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2. Which of the following histamine receptor uses PI3 and DAG?

a. H1
b. H2
c. H3
d. H4

3. Post op adult-abdominal laparotomy

a. Ca
b. Muscaribic
c. Neostigmine

7. In patients with Chronic Kidney Disease who is on dialysis. What is the most helpful agent if the
patient developed anemia?
a. Epo A
c. Fresh Whole Blood
d. Parenteral Iron
9. 22 month old child w/ anemia. DOC?
ANSWER: Oral iron for 2-3 wks d.

14. Patient developed metastatic disease while on anastrazole, diagnosed with hormone sensitive
breast CA, given with everolimus and exe in BOLERO regimen. What is everolimus?
a. Inhibitor of mammalian target of rapamycin
b. Aromatase inhibitor
c. Selective Estrogen Moderator
19. Which of the following treatments for prostate CA causes initial bone metastasis pain?
A. Anti-androgen
B. GnRH analog

C. GnRH antagonist
D. All of the above

21. Treatment for IBS

a. anti diarrhea
b. anti spasmodic

24) RDU for Ogilvie's syndrome or intestinal pseudo-obstruction?

ANSWER: Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor neostigmine can enhance gastric, small intestine, and colonic
emptying. Intravenous neostigmine has enjoyed a resurgence in clinical usage for the treatment of
hospitalized patients with acute large bowel distention (known as acute colonic pseudo-obstruction or
Ogilvies syndrome). Administration of 2 mg results in prompt colonic evacuation of flatus and feces in the

32. Male patient manifesting with pallor. Low hemoglobin, leukocyte, erythrocyte and platelet
count. Youve decided to transfuse blood. Which one will you give?
a. Packed whole blood
b. Fresh plasma
c. Packed RBC
d. Platelet

33. True about levodopa-carpidopa except

ANSWER: Used anticholinergics in most doses because of minimal/controlled rxn
37. Blocks vagally Mediated Bronchoconstriction
a. Antimuscarinic
b. Beta Blocker
c. Corticosteroid
39. No bronchodilatior effect but good antinflammatory

a. cromolyn

44. Patient receive anti Parkinson drugs developed dementia and cognitive complications,
therapeutics strategies except
a. increase CD-LD treatment to arrest cognitive deterioration
b. donepezil is used as treatment for dementia
c. donepezil used with initially showing no improvement or more deterioration, stop the medication
d. decrease anticholinergic if hallucination manifested
49. Patient X with IBS has undergone diet and lifestyle modification but symptoms persist.
Symptomatic treatment consists of the following except:
A. Antidepressant
B. Laxative except osmotic laxatives like milk of magnesia and polyethylene glycol
C. Anticholinergics and Antispasmodics
D. Antidiarrheal
51. Hct 27 Hgb 9. Treatment?
a. IV pRBC
b. whole blood
54) Roflumilast and C--- inhibit which phosphodiesterase?

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