 0) 786-
05 17.


Contracting Officer
Chronic Care Lmprovement Programs ( C C P ' )
LRFP 05-000 1
Page 1 of S

Statement of Work
- -

Section 72 1 of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003
(Pub. L. 108- 173) directs the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services to
undertake phased-in development, testing, evaluation, and implementation of voluntary chronic
care improvement programs (CCIP) under Medicare Fee-For-Service (FFS). Development of
CCIP is to occur in two phases. In Phase I (developmental), the Secretary is to enter into
agreements with qualified organizations to operate resorial CCTPs To? targeted Medicare FFS
beneficiaries for three years. Programs or program components that improve clinical quality,
beneficiary satisfaction, and achieve Medicare spending targets in their target populations may
be expanded beginning fiom 2 to 3 !h years after implementation of Phase I CCIP. The purpose
of the task described herein is to assist the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) in
communicating aspects of the CCIP to various audiences.

This initiative differs fiom existing CMS disease management demonstrations in that each CCLP
will serve a group of prospectively identified beneficiaries targeted for participation in a selected
geographic area (population-based model). For each geographic region, CMS will randomly
assign targeted beneficiaries to the program (intervention) group and the control group.
Beneficiaries in the intervention group may decline to participate at any time, but the chronic
care improvement organizations (CCIOs) will be held accountable for the outcomes of the entlre
population randomized to their intervention group (an "intent to treat" model). The control group
beneficiaries will not be contacted about the program and therefore will not have the opportunity
to decline to participate.

Targeted beneficiaries will be individuals who are entitled to Part A, enrolled in Part B, and not
enrolled in Part C. They will also have threshold condition(s) of diabetes or congestive heart
failure and meet other eligibility criteria established by CMS. Beneficiaries assigned to
intervention groups will initially be contacted by CMS and notified of the opportunity to
participate through a letter fiom the Medicare program. The letter will provide the beneficiary
an opportunity to decline to be contacted by the CCIO. Beneficiaries who confirm participation
will be presumed to be "participants" until they either become ineligible (for example, join a
Medicare Advantage plan) or notify the CCIO or CMS that they no longer want to participate in
the CCIP. CCIOs may stratify assigned beneficiaries to different levels of intensity of service
and will be expected to tailor services to beneficiaries' individual needs. as approved in their
agreements with CMS. CCIOs will be expected to assist participants in managing all of their
chronic conditions, not just the threshold chronic conditions.

For more information about CCIP go to':

-. -
Chronic Care lniprovement Programs (CCIP)
LRFP 05-000 1
Page 2 of S

CCIP Construct (Phase I)

Directive from Secretary Tharnpson "to design a large-scale chronic care improvement
MMA Mandate (Section 72 1 ):
The Secretary shall provide for the phased-in development, testrrtg.
evaluation, and implementation of chronic care ~mprovement
programs in accordance with this section. Each such progranl
shall be designed to improve clinical quality and beneficial?>
satisfaction and achieve spending targets with respect to
expenditures under this title for targeted benefic~arie~with one or-
more threshold conditions.
This is a 3-year pilot to test the viability of C C P expansion for all of Medicare FFS and
"to test whether organizations can cost-effectively improve the quality of care for a
targeted, chronically ill population in a large geographic area".
Paradigm Shift: Transforming Medicare from just paying bills to affecting care and
improving health outcomes
The CMS marketing name for CCIP is Medicare Health Support
Part of CMS Pay-for-Performance Initiative
The initiative builds on the findings/successes of disease management
The pilot is:
o Evaluated through randomized, controlled tnals
o Voluntary
o Not a benefit, but a CMS administrative fee
o Mot a demonstration program
o Not managed care
o A free service to the eligible beneficiqry
o Health outcomes and performance based
o Targeted; population-based
o Budget neutral (each site must show 5% savings over a 3 year period against -'

comparable control group Medicare expenditures for the same 3 year period)
o A way to coordinate beneficiary health care
o Disease-focused (congestive heart failure and complex diabetes)
o A flexible business model to encourage innovation
o A way to modernize Medicare by creating incentives to harness advances in
information technology and care management
Success = improvement in clinical quality of care, improvement in beneficiary
satisfaction, achievement of savings targets

CCIP Goals and Obiectives

To implement large-scale programs that help chronically ill ~ e d i c a r fee-for-service
beneficiaries reduce their health risks and get better quality of care
Chronic Care h~~provement
Programs (CCLP)
LRFP 05-000 1
Page 3 of S

To assist Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries and providers in dealing with the

fragniented health care delivery system
- -
Core Strategies:
Beneficiary self-care support services
Clinical information support for providers
Use of evidence-based guidelines
Enhance patient-physician relationships

- --
For 3 years (Phase I), there will be 9 regional CCIPs, serving approximately 20,000
chronically ill beneficiaries in each region where (approximately 180,000 in aggregate).
Participation is entirely voluntary. Eligible beneficiaries do not have to change plans or
providers or pay extra to participate. They will be able to stop participating at any time.
Their access to care will not be restricted.
Beneficiaries not eligible for participation include Medicare beneficiaries enrolled in
Medicare Advantage plans (managed care), Medicare End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)
program, hospice, a CMS fee-for-service chronic care demonstration.
C C P is a support service for selected Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries-it is not a
Medicare "benefit".
A regional C C P will collaborate with Medicare beneficiary providers to enhance
communication of participant health information.
C C P s are intended to help increase adherence to evidence-based care. reduce
unnecessary hospital stays and emergency room visits, and help participants avoid costly
and debilitating complications.
CCIPs will also be designed to help participants manage & l health problems
(holistic approach).

It is important to note that this is not a "mass communications" appeal; therefore, CMS
recommends a clinical trial-like commu~cationseffort, which will include: . - -
Beneficiary communications - letter with CCIO fact sheet
General communications - endorsement letters from national organizations, a flyer that
can be used in physician offices or senior centers, a print public service announcement, a
story that can be placed in local newspapers or senior magazines, copies of stories that
might appear in national publications, a targeted placement using North American Precise
or other placement tool, fact sheet, question and answers, press release, fax to senior
centers and script that will be used at 1 -800-MEDICARE.
Provider communications - letter from CMS, endorsements from major organizations,
flyer to be made available to their offices.
Public education - targeted placements and press efforts to raise recognition of the pilot
test, the Modem Medicare. the fact that not everyone is included, that even spouses of
recipients aren't eligible yet. and how the promam works for - those that received the
- -

Alliance education - keep allies alerted to the progress in the field. Governors, state
health and Medicaid directors to be briefed about the program in the 10 localities.
Chronic Care lrnprovement Programs (CCIP)
LRFP 05-000 1
Page 4 of 8
Challenges -

Time (most sites want 90 days prior to "go live" to prepare the~rcommunication
activities; during this time CCIOs expect general communications with CMS to pro\piders
and for CMS to get appropriate endorsements)
Design of CCIP Pilot (population-based, targeted beneficiaries)
Reticence by Congressmen and Senators to draw attention to the need for the program in
their districtslstates because of poor Medicare Quality Ranlung
Requires CMA agency coordination and resources to be successful
Provider reluctance to cooperate
Consistency of CMS communication activities across CCIOs'
Common problems with CMS claims and physician data

CCIP Awarded RenionsIAnticipated Implementation Dates

1. Aetna, Chicago MSA counties: July 2005

2. XLHealth, Tennessee Counties: July 2005
3. Health Dialog, Western Pennsylvania Counties: July 2005
4. McKesson, State of Mississippi: August 2005
5. American Healthways, Washington, DC and Maryland counties: August 2005
6. CIGNA, State of Georgia: August 2005
7. LifeMasters, State of Oklahoma: October 2005
8. Human, Central Florida counties: October 2005
9. Visiting Nurse Service~United-Evercare:October 2005
Chronic Care mprovement Programs (CCIP)
LRFP 05-000 1
Page 5 of 8

Task 1 - Implement CCIP Comniunications Plan

The Contractor shall implement &t CCIP communications plan (Attachment 1 ) and make
adjustments as necessary based on future CCIP program information once approved by the CMS
GTL. The communications plan reflects CMS' intent to communicate with multiple audiences
with varied knowledge of and interest in CCLP. The development process for the
communications plan included an environmental scan and other research to review pertinent
newsletters publications, and interviews.

The plan includes: --

Communication goals and objectives - --
a Relevant policy considerations
Profile of primary and secondary target audiences
Actions that target audiences may take
Description of tools/tactics to facilitate communication with the target audiences
The most favorable opportunities and message vehcles for CMS to reach the primary and
secondary target audiences
Description of the types and quantities of materials recommended to effectively
Description of the types of partnerships (e.g. national, regional, and community-based
organizations) and routine communications that CMS needs to maintain to maximize
effectiveness of potential strategies and maximize participation and buy-in of appropriate
Summary of the potential competitive behaviors and organizations that may impact CMS
Analysis of the mass media environment
Description of communication channels that can be used creatively and cost-effectively
Description of how to leverage key program endorsements
Communication tasks undertaken by CMS and those undertaken by Chronic Care
Improvement Organizations (CCIOs) directly
- -

Task 2 - Develop and Produce CCIP Public Communications Materials

A. The Contractor shall work with CMS to develop CCIP public communications materials
for primary and secondary audiences (Attachment 2). The purpose of the materials is to
provide program information to various audiences such as eligible Medicare
beneficiaries, physicians, local organizations in the CCLP award regions, national
organizations, CMS staff, members of Congress, etc. At a minimum, the materials
should include educational elements, fact sheetdcards, placement story, speech inserts,
talking points, broadcast plan, pharmacy fact cards, print fillers. articles to reprint, and
necessary information as approved by the Government Task Leader. The Contractor
shall work with CMS Visual Arts staff in the design and development of the materials.
The Contractor shall conduct qualitative research on the materials. The Contractor shall
deliver to CMS an electronic format that complies with CMS printing requirements as
well as produce 5 sets of the materials.
Chronic Care hlLprovementPrograms (CCIP)
LRFP 05-000 I
Page 6 of 8

B. The Contractor shall also-develop an advertising/publ~cservice announcement strategy

and press template for use in the CCIP regions. The Contractor shall coordinate with the
GTL. --
Task 3 - Communications Activities

A. The Contractor shall consult on the content of CMS beneficiary and provider CCIP
program notification letters. The letters will be sent to CCIP eligible beneficiaries and
their providerslphysicians as identified by CMS Part A and Part B beneficiary claims .
data. There are 9 CCIP regions and approximately 20,000 beneficiaries per region.
B. The Contractor shall develop a strategy for engaging provider/physician groups identified
by the communications plan as approved by the CMS GTL.
C. The Contractor shall be responsible for developing a provider awareness program
through specialty society newspapers to discuss the availability of CCIP and the potential
benefits to practice and patients. Target audience: physicians, nurses, nurse discharge
planners, social workers, pharmacists, home health nurses, nursing homes, and others.
Tactics include: letters, placed stories on CCIP eligibility, and mini posters.
D. The Contractor shall develop a CCIP program fax flyer for provider office staff and is
responsible for sending faxes.
E. The Contractor shall use CMS' network of "Community Outreach Organizations
Providing Services for the Elderly" to send CCIP educational mini-flyers to appropriate
Chronic Care Improvement organization zip codes.
F. The Contractor shall provide liaison staff for all 9 CCIP regions to answer questions,
facilitate communication activities, work with CCIOs, and coordinate CMS regional
CCIP activities. All work must be coordinated through the GTL.

Task 4 - Website Content Design and Development

The Contractor shall provide input to CMS for the design and development of CMS-dedicated
webpages (2) for CCIP beneficiaries and'physicians treating CCIP beneficiaries. m e webpages
will reside on the www.cms.gov website. Suggestions for content should be derived from
Contractors past experience.

Task 5 - Lessons Learned Report

At the conclusion of Tasks 1-4, the Contractor shall submit a "Lessons Learned Report" to the
Government Task Leader. The report shall address all activities related to each of the tasks and
provide feedback on successlfailure of each task as well as identify challenges encountered. The
report shall also include suggestions for future CCIP communication activities.

Task 6 - Task Order Management

The Contractor's key projectstaff shall meet in Baltimore, Maryland-with the Government Task
Leader (GTL) w i h n one week of award. The specific focus will be to update the Contractor on
the implementation activities and progress of the program, and to discuss the time frames for the
Chromc Care Lllprovement Programs ( C C P )
LRFP 05-000 1
Page 7 of S

tasks outlined below. Within oneweek of thls meeting, the contractor shall submit a formal
project plan uutlining the resources and deliverables. It will be the responsibility of the
Contractor to update this project plan as necessary during the course of the task order. In
particular, the Contractor will be responsible for notifying CMS when any changes in the project
plan will affect the ability to complete tasks according to the agreed upon timeframe. Once
finalized, any changes to the project plan must be agreed to by CMS.

On a regular basis (at a minimum monthly, and more frequently as needed during major project
activity), contractor's key project staff will participate in conference calls with CMS to discuss
the progress of the work. evaluate any problems, and discuss plans for immediate next steps of
the project. The Contractor will be-fesponsible for preparing an agenda, documenting the
minutes of the meeting and preparing any other suppohing materiaIs'is needed.

The Contractor shall submit monthly administrative progress reports outlining all work
accomplished during the previous month. At a minimum, such reports shall cover the following

Activities during the month (problems encountered and potential future problems, actual
and possible delays in deliverables, etc.)
Activities planned for the forthcoming month
Contractor expectations of the GTL or other CMS staff during the forthcoming month
- (review of deliverables submitted, delivery of data or other items)
A discussion of planned versus actual resource consumption, in dollars, by major task
area, using the management plan as a reference point. Discrepancies of greater than 10
percent shall be noted
A brief discussion of substantive findings to date, if any

Each monthly report shall be submitted by the 15' of each month, with two copies sent directly
to the'GTL and one copy accompanying the contractor's voucher that is sent to the CMS
Contract Officer. Vouchers will not be processed without submission of a monthly progress;

Task Order Period of Performance: Date of Award through December 30,2005.

Chronic Care hprovement Programs (CCIP)
LRFP 05-000 1
Page 8 of 8

- - i
1 Adjustments to CCIP Communications Plan Ongoing i
2(A) Public Commu~llcationsMaterials 4/29/05 I
2(B) AdvertisingPSA Strategy & Press Tempiate 4/29/05 i

3(C) Provider Awareness Program Proposed by Contractor* 1

3(D) Provider Promam FAX Flver -- -- Pro~osedbv Contractor* I

3(E) Mailing Program Information to Community Orgs. Proposed by Contractor*

4 Consult on CCIP Website Content Design Proposed by Contractor* 1
5 Lessons Learned Report--Draft 11/1/05 I
5 Lessons Learned Report-Final 12/5/05
6 Task Order Kickoff Meeting 1 Week Post Award
6 Project Plan 1 Week Post EOckoff Mtg
6 Conference Calls w/GTL Weekly
I 6 I Monthly Progress Reports 15'" of the Month

* The Contractor needs to propose a date as to when these deliverables will be accomplished.
OF H E A L T H & H L M A N S E R V I C E S I I \~I I ~ ( I wb
k 1 \ 1 \ ( I\C. W \ l l \ l \ l R \ I lo\

7500 S e c u r ~ pBoulr\ dr t1
- Baltimore. M C 21244-l85U

Ketchum -- August 8, 2000

ATTN Mr Mark Schannon
2000 L Street, N W
Suite 300
Washington, D C 20036

Reference: HCFA-00-001 1, Communications and Social Marketing, Request for Task Order
Proposals - .-
-- < -
Dear Mr. Schannon:

You are invited to submit a proposal for at I j. - .k orders in response to

this Letter Request for Proposal (LRFP) for the award of task orders 0001, 0002, 0003, 0004,
and 0005 under the "Communications and Social Marketing" solicitation Your proposals shall be
submitted in accordance with the requirements set forth below

1 . Prepare a limited written technical proposal (see Attachment 1 for specific proposal

2. Prepare a busine.ss proposal in accordance with Attachment 1 to this LRFP;

3 . Submit one ( I ) original and four (4) hard copies of the limited written technical
proposal and one ( 1 ) original and two (2) copies of the business proposal; and

4 . Your proposal must be received no later than 2:00 p.m. Eastern Davlipht Time on
Aupust 15, 2000, at:
- -
Health Care Financing Administration
Office of Acquisition and Grants
Mailstop: C2-2 1 - 15
7500 Security Boulevard
Baltimore, Maryland 2 1244- 1850

Attention: Ms. Juanita Pang OR Ms. Debbie Strittmatter

Contract Specialist Contract Specialist
(4 I 0) 786-5538 (4 10)786-5136
The evaluation process to be utilized in this acquisition will be the "best \raluen approach \+~ t h
award being made to the offeror(s) whose proposal(s) islare the most advantageous to the
Government Technical quality of the proposals is more important than costipr~ce Task Orders
will only be-awarded to those offerors who are awarded an IDIQ base conrracr

The Government is not committed te reimburse any costs associated with the preparation or
submission of a task order proposal I n addition, the Contracting Oficer is the only individual
.who can legally commit the Government to the expenditure of public hnds in connection with the
proposed procurement.

Questions concerning this LRFP should be referred to Ms. Juanita Pang, at (4 10) 786-5538 or
Debbie Strittmatter, at (4 10) 786-5 136.
-- .
- .-

Edward Hodges, ~ i r d c t o r
Acquisition and Grants Group
Division of Program Contracts


1. Proposal Instructions
2. Level of Effort Per Task Order
3 . Statement of Work (Task Orders 0001,0002, 0003, 0004, 0005)

The offeror's proposal submissionshall consist of Volume I. Business proposal and \;olurne 11
Limited Written Technical Proposal Your offer shall be organized as follows. .

A . Volume I - Business Proporal-The Business Proposal shall conslst of the follo~ing

1. Table of Contents
2. Cost Estimating Assumptions
3 Breakdown of Proposed Costs
4 Subcontract ProposaIs

B. Volume I1 - Limited Written-Technical Proposal. The Written Techrical Proposal shall

consist of the following:
- -
1. Technical Understanding and Approach
2. . Staffing Plan


A The proposal shall be numbered The number of pages for Volume I are not lim~ted,
however, Volume I should be carefully prepared to be clear and concise. Volume I1 should
be kept to no more than 12 papes per task order

B General Instructions':

1. Page Size, typing, Spacing and Page Numbering - Page size shall be 8.5 by
1 1 inches. Foldouts will count as two pages. The task order proposals shall
be numbered and printed on one side pages. Submit task order proposals,
to the extent possible, on high-grade white paper, whch can be recycled.
Type size shall not be less than 12 pitch type with a double-space between
lines. Resumes forkey personnel are limited to 2 pages each. The resumes
shall be provided as an attachment, and will not be counted towards the
page count


NOTE: It is anticipated that Cost Plus Fixed Fee Task Orders (CPFF) will be issued as a result of
this LRFP

The business proposal shall be comprised of the following elements:

a. Table of Contents
- - --

b. Cost Estimating Assumptions

Explain the methodologies and significant assumptions used in developing the proposal
c. Breakdown of Proposed Costs

Costs associated with eaeh task order should be broken out as f o l l o ~ s

a > Direct Labor Rates

-. -

i) Provide the basis of proposed labor rates and labor classifications including any
proposed escalation factors

ii) The contractor shall distribute labor hours provided at Attachment 2. amon9
themselves and their subcontractor(s) by areas of expertise or where they would
- -.
intend to utilize them.
- A
- - -
b) Indirect Costs - As applicable, appropriate indirects should be applied to ODCs
and subcontractor(s) costs

C) Other Direct Costs (ODCs) - Use appropriate "plug" figures as stated in

Attachment 2

d) Fee

The offeror shall propose a fixed fee

Fee should not be proposed on Facilities Capital Cost of Money (FCCM)

e) Facilities Capital Cost of Money (FCCM)

If applicable, the Contractor shall provide the calculations utilized in computing

FCCM NOTE: In accordance with HHSAR 3 15-905-74, when facilities capital
cost of money (cost of capital committed to facilities) is included as an item of cost
in the contractor's proposal, a reduction in fee shall be made in an amount equal to
the amount of facilities capital cost of money allowed in accordance withthe
Facilit~esCapital Cost-of-Money Cost Principal

Subcontract Proposal(s)

All proposed subcontractors shall submit a complete cost proposal in the same format as
the offeror's cost proposal. . .

If a commercial item or service is being acquired from a subcontractor, then data

submitted to substantiate price reasonableness can be limited to sales data relating to same
or similar items sold in the past year The contractor need onlv include information that is
in a form regularly maintained by the offeror as part of its commercial operations (See
FAR Pan 2 101 for the - - definition of Commercial Item) --


The Limited Written Technical Proposal shall include.
A Technical Understanding and Approach - Your proposal mill be e~aiuated
based upon the extent to which vour proposal demonstrates

Task .Order 000 1 : -

1 . Describe the process for evaluating existing consumer education materials to initiate a neu
: research plan that seeks to'rmprove the existing product
2 Describe how you will collect and summarize information profiling relevant consumer
audiences, stakeholders, and other parties that will have an interest and role in developing
these new materials.
3. Describe how you will design and carryout consumer testing of products that will inform
beneficiaries about their rights and responsibilities. claims and co-payments, fraud and
abuse, non-renewal of contracts for health plans, and other policv-related issues under the
Medicare, Medicaid, State children's Health Insurance, and Health Insurance Portability
and Accountability Act (HIPAA) programs.
4. Describe your corporate experience in work relevant to this task order such as,
redesigning and simpli@ing complex legal documents into more consumer friendly
5. Describe the qualifications of key personnel assigned to this task order, such as-
experience simplifying legal documents and conducting research on document

Task Order 0002:

1 Describe the plan and the type of qualitative and /or quant~tativeformative research to
develop campaigdoutreach strategies that include identification of cultural, linguistic, and
hnctional bamers for specific target audiences
2 Describe how the Contractor would create message products, implement communication
efforts, monitor the communication efforts, and design and implement the assessment of
campalgn processes and effects
3 Describe your corporate experience in work relevant to this task order such as
researching, planning and implementing health behavior change campaigns
4 Describe the qualifications of key'personnel assigned to this task order, such as -
knowledge of campaign development, research, and implementation as well as health

Task Order 0003 :

1 . Describe the process for an initial evaluation of existing consumer education materials to
help direct a new research plan that seeks to improve the existing product.
2. Describe how you will collect and summarize information profiling relevant consumer
audiences, stakeholders, and other parties that will have an interest and role in developing
these new materials.
1 Describe how you would plan, .implement,and assess your marketing and education
campaigns aimed at educating consumers about HCFA's Health Insurance Programs
4 . Describe your corp5aTe expenence in work relevant to this task order such as conducting
consumer education and research with older adult populations, informing the public about
health plan choices, or informing the public abour social program availability.
Describe qualifications of key personnel ass~gnedto t h ~ task
s order. such as dei eior)lil2
web sites, conducting formative and assessment communicat~onresearch. deslgninc
messages. and producing and implement~ngcampaigns
Task Order 0004 1

Describe how you will collect and summarize information profiling relevant consumer
audiences, stakeholders, and other parties that will have an interest and role in developing
these new materials.
Describe how the Contractor would create message products. implement communication
efforts, monitor the communication efforts, and design and implement the assessment of
campaign processes and effects.
Describe your corporate experience in work relevant to this task order. such as: promoting
the use of appropriate channels relative to health informationsgeking behavior and
conducting nationwide health related campaigns.
Describe qualifications of key personnel assigned to this task order, such as: knowledge of
~ e d i c a r e+ Choice and information seeking behaviors.

Task Order 0005 :

Describe your corporate experience in work relevant to this task order, such as: reporting
comparative quality information about various levels and components of the health care
Describe how you would create strategies and work plans for designing, completing,
testing, and evaluating products related to Comparative Health Quality Information
Describe how the contractor would design and carry out product testing (with consumers,
friends and family, community leaders, advocates, experts). to explore consumer interest.
to test available quality measures, and to test draft consumer reporting products in both
Internet and print formats.
Describe how the Contractor would design and carry out experimental tests of the impact
of consumer reporting products of differing design on the accuracy of consumer
interpretation and appropriatenes~~of consumer conclusions and decisions -
Describe qualifications of key personnel assigned to this task order, such as: knowledge
of health care systems and quality measures as well as, experience and knowledge of
communication and education program development and implementation

B. Staffing Plan - names of personnel who will be working on the task order; their
position title appropriate to their qualifications and effort to be contributed to the
contractitask order effort including thbse of any subcontractors. Identification of
key personnel; Key Personnel Resumes: Resumes shall contain information on
education, general background, industry background, and specific professional
accomplishments directly applicable to this Statement of Work. Letters of
commitment are required of all kev personnel not presently employed by the
offeror. (Resumes shall be provided as an attachment, and will not be counted
towards the page- - limit ) --

7500 Securih Boulebnrd

Baltimore. MD 21244-1850
Ketchum -- November 14,2000
ATTN. Ms. Monica Marshall
2000 L Street, N.W. Suite 300
Washington, D.C. 20036

Dear Ms. Marshall:

Your firm responded to this Agency's Letter Request for-Proposal (LRFP) for Communications
and Social Marketing services. After an evaluation of all proposals, it was determined tc be in the
best interest of the government to award a task order to the companies listed below

h g h t s & Protection: Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide

1901 L Street, N.W. Suite 300
Washington, D.C. 20036

Health Promotion: Ketchum

2000 L-Street, N.W. Suite 300
Washington, D.C. 20036

Publications: Academy for Educational Development (AED)

1 825 Connecticut Avenue, N . W.
Washington, D.C. 20009
$4,358,7 19
- -
Promotion & Publicity: . AED

Quality Information: . . . Ketchum


Your proposal indicated that considerable effort was involved in its preparation and HCFA desires
to express its appreciation for your interest in this effort. If you have questions please contact
Ms Juanita Pang at (4 10) 786-5538 or the undersigned at (4 10) 786-5 163.


Contracting Officer
I ---- - -- - --- - - .. ..
Jaime Galvez - Re: LRFP No. 05-001 - CC Paoe 1

From: Jaime Galvez

To: felec~a.parker@ketchum.com
Date: - 3/31/05 9:27AM
Subject: Re: LRFP No. 05-001 - CCIP
-. -

Attached is the Appendix IV: Media Matrix for Attachment 1.


>>> Jaime Galvez 03/29/05 03:03PM >>>

Felecia, - .-.. ..
Ketchun? is invited to submit a proposal in response to theattached Letter Request for Proposal number
05-0001. Please note that for Attachment 1, Appendix IV: Media Matrix is missing and will be sent to you
at a later time.

Please call me if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Jaime E. Galvez, CPPB

Office of Acquisition and Grants Management
Acquisition and Grants Group
Division of Beneficiary Support Contracts
Centers for Medicare 8. Medicaid Services
7500 Security Blvd., Mailstop C2-21-15
Baltimore, MD 21244-1850

Phone: (410) 786-5701

Fax: (410) 786-9088
Email: jqalvez@cms.hhs.qov

CC: becky.marquis@ketchumcom; Franklin, Julie; Galvez, Jaime; offm man, Debra;

Jones, Mary; Knickman, Bobbie -
.....-....* . . ,.,.- .: -...-.....-. . - - . . ....... .. . . . ... . . ., .. .. . . .
. ... .... . .. .... .. . . .. . .
~ e r r i c k ~ e a r~d .w
- - . d : ~~em
:. d m & t- 0 0 . 0 3 ~ ~ ~~ ~ s~ ~~~ o n s -e. , # 4 ,, , ,.,
-, . .. .. . Page :

From: Derrick Heard

To: Internet: dawn.mason@ketchum.com
Date: 817101 4:07PM
Subject: a Fwd: Re: Amdment 0003, LRFP 01-0006 Response #4

Per the out of office reply below, I am forwardinn

- - the subiact Frnsil.

Thank you for your email. I will be out of the -

- .
Monday, August 6th thrqugh Tuesda! - L
ofice on Wednesday, August 22nd. I

you need to communicate a message ro me urgently, please email

dawn.mason@ketchum.com and she will forward the information. Thank you. -
1 Jaime Galvez - LRFP No. 05-001 - CClP
~ , ~

Paae 1

From: Jaime Galvez

To: felecia.parker@ke~chum.corn
Date: 3/29/05 3:03PM
Subject: LRFP No. 05-001 - CClP
- -

Ketchum is invited to submit'a proposal in response to the attached Letter Request for Proposal number
05-0001. Please note that for Attachment 1, Appendix IV: Media Matrix is missing and will be sent to you
at a later time.

Please call me if you have any questions.

- ---.
Thank you,

Jaime E. Galvez, CPPB

Office of Acquisition and Grants Management
Acquisition and Grants Group
Division of Beneficiary Support Contracts
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
7500 Security Blvd., Mailstop C2-21-15
Baltimore, MD 21244-1850

Phone: (410) 786-5701

Fax: (410) 786-9088
Email: jgalvez@cms.hhs.gov

CC : becky.marquis@ketchum.com; Franklin, Julie; Galvez, Jaime; Hoffman, Debra;

Jones, Mary; Knickman, Bobbie
From: Mark Smolenski
To: Printz, Sandy - . .
Date: 6/14/04 1:25PM
Subject: Ad Campaign Logical Follow-On Task Order
-- -

Attached is the LRFP and Statement of Work for the 2004 Ad Campaign Logical Follow-on Task Order
Please let me know if you have any questions.

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
7500 Security Boulevard, Mail Stop C2-2 1 - 15
Baltimore. Maryland 2 1244-1 850 - - /or MEDIC~REa M E D I ~ I D

Acquisition and Grants Group ~

June 14. 20(!4

ATTN.: Sandy Printz
2000 L. Street, NW
Suite 300
Washington, DC 20036

Subject: CONTRACT NO. 500-0 1-0002


Dear Ms. Printz:

We request that you submit a proposal in response to this Logical FoIlow-on Letter Request For
Proposal (LRFP) entitled "2004 National MuIti-media and Education Campaign." We anticipate
an award of a Cost-Plus-Fixed-Fee.logcal follow-on task order. The estimated level of effort is
approximately $24,773,767. Your response must be in accordance with the requirements set
forth in Section G.2, entitled "Task Order" Proposals of your inaster contract and this

We request you provide an original and three (3) copies of your proposal. Please submit your
proposal by no later than 2:00 P.M. on Tuesday, June 29. 2004. You]-proposals should bc sent to
the following address:

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Attn: Mr. Mark Smolenski. Contract Specialist
Mailstop C2-2 1 - 15
7500 Security Boulevai-d
Baltimore, MD 2 1244- 1850

If you have any questions, please call Mark Smolenski at 4 10-786-0175 or

Proposal Preparation Instructions: Please submit your proposal in accordance n ~ t hthc
following format requirements to assist the Government in making a complete and thurouyll
evaluation of your proposal. ~ o u r i r o ~ o sshall
a l address the following elements.

Limited Written Technical Proposal:

1. Executive Summary (5 page limit)

Your summary must demonstrate an overall and comprehensive approach for successfully
meeting the objectives and requirements of this task order. -
2. Technical Understanding, and Approach (10 page limit)

Describe your understanding, approach, and ability to successtirlly meet the comples
requirements set forth in the SOW.
Present a work plan that illustrates in a clear, concise, and sound manner the stel~sin ~ O U I .
approach to the work to be camed out in the SOW.
Describe your qualifications and approach to perform the qualitative and quantitative
Describe your plan to effectively execute this project, including access to requisite data
and information, resources, staff, expert consultants, and production studiosltalent and
facilitieslcomputers, as necessary.
Describe your ability to develop a comprehensive, effective, and creative campaign that
addresses the current requirements while effectively using the results of the previous

Management ~ p p r o a c hand Personnel Qualifications ( 1 0 Page limit)

. .

Plan to provide an administrative fiamework satisfactory for maintaining quality coi~tl-ol

over the implelnentation and operation of the task order.
Proposed team and its capability to perform the work. , ,

Plan to coordinate the work among your team memberslsub-contractors as well as CMS.
ensuring that CMS's role to provide input and approval is included in ovel-all campaiyn
Process and ability to track campaign expenditures and provide tilnclp I-epol-ts.
Skilled personnel that are competent and experienced, and have the requisite acade~nic
qualifications, relevant training and experience.
Resumes, not to exceed two (2) pages each, for all proposed key personnel (as an
appendix and not included in the page limit).
Ability to be flexible and handle unforeseen contingencies in a timely and seamless
- - --
Organization chart and management plan reflecting the responsibilities and authority of
I'age 2 o 1' 5
the relevant persolinel artdior o~~anizationinvolved. The plan should illustra~ethe
individual members of the work team. You should specify exactly how the personncl
employed under ihis contract would operate in the organization. their I-esponsibilities. a~iil
- the specific amount of time devoted to the project. The line of authority between you and
any sub-contractors are to be detailed (as an appendix and not included in the page lilni~).

4. Corporate Experience (2 page limit)

Demonstrate your experience in the development of national health promotion and health
policy advertising c a m p a i ~ .specifically
~, targeting the 65+ years of age population.
Disclose any private clientele, which you, or any proposed sub-contractors. Iiave
represented, that may be viewed as detrimental to the publichealth ( e . p tobacco

5. Past Perfonnance (Attachment and not included in the pane limit)

Provide a list of at least three (3) references for same or similar services within the past three
(3) or five (5) years that can address your capabilities for this task including thc fullo~vilig
each project: project title, brief description, company name, contract number. point of colitact
(name and phone number), period of performance, and contract amount.

Business Proposal

The Government has budgeted $24,773,767 for this effort. Your proposal must provlde for an
approach that will maximize the exposure and effectiveness of the campaign based on
$24.773,767. You must submit a cost proposal supported by lnfonnation wli~chis adequate to
establish the reasonableness and realism of the elements of the proposed cost (e.g iabor. other
direct cost, indirect costs, etc.). In addition, all proposed sub-contractors shall sublnlt a complete
cost proposal in the same format. I

Evaluation Process

The technical evaluation factors for this requirement are listed below in descending order of

1 . Creative Appro-ach

Your proposal will be evaluated to determine the extent to which your approach demonstrates
creativity, effectiveness, and appropriateness in reaching our target audiences.

2. Model Media Buying Plan

- - --
We will evaluate your plan to determine the extent to which it delnonstrates an effective
approach to reaching our target audience and includes an appropriate mix o f media.
3. Technical Understanding and Approach
- -
We will evaluate your technical proposal to determine that it is coinplete and
demonstrates that you understand the statement of work and are aware ot'ttie ot?iccti\,es
and tasks required to produce the desired products. We will evaluate \i.llether your.
proposal commits adequate resources to complete/support the various tasks.

4. Management Approach & Personnel Qualifications

- -.

We will evaluate your based on the following criteca:

Your proposed approach is reasonable, ensures successful completion of the task
order, and has adequate quality assurance procedures in place.
Your ability to successfully partner with all parties, whether subcontractor or the
government, to ensure successful performance.
Your process of ensuring timely performance, including ensuring CMS's sole to
provide feedback and approval is included in overall campaign development,
messaging and execution.
Your ability to manage, monitor, and report on campaign expenditure in a timely
and detailed manner.
Your proposal demonstrates your ability to adjust and be able to quickly r e a s s i p
or add human resources when needed, since the tasks identified in the SOW will
not occur at a steady rate throughout the period, but rather will probably occur
sporad i call y.
Your key personnel, and their competence and experience in the skills required in
the SOW.
Your submitted resumes of key personnel reflect a victory of experience in si~nilas
Your proposal demonst~-'atesthe percentage of time each staff ~neinberwill
You have provided information supporting your subcontractors' information.

5 . Past Performance

Your proposal will be evaluated to determine the extent to which your company has thc
necessary experience and past pertonnance record with work similar to that required
under this task order.

6. Corporate Experience

Your proposal demonstrates experience developing and assessing national health


proinotion and advertising c a m p a i ~ s .

f'apc 1 of' 5
B. Business Proposal Evaluation
-. -

The government will perform a cost realism and tradeoff analysis to detenn~nethc best \ aluc
for the government. Cost realism means that the costs in an offeror's proposal are rc~ilistlc
for the work to be performed, reflect a clear understanding of the requlrenients. and arc
consistent with the various elements of the offeror's technical proposal. The ~iiost~nipol-mt
consideration will be your ability to maximize the exposure of an effect~vemessage to the
- ---

We are not legally committed to reimburse any costs associated witfi the preparat~onns
subinission of a proposal nor to procure or contract for the services described herein. In add~tlnli.
the Contracting Officer is the only individual who car? legally commit the Go\/eniment to the
expenditures of public funds in connection with the proposed procurement. If you ha\ e any
questions. please contact Mark Sinolenski on (41 0) 786-01 7 5 .


Debra A. Hoffinan
Contracting Officer

( 1 ) Statement of Work
2004 N a t anal Multi-media and Education Campaign SOW
- Page 1 of
7 --

Statement of Work

The Centers for Medicare & Wt-J~caidServices (CMS), Department of Health and
Human Services, National Multi-Media and Education Campaign for 2004.

I. Scope

A. Purpose

The purpose of this task order is t o obtain technical professional services for the
development, execution, and-assessment of a nationai, integrated m u l t i - m e d ~ aand
education campaign. The campaign shall educate ~ e d i c a 6consumers o n t h e ~ r
Medicare coverage, t h e Medicare Modernization Act (MMA) new benefits and
promote t h e informed use of Medicare information channels by people with
Med~careand their caregivers and those "coming o f age" (62-64) into t h e Medicare
program. Specifically, this contract is for t h e development of a media plan and
placement of newly created o r existing media t h a t will have the greatest reach and
effect with these audiences for t h e campaign. For purposes of this task order,
contractor(s) should assume t w o media buys/campaigns with newlmodified creative
for each campaign. The first shall occur during t h e fall o f 2004 (Oct-Dec) and t h e
second is t o be determined.

The campaign will continue t o lead Medicare consumers t o 1-800-MEDICARE and

other Medicare information channels t o obtain accurate and reliable information
about t h e new benefits and t o answer their Medicare questions.

The campaign shall:

Increase knowledge of t h e MMA and new benefits available. !

Increase knowledge of 1-800-MEDICARE so people with Medicare know where t o
go t o get help with their questions. (Knowing means current knowitedge and
retained knowledge.)
Identify t h e purpose of 1-800-MEDICARE such t h a t people know its purpose, t h e
telephone number, and remember t o use i t when t h e y have a need for it.
Increase awareness of t h e individual's active role in making health care choices.
Convey t h a t 1-800-Medicare provides accurate, reliable, understandable, and
relevant consumer information and resources t o help people make informed
decisions about their health care coverage.
Associate www.medicare.qov as t h e I n t e r n e t alternative resource for 1-800-
Build knowledge o f t h e various types o f information available through t h e
Medicare information channe.1~ including 1-800-MEDICARE, www.medicare.gov, . ..
t h e Medicare & You handbook, t h e State Health Insurance Assistance programs,
and other partnershps. --
2004 National Multi-media and Education Campaign SOW
- 2 of
- 7
6 . Background

These campaigns consist primarily of advertising development and media

planning/placement, and focus on raising awareness of Medicare and its information
channels, especially 1-800-MEDICARE. This campaign shall use an integrated multi-
media approach t o successfully communicate information t o target audiences in
creative, meaningful ways.

The primary focus is t o develop a media strategy that provides the greatest reach
and effect with people with Medicare, their caregivers and coming of agers. A
companion ~panish-language-campaignwill ajso be conducted
during the fall of 2004.
- with emphasis

The following are environmental factors, or "enablers" of the responses sought from
our target audiences. We want them to:
Recognize Medicare is an important information source for health insurance and
health care provider information.
Identify Medicare's role beyond that of a claims processor.
Accept Medicare as a source for trusted, reliable, and accurate information.
Recognize their role in making informed health care decisions.

Target Audiences:

Primary: People with Medicare

Secondary: Caregivers and those "coming of age"

Audience Characteristics:

-The majority o f people wlth Medicare are passive or reactive healtti care
information seekers/decision makers.
People with Medicare have make negative than positive feelings about-the pew
benefits available through MMA. However, most do not fully understand t h e
new benefits and rely on family, friends, and media for information.
The Medicare public IS relatively unaware of the Medicare information resources.
People with Medicare think o f Medicare as an ~nsurer/claimsprocessor vs. a
provider of Medicare Information.
Strong name recognition of Medicare and a legacy of trust among beneficiaries.
People with Medicare know relatively little about Medicare plan options, benefits,
supplemental insurance.
People with Medicare l ~ k eperson-to-person contact such as through 1-800-
Medicare or through certain options o n www.medicare.qov.
People with Medicare and their caregivers are increasingly turning to the
I n t e r n e t and www.med~care.qovt o find information about IYed~carecoverage,
plan options and benefits. The younger the populatiog, the more tendency they
use t h e Internet.
2004 National Multi-media and Education Campaign SOW
Page 3 of -.7
C. Definitions

Medicare Program Options: Choices t h a t beneficiaries can make, including choice o f

health plan, Medicare-approveddrug discount cards, supplemental and ancillary
insurance, service provider, programs t o assist people with low-income and limited
assets, and preventive benefits.

Medicare Modernization Act (MMA): A new law t h a t enables people with Medicare t o
have m o r e benefits under t h e current Medicare program. Additions t o the program
include a voluntary Medicare-approved drug discount card, additional preventive
health benefits starting in 2005, including physical exams for new Medicare
enrollees as well as diabetes and heart disease screeningsT and a prescription drug
benefit for all people with Medicare in 2006.

Multi-Media Campaign: Specific products will include development, production, and

placement o f paid advertisements for television, radio, print, and web media as
recommended in campaign planning.

IYedicare Information Channels: CMS Medicare primary information channels are

t h e toll-free telephone help line, 1-800-MEDICARE and o n the web,
www.medicare.gov. Other information channels include t h e Medicare & You
handbook, t h e State Health Insurance Assistance Program, and regional and
partnership outreach.

Medicare Beneficiaries: People who currently receive Medicare services.

Caregivers: People w h o help o r support beneficiaries making Medicare decisions

Coming o f Agers: People 62-64 who will "age in" t o t h e Medicare program a t 65.

11. Requirements -
The contractor shall furnish all necessary services, qualified personnel, materials,
equipment and facilities, not otherwise provided b y CMS, as needed t o perform t h e
r e q u i r e m e n t s ~ ~ this
o f Statement o f Work (SOW).

I n addition, The Department o f Health and Human Services will b e p r o m ~ n e n t l yand

dominantly identified as the source, and t o ~ n c l u d eplacement o f t h e HHS logo more
prominently and m o r e dominantly, in every respect t o any other graphic identifier.
All t e x t in t h e logo m u s t be clearly legible.

Appropriate DHHS clearances and approvals shall b e obtained by CMS prior t o

contractor(s) publicly disseminating any audiovisual or print products produced
under this task order. - - -
2004 National Multi-media end Education Campaign SOW
- P a 3 .4
- of 7

A. Objectives/Tasks to be performed
Work with-CMS to plan, develop, execute, and assess a national, integrated, multi-
media advertising campaign t o be conducted throughout the 2004-2005 campaign
year with an emphasis duringfhe fall, (October, IVovember and December 2004).
The primary focus of the task will be advertising development and media
planning/placement t o effectively reach our target audiences. I n addition, an
evaluation of the campaign's effectiveness must be included. CMS and DHHS shall
be involved in all stages of development, review, and approval of creative
materials, media plans, and research design. Specifically:

Campaign strategy Plan -.-I.

Develop a strategic plan t o best reach t h e target auhence in the most efficient
manner, considering cultural appropriateness, need, media saturation, and cost.
This strategy should include critical dependencies and key decision points for
deploying a campaign using the industry best practices and building off lessons
learned from previous campaigns, especially the 2003 campaign. The campaign
plan should include the following principal components: creative
development/modification, ad placement/purchase, consumer testing and

Creative Development/Production
Develop television ads and other materials ( t o be determined) that are culturally
competent and have universal appeal t o all audiences including African -
Americans and low-income beneficiaries.
All creative materials, graphics and text, are t o be approved by CMS and DHHS.
Negotiate usage rights for television (following guidelines set forth by the Screen
Actors Guild), radio, print, Internet and other materials. Procure the proper ad
usage rights for placement during the campaign. Consideration of rights,
purchase efficiencies for the campaign, and future use should be included in the
negotiation options provided t o CMS for approval. Supply CMS wjth all usage
rights documents and associated fees for all creative and/or talent. -
Media Purchase and Placement
Develop and implement comprehensive, integrated media strategy that takes
into account the diverse cultural groups and people with lower incomes. The
plan will consider and recommend the most effective approach t o reach our
audiences through different mediums, including television, Internet, and print.
Conduct all ad placements.
Develop with CMS a strategy t o support paid media advertising using earned
media for the general market audiences, partnerships, etc. to promote and
reinforce key messages using the many channels and p o ~ n t sof contact within
CMS. (CMS/HHS will determine implementation of the earned media strategy).
Provide reports/information on the use of earned and paid media by media
outlets including copies
- - of all media affidavits. -
2004 National Multi-media and Education Campaign SOW
Paqe 5 of 7 p~

Consumer Testing and Assessment

Develop and consumer test the general market advertising concepts.
Conduct comprehensive assessment of t h e impact o f t h e campaign on people
with Medicare, their caregivers, and coming o f agers for both t h e general market
as well as the Spanish component o f t h e campaign being handled by a separate
government contractor.
Produce d e t a ~ l e dreports o n results.
Recommend n e x t steps based on lessons learned.

B. Project Deliverables --

The Contractor shall provide technical profesiional s&?vice5 for the development,
management, and assessment o f a national, multi-media campaign. The Contractor
shall provide a wide variety o f planning, coordination, strategy development,
oversight, implementation, and assessment in defining and carrying out this
campaign and its complementary marketing corr~ponents.

Deliverables will include:


Deliverable Summary Date !

1. Project Management Plan Weekly -.
Status & Expenditure Report Every Monday, 1 2 noon -

3. Bi-Weekly Project Report 2nd and 4th Monday each j, .
1 month
8 .

4. Cam aign Strateqy Plan 1 On Going -+

5. Research Plan 1 8/16/04 -
- I
6. Creative Development, Production, and Finalized Ads 9/30/04 & prop- !
7 . Media Placement Plan & Purchase 8/30/04 & Proposed by
Project Completion including, Lessons 10/15/05
I Learned I I

1I 9. Final Ads t o be supplied,to CMS for Archival Purposes ( 10/15/04 & Proposed by
Ketchum I

1 10. Regular Meetings with CMS staff in Baltimore & D.C. On Going & Every T h u r s d a y d

1. Project Manaqement Plan: The Contractor shall provide t o t h e Government

Task Leader (GTL) a Project Management Plan, o n a weekly basis, which
includes t h e critical path, decision points and dependencies, and risk
identification/mitigation plan. The plan shall include a review/inclusion o f
any supplemental CMS media buys (e.g. regional offices). Additionally, this
plan shall ensure m i n i m u m cost a n d labor efficiency in coordinating activities
relating t o t h e desrgn, implementation, and assessment o f this project.
2004 National Multi-media and Education Campaign SOW
Page 6 of 7

Weekly Status & Expenditure Reports: The Contractor shall provide to the
GTL; on a weekly basis, a written status report detailing money spent or
obligated t o date; correlate money spentlobligated t o work completed;
expected expenditureso;er the 30 days following each weekly report to
match activitieslmedia buys and other pertinent information to be specifled
by the GTL as the project evolves. Expenditure report shall include est~mates
for all costs associated with the campaign including labor, creative,
development, research, media buy, etc.

3. Bi-Weekly Proqress Report: The Contractor shall provide to the GTL and the
Contracting Officer an-dpdated project plan, in accordance with Section C.7.2
of the base contract, for each project conducted under the task. Information
shall include, but not be limited to:
7 Project milestones
7 Problems encountered and anticipated, recommended solutions
7 Deliverables due
7 Deliverables submitted and dates completed
7 Key staff responsible
7 Subcontractor Invoices/Costs

4. Campaicrn Plan: The contractor shall provide a campaign plan that articulates
the various communications and plans that they will provide t o ensure that
CMS is fully engaged in the plannivg, development, clearance and oversight
of the campaign. This campaign plan shall include a creative brief t o ensure
that there is a mutual understanding of the goals of this campaign by all
parties involved.

5. Research Plan: The Contractor shall provide t o the GTL a plan that outlines
how the campaign will be tested and assessed. The contractor shall provide
a plan for testing ad concepts and shall implement the plan upon GTL
approval. The contractor sh'all conduct an assessment of the campaign f-o
determine whether the intended audience was impacted by the campaign for
the general market. Specifically, the Contractor shall measure whether there
was an increase in general awareness of CMS' information channels,
increased usage of the information channels, understanding that Medicare
isn't changing, there are just more benefits, increase in the target audience's
desire t o seek information about their health care coverage, increase in belief
that Medicare is an excellent source of health insurance and health provider
information, and reactions t o the media campaign itself. The Contractor shall
provide plans for all intended audiences, such as general audience, African-
American, and coming of agers.

6. Creative Development/Production and Finalized Ads: The Contractor shall

provide ad concepts and finalized ads for W/electronic, print, and web media
and other format; as recommended by CMS in sizelforrnats to be
determined. Usage rights for each creative piece must also be included.
2004 National Multi-media and Education Campaign SOW
P a q e 7 o f---7

Television: cable, syndication, spot/local
National p r i n t : newspapers and magazines
On Line M e d i a l w e b : b a n n e r ads, mrcrosites as appropriate, t o be
Other materials as recommended b y CMSIHHS, t o be d e t e r m ~ n e d

7. Media Placement Plan and Purchase: The plan shall include n a t ~ o n aandl
local media placements/buys with cost, time, date, media outlet, and
lengthlsize as appropriate.
- -
8. Comprehensive ~ r o ~ e c t ~ ~ o m ~ Plan:
l e t i oThe
n Contractor shall provide t o t h e
GTL a corr~prehensiveproject completion plan t h a t shall include "lessons
learned" and recommendations for future campaigns.

9. Final Ads t o be s u p ~ l i e dt o CMS for Archival Purposes: The Contractor shall

provide t o t h e GTL all finalized creative materials, including supporting
paperwork regarding usage rights and contacts for renewing usage rights.
Materials files include:
Print - Native graphic files and all supporting high-resolution artwork and
fonts. Files m u s t be Macintosh platform i n Quark XPress, Adobe Photoshop,
a n d Adobe Illustrator.
I n t e r n e t M e d i a l w e b - Finalized files for posting on t h e web i n f o r m a t
acceptable f o r future media placement.

10. Reqular IYeetinqs w i t h CMS: The contractor will be required t o meet face t o
face with CMS staff i n b o t h D.C. and Baltimore throughout t h e course o f t h e
contract on a n as needed basis and regularly on a schedule t o be defined i n
t h e project plan.

111. Period of Performance: . -- *

The p e r i o d o f performance f o r this task order is f r o m date of award t o October 31,

-- - -
Jaime Galvez - RE. Ketchum Contra lo 500-01-00'22 Task order 17 Mod 1

From: "Pr~ntz,Sandy" <Sandy.Printz@ketchum.com>

To: "Jaime Galvez" <JGalvez@cms.hhs.gov>
Date: 6/21/04 3:52PM
Subject: '
RE: Ketchum contract No. 500-01-0002, Task Order 17. Mod 1

Got it. I hadn't responded, because I was wait~ngfor the tech staff to
review. Before I confirmed.



- ---
-----Original Message----- - . -

From: Jaime Galvez [mailto:JGalvez@cms.hhs.gov]

Sent: Monday, June 21, 2004 3:47 PM
To: Printz, Sandy
Cc: Jaime Galvez; Mary Jones
Subject: Ketchum Contract No. 500-01-0002, Task Order 17, Mod 1


Attached, for your signature, is Modification 1 to Task Order No. 17

under Contract No. 500-01-0002. Please return two signed copies to my

Thank you,

Jaime E. Galvez, CPPB

Acquisition and Grants Group
Division of Program Contiacts
Centers for Medicare & Medicad Services
7500 Security Blvd., Mailstop C2-21-15
Baltimore, MD 21 244-1850

Phone: (410) 786-5701

Fax: (410) 786-9088
Email: jgalvez@cms.hhs.gov
- -
- - CMS 500-01-0002, T
Jaime Galvez Order 17 Mod 1

From: Ja~meGalvez
To: Sandy Pr~ntz@ketchumcom
Date: 6/18/04 12:55PM -
Subject: CMS 500-01-0002, Task Order 17. lMod 1

Sandy, -- -

CMS is currently working on modificaiion 1. to Task Order 17. to extend the PCP through 1/31/05. T h ~ s
m'odification would be a no cost extension and would change some of the deliversb!e3sdue date. Let me
know if you are OK with ine attached time line.

Thank you,

Jaime E. Galvez, CPPB

Acquisition and Grants Group - .-..
Division of Program Contracis
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
7500 Security Blvd., Mailstop C2-21-15
Baltimore, MD 21 244-1850

Phone: (410) 786-5701

Fax: (410) 786-9088
Email: jgalvez@cms.hhs.gov

CC: Galvez, Jaime; Jones, Mary

CMS - Acquisition And Grants Group, A T P
7500 Security Blvd.
Baltimore, MD 21244-1850
410- 786-2545
F a : 410- 786-9922

Date: September 2 7, 2001- -

CRC Contractors (David Comell, Ketchum)

Fax: 202-835-88 79
Award Notice, for LRFP 01-086
- -
Sender: Derrick L. Heard --


Congratulation (Ketchum) is the successful offeror for the subject competition entitled,
" NMEP Assessment Case Study Sites ". The task order was awarded for a cost-plus-fixed-fee of
$1,046,295.45 (with out option). -

Please sign the subject task order today and fax to Derrick L. Heard at 410-786-9922.
Please send the original signed Task Order by mail to the following address:

Health Care Financing Administration

Acquisition and Grants Group I ASP
ATTN. : Mr. Derrick Heard, Mail Stop C2-2 1- 15 -

7500 Security Boulevard

Baltimore, MD 2 1244- 1 850

. ,

Demck L. Heard
CMS - Ar-visition A n d G r a n t s Group, ASP
7500 Security Blvd.
Baltimore, MD 21244- 1850
410- 786-2545
F ~ x :410- 786-9922

Date: September 19, 2001 - -

CRC Contractors (Jorge Del Mazo, GCI Group)

Additional Clarification Question1 Arnd. 0003, LRFP 01-008

Sender: Derrick L. Heard -

- --
- - - - - -

To All CRC Contractors,

Attached are the clarification questions £room CMS. In addition to the clarification questions, the
Government would like to inform you that upon review of the scope of work for this
requirements the LRFP has been amended to include options (See amendment 0003 attached).
The requirement may be modified at a later date if the government determines to exercise the
option. Please revise your budget in accordance with the amended LRFP to reflect the change to
include options for this requirements.

The government is requesting that your revise proposal be sent via email to
Dheard@cms.hhs.nov or fax to 410-786-9922 by 10:OO AM on Thursday, September 20,2001.
The hard copylorig~nalsignature can be mailed as soon as possible.

Due to the time constraints of the end of the fiscal year the government appreciatks'your-
quick response.

NOTE: Please inform me that you received this email.


Demck L. Heard
7500 S e c u r i ~Boulevard
- - Baltimore. MD 21244-1850

July 17, 2002


- .-
CONTRACTS - - , - 4


We invite you to submit a proposal in response to this Letter Request for Proposal (LRFP) No.
02-005, entitled "Generic Practitioner's Notice and Medicare Coverage of Ambulance
Services," for a proposed task order we will competitively award under the CRC contracts.
We anticipate awarding a Cost Plus Fixed Fee (CPFF) task order from this statement of work.
Your response must be in accordance with the requirements set forth in Section G.2 entitled
"Task Order Proposals" of your base contract and this correspondence.

1. Bidmu Bid Decisions: please provide your bid/no bid decision via E-mail to Juanita
Wilson (JWilson@cms.hhs.gov) by Wednesday, July 24,2002. We also request that
you provide a rationale for any NO BID decisions at that time.

7 Questions: Please submit any questions in writing to the e-mail address provided in
paragraph 1 above by July 24,2002.

3. Proposal Due Date: You must submit your technical and business proposal on or
before 10:OO AM local prevahng time on Wednesday, July 31,2002 to the address
listed below. Late proposals, as defined in FAR 52.2 15- 1, as well as proposals
submitted electronically, are not acceptable. Oral presentations will not be held for
this procurement.

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Acquisition and Grants Group
ATTN.: Mrs. Juanita Wilson, Mail Stop C2-2 1 - 15
7500 Security Boulevard
Baltimore, MD 2 1244- 1 850

The evaluation criteria are included. The evaluation process is the "tradeoff' approach, with
award being made to the offeror(s) whose proposal(s) islare the most advantageous to the
Government. Technical quality of the proposal(s) is more important than cost/price. We
reserve the right to award without discussions.
We are not committed to reimburse any costs associated with the preparation or submission of a
proposal nor to procure or contract for the services described herein. In addition, the Contracting
Officer is the only individual wha.can legally commit the Government to the expenditures of public
funds in connection with the proposed procurement. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate
to contact Juanita Wilson on (410) 786-5538.


- r""b
Mary E.-Jones
conkacting Officer

1) Statement of Work (8 pages)
2) Proposal Preparation Instructions (3 pages)
3 ) Evaluation Criteria (1 page)
LRFP 02-005


To assist us in thoroughly and completely evaluating all proposals, you must submit your
proposal in accordance with the following format requirements specified below, and
adhere to the page limitations. There will not be an opportunity for oral presentations.
Assume a mid August 2002 award date.

You are requested to provide a hard copy (original and 4 copies) of your technical and business
proposal. The following should be included:
- ---

For the purposes of this Statement of Work, offerors are required to submit a written technical
proposal in accordance with the following instructions:

1. Offerors must respond to all aspects of the SOW as presented in the Letter Request for
Proposal (LRFP).

2. Offerors shall submit as part of the proposal a Volume entitled Technical Proposal that
addresses the following information:

Technical Understanding and Approach

Management Plan
Personnel Qualifications
ExperienceIPast Performance

3. The entire written proposal may be no more than 10 single-spaced (one-sided) pages. Type
font may be no smaller than Times Roman 12 pt. All page margns must be at least 1 inch.
- - a

4. Key personnel resumes, past performance references, and project summaries may
be included as separate attachments and are not counted toward the page limitation.

Technical Understanding and Approach

The offeror shall demonstrate a clear, concise, and sound manner the Statement of Work is to be
performed. Present a clear understanding of the nature of the work being undertaken and fully
explain the proposed approach or method. Demonstrate how sampling design will reflect the
target audience.
LRFP 02-005
Management Plan

The technical proposal shall desc?ibe how the offeror will organize and manage the project. hon
tasks will be sequenced, in what time frames, and what management control and coordination
mechanisms will be used to assure_thc timely and successful conduct of this project. The
proposed management plan should specify resource allocation by tasks. This should include a
matrix of hours committed to the project by person, by task, and should indicate any work that
will be subcontracted.

Personnel Qualifications

The technical proposal must includea list of names and duties of the proposed key personnel,
consultants and subcontractor employees assigned to the project. Thg approximate percentage of
time each individual will be available for this project must be included. The proposed staff hours
for each of the above individuals should be allocated against each task or subtask for the project.

Their resumes shall be included as an attachment to the proposal and shall contain information
on their education, background, recent experience and special qualifications that directly relate to
this task order. Resumes shall be a maximum of 2 single-sided pages each and will not count
against the limited written technical proposal page limit.

ExperienceIPast Performance

The technical proposal must provide the general background, experience and qualifications of
the offeror's organization. The offeror shall demonstrate relevant capabilities that it can bring to
this project and any other advantages it offers based upon its experiences.

The offeror shall provide at least three (3) references for similar services within the past 5 years
that can address your relevant capabilities for this task order:

Contract Number (for subcontracts, provide the prime contract number and the
subcontract number) .. -
Project Title
Name of CompanyIAgency
Technical & Contract Point of ContactlNames/Phone Numbers
Project Description stressing the relationship to the work required by this solicitation
Total Dollar Value
Period of Performance

Offerors are reminded that they are responsible for ensuring that accurate information is
provided with the reference material, including up-to-date telephone numbers and points of
LRFP 02-005

The Government is not required Lo contact all references provided by the offeror. Also,
references other than those identified by the offeror may be contacted by the Government to
obtain additional information that will be used to evaluate the offeror's past performance.
- -
Past performance references shall be included as an attachment to the proposal and will
not count against the limited written technical proposal page limit.

NOTE: It is acceptable to provide mor-e than three rejerences in order-to account,for- significant
subcontractor-s that may be on your- team.

- -
- , - --

Offerors shall provide a breakout of estimated costs for the proposed task order.
LRFP 02-005

The Goverwent will conduct a comprehensive evaluation of each proposal utilizing the
"tradeoff' process to determine which proposal offers the best .combination of technical
capabilities and estimated cost/priceto the Government. We reserve the right to award
without discussions.

Technical Understanding and Approach

The evaluation of soundness of approach shall consider the offeror's understanding of the CMS
requirements and the offeror's proposed approach to complying with the requirements in a
timely manner. The evaluation shall include consideration of the proposed process for designing
and carrying out consumer testing of products that are designed t o - i d o m people with Medicare
about their rights and benefits. The evaluation shall include substantiation of research design
and methodology.

Management Plan

The evaluation of management shall consider the offeror's ability to manage and balance
technical performance, time constraints, cost factors and the management of subcontractor
personnel. This section shall also consider the offeror's ability to address and resolve problems
that may arise during contract performance.


The evaluation of personnel shall consider key personriel who are competent and experienced in
the skills required in the SOW. The caliber of key personnel shall be based upon the individual's
past performance on similar efforts, academic qualifications, and relevant training. This
evaluation shall also consider any proposed subcontractors and their experiences.

Past Performance

The evaluation of past performance shall consider the offeror's involvement in projects of a
similar magnitude and type (size and technical area). Experience in work relevant to this task
order, such as redesigning and simplifying government documents into more consumer hendly
language. Performance information will be used for both responsibility determinations and as an
evaluation factor against which offerors' relative rankings will be compared to assure best value
to the Government. The Government will focus on information that demonstrates quality of
performance relative to the size and coinplexity of the acquisition under consideration.

Cost Evaluation

We will perform a cost analysis on your proposal and analyze it for cost realism. Cost realism is
defined as your ability to propose estimated costs, which arereasonable and indicate that you
understand the nature and extent of the work you will perform.
Consumer Research on CMS Communications Materials:
Generic Practitioner's Notice and Ambulance Coverage
LRFP 02-005


I. Purpose

The purpose of this Task Order is to obtain professional technical services to assist in
conducting research on consumer reaction and understanding of a notice, Generic
Practitioner's Notice, and a-booklet, Medicare Coverage ofArnbulance Services. Testing
of each has been broken down into separate tasks. However, both tasks may be done
simultaneously; completion of one is not required before the other may begin.

11. Background

As CMS programs become more complex and, very likely, more difficult for people with
Medicare to understand, there is a need to create meaningful and clear program materials.
It is necessary, therefore, for CMS to conduct consumer testing to improve its
effectiveness as a communication device to beneficiaries. The purpose of this Task Order
is to support CMS in carrying out two tasks.

The first task involves testing the Generic Practitioner's Notice that advises enrollees of
their right to receive, upon request, a detailed notice of denial from the applicable
Medicare + Choice organization regarding their medical services. The notice will be
distributed in practitioner settings and informs enrollees about their right to a detailed,
written notice explaining why a requested service was denied, and what their appeal
rights are.

The second task involves testing Medicare Coverage of Ambulance Services, a booklet
that provides people with ~ e d i c a i with
e information on ambulance coverage and -
payment issues. This p~blicationwas developed in response to a lack of available
information on Medicare's coverage of ambulance services. Medicare Part B pays for
limited ambulance services when certain criteria are met. People with Medicare often
receive ambulance services that they believe are covered by Medicare but actually are
not. In these situations, the beneficiary- is responsible for the cost of the services. In
some states ambulance service claim denial is over 90%.
111.' Specific Tasks Under the Contract

Task 1 - Consumer Testing of the Generic Practitioner's Notice

- -
1) Scope
The contractor shall provide technical professional services for conducting cognitive testing on
the Generic Practitioner's Notice to address the following questions:

Can Medicare + Choice enrollees read the Generic Practitioner's Notice?

Do enrollees understand that the Generic Practitioner's Notice advises them of their right
to receive a detailed noticeabout denial of services?
Do enrollees understand that the Generic Prattitioner 's Notice is directed to them?
Do enrollees understand that they need to call their Medicare + Choice organization to
get the detailed notice about denial of services?
If enrollees do not understand what is being communicated in the Generic Practitionel-'s
Notice, what do they think is being conveyed?
How do enrollees react to having to call their Medicare + Choice organization to get the
detailed notice?
How likely are enrollees to follow through with the instructions to get a detailed notice?

The Generic Practitioner 's Notice will be no more than one page in length. The target audience
is Medicare + Choice enrollees and their authorized representatives. The goal of this notice is to
advise the target audience ,about their rights to a detailed notice fiom their Medicare + Choice
organization regarding denial of requested services.

2) Deliverables
The Contractor shall perform the following activities:

Hold a kickoff meeting (Deliverable # 1.1, # 1.2) with CMS staff fiom Beneficiary
Education and Assessment Group (BEAG) to discuss project parameters and work plan
development. The Contractor shall work cooperatively and collaboratively with the key
CMS GTL (Government Task Leader), Project Officer, other CMS divisions and groups,
as desimated by CMS.

Establish weekly conference calls or meetings with the GTL to identify and review the
status of each part of the work, potential problems, issues that need to be resolved,
schedule for meeting due dates, and additional support that may be required (Deliverable
Develop and submit a work plan with a more detailed timeline for completing the work
(Deliverable # 1.4). The work plan shall include tasks necessary to complete the project
The proposed work plan and detailed timeline must be reviewed and approved by the
- -
Submit all findings in Microsoft Office 2000, andlor PowerPoint 2000, as well as in hard

Determine the number of locations, and individuals at each location, to be interviewed.

The GTL shall approve the variables (e.g., race, age, geographic location, level of
education, relationship to individuals receiving health services, etc.) used to select people
with Medicare or other part-iBipants1interviewees. The Contractor shall develop and
submit a proposed screener to be used to seleciinfe~ieweeslp'articipants(Deliverable
#I .5). All screeners, protocols, reports, and presentations shall be submitted in draft form
allowing 3-5 business days for Government reviews, comments, discussion. and
recommendations of revisions prior to the finalization of those materials.

Videotape all focus groupslinterviews, as the research allows (Deliverable # 1.6). Video
cameras should be focused on the intervieweelparticipant who is speaking. A release
must be obtained from all intervieweeslparticipants that will allow CMS to videotape
interviews, provided that intervieweesl participants are not identified by name. A11
videotapes throughout all subtasks shall be dated, and labeled with Contract number and
project title.

Prepare a written Top Line report that follows the research plan after testing, and present
Top Line report findings orally in a PowerPoint presentation to CMS staff within 7
workdays after the research has been completed. The demographics and relevant
socioeconomic information for all participants will be summarized for submission with
the Top Line report (Deliverable #1.7).

Submit a more detailed Final R e p r t within 3 weeks after the research has been
completed. This report shall include quotes from people with Medicare to illustrate t6e
findings (Deliverable # 1.8).

Develop and provide oral presentationshriefings on findings to .appropriate CMS staff,

and.poss!bly, at the discretion of the GTL, to a separately convened review panel
(Deliverable # 1.9).

The Contractor, subcontractor, and consultants shall discuss with the GTL any opportunities to
publicize and disseminate research findings and shall not pursue publication or presentation
relating to subtask findings without approval of the GTL.
Task - 2
Cognitive Testing of Publication,- Medicare Coverage of Ambulance Services

1) Scope
The contractor shall' provide t e c h a l professional services for conducting cognitive testing of
Medicare Coverage of Ambulance Sewices to address the following questions:

Does the booklet clearly communicate benefits and eligibility for benefits?
Does the format make it easy for participants to follow and understand information?
If participants do not understand what is being communicated in the booklet. what do
they think is being conveyed?
Do people with Medicare know whom to call if they need more informa:ion?
How effectively does the title communicate whatthe bookletis about?

The publication is approximately 16 pages long. The goal of the publication is to provide people
with Medicare information on ambulance coverage and payment issues. The target audience is
people with Medicare enrolled in Original Medicare or the Fee-for-Service plan.

2) Deliverables
The Contractor shall perform the following activities:

Hold a kickoff meeting (Deliverable # l . 1, #1.2) with CMS staff from Beneficiary
Education and Assessment Group (BEAG) to discuss project parameters and work plan
development. The Contractor shall work cooperatively and collaboratively with the key
CMS GTL (Government Team Leader), Project Officer, other CMS divisions and groups,
as designated by CMS.

Establish weekly conference calls or meetings with the GTL to identify and review the
status of each part of the work, potential problems, issues that need to be resolved,
schedule for meeting due dates, and additional support that may be required (Deliverable

Develop and submit a work plan with a more detailed timeline (Deliverable #1.4). The
work plan shall include tasks necessary to complete the project. The proposed work plan
and detailed timeline must be reviewed and approved by the GTL.

Submit all findings in Microsoft Office 2000, andlor Powerpoint 2000, as well as in hard

A communications analysis should be conducted on publication. Results andlor

recommendations should be submitted to the GTL for review and approval. A
conference call should be scheduled with the GTL and appropriate CMS staff to review
the communications analysis (Deliverable #I .5).
Determine the number of locations, and individuals at each location, to be intervlewed.
The GTL shall approve the variables (e.g., race, age, geographic location. level of
education. relationship to individuals receiving health services, etc.) used to select people
with Medicare or other participantslinterviewees. The Contractor shall develop and
submit a proposed screenerto-be used to select intervieweeslparticipants (Deliverable
# 1.6). All screeners, protocols, reports, and presentations shall be submitted in draft form
allowing 3-5 business days for Government reviews, comments, discussion. and
recommendations of revisions prior to the finalization of those materials.
r C ,
Videotape all focus groups/interviews, as the research allows (Deliverable #1.7). Video
cameras should be focused on the intervieweelparticipant who is speaking. A release
must be obtained from all i~erviewees/participantsthat will allow CMS to videotape
interviews, provided that intervieweesl participants are rlot identified by name. All
videotapes throughout all subtasks shall be dated, and labeled with Contract number and
project title.

Prepare a written Top Line report that follows the research plan after testing, and present
Top Line report findings orally in a Powerpoint presentation to CMS staff within 7
workdays after the research has been completed. The demographics and relevant
socioeconomic information for all participants will be summarized for submission with
the Top Line report (Deliverable #1.8). 7 ?

Submit a more detailed Final Report within 3 weeks after the research has been
completed. This report shall include quotes from people with Medicare to illustrate the
findings (Deliverable #1.9).%7.

Develop and provide oral presentationshriefings on findings to appropriate CMS staff,

and possibly, at the discretion of the GTL, to a separately convened review panel
(Deliverable # 1.10).4 7 ,

The Contractor, subcontractor, and consultants shall discuss with the GTL any opportunities yo
publicize and disseminate research findings and shall not pursue publication or presentation -
relating to subtask findings without approval of the GTL.

Schedule of Deliverables

Generic Practitioner's Notice

( 1.1 Qckoff Meeting Meeting held in Baltimore to review 09/09/02
project expectations and due dates .
1.2 Kickoff Meeting Copies of meeting notes sent to all Draft: 09113/02
Minutes meeting participants Final: 0911 8/02
Generic Practitioner's Notice
1.3 Conference Calls ' c
Project and CMS staff regaiding status required more or less
of project includes scheduling, often.
agenda, minutes call reports, and
distribution I

1.4 Work Plan All tasks necessary to complete Draft: 09/23/02

Draft project with detailed schedule of Final: 10/02/02
Final deliverables: 1 electronic copy in
Microsoft Word 2000 and 2 hard
1.5 Screener and Proposed screener and recruitment- Draft: 10/30/02
Recruitment Protocol protocol for research participants: 1 Final: 1 1 /04/02
for Task 1 electronic and 2 hard copies
1.6 Videotaped consumer
Tapes of the interviews/groups
conducted with consumers.
Appropriately labeled.
1 1/03/03

1.7 Top Line report of Top Line report of findings and Draft: 12/30/02
Task 1 Research recommendations from consumer Final: 0 1/03/03
Draft research: 1 electronic and 2 hard
Final copies

1.8 Final Report Final report should include Draft: 0 1/03/03

Draft recommendations for Task 2 based on Final: 0 111 7/03
Final all research: 1 electronic and 2 hard
1.9 Briefing for CMS staff. Oral/multimedia presentation to CMS The CMS presentation
staff via Powerpoint presentation shall occur by ~ & c h
2003; the review panel
and NQF
presentations, if held,
shall occur during the
period of performance
of the task order
Medicare Coverage of Ambulance Sen ces
1.10 Briefing for CMS staff. Oral/multimedia presentation to The CMS presentation shall
CMS staff via Powerpoint occur by October 2002; the
presentation review panel and KQF
presentations, if held. shall
occur during the period of
performance of the task
I order



7500 Security Boulevard

Baltimore, MD 21244-1850
To : Ketchum July 18, 2002
ATTN: Ms. Sandy Printz, Contract Administrator
2000 L Street, N.w., suite360
Washington, D.C. 20036

Subject: Letter Request For Proposal Number 02-006 Under The Centers for Medicare and
Medicaid Services (CMS) Consumer Research and Communications (CRC)
Umbrella Contract Number 500-0 1-0002

Dear Ms. Printz:

You are invited to submit a proposal in response to this Letter Request For Proposal (LRFP)
Number 02-006 for a proposed follow on task order under the subject contract. The specific
work to be performed under t h ~ task
s order is a continuation of effort providing informational
materials about programs available to people who are homeless. More specifically, this task
order will provide educational information for use by caseworkers, other providers, plan
administrators, and state and local administrators that will supplement the information prepared
directly for the homeless client. The Government anticipates award of a Firm-Fixed Price
(FFP) task order for this statement of work. The anticipated period of performance is eighteen
(1 8) months fiom the date of award. Your response must be in accordance with the
requirements set forth in Section G.2 entitled "Task Order Proposals (IDIQ)" of the subject
contract and this correspondence.

You are requested to provide a hard copy (original and two copies) of your technical and
business proposal. Additionally, please provide an electronic copy of the technical proposal to
JWilson@cms.hhs.~ovand GClemons@cms.hhs.~ov.The following should be included:

Technical Understanding and Approach . - -

You must demonstrate an understanding of the statement of work and awareness of task
order objectives and activities required. Provide a work plan that outlines your approach
for developing promotional awareness and informational materials that draws on your
own experience and which is already created or available, especially by other federal
agencies. Describe your expertise in formative research, graphic design, and social
marketing strategies. Provide a milestone schedule that maps out your plan for
accomplishing the deliverables, with dates for the government to consider for task order
award purposes.

2. Personnel Qualifications

(a) A staffing plan must beprovided. Your proposal must demonstrate your ability to
provide technical staff that is trained, skilled and experienced to perform all aspects
of the scope of work.

(b) Resumes of all Key Personnel shall be provided. Resumes shall be a maximum of
(2) pages single-sided.
3. Business Proposal

Please provide a breakout of estimated costs, whlch identifies labor categories, hours, rates,
proposed travel, and materiak, which comprises your firm-fixed price. A payment schedule
shall also be provided for the Schedule of Deliverables.

The estimated direct labor doITarS (broken out by hours and rates for each month of
effort) for each individual assigned tolproposed for the task order. The hours and rates
shall be appropriate for the labor categorytposition title of each individual proposed.

Proposed travel (if applicable) shall be broken out into number of tips, number of
travelers and duration of trip (including transit time) for each destination. Cost detail
shall be shown for all items including commercial transportation, daily per diem rates,
personal mileage, daily care rental, etc.

An explanation and basis shall be provided for each item of "Other Direct Cost-,'
proposed such as materials, reproduction costs, etc.

Note: A breakout should also be provided for any proposed subcontractors.

Your proposal will be evaluated based on the technical and business information you submit in
response to the above, as well as your past performance in performing the same or similar type

Your proposal is due by 11 :00 A.M. EDT on Friday, July 26,2002 to the following address:

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

ATTN: Ms. Juanita Wilson, Contract Specialist
Mailstop: C2-2 1 - 15
7500 Security Boulevard
Baltimore, MD 2 1244- 1850

The LRFP does not commit the ~ o v e r n m e ntoi pay any cost for the preparation and submission --
of a proposal. In addition, the Contracting Officer is the only individual who can legally
commit the Government to the expenditures of public funds in connection with the proposed

If you have any questions, please contact Juanita Wilson at (410) 786-5538 or the undersigned
on (410) 786-5163.


Yr\lcy R
Mary E. Jones -
Contracting o f f &

Statement of Work (7 pages)
LRFP 02-06
Contract 50001-0002

- -
Program Information For Professionals
Who Work With Persons Who Are Homeless

I. Purpose
The purpose of the original task or* was to create and disseminate basic information on the vanous
Federal, programs that are available to assist persons that are homeless. The target audience for the
material was individuals that were homeless. The intent of the material was three-fold: first. to provide
information about the services that are available through the various programs; second. to provide basic
eligibility requirements for obtaining services; and third and foremost, to include in the material. in one
place, a means for gaining more information about all of the programs offered.

Under this task order, more detailed educational information for use by caseworkers, other providers,
plan administrators, and State and local administrators will be produced. This information will
supplement the information that is being prepared for the client that is homeless. Under this task order,
the contractor will additionally be responsible for developing a product (e.g., box, folder, etc.) that will
house the information for the homeless-client, the information for the professional, information on
exemplary practices, and information on the effective use of the material in one convenient package.
Additionally, the contractor will be responsible for developing the dissemination plan for getting the
material to the individuals that are in the best position to assist the individual that is homeless, and for
preparing the information in a camera ready format and in an electronic version that is 508 compliant
and ready for placement on the CMS website.

While the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is the sponsoring Agency for this project,
the Social Security Administration (SSA), Veterans Administration (VA), and Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) will be working as a partners in this effort.

11. Background
Homelessness has persisted as a national issue for almost two decades. Knowledge about who
experiences homelessness on a chronic, reoccumng basis demonstrates that poverty, a disability or
chronic disease issue, and a housing crisis (e.g., lengthy hospitalization, arrears on rent or mortgage,
eviction by parents/spouse/roommate, etc) interact in some individuals and lead to a loss of housing
and lengthy or recurrent episodes of homelessness. Lack of housing and compounding health and
support needs make persons that are homeless among our most vulnerable population.
Many of the largest Federal programs, such as Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security Income (SSI), Food
Stamps, and Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), are available to improve the health and
welfare of the population that is homeless; yet, many services are not accessed. Instead, persons who
are homeless receive services through targeted programs that have limited funding and services scopes.
When questioned, individuals that were previously homeless indicate that they were "unaware" of the
availability of the programs or "ovenvhelmed" by the procedures necessary to become enrolled in the
programs. When they did hear about a program, they reported to spend hours on a pay phone trying to
find the right number, and the right person to talk with about the programs.
- > - * -

Through research that was conducted under the original task order, it was revealed that caseworkers.
other providers, plan administrators, state and local administrators, and local community workers
report frustration at the nuances of each program and the lack of coordination among programs. They
state that they spend their limited time trylng to track down phone numbers and information for persons
who are homeless instead of providing the services they need. Additionally, as new systems are
created for delivering health services to the Medicare and Medicaid population (e.g. managed care),
there is a new host of providers that do not have experience with meeting the needs of individuals that
are homeless and who must be provided with tools to assist them as they become accustomed to
providing this type of care. In interviews conducted with these professionals, while they believed that
in most cases they are best positioned to assist a homeless individual in accessing programs, it was
consistently conveyed that it was the Federal agencies' responsibility to provide up-to-date information
about the Federal programs that are available, as well as suggestions on how to effectively assist
individuals that are homeless in accessing the programs.

111. Scope
Contractor shall furnish the personnel, materials, services, and equipment necessary to create more
detailed, education material for professionals that work with individuals that are homeless, and for the
development of training material on the proper use of the material that is created. Additionally,
contractor wiII provide documents that contain examples of "exemplary practices" detailing cases
where individuals that are homeless have been successful at accessessing mainstream services and the
techniques that were employed by providers, professionals, etc. in assisting them. Further, contractor
is responsible for the development of a product (e.g., box, folder, .etc.) to house all of the information.
The material must be created in a c_ulturallyappropriate manner, and in a format that grabs attention
and is compatible and consistent with the material that is being created for the person who is homeless
(original task order). Consistent with the requirements of the first task order, while the emphasis is on
Federal program requirements, the material should be created in a manner that can be customized by
community workers to include local contacts for information on the Federal programs and information
on local programs. Additionally the material must be provided in an electronic version that is 508
compliant and created with "Word" or other compatible format that will allow for wide electronic
distribution and customization, as wsll as placement on the CMS Internet site. The contractor will be
responsible for devising the format of the material, specifying the content of the material including
recommendation of programs to include in the material, and for determining the appropriate level of
detail to include in the material. Additionally, the contractor will be responsible for a dissemination
plan that targets sites within the community who service the population that is homeless. as well as
State administrators and managed care plans that are responsible for providing health care to persons
that are homeless.

IV. Objectives
There are several key objectives of this task order. To ensure that:

Local community sites, providers, State administrators, and managed care health plans have
material available to them regarding the enrollment requirements and procedures for Federal
programs that are available to assist homeless persons with obtaining health care and services.
Information has to be sufficient in detail to provide the necessary information, but not so conlplex
that a professional is intimidated or confused by the material. Material must be easy to access and
customize and include resources for obtaining additional information about the programs @hone
numbers, web sites, publications, etc.)

Local community sites, providers, State administrators, and managed care health plans have
material available to them regarding "exemplary practices" that were used to help clients that are
homeless access Federal mainstream programs.

3. Targeted sites have training material that clearly describes the purpose of the material, and how to
use the material.

4. Material is packed in a manner that facilitates use of both the professional material and the material
for the individual that is homeless.
LRlT 02-06
- Contract 500-014002

- -
5. Professionals that are best positioned to assist the individual that is homeless receives the

- 6. There is some means, or a plan, for determining the effectiveness of the material that is developed.
V. Requirements
The contractor shall provide-ihe following under this task order include.:
- --
(1) The creation of mote detailed educational information on Federal mainstream programs, for
caseworkers, other providers, plan administrators, and State and local administrators. This
information will supplement the information that is being prepared for the client that is

(2) Information on "exemplary practices" that were used to help clients that are homeless access
Federal mainstream programs.

(3) Creation of material that will assist the end-user in the effective use of the products that have
been developed.

(4) Development of a product that will house, in one place, all of the relevant information
(information for the homeless client, the information for the professional, information on
"exemplary practices," and information on the effective use of the material).

(5) Development of a dissemination plan for getting the material to the individuals that are in the
best position to assist the client that is homeless.
. . . - .
The Contractor shall provide a wide variety of planning, creation, testing, coordination,
implementation, regional*ta -
analysis, needs assessment, and training activities to accomplish this
goal. Further, the contractor will be responsible for all stages of material development including
concept development, concept testing, creation, product testing, and final production. The Contractor
will be required to work and interact on a bi-weekly basis with a CMS planning group. In addition the
tasks associated with development of the material and dissemination plan, the Contractor must perform
the following requirements: . ,
A. MeetingjReportin~Requirements
A. Kick-off Meetinn: Participate, via phone, in a kick-off meeting and orientation to meet the ke?
government players and set expectations. The Contractor shall participate in an initial
meetinglkickoff conference that shall be held after award of the Task Order. The Contractor
will be responsible for assisting GTL in setting agenda and hosting the meeting.

B. Work Management Plan: The Contractor shall design and implement a work management plan
for ensuring maximum cost and labor efficiency. This plan must promote economies of scale in
carrying out tasks and build-upon original work to ensure that the government does not pay
twice for related tasks that have been previousljl hnded. -The eontractor must develop a draft
and final work management plan in accordance with Section V, Deliverables. The GTL will
review the draft and provide feedback to the Contractor within one (1) week after receipt.

C. GTL Meetinns: Participate in regular bi-weekly meetings between the GTL and contract
management staff to review major issues/milestones including:
1. Progress over the past week
2. Upcoming activities for the next week
3. Issues that have arisen and recommended solutions
4. Discussion of costs

The contractor shall provide team-meeting minutes including action items for follow-up as

D. Monthly Status Reports: Provide monthly contractor status reports on activities and deliverables
in accordance with section F.2 of the base contract.

E. CMS Communication & Meetinns: Participate in CMS conferences or meetings upon request of
the GTL. The purpose of the meetings will be to provide updates on the status ofgrocesses or
deliverables and to raise any issues requiring CMS attention.

F. Final Report: Prepare a final report at the end of the contract summarizing expenditures and
lessons learned fiom research conducted in creation of the material.

VI. Deliverables
The Contractor shall submit to the Contracting Officer and the Government Task Leader the specified
number of hard copies plus one (1) electronic version to the GTL that has been prepared in Word/Excel, or
other compatible software. The Contractor must also submit a copy o f the transmittal letter for each
deliverable to the Contracting Officer at the address specified on the front of the task order.

I Participate in kick-off meeting 1 - I Within two weeks following 1

and orientation session award of contract
Work Management Plan to 3copies to GTL & 1 copy to Draft: Two (2) weeks after
include all stages of material Contracting Officer kick-off meeting
- .-
-. .
development and - - . - Final: Two (2) weeks after
dissemination, with amble C'MS's review
opportunity for CMS review
I &d clearance of draft and I
final products.
Final Products and 3 copies of camera ready Draft: May 16,2003
Dissemination Plan material and electronic Final: By close of business
I version in Word or other on May 30,2003
compatible software that is
508 compliant.
Team Meeting Reports (GTL To all-meeting participants By close of business two days
and CO status meetings) and GTL after the date of the meeting

Monthly Status Reports 3 copies to GTL, 1 copy to LAW Section F.2 of Base
Contract Specialist Contract
Final Report 3 copies to GTL Draft: Four (4) weeks prior to
end of contract
Final: The last day of the
I period of perfo&ance

Distribution: The Contractor must distribute the deliverables in the number of hardcopies outlined
above to the GTL and Contracting Officer. Additionally, the Contractor must provide one electronic
copy to the GTL and Contracting Officer in Microsoft Word/Excel format.
- -

VIII. Government 'personnel:

Government Task Leader (GTL)

Gina Clemons
CMSICMSOIDisabled and Elderly Health Programs Group
7500 Security B o u l e d , Mail Stop: S2-17-04 d

Baltimore, MD 2 1244-1850
(4 10) 786-9644

X. Period of Performance:

The period of performance for this Task Order shall be nine (9) months from the date of award.
* ~ ~ l c l c ~ ) a -CQIM. J m - rmacffar- I j-07-2003 *cuax T I E 09:59 *-


FILE N0.=864

- ---
- > -- - -

TO: Sandy

FAX #: (202)835-9436
PHONE: (202) 835-9426

RE: TO M009, Mod. #OW002

Pages: 9 plus cover

Here is an advance copy of the subject mod. I will mail the originals out to you today as well.
Please have the origmals signed and return to me. Thanks.

- Fmrn me Oesk 01
Jusnha Mlron
Centers br Medicare B M s d ~ ~ Senices
A q u ~ s ~ band
m Grank Group
7500 SecurrtyBlvd C1-21-15
Balbmore,Mar)(ard 212441850

(470) 7B2-5538
Far (410) 7 6 6 9 3 8
7500 Securiv Boulevard
Baltimore. MD 21243-1850
- -
July 29, 2002


-, -.

- a -


We invite you to submit a proposal in response to this Letter Request for Proposal (LRFP) No.
02-008, entitled "Senior Health Insurance Model," for a proposed task order we will
competitively award under the CRC contracts. We anticipate awarding a Cost Plus Fixed Fee
(CPFF) task order from this statement of work. Your response must be in accordance with the
requirements set forth in Section G.2 entitled "Task Order Proposals" of your base contract
and this correspondence.

1. Bid040 Bid Decisions: Please provide your bidlno bid decision via E-mail to Juanita
Wilson (JWilson@cms.hhs.gov) by Monday, August 5,2002. We also request that
you provide a rationale for any NO BID decisions at that time.

2. Questions: Please submit any questions in writing to the e-mail address provided in
paragraph 1 above by August 5,2002.

3. Proposal Due Date: You must submit your technical and business proposal on or
before 2:00 PM local prevamg time on Monday, August 12,2002 to the address -
listed below. Late proposals, as defined in FAR 52.2 15-1, as well as proposals
submitted electronicallj~,are not acceptable

The Centers for Medicare & ~ e d i k a i dServices

Acquisition and Grants Group
A m . : Mrs. Juanita Wilson. Mail Stop C2-2 1 - 15
7500 Security Boulevard
Baltimore, MD 2 1244- 1850

The evaluation criteria are included. The evaluation process is the "tradeoff" approach, with
award being made to the offeror(s) whose proposal(s) islare the most advantageous to the
Government. Technical quality of the proposal(s) is more important than cost/price. We
-. -
reserve the right to award without discussions. -
Oral presentation materials are due on or before the day of your scheduled presentation
We are not committed to reimburse any costs associated with the preparation or submission of a
proposal nor to procure or contract for the services described herein. In addition. the Contractin2
Officer is the only individual who can legally commit the Government to the expenditures of public
funds in connection with the proposed procurement. If you have any questions. please do not hesitate
to contact Juanita Wilson on (410) 786-5538.


Mary E. Jones
contracting Officer

1) Statement of Work (5 pages)

To assist us in thoroughly and completely evaluating all proposals, you must submit your proposal in
accordance with the following format requirements specified below, and adhere to the page limitations.
Assume an end of August 2002 award date.
-. -

You are requested to provide a hard copy (original and 4 copies) of your limited written technical and business
proposal. The following should be included:


r For the purposes of this Statement of ~ G i kofferors

, are required to submit2 limited written technical proposal
in accordance with the following instructions:

1. Offerors must respond to all aspects of the SOW as presented in the Letter Request for Proposal (LRFP).

2. Offerors shall submit as part of the proposal a Volume entitled Limited Technical Proposal that addresses
the following information: . .

Technical Understanding and Approach

Management Plan
Personnel Qualifications
Past Performance

3. The entire limited written proposal may be no more than 10 single-spaced (one-sided) pages. Tqpe font
may be no smaller than Times Roman 12 pt. All page margins must be at least 1 inch.

4. Key personnel resumes, past performance references, and project summaries may
be included as separate attachments and are not counted toward the page limitation.
- -
Technical understand in^ and Approach

The offeror shall demonstrate a clear, concise, and sound manner the Statement of Work is to be performed.
Present a clear understanding of the nature of the work being undertaken and fully explain the proposed
approach or method. Substantiate research design and methodology.

Management Plan

The technical proposal shall describe how the offeror will organize and manage the project, how tasks will be
sequenced, in what time frames, and what management control and coordination mechanisms will be used to
assure the timely and successful conduct of this project. The proposed management plan should specify
resource allocation by tasks. This should include a matrix of hours committed to the project by person, by task,
and should indicate any work that will
- - be subcontracted. -
Personnel Qualifications

The technical proposal must include a list of names and duties of the proposed key personnel, consultants and
subcontractor employees assigned to the project. The approximate percentage of time each individual will be
available for this project must be included. The proposed staff hours for each of the above individuals should be
allocated against each task or subtask forth; project.

Their resumes shall be included as an attachment to the proposal and shall contain information on their
education, background, recent experience and special qualifications that directly relate to this task order.
Resumes shall be a maximum of 2 single-sided pages each and will not count against the limited written
technical proposal page limit.
Past Performance -.

The technical proposal must provide the general background, experience and qualifications of the offeror's
organization. The offeror shall demonstrate relevant capabilities that it can bring to this project and any other
advantages it offers based upon its experiences.

The offeror shall provide at least three (3) references for similar services within the past 5 years that can address
your relevant capabilities for this task order:

Contract Number (for subcontracts, provide the prime contract number and the subcontract number)
Project Title
Name of Company!Agency
Technical & Contract Point of Contact/Names!Phone Numbers
Project Description stressing the relationship to the work required by this solicitation
Total Dollar Value
Period of Performance

Offerors are reminded that they are responsible for ensuring that accurate information is provided with the
. reference material, including up-to-date telephone numbers and points of contact.

The Government is not required to contact all references provided by the offeror. Also, references other than
those identified by the offeror may be contacted by the Government to obtain additional information that will be
used to evaluate the offeror's past performance.

Past performance references shall be included as an attachment to the proposal and will not count
against the limited written technical proposal page limit.

NOTE: It is acceptable to provide more than three references in order to account for significant
subcontractors that may be on your team.


- - -
Offerors shall provide a breakout of estimated costs for the proposed task order.

General Information -

The oral presentation will be 1 % hours in duration. The offeror may divide the presentation time in any way
they feel appropriate. However, at least 3% minutes shall be allotted to the Government for a question and
answer session.

Please provide CMS with oral presentation materials (e.g. slides, handouts) that effectively conbey your
technical approach and understanding for performing this scope of work. Specifically, your
understanding of Medicare Health Plan Options, an explanation of the proposed research design. and
your experience in using formative research to shape communication materials like the Health Insurance
I- Model. Up to ten (10) illustrations/charts may be presented. One of the slides should be a task-
loading chart specifically identifying the personnel who will be involved in each task and the role each
identified person will have within each task.

Oral presentation materials are due on or before the day of your scheduled presentation. Anticipated
dates for oral presentations to be held for this LRFP are August 1 3thand 1 4 ' ~ Please
. noti@ the contract
specialist of any audiolvisual equipment that is needed if your company isn't providing.

The Government will conduct a comprehensive evaluation of each proposal utilizing the "tradeoff'
process to determine which proposal offers the best combination of technical capabilities and estimated
cost to the Government. We reserve the right to award without discussions.
-. -

Technical Understanding; and Approach

The evaluation of soundness of approach shall consider the offeror's understanding of the Medicare Health Plan
Options; CMS research requirements in regards to this project, and the offeror's proposed approach to
complyng with these requirements in a timely manner. The evaluation shall include consideration of the
proposed process for designing and carrying out consumer research that will support development of a Health
Insurance Model. The evaluation shall %Elude substantiatio-n of research. design
.- .- and methodology.

Management Plan

The evaluation of management shall consider the offeror's ability to manage and balance technical performance,
time constraints, cost factors and the management of subcontractor personnel. This section shall also consider
the offeror's ability to address and resolve problems that may arise during contract performance.


The evaluation of personnel shall consider key personnel who are competent and experienced in the skills
_ required in the SOW. The caliber of key personnel shall be based upon the individual's past performance on
similar efforts, academic qualifications, and relevant training. This evaluation shall also consider m y proposed ..

subcontractors and their experiences. Your proposal indicates the percentage of time each'staff member will

Past Performance

The evaluation of past performance shall consider the offeror's experience communicating information about
Medicare Health Plans andlor involvement in p;ojects of a similar magnitude and type (size-and techical area).
Experience in work relevant to this task order, such as using formative research to shape communication
materials and translating complex information into consumer friendly documents. Performance information will
be used for both responsibility determinations and as an evaluation factor against which offerors' relative
rankings will be compared to assure best value to the Government. The Government will focus on information
that demonstrates quality of performance relative to the size and complexity of the acquisition under
consideration. ,

Cost Evaluation

We will perform a cost analysis on your proposal and analyze it for cost realism. Cost realism is defined as your
ability to propose estimated costs, which are reasonable and indicate that you understand the nature and extent
of the work you will perform.
-. - -
Medicare Health Insurance Model
LRFP 02-008


I. Purpose

The purpose of this Task Order is to obtain professional technical services to assist in conducting
research for developing a Health Insurance Model that describes and graphically depicts
Medicare's Health Plan options (e.g., Original Medicare, Medigap Policies, Medicare Managed
Care, and Private Fee-for-Service). The Health Insurance Model will be comprised of three
elements: - -
1. Graphic design of Medicare Insurance Options
2. Explanations of these options that make sense to the target audience
3. Terminology that best-represents the Medicare Health Plan options

11. Background

CMS research has shown that people with Medicare do not understand their Health Insurance
options. Beneficiaries are confused by how the options within Medicare relate to one another
and the range of Medicare plan options available to them. Research indicates that beneficiaries:

- Are unfamiliar with or confused by common Medicare terminology, including

Medicare Managed Care plan; Medicare + Choice; Medicare Private Fee-for-Service
plan; and Original Medicare.
- Consider Medicare to be only the fee-for-service plan
- In HMOs do not realize that they are still part of Medicare

This confusion creates problems when beneficiaries need to make health care choices, use
quality information, and know their health care insurance costs, benefits, and appeal l5ght.s.

Beneficiaries may enroll in Original Medicare, Parts A and/or B, with or without a Supplemental
policy/Medigap; Medicare Managed Care plan, or a Private Fee-for-Service Plan. However, it
should be noted that some Medicare recipients, depending upon where they live, may not have
the option to join a Medicare Managed Care or Private Fee-for-Service Plan.

This project has been divided into 2 overall tasks. Task 1 focuses on conducting formative
research around beneficiary confusion regarding their health plan options and any other
information needed to build the model. Task 2 entails drafting mock-ups, consumer testing, and
finalizing the Medicare Health Insurance model.
111. Specific Tasks Under the Contract

Task - 1 -
Formative Research: Conduct research to fill in information gaps that exist from current CMS research
- -

CMS is finalizing a literature review of current research findings on this topic. Once complete. the
Contractor, in collaboration with CMS, should identify any information gaps and conduct hrther
research to fill in critical gaps. Furthermore, this research may test hypotheses and answer questions
that have arisen based on this research such as, how much emphasis do we need to put on explaining
Part A and Part B?
As part of this effort, the Contractor should consider-how Private E a l t h Care Insurance Companies
present their health plan choices. The contractor should work with the CMS workgroup assigned to this
task to understand how any changes in terminology may impact the sgency and other Private Health
Care Insurance Companies that contract with CMS.

Task 2-
Create Mock-ups of Health Insurance Model and test with consumers.

Based on the research findings in Task 1 the contractor shall design and test 3-4 draft Health Insurance
Models. There should be a graphical depiction of the Medicare Health Insurance options with
explanations of each option. The Contractor shalI identify potential target audiences. These groups shall
represent potential users of the information and include but not be limited to:
1. People with Medicare
2. People about to enroll in Medicare
r( 3. Informal caregivers/friends or family members that help people with Medicare
make health plan choices
As a part of this effort, the Contractor shall consider the following research questions'
Can the consumer understand where their current insurance plan (choice) fits within the
Can the consumer understand what their Health Plan choices within the Medicare
Program are or may be?

IV. Deliverables
The Contractor shall perform
. .
the following activities:

Hold a kickoff meeting (Deliverables # l . 1, 1.2) with CMS staff from Beneficiary Education and
Assessment Group (BEAG) to discuss project parameters and workplan development.
Establish weekly conference calls or meetings with the GTL to identify and review the status of
each part of the work, potential problems, issues that need to be resolved. schedule for meetlnz
due dates, and additionat support that may be required (Deliverable # 1.3).

Develop and submit a work plan with a more detailed schedule of deliverables (Deliverable
# 1.4). The work plan wilrirklude tasks necessary to complete the project. The proposed w.ork
plan and detailed schedule of deliverables must be reviewed and approved by the GTL.

Submit all findings in Microsoft office 97, andlor PowerPoint 4.0, as well as in hard copy.

Determine the number of locations, and individuals at each location, to be interviewed. The
GTL shall approve the variables used to select people with Medicare or other
participantslinterviewees (e-g., race, age, geographic locatioa level of education.
. .
k&i- ~ezFTSe-i'Vi'ces,etc.). The Contractor shall develop and submit a
proposed screener to be used to select intervieweeslparticipants (Deliverables #1.5. 1.1 1) and a
moderator's guide (Deliverables # 1.6, 1.12). All screeners, protocols, reports. and presentations
shall be submitted in draft form allowing 3-5 business days for Government reviews, comments,
discussion, and recommendations of revisions prior to the finalization of those materials.

Videotape all focus groupslinterviews, as the research allows (Deliverable #1.7). Video cameras
should be focused on the intervieweelparticipant who is speaking. A release must be obtained
from all intervieweeslparticipants that will allow CMS to videotape interviews, provided that
intervieweesl participants arenot identified by name. All videotapes throughout all subtasks
shall be dated, and labeled with Contract number and project title.

Drawing on formative research from task 1, the Contractor shall develop 3-4 mock-ups, for use
in testing and present to CMS (Deliverable # 1.10).

Conduct consumer testing of the mock-ups. The Contractor shall test participants'linterviewees'
reactions to the content of information provided (i.e., usefulness, clarity, and understandability),
(Deliverable # 1.13) The contractor shall refine specific research questions and obtain GTL's
approval prior to testing. --

Prepare a written Top Line report that follows the research plan after each round of testing, and
present Top Line report findings orally in a PowerPoint presentation to CMS staff within 7
workdays after the research has been completed. The demographics and relevant socioeconomic
information for all participants will be summarized for submission with the Top Line report
(Deliverables # 1.8, 1.14). I

Submit a more detailed Final Report within 3 weeks after the research has been completed. This
report shall include quotes from people with Medicare to illustrate the findings (Deliverables
#1.9, 1.15).
Develop and provide oral presentations~briefingson findings to appropriate CMS staff. and
possibly, at the discretion of the GTL, to a separately convened review panel (Deliverable
# l . 16). -

The Contractor, subcontractor, and consultants shall discuss with the GTL any opportunities to publicize
and disseminate research findings-and shall not pursue publication or presentation relating to subtash
findings without approval of the GTL.


Health Insurance Model for- .

- - - - -- -

- .
/ 1 1 Kick-off Meeting 1 Meeting held in Balt!more to 1 -09/09/02 i
I I review project expectations and ( 1
due dates. I
1.2 Kick-off Meetings Copies of meeting notes sent to
Minutes all meeting participants.
Draft: 09113/02
Final: 09116/02
Conference calls or meetings Weekly, unless required
between Project and CMS staff more or less often.
regarding status of project
includes scheduling, agenda,
minutes call reports, and
1.4 Work Plan All tasks necessary to complete
Final Final: 10/02/02
1 Electronic copy in lMicrosoft

1.5 ~ecruitmentProtocol for

Task 1 recruiment protocol for research . - -

participants; 1 electronic and 2 Draft: 1 1/ 13/02
Final hard copies Final: 1 1 / 19/02
1.6 Moderator's Guide for Proposed moderator's guide; 1
Task 1 electronic and 2 hard copies
Draft Draft: 12/03/02
Final Final: 12/09/02

1 1.7 Videotaped Consumer 1 Tapes of the interviews/groups 1 0 1/03/03 1

Research conducted with consumers.
Appropriately labeled.
'ITEM- - - -
Health Insurance Model for Medicare
1.8 Top Line report of Task 1 - Topline report of findings and
recommendations from
- research.

Final: 01/10/03
1 electronic and 2 hard copies

1.9 Final Report -. This report should include

Final recommendations for Task 2 Final: 0 1/20/03
1 ( based on all research. 1 1 1
-1-electronic copy in Powerpoint I

Model Mock-ups word 97 and 2 hard

Draft Draft: 02/05/02

1.1 1
Screener and
Recruitment Protocol
for Task 2
Proposed screener and
'recruitment protocol for research
participants; 1 electronic and 2
Final: 0211 2/02

Draft hard copies Draft: 02114/03

Final Final: 02/20/03
1.12 Moderator's Guide for Proposed moderator's guide; 1
Task 2 electronic and 2 hard copies
Draft Draft: 02/20/03
Final Final: 02/27/03
1.13 Testing Mock-ups Consumer testing shall be Testing shall occur three
conducted by Contractor; two (2) weeks after screener
VHS videotapes shall be approved
submitted '
1.14 Top Line Report of 1 electronic and 2 hard copies raft: One week after
Task 2 Research testing completed
Draft Final: Five days after draft
Final comments provided - -
1.15 Final Report Final report should synthesize Draft: One month after
Draft research fiom Task 1 and Task phase one is complete
Final Final: Two weeks after
1 electronic and 2 hard copies draft comments provided
1.16 Briefing for CMS Oral/multimedia presentation to The CMS presentation shall
staff. CMS staff via Power Point occur two weeks after final
uresentation. reuort i's delivered.

All deliverables must be approved by CMS before being acted upon.

7500 Security Boulevard
- -
Baltimore, MD 2 1244-1850

August 8,2002


- --

We invite you to submit a proposal in response to this Letter Request for Proposal (LRFP) No.
02-009, entitled "Consumer Testing for Medicare-Endorsed Prescription Drug Card
Assistance Initiative," for a proposed task order we will competitively award under the CRC
contracts. We anticipate awarding a Cost Plus Fixed Fee (CPFF) task order from this
statement of work. Your response must be in accordance with the requirements set forth in
Section G.2 entitled "Task Order Proposals" of your base contract and this correspondence.

1. Bid/No Bid Decisions: Please provide your bidlno bid decision via E-mail to Juanita
Wilson (JWilso~~@cms.hhs.gov) by Thursday, August 15,2002. We also request
that you provide a rationale for any NO BID decisions at that time.

2. Ouestions: Please submit any questions in writing to the e-mail address provided in
paragraph 1 above by August 15,2002.

3. Proposal Due Date: You must submit your technical and business proposal on or
before 10:OO AM-localpreva"ig time on Thursdav, August 22,2002 to the --
address listed below. Late proposals, as defined in FAR 52.2 15-1, as well as
proposals submitted electronically, are not acceptable

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Acquisition and Grants Group
ATTN.: Mrs. Juanita Wilson, Mail Stop C2-2 1-1 5
7500 Security Boulevard
Baltimore, MD 2 1244-1 850

The evaluation criteria are included. The evaluation process is the"tradeoff7 approach, with
award being made to the offeror(s) whose proposal(s) isiare the most advantageous to the
Government. Technical quality of the proposal(s) is more important than costlprice. We
reserve the right to award-uithout discussions.
We are not committed to reimburse any costs associated with the preparation or submission of a
proposal nor to procure or contract for the services described herein. In addition, the Contracting
Officer is the only individual wko can legally commit the Government to the expenditures of public
funds in connection with the proposed procurement. If you have any'questions, please do not hesitate
to contact Juanita Wilson on (410) 786-5538.


Mary E-. h n e s
Contracting Officer

1) Statement of Work (8 pages)
To assist us in thoroughly and completely~valuatingall proposals, you must submit your proposal in
accordance with the following format requirements specified below, and adhere to the page limitations.
There will not be an opportunity for oral presentations. Assume a mid-September 2002 award date.

You are requested to provide a hard copy (original and 5 copies) of your technical and business proposal. The

following should be included:


- .-
For the purposes of this Statement of Work, offerors are required to submit a written technical proposal in
accordance with the following instructions:

1. Offerors must respond to all aspects of the SOW as presented in the Letter Request for Proposal (LRFP).

2. Offerors shall submit as part of the proposal a Volume entitled Technical Proposal that addresses the
following information:

Technical Understanding and Approach

Management Plan
Past Performance

3. The entire written proposal may be no more than 15 single-spaced (one-sided) pages. Type font may be no
smaller than Times Roman 12 pt. All page margns must be at least 1 inch.

4. Key personnel resumes, past performance references, project summaries and appendices may
be included as separate attachments and are ndt counted toward the page limitation. . - -.

Technical Understanding and Approach

The offeror shall demonstrate a clear, concise, and sound manner the Statement of Work is to be performed
Present a clear understanding of the nature of the work being undertaken and fully explain the proposed
approach or method. Demonstrate how sampling design will reflect the target audience.

Management Plan
The technical proposal shall describe how the offeror will organize and manage the project, how tasks will be
sequenced, in what time frames, and what management control and coordination mechanisms will be used to
assure the timely and successful conduct of this project. The proposed management plan should specify
resource allocation by tasks. This should include a matrix of hours committed70 the project by person, by task,
and should indicate any work that will be subcontracted.
Personnel ,

The technical proposal must include a list e f ~ a r n e sand proposed duties of the key personnel, consultants and
subcontractor employees assigned to the project. The approximate percentage of time each individual will be
available for this project must be included. The proposed staff hours for each of the above individuals should be
allocated against each task or subtask for the project.

Their resumes shall be included as an attachment to the proposal and shall contain information on their
education, background, recent experience and special qualifications that directly relate to this task order.
Resumes shall be a maximum of 2 singleGded pages and will not count against the limited written
- - 4

technical proposal page limit.

Past Performance

The technical proposal must provide the general background, experience and qualifications of the offeror's
organization. The offeror shall demonstrate relevant capabilities that it can bring to this project and any other
advantages it offers based upon its experiences.

The offeror shall provide at least three (3) references for similar services within the past 5 years that can address
your relevant capabilities for this task order:
Contract Number (for subcontracts, provide the prime contract number and the subcontract number)
Project Title
Name of Company/Agency
Technical & Contract Point of Contact/Names/Phone Numbers
Project Description stressing the relationship to the work required by this solicitation
Total Dollar Value
Period of Performance

Offerors are reminded that they are responsible for ensuring that accurate information is provided with-the
reference material, including up-to-date telephone numbers and points of contact.

The Government is not required to contact all references provided by the offeror. Also, references other than
those identified by the offeror may be contacted by the Government to obtain additional information that will be
used to evaluate the offeror's past performance.

Past performance references shall be included as an attachment to the proposal and wilJ not count
against the limited written technical proposal page limit.

NOTE: It is acceptable to provide more than three references in order to account for significant
subcontractors that may be on your team.
- - --
Offerors shall provide a breakout of estimated costs for the proposed task order.

The Government will conduct a comprehmsive evaluation of each proposal utilizing the "tradeoff'
process to determine which proposal offers the best combination of t e c h c a l capabilities and estimated
costlprice to the Government. We reserve the right to award without discussions.

Technical Understanding and Approach

The evaluation of soundness of approach shall consider the offeror's understanding of the "Medicare-Endorsed
Prescription Drug Assistance Initiative," CMS research needs rega-ding this proposed program and the offeror's
proposed approach to complying with these requirements in a-timely manner The evaluation shall include
consideration of the proposed process for designing and carrying out consumer research that will support CMS
design of a discount prescription drug card program and communication strategy. The evaluation shall also
consider proposed processes for designing and conducting testing of products that are designed to inform people
with Medicare about the proposed initiative. The evaluation shall include substantiation of research design and
methodology, e.g. the offeror's proposed method of identifying and recruiting target audience members as well
as proposed research method.

Management Plan
The evaluation of management shall consider the offeror's ability to manage and balance t e c h c a l performance,
_ time constraints, cost factors and the management of subcontractor personnel. This section shall also consider
the offeror's ability to address and resolve problems that may arise during contract performance.

The evaluation of personnel shall consider key personnel who are competent and experienced in the skills
required in the SOW. The caliber of key persor~lelshall be based upon the individual's past performance on
similar efforts. academic qualifications, and relevant training. This evaluation shall also consider any proposed
subcontractors and their experiences. Your proposal must indicate the percentage of time each staff member
will contribute. , . - -

Past Performance I
The evaluation of past performance shall considrr the offeror's involvement in projects of a;similar magnitude,
type (size and technical area), subject matter, and target audiences. The evaluation shall consider experience in
work relevant to this task order, such as using formative research to shape communication materials and
redesigning and simplifying government documents into more consumer friendly language. Performance
information will be used for both responsibility determinations and as an evaluation factor against which
offerors' relative rankings will be compared to assure best value to the Governrnent. The Government will
focus on information that demonstrates quality of performance relative to the -size and complexity of the
acquisition under consideration.

Cost Evaluation
We will perform a cost analysis on your proposal and analyze it for cost realim. Cost realism is defined as your
ability to propose estimated costs, which are reasonable and indicate that you understand the nature and extent
"Consumer Testing for Medicare-Endorsed
- Drug Card Assistance Initiative"
LRFP 02-009

- Statement of Work

I. Purpose

The purpose of this task order is to conduct the necessary consumer research CMS will need to build an
informed education campaign about shopping for prescription drugs and using a "Medicare-Endorsed
Prescription (Discount) Drug Card," as outlined in CMS' March 2002 Notice of Proposed Rule, see
below. Specific research activities include audience identification and segmentation: formative testing
to identify the needs, behaviors, perceptions, attitudes, and expectati~n9with regard to use of an
"Medicare-Endorsed" discount card and shopping for prescription drugs; creation of key messages to
inform communications to these audiences; and product testing of the various communications CMS
will need to create in order to support this initiative. This task order spec~ficallydoes not include the
design and testing of a price comparison web site to assist beneficiaries ' in their decision among
prescription drug discount cards, but may consider alternative information channels for those without
easy internet access and the frequency with which beneficiaries desire to conduct price comparisons.

11. Background

The importance of prescription medicine for health care has grown dramatically in the past two decades,
- becoming a standard first treatment option prior to more invasive measures. The Medicare program
provides limited benefits for outpatient prescription drugs, and with a few exceptions, does not cover
prescriptions that are self-administered by the patients who take them. This statutory limitation of scope
excludes most prescription medicine taken by Medicare beneficiaries. CMS estimates that
approximately 73 percent of Medicare beneficiaries have some drug coverage at any given time (under,
for example, employer-sponsored retiree health plans or Medicaid), but that 10 million have no drug
coverage. The lack of prescription coverage is most common among Medicare beneficiaries with low
incomes. Individuals without prescription coverage generally pay full-retail price for their prescriptions,
which is much higher than the discounted piice that most third party administrators and insurers-
negotiate. In addition, beneficiaries without prescription drug coverage do not have access to centralized
pharmaceutical management services, such as drug interaction and allergy monitoring, and refill
reminders unless the pharmacy they attend participates in the necessary data warehousing to support
these functions. As a result, beneficiaries without drug coverage fill fewer prescriptions, receive little to
no pharmaceutical management, and face higher out-of-pocket costs than those with coverage (AARP
"Prescription Medication Use Among Persons Age 45+" February 2002; Steinman, M.A., L.P. Sands,
K.E. Covinsky, "Self-restriction of Medications Due to Cost in Seniors without Prescription Coverage,"
Journal of General Internal Medicine, vol. 16, no. 12, December 200 1)

Recently, cards offering a discouni on retail prices have emerged. These cards are offered by pharmacy
benefit managers, insurance companies, third party administrators, non-profit organizations and, most
recently, pharmaceutical manufacturers. States have also begun to sponsor card programs, which vary in
implementation style, eligibility, and level of discount. With a few exceptions, attainable discounts are

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