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Pictorial Anthology of Witchcraft, Magic and Alchemy by Grillot de

*(Pages to sticky note for class: 257, 347, 30,
Word List: Demon, Sabbath, Pentacle, Macrocosm, Physiognomy,
Cheiromancy, Astrology, Jupiter, Citadel, Talisman, Alchemy, Witch.
How to Access Information Efficiently: Because the book branches off
in specific areas under the headings of witchcraft, magic and alchemy,
providing a plethora of information in section, utilizing the index is your
best bet! There are about a hundred pages dedicated to demons
ALONE, so I would strongly recommend you have a basic idea of what
you are looking for rather than using the flip and scan method.
However, that method is rather useful where the illustrations are
concerned, and there are quite a few; over 376 figures to be exact!

Contents: Separated by three Books. Book I; Sorcerers. Book II,

Magicians. Book III Alchemists. For anyone who doesnt know what
alchemy is, the british translation in the OED defines it as:
the medieval forerunner of chemistry, concerned with the transmutation of
matter, in particular with attempts to convert base metals into gold or find a
universal elixir: occult sciences, such as alchemy and astrology
a seemingly magical process of transformation, creation, or combination.
*Anyone who is a fan of Harry Potter like me should instantly recall the first book
where Nicholas Flamel, known Alchemist, develops the elixer of life in The
Philosophers Stone!!
My Take on the Book: Religion seems to be closely linked to science and
discovery, as well as the evolution of magic starting from way back in the middle
ages. I am not surprised by this, but by how involved the Church really was so
much that it overlaps at times and lines become blurred. When you think about
it, after the evocation of demons comes possession by demons, followed by
exorcism of demons at which time the Church is most definitely involved.
Following the Plays: According to the anthology, the studies of astronomy and
alchemy depend on one another; each of the planets have a particular metal and
precious stone associated with them, for example Jupiters metal is tin and its
precious stones are Cornelian and Emerald. The (blah blah blah, Jupiter). The
excerpt from Twelfth Night spoken by Valentine exemplifies the term element
by the philosophical definition in relation to Earth/Air/Fire/Water with the
mention of heat and water. Even the term season somewhat has a link to the
elements in terms of the effects of the outer elements on the Earth. In the

anthology, the term demon is illustrated and described as no longer taking

human form, assumed the drollest forms- birds of prey, reptiles, gnomes with
flattened beaks or monstrous mandibles. The book discusses a lot of the war
between Heaven and Hell, the relationship between Angels and Demons with
Lucifer and the Archangel Michael, etc Much of what it discusses is opposite to
what Shakespeare models for his audience with the example from Antony and
Cleopatra. The demon referred to in this excerpt is Noble, courageous high,
unmatchable which to me sounds like the demon is a representation of
temptation because who ever heard of a noble demon?! The part about making
space enough between you is significant in that in order to clearly see the
difference between the angel and the demon, Antony must balance himself
equally between them.

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