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(A study of Allamah Mohammad Iqbals poetry)



Introduction ..6
Dedication to the Muslim Community ..
Prelude: Of the bond between Individual and community
That the Community is made up of the mingling of Individuals,
and owes the perfecting of its education to Prophethood
The Pillars of Islam First Pillar: The Unity of God
60. :
That despair, grief and fear are the Mother of abominations, destroying
life; and that belief in the Unity of God puts an end to those foul diseases

Conversation of the Arrow and the Sword 88......
Emperor Alamgir and the tiger 93.
Second Pillar: Apostleship 103 :
That the purpose of Muhammads (S.A.W.) mission was to
found freedom, equality and brotherhood among all mankind

The story of Bu Ubaid and Jadan, in illustration of Muslim Brotherhood
The story of Sultan Murad and the architect, in illustration of
Muslim equality 134...
Concerning Muslim freedom and the secret of the tragedy of Kerbala

That since the Muhammadan community is founded upon belief in

one God and Apostleship, therefore it is not bounded by space

That the country is not the foundation of the community
That the Muhammadan community is also unbounded in time, since
the survival of this noble community has been Divinely promised

That the organization of the community is only possible through
law, and the law of Muhammadan community is the Quran
200 ..
That in times of decandence strict conformity is better than free
speculation 214...
That maturity of communal laife derives from following the Divine law
That a good communal character derives from discipline according to
the manners of the Prophet (S.A.W.)
That the life of the community requires a visible focus, and that
the focus of the Islamic Community is Makkahs sacred home

That true solidarity consists in adopting a fixed communal objective,
and that the objective of the Muhammadan community is the
preservation and propagation of Unitarianism

That the expansion of communal life depends upon controlling
the forces of world order
That the perception of communal life is attained when the community,
like the individual, discovers the sensation of Self, and that the
propagation and perfecting of this sensation can be realized through
guarding the communal traditions



That the continuance of the species derives from motherhood, and that
the preservation and honouring of motherhood, is the foundation of Islam

That the lady Fatima is the perfect pattern of Muslim womanhood
Address to the veiled ladies of Islam 358..
Summary of the purport of the poem in exegesis of the Surah of
Pure Faith - Say: He is God, One

God, the Self-Subsistent 373..........
He beget not, neither was He begotton 392......
And there is not any equal unto Him 402..
The authors memorial to him who is a mercy to all living beings

The main themes of the poems included in Rumuz-e-Bekhudi are the ideal
community, Islamic ethical and social principles and the relationship between the
individual and society. Arthur J. Arberry was the first to translate these poems in
1953. Although he is true throughout to Islam, Iqbal recognizes also the positive
analogous aspects of other religions.
Iqbal sees the individual and his community as reflections of each other.
The individual needs to be strengthened before he can be integrated into the
community, whose development in turn depends on the preservation of the
communal ego. It is through contact with others that an ego learns to accept the
limitations of its own freedom and the meaning of love. Muslim communities
must ensure order in life and must therefore preserve their communal tradition. It
is in this context that Iqbal sees the vital role of women, who as mothers are
directly responsible for inculcating values in their children.
Arthur J. Arberry in the introductory notes wrote: The historian of the
future, when reviewing the great events of our times, will doubtless count among
their most remarkable the sudden and surprising emergence, shortly after the
second world-war, of an independent nation of nearly one hundred million souls,
whose principal claim to nationhood was the religion professed by the great
majority of its citizens. We still stand too near to the birth of Pakistan to be able
fully to appreciate the significance of that dramatic, that heroic solution of the
Indian Problem, as it had occupied the minds of our fathers and grandfathers; but
even the most indifferent reader of the newspapers must by now have begun to
grasp something of the impact of Pakistans creation upon the main tendencies of
world-politics. Pakistans spokesmen in the debates of the United Nations have
attracted so much attention and respect, whether in their Kashmir arguments or in
their championship of Moroccan or Tunisian aspirations, that it would be a
singularly dull-witted observer of the international scene who would still fail to
realize that this new country is destined to play a very leading part in the coming
drama of world-history.
When the future historian proposes to analyze the cause that determined and
conditioned the emergence of Pakistan, he will be bound to take into account the

personality and writings of a man who is regarded by some as the creator, and by
many as the principal, or a principal advocate of the creation, of that great power.
Sir Muhammad Iqbal (1876-1938), Islam in India (Gollancz, 1946) as the
outstanding Muslims poet and thinker of the century, whose greatness may be
measured in terms of the universal attention and veneration which he has
attracted, died indeed before he could see the unexpectedly early realization of
his dream of an independent nation for Indias Muslim provinces; his last year of
mental and physical anguish were not relieved by the consolation of knowing that
the cause for which he strove so long was so soon to triumph. But a spate of
publications, issued in Pakistan hard upon the heels of its independence, hailed
him as the spiritual founder of the richest and most numerous Muslim country in
the world, and the emphasis of this testimony has not diminished with the
intervening years.
Iqbal was a poet as well as well as a philosopher, and he preferred to express
his philosophy in poetry rather than in prose; which is presumably the main
reason why he is still so comparatively unknown and mis-appreciated in the
West. For whereas his few prose writings are chiefly in English, his poetry is in
Urdu and Persian, and abounds in the conventional imagery of those literatures;
so that even when translated into English it is apt to be felt as somewhat remote
and unfamiliar. Moreover, not only is his style highly idiomatic, but his thought is
not infrequently complex, and almost too subtle for the language in which he
chose to express it; while the exuberance of his poetic fancy baffles the reader not
alert to its rapid transitions and not aware of the conceptual unity underlying the
rhetorical diversity. I know of no Oriental poet who confronts the translator with
problems so various and so stubborn.
The greatness of Iqbal first became apparent when he published his Asrar-iKhudi a Persian philosophical epic which the late R.A. Nicholson translated
under the title The Secrets of the Self (Macmillan, 1920). In that poem he
developed the first part of his theory of the individual in society. The kingdom of
God on earth, he wrote to Nicholson, means the democracy of more or less
unique individuals, presided over by the most unique individual possible on this
earth. Selfhood, or individually is the chief theme of the Asrar; the moral and
religious ideal of man is not self-negation but self-affirmation, and he attains to
this ideal by becoming more and more unique. He aims to show that it is only in
an ideal Islamic society, as he understands the matter; that the individual can
hope to achieve complete self-affirmation.
The second half of this theory is presented in the Rumuzi-i-Bekhudi, which I
have now translated as The Mysteries of Selflessness. It is obvious that the
Iqbalian conception of selfhood, if developed in isolation from society, ends in

unmitigated egoism and anarchy. But he was not interested merely in the
individual and his self-realization; he was equally concerned with the evolution
of an ideal society, or community as he preferred to call it. It is only as a member
of this community that the individual, by the twin principles of conflict and
concord, is able to express himself fully and ideally; it is only as an association of
self-affirming individuals that the community can come into being and perfect
itself. Iqbal thus escapes from Libertariansim by limiting the communitys
authority, making it a challenge and not an insurmountable obstacle to the
individuals self-realization.
Such, in very brief and very simple, are the fundamental ideas worked out in
these two poems. The ideas themselves are of course not particularly new; not
particularly new either is the proposition that Islam is the ideal society; what is
new, and what justifies Iqbals pretension to be a leader of thought is the
application of this philosophical theory of individuality and community to the
religio-political dogma that Islam is superior to all other creeds and systems. The
propaganda for Islamic unity in modern times has been continuous from the days
of Jamal al-Din Afghani (1839-97); Iqbal was one of the latest albeit one of the
ablest and most influential of its publicists. He supplied a more or less
respectable intellectual basis for a movement which is in reality more emotional
than rational.
In the Rumuz, Iqbal states the case for international Islam. In this phase of
his life he was still thinking most intently of the possibility of a revived caliphate,
bringing together in single theocracy the 300,000,000 Muslims of the world. The
subsequent collapse of the Ottoman Empire, the, extinction of caliphate,
secularization of Turkey, and the creation several independent or semiindependent Arab states cause him to modify his optimistic appreciation of the
scene. For the present, he wrote in Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam
(O.U.P., 1934), every Moslem nation must sink in her own deeper self,
temporarily focus her vision on hers alone, until all are strong and powerful to
form a living fame of republics, is not so easy as to be achieved by a merely
symbolic over lordship. It is truly manifested in a multiplicity of independent
units whose racial rivalries are dusted and harmonized by the unifying bond of a
common spiritual aspirating. It seems to me that God is slowly bringing home to
us the treat that Islam is neither Nationalism nor Imperialism but a League of
Nations which recognizes artificial boundaries and distinctions for facility of
reference only, and not for restrict the social horizon of its member. This was the
mood which Iqbal agitated for the secession of Islam India.
The creation of Pakistan

The date of the millennium has been postponed; but in the meanwhile there
is important work to be done.
The events of 26 January 1952, Cairos black Saturday, brought home to
many, who where hitherto content to minimize the conflict between Islam and the
West, that a situation existed fraught with the most serious danger. It is strange
that the portents should have been lying for a long time. When Iqbal wrote,
Believe me, Europe today is the greatest hindrance in the way of mans ethical
advancement, he was not saying anything that he has not said before, and he was
not seeking merely to provoke and shock; neither was he a solitary voice crying
in the wilderness. The present threats to the peace and security of the world are
certainly not few; among those threats there are not many greater than the revival
lately of that spirit of irreconcilable hostility which found its most dramatic and
bloody expression in the Crusades.
Over-simplification of complex issues is a most mischievous evil, perhaps
the besetting sin of the twentieth century. A world accustomed to promote adult
education through the popular press rather than by serious literature has become
so conditioned to headlines that it seems no longer possible for an intellectually
honest, and therefore hesitant, evaluation of any problem to attract wide notice.
For a professing philosopher Iqbal was remarkably ready to dogmatize in the
modern fashion. The idealism of Europe, he writes, never became a living
factor in her life, and the result is a perverted ego seeking itself through mutually
intolerant democracies whose sole function is to exploit the poor in the interest of
the rich. This is the kind of utterance which explains why communists find no
difficulty in claiming Iqbal as one of their own. It is of course as necessary for an
Oriental politician as for his Occidental fellow to paint the world in two colours,
black and white; but when a politician poses, and is accepted, as a prophet, it is
irresponsible for him to continue to indulge in the puerilities of the soap-box,
unless he is ambitious, like a Hitler, to stage a fantastic Gotterdammerung.
Present-day Oriental contempt for Europe, to my way of thinking the most
terrible and menacing aspect of contemporary politics, is not to be dismissed
simply as a triumphant reaction against a defeated or a penitent imperialism.
Doubtless, there is much of that in it; but the roots go deeper. It is not to be
attributed solely to the egregious activities of those little Intellectuals, who in the
twenties and the thirties went about the world loudly proclaiming the imminent
collapse of European civilization, fouling the nest they fancied they has
outgrown; though the seeds which they so light-headedly scattered are yielding
a sufficiently rank harvest. It is not even today exceptional extent a recoil of
horror from the genocide of the great wars; yet that makes for a fair enough show
of self righteousness. All these factors are present and active; but underneath

them all lies the challenge flung down more than thirteen centuries ago in the
deserts of Arabia, and taken up again and again by Iqbal and all his predecessors
and successors. Islam claims specifically to be the final revelation of God to
mankind, and an overthrow of all other religions.
Europe for centuries was unfair to Islam, in the sense that the positive
achievements of Muslim civilization were over-looked, scholarship being the
handmaid of religious partisanship. Against this injustice Amir Ali and his school
rightly protested; and since polemics had been Europes chosen weapon, Europe
had no reason to complain if Islam proved equal to wield that arm with skill and
enthusiasm. The liberal movement of last century made possible a more realistic
assessment of Islams contribution to humanity; European scholars, long before
Amir Ali was born, now delighted to discover and advertise the advancements in
mathematics, medicine and science, the manifestations in art, literature, law,
philosophy and politics, for which Islam could, by a generous oversimplification, be held responsible. It became fashionable to acknowledge
legacies; and the inheritance of Europe from mediaeval Islam was duly admitted.
Swooping eagerly upon this learned testimony by impartial observers to
their past greatness, Muslim apologists presently began to allege, with more and
more assurance and stridency, that what was good in modern European culture
was due to Islam, and what was evil was due to other forces. One Indian writer,
F.K. Durrani, went so far as to declare that all progress in learning, culture and
civilization from the seventh century to the present times owes itself directly or
indirectly to the mind of the founder of Islam. In a scarcely less ebullient mood
Iqbal wrote, believe me, Europe to day is the greatest hindrance in the way of
mans ethical achievement. The Muslim, on the other hand, is in possession of
these ultimate ideas on the basis of a revelation, which, speaking from the inmost
depths of life, Internalizes its own apparent externality. With him the spiritual
basis of life is a matter of conviction for which even the least enlightened man
among us can easily lay down his life; and in view of the basic idea of Islam that
there can be no further revelation binding on man, we ought to be spiritually one
of the most emancipated peoples on earth Let the Muslim to day appreciate his
position, reconstruct his social life in the light of ultimate principles, and evolve,
out of the hitherto partially revealed purpose of Islam, that spiritual democracy
which is the ultimate aim of Islam.
The tables have indeed been turned. Christian Europe, adventuring into the
East upon its self-appointed civilizing mission, is now informed that it is itself in
need of civilizing anew from the East.


How serious is all this? It is easy, sitting in a comfortable chair in London or

Paris or New York, to deny the whole argument half-amusedly as a battle of
lords. That is a dangerous delusion, as any observant traveller in the Islamic
world today will readily testify. Quite apart from the blood and fire of Cairos
Black Saturday, which those who wish may, if they choose, interpret as an
exasperated reaction against British imperialism, or an attempted communist
uprising, or the age-old lawlessness of an Oriental mob, it is impossible to live
intelligently for a single day in any part of that large stretch of the earths surface
extending from Morocco to Indonesia, with out becoming uncomfortably aware
that Islam and Europe stand poised against each other, and that the choice
between peace and war may not be far off. Whether we like it or not, be we
Europeans or Africans or Asians, we live in dangerous times, and may well be
heading for the greatest collision since Richard fought Saladin. Are we justified
in pretending that the facts are otherwise?
If the threatening and so unnecessary conflict is to be avoided, it is
imperative that we should make a renewed and unremitting effort to understand
each others viewpoint, and to study what possibilities exist for, first, a
diminishing of tension, next a rational compromise, and, ultimately, an agreement
to work together towards common ideals. In translation the Rumuz-i-Bekhudi I
have endeavoured to interpret the Muslim case, as expressed with forceful
eloquence by a remarkable thinker and a remarkable poet. For my own part, as a
Christian not interested to persuade any Muslim to share my ancestral faith, I
believe that the present discord between Christianity and Islam, if it cannot be
resolved, can at least be so sensibly modified as to be removed from the perilous
arena of emotion to the more tranquil debate of reason. In the debate it will
become apparent that the area of agreement between the two faiths is very much
larger than the area of disagreement, generating the reasonable hope that
opposition may in time give way to cooperation. More especially is this likely to
happen, if Christians and Muslims realize soon enough, and clearly enough, that
they are confronted by a common enemy able to destroy them together, unless
they resist him together.
I am not sure that I have always grasped the meaning or rendered it
correctly, Nicholson wrote in his translation of the Asrar; and I have seen a copy
of that book, marginally corrected by Iqbal himself, which bears striking witness
to the difficulties so fine a scholar of Persian as Nicholson found in elucidating
the obscurities of Iqbals style. I can only repeat his remarks on my own account
here; and must add that my translation, such as it is, would have been even more
unsatisfactory, had it not been my good fortune to have it revised by eminent
Pakistani scholars, members of the Iqbal Academy, who were personal friends of

Iqbal, and are therefore far more familiar than I can hope to be with his ideas and
modes of expression. I am glad to take this opportunity of expressing to them my
cordial thanks. In casting the translation in the form of unrhymed verse the
original is written in rhyming couplets I have tried, while seeking strict fidelity
to the meaning, to convey something of the poetical flavour of the Persian
Allamah opens Rumuz-i-Bekhudi with a couplet of Morshid Rumi:

Jehad kon dar bikhudi khod ra bayaab;

zood-ter wa-Allah-o-aalam-o-biswaab Maulana Rum.

[Koshish kar, aur apney aap ko bey khudi mein paa ley;
yeh aasan tariqah hai, baqi Allah behtar jaanta hai.]
Try and discover thyself in selflessness;
this is easier way, else God knows better. Maulana Rum.



Paishkash ba-hazoor-e-Millat-e-Islamiah

[Millat-e-Islamiyah kay hazoor mein paishkash]

Monkar natwan gasht agar dum zannam az ishq;
ein nashah bamun neist agar ba digray hust Orfi

[Agar mien ishq ki baat karta hon

tuo tojhey iss sey inkaar naheen karna chahiay;

agar mien iss nashay sey khali hon
tuo kissi aur mein zaroor ho ga.]
If I talk of Love, do not refute that;
I may lack the intoxication,
but you will certainly find in someone.

Ay tera Haq khatam-e-aqwaam kard;
ber tou her
aaghaz ra anjam kard.

[Ay woh ummat jissay Haq Taala ney

khatam-e-aqwaam banaya hai;


aur jiss per apni her ibtida ki intiha kar di hai.]

You, who were made by God
to be the Seal of all the peoples dwelling upon;
that all beginnings might in you find end.

Ay misal-e-anbiya pakaan tou;
humgar dilha jigger chakaan tou.

) (

[Teyrey naik loug gozashtah anbiya (A.S) ki manind hein;

teyrey jiggar chaak dilon ko jorrney waaley hein.]
Whose saints were prophet like,
whose wounded hearts wove into unity the souls of men;

Ay nazar ber hosn-e-tersazadaheyi;


ay z-raah-e-Kaabah door aftaadaheyi.

[Ay Ummat-e-Moslimah! Tou ney Ehal-e-Kalisa kay

hosn (aloom) per nazar rakhhi hoeyi hai;
aur tou raah-e-Kaabah sey door jaa parri hai.]
Why are you fallen now so far astray
from Meccas holy Kaaba,
all bemused by the strange beauty of the Christians way?

Ay falak mosht-e-ghobar kooey tou;

ay tamasha-gah-e-alam rooey tou.

[Asman teyrey koochay ki mosht-e-gobar hai;

saari dunya teyrey chehray per maftoon hai.]
The very skies are but a gathering of your streets dust,
yourselves the cynosure of all mens eyes;
whither in restless haste.

Humcho mouj, aatish teh-e-paa mi-ravi;

tou koja beher tamasha mi-ravi.

[Tou mouj ki tarah apney aap sey taizi sey bhaag rehi hai;
tou kissay deikhhney kay leay jaa rehi hai.]
Do you now hurry like a storm-tossed wave,
what new diversion seeking? No, but ilear.

Rumz soz aamoz az pervanaheyi;

dar sharar taamir kon kashanaheyi.

) (

[Pervaney sey jalnay ki rumz seikhh;

aur (oss ki tarah) sharar mein kashanah taamir kar.]

The mystery of ardour from the moth
and make your lodgment in the burning flame;

Tarah-e-ishq andaaz andar jan-e-khwaish;

) (

tazah kon ba Mustafa (S.A.W.) paiman-e-khwaish.

[Apni jan kay andar ishq ki buniyad rakhh;

Hazoor (S.A.W.) sey apna paiman-e-mohabat

az sar-e-nau ostwar kar.]
Lay loves foundation-stone in your own soul,
and to the Prophet pledge anew your troth.

Khateram az sohbat-e-tarsa grift;

ta niqab rooey tou bala grift.

[Jabb sey teyrey hosein chehray per sey niqab othha hai;
mien ehal-e-Europe ki sohbat sey dil gariftah ho gaya hon.]
My mind was weary of Christian company,
when suddenly your beauty stood unveiled.

Hum nawa az jalwah-e-aghiyar goft;

daastan-e-gaisoo-o-rokhsar goft.

[Meyrey hum-nawaon ney ghairon kay hosn

aur onn kay gaisoo-o-rokhsar ki daastanein sonaein.]
My fellow-minstrel sang the epiphany of alien loveliness,
the lovelorn theme of stresses and soft cheeks;


Ber dar saqi jabeen farsood oo;

qissah-e-mogh zaadgan paimood



[Onnhon ney saqi (Maghrib) kay

darwazey per jobbah-saaeyi ki;
aur wahan kay mogh-zaadon kay qissay sonaey.]
And rubbed his brow against the sakis door,
rehearsed the chant of Magian wenches.

Mun shaheed-e-taigh-e-abrooey tou-um;

khakam-o-aasoodah-e-kooey tou-um.

[Magar ay Ummat-e-Muslimah

mien teyri taigh-e-aabroo ka shaheed hon;

khak hotay hoay mien ney teyri galli mein sakon paya.]
I would martyr be to your brows scimitar,
am fain to rest like dust upon your street.

Az sitaish gustari bala-taram;
paish-e-her diwaan frou na-ayad saram.

[Mien qasidah-goeyi sey bala-ter hon;

her mehal kay saamney sar naheen jhokata.]

Too proud am I to mouth base panegyrics,
or to bow my stubborn head to every tyrants court.


Az sakhon aeinah saazam kardah-und;
waz Sikandar bey niazam kardah-und.


[Shaeri meyri aeinah-sazi hai;

aur mojhey (aeinah) Sikandar sey bey niaz kar deyta hai.]
Trained up to fashion mirrors out of words.
I need not Alexanders magic glass. 3

Bar-e-ehsan ber natabad gardanam;

dar gulistan ghonchah gardad daamnam.

[Meyri gardan kissi kay ehsan ka bojh naheen othha sakti;

mien gulistan kay andar ghoncha ki manind
apney aap ko bund rakhhay hoay hon.]
My neck endures not mens magic glass.
My neck endures not mens munificence;

where roses bloom, I gather close the skirt of my souls bud.

Sakht kosham misl-e-khanjar dar jahan;
aab-e-khud mi-geeram az sung-e-gran.

[Mien dunya mein khanjar ki manind sakht kosh,

pathhar sey apni aab-o-taab hasil karta hon.]

Hard is the daggers steel I labour in this life,

my luster won from the tough granite.

Garchih beharum, mouj-e-mun bitaab neist;

ber kaff-e-mun kaasah-e-gardaab neist.

[Agarchih mien samandar hon magar meyri mouj bey qarar naheen;
meyri hathaili per bhanwar ka kasah naheen.]
Though I am a sea, not restless is my billow;
in my hand I hold no whirlpool blow.

Pardaheyi rungam, shamimay neistam;

siad-e-her mouj-e-nasimay neistam.

[Mien pardah-e-rung hon, khoshboo naheen hon

keh nasim ki her mouj ka shikar bun jaaon.]
A painted veil am I, no blossoms perfume-scattering,
no prey to every billowing breeze that blows.

Dar sharar abad-e-husti akhgaram;
khilaatay bakhshad mera khakistaram.

[Mien zindagi kay shraar abad mein eik angarah;

meyri khakistar he meyri khilaat hai.]

I am glowing coal within Lifes fire,

and wrap me in my embers for a cloak.

Ber darat janam niaz aawordah ast;

) (

hadiyah-e-soz-o-godaz aawordah ast.

[Ay Millat-e-Islamiyah (mojh jaisa khoddar bhi)

teyrey darwazey per niaz-mandanah
hadiya-e-soz-o-godaz laya hai.]
And now my soul comes suppliant to your door
bringing a gift of ardour passionate.

z-asman-e-aabgoon yam mi-chakkad;
ber dil-e-garmam dumadum mi-chakkad.

[Neilay asman sey meyrey garm dil per afkaar

moosla-dhar bearish ki manind bars rehey hein.]
A mighty water out of heavens deep;
momently trickles er my burning breast;

Mun z-joo bareek-ter mi-saazmush;

taa beh sehan-e-gulshanat andazmush.

[Mien onnhein nadi sey bhi ziyadah bareek bana kay


teyrey sehan-e-gulshan mein paish kar raha hon.]

I channel narrower than a brook
that I may fling it in your gardens dish.

Z-aankeh tou mehboob-e-yar-e-masti;

) (

humcho dil andar kinar-e-masti.

[Choonkeh tou hamarey Dost (S.A.W.) ki mehboob hai;

iss leay tou hamarey pehloo mein dil ki manind hai.]
Because you are beloved by him I love
I fold you to me closely as my heart.

Ishq taa tarah-e-foghan dar seinah raikht;

aatish-e-oo az dilam aeinah raikht.

[Jabb sey ishq ney seinay mein

aah-o-foghan ki bonyaad rakhhi hai;

oss ki aag ney meyrey dil ko aeinah bana diya hai.]
Since love first made the breast an instrument
of fierce lamenting, by its flame my heart.

Misl-e-gul az hum shigafam seinah ra;
paish-e-tou aawaizam ein aeinah ra.


[Mien apney seinay ko phhool ki tarah chir kar,

apney dil ka aeinah tumharey saamney rakhh raha hon.]
Was molten to a mirror; like a rose I pluck my breast apart,
that I may hang this mirror in your sight.

Ta nigahay afgani ber rooey khwaish;
mi-shawi zinjiri-e-gaisooey khwaish.

[Ta-keh tou apney chehray per nigah daal sakkey
aur apni zolf ki aseer ho jaaey.]
Gaze you shall become a captive fettered in your tress chain.

Baz khwanam qissah-e-paarinah-ut;
tazah saazam dagh-haey

[Mien teyri porani daastan pher sey sonata hon

ta-keh teyrey seinay kay dagh tazah ho jaain.]
I chant again the tale of long ago,
to bid your bosoms old wounds bleed anew.

Az pey quom z-khod na-mehramay;

khwastam az Haq hayat-e-mohkamay.

[Mien ney iss quom kay leay jo apney aap ko bhool choki thhi,

Haq Taala sey paiadar zindagi ki darkhwast ki.]

So for a people no more intimate with its own soul
I supplicated God, that He might grant to them a firm knit life.

Dar sakoot-e-neim shabb nalaan badum;

alam andar khwab-o-mun giriyaan badum.

[Aadhi raat kay sakoot mein nalah-o-faryaad karta thha,

dunya khwab mein hoti aur mien giryan hota.]
In the mid swatch of night,
when all the world was hushed in slumber, I made loud lament;

Janam az sabr-o-sakoon mehroom bood;

Ya Haye-o-Ya Qayyum bood.

[Meyri jan sabr-o-sakoon sey mehroom thhi

aur meyrey labbon per
Ya Haye-o-Ya Qayyum ka wird thha.]
My spirit robbed of patience and response,
unto the Living and Omnipotent God.

Aarzooey daashtam khoon kardmush;
tazah raah deidah bairoon kardmush.

) (

[Millat ki sarbolandi ki jo aarzoo mien rakhhta thha

oss ney meyra dil khoon kar diya;
aur woh (ashkon ki surat mein) meyri aankhhon sey beh nikla.]
I made my litany; my yearning heart surged,
till its blood streamed from my weeping eyes.

Sokhtan choon lalah paihum taa koja;

az sehar darwiz-e-shabnam taa koja.

[Mien lalah ki manind kabb takk mosalsal jalta rahon

aur kabb takk sobh sey shabnam ki bheik maangta rahon.]
How long, O lord, how long the tulip-glow,
the begging of cool dewdrops from the dawn?

Ashk-e-khod ber khwaish mi-raizam choo shamaa;
ba shabb-e-yalda dar aawaizam
choo shamaa.

( )
[Mien shamaa ki manind apney aansoo
apney aap per he gira raha hon;
(aur iss tarah) akaila he tareeki sey nabard-aazma hon.]
Lo, like a candle wrestling with the night
oer my own self I pour my flooding tears.

Jalwah ra afzoodam-o-khud kaastam;


ra mehfilay aarastam.


[(Mien ney shamaa ki manind) roshni mein azafah kiya;

khud ghholta raha aur doosaron kay leay mehfil aarastah ki.]
I spent myself, that there might be more light,
more loveliness, more joy for other men.

Yakk nafas forsat z-soz-e-seinah neist;

) (
haftah-um sharmindah-e-aadinah neist.

[Mojhey seinay ki tapash sey eik lamah ki bhi forsatt naheen;

meyrey haftay mein Roz-e-Juma (chhotti ka dinn) naheen hai.]
Not for one moment takes
my ardent breast repose from burning;
Friday does not shame; my restless week of unremitting toil.

Janam andar paikar-e-farsoodaheyi;
jalwah-e-aahey ast gard aaloodaheyi.

[Meyrey kohnah badan kay andar jan

goya eik gard aalood aah ka jalwah hai.]

Wasted is now my spirits envelop;
my glowing sigh is sullied all with dust.


Choon mera sobh-e-azal Haq aafrid;

nalah dar
abraisham-e-oodam tapeid.

[Haq Taala ney jabb sobh-e-azal mojhey takhliq farmaya

tuo meyrey ood kay
raishami taron mein nalaay tarrapney lagay.]
When God created me at Times first dawn
a lamentation quivered on the strings.

Nalaheyi afshagar-e-asrar-e-ishq;


khoonbahaey hasrat-e-goftar-e-ishq.

[Aisay naalay jo ishq kay raaz khholney waaley thhey

aur jinnhein ishq ki hasrat-e-goftar ka khoon-baha kehna chahiay.
(Ishq chahta hai keh apney raaz khud afsha karey
magar kar naheen sakta;
oss ki iss khwahish ki mout ka khoon-baha
Iqbal (R.A.) kay naalay hein jinn kay zariay
onnhon ney ishq kay raaz afsha kar diay.)
Of my melodious lute,
and in that note Lovess secrets stood revealed,
the ransom-price of the long sadness of the tale of Love;


Fitrat-e-aatish dehud khashaak ra;
bakhshad khak ra.

[Meyra nalah khas-o-khashaak
ko aag ki fitrat ataa karta hai
aur khak ko shokhi-e-pervanah deyta hai.]
Which music even to sapless straw imparts the ardency of fire
and on dull clay bestows the daring of the reckless moth.

Ishq ra daghey misal-e-lalah bus;

dar garibanash gul-e-yakk nalah bus.

[Ishq kay leay gul-o-lalah ki tarah ka dagh he kafi hai;

meyrey eik he naalay kay phhool sey
oss ka daaman bhar jaata hai.]
Love, like the tulip, has one brand at heart,
and on its bosom wears a singly rose;

Mun humein yakk gul badastaarat zannam;

mehsharay ber khwab sarsharat zannam.

[Ay Millat-e-Islamiyah! Mien he eik phhool

teyri dastar mein aawaizan karta hon


aur iss kay zariay teyri gehri khwab mein

mehshar bapa karta hon.]
And so my solitary rose I pin. Upon your turban,
and cry havoc loud against your drunken slumber;

Taa az khakat lalahzar ayad padeid;

az dumat baad-e-bahaar ayad padeid.

[Ta-keh teyri khak sey lalah-zar khhil othhay,

aur teyra dum baad-e-bahaar bun jaaey.]
Hoping yet tulips may blossom from your earth anew
breathing the fragrance of the breeze of spring.




Tamheed: Dar Maani-e-Rabt-e-Fard-o-Millat

[Tamheed: Rabt-e-Fard-o-Millat]

Fard ra rabt-e-jamaat rehmat ast;

johar-e-oo ra kamal az millat ast.

[Fard kay leay jamaat sey rabt rakhhna bais-e-rehmat hai;

millat kay andar reh kar he oss ka johar kamal hasil karta hai.]
The link that binds the individual to the Society a mercy is;
His truest self in the community alone achieves fulfillment.

Natwaani ba jamaat yar baash;
rounaq-hungamah-e-ahrar baash.

[Jahan takk ho sakkey jamaat kay saath laga reh


aur iss tarah hungamah-e-ahrar ki rounaq bun jaa.]

Wherefore be so far as in thee lies in close rapport with thy Society,
and lustre bring to the wide intercourse of free-born men.

Harz-e-jan kon goftah-e-Khair-al-bashar;
az jamaat door-ter.
hust Shaitan

) (

[Hazoor-e-Akram (S.A.W.) kay iss farmoodah ko

apni jan kay leay taawiz bana ley;
keh Shaitan jamaat sey door rehta hai.]
Keep for thy talisman these words he spoke
that was the best of mortals:
Satan holds his furthest distance where men congregate.

Fard-o-quom aeinah-e-yakk deigarand;


silk-o-gauhar, kehkashan-o-akhtarand.

[Fard aur jamaat eik doosarey kay leay aeinay ki manind hein;
(afraad sey quom banti hai
aur quom ki rawayat afraad mein jhalakti hein)
onn ki misal dhagay aur moti
aur kehkashan aur sitarey ki manind hai.]
The individual a mirror holds to the community, and they to him;
he is a jewel threaded on their cord,


a star that in their constellation shines;

Fard mi-girad z-millat ehteram;
millat az afraad mi-yabad nizam.

[Fard ki tauqir millat sey hai;

aur millat ka nizam afraad per mabni hai.]

And the Society is organized
as by comprising many such as he.

Fard taa andar jamaat gom shawud;

qatrah-e-wosaat talab qolzam shawud.

[Jabb fard jamaat mein gom ho jaata hai;

tuo goya wosaat ka motlashi qatrah darya bun jaata hai.]
When in the Congregation he is list Tis like a drop which,
seeking to expand, becomes an ocean.

Mayahdar-e-seerat-e-deirinah oo;

raftah-o-aaindah ra aeinah oo.

[Fard apni millat ki qadim rawayat ka haamil hota hai;

oss kay andar millat kay mazi
aur mostaqbil ka aks deikhha jaa sakta hai.]
It is strong and rich in ancient ways,


a mirror to the Past as to the Future;

Wisal-e-istaqbal-o-mazi zaat-e-oo;

choon abud la-intiha


( )

[Fard ki zaat millat kay mazi-o-mostaqbil ka noqtah-e-itsaal hai

(millat he sey) fard kay auqaat
abud ki tarah la-intiha ho jaatey hein.]
And the link between what is to come,
and what has gone before, as is Eternity.

Dar dilash zouq-e-namoo az millat ast;

ehtisaab-e-kaar-e-oo az millat ast.

[Millat he ki wajah sey fard kay dil mein

apni qowwaton kay azhaar ka jazbah paida hota hai;

fard ki sargarmiyuon ka andazah
millat he kay moqam sey lagaya jaa sakta hai.]
The joy of growth swells in his heart from the community,
that watches and controls his every deed;

Paikarash az quom-o-hum janash z-quom;

zahirash az quom-o-penhanash z-quom.


[Quom fard ka paikar bhi hai aur oss ki jan bhi;

quom he oss ka zahar hai aur quom he oss ka baatin.]
To them he owes his body and his soul,
alike his outward and his hidden parts.

Dar zoban-e-quom goya mi-shawud;

ber reh-e-aslaaf poya mi-shawud.

[Fard quom he ki zoban sey baat karta hai

aur ossi kay zariay aslaaf ki raah per gaamzan rehta hai.]
His thoughts are vocal on the Peoples tongue,
and on the pathway that his forbears laid he learns to run.

Pokhtah-ter az garmi-e-sohbat shawud;

taa bamaani fard hum millat shawud.

[Fard millat mein mil kar aur ziyadah pokhtah ho jaata hai;
goya maanun fard millat bun jaata hai.]
His immaturity is warmed to ripeness by their friendships flame,
till he becomes one with the Commonwealth.

Wahdat-e-oo mostaqim az kasrat ast;
andar wahdat-e-oo wahdat ast.


[Fard ki wahdat millat ki kasrat sey istiqamat paati hai

aur afraad ki kasrat millat kay zariay wahdat bun jaati hai.]
His singleness in multiplicity is firm and stable,
and itself supplies a unity to their innumerate swarm.

Lafz choon az bait-e-khod bairoon nishast;

gauhar-e-mazmoon bajaib-e-khud shikast.

[Jaisay lafz ko agar shear sey nikaal diya jaaey

tuo oss ki jaib-e-mazmoon ka maani toot jaata hai
yaani woh bey maani ho jaata hai.]
The word that sits outside its proper verse
shatters the jewel of the thought concealed within its pocket;

Burg-e-sabzay kaz nehaal khwaish raikht;
az baharaan tar-e-ummeidash gasaikht.

[Pattah agar apney drakht sey gir jaata hai
tuo bahaar kay mousam mein bhi
iss kay sarsabz honay ki ummeid khatam ho jaati hai.]
When the verdant leaf falls from the stem,
its thread of hope for spring is snapped asunder.


Her keh aab az Zamzam-e-millat nakhord;

naghmah dar oodash fasord.

[Jo fard millat kay chashmah-e-Zamzam sey pani naheen peeta

iss kay saaz kay andar naghmon kay shoalay
afsordah ho jaatey hein.]
He who has not drunk the water of the Peoples sacred well;
the flames of minstrelsy within his lute grow cold, and die.

Fard tunha az maqasid ghafil ast;
aashoftgi ra maeyl ast.

[Fard akaila ho tuo woh aala maqasad sey ghafil rehta hai
aur oss ki qowwatein roo-beh inhitaat ho jaati hein.]
The individual, alone, is heedless of high purposes;
his strength is apt to dissipate itself;

Quom ba zabt aashna gardandash;
narm-roo misl-e-saba gardandash.

[Quom ossey zabt sey motaarif krati hai

aur ossey saba ki manind hoalay hoalay chalati hai.]

The People only make him intimate with discipline;
teach him to be as soft and tractable as is the gentle breeze;


Paa beh gill manind-e-shamshadash konad;

bundad keh azadash

[Quom ossey shamshad ki manind matti ka paband banati hai;

oss kay haath paaon baandhti hai ta-keh ossey azad karey.]
Set him in earth like a well-rooted oak,
close-fetter him, to make him truly free.

Choon aseer-e-halqah-e-aein shawud;

aahooey rum khooey oo moshkin shawud.

[Jabb fard apney aap ko qanoon ka pabund banata hai

tuo oss ki rum-khoo fitrat mein khoshboo paida ho jati hai.]
When he is prisoner to the chain of Law
his deer by nature wild and uncontrolled,
yields in captivity the precious musk.

Tou khudi az bekhudi nashanakhti;

khwaish ra andar gomaan andakhti.

[Tou ney khudi aur bekhudi mein farq naheen samjha;

aur apney aap ko zann-o-gomaan mein daal diya.]
Thou, who hast not known self from selflessness,
therefore hast lost thyself in vain surmise;


Johar-e-nooreist andar khak-e-tou;

yakk shoash jalwah-e-idraak tou.

[Khudi noor ka eik johar hai

jo teyrey badan kay andar moujood hai;

teyrey feham-o-idraak ki roshni khudi ki eik shoa hai.]
Within thy dust there is an element of Light,
whose single shaft illuminates thy whole perception;

Aishat az aishash, ghum-e-tou az ghumash;
az inqilab
her dumash.

[Teyra aish khudi kay aish sey aur

teyra ghum khudi kay ghum sey wabastah hai;

teyri zindagi ka daar-o-madaar
oss kay her lehzah inqilab per mouqoof hai.]
All thy joy derives from its enjoyment,
all thy sorrow springs from its distress;
its constant change and turn keep thee in vital being.

Wahidast-o-ber nami taabad dooeyi;
mun az taab-e-oo mun
astam, tou toueyi.


[Khudi wahid hai, woh dooeyi ki taab naheen rakhhti;

ossi ki taab-o-tawan sey mein, mein hon aur tou, tou hai.]
It is one and, being one, brooks no duality;
grace to its glow I am myself, thou thou.

Khwaish dar-o-khwaish baz-o-khwaish saaz;

naz-ha mi perward andar niaz.

[Apni hifazat apna azhaar, aur apni taamir oss ki sifaat hein;
oss ki niazmandi mein sainkarron naaz perwarish paatey hein.]
Preserving self, staking and making self,
nourishing pride in meek humility;

Aatishay az soz-e-oo gardad boland;
ein sharar ber
shoalah andaazad kamand.

[Oss kay soz sey aag boland hoti hai;

khudi ka sharar shoaley per kamand daalta hai.]
It is a flame that sets a fire alight,
a spark that overshoots the blazing torch.

Fitratash azad-o-hum zinjeeri ast;
jozv-e-oo ra qowwat-e-koll geeri ast.

) (


[Oss ki fitrat azad hai aur moqiyyad bhi;

oss jozv mein koll (kainat) per qaboo paa leynay ki qowwat hai.]
Its nature is to be both free and bond;
itself a part, it has the potency to seize the whole.

Khoogar-e-paikaar paihum deidmash;

hum khudi hum zindagi nameidash.

[Mien ney ossey mosalsal jadd-o-jehad mein deikhha hai;

mien ossey khudi bhi kehta hon aur zindagi bhi.]
I have beheld its wont is strife incessant,
and have called its name Selfhood, and Life.

Choon z-khalwat-e-khwaish ra bairoon dehud;
paaey dar hungamah-e-jalwat nehud.

[Jabb yeh khudi khalwat sey baahar nikalti hai

aur hungamah-e-jalwat mein qadam rakhhti hai.]
Whenever it comes forth from its seclusion,
and discreetly steps into the riot of phenomena;

Naqsh geer andar dillash oo mi-shawud;

mun z-hum mi
raizad-o-tou mi-shawud.


[Iss kay dil kay andar millat ka naqsh baithh jaata hai;
iss kay maqasad mein iss ki zaat ki jagah millat ley leyti hai.]
Its heart is impressed with the stamp of he,
I is dissolved, converting into thou.

Jabar, qataa-e-ikhtiyarash mi-konad;


az mohabat mayah daarash mi-konad.

[(Millat kay mofadat ka) jabar

iss kay ikhtiyarat salb kar leyta hai;

aur issey milli mohabat sey sarshar kar deyta hai.]
Compulsion cuts the freedom of its choice,
making it rich in love.

Naaz taa naaz ast kum khaizad niaz;
saazad behum khaizad niaz.


[Jabb takk naaz naaz hai iss sey niazmandi paida naheen hoti;
niazmandi issi surat mein paida hoti hai
jabb bohat sey naaz aapas mein mowafiqat
(eik doosaray kay leay eisaar) paida karein.]
While pride of self pulls its own way,
humility is not born; pull pride together,


and humility comes into being.

Dar jamaat khod-shikan gardad khudi;
taa z-gulbergay
chaman gardad khudi.

( )

[Jamaat kay andar khudi khod-shikni

(jamaat kay saath motabqat paida karna) kar leyti hai;

aur iss tarah phhool ki patti sey poora chaman bun jati hai.]
Self negates itself in the community,
that it maybe no more a petal, but a rosary.

Noktah-ha chon taigh-e-poulaad ast taiz;

gar na-mi fehami paish-e-maa graiz.

[Meyrey kalaam kay nokaat talwar ki manind taiz hein;

agar tou naheen samajh sakka tuo yahan sey chala jaa.]
These subtleties are like a steely sword:
If they defeat thy wit, quick, flee away!*
* The quotation is from Rumi.




Dar maani einkeh Millat az ikhtilaat-e-afraad paida
az Nabawwat ast.

[Iss matlab ki wazahat kay leay keh millat afraad kay ikhtilaat sey wujood
mein aati hai aur iss ki tarbiyat ki takmil nabowwat sey hoti hai.]


Az chih roo ber bustah rabt-e-mardam ast;

rishtah-e-ein daastan sar-dar gom ast.

[Insanon ka bahami rabt kis tarah wujood mein aaya;

iss kahani ka aaghaz maaloom naheen.]
Upon what manner man is bound to man:
That tales a thread, the end whereof is lost beyond unraveling.

Dar jamaat fard ra beinam ma;

) (

az chaman oo ra choo gul cheenam ma.

[Hum jamaat mein (sirf) fard ko dekhhtay hein;

aur ossey bagh sey phhool ki manind chon leytay hein.]
We can descry he individual within the Mass,
and we can pluck him as a flower is plucked out of the garden.

Fitratash warafta-e-yakktaeyi ast;
hifz-e-oo az anjuman

[Oss ki fitrat infraadiyat ki dildaadah hai;

magar oss ka tahaffaz ijtamaiyat sey hai.]
All his nature is entranced with individuality,
yet only in Society he finds security and preservation.


Sozadash dar shahrah-e-zindagi;


[Shahrah-e-hayat mein razmgah-e-zindagi ki aag

iss ki infradiyat ko jala deyti hai.
(ijtamiyat kay matehat ley aati hai)]
On the road of life, the furnace of lifes fire,
that roaring battlefield, sets him aflame.

Marman khoo-gar bayakk deigar shawund;

softah dar yakk rishtah choon gohar shawund.

[Chonanchih afraad eik doosaray sey manoos ho jaatey hein

aur motiyuon ki tarah eik larri mein proey jaatey hein.]
Men grow habituated each to each,
like jewels threaded on a single cord;

Dar nabard-e-zindagi yaar-e-hum-und;

[Woh zindagi ki kashmakash mein humdard saathhi bun jaatey hein
aur eik he paishah rakhhney waalon ki manind
eik honay ka ehsaas paida kar leytey hein.]


Succors each other in the war of life in mutual bond,

like workmen bent upon a common task.

Mehfil-e-anjam z-jazb-e-bahum ast;
z-kaukab mohkam

[Sitaron ki mehfil bahami kashash sey qaim hai;

her eik kay wujood ko doosarey sey istihkam milta hai.]

Through such polarity the constellations congregate,
each star in several attraction
keeping each poised firmly and unshaken.

Khaimah-gah-e-carvaan koh-o-jabal;

) (

[Paharr, marghazar, sehra, teelay

sabb carvaan (-e-hayat) ki khaimah-gah hein.]

Caravans may pitch their tents on mountain or on hill,
broad meadow, fringe of desert, sandy mound.

Sost-o-bijan tar-o-pood-e-kaar oo;

nakashoodah ghonchah-e-pindar oo.

[Fard kay kaam ka tana bana, kumzor aur bey jan thha;


oss kay tasawworat ki kali khhelti naheen thhi.

(azaim-e-jalilah pooray naheen hoay thhey)]
Yet slack and lifeless hangs
the warp and woof of the Groups labour,
unresolved the bud of its deep meditation;

Saaz-e-barq aahung-e-oo na-nawakhtah;
naghamah-ash dar pardah na-perdakhtah.

[Fard ka bijliyan paida karney wala saaz bhi
koeyi nawa naheen paida karta thha;
pardah-e-saaz mein oss ka naghmah tartib naheen paya thha.
(pardah mosiqi ki istilah hai)]
Still unplayed the flickering levin of its instrument,
its music hushed within its muted strings;

Goshmal-e-jostjoo na-khordaheyi;

aarzoo na-khordaheyi.


[Shouq-e-jostjoo ney oss ki goshmali naheen ki thhi

(oss ko amal per naheen oksaya thha)
oss kay saaz kay taar aarzoo kay mizrab sey na-aashna thhey.]
Unsmitten by the pounding of the quest,
the plectrum of desire; disordered still;


Na basamaan mehfil-e-nauzadah-ash;

ba panbah cheidan baadah-ash.



[Awwalein mehfil-e-insan kissi sar-o-samaan kay baghair thhi;

oss ki sharab (itni kum thhi) keh
ossey rooeyi kay eik panbah mein jazb kiya jaa sakta thha.]
Its new-born concourse, and so thin its wine
as to be blotted up with cotton flock;

Nau dumeidah sabzah-e-khakash hanooz;

sard khoon andar rug-e-taakash hanooz.

[Oss ki khak sey sabzay ney abhi sar nikala thha;

oss kay angoor ki rug mein khoon abhi sard thha.]
New-sprung the verdure of its soil,
and cold the blood in its vines veins; a habitat.

Manzil-e-daiv-o-peri andaishah-ash;

rameidan paisha-ash.
az gomaan-e-khod

[Oss ki soach jinnon aur periyuon kay
qisson takk mehdood thhi;

woh apney auhaam sey dar kar bhagta thha.]

Of demons and of fairy sprites its thoughts, so that it leaps in terror
from the shapes conjured by its own surmise; shrunk the scope.

Tung maidan husti-e-khamash hanooz;

) (
fikr-e-oo zair-e-labb baamash hanooz.

[Oss kay hungamon sey khali wujood

ka maidan abhi takk tung thha;

aur oss ki soach abhi takk zair-e-labb-e-baam (pust) thhi.]

Of its crude life, its narrow thoughts confined beneath
the rim of its constricting roof;
fear for its life the meagre stock-in-trade.

Beam-e-jan sarmayah-e-aab-o-gillash;

hum z-baad-e-tond mi larzadd dillash.

[Ossey her waqt jan ka khatrah laga rehta thha;

zara taiz hawa chalti tuo oss ka badan kanpaney lagta.]
Of its constituent elements; its heart trembling
before the whistle of the wind.

Jan-e-oo az sakht koshi rum zanad;

dar damaan-e-fitrat kum zanad.


[Abhi oss ki jan sakht mehnat sey ghhabrati thhi;

oss ney fitrat kay raazon ko jananey ki kabhi koshish nah ki thhi.]
Its spirit shies away from arduous toil,
little disposed to pluck at Natures skirt;

Her chih az khod mi damad berdardash;

her chih az bala fatad berdardash.

[Jo kochh zamin sey khud bakhud paida hota woh ossey othha leyta;
aur jo phhal drakhton sey girta oss per gozarah kar leyta.]
But whatsoever springs of its own self
or falls from heaven, that it gathers up.

Taa Khoda sahibdillay paida konad;


)( ) (
ko z-harfay daftarey imla konad.

[Yahan takk keh Allah Taala ney eik sahib-e-dil )Nabi) paida kiya;
jiss ney eik harf (fard) sey daftar (Allah) likhhwa diya.]
Till God discovers a man pure of heart
in His good time, who in a single word.

Saaz perdaazey keh az aawazah-eyi;
ra bakhshad hayat-e-tazaheyi.



[Woh eik aisa sahib saaz hota hai jo apney naghmah sey
khak (-e-insan) ko naeyi zindagi ataa kar deyta hai.]
A volume shall rehearse;
a minstrel he whose piercing music gives new life to dust.

Zarraheyi bey mayah zuo geerad azo;


) (

her mataay arj-e-nau geerad azo.

[Zarrah nacheez (fard) oss sey roshni paata hai

aur (zindagi ki) her mataa oss ki wajah sey
qadar-o-naeyi qimat paati hai.]
Through him the unsubstantial atom glows radiant with life,
the meanest merchandise takes on new worth.

Zindah az yakk dum duo sadd paikar konad;

mehfilay rungin z-yakk saaghar konad.

[Woh apni eik phhonk sey saikarron insanon ko

zindah kar deyta hai

aur eik saaghar sey poori mehfil ko sarshaar kar deyta hai.]
Out of his single breath two hundred bodies quicken;
with one glass he livens an assembly.


Deidaheyi oo mi kashad labb jan damad;

taa dooeyi meerad yakki paida shawud

( )

[Oss ki nigah dooeyi ko fana kar deyti hai aur oss kay labb
(afraad mein) yakk rungi ki jan phhoonk deytey hein.]
His bright glance slays,
but forthwith his single uttered word bestows new life,
that so Duality expiring, Unity may come to birth.

Rishtah-ash ko ber falak daarad sarey;


paarhaey zindagi ra humgarey.

[Oss ki (Wehi) ka rishtah jiss ka sera asman sey milta hai;

tokrron mein butti hoeyi zindagi ko eik larri mein pro deyta hai.]
His thread, whose end is knotted to the skies,
weaves all together lifes dissevered parts.

Tazah andaaz-e-nazar paida konad;
gulistan dar dasht-o-dar paida konad.

[Woh lougon mein niya zawiyah-e-nigah paida kar deyta hai;

aur iss tarah dasht-o-dar kay andar gulistan paida kar deyta hai.]
Revealing a new vista to the gaze,
he can convert broad desert and bare vale into a garden.


Az toff-e-oo millatey misl-e-spund;

ber jehud shor afgan-o-hungamah bund.

[Oss ki tapash sey hermal ki manind

millat shor-o-hungamah kay saath othh khharri hoti hai.]

At his fiery breath a people leap
like rue upon a fire in sudden tumult;

Yakk sharar mi afgand andar dillash;

shoalah-e-dar geer mi gardad gillash.

[Woh fard kay dil mein eik sharar daalta hai

jiss sey oss ka badan sarapa shoalah bun jaata hai.]
In their heart one spark caught from his kindling
and their sullen clay breaks instantly aflame.

Naqsh-e-paaish khak ra beina konad;
zarrah ra chashmak zun Sina

[Sahib-e-dil ka naqsh-e-paa matti ko sahib-e-nazar bana deyta hai;

khak ka her zarrah rashk-e-Toor-e-Sina ho jaata hai.]
Whereer he treads the earth receiving vision,

every mote may wink the eye at Moses Sinai.

Aql-e-oriyan ra dehud pairayaheyi;

) (

bakhshad ein bey mayah ra sarmayaheyi.

[Woh aql-e-oriyan ko libaas (amal) ataa karta hai;

aur iss tarah oss nacheez ko maaldar bana deyta hai.]
The naked understanding he adorns,
with wealth abundant fills its indigence;

Daaman-e-khod mi-zanad ber akhgarash;
her chih ghush baashad rabayad az zarash.

[Woh oss kay angarey ko apney daaman sey hawa deyta hai
aur oss kay sonay sey sara khhot bahar nikaal deyta hai.]
Fans with his skirts its embers,
purifies its gold of every particle of dross.

Bund-ha az paa kashayad bandah ra;
az khodawandan rabayad bandah ra.

[Woh ghulam kay paaon ki zinjirein khhol deyta hai

aur ossey aaqaon kay punjay sey rehaeyi dilata hai.]
He strikes the shackles from the fettered slave,

redeems him from his masters;

Goyadash tou bandah-e-deigar naeyi;
z-ein bottan-e-bey zoban kumtereyi.

[Ossey batata hai keh tou kissi ka ghulam naheen;

tou inn bey zoban botton sey kum-ter naheen.]
And declares: No others slave thou art,
nor any less than those mute idols.

Ta sooey yakk modaaish mi kashad;

halqah-e-aein bapaaish mi kashad.

[Yahan takk keh woh ossey eik maqsad ki taraf khhainchta hai
aur ossey shariat ka paband banata hai.]
So unto one goal drawing each on,
he circumscribes the feet of all within the circle of one Law;

Noktah-e-Towhid baz aamozdash;

rasm-o-aein-e-niaz amozdash.

[Ossey az sar-e-nau Towhid ka sabaq deyta hai

aur Allah Taala sey niazmandi, rasoom-o-adaab sikhhata hai.]

Reschools them in Gods wondrous Unity,
and teaches them the habit

and the use of self-surrender to the Will Divine.



Arkaan-e-asaasi Milliah-e-Isalmiayah, Rukan-e-Awwal: Towhid

[Millat-e-Moslimah kay boniyadi arkaan; Pehla Rokan: Towhid]

Dar jahan-e-kaif-o-kum gardeid aql;

pey beh manzil

bord az Towhid aql.

[Jazbaat-o-paimaish ki iss dunya mein aql aawarah pher rehi thhi;

Towhid sey ossey manzil ki taraf rehnumaeyi hasil hoeyi.]
The Mind, astray in this determinate world,
first found the pathway to this distant goal by faith in God the One;

Vernah ein bicharah ra manzil kojast;
ra sahil kojast.

[Vernah aql ko manzil kahan nasib thhi;

fehum ki kashti kay leay koeyi sahil naheen thha.]
What other home should bring the hapless wanderer to rest?
Upon what other shore should Reasons barque touch haven?


Ehal-e-Haq ra rumz-e-Towhid azber ast;

dar aati-ur-Rehman-e-abdann mozmir ast.

[Ehal-e-Haq Towhid ki rumz ko khoob jaantey hein,

yehi raaz aati-ur-Rehman abdann
(Surah Maryam ki ayat 93) mein mozmer hai.]
All men intimate with truth
the secrets of the Godhead have by heart,
which is implicit in the sacred words
He comes unto the Merciful, a slave.

Taa z-asrar-e-tou banomayad tera;
imtihanash az amal bayad tera.

[Teyrey aqidah-e-Towhid ka imtihan amal sey hona chahiay

ta-keh woh tojh per teyri makhfi silahiyatein zaahir karey.]
In action let faiths potency be tried,
that it may guide thee to thy secret powers:

Deen azo, hikmat azo, aein azo;

) (
zor azo, qowwat azo, tamkin azo.


[Deen, hikmat, shariat sabb Towhid he sey hein;

issi sey (afraad-o-quom) mein zor,
qowwat aur sbaat-o-istihkaam paida hota hai.]
From it derive religion, wisdom, law,
unfailing vigour, power, authority.

Aalaman ra jalwah-ash hairat dehud;

ashiqan ra ber amal qodrat dehud.

[Oss ka jalwah alamon ko hairat mein mobtila kar deyta hai

aur ashiqon ko amal ki qodrat ataa karta hai.]
Its splendour doth amaze the learned mind,
but giveth unto lovers force to act;

Pust andar sayah-ush gardad boland;

khak choon ikseer gardad arjumand.

[Oss kay saaey kay neichay pust boland ho jaatey hein

aur khak ikseer ki manind qimati bun jaati hai.]
The lowly in its shadow reacheth high,
and worthless earth becomes like alchemy precious beyond compute.

Qodrat-e-oo bergazinad bandah ra;

noa-e-deigar aafrinad bandah ra.


[Towhid ki qodrat banday ko bergazidah bana deyti hai;

aur ossey naeyi nao mein tabdil kar deyti hai.]
Its mighty force chooseth the slave,
whereof it doth create another species;

Dar reh-e-Haq taiz-ter gardad tuggash;

garm-ter az barq khoon andar rugash.

[Iss sey Allah Taala ki rah mein banday ki tug-o-duo taiz ho jaati hai;
aur oss ki rugon mein dorrta hoa khoon
barq sey bhi ziyadah garm ho jaata hai.]
Sprightlier he treads upon the path of truth,
and in his veins the blood burns hotter than the lightnings shaft.

Beim-o-shakk meerad amal geerad hayat;
mi beinad zamir-e-kainat.

[Towhid sey beim-o-shakk khatam ho jaata hai
aur amal zindah hota hai;
aur insan ki nigah kainat kay poshidah raaz deikhhney lagti hai.]
Fear dies, and doubt; toil is new vitalized;
the vision sees the inner mystery of all creation.

Choon moqam-e-Abdohoo mohkam shawud;

kaasah-e-derwizah jaam-e-Jam shawud,

[Jabb abdohoo ka moqam mohkam hota hai

tuo kashkol-e-gadaeyi jaam-e-Jam bun jaata hai.]

When in servanthood to God mans foot is established,
beggarys bowl becomes the magic cup that Jamshid bore.

Millat-e-Baiza tun-o-jan la ilah;

saaz-e-ma ra pardah gardan la ilah.

[Millat-e-Moslimah badan hai, aur Towhid oss ki jan hai;

la ilah hamarey saaz kay saarey naghmon mein
hum aahungi paida karta hai.]
There is no god but God:
this is the soul and body of our Pure Community;
the pitch that keeps our instrument in tune;

La ilah sarmayah-e-asrar-e-ma;

) (

rishtah-ash shirazah-e-afkaar-e-ma.

[La ilah hamarey (rauhani) asrar ka sarmayah hai;

issi sey hamarey afkaar ki shirazah-bundi hai.]
The very substance of our mysteries,
the knotted thread that bids our scattered thoughts.


Harfash az labb choon badil ayad hamay;

zindagi ra qowwat afzayad hamay.

[Jabb yeh lafz labb sey dil mein otar jaata hai

tuo zindagi ki qowwat mein bey panah azafah kar deyta hai.]
And when these words, being uttered on the lips,
reach to the heart, they do augment the power of life itself;

Naqsh-e-oo gar sung geerad dil shawud;
dil gar az yaadash nasozad gill shawud.

[Agar pathhar bhi oss ka naqsh apna ley tuo woh dil bun jaata hai;
aur agar dil oss ki yaad sey soz hasil nah karey
tuo woh matti kay brabar hai.]
Graven upon the rock, they wake a heart therein;
but if the heart urns not with the remembrance
of that faith it doth convert to clay.

Choon dil az soz-e-ghumash afrokhtaim;

khirman-e-imkaan z-aahey sokhtaim.


[Jabb hum ney apney dillon mein Towhid ki aag roshan ki

tuo eik he aah ney imkanaat kay khirman ko jala diya.
(Duor-e-awwal kay Muslimanon ney chund he barson mein
amal kay maidan mein ta-hud-e-imkan kamyabiyan hasil kar lein.)]
When we inflamed the hearts within us
with the passionate glow of this belief,
we set ablaze the barn of all contingency with but a sigh.

Aab dilha darmiyan-e-seinah-ha;

soz-e-oo bagodakht ein aeinah-ha.

[Towhid qaloob-e-millat ki aab-o-taab hai;

issi ka soz inn aeinon mein godaz paida karta hai.]
This is the lustre glittering in the hearts of men,
those steely mirrors liquefied.

Shoalah-ush choon lalah dar rug-haey ma;


neist ghair az dagh-e-oo kalaey ma.

[Hamari ruggon mein Towhid ka shoalah

lalah ki manind (farozan) hai;

Towhid ka nishan he hamara sar-o-samaan hai.]

By Faiths consuming flame,
whose torch is like a tulip in our veins,


and so we bear no other mark of glory but its brand.

Aswad az Towhid Ahmar mi shawud;


) )(

khwaish-e-Farooq-o-Abuzar (R.A.) mi shawud.

[Towhid ki barkat sey Habshi

sorkh rung waalon kay brabar ho jaata hai;

aur Farooq-o-Abuzar (R.A.) ka rishtahdar shomar honay lagta hai.
(Hazrat Bilal (R.A.) ki misal saamney hai)]
Through this true Faith black man becomes as
red, kinsman to Omar, aye, and Abu Dharr.

Dil moqam-e-khwaishi-o-bigaangi ast;

shouq ra musti z-hum paimaangi ast.

[Apnaiyat aur ghairiyat ka moqam dil hai;

akathhey baithh kar (maey-e-Towhid) peinay waalon mein

shouq ki musti brabri paida kar deyti hai.]
The hearts a lodge to self and the Not-self,
and passion quickens when the cup is shared;

Millat z-yakk rungi-e-dil-hastay;

roshan az yakk jalwah ein Sinastay.


) (

[Millat ka wujood dillon ki yakk rungi sey hai;

yeh Sina eik he jalwah(-e-Towhid) sey roshan hai.]

When several hearts put on a single hue that is community,
which Sinai grows radiant in one epiphany.

Quom ra andaishah-ha bayad yakkay;
dar zamirash moddaa bayad

[Quom ki soch eik honi chahiay aur oss kay rug-o-raishah mein
eik he maqsood ruch jana chahiay.]
Peoples must have one thought,
and in their minds pursue a single purpose;

Jazbah bayad dar sarisht-e-oo yakkay;

hum ayyar-e-khoob-o-zasht-e-oo yakkay.

[Oss ki sarisht mein eik he jazbah hona chahiay;

aur oss ki achhaeyi aur boraeyi ka miayar bhi eik he hona chahiay.]
To one draw their temperaments respond,
one testing-stone discriminates their hideous from their fair.

Gar nabashad soz-e-Haq dar saaz-e-fikr;

neist momkin ein chonein andaaz-e-fikr.


[Jabb takk fikr kay saaz mein Towhid ka soz shamil nah ho,
iss qisam ka andaaz-e-fikr momkin naheen.]
Unless the instrument of thought possess the fire of truth,
it is impossible its range can be so wide.

Ma Muslimanaim-o-aulad-e-Khalil (A.S.);
az abikom geer agar
khwahi dalil.


( 78:22 '' )

[Hum Musliman hein aur Hazrat Khalilullah (A.S.) ki aulaad hein;

agar dalil chahta hai tuo abikum (Ayat 78:22) deikhh ley.]
We Muslims are, children of Abraham,
which fact is proved (If proof thou seekest) by your father he.

Ba watan wabastah taqdir-e-ummam;
ber nasab

[Quomein apni taqdir watan sey wabastah karti hein,

ya nasab ko apni taamir ki boniyad banati hein.]
Though nations destinies their lands control,
though nations build their edifice on race;

Asal-e-millat dar watan deidan keh chih


baad-o-aab-o-gill prasteidan keh chih.

[Millat ki asal watan mein deikhhney ka kaya matlab;

matti aur aab-o-hawa poojnay kay kaya maani?]
Thinkest thou the community is based upon the Country?
Shall so much regard be blindly paid to water, air and earth?

Ber nasab nazan shodan nadaani ast;

hokm-e-oo andar tun-o-tun


[Nasab per fakhar karna nadani hai;

nasab ka taaloq badan sey hai aur badan faani hai.]

It is dull ignorance to put ones boast in lineage;
that judgment rests upon the body, and the body perishes.

Millat-e-ma ra asaas-e-deigar ast;
ein asaas andar dil-e-ma mozmer ast.

[Hamari millat ki boniyad aur ha;

aur yeh boniyad hamarey dillon kay andar nehan hai.]

Other are the foundations that support Islams Community;
they lie concealed within our hearts.

Haziraim-o-dil baghaib bustahaim;
pas z-bund-e-ein-o-aan warastahaim.

) (

[Hum hazir hein laikan hamarey dillon ka taaloq
ghaib (Allah) sey hai;
yehi wajah hai keh hum watan aur nasab
kay bundhanon sey azad hein.]
We, who are present now, have bound our hearts to Him who is unseen,
and therefore are delivered from the chains of earthly things.

Rishtah-e-ein quom misl-anjam ast;

choon nigah hum az nigah-e-ma

gom ast.

[Millat-e-Islamiyah ka bahami taaloq

sitaron kay bahami taaloq ki manind hai;

aur yeh taaloq nigah ki tarah hamari nigah sey gom hai.]
The cord that links this folk is like the thread
which keeps the stars in place, and, as the sight itself, invisible.

Teer-e-khosh paikaan-e-yakk kaishaim ma;

yakk numa, yakk bein, yakk andaishaim ma.

[Hum eik he tarkash kay taiz ahanni noak waaley teer hein;
hum eik sey nazar aatey hein, hum eik he tarah deikhhtey hein
aur eik he tarah sey soachtey hein.]
Well-pointed arrows of one quiver are we,

one showing, one beholding, one in thought;

Moddaey ma, maal-e-ma yakkst;

tarz-o-andaaz-e-khayal-e-ma yakkst.

[Hamara moddaa bhi eik hai aur hamara maqsad bhi eik hai;

hamari soch bhi eik hai aur iss kay azhaar ka tariqah bhi eik jaisa hai.]
One is our goal and purpose, one the form,
the fashion, and the measure of our dream.

Ma z-nimat-haey oo akhwaan shodaim;

dil-o-yakk jan shodaim.


[Yeh Allah Taala ki niamat hai,

keh hum aapas mein bhai bhai ho gaey (103:3)

yakk zoban, yakk dil aur yakk jan ho gaey.]
Thanks to His blessings,
we are brothers all sharing one speech,
one spirit and one heart.




Dar maani-e-einkeh yaas-o-hozan-o-khouf umm-ul-khabais ast-o-qaatea-ehayat-o-Towhid azalah-e-ein

imraaz-e-khabisah mi konad.

[Iss mazmoon ki wazahat keh na-ummeidi ghum aur dar

sabb boraiyon ki jarr hein aur rishtah-e-hayat monqataa karney waali hein,
aur Towhid onn imraaz-e-khabisah ka azalah karti hai.]

Murg ra samaan z-qataa-e-aarzoost;

zindgani mohkam az la taqnatoo ast.


[Ummeid chhorr deyna goya mout ka samaan karna hai;
zindagi ka istihkam issi sey hai keh
insan Allah Taala ki rehmat sey na-ummeid nah ho.]
The amputation of desire condemnsto Death;
Life rests secure on the behest do not despair.

Ta ummeid az aarzooey paihum ast;
zindgani ra sum ast.

[Choonkeh mosalsal aarzoo he sey ummeid qaim rehti hai

iss leay na-ummeidi zindagi kay leay zehar-e-qaatil hai.]
Desire continuing the substance is of hope,
while hopelessness poisons the very blood of life.

Na-ummeidi humcho gor afshardat;
garchih Alvandi z-paa mi aardat.

[Na-ummeidi tojhey qabar ki tarah raizah raizah kar deyti hai;

agar tou paharr bhi hai tuo yeh tojhey gira deyti hai.]
Despair presses thee down, a tombstone on thy heart,
and, though thou be as high as Alonds mount, it casts thee down;

Na-tawani bandaheyi ehsan-e-oo;
namoradi bustaheyi damaan-e-oo.

[Natawani na-ummeidi he ki loundi hai

aur nakaami bhi ossi kay daaman sey wabastah hai.]

Impotence is the slave of its poor favours,
unambition hangs upon its skirts.

Zindagi ra yaas khwab-aawar bood;

ein daleel-e-sosti-e-onsar bood.

[Na-ummeidi zindagi kay leay khwab-awar hai;

yeh qawaa ki kumzori ki daleel hai.]

Despair lulls life asleep, and proves the langour of its element;

Chashm-e-jan ra sormah-ash aami konad;

roz-e-roshan ra shabb-e-yalda konad.

[Na-ummeidi ka sormah jan ki aankhh ko andha kar deyta hai

aur oss ki wajah sey roz-e-roshan
shabb-e-tareek mein badal jaata hai.]
The spirits eye is blinded by the smear of its collyrium,
and brightest day transformed to pitchy night;

Az dummash meerad qawaey zindagi;
khosh gardad chashmah-haey zindagi.

[Oss kay afson sey zindagi ki salahiyatin mur jaati hein;

aur zindagi kay chashmay khoshk ho jaatey hein.]
Lifes faculties die at its breath; Lifes springs are all dried up.

Khoftah ba ghum dar teh yakk chadar ast;
ghum rug-e-jan ra misal-e-nishtar ast.

[Na-ummeidi ghum kay saath eik chadar kay andar soeyi rehti hai;
ghum rug-e-jan kay leay nishtar ki manind hai.]
Despair and sorrow sleep beneath one quilt;
grief, like a lancet, pierces the souls vein.

Ay keh zindaan-e-ghum bashi aseer;

az Nabi taalim-e-la tahzann


( - 40:9 ) ( )
[Ay woh shakhs jo ghum kay qiad-khaney mein aseer hai;
Janaab Rasool Pak (S.A.W.) kay arshad
(la-tahzann 40:9 ghum nah khha) sey sabaq hasil kar.]
O thou who art a prisoner of care,
learn from the Prophets message, Do not grieve!

Ein sabaq Siddiq ra siddiq kard;
sar-khosh az paimanah-e-tehqiq kard.

[Iss sabaq ney Abubakar ko Siddiq bana diya;

aur woh Haq-ul-Yaqin ki maey sey sarmust ho gaey.]
This lesson fortified with trusty faith the heart of Abu Bakr,
and with the cup of blessed certitude rejoiced his soul.

Az raza Moslim misal-e-kaukab ast;

dar reh-e-husti tabassam ber labb ast.

[Razi ber raza rehney sey Musliman sitarey ki manind

rah-e-hayat mein hamaishah motbassam rehta hai.]
The Muslim, well content with Gods good grace,
is like a star, and goes upon his way smiling.

Gar Khoda daari z-ghum azad shau;
az khayal-e-baish-o-kum
azad shau.

[Agar Allah per aiman hai tuo her tarah kay ghum
aur nafaa-o-noqsaan kay khayal sey azad ho ja.]
If thou acknowledgest a God, shake free from sorrow,
and deliver thee from vain imaging of Fortunes turns.

Qowwat-e-aiman hayat afzaidat;
wird-e-la khoufon alaihim baidat.


( 38:2)

[Aiman ki qowwat teyri zindagi barrhati hai (iss leay)

la khoufon akaihim (38:2) ka wird rakhhna chahiay.]
Life more abundant strength of faith bestows.
No fear shall be upon them: Let this be constantly on thy lips.

Choon Kalimay sooey Firoanay rawud;


( 68:20)

qalb-e-oo az la-takhaf mohkam shawud.

[Jabb Mosa (A.S.) Faroan ki taraf gaey;

onn ka qalb la-takhaff (68:20) sey mazboot hoa.]

When Moses strides before the Pharaoh,
steadfast is his heart as he remembereth Thou shalt not fear.

Beim-e-ghair Allah amal ra doshman ast;
carvaan-e-zindagi ra rehzan

[Ghair Allah ka khouf amal ka doshman

aur qaflah-e-hayat ka rehzun hai.]
Fear, save of God, is the dire enemy of Works,
the highwayman that plundereth Lifes caravan.

Azm-e-mohkam momkinat andaish azo;
himmat-e-aali taamil kaish azo.


[Iss sey azm-e-mohkam tashkeek ka shikar ho jaata

hai aur himmat-e-aali tazabzab mein parr jaati hai.]
Purpose most resolute. When fear attends,
thinks upon what may be,
and lofty zeal to circumspection yields.

Tokhm-e-oo choon dar gillat khod ra nishanad;


zindagi az khod numaeyi baz manad.

[Jabb ghair Allah kay khouf ka beej

teyri matti (badan) mein baithh jaata hai;

tuo zindagi apni qowwaton kay azhaar sey baz rehti hai.]
Or let its seed be sown within thy soil,
Life remains stunted of its full display.

Fitrat-e-oo tung taab-o-saazgar;
ba dil-e-larzaan-o-dast-e-raasha

[Oss ki fitrat kumzor aur larzanay waaley dil

aur kaanpney waaley haath kay motabiq ho jaati hai.]
Feeble its nature is, and well accords.
With heart a-tremble and with palsied hand.


Dozdad az paa taaqat-e-raftar ra;

mi robayad az damagh afkaar ra.

[Khouf oss kay paaon sey chalney ki taaqat chora leyta hai
aur oss kay damagh sey aala afkaar chhin leyta hai.]
Fear robs the foot of strength to rove abroad,
and filches from the brain the power of thought.

Doshmanat tarsaan agar beinad tera;
az khiyabanat cho gul cheinad

[Jabb doshman tojhey khoufzadah deikhhta hai

tuo aisey torr leyta hai jaisey kiyari sey phhool torra jaata hai.]
Thy enemy, observing thee afraid,
will pluck thee from thy bower like a bloom;

Zarbat-e-taigh-e-oo qawi-ter mi fatad;
hum nigahush misl-e-khanjar
mi fatad.

[Oss ki talwar ki zarb tojh per aur zor sey parrti hai;
balkeh oss ki nigah bhi khanjar ka asar paida karti hai.]
Stronger will be the impact of his swords,
his very glance transfix thee like a knife.


Beim choon bund ast andar paaey ma;

vernah sadd sial
ast dar daryaey ma.

) (
[Khouf hamarey paaon mein zinjir ki manind hai;
vernah hamarey daryaey (himmat) mein
sainkarron sailab moujood hein.]
Fear is a chain that fetters close our feet,
a hundred torrents roaring in our sea.

Ber nami ayad agar ahung-e-tou;

narm az beim ast taar-e-chung-e-tou.

[Agar teyrey saaz sey lay naheen othhti tuo iss ka yeh matlab hai
keh oss ki tar khouf kay bais narm ho choki hai.]
And if thy melody not freely soars,
fear has relaxed the tension of thy strings;

Goshtaabash deh keh gardad naghmah khaiz;
ber falak az
nalah aarad rastkhaiz.

[Oss kay tar kass ta-keh onn sey naghmah paida ho;
aur oss ka nalah aasman per pohnch kar mehshar bapa kar dey.]
Then twist the pegs that keep thy lute in tune,
and hear its music mount into the skies
in unrestrained and passionate lament.

Beim, jasoosay ast az aqlim-e-murg;

andaronash teerah misl-e-meem murg.

[Khouf hakoomat-e-murg ka jasoos hai;

aur oss kay andaroon meem-e-murg ki manind tareek hai.]

Fear is a spy sent from the clime of Death,
its spirit dark and chill as Deaths ownheart;

Chashm-e-oo berhum-zun kaar-e-hayat;

gosh-e-oo bozgeer akhbaar-e-hayat.

[Oss jasoos ki aankhh zindagi kay moamlaat

ko darham berham kar deyti hai;

aur oss kay kaan zindagi ki barri barri khabrein chora ley jaatey.]
Its eye wreaks havoc in the realm of Life,
its ears a thief of Lifes intelligence.

Her shar penhaan keh andar qalb-e-tost;
asal-e-oo beim
ast agar beini drost.

[Teyrey dil kay andar jo bhi boraeyi penhan hai;

agar tuo ghor sey deikhhay tuo oss ki boniyad khouf hai.]
Whatever evil lurks within thy heart

thou canst be certain that its origin is fear:

ein hamah az khouf mi geerad frogh.

[Khoshamad, makkari, keenah, jhoot

yeh sabb boriyan khouf he sey frogh paati hein.]

Fraud, cunning, malice, lies all these flourish on terror;

Pardah-e-zoor-o-riya pairhanash;

ra aaghosh-e-maadar damanash.

[Khouf ka pairhan jhoot aur riyakaari ka pardah hai;

aur oss ka daaman fitnay kay leay aaghosh-e-maadar hai.]
Who is wrapped about with falsehood and hypocrisy for veil,
and fondles foul sedition at her breast.

Z-aankeh az himmat nabashad ostwaar;
mi shawud khoshnood ba nasazgaar.

[Jo koeyi himmat sey mohkam naheen
woh na-sazgaar cheezon sey bhi
khoshi khoshi mowafiqat paida kar leyta hai.]
And since it is least strong when zeal is high,
it is most happy in disunion.

Her keh rumz-e-Mustafa (S.A.W.) fehmidah ast;
ra dar khouf mozmer deidah ast.

) (

[Jiss kissi ney Hazoor-e-Akram (S.A.W.) kay
arshadat ki haqiqat samajh lee
woh oss ney sherk ko khouf kay andar
poshidah deikhh leya hai.]
Who understands the Prophets (S.A.W.)
clue aright sees infidelity concealed in fear.




[Teer-o-shamshir ki goftgoo]

Teer-e-Haq az labb-e-sofaar goft;

) (

taigh ra dar garmi-e-paikar goft.

[Teer ney apni sofaar (teer ka pichhla hissah)

ki zoban sey suchi baat kehi;

oss ney ghhomsaan ki jung mein talwar sey kaha.]

How truthfully the well-notched arrow,
spoke unto the sword in heat of battletide:

Ay pari-ha johar andar qaaf tou;
zolfikar-e-Haider az aslaaf-e-tou.

) (

[Teyrey jo per Koh-Qaaf ki pariyuon ki manind hein;

Zolfikar-e-Haider (R.A.) teyrey aslaaf mein sey thhi.]
What magic lustre glitters in thy steel
like fairy dancers in the Caucasus?


Thou, who canst boast in thy long ancestry

of Alis trusty weapon, Dhul-Faqar;

Qowwat-e-bazooey Khalid (R.A.) deidaheyi;

) (

Shaam ra ber sar-e-shafaq paashidaheyi.

[Tou ney Hazrat Khalid (R.A.) kay bazoo ki qowwat deikhhi hai;
aur Molk-e-Shaam per khoon ki shafaq bakhhairi hai.]
Who hast beheld the might of Khalids arm,
sprinkled red sunset on the head of night;

Aatish-r-qehar-e-Khoda sarmayah-ut;

( )

( )

Jannat-ul-Firdous zir-e-sayah-ut.

[(Eik taraf) Allah Taala kay qehar ki aag teyra sarmayah hai;
(doosari taraf) Jannat-ul-Firdous teyrey sayah kay neichay ahi.]
Thine is the fire of Gods omnipotence,
and neath thy shadow Paradise awaits.

Dar hawaim ya miyan-e-tarkasham;
her koja baasham sarapa aatisham.


[Mien faza mein orr raha hon ya tarkash mein parra hon;
jahan bhi hota hon sarapa aatish hota hon.]
Whether I wing in air, or lie encased within the quiver,
wheresoeer I be I am all fire.

Az kaman ayam choo seinah-e-mun;

naik mi beinam beh touey


[Mien jabb Kaman sey doshman kay seinay ki jaanib aata hon
tuo pehley oss kay seinay kay andar ghour sey deikhhta hon.]
When from the bow I speed towards a human breast,
right well I see into its depth;

Gar nabashad darmiyan qalb-e-salim;

farigh az andaishah-haey yaas-o-beim.

[Agar oss kay andar yaas-o-beim kay andaishon

sey faarigh qalb-e-salim nah ho;]
And if it do not hold a heart unflawed,
unvisited by thoughts of terror or despair;

Chaak chaak az noak-e-khod gardaanmash

neimaheyi az mouj-e-khoon poshaanmash.


[Tuo mien ossey apni noak sey tokkrray tokkrray kar deyta hon
aur khoon ki poshaak pehna deyta hon.]
Swiftly my point plucks it asunder,
and I spread it oer with surging gore for shift

Wer safaey oo z-qalb Momin ast;
roshan az noor-e-baatin ast.

[Laikan agar oss kay andar qalb-e-Momin ki safaeyi ho

aur oss ka zahir noor-e-baatin sey roshan ho;]
But if that breast serenely throb with a believers heart
and glow reflective to an inward light;

Az toff-e-oo aab gardad jan-e-mun;
humcho shabnam
mi chakad paikan-e-mun.

[Tuo oss ki garmi sey meyri jan pani pani ho kar

meyrey paikan sey shabnam ki manind tapak jaati hai.]
My soul is turned to water by its flame,
my shafts fall soft as the innocuous dew.



Alamgir rehmatullah


][Shahanshah Alamgir (R.A.) aur sher ki kahani

;Shah-e-Alamgir gardoon aastan



[Asman martabat Shehnshah Alamgir

jo Khandan-e-Taimoor kay leay bais-e-fakhar hai.]
Shah Alamgir, that high and mighty king,
pride and renown of Gurgan Timurs line;

Payah-e-Islamiyan ber-ter azo;

) (
ehtraam-e-sharaa-e-Paighambar (S.A.W.) azo.

[Oss ki wajah sey Muslimanon ki touqir barrhi;

oss kay dour mein Hazoor (S.A.W.) ki shariat ka ehtiram qaim hoa.]
In whom Islam attained a loftier fame
and wider honour graced the Prophets (S.A.W.) Law;


tarkash-e-ma ra khadung-e-aakhirin,
[Kofr-o-Deen ki jung mein

woh hamarey tarkash ka aakhari teer thha.]

He the last arrow to our quiver left
in the affray of Faith with Unbelief;

Tokham-e-elhaaday keh Akbar perwarid;
baz andar fitrat-e-Dara dameid.

[Akbar ney alhaad kay jiss beej ko boya aur oss ki nashv-o-numa ki;

oss ney duobarah Dara Shakoh ki fitrat sey sar nikala.]

When that the impious seed of heresy,
by Akbar nourished, sprang and sprouted fresh in Daras soul;

Shamaa-e-dil dar seinah-ha roshan nabood;
az fasaad
aiman nabood.

[Seinon kay andar dillon ki shamain bojh choki thhein;

aur hamari Millat-e-Islamiyah ko fasaad ka khatrah darpaish thha.]
The candle of the heart was dimmed in every breast,
no more secure against corruption our community continued;

Haq gazeid az Hind Alamgir ra;

aan faqir-e-sahib shamshir ra.

[Allah Taala ney Hindustan mein Alamgir ko montakhib farma liya;

woh Alamgir jo faqir sahib-e-shamshir thha.]
Then God chose from India
that humble-minded warrior, Alamgir;

Az pey ahyaey Deen maamoor kard;
beher tajdid-e-yaqin maamoor kard.

[Aur ossey ahya-e-Deen-o-tajdid-e-aiman
kay leay maamoor farmaya.]

Religion to revive, faith to renew.

Barq-e-taighash khirman-e-alhaad sokht;

shamaa-e-Deen dar mehfil-e-ma ber frokht.

[Oss ki talwar alhaad kay khirman per

bijli bun kar giri aur ossey jala diya;

aur oss ney hamarey darmiyan Deen ki shamaa roshan kar di.]
The lightning of his sword set all ablaze the harvest of impiety;
faiths torch oncemore its radiance oer our counsels shed.

Kor zouqaan daastan-ha saakhtand;

wosaat-e-idraak oo na-shinakhtand.

[Bey samajh lougon ney oss kay baarey mein

kaeyi kahaniyan ghharr lein;

woh oss kay zehani wosaat kay ofaq ka andazah nah kar sakkey.]
Many the tales misguided spirits told,
blind to the breadth of his percipient mind;

Shoalah-e-Towhid ra pervanah bood;

choon Brahim (A.S.) andarein bothhkhanah bood.

[Woh shamaa-e-Towhid ka pervanah thha;

woh bottkhanah-e-Hind kay Ibrahim saabit hoay.]


He was a moth that ever beat its wings

about the candle-flame of Unity,
an Abraham in Indias idol-house.

Dar saff-e-shahenshahaan yaktastey;

faqr-e-oo az torbatash paidastey.

[Woh shehanshahon ki saff mein yakta hein;

onn ka faqr onn ki qabar sey zahar hai.]
In all the line of kings he stands alone;
his tomb is witness to his saintliness.

Rozay aan zaibandah-e-taj-o-sarir;
aan sepahdar-o-shahenshah-o-faqir.

[Woh zeenat-e-takht-o-taj;

woh jo beh yakk waqt sepah-salaar shehanshah aur faqir thha.]

One day that ornament of crown and throne,
that lord of battle, saint and emperor;

Sobh-gahaan shoud beh siar baishaheyi;

ba prastarey wafa andaishaheyi.

[Eik roz sobh kay waqt eik aqidatmand

aur wafadar saathhi kay saathh jungle ki sair ko nikla.]

Set forth into the jungle with the dawn

attended by one faithful follower;

Sar khosh az kaifiyat-e-baad-e-sehar;

taeraan tasbih khwan ber her shajar.

[Baad-e-saba ki kaifiyat sey sarkhosh ho kar

parinday her drakht per hamad kay geet ga rehey thhey.]

Exultant in the joyous breath of morn,
birds sang their hymns to God on every tree.

Shah-e-rumuz aagah shoud mehav-e-namaz;
khaimah ber zadd dar haqiqat az majaz.

[Woh haqiqat shanas badshah bhi namaz mein mehv ho gaya;

oss ney majaz sey khaimah othhaya aur haqiqat mein nasab kar liya.]
The conscient king became absorbed in prayer, striking his tent
from this contingent world; to pitch it in the realm of truth sublime.

Sher-e-babbar aamad padeid az taraf-e-dasht;

az kharosh-e-oo falak larzindah gasht.

[Jungle ki taraf sey eik babbar sher nikla;

oss ki dahaarr sey asman per larzah taari ho gaya.]

A tiger at that instant from the plain suddenly sprang;
heaven trembled at his roar;

Booey insan daadash az insan khabar;

punjah Alamgir ra zadd ber kamar.

( )

[Insan ki boo ney ossey insan ki moujoodgi ki khabar dey di thhi

(qarib pohnch kar) oss ney Alamgir ki kamar per punjah mara.]
Scenting afar the presence of a man,
he leaped on Alamgir, and smote his loins.

Dast-e-sheh nadeidah khanjar ber kashid;
hum dareid.
sheray ra shikam az

[Badshah ney ossey deikhhay baghair khanjar nikala
aur ghazabnaak sher ka shikam chaak kar diya.]
The king, unviewing, drew his dagger forth
and rent the belly of the furious beast;

Dil bakhod raahey nadaad andaishah ra;

( )

sher-e-qalin kard sher-e-baishah ra,

[Woh zara nah ghhabraya (aur oss ney eik he waar sey)
jungle kay sher ko sher-e-qalin bana diya.]
His heart admitting not a thought of fear,


he stretched the tiger prostrate at his feet;

Baz sooey Haq rameed aan na-saboor;
bood mirajash namaz-e-ba-hazoor.

[Oss kay baad woh ibadat ka shidaeyi

pher Haq Taala ki taraf matwajoh ho gaya;

ossey namaz mein miraj ki sei kaifiyat hasil thhi.]
Then sped again impatiently to God,
mounting prayers ladder to his heavenly throne.

Ein chonein dil khod numa-o-khod shikin;

daarad andar seinah-e-Momin watan.

[Momin kay seinay mein aisa he

khod numa-o-khod shikin dil jaagazein hota hai.]

A heart so humble and at once so proud,
no other lodge but the believers breast.

Bandah-e-Haq paish-e-Moula laastey;


paish-e-baatil az naam ber jaastey.

[Bandah-e-Haq Allah Taala kay saamney la (khod-shikin) hai

aur baatil kay saamney naam (khod-numa) hai.]


Possesses; for the servitor of Truth is naught before his Master,

but stand firm against Untruth, and positive indeed.

Tou hum ay nadaan dillay aawar badast;

) (
shahiday ra mehmalay aawar badast.

[Ay nadaan tou bhi apney seinay mein aisa dil paida kar
jo mehboob (Haq Taala) ka mehmal ho.]
Thou too, O ignorant man, take such a heart into thy hold;
let it a litter be wherein immortal Beauty may be borne.

Khwaish ra dar baz-o-khod ra baz geer;

daam gostar az niaz-o-naaz geer.

[Apney aap ko qorban kar kay apney aap ko paa ley;

niaz ka daam bichha kar naaz ko shikar kar ley.]
Stake self, to win self back; spread out
the snare of supplication, glory to entrap;

Ishq ra aatish zann-e-andaishah kon;

roobah-e-Haq baash-o-sheri paishah kon.

[Ishq sey waswason ko jala dey; Allah Taala kay saamney

sar-e-taslim kham kar dey aur sher bun jaa.]

Let Love set fire to pale Anxiety;

be thou Gods fox, to learn the tigers trade.

Khouf-e-Haq onwaan-e-aiman ast-o-bus;

khouf-e-ghair az sherk-e-penhaan ast-o-bus.

[Allah Taala ka khouf he aiman ka onwaan hai

aur sherk khouf-e-ghair he sey ibarat hai.]
The fear of God faiths only preface is,
all other fear is secret disbelief.


Rukin-e-doum: Risalat

Taarik-e-aafal Brahim Khalil (A.S.);
ra naqsh-e-paaey oo dalil.

( )

[Gharoob ho jaaney waalon ko terk kar deyney wala
Ibrahim Khalilullah (A.S.)

jinn ka naqsh-e-paa anbiya kay leay rahnuma hai.]

Abraham, friend of God, loved not the things that set;
and lo, his footprint was a guide to all successive prophets.

Aan Khodaey Lumyazal ra ayatey;

daasht dar dil aarzooey millatey.

[Woh jo Khodaey zawal napazir ki ayat thhey;

woh bhi apney dil mein millat ki aarzoo rakhhtey thhey.]
He, the sign and witness to the everlasting Lord,
yearned in his heart for a Community;

Jooey ishq az chashm-e-bikhwabash chakeid;

ta payam-e-taher
abbaiti shoneid.

[Onn ki bey khwab aankhhon sey aansoon ki nadiyan beh niklein

tabb ja kar onnhon ney taher abbaiti ka paigham sona.]
And from his sleepless eyes the flood of tears unceasing flowed
until the messagecame, cleanse thou My House.

Beher-e-ma veranah-e-abad kard;

taifaan ra khanah-e-boniyad kard.

[Hamari khater onnhon ney veranah abad kiya


aur tawaf karney waalon kay leay Allah Taala kay ghhar
ki az sar-e-nau taamir ki.]
Then for our sake he made a desert populous,
and founded there a temple whither pilgrims might process.

Ta nehaal-e-tabb alaina ghonchah bast;

( )

[Tabb kaheen ja kar tobb alaina kay drakht sey kali phhooti
(aur) hamari bahaar ki surat roo-numa hoeyi.]
And when the stem of turn thou unto usburst into bud,
the tillage of our Spring took visible shape;

Haq Taala paikar-e-ma aafrid;

waz resalat dar tun-e-ma jan dameid.

[Allah Taala ney Ummat-e-Muslimah

ka paikar takhliq farmaya

aur risalat sey hamarey iss badan mein jan phhonki.]

God fashioned forth our form and through
Apostleship breathed in our flesh the soul of life.

Harf-e-bey saut andarein alam badaim;
az risalat misraa-e-mouzoon shodaim.


[Hum iss dunya mein harf-e-bey awaz thhey;

risalat ney humein mouzon misrah bana diya.]
We were a word unvoiced within this world,
that by Apostleship became a measured verse;

Az risalat dar jahan takwin-e-ma;
az risalat Deen-e-ma aein-e-ma.

[Risalat he sey iss dunya mein hamara wujood qaim hai;

risalat sey he hamara Deen aur hamara aein (shariat) hai.]
And that same grace both shaped our being,
gave us Faith and Law;

Z-risalat sadd hazaar-e-ma yakk ast;

) (
jozv-e-ma az jozv-e-ma layuonfik ast.

[Risalat he sey hum hazaar-ha honay kay bawajood eik hein;

issi he ki badoulat hamara eik jozv
doosarey ka jozv-e-layuonfik (joda nah honay wala) hai.]
Converted our vast myriads into one,
and joined our fractions
in a mighty whole inseparable, indivisible.


Aan keh shan-e-oost yahdi manyoreed;
az risalat halqah gird-e-ma kashid.


[Haq Taala jinn ki yeh shaan hai

keh woh jissey chahtay hein hidayat farmatey hein;

onnhon ney risalat ki surat
hamarey gird dairah khhainch diya hai
(jo iss dairay kay andar aa-gaya hai woh hidayat yaaftah hai).]
He, who is pleased to guide whomso he will,
made of Apostleship a magic ring to draw around us;

Halqah-e-millat moheet afzastey;
markaz-e-oo Wadi-e-Batthastey.

) (

[Millat ka halqah jiss ka markaz

Wadi-e-Battha (Baitullah Sharif) hai

her dum wosaat pazir hai.]
The community a circle is,
whose great circumference centers on Makkahs valley;

Ma z-hokm-e-nisbat-e-oo millataim;
ehal-e-alam ra payam-e-rehmataim.

) (

[Hum Hazoor (S.A.W.) ki nisbat sey eik millat hein;

aur dunya waalon kay leay rehmat ka paigham hein.]
And by force and virtue of that same relationship
stands our community unshakable,
tidings of mercy to the world entire.

Az miyan-e-behar-e-oo khaizaim ma;

misl-e-mouj az hum nami-raizaim ma.

[Hum risalat kay samandar sey othhay hein;

aur mouj ki manind hum eik doosarey sey joda naheen hotay.]
Out of that sea we surge,
nor break apart like scattering waves;

Ummatash dar harz-e-diwar-e-Haram;


naarah-zun manind-e-sheraan dar Ajem.

[Hazoor (S.A.W.) ki ummat diwar-e-Haram ki panah mein hai

aur iss tarah naarah-zun hai jaisey sher jungle mein.]
Its people, closely fenced within the ramparts of that holy soil,
roar loud as jungle lions.

Maani harfam koni tehqiq agar;
banigri ba deidah-e-Siddiq agar.

[Agar tou meyri baat ki tasdiq karey

aur tou Syedna Siddiq (R.A.) ki aankhh sey deikhhay.]

If thou look to prove the truth that lies within my words,
gazing with Abu Bakrs veracious eyes;

Qowwat-e-qalb-o-jigar gardad Nabi (S.A.W.);

) (

az Khoda mehboob-ter gardad Nabi (S.A.W.).

[Tuo Nabi-e-Akram (S.A.W.) qalb-o-jigar ki qowwat bun jaatey hein;

aur Allah Taala sey bhi ziyadah mehboob bun jaatey hein.]
The Prophet (S.A.W.), power and strength of soul and heart,
becometh more beloved than God Himself.

Qalb-e-Momin ra kitabash qowwat ast;


) (
hikmatash hablal wareed-e-millat ast.

[Hazoor (S.A.W.) per naazil shodah kitab

qalb-e-Momin kay leay qowwat hai
aur Aap (S.A.W.) kay hakimanah aqwaal

millat kay leay sheh rug ki hasiyat rakhhtey hein.]

His book is reinforcement to the hearts of all believers;
through his wisdom flows the lifeblood of the whole community;


Daamansh az dast daadan, mordan ast;


choon gul az baad-e-khazaan afsordan ast.

[Hazoor (S.A.W.) ka daaman haathh sey chhorr deyna mout hai;

yeh aisay hai jaisey phhool baad-e-khazan sey morjha jaaey.]
To yield his garments hem is death
the rose so withers at the blast of Autumns wind.

Zindagi quom az dum-e-oo yaaft ast;
az aftabash taaft ast.
ein sehar

) (

) (

[Millat ney Aap (S.A.W.) kay dum sey zindagi paeyi hai;
millat ki sobh Aap (S.A.W.) kay aftab sey roshan hai.]
His was the breath that gave the people life;
his sun shone glory on their risen dawn.

Fard az Haq, millat azooy zindah ast;
az shoa-e-mehar-e-oo tabindah ast.

) (

) (

[Fard Allah Taala kay saathh taaloq sey qaim hai;

aur millat Hazoor (S.A.W.) kay saathh taaloq sey zindah hai
aur Aap (S.A.W.) kay aaftab ki shoa sey chamak rehi hai.]
In God the individual, in him lives the community,

in his suns rays resplendent ever;

Az risalat hum-nawa gashtaim ma;

gashtaim ma.
hum-nafas hum-modaa

[Risalat he sey hum hum-nawa,

hum-nafas aur hum-modaa hotay hein.]

His Apostleship brought concord to our purpose and our goal.

Kasrat-e-hum-modaa wahdat shawud;
choon wahdat shawud, millat shawud.

[Eik he maqsood rakhhney waalon ki kasrat wahdat bun jaati hai;

aur jabb wahdat pokhtah ho tuo woh millat mein tabdil ho jaati hai.]
A common aim shared by the multitude is unity,
which when it is mature forms the community;

Zindah her kasrat z-bund-e-wahdat ast;
wahdat-e-Muslim z-Deen-e-fitrat ast.

) (
[Her kasrat wahdat kay bundhan sey zindah hai;
Muslimanon ki wahdat ka dar-o-madar
Deen-e-fitrat (Islam) per hai.]
The many live only by virtue of the single bond.
The Muslims unity from natural faith derives.

Deen-e-fitrat az Nabi (S.A.W.) aamokhtaim;
dar reh Haq mashaaley afrokhtaim.


[Yeh Deen-e-fitrat hum ney

Nabi Akram (S.A.W.) sey seikhha hai

aur iss kay zariay Allah Taala ki rah mein
mashaal roshan ki hai.]
And this the Prophet (S.A.W.)
taught to us, so that we lit a lantern on Truths way.

Ein gauhar az behar-e-bey payaan-e-oost;

ma keh yakk janaim az ehsan-e-oost.

( )

) (
[Deen-e-fitrat Hazoor (S.A.W.) kay
behar-e-bey payaan ka moti hai;
hum jo yakk jan hein tuo yeh Hazoor (S.A.W.) ka ehsan hai.]
This pearl was fished from his unfathomed sea,
and of his bounty we are one in soul.

Ta nah ein wahdat z-dast-e-ma rawud;
husti-e-ma ba abud humdam

[Jabb takk hamari yeh wahdat qaim hai

hamara wujood abud sey hum-kinar hai.]


Let not this unity go from our hands,

and we endure to all eternity.

Pas Khoda ber ma shariat khatam kard;
ber Rasool-e-ma( S.A.W.) risalat khatam kard.

) (

[Allah Taala ney shariat hum per khatam kar di hai;

jaisey Rasool Pak (S.A.W.) per risalat khatam kar di hai.]
God set the seal of holy Law on us,
as in our Prophet (S.A.W.) all Apostleship is sealed.

Rounaq az ma mehfil-e-ayam ra;
oo rosal ra khatam-o-ma
aqwaam ra.

) (

) (

[Mehfil-e-ayam (dunya) ki rounaq hamari wajah sey hai;

Hazoor (S.A.W.) aakhari rasool hein aur hum aakhari millat.]
The concourse of unending days is radiant in our lustre;
he was Seal to all Apotles, to all People we.

Khidmat-e-saqi gari-ha ma gozaasht;
daad ma ra aakhirin jaamey
keh daasht.


[Abb Allah Taala ney saqi-gari ki khidmat hum per chhorr di hai;
apna aakhari jaam (-e-hidayat) humein ataa farmaya diya.]

The service of Truths winebearer is left with us;

he gave to us his final glass.

La Nabi baadu z-ehsan-e-Khoda ast;

) (

pardah-e-namoos-e-Deen-e-Mustafa ast.

[Hazoor (S.A.W.) kay baad kissi aur nabi ka nah aana

Allah Taala ka ehsan hai;
iss sey namoos-e-Deen-e-Mustafa ka tahffoz hai.]

No Prophet after me is of Gods grace, and veil the modest beauty

of the Faith Muhammad (S.A.W.) brought to men.

Quom ra sarmayah-e-qowwat azo;

hifz-e-sirr-e-wahdat-e-millat azo.

[Yehi cheez millat kay leay sarmayah-e-qowwat

aur wahdat-e-millat kay bhaid ki hifazat karney waali hai.]

The peoples strength all rest in this,
that still the secret guards of how the Faiths Community is one.

Haq Taala naqsh-e-her daawa shikast;
ta abud Islam ra shirazah bast.

) ( )

[Allah Taala ney abud takk Islam ki shirazah bundi farma kar


(her niay aur poranay Deen kay)

daawa (-e-sarbolandi) ka naqsh mitta diya (28:48).]
Almighty God has shattered every shape carved by imposture,
and for ever more stitched up the sacred volume of Islam.

Dil az ghair Allah Musliman ber konad;



naarah-e-la quoma baadi mi zanad.

[Musliman ghair Allah sey dil othha leyta hai;

aur meyrey baad koeyi quom naheen ka naarah lagata hai.]
The Muslim keeps his heart from all but God
and shouts abroad, no people after me.




Dar maani ein keh maqsood-e-Risalat-e-Muhammadiyah
nao-e-Adam ast.

[Iss mazmoon ki wazahat mein keh

Risalat-e-Muhammadiyah ka maqsood Bani Adam

ki azadi mosawat aur akhowwat ki tashkil-o-tasees hai.]

Bood insan dar jahan insan prast;
mand-o-zir dast.

[Dunya mein insan insan ki prastish karta hai;

loug insaniyat sey gir chokay thhey;
onn ki koeyi husti naheen thhi aur woh dabbey hoay thhey.]
Throughout the world man worshipped tyrant man,
despised, neglected, insignificant;


Sitwat-e-Kissra-o-Qaisar rehzunash;
bund-ha dar dast-o-paa gardanash.

[Qaisar-o-Kissra ki sitwat ney

rehzun bun kar iss kay haathh paaon

aur gardan mein zinjirein daal rakhhi thhein.]
Caesar and Chosroes, highwaymen enthroned,
fettered and chained their subjects, hand and foot.


beher yakk nakhchir sadd nakhchir geer.

[Kaheen Kahun thhey kaheen Pope, kaheen sultan kaheen hakam;

eik shikar kay leay sainkarron shikari thhey.]
High Priest and Pope, Sultan and Prince
for one poor prey a hundred huntsmen took the field;

Sahib-e-aurung-o-hum pir-e-Kanisht;

baaj ber kisht-e-kharab-e-oo nawisht.

[Padshah aur mazhabi rahnuma duonon

insaniyat ki veraan khheiti per bhi maaliah lagatey thhey.]

The sceptred monarch and the surpliced priest,
each claimed his tribute from the wasted fields;


Dar Kalisa asqaf-e-Rizwan frosh;

beher-e-ein siad-e-zabon daamey badosh.

[Issaiyat ki jannat kay pervaaney frokht karney wala Paadri

issi siad-e-zabon kay shikar kay leay
kandhey per jaal rakhhey hoay thha.]
The bishop, eager for this abject game,
bartered Gods pardon with the penitent.

Brahman gul az khayabanash babord;

khirmanash moghzadah ba aatish sapord.

[Brahman ney bhi insaniyat ki kiari sey phhool torr liya;

moghzadah ney insaniyat kay khirman ko
aag kay sapord kar diya.]
The Brahman from his garden raped his blooms,
the Magian fed his harvest to the fire.

Az ghulami fitrat-e-oo doon shodah;

andar naey-e-oo khoon shodah.

[Ghulami ki wajah sey insanon ki fitrat pust ho gaeyi thhi;

insaniyat ki naey kay naghmay khoon aalood thhey.]

Serfdom debased mans nature;

while his reed throbbed with threnody of his hearts blood.

Ta aminay haq bahaqdaraan sapord;
ra masnad-e-Khaqan sapord.

) (

[Onn halaat mein Janaab Rasool Pak (S.A.W.) tashrif laey

aur onnhon ney amin bun kar
haqdaron ka haq onn kay sapord kar diya;
padshahat ka takht raiyat kay hawaley kar diya.]
Until one faithful reassigned
their rights to those whose rights they were,
the Khaqans throne delivering into his subjects hand;

Shoalah-ha az mordah khakistar koshaad;
kohkon ra payah-e-Pervaiz daad.

)( )(
[Aap (S.A.W.) ney insaniyat ki mordah rakhh sey

(zindagi kay) shoalay paida kiay aur kohkon (mazdoor) ko

Pervaiz (badshah) ka rotbah ataa farmaya.]
Fanned their dead embers into flame anew;
raised up Farhad, poor hewer of the rocks to Parwiz royal height;

Eitibar kaar bandaan ra fazood;

) (

khwajgi az kaar farmayan rabood.

[Aap (S.A.W.) ney mazdoor ki woqaat barrha di;

aur aaqaon sey khwajgi chhein lee.]
Brought dignity to honest toil,
and robbed the taskmasters of tyrant overlordship.

Qowwat-e-oo her kohan paikar shikast;

) (

) (
noa-e-insan ra hisaar-e-tazah bast.

[Aap (S.A.W.) ki qowwat ney her porana dhancha torr diya;

aur Aap (S.A.W.) ney noa-e-ionsan kay ird-gird
eik niya hisaar taamir kar diya.]
By his might he shattered every ancient privilege,
and built new walls to fortify mankind.

Tazah jan andar tun-e-adam dameid;

) (

bandah ra baz az khodawandaan kharid.

[Aap (S.A.W.) ney Adam kay badan mein naeyi rooh phhoonk di;
ghulam ko duobarah aqaon sey waapas kharid liya.]
He breathed fresh life in Adams weary bones,
redeemed the slave from bondage, set him free.


Zaadan-e-oo murg-e-dunyaey kohan;

murg-e-aatish khanah-o-Deir-o-Shaman.

[Aap (S.A.W.) ki tashrif-aawari duor-e-kohan ki mout ka sabab bani;

aatish kadey, Deir aur bottkaday sabb mitt gaey.]
His birth was mortal to the ancient world,
death to the temples of idolatry.

Hurriyat zaad az zamir-e-pak oo;

) (

) (
ein maey noshin chakeid az taak-e-oo.

[Aap (S.A.W.) kay zamir-e-pak sey hurriyat ney janam liya;

yeh mazaydar sharab Aap (S.A.W.) he kay angoor sey tappki.]
Freedom was born out of his holy heart;
his vineyard flowed with that delightful wine.

Asr-e-nau kain sadd chiragh aawordah ast;

) (


chashm dar aaghosh-e-oo waa kardah ast.

[Duor-e-hazir jiss ney (ilm kay)

saikarron chiragh roshan kiay hein;

Aap (S.A.W.) he kay aaghosh mein aankhh khholi hai.]
The worlds new age, its hundred lamps ablaze,
opened its eyes upon his living breast.


Naqsh-e-nau sofah-e-husti kashid;

geeti koshaey aafrid.

) (

[Aap (S.A.W.) ney sofah-e-husti per eik niya naqsh kundah farmaya
yaani eik aisi ummat wujood mein laey
jiss ney zamaney ko fatah kar liya.]
He drew on Beings page the new design,
brought into life a race of conquerors;

Ummatey az ma-sawa beganaheyi;
ber chiragh-e-Mustafa (S.A.W.) pervanaheyi.


[Aisi ummat jo ma-sawa sey beganah

aur sirf chiragh-e-Mustafa (S.A.W.) ki pervanah hai.]

A people deaf to every voice but Gods,
a moth devoted to Muhammads flame;

Ummatey az garmi-e-Haq seinah-taab;

zarrah-ush shamaa-e-harim-e-aaftab.

[Aisi ummat jiss kay seinah ko haq-o-sadaqat
ki hararat garmaey hoay hai;
jiss ka eik eik zarrah harim-e-aaftab kay leay

shamaa ki hasiyat rakhhta hai.]

The fire of God was glowing
in the brilliance of the Suns sanctuary.

Kainat az kaif-e-oo rungin shodah;

kaabah-ha bott khanah-haey Chein shodah.

[Iss ummat ki sarmusti ney kainat ko rungin kar diya;

aur poranay bottkaday Towhid kay ghhar bun gaey.]
His fervour flushed creation all with joy;
new Kabahs rose where Chinas temples once with idols stood.

Morsilaan-o-anbiya aabaey oo;
akram-e-oo nizd-e-Haq anqaey oo.

[Anbiya aur rosal iss ummat kay aaba hein;

iss ummat kay mottaqin Allah Taala kay han moazazein hein.]
And in the order of his chivalry
they were most noble who feared God the best.

Koll-o-Momin akhwatun andar dillash;


[Sabb Momin bhai bhai hein

yeh baat iss ummat kay dil mein seraiyat kar choki hai;
hurriyat iss kay khamir mein hai.]
Belivers all are brothers in his heart,
freedom the sum and substance of his flesh.

Na-shakaib-e-imtiazaat aamadah;
dar nehaad-e-oo
masawaat aamadah.

) (

[Iss ummat kay leay (dunvi) imtiazaat ka tassawar
na-qabil-e-bardaasht hai
kiyuonkeh iss ki nehaad mein mosawaat rachi hoeyi hai.]
Impatient with discriminations all,
his soul was pregnant with Equality.

Humcho saroo azad farzandan-e-oo;

pokhtah az qaloo bala paiman-e-oo.

[Iss kay farzand saroo ki manind azad hein;

aur Allah Taala ka saathh

paiman-e-Alast kay sabab mostahkam hein.]

Therefore his sons stand up erect and free as the tall cypresses,
the ancient pledge in him renewing,
Yea, thou art our Lord.


Sajdah-e-Haq gul baseimaish zadah;

mah-o-anjam bosah ber paaish zadah.

[Allah Taala kay hazoor sajdon kay nishan

onn kay chehron per phhool ki manind sajay hoay hein;

chaand sitarey onn kay paaon ko bosah deytey hein.]
Prostration unto God had marked his brow;
the Moon and stars bow down to kiss his feet.



Hikayat-e-Bu Ubaid-o-Jaban dar maani-e-akhowwat-e-Islamiyah


[Bu Ubaid (R.A.) aur Jaban ki hikayat

akhowwat-e-Islamiyah kay baarey mein.]

Shoud aseer-e-Muslimay andar nabord;
qaiday az qaidaan Yazdajerd.

[Jung kay duoraan Yazdjerd kay sepah-salaron mein sey

eik sepah-salar Musliman kay haathhon qiadi bun gaya.]
A certain general of kind Yazdajerd
became a Muslims captive in the wars;

Gabar baraan deidah-o-ayyar bood;
joo-o-porfun-o-makkar bood.

[Woh Irani aatish-prast, chalak, hoshiyar,
heelah-joo, por-fun aur makkar thha.]
A Guebre he was, inured to every trick of fortune,
crafty, cunning, full of guile.

Az moqam-e-khod khabardarash nakard;

hum z-naam-e-khod khabardarash nakard.
[Oss ney Muslim mujahid ko apna naam,

moqam aur martabah sey khabardar nah kiya.]


He kept his captor ignorant of his rank

nor told him who he was, or what his name;

Goft mi khwaham keh jan bakhshi mera;
choon Muslimanan
amaan bakhshi mera.

[Balkeh darkhwast ki meyri jan bakhshi ki jaaey

aur Muslimanon kay shaiwah kay motabiq
mojhey amaan dey di jaaey.]
But said, I beg that you will spare my life
and grant to me the quarter Muslims gain.

Kard Moslim taigh ra andar niyam;

goft khoonat raikhtan ber mun haraam.

[Musliman ney taigh niyam mein kar di

aur keh diya keh teyra khoon bahana mojh per haraam hai.]
The Muslim sheathed his sword.
To shed thy blood, He cried, were impious and forbidden sin.

Choon darfash-e-Kaawiyani chaak shoud;

) (

( )

[Jabb darfash-e-Kawiyani (Irani jhanda) chaak chaak ho gaya


(yaani Iraniyuon ko shikast ho gaeyi)

aur Sasaaniyuon ki aag bojh gaeyi.]
When Kavehs banner had rent to shreds,
he fire of Sasans sons turned all to dust;

Aashkara shoud keh Jaban ast oo;
ast oo.

[Tuo patah chala keh woh Irani jungjoon
ka sepah-salaar Jaban hai.]
It was disclosed the captive Jaban was,
supreme commander of the Persian host.

Qatal-oo az mir-e-lashkar khwastand;
az fraib-e-oo sakhon aarastand,

[Muslimanon ney oss kay fraib kay motaaliq
sepah-salar takk baat pohnchaeyi
aur oss kay qatal ki ijazat chahi.]
Then was his fraud reported,
and his blood petitioned of the Arab general;

Bu Ubaid aan syed-e-fouj-e-Hijaz;

dar wagha
azmash z-lashkar bey niaz.



[Fouj-e-Hijaz kay sepah-salar Abu Ubaid (R.A.) Saqfi

jung mein jinn kay azm ka dar-o-madar
lashkar ki taadad sey bey niaz thha.]
But Bu Ubaid, famed leader of the ranks from far Hijaz,
who needed not the aid of armies to assist his bold resolve in battletide;

Goft ay yaraan Muslimanaim ma;


tar-e-chungaim-o-yakk aahungaim ma.

[Onnhon ney kaha dosto! Hum sabb Musliman hein,

hum sabb eik he rabaab kay tar hein aur yakk ahung hein.]
Thus answered their request:
Friend, we are Muslims, strings upon one lute and of one concord.

Naarah-e-Haidar (R.A.) nawaey Buzar (R.A.) ast;

) (

) ( ) (
garchih az halq-e-Bilal-o-Qanbar (R.A.) ast.

[Koeyi naarah ya nawa khwah woh

Bilal-o-Qanbar (R.A.) kay halaq sey paida ho

hum ossey Hazrat Ali (R.A.) aur
Abu Zar Ghaffari (R.A.) ka naarah samajhein gay.]
Alis voice attunes with Abu Dharrs,
although the throat be that of Qanbar or Bilal.

Her yakkey az ma amin-e-millat ast;

solh-o-keinash, solh-o-kein-e-millat ast.

[Hum mein sey her eik amin-e-millat hai

aur oss ki taraf sey solh-o-doshmani ka elaan millat ka elaan hai.]

Each one of us is trustee to the whole community
and one with it, in malice or in truce.

Millat aar gardad asaas-e-jan fard;

ehad-e-millat mi shawud paiman-e-fard.

[Jabb millat fard ki jan ki boniyad ho jaaey

tuo fard ka paiman millat ka paiman bun jaata hai.]
As the community is the sure base on which
the individual rests secure, so is its covenant his sacred bond.

Garchih Jaban doshman-e-ma boodah ast;
Muslimay oo ra amaan bakhshoodah

[Agarchih Jaban hamara doshman thha;

magar eik Musliman ossey amaan dey choka hai.]

Though Jaban was a foeman to Islam,
a Muslim granted him immunity;

Khoon-e-oo ay maashar-e-Khair-ul-Anaam;
ber dum-e-taigh-e-Muslimanan haraam.

( )

[Ay ummat-e-Khair-ul-Anaam (S.A.W.)

abb Jaban ka khoon hamari talwaron per haraam hai.]

His blood, O followers of the best of men,
may not be spilled by any Muslim sword.



Hikayat-e-Sultan Murad-o-meimaar
dar maani-e-mosawaat-e-Islamiyah

[Sultan Murad aur meimaar ki hikayat

mosawaat-e-Islamiyah kay baarey mein.]

Bood meimaarey z-aqlim-e-Khojand;

dar fun-e-taamir naam-e-oo boland.

[(Turkistan mein Darya-e-Saihon kay kinarey waqia shehar)

Khojand mein eik meimaar thha
jiss ka naam fun-e-taamir mein bohat boland thha.]
An architect there was, that in Khojand was born,
a famous craftsman of his kind;

Saakht aan sanaat-gar Farhad-zaad;


masjiday az hokm-e-sultan Murad.

[Iss Farhadzad sanaat-gar ney

Sultan Murad kay hokam sey eik masjid taamir ki.]

Worthy to be an offspring of Farhad.
Sultan Murad commanded him to build a mosque.

Khosh na-amad shah ra taamir-e-oo;
khashmagein gardad
az taqseer-e-oo.

( )

[Badshah ko oss ki taamir pasand nah aaeyi

aur woh (iss baarah mein)
oss ki kotahi deikhh kar ghossay mein aa-gaya.]
The which pleased not his majesty,
so that he waxed right furious at his faults.

Aatish-e-sozindah az chashmash chakeid;
bicharah az khanjar boreid.

[Badshah ki aankhhon sey ghossah mein shararey nikalney lagay;

oss ney oss bicharey meimaar ka haathh khanjar sey kaat diya.]
The baleful fire flared in the rulers eyes;
drawing his dagger, he cut off the hand of that poor wretch;


Jooey khoon az saad-e-meimaar raft;


[Meimaar ki kalaeyi sey khoon ki nadi beh nikali
aur woh kumzor-o-natawan shakhs
qazi kay saamney jaa kar paish ho gaya.]
So that the spurting blood gushed from his forearm.
In such hapless plight he came before the qazi;

Aan honarmanday keh dastash sung soft;

dastaan-e-jor-e-sultan baz goft.

[Woh honarmand jiss ka haathh pathhar prota thha

oss ney qazi kay saamney sultan kay zolm ki daastan biyan ki.]
And retold the tyrantss felony, that had destroyed
the cunning hand which shaped the granite rock.

Goft ay paigham-e-Haq goftar-e-tou;

hifz-e-aein-e-Muhammad kaar-e-tou.

[Aur kaha aap ki zoban Haq Taala kay paigham ki tarjmaan hai;
aur Shariat-e-Muhammadiyah ka tahaffoz aap ki zomahdari hai.]
O thou whose words a message are of Truth, he cried,
whose toil it is to keep alive Muhammads (S.A.W.) Law;

Softah gosh sitwat-e-shahan neim;

( )

qataa kon az rooey Quran daawaim.

[(Mien mard-e-azad hon)

badshahon ki sitwat ka ghulam naheen hon;

Quran pak ki roo sey meyrey daaway ka faislah kijiay.]
I am no ear-bored slave patient to wear the ring of monarchs might.
Determine my appeal by the Quran!

Qazi-e-aadil badandaan khastah labb;

) (

kard sheh ra dar hazoor-e-khod talab.

[Aadil qazi (ghossah sey) apney hont kaatney laga;

oss ney faurann badshah ko apney hazoor talab kiya.]
The upright cadi (qazi) bit his lips in ire
and summoned to his court the unjust king.

Rung-e-sheh az haibat-e-Quran pareid;

paish-e-qazi choon khata-kaaraan raseid.

[Haibat-e-Quran-e-Pak sey shah ka rung orr gaya

aur mojramon ki tarah qazi kay saamney paish hoa.]
Who, hearing the Quran invoked,

turned pale with awe, and came like any criminal.

Az khajalat deidah ber paa dokhtah;
aariz-e-oo lalah-ha andokhtah.

[Sharam kay maarey oss ki nigahein
oss kay paaon per jammi thhein
aur oss kay rokhsaar sorkh ho rehey thhey.]
Before the judge, his eyes cast down in shame,
is cheeks as crimson as the tulips glow.

Yakk taraf fariyadi daawa garey;

( )

yakk taraf shahensheh gardoon faray.

[(Qazi ki adalat mein)

eik taraf faryaadi apna daawa leay khharra thha

aur doosari taraf boland martabat badshah.]
On one side stood the appellant,
and on one the high exalted emperor;

Goft sheh az kardah khajlat bordah-um;

eitraaf az jorm-e-khod aawordah-um.

[Badshah ney kaha mien apney kiay per sharmindah hon


aur mojhey apney jorm ka eitraaf hai.]

Who spoke: I am ashamed of this that
I have wrought and make confession of my grievous crime.

Goft qazi fil-qasaas aamad hayat;

zindagi geerad baein qanoon sabaat.

[Qazi ney kaha zindagi ka dar-o-madar qanoon-e-qissas per hai;

issi qanoon sey zindagi istihkam paati hai.]
In retribution quoth the judge, is life,
and by that law life finds stability.

Abud Muslim kumter az ahrar neist;

khoon-e-sheh rungin-ter az meimaar neist.

[Musliman ghulam azad sey kum-ter naheen;

nah badshah ka khoon meimaar kay khoon sey ziyadah sorkh hai.]
The Muslim slave no less is than free men,
nor is the emperors blood of richer hue than the poor builders.

Choon Murad ein Ayah-e-mohkam shoneid;

dast-e-khwaish az aastin bairoon kasheid.

[Jabb Sultan Murad ney yeh Ayah-e-mohkam sonni


tuo oss ney apni aastin sey haathh nikaal kar aagay barrha diya.]
Listening to these words of Holy Writ,
Murad shook off his sleeve and bared his hand.

Modai ra taab-e-khamoshi namanad;

Ayah-e-bil-adal-o-ehsaan khwanad.

[Yeh deikhh kar modaeyi khamosh nah reh saka;

oss ney adal-o-ehsan ki ayat parrhi.]

The plaintiff thereupon no Longer could keep silence.

God commands Justice and kindliness, recited he.

Goft az beher khoda bakhshidamash;

) (
az baraey Mustafa (S.A.W.) bakhshidamash.

[Aur kaha mien ney Allah Taala aur Allah kay Rasool (S.A.W.)
ki khatar badshah ko moaf kiya.]
For Gods sake and Muhammads (S.A.W.),
he declared, I do forgive him.

Yaaft moorey ber Sulaimaney zafar;

) (

sitwat-e-aein-e-Paighamber (S.A.W.) niggar.

[Janaab Rasool Pak (S.A.W.) kay aein ki shan deikhh;

oss ki badoulat chewanti ney Sulaiman (A.S.) per fatah paeyi.]
Note the majesty of the Apostles Law,

and how an ant triumphantly outfought a Solomon!

Paish-e-Quran bandah-o-moula yakkey ast;
boriya-o-masnad-e-deeba yakkey ast.

[Quran-e-Pak ki nazar mein aaqa-o-ghulam brabar hein;

koeyi boriya nashin ho ya takht ka waris
onn mein koeyi farq naheen.]
Before the tribunal of the Quran master and salve are one,
the mat of reeds coequal with the throne of rich brocade.




Dar maani-e-Hurriyat-e-Islamiyah-o-sirr-e-Haadsah-e-Karbala

[Islami hurriyat aur Haadsah-e-Karbala kay raaz ki wazahat mein.]

Her keh paiman ba howal-moujood bast;

gardanash az bund her maabood rast.

[Jiss kissi ney ho-wal-moujood sey paiman baandha

oss ki gardan her maabood ki qiad sey azad ho gaeyi.]
Whoever maketh compact with the One That is,
hath been delivered from the yoke of every idol.


Momin az ishq ast-o-ishq az momin ast;

ishq ra namomkin-e-ma
momkin ast.

[Momin Allah Taala kay ishq sey qaim hai
aur ishq ka wujood Momin sey hai;
woh cheezein jo hamarey leay namomkin hein
woh ishq kay nazdik momkin hein.]
Unto love belongs the true believer, and Love unto him.
Love maketh all things possible to us.

Aql saffaak ast-o-oo saffaak-ter;
pak-ter, chalak-ter,

[Aql apney maqasid ki takmil kay leay

doosaron ka khoon bahaney sey graiz naheen karti

aur ishq Allah Taala ki khatir
apni jan deyney mein oss sey barrh kar hai.
Ishq kay maqasid aql sey ziyadah pakeezah
aur ishq apney amal mein ziyadah taizro aur bibaak hai.]
Reason is ruthless; Love is even more,
purer, and nimbler, and more unafraid.


Aql dar paichaak-e-asbab-o-alal;

ishq chougan baz-e-maidan-e-amal.

[Aql asbab aur wujood kay chakkar mein parri rehti hai;
ishq maidan-e-amal ka shehsawar hai.]
Lost in the maze of cause and of effect is Reason;
Love strikes boldly in the field of Action.

Ishq siad az zor-e-bazoo afganad;

aql makkar asto-daamey mi-zanad.

[Ishq qowwat-e-baazoo sey shikar ko grata hai;

aql makkar hai aur apney shikar kay leay jaal bichhati hai.]
Crafty Reason sets a snare;
Love overthrows the prey with strong right arm.

Aql ra sarmayah az beim-o-shakk ast;

ishq ra azm-o-yaqin la-yunfik ast.

[Aql ka sarmayah khouf-o-shakk hai;

ishq-o-azm-o-yaqin lazam-o-malzoom hein.]

Reason is rich in fear and doubt;
but Love has firm resolve, faith indissoluble.

Aan konad taamir ta veraan konad;

keh abadaan

konad veraan

[Aql ki taamir mein veraani mozmer hai
aur ishq ki veraani mein taamir.]
Reason constructs, to make a wilderness;
Love lays wide waste, to build all up anew.

Aql choon baad ast arzaan dar jahan;

ishq kumyab-o-bahaey oo graan.

[Aql dunya mein hawa ki manind arzaan hai;

ishq kumyab aur baish-baha qimati hai.]
Reason is cheap, and plentiful as air;
Love is most scarce to find, and of great price.

Aql mohkam az asaas-e-choon-o-chund;

' '

ishq oriyan az libaas-e-choon-o-chund.

[Aql choon-o-chund kiyuon aur kitna

ki bonyaad sey mohkam hai;

aur ishq iss qisam kay libaas sey bey niaz hai.]
Reason stands firm upon phenomena,
but Love is naked of material robes.

Aql mi goeyad keh khod ra paish kon;
ishq goeyad imtihan-e-khwaish kon.

[Aql kehti hai keh apna mofaad paish-e-nazar rakhh;
ishq kehta hai keh apni azmaish kar.]
Reason says, Thrust thyself into the fore,
Love answers Try thy heart, and prove thyself.

Aql ba ghair aashna iktisaab;
az fazal
ast-o-ba khud dar hisaab.

[Aql estehsaal ki khatar

doosaron sey aashnaeyi paida karti hai;

ishq ka dar-o-madar Allah Taala kay fazal per hai
aur woh apna ehtisaab karta hai.]
Reason by acquisition is informed of other;
Love is born of inward grace and makes account with self.

Aql goeyad shaad shau abad shau;

ishq goeyad bandah shau azad shau.

[Aql kehti hai khosh raho, abad raho;

ishq kehta hai Allah Taala ki ghulami ikhtiyar kar

aur baqi sabb sey azad ho jaa.]
Reason declares, Be happy and be prosperous;
Love replies, Become a servant, that thou mayest be free.


Ishq ra aaram-e-jan hurriyat ast;

naqah-ush ra saarban
hurriyat ast.

[Ishq ko azadi mein taskin-e-dil milti hai;

oss kay naqah ki saarban hurriyat hai.]
Freedom brings full contentment to Loves soul,
Freedom, the driver of Loves riding-beast.

Aan shoneidsti keh hungaam-e-nabard;

ishq ba aql-e-hawus perwar chih kard.

[Kaya tou ney sona keh bawaqt-e-qitaal

ishq ney aql-e-hawus perwar sey kaya kiya.]

Hast thou not heard what things in time of war,
Love wrought with lustful Reason?

Aan imam-e-ashiqan por-e-Batool (R.A.);


) (
saroo-e-azaday z-bustan-e-Rasool (S.A.W.).

[Woh ashiqon kay imam Syedah Fatimah (R.A.) kay farzand

jo Hazoor Akram (S.A.W.) kay bagh kay saroo-e-azad thhey.]
I would speak of that great leader of all men who love truly the Lord,
that uprightcypress-tree of the Apostles garden, Alis son;


Allah Allah baaey Bismillah pidar;

maani-e-zabihon azim amad pisar.

[Onn kay waalid ka martabah-haey bismillah ka sa thha

aur Syedna Hussain Zabih-e-Azaim ki taabir hein.]
Whose father led the sacrificial feast
that he might prove a mighty offering;

Beher aan shehzadah-e-khair-ul-ummam;

) (

) (
dosh Khtamul Morsalin naam-al-jamal.

[Behterin ummat (Ummat-e-Muslimah) kay iss shehzaday kay leay

Hazoor (S.A.W.) Khatam-ul-Morsalin ka dosh mobarak sawari thhi,

aur kaya achhi sawari thhi.]
And for that prince of the best race of men the Last of the Apostles
gave his back to ride upon, a camel passing fair.

Sorkh-roo ishq-e-ghayoor az khoon-e-oo;
shokhi-e-ein misraa az mazmoon-e-oo.

[Ishq-e-ghayoor onn kay khoon sey sorkharoo hoa;

misraa-e-ishq ki shokhi issi mazmoon (waqia-e-Karbala) sey hai.]


Crimsoned his blood the cheek of jealous Love

(Which theme adorns my verse in beauty bold)

Darmiyan-e-ummat aan keivan janaab;

humcho harf-e-qol ho-wallah

dar kitaab.

[Yeh boland martabat shakhsiyat ummat kay darmiyan yuon hai

jaisey Quran-e-Pak mein Surah Akhlas.]
Who is sublime in our community as Say,
the Lord is God exalts the Book.

Mosa (A.S.)-o-Firoan-o-Shabbir (R.A.)-o-Yazid;
ein duo qowwat az hayat ayad padeid.

[Musa-o-Firoan aur Shabbir-o-Yazid;

yeh duonon qowwatein hayat he ka azhaar hein.]

Moses and Pharaoh, Shabbir and Yazid
from Life spring these conflicting potencies;

Zindah Haq az qowwat-e-Shabbiri ast;

baatil aakhar dagh-e-hasrat meeri ast.

[Haq qowwat-e-Shabbiri sey zindah hai;

aur baatil ka anjaam hasrat ki mout hai.]

Truth lives in Shabbirs strength;
Untruth is that fierce, final anguish of regretful death.

Choon khilafat rishtah az Quran gasaikht;

hurriyat ra zehar andar kaam raikht.

[Jabb khalafat ney Quran-e-Pak sey apna rishatah torr liya

tuo oss ney hurriyat kay halq kay andar zehar ondail diya.]
And when the Caliphate first snapped its thread from the Quran,
in Freedoms throat was poured a fatal poison;

Khaast aan sirr-e-jalwaheyi khair-ul-ummam;

choon sahaab-e-Qiblah baraan dar qadam.

[Yeh halat deikhh kar behtarin ummat ka woh jalwah yuon othha
jaisey Qiblah ki jaanib sey baarish sey bharpoor baadal.]
Like a rain-charged cloud the effulgence
of the best of peoples rose out of the West;

Ber zamin-e-Karbala baareid-o-raft;
lalah dar veranah-ha kareid-o-raft.

[Yeh baadal Karbala ki zamin per barsa;

oss veranay mein gul-haey lalah ogaey aur agay barrh gaya.]
To spill on Kerbala, and in that soil,
that desert was before, sowed, as he died, a field of tulip-blood.

Ta qiamat qataa-e-istabdaad kard;

mouj-e-khoon-e-oo chaman eijad kard.

[Oss ney qiamat takk kay leay istabdaad ki jarr kaat di;
oss ki mouj sey eik niya chaman paida hoa.]
There, till the Resurrection, tyranny was evermore cut off;
a garden fair immortalizes where his lifeblood surged.

Beher Haq dar khak-o-khoon ghulteidah ast;
pas banaey la ilah gardeidah ast.


[Syedna Hussain (R.A.) Haq ki khatar khak-o-khoon mein loutay;

iss leay woh la ilah ki boniyad bun gaey.]
For Truth alone his blood dripped to the dust,
wherefore he has become the edifice of faith in Gods pure Unity.

Modaaish sultanat booday agar;
khod nakardey ba chonein samaan safar.

[Agar onn ka maqsood sultanat hasil karna hota

tuo itnay thhorray saaz-o-samaan kay saathh
safar ikhtiyar nah kartey.]
Indeed had his ambition been for earthly rule,


not so provisioned would he have set forth on his last journey;

Doshmanan choon raig-e-sehra lataad;

beh Yazdan hum adad.


( 72) )

[Doshman raig-e-sehra kay zarron ki manind lataadad thhey

aur onn kay dost lafz-e-Yazdan kay hum adad
(bahattar (72) thhey).]
Having enemies innumerable as the desert sands,
equal his friends in number to Gods Name.

Sirr-e-Ibrahim-o-Ismail bood;

)( )(

yaani aan ajmaal ra tafsil bood.

[Aap Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S.) aur Hazrat Ismail (A.S.) kay waqea
ka sirr aur oss jamal ki tafsil saabat hoay.]
The mystery that was epitomized in Abraham and Ishmael
through his life and death stood forth at last in full revealed.

Azm-e-oo choon kohsaraan ostawar;

paidar-o-tund siar-o-kaamgar.

[Onn ka azm paharron ki manind mohkim,

paidar, aamadah beh amal aur kamyaab thha.]

Firm as a mountain-chain was his resolve,

impetuous, unwavering to its goal.

Taigh beher izzat-e-Deen ast-o-bood;

maqsad-e-oo hifz-e-aein ast-o-bood.

[Taigh sirf izzat-e-Deen kay leay hai;

iss ka maqsad sirf shariat ki hifazat hai.]

The Sword is for the glory of the Faith
and is unsheathed but to defend the Law.

Masawa Allah ra Musliman bandah neist;

paish-e-Firoanay sarash afgandah neist.

[Musliman ghair Allah ka bandah naheen;

woh kissi Firoan kay saamney apna sar naheen jhokata.]

The Muslim, servant unto God alone,
before no Pharaoh casteth down his head.

Khoon-e-oo tafsir-e-ein asrar kard;

ra bidaar kard.



[Syedna Hussain (R.A.) kay khoon ney iss raaz ki tafseer paish ki;
aur (apney amal sey) millat-e-khwabidah ko bidaar kar diya.]
His blood interpreted these mysteries,
and waked our slumbering community.

Taigh-e-la choon az miyan bairoon kasheid;

az rug-e-arbaab baatil khoon kasheid.

[Jabb aap ney la ki talwar miyan sey bahar nikaali

tuo ehal-e-baatil ki rugon sey khoon nachorr liya.]
He drew the sword there is none other god
and shed the blood of them that served the lie;

Naqsh-e-illallah ber sehra nawisht;


[Onnon ney sehra ki sarzamin per illallah ka naqsh raqam kiya;

aur onn ki likhhi hoeyi satar hamari nijat ka onwaan buni.]
Inscribing in the wilderness save God
he wrote for all to read the exordium of our salvation.

Rumz-e-Quran az Hussain (R.A.) aamokhtaim;


z-aatish-e-oo shoalah-ha andokhtaim.

[Hum ney Quran-e-Pak kay rumuz

Syedna Hussain (R.A.) sey sekhhay hein;

onn ki roshan ki hoeyi aag sey


hum ney azadi kay shoalay akathhey kiay hein.]

From Husain we learned the riddle of the Book,
and at his flame kindled our torches.

Shaukat-e-Shaam-o-fur-e-Baghdad raft;
hum az yaad raft.

[Shaam-o-Baghdad ki shan-o-shaukat jaati rehi;

sitwat-e-Gharnatah ki yaad bhi zehanon sey mehav hoeyi.]
Vanished now from ken Damascus might,
the splendour of Baghdad, Granadas majesty, all lost to mind;

Tar-e-ma az zakhmah-ash larzaan hanooz;
aiman hanooz.
tazah az takbir-e-oo


[Laikan hamari zindagi kay tar abhi takk

Syedna (R.A.) kay zakham sey larzan hein;

onnhon ney maidan-e-Karbala mein jo takbir boland ki thhi
woh hamarey aiman ko zindah kar rehi hai.]
Yet still the strings he smote within our soul vibrate,
still ever new our faith abides in his Allahu Akbar;

Ay saba, ay paikdour aftaadgan;
ashk-e-ma ber khak-e-pak-e-oo rasaan.

) (

[Ay saba! Ay door basney waalon ki paigham rasa;

onn ki khak-e-pak per hamarey aanson (ka tohfah) pohncha dey.]
Gentle breeze, thou messenger of them that are afar,
bear these my tears to lave his holy dust.



Dar maani-e-einkeh choon Millat-e-Muhammadiyah (S.A.W.)


moosis ber Towhid-o-Risalat ast pas nihayat-e-makani nadaarad.

) (

[Iss mazmoon ki wazahat mein keh choonkeh

Millat-e-Muhammadiyah (S.A.W.) ki boniyad Towhid-o-Risalat

per hai iss leay yeh makan ki hudood sey mawara hai.]

Johar-e-ma ba moqamey bustah neist;

baadah-e-tundash bajaamey bustah neist.

[Hamari millat ka johar kissi sarzamin

sey wabastah naheen hai;

iss ki taiz-o-tund sharab ka dar-o-madaar jaam per naheen.]

Our Essence is not bound to any Place;
the vigour of our wine is not contained in any bowl;

Hindi-o-Cheini safaal-e-jaam-e-mast;
Rumi-o-Shaami gill andaam-e-mast.

) (

[Hindi aur Cheini hamarey jaam ki matti hein;

aur Rumi-o-Shaami hamarey (milli) badan ki khak hein.]

Chinese and Indian alike the sherd that constitutes our jar,
Turkish and Syrian alike the clay.

Qalb-e-ma az Hind-o-Rum-o-Shaam neist;

marz-o-boom-e-oo bajoz Islam


[Hamarey qalb ka taaloq Hind, Rum ya Shaam sey naheen hai;

Islam kay sawaey hamara koeyi aur watan naheen.]
Forming our body; neither is our heart of India, or Syria, or Rum,
nor any fatherland do we profess except Islam.

Paish-e-Paighamber cho Kaab-e-pakzaad;

( ) ( )

hadiyah aawurd az Banat Suad.

[Jabb Hazrat Kaab (R.A.) Hazoor Akram (S.A.W.)

ki khidmat mein qasidah Banat Suad tohfah laaey.]
When pure-descended Kaab brought to the Prophet (S.A.W.)
for an offering his famed Banat Suad;

Dar sitaish gauhar-e-shabb taab suft;
az sayoof-ul-Hind goft.

) ( ) (

) (
[Kaab (R.A.) ney Aap (S.A.W.) ki

taarif mein chamakdar moti proay

aur Aanjanaab (S.A.W.) ko Hindi talwaron mein
eik brahnah talwar kaha.]
Whereon he strung the night-illuming jewels of his praise,
and there addressed him as an unsheathed sword of India;


Aan moqamash berter az charkh-e-boland;
naamdash nisbat beh aqlimay pasand.


) (
[Aanjanaab (S.A.W.) jinn ka moqam boland
asman sey bhi boland-ter hai;
Aap (S.A.W.) ko kissi sarzamin kay saathh
apni nisbat pasand nah aaeyi.]
It did not please his heart
(Being sublimer than high heavens sphere),
to be attributed to any clime;

Goft saif mun sayoof Allah go;
Haq prasti joz barah-e-Haq ma-po.

) (

[Aap (S.A.W.) ney farmaya mojhey Allah Taala ki
talwaron mein sey eik talwar kaho;
abb tou haq-prast hai iss leay sirf haq ki he baat kaho.]
And so the Prophet answered, Rather say a Sword of God,
if Truth thou worshippest, no other pathway travel but of Truth.

Humchonan aan razdaan jozv-o-koll;

) (
gard-e-paaish sormah-e-chashm-e-rosall.


[Issi tarah Hazoor Akram (S.A.W.) jo jozv-o-koll kay razdaan hein

aur jinn kay paaon ki gard deigar rosall ki aankhh ka sormah hai.]
Full well he knew the mystery of Part and Whole,
the very dust beneath his feet being
the magical collyrium laid on the eyes of all Gods messengers;

Goft ba ummat z-dunyaey shoma;

) (

dost daaram taat-o-tayyab-o-nisaa.

[Onnhon ney farmaya keh mojhey tumhari dunya sey

taat (namaz) khoshboo aur aurat pasand hein.]
And so he spoke to his community: Of all this world of yours,
I love alone obedient hearts, sweet perfumes, women chaste.

Gar tera zouq-e-maani rahnumast;

noktah-e-poshidah dar harf-e-shoma st.

[Agar tou zouq-e-maani sey behrawar hai;

tuo iss hadis sharif ka raaz lafz shoma mein hai.]
If the perception of realities guideth thy steps,
the subtlety confined in that word yours will not be hid from thee.

Yaani aan shamaa-e-shabastan-e-wujood;


bood dar dunya-o-az

dunya nabood.


[Goya Hazoor Akram (S.A.W.)

jo shamaa-e-shabbistan-e-wujood hein;
dunya mein hotay hoay bhi dunya sey maawara thhey.]
Indeed, that lantern of all beings night
dwelt in the world, but was not of the world;

Jalwah-e-oo qudsiyan ra seinah soz;

) (

bood andar aab-o-gill Adam hanooz.

[Aap (S.A.W.) ka jalwah oss waqt bhi

farishton kay seinon ko garma raha thha;

jabb Adam ka badan takhliq kay awwalein marahal mein thha.]
His splendour, that consumed the adoring breasts of holy angels,
shone while Adam yet was clay and water.

Mun nadanam marz-o-boom-e-oo kojast;


) (
ein qadar daanam keh ba ma aashnast.

[Mien naheen jaanta keh Hazoor (S.A.W.) ka watan kahan hai

sirf itna jaanta hon keh Aap (S.A.W.) hum sey aashna hein.]
Of what land he was I know not;
this much only I do know, he is our comrade.


Ein anasar ra jahan-e-ma shamord;
khwaishtan ra mihmaan-e-ma shamord.

) (

) (

[Aap (S.A.W.) ney anasar kay iss jahan ko
hamara jahan farmaya;
aur apney Aap (S.A.W.) ko hamara mehman shomar kiya.]
These base elements he reckoned
for our world, himself our guest.

Z-ankeh ma az seinah jan gom kardah-aim;
khwaish ra dar khakdan gom kardah-aim.

[Choonkeh hum apney seinah sey jan gom kar chokay hein;
iss leay hum iss khakdan-e-dunya mein gom ho gaey.]
We, who have lost the souls within our breasts,
have therefore lost ourselves in this mean dust.

Muslim asti dil beh aqlimay mabund;

gom mashau andar jahan choon-o-chund.

[Tou Musliman hai apney aap ko kissi molk sey wabastah nah kar;
iss jahan mein asbaab-o-shomar mein gom nah ho jaa.]
Thou art a Muslim, do not bind thy heart.

To any clime, nor lose thyself within this world dimensionate.

Mi nagunjad Muslim andar marz-o-boom;

dar dil-e-oo yawah gardad Shaam-o-Rum.

[Musliman kissi watan mein naheen samata

balkeh saarey momalik oss kay andar gom ho jaatey hein.]

The Muslim true is not contained in any land on earth;
Syria and Rum are lost within his heart.

Dil badast aawar keh dar pehnaaey dil;
mi shawud gom ein saraey

[Dil ko apney qabzay mein laa kiyuonkeh

dil ki wosaaton mein aab-o-gill ka yeh jahan gom hai.]

Grasp thou the heart, and in its vast expanse
lose this mirage of water and of clay.

Oqdah-e-quomiyat Muslim kashood;

) (

az watan aaqaey ma hijrat namood.

[Hamarey aaqaey naamdar (S.A.W.) ney watan sey

hijrat kar kay quomiyat ka oqdah hull farma diya.]
Our Master, fleeing from his fatherland,

resolved the knot of Muslim nationhood.

Hikmatash yakk millat-e-geeti naward;
ber asaas-e-kalmah-e-taamir kard.

) (

[Aap (S.A.W.) ki hikmat ney Kalmah-e-Towhid ki boniyaad per

eik alamgir millat ki boniyad rakhhi.]
His wisdom founded one community - the world its parish on the sacred charge to civilize;

Ta z-bakhshash-haey aan sultan-e-Deen;
Masjid-e-ma shoud hamah rooey zamin.

) (

[Yehi wajah hai keh iss Sultan-e-Deen (S.A.W.) kay karm sey
saari zamin hamarey leay masjid bana di gaeyi.]
That Ruler of our faith of his abundant bounty
gave the earth entire to be the confines of our mosque.

Aankeh dar Quran Khoda oo ra satood;

) (
) (

) (
aan keh hifz-e-jan-e-oo mouod bood.

[Aap (S.A.W.) ki yeh shan hai keh Allah Taala Quran-e-Pak mein
Aap (S.A.W.) ki taarif farmatey hein

aur Aap (S.A.W.) ki jan ki hifazat ka zimmah leytay hein.]

He, whom god eulogized in the Quran and promised
He would save his soul alive;

Doshmanan-e-bey dast-o-paa az haibatash;

larzah ber tun az shakoh-e-fitratash.


) (
[Aap (S.A.W.) ki haibat sey doshmanon kay
haathh paaon shull ho jaatey thhey;
Aap (S.A.W.) kay roab sey onn kay
badan per larzah taari ho jaata thha.]
Struck hapless awe into his enemies
so that they trembled at his majesty.

Pas chera az maskan-e-aaba graikht;


) (

tou gomaan daari keh az aada graikht.

[Tuo pher Aap (S.A.W.) ney

apney aab'a ka maskan kiyuon chhorra?

Kaya teyra yeh gomaan hai keh Aap (S.A.W.) ney
doshmanon sey dar kar hijrat ikhtiyar ki?]
Why fled he, then, from his ancestral home?
Supposest thou he ran before his foes?

Qissah goyaan Haq z-ma poshidah-und;

ghalat fehmidah-und.

[Qissah-go waaizon ney suchi baat hum sey chhopaeyi hai;

woh hijrat kay maani ghalat samajhtay hein.]
The chroniclers, ill understanding what the Flight portends,
have hid the truth from us.

Hijrat aein-e-hayat-e-Muslim ast;

ein z-asbaab-e-sabaat-e-Muslim ast.

[Hijrat Musliman ki zindagi ka aein hai

aur onn asbaab mein sey eik sabab hai

jinn sey Muslim kay wujood ko sabaat hasil hota hai.]

Flight is the law that rules the Muslims life,
and is a cause of his stability;

Maani-e-oo az tunak aabi-e-rum ast;
beher taskhir-e-yum ast.


[Hijrat kay maani yeh hein keh jahan pani (imkanaat) kum ho;
oss jagah ko chhorr diya jaaey;
shabnam ko chhorr iss leay keh samandar ko taskhir kiya jaaey.]
Its meaning is to leap from shallowness,

to quit the dew, the ocean to subdue.

Bagozar az gul gulistan maqsood-e-tost;
ein ziyaan pairayah bund-e-sood-e-tost.

[Phhool chhorr kar gulistan ko apnana maqsood bana;

yeh noqsaan faiday ka paish khaimah hai.]
Transgress the bloom; the garden is thy goal;
the loss of less more vastly gain adorns.

Mehar ra azadah raftan aabroost;
zair-e-paaey oost.

[Aaftab ki shan issi mein hai keh woh nisbat-e-makani sey azad ho;
saarey aafaq ki pehnaeyi iss kay paaon talley ho.]
The suns great glory is in ranging free;
the skies arena lies beneath his feet.

Humcho joo sarmayah az baraan makhwah;
bekaraan shau dar jahan payaan ma-khwah.


[Nadi ki tarah baarish sey sarmayah (aab) nah talab kar;

bikaran ho ja aur dunya mein nehayat ka talabgar nah ho.]

Be not a streamlet, seeking wealth from rain;

be boundless; quest no limit in the world.

Bood behar talkh-roo yakk saadah dasht;

sahilay warzeid-o-az sharam aab gasht.

[Behar-e-aab shor eik sadah biyan thha;

oss ney sahil ikhtiyar kiya tuo sharm sey pani pani ho gaya.]
The frowning sea was once a simple plain,
played being shore, and liquefied of shame.

Baidatt aahung taskheer-e-hamah;
ta tou mi baashi frageer hamah.

[Teyrey andar her shaey ki taskheer ka azm hona chahiay

takeh tou sabb ko apney andar samait ley.]
Have thou the will to master everything,
that thou mayest win dominion over all;

Surat-e-mahi beh behar abad shau;

yaani az qiad-e-moqam azad shau.

[Machhli ki tarah samandar mein abad ho

aur moqam ki qiad sey azad ho jaa.]
Plunge like a fish, and populate the sea;


shake off the chains of too constricted space.

Her keh az qiad-e-jihaat azad shoud;


choon falak dar shash jehatt abad shoud.

[Jo bhi atraaf-e-hudood ki qiad sey azad hoa;

woh asman ki tarah shash jehaat mein abad ho gaya
(asman her jagah nazar aata hai).]
He who has burst from all dimensions bonds;
ranges through all directions, like the sky.

Booay gul az terk-e-gul jolaangar ast;
dar fraakhaey
chaman khod gostarst.

[Phhool ki khashboo phhool ko terk karney sey
her taraf joolani ikhtiyar karti hai;
aur chaman ki wosaat mein her taraf phhail jaati hai.]
The roses scent by parting from the rose; leaps far abroad,
and through the gardens breadth disseminates itself.

Ay keh yakk jaa dar chaman andaakhti;

misl-e-bulbul ba gullay dar saakhti.


[Ay woh shakhs jiss ney bagh mein apney aap ko

eik jagah sey wabastah kar liya hai,
tou ney bulbul ki tarah eik phhool sey dosti laga lee hai.]
Thou, who hast snatched one corner of the meadow for thine own,
like the poor nightingale art satisfied to serenade one rose.

Choon saba bar-e-qabool az dosh geer;

gulshan andar halqah-e-aaghosh geer.

[Tojhey chahiay keh saba ki manind eik jagah tikkay rehney
ka boujh kandhay sey otaar kar
saarey gulshan ko apney halqah-e-aaghosh mein ley ley.]
Be like the breeze; cast off the burden of complacency
from thy broad shoulders;
in thy wide embrace gather the garden.

Az fraib-e-asar-e-nau hoshiyar baash;
reh fatadd ay rahrau hoshiyar

) (

[Dour-e-jadid kay (nazariyah-e-nationalism)
kay fraib sey hoshiyar reh;
yahan qadam qadam per daakey parrtey hein, agah reh.]
Be thou wary; lo, these times are full of treachery,
the way beset by brigands; wayfarer, beware!





Dar maani einkeh watan asaas-e-Millat neist.

[Iss mazmoon ki wazahat mein keh

Millat-e-Islamiyah ki boniyad watan naheen.]

Aanchonaan qataa-e-akhowwat kardah-und;
ber watan
taamir-e-millat kardah-und.

[Ehal-e-Maghrib ney iss tarah akhowwat ki jarr kaati hai

keh watan ki bana per quom ki taamir ki hai.]
Now brotherhood has been so cut to shreds
that in the stead of the community;
the country has been given pride of place
in mens allegiance and constructive work;

Taa watan ra shamaa-e-mehfil saakhtand;
noa-e-insan ra qabaeyl

[Watan ko shamaa-e-mehfil bananey sey

noa-e-insan mokhtalif qabaeyl mein taqsim ho gaeyi hai.]

The Country is the darling of their hearts,
and wide humanity is whittled down into dismembered tribes.


Jannatey jastand dar beas-al-qarar;

taa ahalloo quomohom daar-al-bawaar.

[Onnhon ney jahannam mein jannat talash karney ki koshish ki hai

aur iss koshish mein apni quom ko
halakat kay ghhar takk pohncha diya hai.]
Men thought to find Paradise in that miserable abode;
of ruin where they made the peoples dwell.

Ein shajar jannat z-alam bordah ast;

talkhi-e-paikar bar aawordah ast.

[Wataniyat kay shajar ney dunya sey jannat

(aman-o-sakoon) rokhsat kar diya hai;

iss drakht ka phhall jung ki talkhi ki surat mein zaahir hoa hai
(duonon alami jungein wataniyat ki bana per larri gaein).]
This tree has banished heaven from the world;
and borne for fruit the bitterness of war;

Mardami andar jahan afsanah shoud;

aadami az aadami beganah shoud.

[Insaniyat dunya mein afsanah bun kar reh gaeyi;

adami adami sey beganah ho gaya.]


Humanity is but a legend,

man become a stranger to his fellow-man.

Rooh az tun raft-o-haft andaam maand;
aadmiyat gom shoud aqwaam

[Badan sey rooh nikal gaeyi aur sirf dhanchah reh gaya;
adamiyat gom ho gaeyi aur quomein baqi reh gaein.]
The spirit has departed from the flesh,
only the seven disjointed limbs remain;
vanished is humankind, there but abide the disunited nations.

Taa siyasat masnad-e-mazhab grift;

ein shajar dar gulshan-e-Maghrib grift.

[Jabb Maghrib mein siyasat ney

mazhab ki masnad per qabzah jamaya

tuo wahan wataniyat kay drakht ney jarr pakrri.]
Politics dethroned religion,
this tree first struck root within a Western garden;

Qissah-e-Deen-e-Masseihaeyi fasord;


[Deen-e-Essawi ka qissah khatam hoa,


aur shamaa-e-Kalisa ka shoalah bojh gaya.]

And the tale of Christianity was all rolled up;
the radiance of the Churchs lantern dimmed;

Asqaff az bey taaqati darmaandaheyi;
mohrah-ha az
kaff baroon afshandaheyi.

[Pope kay haathh sey ikhtiyar nikal gaya

aur oss ney bey-chargi sey siyasat kay moharey

apney haathh sey phhaink diay.]
Pope powerless and baffled,
from his hand the counters scattered;

Quom-e-Essa (A.S.) ber Kalisa paazdeh;
naqad-e-aein Chalipa waazdeh.

[Essaeyi quom ney Kalisa ko thhokra diya;

Essaeyi mazhab kay sakoon ko radd kar diya.]

Jesus followers spurning the Church;
debased the coinage of the True Crosss Law.

Dehariyat choon jamah-e-mazhab dareid;

morsaley az hazrat-e-Shaitan raseid.

[Jabb Dehariyat ney mazhab ka jamah tar-tar kiya


tuo Shaitan ki taraf sey eik morsal bhi aa-pohncha.]

When atheism fist rent religions garment,
there arrived that Satans messenger;

Aan Flaransavi baatil prast;
deidah-e-mardam shikast.


[Woh Flarance ka baatil prast Macheivili thha

jiss kay sormah ney insanon ki aankhhein phhorr dein.]

The Florentine who worshipped falsehood,
whose collyrium shattered the sight of men.

Noskhaheyi beher-e-shehanshahan nawisht;

dar gill-e-ma danah-e-paikaar kisht.

[Oss ney badshahon kay leay eik kitab likhhi;

aur oss kay zariay noa-e-insan kay andar
larraeyi jhagrrey ka beij boya.]
He wrote a scroll for Princes,

and so scattered in our clay the seed of conflict;

Fitrat-e-oo sooey zolmat bordah rakht;
Haq z-taigh-e-khamah-e-oo lakht lakht.

[Oss ki fitrat insanon kay qaflay ko tareeki ki taraf ley gaeyi;


oss kay qalam ki talwar ney

sachaeyi kay tokkrray tokkrray kar diay.]
His fell genius decamped to darkness,
and his sword like pen struck Truth asunder.

Bottgari manind-e-Azar paishah-ash;

bust naqsh-e-tazaheyi andaishah-ash.

[Azar ki manind oss ney bhi bottgari ka paishah ikhtiyar kiya;

oss ki fikr ney eik niay nazariay ki boniyad rakhhi.]
Carving images like Azar was his trade;
his fertile mind conceived a new design;

Momlikat ra Deen-e-oo maabood saakht;

fikr-e-oo mazmoom ra mehmood saakht.

[Oss kay mazhab ney momlikat ko maabood

qarar dey kar mazmoom ko mehmood bana diya.]

His novel faith proclaimed the State the only worship;
his thoughts the ignoble turned to praise-worthy.

Bosah taa ber paaey ein maabood zadd;

naqad-e-Haq ra ber ayyar-e-sood zadd.

[Jabb oss ney iss baatil maabood kay paaon per bosah diya;

tuo dunvi faiday ko sachaeyi ka maayar thhehraya.]

So, when the feet of this adorable he kissed,
the touchstone that he introduced to test the truth was Gain.

Baatil az taalim-e-oo balidah ast;

heilah andazi funnay gardeidah


[Oss ki taalim sey baatil ney frogh paya;

aur heilah andaazi ney fun ki surat ikhtiyar kar lee.]

His doctrine caused falsehood to flourish;
plotting stratagems became an art.

Tarah-e-tadbir-e-zaboon fur-e-jaam raikht;
ein khask dar jaadah-e-ayyam raikht.

[Oss ney aisay maslik ki boniyad rakhhi
jiss ka anjaam bohat bora thha;
aur iss tarah zamaney ki rah mein kantay bakhhair diay.]
A sad and sorry end attended the regime which he devised,
that caltrop which he scattered on the road of advancing days.

Shabb bachashm-e-ehal-e-alam cheedah ast;

maslehat tazwir ra nameidah ast.


[Oss ney dunya waalon ki aankhhon kay saamney

raat ki tareeki phhaila di
aur makar-o-fun ka naam maslehat rakhh diya.]
Dark night he wrapped about the peoples eyes;
deception called, in his vocabulary, expediency.



Dar maani-e-einkeh Millat-e-Muhammadiyah nihayat-e-zamani
hum nadaarad, keh dawam-e-ein Millat-e-Sharifah maood ast.

) (

[Iss mazmoon ki wazahat mein keh Millat-e-Muhammadiyah (S.A.W.)

hudood-e-zaman sey azad hai keh iss Millat-e-Sharifah ka Allah
ney waadah kar rakhha hai.]

Dar baharaan josh-e-bulbul deidaheyi;
rastkhaiz ghonchah-o-gul deidaheyi.

[Tou ney bahaar mein bulbul ka josh
aur kaliyuon ka phhootna
aur phhoolon ka khhilna deikhha hai.]
In Spring thou hast heard the clamorous nightingale,
and watched the resurrection of the flowers;


Choon aroosan ghonchah-ha aarastah;

az zamin
shehar anjam khaastah.

[Kaliyan dulhan ki manind yuon aarastah nazar aati hein;

goya zamin sey eik shehar-e-anjam othh khharra hoa hai.]
The buds arrayed like brides;
from the dark earth a veritable city of stars arise;

Sabzah az ashk-e-sehar showidaheyi;
az sarood-e-aab-e-joo

) (


[Sabzah sobh kay aansoon (shabnam) sey dhoya hoa

aur nadi kay naghmah sey soya hoa (nazar aata hai).]
The meadow bathed in the soft tear of dawn,
that slumbered to the rivers lullaby.

Ghonchah-e-ber mi damad az shakhsar;
geerdash baad-e-nasim
andar kinar.

[Shakhsaron sey ghonchay phhoot rehey hein;

aur baad-e-nasim onnhein apni aaghosh mein leay hoay hein.]
A bud bursts into blossom on the branch;
the breeze new-risen takes it to her breast;


Ghonchaheyi az dast-e-gulchin khoon shawud;

az chaman
manind-e-boo bairoon rawud.

[Magar gulchin kay haathh sey kali khon ho jaati hai

aur khoshboo ki manind chaman sey baahar nikal jaati hai.]
A bloom lies bleeding in the gatherers hand;
and like a perfume from the mead departs.

Bust qomri aashiyan bulbul pareid;
qatrah-e-shabnam raseid-o-boo

[Bulbul orr gaeyi aur qomri ney aashiyanah banaya;

khoshboo rokhsat hoeyi aur qatrah-e-shabnam aya.]
The ring-dove builds his nest; the nightingale takes wing;
the dew drops softly, and the scent is sped.

Rokhsat-e-sadd lalah-e-napaidar;
kum nasaazad rounaq-e-fasal-e-bahaar.

[Sainkarron faani gul-haey lalah kay chalay jaaney sey

fasal-e-bahaar ki rounaq kum naheen ho jaati.]
What though these mortal tulips die,
they lessen not the splendour of the spring:


Az ziyan gunj-e-frawanish hamaan;

) (


[Iss noqsaan kay bawajood (hosn-e-fitrat) ka

gunj-e-frawan badastoor qaim rehta hai;

aur moskaratey hoay phhoolon ki mehfil berqarar rehti hai.]

For all the loss, its treasure still abides abundant,
still the thronging blossoms smile.

Fasal-e-gul az nastran baqi-ter ast;

az gul-o-saroo-o-saman baqi-ter ast.

[Agarchih nastran, gul, saroo-o-saman bahaar kay ajza hein

magar onn mein sey kissi eik kay khatam ho jaaney sey
bahaar khatam naheen ho jaati.]

The season of the rose endures beyond the fragile eglantine time,
yea, it outlives the roses self, the cypress, and the fir;

Kaan-e-gauhar perwarey gauhar-garay;

kum nagardad az shikast-e-gauharey.

[Gauhar paida karney aur gauhar bananey waali kaan mein

kissi eik gauhar kay toot jaaney sey kumi waqia naheen hoti.]
The jewel-nourishing mine bears jewels yet,
unfinished by the shattering of one gem.

Sobh az Mashriq z-Maghrib shaam raft;
jaam-e-sadd roz az khom-e-ayyam raft.

) (

[Mashriq sey kaeyi sobhin aur Maghrib sey kaeyi shaamin
(paida hoein aur) gozar gaein;
khom-e-ayam sey sainkarron dinnon kay jaam londhaey gaaey.]
Dawn is departed from the East, and night gone from the West:
their too-brief-historied up visits no more the wine-vault of the days;

Baadah-ha khordand-o-sehba baqi ast;
khoon gasht-o-farda baqi ast.

[Loug aatey gaaey,

sharab peetay gaaey magar sharab abhi baqi hai;

mazi napaid hota gaya magar mostaqbil baqi hai.]
Yet, though the draught be drunk, the wine remains eternal
as the morrow that awaits when
all our yesterdays are drowned in death.

Humchonan az fard-haey pey seper;

( )

hust taqwim-e-ummam paindah-ter.

[Issi tarah afraad eik doosarey kay peichhay aatey jaatey rehey;

(laikan quomein baqi rehein)

kiyuonkeh quom ka istikaam afraad sey paindah-ter hai.]
So individuals, as they depart, are fallen pages
from the calendar of peoples more enduring:

Dar safar yar ast-o-sohbat qaim ast;
fard reh-geer
ast-o-millat qaim ast.

[Dost safar mein hein magar bazm-e-yaaran qaim hai;

fard mosafir hai laikan millat qaim hai.]
Though the friend is on journey, the companionship still stays;
the individual is gone abroad, unstirring the community.

Zaat-e-oo deigar sifatash deigar ast;
sunnat-e-murg-o-hayatash deigar ast.

[Millat ki zaat aur hai, oss ki sifaat aur hein;

aur oss ki mout-o-hayat ka qanoon mokhtalif hai.]
Other each essence is, the qualities other;
they differ both in how each lives and how they die.

Fard ber mi khaizad az mosht-e-gillay;
quom zaid az dil-e-sahib dilley.


[Fard mothhi bhar khak sey paida hota hai;

laikan quom kissi sahibdil kay baatin sey paida hoti hai.]
The individual arises from a handful of mere clay,
the nation owes its birth to one brave heart;

Fard por-e-shast-o-haftaad ast-o-bus;

quom ra sadd saal misl-e-yakk nafas.

[Fard ki zindagi faqat saathh sattar saal hai;

aur quom ki zindagi mein suo saal eik lamah ki manind hai.]
The individual has for his span sixty or seventy years,
a century is for the nation as single breath.

Zindah fard az ertibaat-e-jan-o-tun;

zindah quom az hifz-e-namoos-e-kohan.

[Fard ki zindagi jan-o-tun kay taaloq sey qaim hai;
aur quom ki zindagi apni qadeem rawayat
kay tahaffoz sey qaim rehti hai.]
The individual is kept alive by the concomitance
of soul and flesh,
the nation lives by guarding ancient laws;

Murg-e-fard az khoshki-e-rud-e-hayat;

az terk-e-maqsood-e-hayat.

[Fard ki mout jooey hayat khoshk ho jaaney sey waqia ho jaati hai;
aur quom ki mout maqsood-e-hayat terk kar deney sey hai.]
Death comes upon the individual when dries lifes river
and the nation dies when it forsakes the purpose of its life.

Garchih millat hum bameerad misl-e-fard;
az ajal farman pazeerad misl-e-fard.

[Agarchih quomein bhi afraad ki manind fana ho jaati hein

aur onn per bhi fard ki manind qanoon-e-ajal ka nafaaz hota hai.]
Though the community must pass away like any individual
when Fate, issues the fiat none may disobey,

Ummat-e-Moslim z-aayat-e-Khodast;

) (

asalash az hungama-e-qaloo balaa st.

[Ummat-e-Moslimah Allah Taala ki ayat mein sey hai;

oss ki boniyad ehad-e-alast (Towhid) per hai.]
Islams Community is divine undying marvel,
having origin in that great compact, Yea, Thou art our Lord.

Az ajal ein quom bey perwastay;

ostawar az nahno nazzalna stay.

[Yeh quom dairah-e-ajal sey bahar hai;

iss ka qayaam nahno nazzalna per mabni hai.]

This people is indifferent to Fate,
immovable in Lo, We have sent down remembrance,

Zikr qaim az qiyam-e-zakir ast; az dawam-e-zakir

( ) (

[Zikr (Quran-e-Pak) ka qaim rehna

zakir (Ummat-e-Moslimah) kay qayam sey wabastah hai;

iss leay Quran-e-Pak kay dawam mein
Ummat-e-Moslimah ka dawam moujood hai.]
Which abides while there is yet one to remember,
whose continuance persists with it.

Taa Khoda un-tottifeoo farmoodah ast;

az fasordan ein chiragh aasoodah ast.

[Choonkeh Allah Taala ney farmaya hai keh

Allah Taala ka noor naheen bojhaya jaa sakkey ga;

iss leay chiragh-e-millat bhi bojhney sey mehfooz hai.]
When God revealed the words they seek Gods light to extinguish,
this bright lamp was never troubled it might flicker out.


Ummatey dar Haq prasti kaamilay;

ummatey mehboob-e-her sahib dillay.

[Yeh ummat jo Towhid mein kaamil hai

her sahib-e-dil ki mehboob hai.]

Tis a community that worships God in perfect faith,

a people well-beloved
by every man who has a conscient heart.

Haq baroon aawurd ein taigh-e-aseel;

( )

( 128:2)
az niyam-e-aarzoo-haey Khalil (A.S.)

[Iss taigh-e-aseel ko Allah Taala ney Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S.)

ki dua sey (128:2) bahar nikala.]
God drew this trusty blade
out of the sheath of Abrahams desires;

Taa sadaqat zindah gardad az dummash;

ghair haq sozad burq-e-paihamash.

[Ta-keh oss kay dum qadam sey sadaqat zindah rehey

aur oss ki barq paihum ghair Allah ko jala dey.]
That by its edge sincerity might live,
and all untruth consume before the lightning of its stroke.

Ma keh Towhid-e-Khoda ra hujjataim;


[Hum choonkeh Allah Taala ki Towhid ki hujjat hein

iss leay kitab-o-hikmat kay raaz kay nigahban hein.]
We, who are proof of Gods high Unity
and guardians of the Wisdom and the Book;

Asman ba ma sar-e-paikaar daasht;

dar baghal yakk fitnah-e-Tatar daasht.

[Asman ko hum sey doshmani rehi

aur oss ney apni baghal mein fitnah-e-Tatar paala.]

Encountered heavens malice long ago,
the unsuspected menace of the hordes of savage Tartary,

Bund-ha az paa kashood aan fitnah ra;
ber sar-e-ma aazmood
aan fitnah ra.

[Pher oss fitnay kay paaon sey zinjir khhol di
aur ossey hum per chhorr diya.]
Loosed (its feet and set it) on our heads to prove its terror.

Fitnah-e-pamaal-e-rahush mehsharey;

koshtah-e-taigh-e-nigahush mehsharey.

[Woh aisa fitnah thha keh oss ki rah mein

fitnah mehshar pamaal aur oss ki taigh-e-nigah ka koshtah hai.]

Not the Judgment Day shall match the staring horror of those swords,
the thunder of those legions armed with death.

Khoftah sadd aashoob dar aaghosh-e-oo;

sobh-e-imrozey nazaid dosh-e-oo.

[Oss ki aaghosh mein sainkarron hungamey khwabidah thhey;

iss ki tareek raat kay baad
kissi sobh-e-roshan ka nishan nah thha.]
Confusion sore confounded in the breast,
of that disaster slept; its yesterday gave birth to no glad morrow.

Sitwat-e-Muslim bakhak-o-khoon tapeid;

deid Baghdad aanchih Ruma hum nadeid.

[Musliman ki shan-o-shaukat khak-o-khoon mein mill gaeyi;

Baghdad ney woh kochh deikhha jo Ruma ney bhi nah deikhha thha.]
Muslim might quivered in dust and blood;
Baghdad beheld such scenes as Rome neer witnessed in her throes.


Tou magar az charkh-e-kajj raftar porse

z-aan nau aein-e-kohan pindaar porse.

[Magar tou charkh-e-kajj raftaar sey jo porana paapi hai

aur her dour mein niay hathhkanday istiamal karta hai pooch.]
Now ask, if so thou wilt, what new design purposing Fate,
malignant as of old, proposed this holocaust;

Aatish-e-Taatariyaan gulzar-e-keist?

Shoalah-haey oo gul-o-dastar keist?

[Keh Tataariyuon ki aag kis kay leay gulzar bun gaeyi;

aur oss kay shoalay kis ki dastar kay phhool banney.]
Whose garden sprang out of the Tartar fire?
Whose turban wears the rose transmuted
from those lambent flames?

Z-aankeh ma ra fitrat-e-Ibrahimi ast;
hum beh Moula nisba-e-Ibrahimi

[Choonkeh hamari fitrat Ibrahimi hai

aur Allah Taala sey hamari nisbat bhi Ibrahimi hai.]

Because our nature is of Abraham
and our relationship to God the same.


Az teh-e-aatish ber andazaim gul;
naar her Nimrod ra saazaim gul.

[Iss leay hum her aag kay andar sey phhool khhilatey hein;
aur her Nimrod ki aag ko gulistan bana deytey hein.]
As that great patriachs: out of the fires convert to roses.
When the burning brands depths anew we blossom, every Nimrods blaze.

Shoalah-haey inqilab-e-rozgaar;

choon babagh-e-ma rasad gardad bahaar.

[Jabb zamaney kay inqilab kay shoalay hamarey bagh takk

pohnchtay hein tuo woh bahaar bun jaatey hein.]
Of Times great revolution ring our mead, then Spring returns.

Rumiyan ra garam-baazari namanad;

aan jahangiri, jahandari namanad.

[Rumiyuon ki shan-o-shaukat ki garm bazaari nah rehi;

onn ki fatohaat baqi rehein aur nah onn ki hakoomat baqi rehi.]
The mighty power of Rome,
conqueror and ruler of the world entire sank into small account;


Shishah-e-Saasaniyaan dar khoon nishast;

) (

rounaq-e-khomkhanah-e-Yuonaan shikast.

[Sasaaniyuon ka shishah (sharab ki jagah) khoon sey bhar gaya;

Yuonaan kay khomkhanah ki rounaq lutt gaeyi.]
The golden glass of the Sassanians was drowned in blood;
broken the brilliant genius of Greece;

Misar hum dar imtihan nakaam manad;

istakhwan-e-oo teh-e-Ehraam manad.

[Misar bhi imtihan mein nakaam raha;

oss kay Fraanah ki huddiyan Ehraam kay neichay dafan hein.]

Egypt too failed in the great test of Time,
her bones lie buried neath the Pyramids.

Dar jahan bang-e-azan boodst-o-hust;

[Laikan dunya mein azan ki awaz boland thhi aur hai;

Millat-e-Islamiyah pehley bhi thhi aur abb bhi moujood hai.]
Yet still the voice of the muezzin rings throughout the earth,
still the Community of World Islam maintains its ancient forms.

Ishq aein-e-hayat-e-alam ast;

imtizaaj-e-saalmat-e-alam ast.

[Dunya ki zindagi ka asool ishq hai;

anasar-e-alam ki bahumi paiwastgi issi sey hai.]

Love is the universal law of life,
mingling the fragmentary elements of a disordered world.

Ishq az soz-e-dil-e-ma zindah ast;

az sharar-e-la ilah tabindah ast.

[Aur ishq hamarey dil kay soz sey zindah

aur la ilah kay sharar sey tabindah hai.]
Through our hearts glow love lives,
irradiated by the spark there is no god but God.

Garchih misl-e-ghonchah dilgiraim ma;
gulistan meerad agar meeraim ma..

[Agarchih aaj hum kali ki manind malool-o-dilgir hein;

laikan hum khatam ho jaain tuo yeh dunya bhi naheen rehey gi.]
Though, like a bud, our hearts are prisoned by oppressive care,
if we should die, the graden too will die.



Dar maani einkeh nizam-e-Millat ghair az aein-e-surat
Quran ast

[Iss mazmoon ki wazahat mein keh millat ka nizam aein kay baghair qaim
naheen ho sakta aur Millat-e-Muhammadiyah ka aein Quran-e-Pak hai.]

Millatey ra raft choon aein z-dast;

misl-e-khak ajzaey oo az hum shikast.

[Jabb kissi millat kay haathh sey aein jaata rehta hai
tuo oss kay ajza khak ki manind bikhhar jaatey hein.]
When a community forsakes its Law,
its parts are severed, like the scattered dust.


Husti-e-Moslim z-aein ast-o-bus;

) (

baatin-e-Deen-e-Nabi (S.A.W.) aein ast-o-bus.

[Musliman ki husti sirf aein per mouqoof hai;

Hazoor-e-Akram (S.A.W.) kay Deen ki maanwiyat yehi hai.]

The being of the Muslim rests alone on Law
which is in truth the inner core of the Apostles faith.

Burg-e-gul shoud choon z-aein bastah shoud;
z-aein bastah shoud

[Jabb patti aein mein monsalik ho jaati hai tuo phhool bun jaati hai
aur phhool pabund-e-aein ho kar guldastah bun jaata hai.]
A rose is born when its componentpetals are conjoined by Law;
and roses, being likewise bound by Law together, fashion a bouquet.

Naghmah az zabt-e-sada paidastey;
zabt choon
raft az sada ghoghastey.

[Awaaz ko zabt kay tehatt laain tuo woh naghmah bunti hai;
aur agar oss mein zabt nah ho tuo woh mehaz shor-o-ghogha hai.]
As sound controlled creates a melody
so, when control is absent, dissonance results.

Dar gollaey ma nafas mouj-e-hawast;
choon hawa pabund-e-neay
gardad, nawast.

[Hamarey gallay mein saans hawa ki mouj hai

jabb yeh hawa baansari mein pabund ho jaati hai

tuo nawa bun kar nikalti hai.]
The breath we draw within our throat is but a wave of air which,
in the reed being constricted, blows a tuneful note.

Tou humi daani keh aein-e-tou cheist?

Zair-e-gardoon sirr-e-tamkin-e-tou cheist?

[Kaya tou jaanta hai keh teyra aein kaya hai?

Iss asman kay neichay teyrey waqar ka raaz kaya hai?]
Knowest thou what thy Law is, wherein lies
beneath yon spheres the secret of thy power?

An kitab-e-zindah, Quran-e-Hakim;

( )

hikmat-e-oo la-yazaal ast-o-qadim,

[(Yeh raaz ) Quran-e-Hakim hai jo eik zindah kitab hai;

jiss ki hikmat qadim bhi hai aur kabhi khatam nah honay waali bhi.]
It is the living Book, that wise Quran,

whose wisdom is eternal, uncreate.


bey sabaat
az qowwatash geerad sabaat.

[Yeh takhliq-e-hayat kay asrar zaahir karney wala noskhah hai;

iss ki qowwat sey napaidar paidar ho jaatey hein.]
The secrets of the fashioning of life, are therein written;
instability is firmly established by its potency.

Harf-e-oo ra raib ney, tabdil ney;
ayah-ush sharmindah-e-taawil ney.

[Iss kay alfaaz mein nah shakk hai aur nah woh tabdil ho sakktey hein;
iss ki ayaat waazih hein; inn kay leay kissi taawil ki zaroorat naheen.]
Undoubted and unchanging are its words,
its verses to interpretation not beholden;

Pokhtah-ter saudaey khaam az zor-e-oo;

dar fatad ba sung, jaam az zor-e-oo.

[Oss ki qowwat sey kham jazbah pokhtah-ter ho jaata hai;

iss ka yeh eijaz hai keh oss ki barkat sey
jaam pathhar sey takkra jaata hai.]


In its strength the raw desire acquires maturity,

the bowl fears not to dash against the rock.

Mi bord pabund-o-azad aawurd;

siad bundan ra bafaryaad aawurd.

[Yeh insanon ko aein ka pabund kar kay azadi ataa karta hai;
iss ki wajah sey insaniyat kay shikari bey bus ho jaatey hein.]
It casts away the shackling chains, and leads the free man forth,
but brings the exultant captor unto woe.

Noa-e-insan ra payam aakharin;

) (
haamil-e-oo Rehmat-ul-Alamin.

[Yeh noa-e-insan kay leay aakhari paigham hai

aur issey laaney waaley Rehmat-ul-Alamin (S.A.W.) hein.]
The final message to all humankind
was borne by him elect of God
to be a mercy unto every living thing;

Arj mi geerad azo na-arjumand;

bandah ra az sajdah saazad sarboland.

[Bey woqaat shakhs Quran-e-Pak ki barkat sey


qadar-o-manzilat paa leyta hai;

yeh kitab banday ko sajdah ki taalim dey kar
sarboland kar deyti hai.]
By this the worthless unto worth attains,
the prostrate slave lifts up his head on high.

Rehzanan az hifz-e-oo rehbar shodand;

az kitabey sahib-e-daftar shodand.

[Rehzun issey hifz kar kay rehbar bun gaey;

eik kitab sey woh sahib-e-daftar ho gaey.]
Having by heart this message,
highwaymen turned guides upon the road,

and by this book were qualified high masters of the rolls;

Dasht paimayan z-taab-e-yakk chiragh;
sadd tajalli az aloom andar damagh.

[Sehra kay rehney waalon ney iss eik chiragh ki roshni sey
apney damagh mein sainkarron aloom ki tajalliyat paa lein.]
Rude desert-farers through one lanterns glow,
a hundred revelations to their brain in every science won.

Aankeh dosh-e-koh baarish ber nataaft;

sitwat-e-oo Zohra-e-gardoon shigaaft.


[Woh kitab jiss kay boujh ko paharr bardasht nah kar sakkey,
jiss ki sitwat sey asman ka kalaijah phhatt gaya.]
So he, whose load
the mountains massive shoulders could not bear,
clove by his might the power of the spheres.

Baniggar aan sarmayah-e-aamal-e-ma;

gunjad andar seinah-e-itfaal-e-ma.

[Woh kitab jo hamari ummeidon ka sarmayah hai,

hamarey bachon kay seinon mein samaeyi hoeyi hai.]
See how the capital of all our hopes
is lodged securely in our childrens breasts!

Aan jigar taab-e-biyaban-e-kum aab;
chashm-e-oo ahmar z-soz-e-aaftab.

[Woh kum aab sehra ki sakhti bardasht karney wala

jiss ki aankhh aaftab ki hiddat sey sorkh hai.]
The weary wanderer in the wilderness unwatered,
eyes aflame in the hot sun;

Khoshter az aahoo rum-e-jamazah-ash;
garm choon aatish dum-e-jamazah-ash.

[Jiss ki oontni ki raftar rum-e-aahoo sey khoob-ter
aur aag ki tarah garm hai.]
His camel nimbler than the agile deer, its breath as fire;

Rakht-e-khwab afgandah dar zir-e-nakhil;

sobh-dum bidar az bang-e-raheel.

[Jo raat ko drakht kay neichay suo jaata hai

aur sobh kay waqt bang-e-raheel sey bidaar hota hai.]

When he would look to sleep
casting him down beneath some shady palm,
then with the dawn awake, the caravan clanged to departure;

Dasht siar az baam-o-dar na-aashna;

harzah gardad az khizr na-aashna.

[Jo sehra nawurd hai aur abadi sey na-ashna hai;

jiss ki zindagi sehra mein aawargi per monhissar hai

aur jo moqam sey na-ashna hai.]
Ever journeying through the wide prairies,
unfamiliar with roof and door, stranger to fixed abodes;

Taa dillash az garmi-e-Quran tapeid;
mouj-e-bitaabash cho gauhar aarmeid.

[Jabb takk oss ka dil Quran-e-Pak

ki garmi sey tappash hasil karta raha;

oss ki mouj-e-bitaab gauhar ki manind aasoodah rehi.]
When his wild heart responded vibrantly to the Qurans warm glow,
its restless waves sank to the calm of a sequestered pearl.

Khwanad z-ayat-e-mobin-e-oo sabaq;
bandah aamad khwajah raft
az paish-e-Haq.

[Jabb takk woh Quran ki waazih ayaat sey sabaq hasil karta raha,
woh Allah Taala ki janaab mein bandah bun kar hazir hoa
aur wahan sey aaqaeyi paa kar nikla.]
Reading the lesson of its verses clear,
he who had come a slave went forth from God a master.

Az jahanbani nawazad saaz-e-oo;
gasht paa andaaz-e-oo.

[Allah Taala ney oss kay saaz ko jahanbani sey nawaza;

aur Jamshaid ka takht oss kay paaon talley rounda gaya.]
Now upon his instrument new melodies imperial were heard;
Jamshids high throne he trampled underfoot;


Shehar-ha az gard-e-paaish raikhtund;

sadd chaman az yakk gulshan angaikhtund.

[Oss ki gard-e-paa sey kaeyi shehar abad hoay;

oss kay eik phhool sey kaeyi chaman paida hoay.]
(Iss kay baad aaj kall kay Musliman sey
khitab farma rehey hein.)
Cities sprang up out of the dust he trod,
a hundred bowers blossomed from his rose.

Ay griftar-e-rasoom aiman-e-tou;

shaiwah-haey kaafiri zindaan-e-tou.

[Tou Deen ki rasoom mein griftar hai; kafiranah taur tariqay

teyrey leay zindaan bannay hoay hein.]
O thou, whose faith by custom is enslaved,
imprisoned by the charms of heathendom;

Qataa kardi amar-e-khod ra dar zobor;
jaadah-paimaeyi ilaa
shainn nokor.

[Tou ney apney moamlaat ko

tafarraqah baazi ka shikar bana diya;

aur tou eik napasandeidah cheez ki taraf chall nikla.]

Thou who hast torn thy heritage to shreds,

treading the highway to a hateful goal;

Gar tou mi-khwahi Musliman zeistan;

neist momkin joz ba-Quran zeistan.

[Agar tou Musliman bun kar zindah rehna chahta hai

tuo aisi zindagi Quran-e-Pak kay baghair momkin naheen.]
If thou wouldst live the Muslim life anew,
this cannot be, except by the Quran thou livest.

Sufi pashminah posh haal must;
az sharab naghmah-e-qawwal must.

[Aaj kall kay godrri posh aur maal must Sufi

qawwal kay naghmon ki sharab sey must hein.]
See the Sufi in his garb of mystic minstrelsy,
intoxicated by the lyrics of qawwals.

Aatish az shear Iraqi dar dillash;
dar nami saazad ba-Quran Mehfilash.

[Iraqi kay ashaar onn kay dillon mein garmi paida kartey hein;
magar Quran-e-Pak onn ki mehfilon ko raas naheen aata.]

His heart inflamed by the fierce fervour of Iraqis verse!

Little do his wild ecstasies accord with the austere Quran;

Az kullah-o-boriya taj-o-sarir;
faqr-e-oo az khanqahan baaj geer.

[Onnhon ney kullah-o-boriya ko taj-o-takht bana rakhha hai;

aur onn ka faqr khanqahon sey apna kharaj wasool karta hai.]
The dervish cap and mat of reeds replace the crown and throne;
his boasted poverty rich tribute
takes secured on many a hermitage endowed.

Waiz-e-dastan zun-e-afsanah bund;
pust-o-harf-e-oo boland.

[Waaizon ka yeh haal hai keh woh

haathh hila hila kar kahaniyan biyan kartey hein;

onn ki taqriron mein laffazi bohat hoti hai magar maani kum.]
The preacher, with his wealth of anecdote and wordy legend,
little has to tell if truth, for all his fine grandiloquence;

Az khatib-o-Dailami goftar-e-oo;
ba-zaeef-o-shaaz-o-morsal kaar-e-oo.



[Woh apney waaz mein sirf Khatib aur Dailami jaisey

mohaddsein kay hawaley deytey hein
aur ahaadis ki mokhtalif iqsaam biyan kartey hein
(Quran-e-Pak kay matalib biyan naheen kartey).]
Khatib and Dailami are on his lips,
in every weak Tradition he delights,
the little met with, and the insecure.

Az talawat ber tou haq daarad Kitaab;
tou azo kaamey keh
mi-khwahi bitaab.

[Quran-e-Pak ka bhi tojh per haq hai

keh tou oss ki talawat kar kay oss kay zariay

tou apna her maqsad paa sakta hai.]
It is thy duty to recite the Book,
and therein find the purpose thou dost seek.



Dar maani-e-einkeh dar zamanah-e-inhitaat


taqlid az ijtihad oola-ter

[Iss mazmoon ki wazahat mein keh inhetaat kay dour mein

taqlid ijtihad sey behtar hai.]


Ehad-e-hazir fitnah-ha zir-e-sar ast;
oo aafat-gar ast.

[Moujoodah dour apney andar bohat sey fitnay rakhhta hai;

oss ki bey baak tabiyat sarapa aafat hai.]
The present age has many tumults hid beneath its head;
its restless temperament swarms with disorders.

Bazm-e-aqwaam-e-kohan barhum azo;

shakhsar-e-zindagi bey num azo.

[Ehad-e-hazir ney gozashtah aqwaam ki bazm ko berhum kar diya

aur zindagi ki shakhon ko numi sey mehroom kar diya.]
The society of ancient nations in these modern times,
is in confusion; sapless hangs lifes bough.

Jalwah-ash ma ra z-ma beganah kard;

saaz-e-ma ra az nawa beganah kard.

[Dour-e-jadid kay jalwon ney humein apna aap bhola diya hai
aur hamarey saaz-e-zindagi ko naghmah sey mehroom kar diya hai.]
The glamour and the glitter of our days have made us strangers
to our very selves, and robbed our instrument of melody;

Az dil-e-ma aatish-e-deirinah bord;

noor-o-naar-e-la ilah az seinah bord.

[Iss ney hamarey dil sey ishq ki qadim aag chhein lee hai
aur hamarey seinon sey la ilah ka noor-o-naar nikaal diya hai.]
Filched from our heart its pristine fire, and dimmed,
within our breast the radiance
and the flame there is no god but God.

Mozmahil gardad cho taqwim-e-hayat;
millat az taqlid mi-geerad sabaat.

[Jabb zindagi ki saakht kumzor parr jaati hai

tuo oss waqt quom taqlid he sey istikaam paati hai.]
Wheneer decay destroys the balanced temperament of life,
then the community may look to find stability in strict conformity.

Rah-e-aaba ruo keh ein jamiyat ast;
maani-e-taqlid zabt-e-millat ast.

[Apney aaba kay raastay per chall keh issi mein jamiyat hai;
taqlid ka matlab millat ko eik zabt kay tehatt lana hai.]


Go thou thy fathers road, for therein lies tranquility;

conformity connotes the holding fast of the community.

Dar khazan ay bey nasib az burg-o-baar;

az shajar magosal baummeid-e-bahaar.

[Agar khazan kay douraan drakht phhal phhool sey mehroom ho;
tuo bahaar ki ummeid mein oss sey
apna taaloq monqatea nah kar ley.]
In time of Autumn, thou who lackest leaf alike and fruit,
break never from the tree, hoping that spring may come.

Behar gom kardi ziyaan andaish baash;
hafiz jooey kum
aab-e-khaish baash.

[Agar tou behar gom kar choka hai tuo apney noqsaan ka ehsaas kar;
kum az kum apni kum aab nadi ka tahaffoz kar ley.]
Since thou hast lost the sea, be prudent, lest a greater loss,
befall thee; the more carefully preserve thy own thin rivulet;

Shaid az sial-e-qohistan ber khori;
baz dar aaghosh toofan perwari.

[Ho sakta hai keh iss nadi kay andar


duobarah kohsaar ka sial aa-jaaey

aur woh apni aaghosh mein niay toofan ki perwarish kar ley.]
For it my hap some mountain torrent shall replenish thee,
and thou once more be tossed upon the breast of the redeeming tempest.

Paikrat daarad agar jan-e-baseer;
ibratt az ahwaal-e-Israel geer.

[Agar teyrey badan mein jan-e-baseer moujood hai

tuo Bani Israel kay ahwaal sey ibratt hasil kar.]
If thy flesh is yet possessed of a discerning eye,
take warning from the Israelitish case;

Garm-o-sard rozgar-e-oo niggar;

[Oss kay halaat ki sakhti-o-narmi per ghour kar aur pher deikhh
oss kumzor jan ney issey kis himmat sey bardaasht kiya hai.]
Consider well their variable fate, mow hot, now cold;
regard the obduracy, the hardness of their spare and tenuous soul.

Khoon graan siar ast dar rug-haey oo;

sung-e-sadd dehliz-o-yakk seimaey oo.


[Oss ki rugon mein khon ki gardish sost parr choki hai;

oss ki paishani sainkarrron dehlizon per sajdah raiz hai.]
Sluggishly flows the blood within their veins,
their furrowed brow sore smitten
on the stones of porticoes a hundred.

Punjah-e-gardoon cho angoorash fashord;
(A.S.) namord.


[Asman kay punjay ney ossey angoor ki tarah nachorr dala;

magar yeh quom jo Musa-o-Haroon (A.S.) ki yaadgar hai mitt nah saki.]
Though heavens grip hath pressed and squeezed their grape,
the memory of Moses and of Aaron liveth yet;

Az nawaey aatishinash raft soz;

laikan andar seinah dum

daarad hanooz.

[Oss ki nawaey aatishin sey soz jaata raha;

laikan oss kay seinay mein abhi takk dum moujood hai.]
And though their ardent song hath lost its flame,
still palpitates the breath within their breast.

Z-aankeh choon jamiyatash az hum shikast;
joz barah raftgaan mehmal neist.


[Oss ki wajah yeh hai keh jabb oss ki jamiyat khatam ho gaeyi;
tuo oss ney bazorgon ki rah nah chhorri.]
For when the fabric of their nationhood was rent asunder,
still they laboured on tokeep the highroad of their forefathers.

Ay perishan mehfil-e-deirinahut;
mord shamaa-e-zindagi
dar seinahut.

[Ay Musliman! Teyri qadim mehfil perishan ho choki hai;

teyrey seinay kay andar zindagi ki shamaa bojh choki hai.]
O thou whose ancient concourse is dispersed,
within whose breast the lamp of life is out;

Naqsh ber dil maani-e-Towhid kon;

az taqlid kon.

[Tou apney dil per duobarah Towhid ka naqsh kandah kar

aur apney aslaaf ki taqlid sey apni moshkilaat ki charah saazi kar.]
Grave on thy heart the truth of Unity,
and in conformity essay to mend the ruin of thy fortune.

Ijtihad andar zaman-e-inhetaat;

quom ra berhum humi paichad bisaat.


[Inhetaat kay zamaney mein ijtihad quom ka shirazah bakhhair

deyta aur oss ki bisaat lapait deyta hai.]
In the time of decadence, to seek to exercise,
the speculative judgment of the mind
completes the peoples havoc finally;

Z-ijtihad-e-alamaan-e-kum nazar;
iqtida ber raftgaan mehfooz-ter.

) (

[Kotah nazar alamon kay ijtihad sey

aslaaf ki pairvi (khatraat sey) ziyadah mehfooz hai.]

Salvation lieth less in following the blinkered pedants dictum,
being found humble imitation of the past.

Aql-e-aabaiyat hawus-e-farsoodah neist;
az gharz aaloodah neist.

[Teyrey aaba-o-ijdaad ki aql hawus ka shikar naheen thhi;

pak bazon kay kaam khod gharzi sey aloodah naheen hotay.]
Caprice corrupted not thy fathers brain;
the labour of the pious was unsoiled by interested motive;

Fikr-e-shan reesad hamay bareek-ter;

waraeshan ba Mustafa (S.A.W.) nazdeek-ter.


) (

[Onn kay fikr ney barri bareekiyan paida kein;

onn ka taqwa Hazoor (S.A.W.) kay qarib-ter thha.]
Finer far the thread of thought their meditation wove,
closer to the Prophets (S.A.W.) way conformed their self-denial.

Zouq-e-Jaafar (R.A.) kawish-e-Razi namanad;


aabrooey Millat-e-Tazi namanad.

[Abb Imam Jaafar (R.A.) ka zouq-o-shouq

aur Imam Razi (R.A.) ki kawish baqi naheen rehi
nah Millat-e-Hijazi ki woh shan-o-shaukat hai.]
Jaafars raptured view and Razis patient delving are no more;
departed is the glory that adorned the Arab nation;

Tung ber ma rehgozar-e-Deen shoud ast;
her laeemay raazdar-e-Deen shoud ast.

[Hum per Deen ka raastah tung ho choka hai;

her fard mayah-e-Deen kay raaz jananey ka daawidar hai.]
Narrow shrunk for us the defile of the Faith,
whose mysteries every impostor boasteth to possess.

Ay keh az asrar-e-Deen bigahaheyi;

ba yakk aein saaz agar farzanaheyi.

[Tou jo asrar-e-Deen sey na-aashna hai;

agar tou samajh rakhhta hai tuo eik aein ki pabundi ikhtiyar kar.]
Thou, who art stranger to the secret truths of Faith,
if thou art wise, accord thyself with one sound Law;

Mun shonidastam z-nabbaaz-e-hayat;

ikhtilaf-e-tust maqraaz-e-hayat.

[Mien ney nabbaaz-e-hayat sey sona hai keh

ikhtilafaat-e-zindagi kay leay qainchi ki tarah hein.]
For I have heard it said by those
who take and know the pulse of Life,
thy contrariety severs Lifes veins.

Az yakk aeini Musliman zindah ast;

paikar-e-millat z-Quran zindah ast.

[Musliman wahdat-e-aein he sey zindah hai aur woh aein Quran hai.]
The Muslim lives by following one Law;
the body of our Faiths community
throbs vital to the Word of the Quran.

Ma hamah khak-o-dil-e-aagah oost;

) (
eitsaamash kon keh habalallahast.

[Hum sabb khak hein aur hamarey dillon ko

baseerat deyney wala Quran-e-Pak hai

ossey mazbooti sey pakarr ley keh yehi habalallah (Allah ki rassi) hai.]
All earth we are; that is our conscient heart;
hold firm to its protection, since it is the Cord of God.

Choon gauhar dar rishtah-e-oo softah shau;

vernah manind-e-ghobar aashoftah shau.

[Apney aap ko motiyuon ki manind

Quran-e-Pak kay rishtah mein pro ley;

agar tou ney aisa nah kiya tuo ghobar-e-rah ki tarah bikhhar jaaey ga.]
Upon its sacred thread gem-like be safely strung,
or otherwise be scattered, as the dust upon the wind.


Dar maani-e-einkeh pokhtagi seerat-e-milliyah

az itbaa-e-aein-e-Elahi ast

[Iss mazmoon ki wazahat mein keh kirdar ki pokhtagi

Shariat kay itbaa sey hai.]

Dar Shariat maani-e-deigar mahoo;


ghair-e-zuo dar baarin-e-gauhar


[Shariat mein koeyi aur maani nah dhoond;

gauhar kay baatin mein bhi chamak kay sawa aur kochh naheen.]
Seek thou no other meaning in the Law,
nor look save light to find within the gem;

Ein gohar ra khud Khoda gauhar-gar ast;
zahirash gauhar batoonash gauhar

[Shariat aisa moti hai jissey khud Allah Taala ney banaya hai;
oss ka zahir bhi moti hai aur baatin bhi.]
God was the jeweller who fashioned forth this jewel,
diamantine through and through.

Ilm-e-Haq ghair az Shariat haich neist;

) (
asal-e-Sunnat joz mohabat haich neist.

[Sacha ilm Shariat kay alawah aur kochh naheen

aur Sunnat-e-Rasool-e-Pak (S.A.W.) ki bonyaad
mohabat kay alawah aur kochh naheen.]
Law is the only knowledge of the Truth,

Love the sole basis of the Prophets (S.A.W.) code;


Fard ra sharaa ast marqaat-e-yaqin;

pokhtah-ter azoey moqamaat-e-yaqin.

[Fard kay leay sharaa aiman ka zeenah hai;

issi sey aiman kay moqamaat mein pokhtagi aati hai.]
The individual through Law attains
a faith maturer, and more fair adorned.

Millat az aein-e-Haq geerad nizam;

az nizam mohkamey khaizad dawam.

[Millat ko bhi Shariat he sey nizam hasil hota hai

aur nizam-e-mohkam ossey dawaam ataa karta hai.]
The rule of Law secures an ordered life to all the nation,
which established rule condition is of its continuance.

Qodrat andar ilm-e-oo paidastey;
hum asaa-o-hum

) (

) ( ) (

[Shariat kay ilm he sey (amal per) qodrat hasil hoti hai;
yeh asaa (qowwat ka nishan) aur Yadd-e-Baiza (noor-e-hidayat) bhi.]
Power is patent in its knowledge,
this the sign of Moses staff and potent hand;

Ba tou goeyam sirr-e-Islam ast Sharaa;
Sharaa aaghaz ast-o-anjaam ast Sharaa.

[Mien yeh kehta hon keh Islam ka raaz Sharaa hai;

Sharaa he aaghaz aur Sharaa he anjaam.]
So I declare the secret of Islam is Law,
in which all things begin and end.

Ay keh baashi hikmat-e-Deen ra amin;

ba tou goeyam noktah-e-Sharaa-e-Mobin.

[Tuo jo Deen ki hikmat ka amanatdar hai

mein tumhein Sharaa-e-Mobin ka noktah batata hon.]
Since thou art called to be a guardian of the Faiths wisdom,
I will tell to thee a subtle truth of the perspicuous Law.

Choon kassey gardad mazahum bey sabab;
ba Musliman dar adaey mostahub.

[Agar koeyi Musliman kay mostahab ada karney
kay raastay mein bey sabab rokawat banney.]
If any Muslim be engaged upon a meritorious act,
and causelessly therein be challenged;


Mostahab ra farz gardaanidah-und;

zindagi ain qodrat deidah-und.

[Tuo mostahab ko farz qarar dey diya gaya hai;

goya zindagi ko ain-e-qodrat amal qarar diya gaya hai.]
Forthwith it becomes his sacred duty to discharge the same;
power is deemed the very spring of Life.

Roz-e-heija lashkar-e-aada agar;

ber gomaan solah gardad

bey khatar.

[Agar jung kay douran doshman ka lashkar solah kay gomaan per
apney aap ko bey khatar samjhna shoroa kar dey.]
Upon the day of battle, the foe supposing truce is imminent,
neglects his armys marshalling,

Geerad aasan rozgar-e-khwaish ra;
hasan-o-hisaar-e-khwaish ra.

[Woh sehal angaari ikhtiyar kar ley aur

apney dafaaeyi intizamaat khatam kar dey.]

And casually confronts his fortune,
breaking down the walland citadel of his defence;

Taa nageerad baz kaar-e-oo nizam;


takhtan ber kishwarash aamad haraam.

[Tuo jabb takk woh duobarah apna nizam (-e-dafaa)

drost nah kar ley
oss kay molk per hamlah karna haraam hai.]
Until his order is restored,
to march against his unarmed country is prohibited.

Sirr-e-ein farman-e-Haq daani keh cheist;

zeistan andar khatar-ha zindagist.

[Kaya tojhey maaloom hai keh

Allah Taala kay iss hokam ka raaz kaya hai,

yeh keh khatron mein jeena he zindagi hai.]
Knowest thou then the mystery of this Divine commandment?
Life not living is except we live in danger.

Sharaa mi-khwahad keh choon aaeyi bajung;
kaam sung.

shoalah gardi washigaafi

[Sharaa yeh chahti hai keh jabb tou jung kay leay aaey
tuo shoalah bun kar pathhar mein shigaaf kar dey.]

Law requires that when to war thou comest,

thou shalt blaze a fiery torch, and split the throat of rock.

Aazmayad qowwat-e-baazooey tou;
mi-nehud Alond paish-e-rooey tou.

) (

[Sharaa teyrey qowwat-e-bazoo ko aazmati hai;

teyrey saamney (moskilat) ka paharr rakhhti hai.]
Law tries the power of the strong right arm;
confronting thee with Alonds massive height;

Baz goeyad sormah-saaz Alond ra;
az toff-e-khanjar godaaz Alond ra.

[Pher kehti hai keh iss paharr ko raizah raizah kar dey;
apney khanjar ki garmi sey ossey pighhla dey.]
It bids thee pound into collyrium that craggy mount,
and with the ardent breath drawn from thy throat its flint to liquefy.

Neist maish-e-natawaney laagharey;
dar khor-e-sar

[Kumzor aur laaghar bhhairr,

sher-e-nar kay punjah kay laiq naheen.]

The lean and feeble sheep

is scarce a prey worthy the tigers claw;

Baz choon ba saawah khogar mi-shawud;

az shikar-e-khod zabon-ter mi-shawud.

[Jabb baz mamolay kay shikar ka aadi ho jaaey;

tuo woh apney shikar sey bhi ziyadah aajiz-o-khwar ho jaata hai.]
Or if the hawk consorts with sparrows, meaner-spirited,
than its poor victims it shall soon become.

Sharaa-e-aein shanas-e-khoob-o-zasht;


beher-e-tou ein noskhah-e-qodrat newasht.

[Janaab Rasool-ullah (S.A.W.) ney

jo khoob-o-zasht kay aein shanas hein

teyrey leay shariat ka yeh noskhah
jo tojhey amal per qodrat ataa karta hai tehrir farmaya.]
The Lawgiver, to whom all fair and foul was fully known,
this recipe of power for thee prescribed.

Az amal aahun asb mi-saazdat;

jaaey khoobay dar jahan andaazdat.

[Yeh amal kay zariay teyrey aasaab ko aahini banata hai


aur tojhey dunya mein boland moqam ataa karta hai.]

By toil the nerves are steeled,
and thou art raised to eminence in the world;

Khastah baashi ostwarat mi-konad;

pokhtah misl-e-kohsarat

[Agar tou kumzor hai tuo yeh tojhey ostawar kar deyta hai
aur paharr ki manind pokhtah bana deyta hai.]
Or be thou wounded, this will make thee strong,
Yea, and mature as a firm mountain-chain.

Hust Deen-e-Mustafa (S.A.W.) Deen-e-hayat;


) (

[Hazoor Akram (S.A.W.) ka Deen he Deen-e-fitrat hai;

aur sharah-e-Muhammadi (S.A.W.) aein-e-hayat ki tafseer hai.]
Full lifes religion is Muhammads (S,A,W.) faith,
his code the commentary on lifes law;

Gar zamini asman saazad tera;

aanchih Haq mi-khwahad

aan saazad


) (
[Agar tou pust hai tuo yeh noskhah-e-Shariat


tojhey asman jaisi bolandi ataa karta hai;

Allah Taala ney jo kochh tumhein kaha
(kontum khair-e-Ummah) tumhein wohi bana deyta hai.]
Be though earth-lowly, it shall lift thee up high as the heavens,
and will fashion thee harmonious to Gods summons.

Seeqalash aeinah saazad sung ra;

az dil-e-aahun rabayad zung tera,

[Shariat ka seeqal pathhar ko aeinah bana deyta hai;

aur lohay kay dil sey zung door kar deyta hai.]
The rough rock is polished to a mirror by this faith,
and this unrests the steels corroding heart.

Taa shaar-e-Mustafa (S.A.W.) az dast raft;
ra rumz-e-baqa az dast raft.

) ( ) (

[Jabb Hazoor Akram (S.A.W.) ka shaar (Shariat) haathh sey nikal gaya
tuo quom rumz-e-baqa sey mehroom ho gaeyi.]
Now when the Prophets (S,A,W,) watchword passed from ken,
his people held no more the secret key to their continuance.

Aan nehaal-e-sarboland-o-ostawar;
Muslim-e-sehraeyi ashtar sawar.


[Woh shotar sawar sehraeyi Musliman

jo drakht ki manind sarboland-o-ostawar thha.]
That lusty sprout tall and firm-rooted;
Muslim of the wastes (mounted on camel;

Paaey taa dar Wadi-e-Batha grift;
tarbiyat az garmi-e-sehra

[Wadi-e-Batha mein rahaish pazir thha

jiss ney garmi-e-sehra sey tarbiyat paaeyi thhi.]

Who in Bathas vale took his first steps)
that by the desert warmth was nourished up,

Aan chonaan kaheid az baad-e-Ajam;

humcho naey gardeid az baad-e-Aajam.

[Woh baad-e-Ajam sey naey ki tarah kumzor ho gaya.]
Now fanned by Persias breeze is so diminished,
that it hath become thin as a reed.

Aankeh kushtay sher ra choon gosfand;

gasht az pamaal moorey dardmand.

[Woh jo sher ko bakkri ki tarah kumzor samajh kar maar deyta thha;
abb chewnti kay paaon talley aa-kar

aah-o-pokar shora kar deyta hai.]

He who was wont to slay tigers like sheep
now winces at the ant trampled unwittingly;

Aankeh az takbir-e-oo sung aab gasht;
az safeer-e-bulbulay
bitaab gasht.

[Jiss ki takbir sey pathhar pani ho jaatey thhey

abb woh bulbul ki aawaz sey gabhra jaata hai.]
He who in joy, Allahu Akbar crying,
turned the rock to running water,
trembles at the note of amorous nightingales;

Aankeh azmash koh ra kahay shamord;
ba tawakal dast-o-paaey khod sapord.

[Jiss ka azm paharr ko tinka samjhta thha
abb oss ney tawakkal kay naam per
apney haathh paaon baandh leay hein.]
He whose high will reckoned the mountain trifling as a straw,
commits himself entire to abject trust;

Aankeh zarbash gardan-e-aada shikast;

az zarb-haey
seinah khast.


[Jiss kay haathh ki zarb doshmanon ki gardin torr deyti thhi;

abb woh seinah kobi sey apney qalb ko zakhmi kar raha hai.]
He whose firm blow once broke his foemens neck,
his heart is wounded by his own breasts beat;

Aankeh gaamash naqsh-e-sadd hungamah bust;
goshah-e-ozlat shikast.

paaey andar

[Jiss kay naqsh-e-qadam sey sainkarron hungamey wabastah thhey

abb woh goshah-e-ozlat mein paaon torr kay baithh gaya hai.]
He whose bold tread a hundred tumults limned,
now cowers in retirement from the world;

Aankeh farmanash jahan ra nagozir;

ber darash Iskandar-o-Dara faqir.

[Jiss ka hokam dunya per chalta thha, jiss kay darwazey per
Sikandar-o-Dara faqiron ki manind khharrey rehtey thhey.]
He whose command none dared to disobey,
before whose door great
Alexander stood A suppliant, and Darius begged his bread;

Koshish-e-oo ba qinaat saaz kard;

taa beh kashkol-e-gadaeyi naz kard.

[Abb oss ney apni koshish ko qanaat kay sapord kar diya hai;
yahan takk keh woh kashkol-e-gadaeyi per naaz karta hai.]
His ardour is attuned to mean content,
his boast the proffered bowl of mendicants.

Shaikh Ahmad Sayyid gardoon janaab;


kaasib-e-noor az zamirash aftab.

[Shaikh Amhad Sarhindi (R.A.)

jinn ka aastanah asman ki tarah boland hai

aftab bhi onn kay noor sey kasb-e-zia karta hai.]
Shaykh Ahmad, Sayyid lofty as the spheres,
from whose keen brain the suns selfborrowed light.

Gul keh mi-poshad mazar pak-e-oo;

la ilah goyaan damad az khak-e-oo.

[Onn kay mazar-e-pak ko jo phhool dhhanpay hoay

hein woh oss khak sey la ilah parrhtey hoay ogtay hein.]
The roses that bedeck his holy grave,
no other god but God breathe from his dust.


Ba muriday goft ay jan-e-pidar;

az khiyalat-e-Ajam bayad hazr.

[Onnhon ney apney eik murid sey kaha keh

ay jan-e-mun! Ajami khiyalat sey bachna chahiay.]
Thus spoke to a disciple: O though life of thy dear father,
it behoves us all that we beware of Persias fantasies;

Z-aankeh fikrash garchih az gardoon gozasht;
az hud-e-Deen-e-Nabi
(S.A.W.) bairoon gozasht.

) (

[Go fikr-e-Ajam asman ki bolandiyuon sey bhi aagey nikal gaya hai;
laikan woh Deen-e-Nabi (S.A.W.) ki
hudood sey bhi tajavoz kar gaya hai.]
Though Persias thoughts the heavens have surpassed,
they equally transgress the boundaries
set by the Prophets (S.A.W.) Faith.

Ay brather ein nasihat gosh kon;

pund aan aaqaey millat


[Meyrey bhai! Iss nasihat ko achhi tarah sonn

aur millat kay pasban (mojadad) ki iss baat ko harz-e-jan bana ley.]
Brother, give ear to his sage counsel, and attentively,
receive the rede of a protagonist of our community;

Qalb ra zein-e-harf-e-Haq gardaan qawi;

( )

ba Arab dar saaz taa Moslim shawi.

[Apney qalb ko iss quol-e-raast sey mazboot kar

(Ajami khiyalaat chhorr kar)
Arabi akhlaq-e-satudah ikhtiyar kar ta-keh

tou sahih maanon mein Musliman bun jaaey.]

Take these wise words to fortify thy heart; conform thyself,
with Arab ways, to be a Muslim true.



Dar maani-e-einkeh hosn-e-seerat-e-Milliah
az taadab beh adaab-e-Muhammadiyah

) (

[Iss mazmoon ki wazahat mein keh millat ka hosn-e-seerat

Janaab Rasool (S.A.W.) kay adaab ikhtiyar karney sey hai.]

Saeyl-e-misl-e-qazaey mabermay;

ber dar-e-ma zadd sadaey paihumay.

[Eik maangney wala nah tullnay wali qaza ki tarah

hamarey darwazey per matwater sada diay ja raha thha.]
A mendicant like Fate inexorable.
battered upon our door incessantly;

Az ghazab chobay shikastam ber sarash;
hasil-e-darwizah aftaad az berash.

[Mien ney ghossay sey oss kay sar per danda dey mara
jiss sey oss ki jholi mein jo bheek jamaa thhi woh neichay gir gaeyi.]
Enraged, I broke a stave upon his head,
and all the harvest of his beggary spilled from his hand.

Aql dar aaghaz ayam-e-shabab;

[Jawani kay aaghaz mein aql nek-o-badd mein tameez naheen karti.]
In youths beginning days,
the reason thinks not upon right and wrong.

Az mizaaj-e-mun pidar aazordah gasht;
chehrah-ash afsordah gasht.

[Meyrey mizaaj sey meyrey waalid sahib aazordah khater hoay;

onn kay chehray ki sorkhi maand parr gaeyi.]
My father, by my temper much distressed,
grew very pale; the tulips of his cheeks withered;

Ber labbash aahey jigar taabey raseid;
dil tapeid.

[Onn kay labb sey aah-e-jiggar soz nikali,

onn kay seinay mein dil tarrap othha.]

An anguished sigh sprang from his lip; heart burnt in his chest.

Kaukabey dar chashm-e-oo gardeid-o-raikht;
ber sar-e-mozzgan
dumay taabeid-o-raikht.

[Onn ki aankhh mein sitarey ki manind aansoo paida hoa,

thhorri dir palkon per chamka aur tapak parra.]
A star gleamed in his eye, brief glittering,
upon his lashes, and then slowly fell.


Humcho aan morghay keh dar fasal-e-khazan;

larzad az baad-e-sehar dar ashiyan.

[Iss parinday ki manind jo khazan kay mousam mein

aashianey mein baithha hoa
sobh ki thhandi hawa mein larz jaata hai.]
And as a bird that in the time of Fall,
trembles within his nest when dawn blows chill,

Dar tunam larzeed jan-e-ghafilam;

raft Lailaey shakaib az mehmalam.

[Ghaflat mein parri hoeyi meyri jan bhi
meyrey badan mein larz othhi;
aur sabar ki Laila meyrey mehmal sey nikal gaeyi.]
So in my flesh shivered my heedless soul;
the Layla of my patience
now no more rode peacefully the litter of my heart.

Goft farda Ummat-e-Khair-ul-Rosal (S.A.W.);

) (

) (
jamaa gardad paish-e-aan Moulaey koll (S.A.W.).

[Meyrey waalid sahib ney kaha,

keh kall jabb Khair-ur-Rosal (S.A.W.) ki ummat

oss Moulaey koll (S.A.W.) kay gird-o-paish jamaa ho gi.]

And then my father spoke:

Upon that morn the people of the Best of Messengers (S.A.W
are gathered up before the Lord of All;

Ghaziyaan-e-Millat-e-Baizaey oo;
hafizaan-e-hikmat-e-raanaey oo.

[Eik taraf Millat-e-Baiza kay ghaziyaan khharrey hongay;

dosari taraf oss ki hikmat-e-raana kay hafizaan hon gay.]
Warriors of his Pure Community,
and guardians of his Wisdoms loveliness,

Hum shaheedaney keh Deen ra hujjat-und;

misl-e-anjam dar fazaey millat-und.

[Ossi tarah shaheedaan bhi moujood hon gay

jo Deen kay leay hujjat hein;
aur millat ki faza mein sitaron ki manind
chamak rehey hon gay.]

Martyrs who proved the Faith all these like stars,

shall shine within that peopled firmament;

Zahidaan-o-ashiqaan-e-dil figaar;



[Zahid bhi hon gay, dil figaar ashiq bhi hon gay;
alam bhi hon gay aur sharmsar gonahgar bhi.]
Ascetics too, and they that loved their God with anguished hearts,
and scholars erudite, and shamefast rebels against Gods commands.

Darmiyan-e-anjuman gardad boland;
nalah-haey ein gadaey dardmand.

[Wahan oss mehfil mein iss dardmand gada ki faryaad boland ho gi.]
Then in the midst of that great company,
this suffering beggars cries shall mount on high.

Ay saraatatt moshkil az bey markabi;
mun chih goeyam choon mera porsad Nabi (S.A.W.)

) (

) (
[Ay baitay wahan sawari (aamaal-e-husnah) kay baghair
teyra raasatah taey karna moshkil ho jaaey ga;
mien kaya jawab don ga jabb Hazoor Akram (S.A.W.)
mojh sey dariyaft farmain gay.]
O thou condemned to tread an arduous road unmounted,
footsore, what am I to say when this the Prophet (S.A.W.) asks me:

Haq jawaney Muslimay ba tou sapord;
ko nasibay az dabastanam nabord.




[Allah Taala ney eik Muslim naujawan teyrey sapord kiya thha
(keh tou oss ki sahih tarbiyat karey)
magar woh meyri adab-gah sey sabaq hasil nah kar saka.]
God to thee committed a young Muslim, and he won,
no portion of instruction from my school;

Az tou ein yakk kaar aasan hum nashod;

yaani aan anbaar-e-gill Adam nashod.

[Tou itna saa kaam bhi saranjam nah dey saka

yaani iss matti kay anbaar ko Adami nah bana saka.]
What, was this labour too, too hard for thee,
so that that heap of clay became not man?

Dar malamat narm goftar aan karim;

( )

mun raheen-e-khajlat-o-ummeid-o-beim.

[Woh karim-ut-tabaa zaat (S.A.W.), malamat mein naram goftar,

aur mien sharam mein dooba hoa
aur ummeid-o-beim ka shikar.]
So gentle was my noble sires reproof,
that I was torn by shame and hope and fear:


Andakay andaish-o-yaad aar ay pisar;
ijtimaa-e-ummat-e-Khair-al-Bashar (S.A.W.).

) (

[Ay baitay zara soch aur ummat-e-Kair-ul-Bashar (S.A.W.)
kay oss ijtimaa ka tassawar kar.]
Reflect a little, son, and bring to mind,
the last great gathering of the Prophets (S.A.W.) fold;

Baz ein reish-e-safaid-e-mun niggar;
larzah-e-beim-o-ummeid-e-mun niggar.

) (
[Pher meyri iss safaid reish ka khayal kar

aur (oss lamah) mojhey ummeid-o-beim sey kaanptey hoay deikhh.]

Look once again on my white hairs, and see;
how now I tremble between fear and hope;

Ber pidar ein jor-e-nazeba makon;

paish-e-Moula bandah
ra roswa makon.

) (

[Apney aap per nazeba zolm nah kar;

iss ghulam ko apney aaqa (S.A.W.) kay hazoor roswa nah kar.]
Do not thy father this foul injury,
O put him not to shame before his Lord!


Ghonchah-e-az shakhsaar-e-Mustafa (S.A.W.);
gul shau az
baad-e-bahaar-e-Mustafa (S.A.W.).


) (

[Tou Hazoor-e-Akram (S.A.W.) ki shakhsar ka eik ghonchah hai;

baad-e-bahaar-e-Mustafa (S.A.W.) sey khhil kar phhool bun.]
Thou art a bud burst from Muhammads (S.A.W.) branch;
break into bloom before the genial breeze.

Az bahaarash rung-o-boo bayad grift;

) (

) ( ) (

behrah-e-az kholq-e-oo bayad grift.

[Mojhey Aap (S.A.W.) ki bahaar sey rung-o-boo hasil karna chahiay;

tojhey Aap (S.A.W.) kay kolq (-e-azim) sey hissah leyna chahiay.]
Of his warm Spring;
win thee the scent and hue of that sweet season;
strive to gain for thee some fragment of his character sublime.

Mursad-e-Rumi chih khosh farmoodah ast;

aankeh yum dar qatrah-ash asoodah ast.

[Murshid Rumi (R.A.) ney kaya khoob farmaya hai

oss kay kalam kay her qatray mein samandar samaya hoa hai.]
Well said great Rumi, guide in whose shrunk drop,

an ocean of deep wisdom slumbereth:

Magosal az Khatam-ur-Rosal (S.A.W.) ayam-e-khwaish;
takkiyah kum
kon ber fun-o-ber gaam-e-khwaish.

' ) (


[Apni zindagi ko Khatam-ur-Rosal (S.A.W.) sey monqataa nah kar

apney fun aur apni raftar per eitimaad nah kar.]
Snap not the thread of thy brief days
from him who was the Seal of Prophets;
little trust in thy poor craft and faltering footsteps place.

Fitrat-e-Moslim sarapa shafqat ast;
dar jahan dast-o-zobanash
rehmat ast.

[Musliman ki fitrat sarapa shafqat hai;

oss kay haathh aur zoban dunya kay leay bais-e-rehmat hein.]
The nature of the Muslim through and through;
is loving kindness; with both hand and tongue.

Aankeh mehtab az sar-e-angoshtash duo-neim;
rehmat-e-oo aam-o-akhlaqash azeem.

) (

) (

[Aap (S.A.W.) ki zaat-e-mobarak woh hai

jinn ki ongli kay asharey sey chaand duo tookrrey ho gaya;
Aap (S.A.W.) ki rehmat aam aur kholq-e-azeem hai.]
He strives to be a mercy in the world,
as he whose fingers split the moon in twain;
embraces in his mercy all mankind; noble was he, in every attribute;

Az moqam-e-oo agar door eisti;
az miyan-e-maashar-e-ma neisti.

) (
[Agar tou Hazoor (S.A.W.) kay moqam sey door hai
tuo hamarey groh mein sey naheen hai.]
Thou art no member of our company
if from his station thou departest far.

Tou keh morgh-e-bustan-e-masti;

hum safeer-o-hum zoban-e-masti.

[Tou hamarey bagh ka parindah hai;

tou hamara hum awaz aur hum zoban hai.]

Bird of our garden, one in song and tongue with us;

Naghmah-e-daari agar tunha mazun;
joz bashakh-e-bustan-e-mazun.

[Agar tou koeyi naghmah rakhhta hai tuo ossey akailey nah gaa;

hamarey bagh ki shakh kay alawah aur kaheen jaa kay nah baithh.]
If thou dost own a melody carol it not alone,
nor let it soar but on a branch that in our garden grows.

Her chih hust az zindagi sarmayah-dar;

meerad andar ansar-e-nasaazgar.

[Jo bhi zindagi sey sarmayah-dar hai;

woh nasaazgar mahoul mein zindah naheen reh sakta.]

Whatever thing has capital of life dies in an uncongenial element;

Bulbul asti dar chaman perwaz kon;

naghmah-e-ba hum nawayaan saaz kon.

[Agar tou bulbul hai tuo chaman mein pervaaz kar

aur hum nawaon kay saathh mill kar gaa.]
Art thou a nightingale? Fly in the mead,
and with thy fellow-minstrels mediate thy song.

Wer oqaab asti teh-e-darya mazei;

joz bakhalwat khanah-e-sehra mazei.

[Aur agar tou oqaab hai tuo darya ki teh mein nah reh
sirf sehra kay khalwat khanah mein zindagi basar kar.]
Art thou an eagle? Do not live at oceans bottom;
in the solitude of the unpeopled desert make thy home.


Kaukabi? Mi-taab ber gardoon-e-khwaish;

paa maneh bairoon z-pairamoon-e-khwaish.

[Agar tou sitarah hai tuo apney asman per chamak;

apney mahoul sey bahar paaon nah rakhh.]
Art thou a star? Shine in thy firmament,
nor set thy foot beyond thy proper bounds.

Qatrah-e-aabey gar az neistan beri;
dar qazaey bostaanash perwari.

[Agar tou barish sey eik qatrah ley

aur ossey bagh ki faza mein perwarish karey.]

If thou wilt take a drop of April shower,
and nurture it within the gardens close;

Ta misal-e-shabnam az faiz-e-bahaar;
dar kinaar.

[Yahan takk keh who faiz-e-bahaar sey shabnam ki manind

bund kali ko apni aaghosh mein ley lay.]
Till, like the dew of the abounding Spring,
a rosebud takes it to its near embrace,


Az shoa-e-asman taab-e-sehar;

kaz fasoonash ghonchah mi bundad shajar.

[Pher sobh ki asman ko roshan karney waali shoa

kay fason sey pouday mein kaliyan lug jaein.]
Then, in the rays of heaven-glittering dawn,
whose magic knots the blossoms on the branch;

Onsar-e-num ber kashi az joharash;
zouq-e-rum az salmaat mozmerash.

[Laikan agar tou iss qatray kay johar sey
numi ka onsar nikaal ley
oss kay mortaish ajzaey tarkibi sey
zouq-e-irtiash chhein ley.]
Thou shalt draw out the lucent element within its substance,
all the ecstasy oof leaping in its trembling particles.

Gauharat joz mouj aabey haich neist;
saai-e-tou ghair az saraabey haich neist.

[Aur pher yeh tawoqa rakhhay keh woh gauhar
bun jaaey tuo woh gauhar naheen banney ga,
sirf mouj-e-aab rehey ga tuo teyri
yeh saari khoshish saraab saabat ho gi.]

What is thy jewel? But a watery wave;

what is thy effort? Naught save a mirage.

Dar yum andazash keh gardad gauharey;
taab-e-oo larzadd cho taab-e-akhtarey.

[Tou iss qatray ko darya mein daal keh woh gauhar bunney
aur iss ki aab-o-taab sey sitarey larzan hon.]
Hurl it to ocean, that it may become
a jewel gleaming like a tremulous star.

Qatrah-e-neistan keh mehjoor az yum ast;
nazar khashakey misal-e-shabnam

[Barish ka woh qatrah jo darya sey door hai,

woh shabnam ki manind khas-o-khashak ho jaata hai.]

The April raindrop, banished from the sea,
dies on the cornstalk with the morning dew.

Teenat-e-pak-e-Musliman gauhar ast;
aab-o-taabash az yum-e-Paighamber (S.A.W.) ast.

) (
[Musliman ki pak teenat gauhar ki manind hai
aur oss ki aab-o-taab
Janaab Rasool-e-Pak (S.A.W.) kay darya sey hai.]

The pure clay of the Muslim is a gem;

its lustre and its radiance derive out of the Prophets (S.A.W.) ocean.

Aab-e-neisani beh aaghoshash dar aa;
waz miyan-e-qolzamash gauhar
ber aa.

) (

[Tou barish ka qatrah hai iss darya ki aaghosh mein aa

aur Hazoor (S.A.W.) kay samandar sey gauhar bun kar nikal.]
Come thou, then, brief April shower,
come into his breast, and issue from his mighty sea, a pearl!

Dar jahan roshan-ter az khurshid shau;

) (
sahib-e-tabaani-e-javid shau.

[Pher dunya mein aftab sey bhi ziyadah roshan

ho kar (chamak) aur hamaishah ki tabaani paa ley.]
Outshine the sun upon this shadowy world,
and glow forever in immortal light.




Dar maani-e-einkeh hayat-e-milliah markaz-e-mehsoos
mi-khwahad-o-markaz-e-Millat-e-Islamiyah Bait-ul-Haram

[Iss mazmoon ki wazahat mein keh millat ki zindagi markaz-e-mehsoos

chahati hai aur Millat-e-Islamiyah ka markaz Bait-ul-Haram hai.]

Mi kashaeym oqdah az kaar-e-hayat;

saazmat aagah-e-asrar-e-hayat.

[Mien zindagi kay moamlaat ka eik oqdah hall karta hon

aur tojhey zindagi kay raazon sey bakhabar karta hon.]
Now I will loose for thee the knotted cord
that is Lifes riddle, and reveal to thee Lifes mysteries;

Choon khayal az khod rameidan paishah-ash;

az jehatt daaman kashidan paishah-ash.

[Khayal ki tarah zindagi bhi eik halat per berqarar naheen rehti;
kabhi woh eik jehatt sey daaman bacha kar chalti hai

kabhi doosari jehatt, kissi eik jehatt sey wabastah naheen rehti.]
Its trade, from self to leap swift as a phantom, nimbly to escape,
from the constriction of Dimensions grasp.

Dar jahan dir-o-zor ayad chisaan?

Waqt-e-oo farda-o-di
zayad chisaan?

[Yeh jahan jo haal-o-mostaqbil sey marakkab hai

iss mein zindagi kaisey amal farma hoti hai,
iss ka waqt kaisey mazi aur mostaqbil paida karta hai?]
Then how comes Life into this world of late and soon?
How does its instant time give birth to yesterdays and morrows?

Gar nazar daari yakkey ber khod niggar;
joz rum-e-paihum neheyi ay bekhabar.

[Agar tou nazar rakhhta hai tuo apney aap per nigah daal,
ay bey khabar tou bhi
rum-e-pehum kay sawaey aur kochh naheen.]
Look upon thyself, if thou possessest eyes to see;
fool, art thou aught but constantly aleap?

Taa namayad taab-e-namashhood-e-khwaish;
shoalah-e-oo pardah bund az dood-e-khwaish.

[Zindagi apney baatin kay tabb-e-taab ki namaish kay leay

apney shoalay ko apney dhoonin kay parday mein bund rakhhti hai
(keh shoalay mein poshidah hai mouj-e-dood).]
So, to display its glow invisible Lifes torch
contrived a curtain of its smoke;

Siar-e-oo ra taa sakoon beinad nazar;
bustah aamad dar gauhar.


[Jabb zindagi ki harkat bazahar por sakoon nazar aati hai;

tuo goya oss ki mouj aab-e-gauhar bun jaati hai.
(Gauhar mein khoo hoa iztiraab darya ka Ghalib.)]
And that its motion might be seen at peace,
its wave was in the gem immobilized.

Aatish-e-oo dum bakhwaish andar kashid;
lalah gardeid-o-z-shaakhey
ber dameid.

[Pher zindagi ki aatish ney dum saadha tuo

lalay ka phhool bun kar shakh sey baahar nikal aeyi.]
Lifes furnace drew its breath, forthwith became a tulip,


and burst blooming from the branch.

Fikr-e-khaam-e-tou graan khaiz ast-o-lung;
tohmat-e-gul bust ber perwaz-e-rung.

[Teyri soch sost aur lungarri hai;

oss ney phhool per yeh tohmat lagaeyi keh oss ka rung orr jaata hai
(halankeh yeh zindagi ki mosalsal harkat ka azhaar hai).]
Thy thought is immature, lame, slow to rise,
if thou suppose the mortal flower itself the fleeting colour.

Zindagi morgh-e-nashiman saaz neist;
taer rung ast-o-joz
perwaz neist.

[Zindagi aisa parindah naheen

jo her waqt nashaiman mein baithha rehey;

woh taer rung hai aur her lamah apney rung badalta rehta hai.]
Life is not a bird a-building nests;
tis but a wing of hue and wholly flight;

Dar qafas wamaandah-o-azad hum;

ba nawa-ha mi zanad faryaad hum.


[Zindagi ka parindah qafas mein aajiz bhi hai aur azad bhi hai;
woh apni khosh nawaeyi kay saathh faryaad konan bhi rehta hai.]
Imprisoned in the cage, yet ever free; lamenteth as it sings;

Az perash perwaz showid dum badum;
kardah joyad dum badum.

[Iss kay peron sey her lamah perwaaz kum hoti rehti hai,
pher woh her dum anpey kiay ka khod ilaaj bhi karti hai.]
Washeth each moment from its wing the will to fly,
yet ever seeks new stratagems itself devising;

Oqdah-ha khud mi zanad dar kaar-e-khwaish;
baz aasan mi konad dashwar-e-khwaish.

[Zindagi khod he apney moamlaat mein moshkil paida karti hai

aur pher apni doshwariyuon ko aasan bhi banati hai.]
Bindeth knot on knot its own affairs,
yet with consummate ease resolveth all its problems.

Paa bagill gardad hayat-e-taizgaam;
taa duobala
gardadash zouq-e-kharaam.


[Hayat-e-taizro apney paaon ko matti mein moqiyyad karti hai

ta-keh oss ka zouq-e-kharaam bala ho.]
Swift-paced Life stands rooted in the mire,
that it may feel pulsing a doubled joy to walk abroad.

Saaz-ha khwabidah andar soz-e-oo;
dosh-o-farda zadah-e-imroz-e-oo.

[Oss kay soz kay andar bhi saaz chhopa hoa hai;

oss ka mazi aur mostaqbil oss kay haal he ki paidawar hai.]

Anthems unheard lie dormant in its flame;
tomorrow, yesterday, the children are of its today.

Dumbadum moshkil-gar-o-aasan gozaar;
dumbadum nau aafrin-o-tazah

[Zindagi her lamah moshkilat paida bhi karti hai
aur onnhein asaan bhi banati hai;
woh her dum naeyi cheez paida karti
aur niya andaaz ikhtiyar karti hai.]
Each moment it creates fresh difficulties,
passing freely through; thus, instantly its task is ever new.

Garchih misl-e-boo sarapaish rum ast;
choon watan dar seinah-e-geerad dum ast.

[Agarchih zindagi ka sarapa harkat sey ibarat hai

laikan jabb yeh seinay mein qayam karti hai tuo saans bun jaati hai.]
Though like a sent it is all will to leap,
when in the breast it maketh its abode it is a breath.

Rishtah-haey khwaish ra ber khud tanad;
girah ber khod zanad.

[Momkinaat kay dhaagon ka jaal apney oopar tunti rehti hai;

kabhi girah khha kar ghhondi bun jaati hai.]
Upon itself it spins its threads,
becomes a skein, and knots itself.

Dar girah choon danah daarad burg-o-ber;

chashm ber khud waa konad gardad shajar.

[Jabb girah kay andar danah burg-o-ber paida karta hai

tuo apni aankhh khholta hai aur shajar mein tabdeel ho jaata hai.]
The seed, that holdeth knotted in its grain the leaf and fruit,
in good time openeth its eyes upon itself, and is a tree;

Khilaatay az aab-o-gill paida konad;
dast-o-paa-o-chashm-o-dil paida konad.

[Pher woh aab-o-gill sey apney leay khilaat paida karta hai
aur haathh paaon aur chashm-o-dil paida karta hai.]
Creating out of water and of clay a garment
it revealeth hand and foot, eye, yea, and heart.

Khalwat andar tun gazeinad zindagi;

( )

anjuman-ha aafrinad zindagi.

[(Issi tarah) zindagi jabb insani badan mein khalwat ikhtiyar karti hai
tuo mokhtalif mehfilein wujood mein ley aati hai.]
Life chooseth to confine itself within the bodys solitude,
and Life createth mighty companies.

Humchonaan aein-e-milaad-e-ummam;

zindagi ber markazey ayad behum.

[Quomon kay qayam ka dastoor bhi yehi hai;

karkaz he sey onn kay andar jamiyat paida hoti hai.]
Such is the law that governeth the birth of nations,
life gathereth on a point;

Halqah ra markaz cho jan dar paikar ast;
khat-e-oo dar noqtah-e-oo mozmer ast.

[Dairay kay leay markaz wohi haisiyat rakhhta hai
jo badan kay leay jan;
dairay ka moheet oss kay markaz mein mozmer hai.]
Of focus which, related to the ring, is as the spirit hidden in the flesh,
the track of the circumference concealed within the centre.

Quom ra rabt-o-nizam az markazey;

rozgarash ra dawam az markazey.

[Quom ka rabt aur nizam markaz sey wabastah hai;

markaz he sey oss ki zindagi ko dawam hasil hota hai.]
Peoples win their bond and order from a focus,
and that same perpetuates the nations sum of days.

Raazdar-o-raaz-e-ma Bait-ul-Haram
soz-e-ma hum saaz-e-ma Bait-ul-Haram.

[Hamari (quomi zindagi ka) raaz aur hamari
(Towhid) ka razdaar Baitullah Sharif hai;
hamara soz bhi issi sey hai aur hamara saaz bhi issi sey hai.]
The Sacred House at once our secret is and guardian of our secret,
our hearts fire and instrument whereon our passion plays.


Choon nafas dar seinah-e-oo ra perwaraim;

jan-e-shirin ast oo ma

) (

[Hum iss kay seinay mein saans ki tarah perwarish paatey hein;
woh (hamari) jan-e-shirin hai aur hum oss ka badan.]
We are a breath nurtured within its breast;
the body we, and it the precious soul.

Tazah-roo bustan-e-ma az shabnamash;
mazraa-e-ma aab geer
az Zamzamash.

[Hamara bagh oss ki shabnam sey tar-o-tazah hai;

hamari khheiti oss kay Zamzam sey pani hasil karti hai.]
Our garden glitters joyous in its dew,
our fields are watered from its holy well.

Taabdar az zarrah-haish aaftab;

ghotah zun andar fazaish aaftab.

[Aaftab oss kay zarron sey roshani hasil karta hai

aur oss ki faza mein ghotah-zun rehta hai.]
Its dancing motes give lustre to the sun,
plunging into its firmanent profound.


Daawa-e-oo ra dalil astaim ma;

) (


) )(
az Brahin-e-Khalil (A.S.) astaim ma.

[Oss kay daawaey (Towhid) ki dalil hum hein,

Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S.) kay Brahein mein sey hay

(Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S.) ki dua ki taraf asharah hai).]
We are the proof that justifies its claim,
attestors witnessing for Abraham.

Dar jahan-e-ma ra boland aawazah kard;

ba hadoos-e-ma qadam shirazah kard.

[Kaabah he ney dunya mein hamari shan boland ki hai;

Nabi ney hamarey wujood ko Zaat-e-qadim sey mila diya hai.]
This made our voices loud upon the earth,
stitched up with Time our Pre-eternity;

Millat-e-Baiza z-taufash hum nafas;
humcho sobh-e-aaftab andar qafas.

[Oss kay tawaf sey Millat-e-Baiza mein yagangat hai;

oss ki misal qafas kay andar sobh-e-aaftab ki sei hai

(Kaaba Sharif aaftab-e-sobah ki manind noor bakhhir raha hai

aur Millat-e-Islamiyah ney oss noor ko moqiyad kar rakhha hai.]
In circumambulation of its shrine
our pure community draws common breath, dawns sun encaged;

Az hisab-e-oo yakki basiyareit;

pokhtah az bund yakki khod-dareit.

[Oss kay taaloq sey hamari kasrat wahdat hai

aur iss wahdat kay sabab hamari pokhtagi hai.]
By its arithmeticthe many count as one,
and in that tie of oneness thy self-mastery waxes strong.

Tou z-paiwand harimay zindaheyi;
taa tawaf-e-oo koni

[Tou Haram sharif kay saathh taaloq ki wajah sey zindah hai;
jabb takk oss ka tawaf karta rehey ga paindah rehey ga.]
Thou livest by a sanctuarys bond and shalt endure,
so long as though shalt go about the shrine thereof.

Dar jahan jan ummam jamiyat ast;

dar niggar sirr Haram jamiyat ast.


[Dunya mein quomon ki jan jamiyat hai

aur yehi jamiyat Haram ka raaz hai.]
Upon this earth by congregation lives a peoples soul,
and congregation is the mystery of Makkahs power.

Ibratay ay Muslim-e-roshan zamir;

) (
az maal-e-ummat-e-Musa (A.S.) bageer.

[Ay roshan zamir Musliman Ummat-e-Musa (A.S.)

kay anjaam sey ibrat hasil kar.]
Take heed once again, enlightened Muslim,
by the tragic fate of Moses people;

Daad choon aan quom markaz raz dast;
millat shikast.


[Jabb oss quom ney markaz chhorr diya
tuo oss ki jamiyat ka rishtah toot gaya.]
Who, when they gave uptheir focus from their grasp,
the thread was snapped that bound their congregation each to each.

Aankeh baalid andar aaghosh-e-rosal;

[Woh quom jo Rasoolon ki goud mein palli thhi;

jiss kay afraad kall kay asrar sey waqif thhey.]

That nation, nurtured up upon the breast of Gods apostles,

and whereof the part was privy to the secrets of the whole;

Dehar siali ber bana goshash kashid;
zindagi khoon gasht-o-az chashmash

[Zamaney ney oss ki kun-patti per thhaparr mara
jiss sey oss ki zindagi
khoon bun kar oss ki aankhhon sey beh nikli.]
Suddenly smitten by the hand of Time,
poured out its lifeblood in slow agony.

Raft num az raishah-haey taak-e-oo;

hum naroeyad khak-e-oo.

[Oss kay angoor ki ruggon sey numi jaati rehi;
abb oss ki khak sey angoor tuo darkinar
baid-e-majnon bhi paida naheen hota.]
The tendrils of its vine are withered now,
nor even any willow weeping grows.

Az gill-e-ghorbat zoban gom kardaheyi;
hum nawa hum aashiyan gom kardaheyi.


[Bey watani ki wajah sey woh apni zoban bhi gom kar choki hai;
woh apni awaz bhi gom kar choki hai aur apna ashiyanah bhi.]
More from its soil; exile has robbed its tongue
of common speech; both nest and birdsong gone;

Shamaa mord-o-noah khwan pervanah-ash;

mosht-e-khakam larzad az afsanah-ash.

[Oss ki shamaa bojh choki hai

aur oss per pervanah nouha khwan bunnay;

oss ki kahani sey meyra badan larz othhta hai.]
The candle out; dead the lamenting moth
my poor dust trembles at the history.

Ay z-taigh-e-jour-e-gardoon khastah tun;
ay aseer-e-iltibas-o-vehum-o-zun.

[Ay Musliman tou jo zamaney ki taigh-e-sitam sey zakhmi hai;

tou jo tashkeek aur vehum-o-zann ka aseer hai.]
O thou, sore wounded by the sword of Fate,
prisoner of confusion, doubt, dismay,

Pairhun ra jaamah-e-ahraam kon;
sobh paida az ghobar-e-shaam kon.


[Jaamah-e-ahraam ko apna pairhun bana;
aur iss tarah apni shaam-e-zawal
kay ghobar sey sobh paida kar ley.]
Wrap thee in pilgrim robes;
unshroud the dawn of nights dark dust.

Misl-e-aaba gharq andar sajdah shau;

aanchonaan gom shau keh yakksar sajdah shau.

[Apney abaa-o-ijdaad ki manind sajday kay andar gharq ho ja;

sajday mein issi tarah gom ho ja keh yakksar sajdah bun jaa.]
Plunge, as thy forebears did, into prostration;
lose thyself, until thou art entire prostration.

Moslim paishin niazay aafrid;

taa beh naaz-e-alam aashoobay raseid.

[Dour-e-awwal kay Musliman ney niazmandi paida ki thhi

tabb ossey woh naaz hasil hoa
jo dunya mein eik inqilab ley aya.]
Long ago the Muslim fashioned meek humility,
and thence developed a world-shaking pride;

Dar reh-e-Haq paa beh noak-e-khaar khast;

gulistan dar goshah-e-dastar bust.

[Pehley oss ney Allah Taala ki rah mein

apney paaon ko kaanton sey zakhmi kiya

tabb oss ney apney goshah-e-dastaar mein gulistan sajaya.]
Upon Gods path the thorn-points pierced his feet;
he wore a rose-bower in his turbans fold.




Dar maani-e-einkeh Jamiyat-e-Haqiqi az mohkam griftan
nasbulain-e-miliyah ast o masbulain-e-Ummat-e-Muhammadiyah
hifz-o-nashar-e-Towhid ast.


[Iss mazmoon ki wazahat mein keh millat ki asal-e-jamiyat nasbulain

ko mazbooti sey thhaam leyney mein hai aur Ummat-e-Muhammadiyah

(S.A.W) ka nasbulain Towhid ki hifazat aur ashaat hai.]

Ba tou aamozam zoban-e-kainat;

harf-o-alfaaz ast aamal-e-hayat.

) (
[Mien tojhey zindagi ki zoban batata hon;

zindagi kay aamal (zindagi ki zoban) kay haroof-o-alfaaz hein.]

And now I will impart to thee
the tongue of all things that have being;
in this speech the letters and articulated sounds are lifes activities.

Choon z-rabt-e-modaaey bastah shoud;


[Jabb zindagi kissi maqsood sey wabastah-o-marboot ho jaati hai;

tuo goya yeh ghazal ka berjastah matlaa bun jaati hai.]
When life is bound in firm attachment to an aim professed,


the opening verse rises spontaneously;

Modaa gardad agar mehmaiz-e-ma;
humcho sarsar mi rawud shabdaiz-e-ma.

[Agar hum maqsood ko apney leay mehmaiz bana lein
tuo hamari zindagi kay ghhorrey ki rafter
baad-e-sarsar ki manind taiz ho jaaey.]
And if that purpose serves us for a goad,
swift as the tempest gallopeth our steed.

Modaa ra baqaey zindagi;
jamaa seimaab-e-qawwaey zindagi.

[Maqsood he baqaey zindagi ka raaz hai

aur issi sey qawwaey zindagi ka seimaab mojtima hota hai.]

The goal avowed is the true mystery of lifes continuance,
that focuses the restless flow of its mercurial powers.

Choon hayat az maqsaday mehram shawud;
ein alam shawud.

[Jabb zindagi kissi maqsad sey ashna hoti hai

tuo woh iss jahan kay asbaab ko zabt kay tehatt ley aati hai.]

When life is conscious of a purposed aim,

all means material yield to its control;

Khwaishtan ra taabe-e-maqsad konad;

beher-e-oo cheinad gazeinad radd konad.

[Pher zindagi apney aap ko maqsad kay taabe bana leyti hai
aur maqsad ki khatar baaz cheezon ka intikhab karti hai
aur baaz ko radd kar deyti hai.]
It makes its self the follower of that goal,
for its sole sake collects, selects, rejects.

Na-khoda ra yum rawi az sahil ast;
az manzil ast.

[Mallah samandar mein kashti chalatey hoay
sahil ko maqsood rakhhta hai;
masafir raaston per chaltey hoay manzil ko saamney rakhhtey hein.]
The helmsman shoreward bound resolves to sail the flooding main;
the destination far determines the selection of the paths.

Ber dil-e-pervanah dagh az zouq-e-soz;

touf-e-oo gird-e-chiragh az zouq-e-soz.


[Pervaney kay dil per soz sey lotf andoz honay ka dagh hai;
woh ossi maqsad ki khater chiragh ka tawaf karta hai.]
The moths heart bears the brand of the delight of burning,
for which joy it flutters still about the candle.

Qais agar aawarah dar sehrastey;

modaaish mehmal-e-Lailastey.

[Qais agar sehra mein awarah hai

tuo mehmal-e-Laila oss ka modaa hai.]

If the madman Qais was wanderer in the wilderness,
his aim was the high litter wherein Layla rode.

Taa bawud shehar aashna Lailaey ma;
ber nami khaizad beh sehra paaey ma.

[Jabb sey hamari Laila shehar aashna hoeyi hai

sehra ki taraf hamarey paaon naheen othhtey.]
Now be our Layla but familiar;
with cities, never shall we lift our tread to span the desert.

Humcho jan-e-maqsood pinhaan dar amal;
kaif-o-kum azoey pazirad her amal.

[Maqsood-e-amal kay andar jan ki tarah poshidah hai;


issi sey amal mein kumi baishi waqia hoti hai.]

In the enterprise the purpose lies
as hidden as the soul within the body,
and from this alone each labour takes its quality and size.

Gardish-e-khooney keh dar rug-haey mast;

taiz az saai hasool-e-modastey.

[Hamari ruggon mein jo khoon duorr raha hai;

maqsood hasil karney ki koshish sey woh taiz ho jaata hai.]
The blood that circulateth in our veins;
the nimbler moveth, having the desire to reach a goal;

Az toff-e-oo khwaish ra sozad hayat;
aatishay choon lalah andozad hayat.

[Maqsood ki garmi he sey zindagi mein josh paida hota hai;

issi sey zindagi gul-e-lalah ki manind aag akathhi karti hai.]
Lifes self consumes itself in that bright flame, aglow with tulip-fire.

Modaa mizraab-e-saaz-e-himmat ast;
markazay ko jaazib her qowwat ast.

[Saaz-e-himmat ka mizraab modaa hai, yeh aisa markaz hai jo


insan ki her qowwat ko apni taraf mortakiz kar leyta hai.]

The Goal is as a plectrum,
that awakes the hidden music in the instrument;
of high ambition, an attractive point
whereunto moves all centripetal force;

Dast-o-paaey quom ra junbanad oo;
nazar sadd chashm ra gardanad oo.

[Issi sey quom kay dast-o-paa mein harkat paida hotai hai;
aur issi sey afraad ki sainkarron aankhhein
yakk nazar bun jaati hein.]
This stirs a peoples hands and feet to move in vital unison,
one vision clear bestowing on a hundred several sights.

Shahid-e-maqsood ra diwanah shau;

shamaa choon pervanah shau.

[Tou bhi shahid-e-maqsood ka diwanah bun;

aur pervaney ki manind iss shamaa ka tawaf kar.]

Be the mad lover of the loveliness of noble purpose;
flutter like a moth about this ardent lamp.

Khosh nawaey naghmah saaz-e-Qum zadd ast;
zakhmah-e-maani ber abraisham zadd ast.


[Qum kay shaer ney kaya khoob baat kehi hai;
goya oss ney taar-e-abrisham ko
maani ki mizraab sey chhairr diya hai.]
Sweet was the air Qums music-maker sang,
the silken strings sweeping responsive to his pulsing thought:

Taa kashad khaar az kaff-e-paa reh seper;

mi-shawud poshidah mehmal az nazar.

[Jabb takk mosafir apney paaon kay tallway sey kanta nikaalta hai,
mehmal oss ki nazar sey poshidah ho jaata hai.]
While yet the traveler bends to pluck the thorn
that pricks his foot, the litter vanishes.

Gar baqadar yakk nafas ghafil shoudi;
door sadd farsung az manzil shoudi.

[Agar tou eik lamahey lay leay bhi ghafil ho jaaey

tuo apni manzil sey sainkarron meil door jaa parrta hai.]
If thou art heedless but for one brief breath,
a hundred leagues thou strayest from thy stage.

Ein kohan paikar keh alam naam-e-oost;
z-imtizaj-e-ummahat andaam-e-oost.

[Yeh kohan paikar jiss ka naam dunya hai,

jo anasar kay ikhtilaat sey bana hai.]
This ancient creature, that men call the world,
out of the mingling of the elements derived its body;

Sadd neistan kaasht taa yakk nalah rust;

sadd chaman khoon kard taa yakk lalah rust.

[Sainkarron neistan kaasht kiay

ta-keh bansiri sey nalah paida ho sakkey;

iss tarah oss ney sainkarron baghon ka
khoon kiya ta-keh eik gul-e-lalah paida ho.]
A hundred reed-beds sowed that one lament might burgeon;
bathed in blood a hundred meads, to yield one tulip-bloom.

Naqsh-ha aawurd-o-afgund-o-shikast;

taa beh lauh-e-zindagi


[Woh kaeyi naqsh laya, onnhein qaim kiya aur torr diya
ta-keh tojhey lauh-e-zindagi per monaqash karey.]
Many the shapes it fetched and cast and broke,
to grave upon Lifes tablet thy design;


Nalah-ha dar kisht-e-jan kaaridah ast;

taa nawaey yakk azan baalidah ast.

[Jan ki khheiti mein kaeyi nalay kaasht kiay

ta-keh on kay andar sey eik azan ki awaz paida ho.]
Many laments it sowed in the souls tilth;
till sprang the music of one call to prayer.

Muddatey paikaar ba ahrar daasht;
ba khodawandan-e-baatil
kaar daasht.

[Yeh dunya moddat takk ahrar sey larrti rehi

kiyuokeh issey jhootay khodaon sey mohabat thhi.]
Awhile it battled sternly with the free,
and had much traffic with false lords, at last.

Tokham-e-aiman aakhar andar gill nishanad;
ba zobanat Kalmah-e-Towhid

[Yahan takk keh oss ney insani badan
kay andar aiman ka beej boya
aur teyri zoban per Kalmah-e-Towhid jaari kaya.]
To strew the seed of faith in the hearts soil;
and on the tongue to cry There is one God.


Noqtah-e-adwaar-e-alam la ilah;

intihaey kaar-e-alam la ilah.

[Jahanon ki gardish ka markaz la ilah hai;

aur iss jahan kay kaam ki intiha bhi la ilah hai.]
No other god but God:
this is the point on which the world concentrically turns,
this is the conclusion of the worlds affairs.

Charkh ra az zor-e-oo gardandgi;
mehar ra paindagi rakhshindgi.

[Asman ossi kay zor sey ghhoom raha hai;

sooraj ney ossi sey paindgi aur chamak hasil ki.]

From this the sphere derives its strength to wheel,
the sun its constancy and brilliance;

Behar gauhar aafrid az taab-e-oo;
mouj dar darya
tapeid az taab-e-oo.

[Behar ney ossi ki chamak sey moti paida kiay;

ossi ki tapash sey darya mein mouj tarrpi.]


The sea her gems, created of its glow,

that set the oceans billows quivering.

Khak az mouj-e-nasimash gul shoud;

az soz-e-oo bulbul

[Ossi ki mouj-e-nasim sey khak phhool hoeyi;

aur ossi kay soz sey mosht-e-per bulbul bani.]
This is the breeze that fans the earth to bloom,
this rapturous glow a few poor feathers flames into the nightingale;

Shoalah dar rug-haey taak az soz-e-oo;

khak-e-mina taabnak az soz-e-oo.

[Angoor ki ruggon mein ossi kay soz sey shoalah paida hoa;
aur khak-e-mina chamakdar hoeyi.]
And this same fire runs like a torch along the vineyards veins;
and glitters crimson in the dusty bowl.

Naghmah-haash khoftah dar saaz-e-wujood;
ay zakhmah-wer saaz-e-wujood.

[Wujood-e-alam kay saaz kay andar suoey hoay naghmay;

ay zakhmah-wer teyri talash mein hein.]

In Beings instrument its melodies Life hidden;

O musician, Beings lute seeketh for thee;

Sadd nawa daari cho khoon dar tun rawaan;

khaiz-o-mizrabey bataar-e-oo rasaan.

[Tou apney wujood kay andar rawan khoon ki manind

sainkarron khonein naghmay rakhhta hai;
othh aur taar-e-alam ko apney mizraab sey chhairr dey.]
Within thy body flow a hundred songs, as freely in thy veins;
the lifeblood pulses; rise, and smite the strings!

Z-aankeh dar takbir raaz bood tost;

hifz-o-nashar la ilah maqsood tost.

[Choonkeh teyrey wujood ka raaz naarah-e-takbir penhan hai

iss leay Towhid ki hifazat-o-ishaat teyra maqsood hai.]
Allahu Akbar! This the secret holds of thy existence;
wherefore let it be thy purpose
to preserve and propagate no other god.

Taa nakhaizad bang-e-Haq az alamay;

gar Muslimani niyasaeyi dummay.


[Agar tou Musliman hai tuo oss waqt takk araam sey nah baithh
jabb takk awazah-e-Haq saari dunya sey nah othh khharra ho.]
If thou a Muslim art, till all the world proclaims the Name of God;
thou canst not rest one moment.

Mi nadaani ayah-e-Ummal Kitab;

ummat-e-aadil tera aamad khitab.


[Kaya tojhey Quran-e-Pak ki woh ayat yaad naheen

jiss mein Ummat-e-Muslimah ko
Ummat-e-Wosta (aadil) kaha gaya hai.]
Knowest thou not the verse in Holy Scripture,
calling thee; to be a people just, Gods witnesses?

Aab-o-taab-e-chehrah-e-ayam tou;
dar jahan shahid-e-alal-aqwaam

[Chehrae-ayyam ki aab-o-taab tojh sey hai;

tou dunya ki aqwaam per shahid yaani maayar hai.]
Thou art the glow and glory of the days,
and made to testify to all mankind;

Noktah sanjan ra salaey aam deh;
az aloom-e-ummiay paigham deh.

) (

[Tou joeyaan-e-Haq ko daawat-e-aam dey;

aur onnhein Janaab Rasool-e-Pak (S.A.W.) ka paigham dey.]

To all who comprehend the weight of words;
make general proclamation,
and impart the learned gospel of Gods Messenger.

Ummiay pak az hawaa goftar-e-oo;

) (
) (

sharah-e-rumz maghawa goftar-e-oo.

[Aap (S.A.W.) aisay Ummi (S.A.W.) hein jinn ki goftar

hawaey nafas sey pak hai aur rumz-e-maa ghawa ki sharah.]
Unlettered was He, innocent of guile the words he uttered,
that elucidate the mystery He did not go astray.

Taa badast aawurd nabz-e-kainat;
waa namood asrar-e-taqwim-e-hayat.



[Jabb iss Nabi-e-Ummi (S.A.W.) ney

kainat ki nabaz apney haathh mein lee

tuo zindagi kay istihkam kay raaz khhol diay.]
Yet, when he held the pulse of living things,
the secrets of Lifes constitution he forthwith revealed;


Az qabaey lalah-haey ein chaman;

pak shist aaloodgi-haey kohan.

) (

[Aap (S.A.W.) ney iss chaman kay gul-haey lalah ki qaba sey
tamaam porani aaloodgiyan dho daalein.]
And cleansed of ancient blight
the garment of the tulips of this mead.

Dar jahan wabastah-e-Deenash hayat;
neist momkin joz beh aeinash hayat.


) ( ) (

[Abb dunya mein zindagi Aap (S.A.W.) kay Deen sey wabastah hai;
Aap (S.A.W.) ka aein (Shariat) kay baghair zindagi momkin naheen.]
Life here below is bound up with his Faith;
nor can survive, save guarded by his Law.

Ay keh mi-daari Kitabash dar baghal;
taiz-ter neh paa beh maidan-e-amal.

! ) (

[Ay Musliman! Tou jo Aap (S.A.W.)

ki Kitab baghal mein leay hoay hai;

iss Kitab per amal ki raftar taiz-ter kar.]
Having his Book beneath thy arm, stride out,
with greater boldness to the battlefield of works;


Fikr-e-insan bott-prasti bott-garay;
jostjooey paikaray.
her zaman dar


[Insani fikr (baatil nazariyat kay) bott banata
aur onn ki prastish karta hai;
aur her dour mein eik niay bott ki talash mein rehta hai.]
For human thought, idolatrous and idol-fashioning,
is all the time in quest of some new image;

Baz tarah-e-Azari andaakht ast;
tazah-ter perwardigarey saakht ast.

[Abb iss ney Azari ka tariqah ikhtiyar kiya hai

aur eik niya khoda banaya hai.]
In these days it follows once again old Azars trade,
and man creates an ever novel god.

Kaid az khoon raikhtan andar tarab;

naam-e-oo rung ast-o-hum molk-o-nasb.

[Jo khoon-raizi sey bey hadd khosh hota hai;

oss niay khoda ka naam rung bhi hai aur molk-o-nasab bhi.]
Whose joy is shedding blood, whose hallowed name is Colour,
Fatherland, Blood-Brotherhood.

Admiyat koshtah shoud choon gosfand;

paish paaey ein bott-e-na-arjumand.

[Insaniyat bhairr bakkriyuon ki tarah na-mobarak

botton ki bheint charrh gaeyi hai.]
Humanity is slaughtered like a sheep before this worthless idol.

Ay keh khor dasti z-minaey Khalil (A.S.);
z-sehbaey Khalil (A.S.)

( )

[Ay tou jiss ney Hazrat Ibrahim Khalilullah (A.S)

ki mina sey sharab-e-Towhid lee hai;
aur oss ki garmi teyrey khoon kay andar moujood hai.]
Thou, whose lips have touched the sacred bowl of Abraham,
whose blood is ardent with his holy wine;

Bersar-e-ein baatil-e-Haq perhun;
taigh-e-la moujood illa-hoo bazun.

) (

[Iss baatil bottan-e-haqnuma kay saron per

la moujood illa-hoo (Towhid) ki taigh chala.]
Against this falsehood, garmented as truth,

lift now the blade there is not aught but God and smite!

Jalwah dar tareeki-e-ayam kon;

) (

aanchih ber tawakol aamad aam kon.

[Dour-e-hazir ki tareeki ko (noor-e-hadayat) sey

jiss ka tum per itmaam hoa hai manawwar kar dey.]
The days are shrouded all in mirk; display thy light,
and let the thing in thee perfected shine oer all humanity.

Larzam az sharam tou choon roz-e-shomar;
porsadat aan aabrooey

) (

[Mojh per oss waqt kay tasawwar sey larzah taari ho jaata hai;
jabb woh Aabrooey Rozgar (S.A.W.) tojh sey pochhein gay.]
I tremble for thy shame, when on the Day of Reckoning
that Glory of all time shall question thee:

Harf-e-Haq az hazrat-e-ma bordaheyi;

chira ba deigraan

[Tou ney mojh sey jo Haq ki taalim hasil ki thhi

ossey doosaron takk kiyuon naheen pohnchaya.]

Thou tookest from my lips the word of Truth,

and wherefore hast thou failed to pass
my message on to other men?



Dar maani-e-einkeh tousi-e-hayat-e-milliayh
nizam-e-alam ast
az taskheer-e-qaway

[Iss mazmoon ki wazahat mein keh milli zindagi ki
tausi anasar-e-fitrat ki taskhir sey hai.]

Ay keh ba nadeidah paiman bustaheyi;


humcho sial az qiad-e-sahil rustaheyi.

[Ay Ummat-e-Muslimah jiss ney la-mehdood sey

jo nazar naheen aatey paiman-e-wafa baandha hoa hai

aur iss tarah tou qiad-e-sahil sey
sailab ki manind azad ho choki hai.]
Thou, who hast made with the Invisible thy covenant,
and burst forth like a flood from the shores bondage,

Choon nehaal az khak ein gulzar khaiz;

dil baghaib
bund-o-ba hazir staiz.

) (

[Iss bagh-e-(dunya) sey shajar ki tarah othh,
apney dil ka taaloq ghaib sey ostawar kar
aur kainat sey jo hazir hai mosalsal jadd-o-jehud kar.]
As a sapling rise out of this gardens soil; attach thy heart,
to the Unseen, yet ever with the seen wage conflict;

Husti-e-hazir konad tafseer-e-ghaib;

( ) (

mi-shawud dibachah-e-taskhir-e-ghaib.

[Wujood-e-kainat (hazir) ghaib (safaat-e-Zaat) ka mazhar hai

aur kainat ki taskhir Allah Taala ki
maarfat ka dibachah bun jaati hai.]

Since this being visible interprets that unviewed,

and prelude is to the oermastery of hidden powers.

Masawa az beher taskhir ast-o-bus;

arzah-e-teer ast-o-bus.


[Masawa sirf iss leay hai keh oss ki taskhir ki jaaey

aur oss kay seinah ko

insani jadd-e-jehud kay teer ka hadaf banaya jaaey.]

All otherness is only to subdue,
its breast a target for the well-winged shaft;

Az kon Haq masawa shoud aashkar;
ta shawud paikaan-e-tou sandaan gozaar.

) (

[Allah Taala kay kon kehney sey

masawa (kainat) wujood mein aya;

ta-keh teyrey teer ka paikaan ahrun ko chhorrey.]
Gods fiat Be! Made other manifest,
so that thy arrows might be sharp to pierce the steely anvil.

Rishtaheyi bayad girah andar girah;
ta shawud lotf kashoodan ra firah.


[Dhaaga girah dar girah hona chahiay

ta-keh onnhein khholnay mein ziyadah lotf aaey.]
Truly it requires a tightly knotted cord,
to whet and prove the wit of the resolver.

Ghonchaheyi? Az khod chaman taabir kon.
Shabnami? Khurshid ra taskhir kon.

) (

[Agar tou ghonchah hai tuo apney aap ko chaman sey taabir kar;
agar tou shabnam hai tuo sooraj
(ki garmi sey orr jaaney ki bajaey oss) ki taskhir kar.]
Art thou a bud? Interpret in thyself the flowery mead.
Art thou a dewdrop? Dominate the sun!

Az tou mi-ayad agar kaar shagraf;
az dummay garmay godaz ein sher-e-barf.

) (

[Agar tou koeyi achha kaam kar sakta hai tuo woh yeh hai keh
iss sher-e-barf (kainat) ko apney dum-e-garam sey pighhla dey.]
If thou art equal to the bold emprise,
melt thou this snow-lion with one torrid breath!

Her keh mehsoosat ra taskhir kard;
alamey az zarraheyi
taamir kard.


[Jiss ney mehsoosaat ko taskhir kar liya;

woh eik zarrah sey jahan taamir kar sakta hai.]
Whoever hath subdued the things perceived;
can of one atom reconstruct a world;

Aankeh teerash Qudsiyan ra seinah khust;

( )

awwal Adam ra sar-e-fitraak bust.

[Jiss kay teer ney farishton

(ko khilafat ka mansab ataa nah kar kay, onn)

ka seinah zakhmi kar diya thha.
Oss ney Adam he ko awwaliyat dey kar
apney fitraak mein baandha thha
(aur oss kay leay kainat ki her shaey maskhar kar di thhi).]
And he whose shaft would pierce the angels breast;
first fastens Adam to his saddle-bow;

Oqdah-e-mehsoos ra awwal kashood;

himmat az taskhir-e-moujood aazmood.

[Adam he ney pehley mehsoosaat ka oqdah khhola

aur moujoodat ki taskhir sey apni himmat ko azmaya.]
He first resolves the knot phenomena;

and, mastering Being, proves his lofty power.

Koh-o-sehra, dasht-o-darya, behar-o-ber;
takhtah-e-taalim arbaab-e-nazar.

[Koh-o-sehra, dasht-o-darya, behar-o-ber;

arbaab-e-nazar kay leay taalim hasil karney ka maidan hein.]

Mountain and wilderness, river and plain,all land and sea
these are the scholars slate on
which the man of vision learns to read.

Ay keh az taseer-e-afyuoon khoftaheyi;
alam-e-asbaab ra doon


) (

[Ay woh shakhs! Jo afyuoon ki taseer sey soya parra hai;

aur alam-e-asbaab (dunya) ko haqir kehta hai.]
O thou who slumberest, by dull opiates drugged,
and namest mean this world material;

Khaiz-o-waa kon deidaheyi makhmoor ra;

) (
doon makhwan ein alam-e-majboor ra.
[Othh apni khwabidah aankhh khhol,

iss alam-e-majboor (kainat) ko haqir nah keh.]

Rise up, and open thy besotted eyes!

Call thou not mean thy world by Law compelled;

Ghayatash tausia-e-zaat Muslim ast;

[Kainat ka maqsad Musliman ki shakhsiyat ki tauseih

aur oss kay andar jo momkinaat poshidah hein;
onn ka imtihan hai.]
Its purpose is to enlarge the Muslims soul,
to challenge his potentialities;

Mi-zanad shamshir duoraan ber tunatt;

taa babeini hust khoon andar tunatt.

[Zamanah teyrey badan per talwar chalata hai,

ta-keh tou deikhh ley keh teyrey jisam mein khoon moujood hai.]
The body it assaults with fortunes sword,
that thou mayest see if there be blood within;

Seinah ra az sung zoray raish kon;

[Mogdar sey apna seinah zakhami kar
aur apni huddiyuon ka imtihan ley.]
Dash thou thy breast against its jagged rock,

until it pierce thy flesh, and prove thy bone.

Haq jahan ra qismat-e-naikan shamord;


jalwah-ash ba deidah-e-Momin sapord.

[Allah Taala ney iss jahan ko neikiyuon ki miras farmaya hai;

aur iss kay jalway bandah-e-Momin
ki nigah kay leay (waqf) rakhhey hein.]
God counts this world the portion of good men,
commits its splendour to believers eyes;

Carvaan ra rehgozar ast ein jahan;
ra ayyar ast ein jahan.

[Yeh jahan qaflah-e-hayat ka rahgozar

aur Momin ki qowwaton ki azmaish-gah hai.]

It is a road the caravan must pass,
a touchstone the believers gold to assay;

Geer oo ra taa neh oo geerad tera;

humcho maey andar


saboo geerad

[Tou oss ko taskhir kar, ta-keh tojhey taskhir nah kar ley;
aisa nah ho keh woh tojhey apney saboo ki mina bana ley.]
Seize thou this world, that it may not seize thee

and in its pitcher swallow thee like wine.

Duldul-e-andaishah-ut tooti prast;

aankeh gaamash asman pehnawer ast.

[Teyrey fikr kay ghhorrey ko tooti kay per laggay hoay hein,
iss ka qadam asman ki wosaton takk pohnchta hai.]
The stallion of thy thought is parrot-swift,
striding the whole wide heavens in a bound;

Ehtiaj-e-zindagi meerandash;
ber zamin gardoon seper gardanadash.

[Zindagi ki zarooriyat ossey zamin per rehtey hoay

falak-paima banti hein.]
Urged ever onwards by the needs of life,
Raised up to rove the skies, though earthbound still;

Ta z-taskhir-e-qawaey ein nizaam;

tou gardad tamaam.

[Ta-keh iss nizaam-e-kainat ki qowwaton ki taskhir sey

teyri honarmandiyuon ki salahiyatein takmil paain.]
That, having won the mastery of the powers of this world-order,

thou mayest consummate the perfecting of thy ingenious crafts.

Naib-e-Haq dar jahan Adam shawud;

ber anasar hokam-e-oo mohkam shawud.

[Dunya mein Adam Allah Taala ka naib bunay

aur anasar-e-fitrat per oss ka hokam jaari ho.]
Man is the deputy of God on earth,
and oer the elements his rule is fixed;

Tungi-ut pehna pazirad dar jahan;

kaar-e-tou andaam geerad dar jahan.

[Iss tarah teyri mehdood qowwatin

jahan mein wosaat paain;

aur teyrey moamlaat araastgi hasil karein.]

On earth thy narrowness receiveth breadth;
thy toil takes on fair shape.

Khwaish ra ber posht-e-baad aswar kon;
ein jamazah ra mahaar kon.

[Tou hawa ki posht per sawari kar;
yaani iss oontni ko nakail daal.]
Ride thou the wind; put bridle on that swift-paced dromedary.

Dast rungin kon z-khoon-e-kohsar;

jooey aab-e-gauhar az darya ber-aar.

[Silsilah-e-koh kay khoon sey apney haath rungin kar

aur darya sey gauhar-dar pani ki nehar nikaal.]
Dabble thy fingers in the mountains blood;
draw up the lustrous waters of the pearl from oceans bottom;

Sadd jahan dar yakk faza poshidah-und;
dar zarrah-ha poshidah-und.

[Iss eik faza mein sainkarron jahan makhfi hein;

eik eik zarrey mein kaeyi kaeyi khurshid penhan hein.]
In this single field a hundred worlds are hidden,
countless suns veiled in these dancing motes.

Az shoa-ush deidah kon nadeidah ra;

waa numa asrar-e-nafehmidah ra.

[Inn aftabon ki shoaon sey na-maaloom ko daryaaft kar;

aur aisey asrar ko khhol jo abhi takk insan kay fehum sey bala hein.]
This glittering ray shall bring to vision the invisible,
disclose uncomprehended mysteries.

Taabash az khurshid alamtaab geer;
barq taaq afroz az sailab geer.

[Khurshid-e-alamtaab sey oss ki tawanaeyi ley,

aur pani sey bijli hasil kar jo ghharon ko roshan karey.]
Take splendour from the world-inflaming sun,
the arch-illuming levin from the storm;

Saabat-o-sayyar gardoon watan;
aan khodawandan-e-aqwaam-e-kohan.

[Asman kay sayyarey aur sitarey jinnheim

porani aqwaam ney apna maabood banaya hoa thha.]

All stars and planets dwelling in the sky,
those lords to whom the ancient peoples prayed,

Ein-hamah ay khwajah aaghosh-e-tou-und;

paish khaiz-o-halqah dar gosh tou-und.
[Ay khwajah yeh sabb teyrey

khidmat-gaar ghulam aur kanizeen hain.]

All those, my master, wait upon thy word,
and are obedient servants to thy will.


Jostjoo ra mohkam az tadbir kon;

anfos-o-afaaq ra taskhir

[Apni tehqiq ko planning sey mostahkam kar;

aur anfos-o-afaaq ko maskhar kar ley.]
In prudence plan the quest, to make it sure,
then master every spirit, all the world.

Chashm-e-khod bakosha-o-dar ashiya niggar;
zir-e-pardah-e-sehba niggar.

[Apni aankhh khhol aur ashiya ki maahiyat samajh;

yaani sharab mein chhoppay hoay nashey ko deikhh.]

Open thine eyes, and into all things gaze;
behold the rapture veiled within the wine.

Ta nasib az hikmat-e-ashiya bord;


natawan baaj az tawanayan khord.

[Ta-keh yeh natawan (insan) ashiya ki hikmat jan ley;

aur kainat ki qowwaton sey faidah othhaey.]
The weak, endowed with knowledge of the power
of natural things, takes tribute from the strong.

Surat-e-husti z-maani saadah neist;


ein kohan saaz az nawa aftadah neist.

) (
[Moujoodat ki surat ki teh mein maani penhan hein;
iss poraney saaz-e-kainat mein
(abhi takk) kaeyi nawain poshidah hein.]
The outward form of Being is not bare,
of inward meaning; this old instrument;

Barq ahung ast hoshiar zanad;
khwaish ra choon zakhmah ber taarash zanad.

[Yeh saaz barq ahung hai

magar sirf samajhdar he mizraab bun kar

oss kay taaron sey naghmay paida kar saktey hein.]
Still keeps its pitch, still lightning in its song if played with cunning,
self against the strings for plectrum striking.

Tou keh maqsood-e-khitab-e-onnzer;

pas cheh ein rah choon koraan beri.

[Tou onnzer kay khitab ka maqsood hai;

pher tou kiyuon andhon ki tarah iss rah per chall raha hai.]
Thou, whom God designed saying, Behold!
Why travelest thou this way like blind men?


Qatrah-e-kaz khod-frozi mehram ast;
baadah andar taak-o-ber gul shabnam ast.

[Woh qatrah jo apney aap ko roshan rakhhney ka raaz jaanta hai;

woh angoor mein shararb
aur shakh-e-gul per shabnam bun jaata hai.]
Lo, thy self-enkindled drop being intimate with mysteries,
is like wine within the tendril, dew upon the rose;

Choon badarya dar rud gauhar shawud;
joharash taabindah
choon akhtar shawud.

[Woh darya mein jaata hai tuo moti bun jaata hai
aur oss ka johar sitarey ki tarah chamakney lug jaata hai.]
Let flow into the ocean, it becomes a pearl,
its substance glittering as a star.

Choon saba ber surat-e-gul-ha matun;
ghotah andar maani-e-gulzar zun.

[Tou baad-e-saba ki tarah phhoolon ki zahari surat per nah itra;

balkeh bagh kay maani kay andar ghotah-zun ho.]
Fan not the roses petals like the breeze,

but punge into the meaning of the bower;

Aankeh ber ashiya kamand andaakht ast;
markab az barq-o-hararat saakht ast.

[Jiss ney ashiya-e-kainat ki taskhir ki

oss ney barq-o-hararat ko apni sawari banaya.]

Whoso hath spun about phenomena the knotted noose,
hath mastered for his mount the lightning and the heat.

Harf choon taer beh perwaz aawurd;

naghmah ra zakhmah az saaz aawurd.

[Woh haroof ko parindon ki sei perwaaz ataa karta hai;

woh saaz sey baghair mizraab kay naghmay paida karta hai.]
He makes the word wing like a bird in flight,
the instrument sing of itself without the plectrums touch.

Ay kharat lung az reh-e-dashwar-e-zeist;

ghafil az hungamah-e-paikaar-e-zeist.

[Teyra gadha zindagi ki doshwar raah

deikhh kar lungrraney laga hai;

woh hungamah-e-kashmakash-e-hayat sey ghafil hai.]


Thy ass is lame, because the way of life was arduous,

and thou too ignorant of lifes hard combat;

Humrahanat pey beh manzil bordah-und;
Laila-e-maani z-mehmal bordah-und.

[Teyrey saathhi manzil takk pohnch chokay hein;

onnhon ney mehmal kay andar sey
Laila-e-maani ko paa liya hai.]
While already now thy fellow-travellers have reached the goal,
Borne from her litter Layla, the divine and lovely Truth;

Tou basehra misl-e-Qais aawaraheyi;


waamandaheyi, bicharaheyi.

[Tou abhi Qais ki tarah sehra mein zakhami,

thhaka hoa, bey charah aur awarah pher raha hai.]
Like Qais thou wanderest
distracted in the desert, weary, sore.

Ilm-e-asmaa eitibar-e-Adam ast;
hikmat-e-ashiya hisar-e-Adam ast.

[Ashiya-e-kainat ka ilm hasil


karney sey he Adam ka waqar hai;

aur ashiya ki hikmat jan leyney sey oss ka tahaffoz hai.]
Yet Adams glory was that
he possessed the knowledge of the names,
and being wise in natural ken,
was thereby fortified.




Dar maani-e-einkeh kamal-e-hayat-e-Milliyah ein ast keh Millat

misl-e-fard ehsaas-e-khudi paida konad-o-toulid-o-takmil-e-ein
ehsaas az zabt-e-rawayat-e-Milliyah momkin gardad

[Iss mazmoon ki wazahat mein keh milli zindagi ka kamal yeh hai
keh millat bhi fard ki misl ehsaas-e-khudi paida karey
aur iss ehsaas ka paida hona aur takmil paana;
milli rawayat ki hifazat sey momkin hai.]

Koodakay ra deidi ay baligh nazar;
ko bood az maani-e-khud bey khabar.

[Ay baligh nazar tou ney bachay ko deikhha hai

jo apni haqiqat sey bey khabar hota hai.]
O thou of gaze intent, hast thou not seen an infant,
unacquainted with its self.

Nashanas door-o-nazdeek aanchonaan;

maah ra khwhid keh ber geerad anaan.

[Ossey doori aur nazdeeki ka ehsaas naheen hota;

woh chahta hai keh chand ko apni garift mein ley ley.]
So unaware of what is far, what near,

that it aspires to rein the very moon?

Az hamah beganah aan maamak prast;

giriyah must-o-sheer must-o-khwab must.

[Woh sirf man he ko pehchaanta aur kissi ko naheen pehchaanta;

ossey rouney, sonay aur doodh peinay
kay sawa koeyi kaam naheen.]
To all a stranger, mother-worshipping,
Drunken with weeping and with milk and sleep;

Zir-o-bum ra gosh-e-oo dar geer neist;

naghmah-ash joz shorish-e-zinjir neist.

[Oss kay kaan zir-o-bum mein tameez naheen kartey;

kondi khhatkhhataney ki awaaz he oss kay leay naghmah hai.]
His ear cannot distinguish la from mi,
His musics the mere jangling of a chain.

Saadah-o-duoshizah afkaarash hanooz;

choon gohar pakeezah goftarash hanooz.

[Oss kay afkaar saadah aur achhotay hotay hein;

oss ki goftgoo mein moti ki sei pakeezgi paeyi jaati hai.]

Simple and virgin are his thoughts as yet,

pure as a pearl his speech;

Jostjoo sarmayah-e-pindar-e-oo;
az chira, choon,
kaey, koja goftar-e-oo.

[Oss ki soojh boojh ka sarmayah jostjoo hai;
oss ki saari goftgoo kiyuon, kaisay, kabb
aur kahan per moshtamil hoti hai.]
To search and search his meditations sum,
as on his lips spring ever
Why and When and How and Where;

Naqsh geer ein-o-aan andaishah-ash;
jooeyi, ghair beini paishah-ash.

[Oss ki soch gird-o-paish sey taseer hasil karti hai;
apney alawah aur ashiya ki talash
aur onn ka moshahidah oss ka shaghal hota hai.]
Receptive to all images his mind,
his occupation other to pursue, other to see.

Chashmash az dunbaal agar geerad kassey;
jan-e-oo aashoftah mi-gardad bassey.


[Agar peechhay sey koeyi oss ki aankhh bund kar ley

tuo woh bey qarar ho jaata hai.]
Let any take his eyes creeping behind his back,
and how distressed his little soul becomes!

Fikr-e-khamash dar hawaey rozgar;
per kosha manind-e-baz-e-nau shikar.

[Oss ki na-pokhtah soch zamaney ki faza mein
oss baz ki manind per khholti hai
jiss ney niya niya shikar karna seikhha ho.]
So immature his thoughts are yet,
that like the new-sprung hawk flutters its wings;

Der pey nakhchir-ha bagozardash;

baz sooay khwaistan mi aardash.

[Pher eik marhalah aata hai jabb woh shikar kay taaqob
mein fikr ko chhorr kar ossey apni taraf waapas ley aata hai.]
To try the worlds wide air, he lets them slip,
to hunt and seize their prey,
then calls them home again unto himself.

Taa z-aatisgeeri-e-afkaar-e-oo;
gul fishanad zarchak pindar-e-oo.


[Ta-keh oss kay afkaar ki aatishgeeri (rawani)

oss ki phholjharri sey phhool barsaey.]
Lit by the pyrotechnics of the mind the rocket of his fancy
fills the sky with coruscating embers.

Chashm-e-geeraish fatad ber khwaishtan;
ber seinah mi goeyad keh mun.


[Abb oss ki woh nigah

jo pehley sirf doosaron per parrti thhi;

apney aap per parrti hai aur woh apney seinay per
haathh mar kar mein kehta hai,
yaani oss kay andar khudi ka ehsaas paida hota jaata hai.]
At the last his eye prehensile lights upon himself;
His little hand clutched to his breast, he cries I!

Yaad-e-oo ba khud shanasaish konad;

[Abb oss ka hafizah khud-shanasaeyi paata hai

aur woh apney gozashtah-o-aeindah mein
rabt ki mohafizat karta hai.]

So his memory maketh him aware of his own self,


and keeps secure the bond linking tomorrow with his yesterday;

Softah ayamash darein taar-e-zarand;

( )

humcho gauhar az pey yakk deigarand.

[Abb oss kay ayyam (yaad ki) taar-e-zar mein

motiyuon ki tarah

eik doosarey kay peichhay proay jaatey hein.]

Upon this golden thread his days are strung,
like jewels on a necklace, one by one.

Garchih her dum kaahid, afzaid gillash;

mun humanstam keh boodam dar dillash.

[Agarchih oss ka badan her waqt ghhatta barrhta rehta hai;

magar oss kay dil mein yeh ehsaas qaim rehta hai
keh mein wohi hon jo thha.]

Though, every breath, ever diminishes, ever augments his flesh,

I am the same as I have ever been, his heart declares.

Ein mun nau zaadah aaghaz-e-hayat;


[Yeh nauzaadah mien hayat ki ibtida

aur saaz-e-hayat ka naghmah-e-bidaari hai.]


This newborn I the inception is of life,

this the true song of lifes awaking lute.

Millat-e-nau zaadah misl-e-tiflak ast;

tiflakey ko dar kinar-e-maamak ast.

[Nauzaidah millat bachay ki manind hai;

jo man ki goud mein ho.]
Like to a child is a community, newborn,
an infant in its mothers arms;

Tiflakey az khwaishtan na-aaghay;

gauhar aaloodah-e-khak-e-rehay.

[Aisa bachah jo apney aap sey bey khabar ho

aur aisey moti ki manind ho jo khak-e-rah mein mila ho.]
All unaware of self; a jewel stained by the roads dust;

Bastah ba imroz-e-oo fardaash neist;

roz-o-shabb dar paash neist.

) (
[Oss kay imroz ka oss kay aaney waaley kall
sey koeyi taaloq nah ho;
oss kay paaon roz-o-shabb ki (zinjir) kay halqon sey azad hon.]
Unbound to its today is its tomorrow,

fettered not its feet by the successive links of night and day.

Chashm-e-husti ra misal-e-mardam ast;

ghair ra beenindah-o-az khud gom ast.

[Oss ki misal yuon hai jaisey wujood mein aankhh ki potli

jo doosaron ko deikhhti hai
magar apney aap ko naheen deikhh sakti.]
It is the pupil lodged in Beings eye,
other beholding, lost unto itself;

Sadd girah az rishatah-e-khod waa konad;

taa sar-e-taar-e-khudi paida konad.

[Woh apney dhaagay ki sainkarron girhin khholta hai

tabb kaheen jaa kar ossey taar-e-khudi ka sira milta hai.]
A hundred knots are in its cord to loose,
ere it can reach the end of selfhoods thread;

Garam choon aftad bakaar rozgar;
ein shaoor-e-tazah gardad paidar.

[Pher jabb woh dunya kay kaamon mein
sargarmi sey hissah leyta hai

tuo oss ka mien ka tazah shaoor paidaar ho jaata hai.]

But when with energy it falls upon the worlds great labours,
stable then becomes this new-won consciousness;

Naqsh-ha berdarad-o-andazad azo;
ra mi saazad

[Pher woh oss sey poraney naqoosh mitata

aur oss per niay naqoosh sabt karta jaata hai

aur iss tarah oss sey apni sargozasht tayyar karta hai.]
It raises up a thousand images, and casts them down;
so it createth its own history.

Fard choon paiwand-e-ayamash gasaikht;

shanah-e-idraak-e-oo dandanah raikht.

[Jabb fard ka rishtah oss kay mazi sey toot jaata hai;
tuo oss kay idraak ki kanghhi kay dundaaney gir jaatey hein.]
Yet, when the individual has snapped
the bond that joins his days,
as when a comb sheddeth its teeth, so his perception is.

Quom roshan az sawad-e-sargozasht;
aamad z-yaad-e-sargozasht.


[Issi tarah quom bhi apni taarikh sey roshani hasil karti hai
aur apni rawayat ki yaad sey
oss kay andar khud shanasi paida hoti hai.]

The record of the past illuminates the conscience of a people;

memory of past achievements makes it self-aware;

Sargozasht-e-oo gar az yaadash rawud;
baz andar neisti gom mi

[Agar taarikh ki sargozasht oss ki yaad sey mehav ho jaaey

tuo woh pher neisti mein gom ho jaati hai.]
But if that memory fades, and is forgot,
the folk again is lost in nothingness.

Noskhah-e-bood-e-tera ay hoshmand;

rabt-e-ayam aamadah


[Ay aqlmand! Teyri zindagi ka noskhah yeh hai keh

tou apney gozashtah waqiaat ki shirazah bundi karey.]
Know, then, tis the connecting thread of days,
that stitches up thy lifes loose manuscript;

Rabt-e-ayam ast ma ra perhun;
sozanash hifz-e-rawayat-e-kohan.



[Rabt-e-ayyam hamara libaas hai aur oss ki sooeyi

(jiss sey shirazah bundi hoti hai)
porani rawayat ki hifazat hai.]
This selfsame thread sews us a shirt to wear,
its needle the remembrance of old yarns.

Cheist taarikh ay z-khod beganaheyi;
daastaney qissaheyi

[Ay apney aap sey bey khabar taarikh

koeyi daastan, qissah ya afsanah naheen.]

What thing is history, O self-unware?
A fable? Or a legendary tale?

Ein tera az khwaistan aagah konad;


[Balkeh yeh woh cheez hai jo tojhey
apney aap sey aagah karti hai
aur tojhey mard-e-kaar aur mard-e-rah banati hai.]
Nay, tis the thing that maketh thee aware,
Of thy true self, alert unto the task, a seasoned traveller;


Rooh ra sarmayah-e-taab ast ein;

jism-e-millat ra cho asaab ast ein.

[Taarikh rooh-e-millat ki qowwat ka sarmayah

aur oss kay badan kay leay bamanzilah-e-asaab hai.]
This is the source of the souls ardour,
this the nerves that knit the body of the whole community.

Humcho khanjar ber fasanat mi zanad;
baz ber

rooey jahanat mi zanad.

[Woh tojhey khanjar per saan ki tarah taiz karti hai

aur pher dunya kay moqabilay mein aazmati hai.]
This whets thee like a dagger on its sheath
to dash thee in the face of all the world.

Wah chih saaz jan niggar-o-dilpazir;

naghmah-haey raftah dar taarash aseer.

[Wah taarikh kaisa jan afroz-o-dil pazir saaz hai

jiss kay taar mein gozashtah naghmay aseer ho jaatey hein.]
Ah, how delightful is this instrument and how inspiring,
that within its strings imprisons those departed memories!


Shoalah-e-afsordah dar sozash niggar;

dosh dar aaghosh-e-imrozash niggar.

[Oss kay soz mein mazi kay bojhay hoay shoalay deikhh
aur oss kay aaj mein gozashtah kall ka nazarah kar.]
See the extinguished splendour blaze anew!
Behold all yesterdays in the embrace of its today!

Shamaa-e-oo bakht-e-ummam ra kaukab ast;
roshan azoay imshabb-o-hum

[Oss ki shamaa quomon kay nasib ka sitarah hai;

jiss sey aaj aur kall ki raatein roshan hoti hein.]
Its candle is a star to light the peoples fortunes,
and illume tonight and yester-night in equal shine.

Chashm-e-porkarey keh beinad raftah ra;

paish-e-tou baz aafrinad raftah ra.

[Woh hoshiyar aankhh jo mazi ko deikhhti hai;

woh teyrey saamney ossey duobarah zindah kar deyti hai.]
The skilful vision that beholds the past,
can recreate before thy wondering gaze the past anew;


Baadah-e-sadd salah dar minaey oo;

dar sehbaey oo.

[Taarikh ki sorahi mein

aisi sadd salah porani sharab moujood hai;

jiss kay andar mazi ki musti mehfooz hai.]
Wine of a hundred years that bowl contains,
an ancient drunkenness flames in its juice;

Siad geeray ko nadaam andar kasheed;
taeray kaz bustan-e-ma pareed.

[Taarikh woh shikari hai

jo iss parinday ko apney daam mein ley aati hai

jo hamarey bagh sey orr choka hai.]
A cunning fowler it to snare the bird
that from our garden flew.

Zabt kon taarikh ra paindah shau;

az nafshaey rameidah zindah shau.

[Taarikh ko mehfooz kar kay paindah

aur gozarey hoay saanson sey zindah ho jaa.]

Preserve this history, and so abide unshaken,
vital with departed breaths.

Dosh ra paiwand ba imroz kon;

zindagi ra morgh-e-dast aamoz kon.

[Mazi ka taaloq haal sey jorr

aur zindagi ko apna paalto parindah bana ley.]

Fix in firm bond today with yesterday;
make life a bird accustomed to the hand.

Rishtah-e-ayyam ra aawar badast;

vernah gardi roz kor-o-shabb prast.

[Ayyam kay rishtay ko apney haathh mein

mazboot pakarr vernah tou dinn ko andha

aur raat ka pojari bun kar reh jaaey ga.]
Draw to thy hand the thread of all the days,
else thou art blind-by-day, night-worshipping.

Sar zanad az mazi-e-tou haal-e-tou;

khaizad az haal-e-tou istaqbal-e-tou.

[Teyra haal teyrey mazi sey paida hota hai

aur teyra mostaqbil teyrey haal sey.]
Thy present thrusts its head up from the past,
and from thy present shall thy future stem.

Mashikan aar khwahi hayat-e-lazawaal;

rishtah-e-mazi z-istaqbal-o-haal.

[Tou agar hayat-e-la-zawaal chahta hai

tuo mazi ka rishtah haal-o-mostaqbil sey qataa nah kar.]

If thou desirest everlasting life,
break not the thread between the past and now and the far future.

Mouj-e-idraak-e-tasalsol zindagi ast;

maey kashaan ra shor-e-qolqol zindagi


[Zindagi tasalsal-e-waqiaat kay fehum ki mouj hai,

jaisey maey kashon kay leay shor-e-qolqol.]
What is life? A wave of consciousness of continuity,
a gurgling wine that flames the revellers.



Baqa-e-Noa az umoomat ast-o-dar maani-e-einkeh
Islam ast


[Iss mazmoon ki wazahat mein keh nasal-e-insani ki baqa umoomat

sey hai aur umoomat ki hifazat aur ehtraam (ain) Islam hai.]

Naghmah khaiz az zakhmah-e-zun saaz mard;
az niaz-e-oo
duobala naz-e-mard.

[Mard ka saaz aurat kay saaz sey naghmah paida karta hai;
aurat kay niaz sey mard ka naaz duobala ho jaata hai.]
The instrument of man sings melodies,
when struck by womans plectrum;
his souls pride swells of her deference.

Poshash oriyani mardan zun ast;
hosn-e-diljoo ishq ra perhun ast.

[Mardon ki oriyani ki poshak aurat hai;

dil lobhaney wala hosn ishq ka libaas bun gaya.]
The woman clothes the nakedness of man;
the loveliness of the beloved a garment weaves for love.

Ishq-e-Haq pervardah-e-aaghosh-e-oo;
ein nawa az zakhmah-e-khamosh-e-oo.

[Allah Taala ka ishq


aurat he kay aaghosh mein perwarish paata hai;

yeh nawa oss kay khamosh mizraab he sey othhti hai.]
The love of God is nourished at her breast,
a lovely air struck from her silent hand;

Aankeh naazad ber wujoodash kainat;
farmood ba tayyab-o-slaat.

[Woh jiss kay wujood per kainat naaz karti hai;

onnhon ney khoshboo aur namaz
kay saathh aurat ka zikr farmaya.]
And he in whom all beings make their boast,
declared he loved three things
sweet, perfume, prayer, and womankind.

Muslimay ko ra prastarey shamord;

beherah-e-az hikmat-e-Quran nabord.

[Aisa Musliman jiss ney aurat ko

apni loundi bana rakhha hai;

oss ney hikmat-e-Quran sey hissah naheen paya.]

What Muslim reckons her a servant, nothing more,
no part has won of the Books wisdom.

Nek agar beini umoomat rehmat ast;

z-aankeh oo ra ba nabowwat nisbat ast.

[Agar tou ghor sey deikhhay tou umoomat rehmat hai;

kiyuonkeh woh nabawwat sey nisbat rakhhti hai.]
If thou lookest well, Motherhood is a mercy,
being linked by close affinity to prophethood;

Shafqat-e-oo shafqat-e-paighanbar ast;

seerat-e-aqwaam ra suratgar ast.

[Man ki shafqat nabawwat ki shafqat ki manind hai;

kiyuonkeh woh bhi aqwaam kay kirdar ki taamir karti hai.]
And her compassion is the prophets own,
for mothers shape the way that men shall go;

Az umoomat pokhtah-ter taamir-e-ma;
oo taqdir-e-ma.


[Umoomat sey hamarey kirdar ki taamir
aur pokhtah ho jaati hai;
man ki paishani ki lakiron mein hamari taqdir poshidah hai.]
Maturer, by the grace of Motherhood, the character of nations is,
the lines that score that brow determine our estate.


Hust agar farhung-e-tou maani rassey;

harf-e-ummat noktah-ha
daarad bassey.

[Agar teyri samajh ko moafi takk rasaeyi hasil hai;

tuo lafz ummat he kay andar bohat sey nokaat poshidah hein.]
If thou art learned to attain the truth behind the form,
our word community hath, in the Persian, many subtleties.

Goft aan maqsood-e-harf-e-kon fakaan;

) (

zir-e-paaey ummahat aamad janaan,

[Who zaat (S.A.W.) jo harf-e-kon fakan ka maqsood hein;

onnhon ney farmaya keh
jannat maon kay paaon kay neichay hai.]
He, for whose sake God said Let there be life,
declared that Paradise lies at the feet of mothers.

Millat az takrim-e-arhaam ast-o-bus;

vernah kaar-e-zindagi khaam ast-o-bus.

[Millat maon ki takrim he sey hai;

oss kay baghair zindagi ka kaam adhoora reh jaata hai.]

In the honouring of the womb,
the life communal is alone secured, else is life raw and brutish.


Az umoomat garam raftar hayat;

az umoomat kashf-e-asrar-e-hayat.

[Umoomat he sey zindagi garm raftar hai;

umoomat he sey hayat kay penhan raaz waa hotay hein.]

Motherhood quickens the pace of life,
the mysteries of life revealing; tortuously twists.

Az umoomat paich-o-taab jooey ma;
mouj-o-gardaab-o-habaab jooey ma.

) (

[Umoomat he sey hamari jooey (hayat)
kay andar paich-o-taab hai;
issi sey oss mein mouj, gardaab aur habaab paida hotay hein.]
The current of our stream, so that it flows,
bubbling and whirling on its rapid course.

Aan dakh rastaaq zaadey jaahiley;

pust balaey sateeray bud-gillay.

[Woh ganwar aur jaahil larrki jiss ka qadd chhota,

jisam mota aur chehrah badsurat hai.]
Take any peasant woman, ignorant,
squat-figured, fat, uncomely;


Na trashay perwarish nadaadaheyi;
kum zobaney saadaeyi.
kum nigahey

[Jo ghair mahazab hai jiss ki achhi tarbiyat naheen hoeyi;

jo kotah nazar, kum zoban aur saadah mizaaj hai.]
Unrefined, unlettered, dim of vision, simple, dumb;

Dil z-aalam-e-umoomat kardah khoon;

gird-e-chashmash halqah-haey neilgoon.

[Magar oss ney zachgi kay masaib

sey apna dil khon kiya hai;

oss ki aankhhon kay gird neilgon halqay parr gaaey hein.]

The pangs of motherhood have torn her heart,
Dark, tragic rings have underscored her eyes;

Millat az geerad z-aaghoshash badast;
Musliman ghayoor-o-Haq prast.

[Agar oss kay aaghosh sey millat ko eik ghayoor

aur Haq-prast Musliman mayassar aa-jaey.]
If from her bosom the community
receive one Muslim zealous for the Faith, Gods faithful servant;

Husti-e-ma mohkam az alaam-e-ooat;
sobh-e-ma alam
froz az shaam-e-oost.

( )

[(Tuo hum samajhein gay) keh oss kay masaib ney
hamarey milli wujood ko mostahkam kar diya;
oss ki shaam sey aisi sobh howida hoeyi
jiss ney saarey alam ko munawwar kar diya.]
All the pains she bore have fortified our being, and our dawn.
glows radiant in the lustre of her dusk.

Waan tehi aaghosh naazok paikeray;

khanah perwardah-e-nigahash mehsharay.

[Laikan woh bey aulaad naazok andaam

qiyamat khaiz nigah goya oss ki loundi hai.]
Now take the slender figure, bosomless,
close-cosseted, a riot in her glance;

Fikr-e-oo az taab-e-Maghrib roshan ast;

zahirash zann baatin-e-oo naazann ast.

[Oss kay afkaar Maghrib ki chamak damak sey roshan hein;

bazahar woh aurat hai laikan beh baatin woh nazann hai.]

Her thoughts resplendent with the Western light;

in outward guise a woman, inwardly no woman she;

Bund-haey Millat-e-Baiza gasaikht;

ta z-chashmash oshwah-ha hall kardah raikht.

[Oss ney Millat-e-Baiza ki aaid kardah pabundiyan torr dien;

iss leay oss ki aankhh ney hijabanah ghumzah-zun hai.]
She hath destroyed the bonds
that hold our pure community secure;
her sacred charms are all unloosed and spilled;

Shokh chashm-o-fitnah zaa azadaish;
az haya na-aashna azadaish.

[Oss ki azadi haya sey na-ashna hai, iss ney oss kay andar
shokh chashmi paida kar di hai, jiss sey kaeyi fitnay janam leytey hein.]
Bold-eyed her freedom is, provocative,
and wholly ignorant of modesty;

Ilm-e-oo baar-e-umoomat ber nataaft;

ber sar-e-shaamash yakkey akhtar nataaft.

[Oss kay ilm ney bar-e-umoomat othhaney sey bizaar kar diya;

oss ki shaam kay (ofaq) per eik sitarah bhi nah chamka.]
Her learning is inadequate to bear the charge of motherhood,
and on the dusk and evening of her days not one star shines;

Ein gul az bustan-e-ma narasta beh;

daaghash az damaan-e-millat shastah beh.

[Iss qisam ka phhool hamarey bagh mein
nah he khhilay tuo behtar hai;
aisi aurat damaan-e-millat per dagh hai
jissey dho deyna chahiay.]
Better it were this rose had never grown within our garden,
better were her brand washed from the skirt of the community.

La ilah goyaan cho anjam bey shomar;

bastah chasm andar zalaam-e-rozgar.

[Kalimah-go sitaron ki tarah la-taadad hein

laikan woh zamaney ki tareeki mein aankhhein bund kiay hoay hein.]
Stars without number whispering No god But God,
ungleaming in the dark of time.

Paa nabordah az adum bairoon hanooz;
bairoon hanooz.
az sawad-e-kaif-o-kum


[Abhi takk onnhon ney adum sey

kaif-o-kum ki dunya mein qadam naheen rakhha.]
And not yet risen from nonentity,
still wait without the bounded territories of quality and quantity,

Mozmer andar zolmat-e-moujood-e-ma;

aan tajalli-haey na-mashhood-e-ma.
[Woh hamari mastoor tajalliyat

hamari moujoodah tareekiyuon kay andar mozmer hein.]

Being hid within the shadows of our patent life,
these our epiphanies still unbeheld;

Shabnamay ber burg-e-gul nah nishistaheyi;
ghonchah-haey az saba na khastaheyi.

[Aisi shabnam jo phhool ki patti per naheen giri;

aisey ghonchay jinhein saba ney chhairra naheen.]
Dew not descended on the roses bloom,
buds not yet torn by the lascivious breeze.

Ber dumad ein lalahzar-e-momkinaat;

az khayaban-e-riaz-e-ummahaat.
[Momkinaat ka yeh lalahzar


maon kay bagh sey phhootta hai.]

This garden of potentialities, these unseen tulips
blossom from the bower of fertile Motherhood.

Quom ra sarmayah ay sahib-e-nazar;

neist az naqad-o-qomaash-o-seim-o-zar.

[Ay sahib-e-nazar naqadi, libaas

aur chandi sonna quom ka sarmayah naheen.]

A peoples wealth rests not, my prudent friend,
in linen fine or treasured hoards of silver and of gold;

Maal-e-oo farzand-haey tandrost;

ter damagh-o-sakht kosh-o-chaaq-o-chost.

[Quom ki doulat tundrost baitey hein;

jinn kay damagh roshan hon

aur woh mehnati aur chaaq-o-chouband hon.]

Its riches are its sons, clean-limbed and strong, of body,
supple-brained, hard-labouring,
healthy and nimble to high enterprise.

Hafiz-e-rumz-e-akhowwat madraan;


[Akhowwat kay raaz ki hifazat maain karti hein;

maain he Quran aur millat kay leay bais qowwat hein.]
Mothers preserve the clue of Brotherhood,
the strength of Scripture and Community.




Dar maani-e-einkeh Siyadah-tu-Nisa Fatima-tu-Zohra
oswah-e-kaamlah eist bara-e-nisa-e-Islam

( )

[Iss mazmoon ki wazahat mein keh Syedah-tun-Nisaa
Fatimah-tuz-Zehra (R.A.) Muslim khwatin kay leay
oswah-e-kaamlah hein.]

Maryam (A.S.) az yakk nisbat-e-Essa (A.S.) aziz;
az seh nisbat Hazrat-e-Zehra
(R.A.) aziz.


) (

[Hazrat Maryam (A.S.) eik nisbat sey mohtaram hein;

Sayeda Fatima (R.A.) teen nisbaton sey mohtaram hein.]
Mary is hallowed in one line alone,
that she bore Jesus; Fatima in three.


aan imam-e-awwalin-o-aakharin.

( )

[Eik yeh keh woh Janaab Rasool-e-Pak (S.A.W.)

jo awwalin aur akharin thhey, ki sahibzadi hein.]
For that she was the sweet delight of him,
who came a mercy to all living things,
leader of former as of latter saints;

Aankeh jan dar paikar-e-geeti dumeid;

rozgar tazah aein aafrid.

[Aap (S.A.W.) ney zamaney kay paikar mein

naeyi rooh phhonk di;
aur eik aisa dour wujood mein laaey
jiss ka aein tazah-o-jadid hai.]

Who breathed new spirit into this dead world,

and brought to birth the age of a New Law.

Baanoay aan tajdar-e-hal ataa;

moshkil kosha sher-e-Khoda.

) (

) (

( 8)
) (

[Jo Sayedana Ali Murtaza (R.A.) ki zoujah mohtarmah thhein.

Aap (R.A.) Surah Dahar johal aati sey shoroa hoti hai

ki aya (8) kay masdaaq thhey,

Sayedana Ali (R.A.) ka laqab Moshkil Kosha aur Sher-e-Khoda hai.]
His lady she, whose regal diadem Gods words
adorn Hath there come any time;
the chosen one, resolver of all knots
and hard perplexities, the Lion of God;


yakk hissam-o-yakk zerah samaan-e-oo.

[Woh badshah thhey magar hojrah onn ka mehal thha;

aur onn ka saara samaan
eik talwar aur eik zarah per moshtamil thha.]
An emperor whose palace was a hut,
accoutred with one sword, one coat of mail.

Maadar-e-aan markaz porker-e-ishq;

maadar aan carvaan salaar-e-ishq.

) (

[Onn ki teesari nisbat yeh hai keh woh

Sayedana Hussain (R.A.) ki waalidah thhein

jo porkaar-e-ishq kay markaz aur carvaan-e-ishq kay salaar thhey.]
And she his mother, upon whom revolves Loves compasses,
the leader of Loves train;


Aan yakkey shamaa-e-shabastaan-e-Haram;


) (

) (
[Aap Sayedana Hassan (R.A.) ki bhi waalidah thhein
jo shabastaan-e-Haram ki shamaa thhey,
aur jinnhon ney Khair-ul-Ummam (Ummat-e-Moslimah)
kay ithaad ki hifazat farmaeyi.]
That single candle in the corridor of sanctity resplendent,
guardian of the integrity of that best race of all Gods peoples;

Taa nashinad aatish-e-paikaar-o-kein;
posht-e-paa zadd ber sar-e-taj-o-nagin.

[Onnhon ney hakoomat ko tokhhra diya

takeh Ummat-e-Muslimah kay andar sey

khanah-jungi aur doshmani ki aag khatam ho jaaey.]
Who, that the fierce flame of war
and hatred might extinguished be,
trod underfoot the crown and royal ring.

Wan diggar moulaey abrar-e-jahan;
qowwat-e-bazooey ahrar-e-jahan.

[Aur woh doosary bhai dunya kay naikon ko aaqa

aur ahrar kay leay qowwat-e-bazoo thhey.]

His mother too, the lord of all earths saints,

and strong right arm of every freeborn man;

Dar nawaey zindagi soz az Hussain (R.A.)

) (

ehal-e-Haq hurriyat aamoz az Hussain (R.A.)

[Sayedana Hussain (R.A.) kay oswah sey

nawaey zindagi mein soz paida hoa

aur ehal-e-Haq ney aap sey hurriyat ka daras liya.]

Husain, the passion in the song of life,
teacher of freedom to Gods chosen few.

Seerat-e-farzand-ha az ummahaat;
az ummahaat.

[Maain baiton ki seerat-e-kirdar banati hein

aur onnhein siddiq-o-safa ka johar ataa karti hein.]
The character, the essential purity,
of holy children from their mothers come.

Mazraa-e-taslim ra hasil Batool (R.A.);

madraan ra oswah-e-kamil
Batool (R.A.)

) (

[Sayedana Fatima (R.A.) taslim-o-raza ki khheiti ka hasil


aur maaon kay leay oswah-e-kamilah hein.]

She was the harvest of the well-sown field of self-surrender,
to all mothers she the perfect pattern, Fatima the chaste.

Beher mohtaajey dillash aan goonah sokht;

) (

) (
ba Yahooday chadar-e-khod ra frokht.

[Eik maskin kay leay aap (R.A.)

ka dil iss tarah tarrpa

keh apni chadar Yahoodi kay paas

frokht kar kay (oss ki madad ki).]
Her heart so grieved, because one came in need,
She stripped her cloak and sold it to a Jew;

Noori-o-hum aatishi farmanbrash;

dar razaey shoharash.

gom razaish

) (

) (

[Noori aur aatishi sabb aap (R.A.) kay farmanbardar thhey;

aap (R.A.) ney apni raza ko shohar ki raza mein
gom kar diya thha.]
Though creatures all, of light alike and fire,
obeyed her bidding,
yet she sank her will in her good consorts pleasure.

Aan adab pervardah-e-sabar-o-raza;

aasiya gardaan-o-labb Quran sara.

[Aap (R.A.) ney sabar-o-raza ki

adab-gah mein perwarish paeyi thhi;

haathh chakki peestay aur labbon per
Quran-e-Pak ki talawat hoti thhi.]
Fortitude and meekness were her schooling;
while her lips chanted the Book, she ground the homely mill.

Giriya-haey oo z-baleen bey niaz;
gauhar afshandey badamaan-e-namaz.

) (

) )

) (
[Aap (R.A.) kay aansoo takkiay per kabhi nah giray

(Aap (R.A.) ney tungi-e-halaat per kabhi aansoo nah bahaey)

albatah namaz kay duoraan aap (R.A.)
kay aansoo motiyuon ki tarah tappkatey thhey.]
No pillow needed she to catch her tears,
but wept contritions offering of pearls
upon the skirt of prayer;

Ashk-e-oo ber cheid Jibril az zamin;
humcho shabnam
raikht ber arsh-e-barein.


)( )

[Jibril Amin (A.S.)aap (R.A.) kay aansoo samait leytey


aur onnhein arsh-e-barein per shabnam ki tarah tappkaatey.]

Which Gabriel stooped to gather, as they glistened in the dust,
and rained like dew upon the Throne of God.

Rishtah-e-aein-e-Haq zinjeer-e-paast;
(S.A.W.) ast.


[Shariat-e-Haqah kay ehkaam

meyrey paaon ki zinjir bunney hoay hein;

mojhey Janaab-e-Mustafa (S.A.W.) kay farmaan ka paas hai.]
Gods Law a fetter locks about my feet,
to guard secure the Prophets high behest;

Vernah gard-e-turbatash girdeidmay;

sajdah-ha ber khak-e-oo pasheidmay.

[Vernah mein Sayedah Fatima (R.A.) ki turbat kay gird tawaf karta
aur onn ki qabar per sajdah-raiz hota.]
Else had I surely gone about her tomb,
and fallen prostrate, worshipping her dust.



Khatab beh mokhaddraat-e-Islam

) (

[Khwatin (pardah nashinaan)-e-Islam sey khatab.]

Ay radait pardah-e-namoos-e-ma;

taab-e-tou sarmayah-e-fanoos-e-ma.

[Ay Musliman khatoon teyri chadar

hamarey namoos ka pardah hai;

teyri roshni sey hamara fanoos roshan hai.]

O thou, whose mantle is the covering that guards our honour,
whose effulgence our candles capital;

Teenat-e-pak tou ma ra rehmat ast;
qowwat-e-Deen-o-asaas-e-Millat ast.

[Teyri pak teenat hamarey leay rehmat


aur hamarey Deen kay leay qowwat

aur hamari millat ki boniyaad hai.]
Whose nature pure to us a mercy, our religions strength,
foundation of our true community!

Koodak-e-ma choon labb az shir-e-tou shast;
la ilah aamokhti oo ra nakhast.

[Jabb hamarey bachay ney teyrey doodh sey apney labb tar kiay
tuo tou ney sabb sey pehley ossey la ilah sikhhaya.)
Our childrens lips, being suckled at thy breast,
from thee first learn to lisp No god but God.

Mi traashad mehar-e-tou atwaar-e-ma;

fikr-e-ma, goftaar-e-ma, kirdaar-e-ma.

[Teyri mohabat hamarey atwaar yaani hamarey fikr,

hamari goftaar aur kirdaar ki tarbiyat karti hai.]
Thy love it is, that shapes our little ways,
thy love that moulds our thoughts, our words, our deeds.

Barq-e-ma ko dar sahaabat aarmeid;
ber jabal rakhshid-o-dar sehra tapeid.


[Teyrey aaghosh kay baadal mein hamari jo bijli asoodah thhi

woh paharron per chamki aur sehraon mein tarrapi.]
Our lightning-flash, that slumbered in thy cloud,
glitters upon the mountain, sweeps the plain.

Ay amin-e-niamat-e-aein-e-Haq;

dar nafas-haey
tou soz-e-Deen-e-Haq.

) (

[Tuo aein-e-Haq yaani Shariyat-e-Muhammadi
(S.A.W.) jaisi niamat ki amin hai;
teyrey saans mein Deen-e-Haq ka soz mila hoa hai.]
O guardian of the blessings of Gods Law,
thou from whose breath the Faith of God draws fire;

Dour-e-hazir ter frosh-o-pur fun ast;

carvaanash naqd-e-Deen ra rehzun ast.
[Duor-e-hazir ayyar-o-makkar hai

oss ka carvaan mataa-e-Deen ko lootney wala hai.]

Coxcomb and crafty is the present age,
its caravan a highwayman,
well armed to seize and spoil Faiths riches;

Kor-o-Yazdan nashanas idraak-e-oo;

nakisaan zinjeeri paichaak-e-oo.

[Oss ki aql undhi aur Khoda nashanas hai;

nakas oss kay phhunday mein phhans jaatey hein.]

Blind its brain, that knoweth naught of God;
ignoble they who are the captives of its twisted chains;

Chashm-e-oo bibaak-o-napervastey;

[Oss ki aankhh mein bey baaki aur bey hayai hai;

oss ki palkon ka punjah apney shikar ko chhorrta naheen.]
Bold is its eye, and reckless;
swift to snatch, the talons of its lashes;

Siad-e-oo azad khwaanad khwaish ra;
koshtah-e-oo zindah daanad khwaish ra.

[(Magar lotf yeh hai) keh oss ka shikar
apney aap ko azad kehta
hai aur oss ka maara hoa apney aap ko zindah samajhta hai.]
Its poor prey calls itself free, its victim vaunts it lives!
Thine is the hand that keepeth fresh and green.


Aab bund nakhal-e-jamiyat toueyi;

hafiz-e-sarmayah-e-Millat toueyi.

[Ay Musliman khatoon tou he hamari

jamiyat kay drakht ki aabiyari

aur millat kay sarmaey ki hifazat karney waali hai.]

The young tree of our Commonwealth,
as thou guardest inviolate the capital of our Community.

Az sirr-e-sood-o-ziyan sauda mazun;

gaam joz ber jaadah-e-aaba

[Tou moamlaat ko dunvi nafaa-o-noqsaan
kay lehaaz sey nah jaanch
sirf apney abaa kay raastey per gaamzun reh.]
Fret not thyself to calculate the profit and the loss,
being content to tread the well-worn path our fathers went before.

Hoshiyar az dastbord-e-rozgaar;

geer farzandaan-e-khud ra dar-kinaar.

[Zamaney ki dast-bord sey hoshiyar ho jaa

aur apney bachon ko apney aaghosh mein ley ley.]
Be wary of Times depredations,
and to thy broad breast gather thy children close;

Ein chaman zadaan keh per nakoshadah-und;

z-aashiyan-e-khwaish door aftadah-und.

[Hamarey chaman kay yeh nauzaidah parinday

jinnhon ney abhi per naheen khholay;
apney aashianay sey door jaa parrey hein.]
These meadow-chicks, unfledged as yet to fly,
have fallen far from their warm nest.

Fitrat-e-tou jazbah-ha daarad boland;
chashm-e-hosh az oswah-e-Zehra

) (
[Teyri fitrat mein boland jazbaat moujood hein;
tou apni hoshmandi ki aankhh
Sayedah Fatimah Zohra (R.A) kay oswah per rakhh.]
High, high the cravings are that wrestle with thy soul;
be conscious still and ever of thy model, Fatima;

Taa Hussainey (R.A.) shakh-e-tou baar aawurd;

) (

) (
mousam-e-paishin bagulzar aawurd.

[Takeh teyri shakh bhi Hussain (R.A.) jaisa phhall paida karey;
aur Islam kay dour-e-awwal ka mousam (-e-bahaar)

hamarey gulzar mein waapas laaey.]

So that thy branch may bear a new Husain,
our garden blossom with the Golden Age.



dar tafseer-e-Surah-e-Akhlas


[Matalib-e-masnavi ka kholasah
Surah-e-Akhlas ki tafseer ki surat mein:
Qul ho-Allah-o-Ahad]

Mun shabbay Siddiq (R.A.) ra deedam bakhwab;

) (

gul az khak-e-rah-e-oo cheidam bakhwab.

[Mien ney eik raat Saydna Siddiq Akbar (R.A.) ko

khwab mein deikhha
aur onn kay raastey ki khak sey phhool chonay
(onn kay arshadaat sey istifadah kiya).]
I dreamed one night I looked upon Siddiq,
and plucked a rose that blossomed at his feet.

Aan amananaas ber Moulaey ma;
aan Kalim-e-awwal-e-Sinaey ma.

) (

) (
[Woh jinn kay ehsanaat hamarey aaqa (S.A.W.) per
sabb lougon sey ziyadah thhey;
woh jo hamarey Toor-e-Sina (Islam ka noor-e-hidayat)
kay pehlay Kalim thhey.]
He, that most generous was of all mankind unto our Master,
he that stood the first like Moses on the Sinai of our Faith;

Himmat-e-oo kisht-e-Millat ra cho abr;


) (

[Onn ki himmat-o-koshish ney Millat ki khheiti

kay leay abr ka kaam kiya;

woh jo Islam Ghaar-e-Saur aur Ghazvah-e-Badr

aur abb qabar mein bhi
Hazoor (S.A.W.) kay saathh doosarey hein.]
Whose zeal was as a cloud that
showered rain upon tilth of our community,
second to own Islam, to share the Cave, Badr, and the Tomb.

Goftamash ay khasah-e-khasan-e-ishq;

( )

ishq-e-tou sar matlaa-e-diwan-e-ishq.

[Mien ney onn ki khidmat mein arz kiya,

ay khasah-e-khasaan-e-ishq (-e-Rasool-e-Pak S.A.W.)

aap ka ishq diwaan-e-ishq ka matlaa hai.]
O chosen of Loves choice, I cried to him,
whose love is the first line in the collected poetry of Love;

Pokhtah az dastat asaas-e-kaar-e-ma;
charaheyi farma pey-e-azaar-e-ma.


[Hamarey kaar-e-Islam ki bonyaad

aap kay haathh sey pokhtah hoeyi;
hamarey dokhh ka koeyi ilaaj tajwiz farmaiay.]
Whose hand established on a firmer base
a remedy for our immediate woes.

Goft ta kay dar hawus gardi aseer;

aab-o-taab az Surah-e-Akhlas geer.

[Onnhon ney farmaya tou kabb takk hawus ka qiadi rehey ga;
Surah Akhlas sey hararat aur chamak hasil kar.]
How long, said he, wilt thou be prisoner to base desire?
Get lustre, and new light to light thee, from the Surah of Pure Faith.

Einkeh dar sadd seinah paichad yakk nafas;

sirrey az asrar-e-Towhid ast-o-bus.

[Yeh Towhid kay asrar ka eik sirr hai

jo sainkarron seinon mein eik he saans ki tarah aata jaata hai.]

This one breath, winding in a hundred breasts,
is but one secret of the Unity;

Rung-e-oo ber kon misal-e-oo shavi;
dar jahan aks-e-jamal-e-oo shavi.

[Allah Taala ka rung apna ossi ki manind ho jaaey ga

tuo oss kay jamal ka akas bun jaaey ga.]
Get thee its colour, to be like to it,
reflective to its beauty in the world.

Aankeh naam-e-tou Musliman kardah ast;

az doeyi sooey yakki aawordah ast.

[Yeh jo oss ney teyra naam Musliman rakhha hai iss sey tojhey,
kassrat sey wahdat ki jaanib laya gaya hai.]
He, who bestowed this Muslim name on thee,
drew thee to Oneness from Duality;

Khwaistan ra Turk-o-Afghan khwandaheyi;

waaey ber tou aanchih boodi mandaheyi.

[Tou apney aap ko Turk-o-Afghan kehta hai,

afsos hai tojh per tou jo thha wohi raha.]
Tis thou thyself hast called thee Afghan, Turk;
Ah, thou remainest as thou ever wert!

Warhaan namidah ra az naam-ha;
saaz ba kham dar gozar az jaam-ha.


[Ummat-e-Muslimah ko inn naamon sey chhotkara dila;

khom (-e-Islam) sey apni nisbat qaim rakhh,
payalon per nah jaa.]
Deliver now the named from all the names;
have done with cups; ally thee to the jar!

Ay keh tou roswaey naam aftadaheyi;

az drakht khwaish khaam aftadaheyi.

[Tou jo inn naamon mein parr kar roswa ho choka hai;

tou drakht-e-Islam sey kachay phhall ki tarah gir choka hai.]
Thou hast become a scandal to thy name,
a leaf that fell untimely from thy tree;

Ba yakki saaz az doeyi berdar rakht;

wahdat-e-khud ra magar daan lakht lakht.

[Towhid ko apna aur kasrat ko khairbaad kaeh;

apni wahadat ko tokkarrey tokkarrey nah kar.]
Attune thee unto Oneness;

be thou gone from Twoness; nor dissect thy Unity.

Ay prastar-e-yakki gar tou toueyi;
taa koja baashi sabaq khwan dooeyi.

[Ay Towhid kay prastar agar tou waqai tou hai

tuo kabb takk doeyi ka sabaq parrhta rehey ga.]
Thou who art servant unto One, if thou art thou,
how long wilt thou to school of Two?

Tou dar khud ra bakhud poshidaheyi;

) (

dar dil aawar aanchih ber labb chidaheyi.

[Tou ney apna darwazah apney ooper bund kar liya hoa hai;
jo kochh labb sey parrhta hai
(Kalimah-e-Towhid) ossey apney dil mein bhi otaar.]
Lo, thou hast shut thy door upon thyself;
take to thy heart that which thy lips imbibed.

Sadd millal az millatey angaikhti

ber hissar-e-khod shabkhoon raikhti.

[Tou ney eik millat sey sainkarron millatin bana lee hein;
tou ney apney qilah per khud he shabb-khoon maar kay
ossey tabah-o-barbaad kar diya hai.]
A hundred nations thou hast raised from one,
on thy own fort made treacherous assault.


Yakk shau-o-Towhid ra mashhood kon;

ghaibash ra az amal moujood kon.

[Eik ho ja aur Towhid ka amali namoonah paish kar;

nazriyah-e-Towhid ko amal sey wujood mein laa.]
Be one; make visible thy Unity;
let action turn the unseen into seen;

Lazzat-e-aiman fazaid dar amal;
mordah aan
aiman keh na-ayad dar amal.

[Amal sey aiman ki lazzat barrh jaati hai;

jo aiman amal mein nah aaey mur jaata hai.]
Activity augments the joy of faith,
but faith is dead that issues not in deeds.



Gar beh Allah-ho-Samad dil bastaeyi;

az hud-e-asbaab bairoon jastaheyi.

[Agar tou ney Allah-ho-Samad sey dil lagaya hai

tuo tou asbaab ki hudood ko phhlang gaya.]


If thou hast bound thy faithful heart on God the Self-subsistent,

thou hast overlept the rim of things material.

Bandah-e-Haq bandah-e-asbaab neist;
zindagani gardish-e-duolaab neist.

[Allah Taala ka bandah bandah-e-asbaab naheen;
oss kay leay zindagi raihut ki gardish naheen.]
No slave to things material Gods servant is;
life is no turning of a water-wheel.

Muslim asti bey niaz az ghair shau;

ehal-e-alam ra sarapa khair shau.

[Agar tou Musliman hai tuo ghair Allah sey bey niaz ho jaa
aur dunya waalon kay leay sarapa khair bun jaa.]
If thou be Muslim, be not suppliant of others succour;
be the embodiment of good to all the world.

Paish-e-monaam shikwah-e-gardoon makon;

dast-e-khwaish az aastin bairoon makon.

[Doulatmand kay saamney qismat ki shikayat nah kar
aur nah oss kay saamney haathh phhela.]
Make not complaint of scurvy fortune to the fortunate,
nor from thy sleeve reach out a beggars hand.

Choon Ali dar saaz banaan shaeer;

shikin Khyber bageer.

[Sayedana Ali Murtaza (R.A.) ki tarah jao ki roti per gozarah kar;
aur Marhab ki gardan torr aur Khyber fatah kar.]
Like Ali, be content with barley-bread;
break Marhabs neck, and capture Khybers fort.

Mannat az ehal-e-karam bordan chira;

'' ''
nishtar-e-la-o-naam khordan chira.

[Doulatmandon ka ehsaan kiyuon othhaey ga;

onn kay han aur nah sey kiyuon ghum khhaey ga.]
Why bear the favour of the bountiful,
why feel the lancet of their nay and yea?

Rizq khud ra az kaff-e-doonan mageer;
asti khwaish ra arzaan mageer.

[Razeelon kay haathh sey rizq nah ley;

tou Yousuf hai apni qimat kum nah laga.]

Take not the sustenance from mean, base hands;
thou art a Joseph; count thyself not cheap.


Garchih baashi moor-o-hum bey baal-o-per;

haajitay paish-e-Sulaimaney maber.

[Agar tou bey baal-o-per chewanti ho tuo bhi

Sulaiman (A.S.) kay saamney apni haajat paish nah kar.]

And if thou be an ant, and lackest wings and feathers,
go not unto Solomon to plead thy want.

Rah doshwar ast samaan kum bageer;

dar jahan azad zei azad meer.

[Rah kathhun hai thhorra samaan ley;

dunya mein azad reh aur azad mur.]

The road is arduous; go light-accoutred, if thou wouldst attain;

unfettered live thy days, unfettered die.

Sabah-e-aqlill min-ad-dunya shomar;

az taish horran shavi sarmayahdar.

' ' ' '

[Dunya sey bohat qalil ley ki tasbih phhair

ta-keh tou azadanah zindagi ka sarmayah paaey.]

Count oer the rosary of Take thou less of this worlds goods,
and thou shalt riches win in living free.


Taa tawani kimiya shau gill mashau;
monaam shau-o-saeyl mashau.
dar jahan

[Jahan takk ho sakkey kimiya bun; matti nah bun,
dunya mein ghana ikhtiyar kar saeyl nah bun.]
So far as in thee lies become that Stone of the philosophers,
not the base dross; a benefactor be,
not a petitioner for others alms.

Ay shanasaey moqam-e-Bu Ali;

) (

jorraaeyi aaram z-jaam-e-Bu Ali.

[Tou Hazrat Bu Ali (R.A.) kay moqam ko pehchanta hai;

mein teyrey leay onn kay jam sey eik alag ghhont laya hon.]
Thou knowest well bu Alis eminence,
accept from me this draught, drawn from his cup.

Posht-e-paa zun takht-e-Kai-Kaus ra;

' '
sar badeh az kaff madeh namoos ra.
['Takht-e-Kai-Kaus ko thhokar maar;

jan dey dey magar namoos haathh sey nah dey.]

Trample Kai-Kaus throne beneath thy foot;
yield up thy life, but not thy self-respect!


Khud bakhud gardad dar maeykhanah baz;

ber tehi paimangaan bey niaz.

[Aisey khud-dar loug jinn kay paimaney khali hein;

onn per maeykhaney kay darwazey khud bakhud khhol jaein gay.]
The tavern door stands open of itself,
to those whose bowls are empty, whose needs none.

Qaid-e-Islamiyan Haroon Rashid;

Naqfoor aab-e-taigh-e-oo chasheid,


[Abbasi farmanrawa Haroon Rashid jiss

ki talwar ki kaat ka mazah Naqfoor ney chakhha.]

Harun Rashid, that captain of the Faith,
whose blade to Nicephor of Byzance proved a deadly potion,

Goft Malik ra keh ay moulaey quom;
az khak-e-darat seimaey quom.

) (

[Oss ney Imam Malik (R.A.) sey kaha ay aaqaey quom

teyrey darwazey ki khak sey
quom ki paishani chamak othhi hai.]

Unto Malik spoke the dust before whose door illuminates,

my peoples brow, melodious nightingale upon this fashion:

Ay nawa pardaaz-e-gulzar-e-hadis;
az tou khwahum dars-e-asrar-e-hadis.

[Gulzar-e-Hadis kay naghmah khwan mein aap sey

Hadis Sharif ka dars leyna chahta hon.]
Master of my folk, carolling mid the roses of good words,
I am desirous to be taught by thee the secrets of those words.

Laal taa kay pardah bund andar Yaman;
khaiz-o-dar dar-ul-Khilafat khaimah zun.

[Kabb takk Laal Yaman kay andar pardah bund rehey ga;
aap othhein aur dar-ul-khilafah mein tashrif farma hon.]
How long art thou content in Yemen
to conceal the glow of thy bright rubies?
Rise, and pitch thy tent here, in the homestead of the Caliphate.

Ay khosha tabaani-e-roz-e-Iraq;

ay khosha hosn-e-nazar soz-e-Iraq.

[Iraq kay dinnon ki chamak kaya khoob hai;

Iraq ka hosn, nazar soz kaya sohana hai.]
How fair the brightness of the shining day,

the captivating beauty of Iraq!

Mi-chakad aab-e-Khizr az taak-e-oo;

marhum zakham-e-Massiha (S.A.W.) khak-e-oo.

[Yahan kay angoor sey aab-e-hayat tapakta hai;

yahan ki khak zakhamon kay leay
marhum-e-Masseiha ka kaam karti hai.]
The Fount of Khizer gushes from its vines,
its earth is healing for the wounds of Christ.

Goft Malik Mustafa (S.A.W.) ra chakaram;
neist joz saudaey oo andar saram.

) ( ) (

) (
[Imam Malik (R.A.) ney farmaya mein

Janaab Rasool-e-Pak (S.A.W.) ka ghulam hon;

meyrey andar sirf Hazoor (S.A.W.) ki
ghulami ka sauda samaya hoa hai.]
I am the Prophets (S.A.W.) servant, Malik said,
And only him I love, with all my heart.

Mun keh basham bastah-e-fitraak-e-oo;


) (

ber nakhaizam az harim-e-pak-e-oo.


[Mien onn (S.A.W.) ki mohabat kay fitraak mein bundha hoa hon
iss leay onn kay Harim-e-Pak
(Madinah Munawwarah sey) kaheen jaa naheen sakta.]
Bound to his saddle-bow, I will not quit his holy sanctuary.

Zindah az taqbil-e-khak-e-Yasribam;
khosh-ter az roz-e-Iraq aamad shabam.

[Khak-e-Yasrib ko bosah deyna he meyri zindagi hai;

issi wajah sey meyri raat roz-e-Iraq sey behtar hai.]
By the kiss of Yathribs dust I live;
my night to me is fairer that Iraqs pellucid day.

Ishq mi goyad keh farmanam pazir;

padshahaan ra bakhidmat hum mageer.

[Ishq kehta hai keh sirf meyra hokam maan;

badshahon ka hokam nah maan.]
Love says, Obey my ordinance; sign not;
the articles of service even to kings.

Tou humi khwahi mera aaqa shavi;

bandah-e-azad ra Moula shavi.


[Tou chahta hai keh tou meyra aaqa bunnay;

aur mojh jaisey bandah-e-azad ko apna ghulam banaey.]
Thou wouldst become my master,
overlord of this freed slave of God;

Beher-e-taalim tou aaim ber daratt;

khadam-e-millat nagardad chakaratr.

[Tojhey parrhaney kay leay mein teyrey darwazey per aaon;

millat ka khadam kissi fard ka chaakar naheen ho sakta.]
That I should wait upon thy door to teach thee, and no more;
serve the community, being bound to thee.

Behereyi khwahi aga az ilm-e-Deen;

darmiyan-e-halqah-e-darsam nashin.

[Tou agar Ilm-e-Deen hasil karna chahta hai

tuo aa-kar meyrey halqah-e-dars mein baithh.]
Be it thy wish some portion to attain of godly knowledge,
in my circle sit and study with the rest.

Bey niazi naaz-ha daarad bassey;

naaz-e-oo andaaz-ha daarad bassey.


[Bey niazi kay andar bhi bohat sey naaz hein;

aur iss naaz kay andaaz bhi bohat sey hein.]
Indifference to worldly needs engenders fine disdain,
And holy pride takes many splendid shapes.

Bey niazi rung-e-Haq poshidan ast;

rung-e-ghair az perhun shoedan ast.

[Bey niazi Allah Taala ka rung apnana

aur ghair ka rung apney aap sey dho deyna hai.]

Godly indifference is to put on the hue of God,
and from thy robe to wash the dye of otherness.

Ilm-e-ghair aamokhti andokhti;

rooey khwaish az ghazah-ash afrokhti.

[Tou ney ghairon ka ilm seikhha aur ossey akathha kiya;

onn kay ghaazey sey apna chehrah chamkaya.]
But thou hast learned the rote of others,
taking that for store, an alien rouge to beautify thy face;

Arjumandi az shaarish mi-beri;

mun nadaanam tou toueyi ya deigari.


) (

[Onn kay shaar ikhtiyar kar kay arjumand honay ki koshish ki;
mien naheen jaanta keh tou tou hai,
ya koeyi aur (abb teyri shakal bhi pehchani naheen jaati).]
In those insignia thou takest pride,
until I know not if thou be thyself or art another.

Az nasimash khak-e-tou khamosh gasht;
waz gul-o-rihaan tehi aaghosh

[Ghairon ki nasim ney teyri khak ko banjar bana diya

aur gul-o-rihaan sey khali kar diya.]
Fanned by foreign blasts thy soil is fallen silent,
and no more fertile in fragrant roses and sweet herbs.

Kisht-e-khud az dast-e-khud veraan makon;
az sahaabash gadyah-e-baraan makon.

[Apni khheiti apney haathh sey veraan nah kar;

ghairon kay baadal sey baarish ki bheik nah maang.]
Desolate not thy tilth with thy own hand;
Make it not beg for rain from alien clouds.

Aql-e-tou zinjiri-e-afkaar-e-ghair;
dar gulloay tou nafs az taar-e-ghair.

[Teyri aql bhi ghairon kay afkaar ki qiadi bun choki hai;
teyrey gullay mein jo sans hai
woh bhi ghairon ka marhoon-e-mannat hai.]
Thy mind is prisoner to others thoughts,
anothers music throbs within thy throat;

Ber zobanat goftgoo-ha mostaar;
dar dil-e-tou aarzoo-ha mostaar.

[Teyri zoban ki goftgoo aur dil ki aarzoo sabb mostaar hein.]

Thy very speech is borrowed,
and thy heart dilates with aspirations not thine own.

Qomriyanat ra nawa-ha khwastah;


ra qaba-ha khwastah.

[Teyri qomariyuon ki nawa,

aur teyrey saroo ki qaba maangi hoeyi hai.]

The song thy ring-doves sing, the leafy gowns,
that deck thy cypresses, are meanly begged;

Baadah mi-geeri bajaam az deigraan;
jaam hum geeri bawaam az deigaraan.


[Apney jaam mein doosaron sey sharab leyta hai;

aur jaam bhi doosaron he sey qarz leyta hai.]
Thou takest wine from others in a bowl,
itself from others taken upon loan.

Aan nigahash sirr-e-ma zaagh al-basar;
sooey quom-e-khwaish baz ayad agar.

) (

[Woh Pak Zaat (S.A.W.) jinn ki nigah
ma zaagh al-basar ka raaz thhi
agar woh moujoodah Muslimanon ki taraf
duobarah tashrif laain.]
If he, whose glance contains the mystery,
erred not the sight if he should come again.

Mi-shanasad shamaa-e-oo pervanah ra;

nek daanad khwaish-o-hum

bigahnah ra.

) (

[Tou Aap (S.A.W.) ki shamaa apney pervaney ko pehchan ley keh

kon onn mein sey apney hein aur kon biganay.]
Unto his people, he whose candle-flame knows its own moth,
who can distinguish well his own from strangers standing at the gate;

Lasta minni goeyadat Moulaey ma;


( )




waaey ma, ay waaey ma, ay waaey ma.

[Hum per afsos sadd afsos keh

(hum mein sey baishtar kay baarey mein)

Hazoor (S.A.W.) yeh irshaad farmain keh tou mojh sey naheen hai.]
iOur master would declare, thou art not mine.
Woe, woe, alas for us upon that day!

Zindagani misl-e-anjam taa koja;
husti-e-khud dar sehar gom taa koja.

[Kabb takk sitaron ki manind apni husti ko

dour-e-hazir ki sobh-e-kaazib mein gom kiay rakhho gay.]
How long wilt thou content thyself to live the life of stars,
that in the risen morn lose all their being?

Raivey az sobh droghay khordaeyi;

rakht az pehnaey gardoon bordaheyi.

[Tou ney sobh-e-kaazib sey fraib khha kar apney aap ko

asman ki wosaat sey gom kar liya hai.]
Thou hast been deceived by the false dawn,
packed up thy goods and gone from the broad firmament.


Aaftab asti yakkey dar khud niggar;

az najoom-e-deigraan taabey makhar.

[Zara apni taraf nazar daal tou aftab hai;

tojhey doosaron kay sitaron sey
roshani leyney ki zaroorat naheen.]
Thou art the sun; look on thy self a little;
purchase not some shreds of radiance from others stars!

Ber dil-e-khud naqsh-e-ghair andaakhti;
khak bordi kimiya
dar baakhti.

[Tou ney apney dil per ghairon ka naqsh sabt kar liya hai;
tou ney onn sey khak ley lee aur apni kimiya khho di.]
Thou hast engraved thy heart with alien shapes,
gambled the alchemy and gained the dross;

Taa koja rakhshi z-taab-e-deigraan;

sar sobak saaz az sharab-e-deigraan.

[Tou kabb takk doosaron ki roshni sey chamkay ga;

ghairon ki sharab ka nashah apney sar sey otaar dey.]
How long this glittering with others shine?
Shake off heavy fumes for foreign grapes!


Taa koja touf-e-chiragh-e-mehfilay;
z-aatish-e-khud soz agar daari dillay.

[Kabb takk chiragh-e-mehfil ka tawaf karey ga;

agar dil rakhhta hai tou apni aag mein jall.]
How long this fluttering about the flame of party lanterns?
If thou hast a heart within thy breast, with thine own ardour burn!

Choon nazar dar pardah-haey khwaish baash;
mi-per waama bajaey khwaish baash.

[Nazar ki manind apney pardon kay andar reh

; perwaaz kar magar apni jagah per rehtey hoay.]
Be like the gaze, wrapped round in thy own veils;
rise on the wing, but ever wheel back home;

Dar jahan misl-e-habaab ay hoshmand;
rah-e-khalwat khanah ber aghiyar bund.

[Ay aqlmand habaab ki manind apney khalwat khaney

kay darwazey doosaron per bund rakhh.]
Bubble-like bar thy little privacy,
against the intruder, if thou wouldst be wise.

Fard, fard aamad keh khud ra waa shanaakht;
quom, quom aamad keh joz ba khud nasaakht.

[Fard woh fard hai jiss ney apney aap ko poori tarah samajh liya;
quom woh quom hai jiss ney apney sawaey
kissi aur sey mowafiqat nah ki.]
No man to individuality ever attained, save that he knew himself.
No nation came to nationhood,
except it spurned to suit the whim of other men.

Az payam-e-Mustafa (S.A.W.) aagah shau;


faarigh az arbaab doon Allah shau.

[Hazoor Akram (S.A.W.) kay paigham ko samajh ley aur Allah Taala
kay sawaey aur jitney aaqa hein onn sey faarigh ho jaa.]
Then of our Prophets (S.A.W.) message be apprised,
and have thou done with other lords but God.


Lum-ya-lidd wa lum-yu-ladd

Quom-e-tou az rung-o-khoon bala-ter ast;
qimat-e-yakk aswudash sadd ahmar ast.


[Millat-e-Islamiyah rung-o-khoon sey bala-ter hai;

oss kay eik siyah-faam ki qimat
sainkarron gouron sey barrh kar hai.]
Loftier than hue and blood thy people are,
and greater worth one Negro of the Faith
than are a hundred redskin infidels.

Qatrah-e-aab wazooey Qanbarey;
berter z-khoon Qaisarey.
dar baha

) ( (


[Qanbar (Hazrat Ali (R.A.) ka ghulam)
kay wazoo kay pani ka qatrah
khoon-e-Qaisar kay qatray sey
qimat mein kaheen barrh kar hai.]
A single drop of water Qanbar took for his ablutions,
is more precious far than all the blood of Caesar.

Faarigh az baab-o-umm-o-aamam baash;

) (
humcho Salman zadah-e-Islam baash.

[Baap, man aur chichaon kay rishtey sey farigh ho kar

Hazrat Salman Farsi (R.A.) ki tarah sirf Islam zaadah bun.]
Take no count of father, mother, uncle; call thy self,
an offspring of Islam, as Salman did.

Noktaheyi ay humdum farzanah bein;

shehad ra dar khanah-haey lanah bein.

[Ay aqlmand dost baat ko samajhney kay leay

shehad ko shehad kay chhattey mein deikhh.]

See, my brave comrade, in the honeyed cells,
that constitute the hive a subtle truth;

Qatraheyi az lalah-e-humarastey;
qatraheyi az nargis-e-shehlastey.

[Oss ka eik qatrah sorkh lalay sey bana hota hai
aur doosara nargis-e-shehla sey.]
One drop from a red tulip is distilled,
one from a blue narcissus;

Ein nami goeyad keh mun az ubehram;
aan nami goeyad mun az nilofaram.

[Nah yeh qatrah kehta hai keh mein nargis sey hon
aur nah woh qatrah kehta hai keh mein nilofar sey hon.]
None proclaims, I am of jasmine, of lily I!

Millat-e-ma shan-e-Ibrahimi ast;

shehad-e-ma aiman-e-Ibrahimi ast.

[Hamari Millat-e-Ibrahimi shehad ka chhattah hai
aur hamara shehad Aiman-e-Ibrahimi hai.]
So our community the beehive is of Abraham
whose honey is our Faith.

Gar nasab ra jozv-e-millat kardaheyi;
rakhnah dar kaar-e-akhowwat kardaheyi.

[Agar tou ney nasab ko millat ka jozv banaya

tuo akhowwat kay kaam mein rakhnah dala.]

If thou hast made of our community lineage a part essential,
thou hast rent the fabric of true Brotherhood;

Dar zamin ma nageerad raishah-ut;

hust na Muslim
hanooz andaishah-ut.

[Teyri jarr hamari zamin mein mostahkam nah ho gi;

iss ka matlab yeh ho ga keh teyri soch abhi takk na-Muslim hai.]
Thy roots have struck not in our soil, thy way of thought,
runs counter to our Muslim rectitude.

Ibn-e-Masaud aan chiragh afroz ishq;
sarapa soz-e-ishq.


) (

[Hazrat ibne Masood (R.A.) jo

chiragh-e-ishq ki roshni barrhaney waaley thhey;

aur jinn kay jism-o-jan soz-e-ishq kay barrhaney waaley thhey.]
Ibn-i-Masud, that lantern bright of Love,
body and spirit blazing in Loves flame;

Sokht az murg bradar seinah-ash;
aab geerad az godaaz aeinah-ash.

[Bhai ki mout sey onn ka seinah jall gaya;

aur onn kay dill ka aeinah godaz ho kar pani bun gaya.]
Being distressed upon a brothers death,
dissolved in tears, a mirror liquefied;

Giriya-haey khwaish ra payaan nadeid;

dar ghumash choon madaraan

shiyuon kashid.

[Onn kay aansoo thhamtey he nah thhey;
woh bhai kay ghum mein man ki tarah
nalah-o-faryaad kar rehey thhey.]
Nor any term to his lamentings saw, but in his grief;
as of her child bereaved a mother weeps;

Ay draigha aan sabaq khwan niaz;


' )

yar-e-mun andar dabastan-e-niaz.

[(Aur kehtey thhey) haaey afsos meyra woh bhai

jo niaz-e-ishq ka sabaq khwan thha;
jo maktab-e-niaz mein meyra saathhi thha.]

So uncontrollably he sobbed: Ah, scholar of humility,

Alas, my comrade in the schools of prayer!

Aah aan saroo-e-sehi balaey mun;
dar reh-e-ishq Nabi (S.A.W.) humpaaey mun.


) ( '
[Ah woh meyra boland qamat saroo;

jo Nabi (S.A.W.) kay ishq ki raah mein meyra hum-sfar thha.]

My tall young cypress, fellow traveler,
upon the pathway of the Prophets (S.A.W.) love!

Haif oo mehroom darbar-e-Nabi (S.A.W.);

) (

) (
chashm-e-mun roshan z-didaar-e-Nabi (S.A.W.).

[Afsos woh darbar-e-Nabi (S.A.W.) ki

haziri sey mehroom ho gaya hai

aur meyri aankhh deedar-e-Nabi (S.A.W.) sey roshan hai.]

O grief, that he is now denied
the courts of Gods Apostle (S.A.W.),


while mine eyes are bright with gazing fondly

on the Prophets (S.A.W.)face!

Neist az rum-o-Arab paiwand-e-ma;

neist pabund-e-nasb paiwand-e-ma.

[Hamara baahumi taaloq Rum-o-Arab ki wajah sey naheen;

nah yeh taaloq nasab ka pabund hai.]
The bond of Turk and Arab is not ours,
the link that binds us is no fetters chain of ancient lineage;

Dil beh mehboob-e-Hijazi bastahaim;

zein jehatt ba yakk-diggar paiwastahaim.

[Hum ney apna dil Mehboob-e-Hijazi sey lagaya hai;

iss lehaaz sey hum eik doosarey sey wabastah hein.]
Our hearts are bound to the beloved Prophet (S.A.W.) of Hijaz,
and to each other are we joined through him.

Rishtah-e-ma yakk tou-laish bus ast;
chashm-e-ma ra kaif-e-sehbaish bus ast.


[Sirf Aap (S.A.W.) ki mohabat he sey

hamara baahumi rishtah hai;

hamari aankhh sirf Aap (S.A.W.) he ki

(mohabat ki) sharab sey must hai.]
Our common thread is simple loyalty to him alone;
the rapture of his wine alone our eyes entrances;

Musti-e-oo taa bakhoon-e-ma daveid;

) (

) (
kohnah ra aatish zadd-o-nau aafrid;

[Jabb Aap (S.A.W.) ki mohabat ki sarmusti

hamarey khoon mein ruch gaeyi

tuo farsoodah (afkaar) jall gaey aur niay paida hoay.]

From what time this glad intoxication with his love.
Raced in our blood, the old is set ablaze in new creation.

Ishq-e-oo sarmayah-e-jamiyat ast;

) (

humcho khoon andar arooq-e-millat ast.

[Aap (S.A.W.) ka ishq millat ki jamiyat ka sarmayah hai;

woh millat ki ruggon mein khoon ki manind dourr raha hai.]
As the blood that flows within a peoples veins, so is his love;
sole substance of our solidarity.

Ishq dar jan-o-nasb dar paikar ast;

rishtah-e-ishq az nasb mohkam-ter



[Ishq ka taaloq jan sey hai aur nasab ka badan sey;

iss leay ishq ka rishtah nasab sey ziyadah pokhtah hai.]
Love dwells within the spirit, lineage,
the flesh inhabits; stronger far than race;

Ishq werzi az nasb bayad gozasht;
hum z-Iran-o-Arab
bayad gozasht.

[Agar tou ney ishq ikhtiyar kiya hai tuo nasab ko terk kar;
Iran-o-Arab waghairah momalik sey taaloq chhorr dey.]
And common ancestry is Loves firm cord.
True loverhood must overleap the bounds of lineage,
transcend Arabia and Persia.

Ummat-e-oo misl-e-oo noor-e-Haq ast;
az wujoodash moshtuq ast.

)( )(

[Hazoor (S.A.W.) ki ummat Aap (S.A.W.)

ki manind Allah Taala ka noor hai
aur hamari husti oss kay noor sey wujood mein aaeyi hai.]
Loves community is like the light of God;
whatever being we possess, from its existence is derived.

Noor-e-Haq ra kas najoeyad zaad-o-bood;

chih haajat taar-o-pood.



[Koeyi shakhs Allah Taala kay noor ki
jaaey paidaish naheen dhoondta;
Haq Taala kay libaas ko taar-o-pood ki kaya zaroorat hai.]
None seeketh when or where Gods light was born;
What need of warp and woof, Gods robe to spin?

Her keh paa dar bund aqleem-o-jadd ast;

bey khabar az lum-yu-lidd wa lum-yu-ladd


[Jo shakhs molk aur nasab ki bundashon mein griftar hai

woh lum-ya-lidd lum-yu-ladd kay maani sey bey khabar hai.]
Who suffereth his foot to wear the chains of clime and ancestry,
is unaware how He begat not, neither was begot.


Wa lum ya-kun-laho, kof-vun ahad

Moslim chashm az jahan ber basta cheist?
Fitrat ein dil ba-Haq paiwastah cheist?


[Musliman jiss ney dunya sey aankhhein bund kar lee hein
(ossey qabil-e-iltifaat naheen samjha)
aur Allah Taala sey dil lagaya hai oss ki fitrat kaya hai?]
What is the Muslim, that hath closed his eyes against the world?
This heart attached to God, what is its nature?

Lalaheyi ko ber sar-e-kohay dameid;
gulcheenay nadeid.

[Oss ki misal yuon hai jaisey

gul-e-lalah paharr ki choti per ogga;

oss ney gul chein ka goshah-e-daaman naheen deikhha.]
On a mountain-top a tulip blowing,
that hath never seen the trailing border of the gatherers skirt;

Aatish-e-oo shoslaheyi geerad beh ber;

az nafas-haey nakhastein sehar.

[Sobh kay awwalin jhoonkon sey

aag bharrak kar shoalah bun gaeyi.]

The flame is kindled in his ardent breast,
from the first breaths of dawn;


Asman z-aaghosh-e-khod nagozardash;

kaukab-e-wamaandaheyi pindardash.

[Asman ney ossey apni aaghosh sey baahar nah jaaney diya;
balkeh ossey aisa sitarah samjha
jo doosaray sitaron sey peichhay reh gaya ho.]
Heaven suffers not to loose him from her bosom,
deeming him a star suspended;

Bosdash awwal shoa-e-aftab;

shabnam az chashmash bashawid gard-e-khwab.

[Pehli shoa-e-aftab ney ossey bosah diya;

shabnam ney oss ki aankhhon sey neind ki gard dho daali.]

The uprising sun touches his lips with dawns first ray,
the dew bathes from his waking eyes the dust of sleep.

Rishtaheyi ba lum yakon bayad qawi;

ta tou dar aqwaam-e-bey himmata shawi.


[Tojhey Allah Taala ki iss sift keh koeyi oss ka humsar naheen
kay saathh apna taaloq qawi rakhhna chahiay
ta-keh tou aqwaam-e-alam mein bey misl ho jaaey.]
Firm must the bond be tied with There is none,


if thou wouldst an unequalled people be.

Aankeh zaatash wahid ast-o-la sharik;
bandah-ash hum dar nasaazad ba sharik.

[Woh jiss ki zaat waahid aur la-sharik hai
oss ka bandah bhi apney saath
kissi ka sharik hona gawara naheen karta.]
He who is Essence One, unpartnered is;
his servant too no partner can endure;

Momin balaey her balaterey;

ghairat-e-oo ber na-taabad humsarey.

[Momin her boland-ter sey bhi ooncha hai;

oss ki ghairat koeyi humsar bardaasht naheen karti.]
And whoso in the Highest of the High,
Believeth, cannot suffer any peer in his high jealousy.

Khirqah-e-la tahzanoo andar berash;

) (

) (

antom-al-aalaun tajey ber sarash.


[Oss ney la tahzanoo (ghum nah khha) ka

khirqah pehun rakhha hai;
aur antom-al-aalaun (tum he boland ho gay)
ka taj apney sar per saja rakhha hai.]
Wrapt round his breast the robe of Do not grieve,
borne on his brow the crown Ye are the highest;

Mi kashad bar duo alam dosh-e-oo;

behar-e-ber pervardah-e-aaghosh-e-oo.

[Oss ney apney kandhon per

duonon jahanon ka bojh othha rakhha hai;

behar-o-ber dounon oss ki aaghosh mein pervarish paatey hein.]
He transports on his broad back the burden of both worlds,
protects both land and sea in his embrace;

Ber ghav-e-tunder madaam afgandah gosh;
barq agar raizad
humi geerad badosh.

[Woh her waqt bijli ki karrak sonnaney ka montazer rehta hai;

agar barq giray tuo woh ossey
apney kandhon per bardaasht karta hai.]
His ear attentive to the thunders roar,
his shoulders bared to take the lightnings scourge;


Paish-e-baatl taigh-o-paish-e-Haq seper;

) (

amr-o-nehi oo ayyar-e-khair-o-shar.

[Woh baatil kay moqabilay mein talwar hai

aur Haq (ki modafiat mein) seper;
oss ka kissi kaam ka karna ya nah karna
khair-o-shar ka miyar hai.]

Against the false he is a sword, a shield before the truth;

evil and good are proved upon the touchstone
of his ordinance and prohibition.

Dar girah sadd shoalah daarad akhgarash;

zindagi geerad kamal az joharash.

[Oss ka angarah apney andar sainkarron shoalay rakhhta hai;

oss kay johar sey zindagi kamal takk pohnchti hai.]
Knotted in his coals a hundred conflagrations lurk;
lifes self derives perfection from his essence pure.

Dar fazaey ein jahan-e-haaey-o-hoo;

naghamah paida neist joz takbir-e-oo.

[Iss jahan-e-haa-o-hoo ki faza mein

sirf oss ka naarah-e-takbir he naghmah paida karta hai.]

Through the broad spaces of this clamorous world;

no music sounds but his triumphant song, his loud Allahu Akbar.

Ofav-o-adl-o-badl-o-ehsanash azeem;

hum baqehar andar

mazaj-e-oo kareem.

[Woh ofav, adal, sakhawat aur ehsan ki azeem sifaat ka haamil hai;
qehar kay andar bhi oss kay mizaaj per lotf-o-karam ghalib rehta hai.]
Great is he on justice, clemency, benevolence;
noble his temper, even in chastisement.

Saaz-e-oo dar bazm-ha khatar nawaz;

soz-e-oo dar razm-ha aahun godaz.

[Bazm-e-ahbaab mein oss ka saaz dillon ko khosh karta hai;

jung mein oss ki hararat pighhla deyti hai.]
At festival his lyre delights the mind;
steel melts before his ardour in the fight.

Dar gulistan ba anadil hum safeer;

dar biyaban jorrah baz-e-siad geer.

[Gulistan mein woh bulbulon kay saathh humnawa hota hai;

aur sehra mein nar baz ki tarah shikar karta hai.]
Where roses blossom, with the nightingales his sweet song mingles;

in the wilderness no falcon is more swift upon the prey.

Zir-e-gardoon mi niasayad dillash;

ber falak geerad qarar aab-o-gillash.

[Oss ka dil dunya mein asoodgi naheen paata;

oss ka badan asman per qarar hasil paata hai.]

His heart untranquil scorns to take repose beneath the heavens;
in the spreading skies he makes his dwellings,

Taerash manqar ber akhtar zanad;
aansooey ein kohnah
chanber ber zanad.

[Oss ka parindah sitaron per choonch maarta hai;

woh oss boorrhey asman sey perli taraf orrta hai.]
As on soaring wing he rises far beyond yon ancient hoop,
that spans our firmament, to whet his beak against the gleaning stars.

Tou beh pervazay peray kashoodaheyi;

kirmak asti zir-e-khak asoodaheyi.

[Magar pervaaz kay leay apney per naheen khholta,

tuo keerray ki tarah khak kay andar he khosh rehta hai.]
Thou, with thy frail unspread pinion, tentative to fly,
art like some chrysalis, that in the dust still slunmbers on;

Khwar az mehjoori-e-Quran shoudi;

) (

shikwah sanj-e-gardish-e-douraan shoudi.

[Tou Quran-e-Pak (per amal) chhorrney ki wajah sey

zalil-o-khwar ho choka hai
aur shikwah gardish-e-douran ka karta hai.]
Rejecting the Quran, how meanly thou hast sunk,
base caviller Protesting of the turn of Fortunes wheel!

Ay choon shabnam ber zamin aftadaheyi;
dar baghal

( )

[Ay woh jo zamin per giray hoay

shabnam kay qatray ki manind hai

(iss baat ko samajh) keh teyri baghal mein
Kitab-e-zindah moujood hai.]
Yet, lying abject as the scattered dew,
thou hast within thy grip a living Book;

Taa koja dar khak mi geeri watan;

rakht bardar-o-sar gardoon faggan.


[Tou kabb takk khak ko apna watan banaey rakhhey ga;

yahan sey apna samaan othha aur ossey asman takk ley jaa.]
How long shall earth content thee for thy home?
Life up thy baggage; hurl it to the skies!



) (

Arz-e-haal-e-mosannif bahazoor Rehmatul Alamin (S.A.W.)

[Arz-e-haal-e-mosannaf bahzoor Rehmat-ul-Alamin (S.A.W.)]


Ay zahoor-e-nau shabab zindagi;


) (
) (

[Aap (S.A.W.) ki tashrif aawari sey zindagi apney shabab ko pohnchi;

Aap (S.A.W.) ka zahoor khwab-e-zindagi ki taabir hai
(Aap (S.A.W.) maqsood-e-kainat hein).]
O thou, whose manifesting was the youth of strenuous life,
whose bright epiphany told the interpretation of lifes dreams;

Ay zamin az baargahat arjumand;

) (

) (
aasman az bosah-e-baamat boland.

[Iss zamin ney Aap (S.A.W.) ki bargah kay sabab sharf paya;
asman ney Aap (S.A.W.) ki bargah kay baam ko
bosah dey kar boland martbah hasil kiya.]
Earth attained honour, having held thy court,
and heaven glory, having kissed thy roof.

Shash jehat roshan z-taab-e-rooey tou;
Turk-o-Tajik-o-Arab handoey tou.

) (

) (
[Aap (S.A.W.) kay chehrah mobarak kay
noor sey shash jehat roshan hein;

Turk, Tajik aur Arab sabb Aap (S.A.W.) kay ghulam hein.]
Thy face illumes the six-directioned world;
Turk, Tajik, Arab all thy servants are.

Az tou bala payah-e-ein kainat;
faqr-e-tou sarmayah-e-ein kainat.

) (

[Iss kainat ka martbah Aap (S.A.W.) ki wajah sey boland hoa;

Aap (S.A.W.) ka faqr kainat ki doulat hai.]
Whatever things have being, find in thee true exaltation,
and thy poverty is their abundant riches.

Dar jahan shamaa-e-hayat afrokhti;

ra khwajgi aamokhti.

( )

[Aap (S.A.W.) ney jahan mein zindagi ki shamaa roshan ki;

aur ghulamon ko aaqaeyi seikhaeyi.]
In this world thou litst the lamp of life,
as thou didst teach Gods servitors a godly mastery.

Bey tou az naboodmandi-ha khajal;
paikaran ein saraey aab-o-gill.

( ) ( )

[Aap (S.A.W.) kay baghair iss saraey aab-o-gill (dunya)


kay saarey paikar apni kum mayagi

kay sabab sharmsaar hein.]
Without thee, whatsoever form indwelt,
this habitat of water and of clay
was put to shame in utter bankruptcy;

Taa dum tou aatishay az gill kashood;
toudah-haey khak ra Adam namood.


[Jabb Aap (S.A.W.) ney matti kay paikron
kay andar sey (ishq) ki aag nikaali;
tuo onn khak kay toudon ney Adam ki surat ikhtiyar kar lee.]
Till, when thy breath drew fire from the cold dust,
and Adam made of earths dead particles;

Zarrah daaman-geer mehar-o-mah shoud;

yaani na0iroay khwaish aagah shoud.

[Pher yeh insan jo zarrah thha,

mehar-o-maah ka hum payah ho gaya;

yaani oss ney apni qowwaton sey aagahi paaeyi.]
Each atom caught the skirts of sun and moon,
suddenly conscious of its inward strength.

Taa mera aftaad ber rooeyat nazar;

az abb-o-umm gashtaheyi mehboob-ter.



- )
[Jabb sey meyri nazar Aap (S.A.W.)

kay chehrah mobarakper parri hai;

Aap (S.A.W.) mojhey maan baap sey
ziyadah mehboob ho gaey.
(Tum mein sey koeyi shakhs sahib-e-aiman naheen ho sakta
jabb takk mien oss kay nazdeek oss kay walidain,
aulaad aur tamaam insanon sey
mehboob-ter nah ho jaaon Hadis Sharif.)]
Since first my gaze alighted on thy face;
dearer than father and dear mother thou art grown to me.

Ishq dar mun aatishay afrokht ast;

forsatash baada keh jaanam sokht ast.

[Aap (S.A.W.) kay ishq ney

meyrey andar aag barrhka di hai;

ishq ko forsat mobarak kiyuonkeh
abb meyri jan jall choki hai.]
Thy love hath lit a flame within my heart;
ah, let it work at ease for all my spirit is consumed in me.


Nalah-e-ma manind-e-naey samaan-e-mun;

aan chiragh-e-khanah-e-veraan-e-mun.

[Bansari ki manind nalah he meyra samaan hai

aur yehi meyrey khanah-e-veraan ka chiragh hai.]
And my sole chattel is a reed-like sigh,
the lantern flickering in my ruined house.

Az ghum-e-penhaan nagoftan moshkil ast;
baadah dar mina nahoftan moshkil ast.

[Ghum-e-penhan ki baat nah karna bohat moshkil hai

jaisey sharab ko mina mein chhopana moshkil hai.]
It is not possible not to declare this hidden grief;
it is not possible to veil the wine in the translucent cup.

Muslim az sirr-e-Nabi (S.A.W.) beganah shoud;

) (

baz ein Baitul Haram bottkhanah shoud.

[Musliman ishq-e-Nabi (S.A.W.) sey beganah hoa

aur oss ki wajah sey yeh Bait-ul-Haram
(dil) doubarah bottkhanah bun gaya.]
But now the Muslim is estranged a new


unto the Prophets (S.A.W.) secret;

now once more Gods sanctuary is an idols shrine.

Az Manat-o-Lat, Uzza-o-Hubal;
her yakkey daarad bottay andar baghal.

[Her Musliman Lat, Manat, Uzza aur Hubal jaisey botton mein sey
koeyi nah koeyi bott apni baghal mein rakhhey hoay hai.]
Manat and Lat, Hubal and Uzza each,
carries an idol to his bosom clasped;

Shaikh-e-ma az Brahman kafir-ter ast;
z-aankeh oo ra Somnaat andar
sar ast.

[Hamara shaikh Brahman sey ziyadah kafir hai

kiyuonkeh oss ka Somnaat oss kay sar kay andar hai.]
Our shaykh no Brahman is so infidel,
seeking his Somnath stands within his head.

Rakht husti az Arab ber cheidaheyi;

dar khomistan-e-Ajam

[Oss ney Arab sey apni zindagi
ka taaloq monqataa kar liya

hai aur Ajam kay khomistan mein jaa kay suo gaya hai.]
Arabia deserted, he is gone with all his beings baggage,
slumberous to drowse in Persias wine-vault.

Shull z-berfaab-e-Ajam aazaey oo;
sard-ter az ashk-e-oo sehbaey oo.

[Ajam kay berfaab sey oss kay aaza shull ho gaey hein;
oss ki sharab oss kay aansoon sey bhi ziyadah sard hai.]
Persias sleet has set his limbs, a shiver;
his thin wine rune colder than his tears.

Humcho kafir az ajal tarsindaheyi;

seinah-ush faarigh z-qalb-e-zindaheyi.

[Woh kafiron ki tarah mout sey darta hai;

oss ka seinah qalb-e-zindah sey mehroom hai.]
As timorous of death as any infidel,
his breast is hollow, empty of a living heart.

Naashash az paish-e-tabibaan bordah-um;

dar hazoor-e-Mustafa (S.A.W.) aawordaheyi.

) (

[Mien ney oss ki naash ko tabibon kay saamney sey othhaya


aur ossey Janaab Rasool-e-Pak (S.A.W.)

kay hazoor mein ley aaya.]
I bore him lifeless from the doctors hands,
And brought him to the Prophets (S.A.W.) presence;

Mordah bood az aab-haiwan goftamash;

( )

sirrey az asrar-e-Quran goftamash.

[(Mien ney arz kiya) yeh mordah thha,

mien ney ossey aab-e-hayat ki baatein sonaeyi hein;

mien ney ossey Quran Pak kay asrar
mein sey baaz sirr biyan kiay.]
Dead he was; I told him of the Fount of Life,
I spoke with him upon a mystery O the Quran;

Daastaney goftam az yaraan-e-Najd;

nikhatey aawurdam az bustaan-e-Najd.

[Mien ney ossey Yaraan-e-Najd ki daastan sonaeyi;

mien oss kay leay Najd kay gulistan ki khoshboo laya.]
A tale of the Beloved Of Najd; I brought to him,
a perfume sweet pressed from the roses of Arabia.


Mehfil az shamaa nawa afrokhtam;

quom ra rumz-e-hayat

[Mien ney mehfil ko apni awaaz ki shamaa sey roshan kiya

aur quom ko rumz-e-hayat seikhhaeyi.]
The Candle of my music lit the throng;
I taught the people lifes enigma;

Goft ber ma bundad afsoon-e-Farang;
hust ghoghaish z-qanoon-e-Farang.

[Oss ney kaha keh yeh shakhs hum per

Frangiyuon ka afsoon phhonk raha hai;

iss ka sara ghogha saaz-e-Farang ka
marhoon-e-mannat hai.]
Still he cried against me, These are Europes spells,
he weaves to bind us with,
the psaltery of Europe that he strikes into our ears.

Ay Busiri ra rada bakhshindaheyi;

mera bakhshindaheyi.

) (

) (

[Aap (S.A.W.) ney Busiri ko

apni chadar mobarak ataa farmaeyi thhi

aur Aap (S.A.W.) ney mojhey

barabt-e-Salma ataa farmaeyi hai.]

O thou, that to Busiri gavest a Cloak,
and to my fingers yielded Salmas lute;

Zauq-e-Haq deh ein khata andaish ra;
einkeh nashinasad mataa-e-khwaish ra.

[Inn ghalat soch rakhhney waalon ko jo apni mataa ko bhi

naheen pehchantey sachaeyi ka zouq ataa farmaiay.]
Grant now to him, whose thoughts are so astray,
that he can no more recognize his own;
perception of the truth, and joy therein.

Gar dillam aeinah-e-bey johar ast;
wer baharfam ghair-e-Quran mozmer ast;

[Agar meyrey dil ka aeinah johar kay baghair hai,
agar meyrey ashaar mein Quran-e-Pak
kay alawah kochh aur poshidah hai.]
Be lusterless the mirror of my heart,
or be my words by aught but the Quran informed;

Ay froghat sobh-e-aasaar-o-dahoor;

)( ) (

chashm-e-tou beinindah-e-ma fi-sadoor.



[Aap (S.A.W.) ka noor aasar-o-dahoor

(asar-o-dehar ki jamaa) ki sobh hai;
Aap (S.A.W.) ki aankhh per dillon ki baat roshan hai.]
O thou whose splendor is the dawn of every age and time,
whose vision sees all that is in mens breasts,

Pardah-e-namoos fikram chaak kon;


) (

) (
ein khayaban ra z-kharam pak kon.

[(Agar mien Quran Pak kay alawah kochh aur kaeh raha hon)
tuo Aap (S.A.W.) meyrey fikr kay
sharaf ka pardah chaak kar dijiay
aur khayaban (dunya) ko meyrey kantay sey pak kar dijiay.]
Rend now the veil of my thoughts shame;
sweep clean the avenue of my offending thorns;

Tung kon rakht-e-hayat andar beram;
ehal-e-millat ra nigahdar az sharam.

[Zindagi kay libaas ko mojh per tung kar dijiay

aur Musliman ko meyri shaeri ki sharam sey mehfooz rakhhiay.]
Choke in my breast the narrow breath of life;
thy people guard against the mischief of my wickedness;


Sabz kisht-e-nabesaamanam makon;

beherah geer az abr-e-neisaanam makon.

[Meyri kisht-e-veraan ko sarsabz nah kijiay;

ossey abr-e-bahaar sey beheramand nah farmaiay.]

Nurse not to verdure my untimely seed,
Grant me no portion of springs fecund showers;

Khoshk gardaan baadah dar angoor-e-mun;

zehar raiz andar maey-e-kafoor-e-mun.

[Meyrey angoor kay andar jo sharab hai

ossey khoshk kar dijiay;

meyri kafoori sharab kay andar zehar daal dijiay.]

Wither the vintage in my swelling grapes,
And scatter poison in my sparkling wine;

Roz-e-mehshar khwar-o-roswa kon mera;

bey nasib az bosah-e-paa kon mera.

[Mojhey qayamat kay roz khwar-o-roswa kijiay;

yaani apney bosah-e-paa sey mehroom rakhhiay.]

Disgrace me on the Day of Reckoning,
too abject to embrace thy holy feet.


Gar dar asrar-e-Quran softah-um;
ba Muslimanan agar Haq goftah-um.

[Laikan agar mien ney apni shaeri mein
Quran-e-Pak kay moti proay hein
aur agar mien ney Muslimanon sey Haq baat kehi hai;]
But if I ever threaded on my chain
the pearl of the Qurans sweet mysteries,
I to the Muslims I have spoken true;

Ay keh az ehsaan-e-tou naakas, kas ra;


yakk duayat mazadd goftaram bus ast.

[Tuo ay woh zaat jiss kay ehsaan sey naakas kas bun jaata hai;
(meyrey leay dua farmaiay)
aur yeh eik dua he meyri saari goftar ka ajar ho ga.]
O thou whose bounty raises the obscure, unto significance,
one prayer from thee is ample guerdon for my words desert;

Arz kon paish-e-Khodaey Azz-o-Jall;

ishq mun gardad hum-aaghosh-e-amal.

[Khoda-e-Izz-o-Jall kay saamney arz kijiay


keh meyra ishq amal sey humkinar hai.]

Plead thou to God my cause, and let my love,
be locked in the embrace of godly deeds.

Daulat-e-jan-e-hazein bakhshindaheyi;

ilm-e-Deen bakhshindaheyi.

[Aap ney mojhey ghumgosar jan ki doulat ataa farmaeyi hai;

Aap ney mojhey Ilm-e-Deen ka waafar hissah bakhsha hai.]
Thou hast accorded me a contrite soul, a part of holy learning;

Dar amal paindah-ter gardaan mera;
aab-e-neisanam gauhar gardaan mera.

[Mojhey amal mein paindah-ter kar dijiay;

mien baarish ka qatrah hon mojhey gauhar bana dijiay.]
Establish me more firm in action, and my April shower
convert to pearls of great and glittering price.

Rakht-e-jan taa dar jahan aawurdah-um;
aarzooey deigarey pervardah-um.

) (

[Jabb sey mein dunya mein

jan ka samaan laya hon (paida hoa hon);


meyrey dil mein eik aarzoo bhi perwarish paa rehi hai.]
Since first I cast the baggage of my soul
in this worlds caravanserai, one more desire I ever nourished;

Humcho dil dar seinah-um asoodah ast;
mehran az sobah-e-hayatam boodah ast.

) (
[Yeh aarzoo meyrey seinay mein

dil ki manind asoodah rehti hai;

aur sobh-e-hayat (shoroa he sey) meyrey saathh rehi hai.]
Like my heart dwelling within my breast,
mine intimate from lifes dawn;

Az pidar taa naam-e-tou aamokhtam;
aatish-e-ein aarzoo afrokhtam.

[Jabb sey mien ney apney waalid sahib
sey Aap ka naam seikhha;
ossi waqt sey iss aarzoo ki aag meyrey dil mein roshan rehi.]
Since first I learned thy name from my sires lips,
the flame of that desire kindled and glowed in me.

Taa falak deirinah-ter saazad mera;

dar qomaar-e-zindagi baazad mera.


[Jabb zamaney ney mojhey moamer kiya;

aur zindagi kay khhail mein mojhey aagey barrhaya.]
My roll of days as heaven lengthens,
in lifes lottery marking me loser;

Aarzooey mun jawan-ter mi shawud;

kohan sehba graan-ter mi


[Meyri yeh aarzoo aur jawan hoti gaeyi;

yeh sharab porani ho kar aur qimati bun gaeyi.]

Ever lustier grows the youth of my desire;
this ancient wine gains greater body with the passing years.

Ein tamanna zir-e-khakam gauhar ast;
dar shabam taab-e-humein
yakk akhtar ast.

[Meyri khak-e-badan kay andar

yeh tamanna moti bun kar chamakti rehi;

meyri zindagi ki tareek raat issi eik sitarey sey roshan rehi.]
This yearning is gem beneath my dust,
a single star illumining my night.

Muddatey ba lalah rooyaan saakhtam;

ishq ba margholah mooyaan baakhtam.


[Eik omar takk mien ney hossinon sey raah-e-rasm rakhhi

aur ghhongrialey baalon waaley mehboobon sey ishq karta raha.]
Awhile with rosy checks did I consort,
played love with twisted tresses;

Baadah-ha ba mah seimayaan zadam;
damaan zadam.
ber chiragh-e-aafiyat

[Mah-rokhon kay saathh mien ney sharab kay jaam londhaey

aur itminaan-o-sakoon ka chiragh bojhata raha.]
Tasted wines with lustrous brows,
the lamp of godly peace rudely extinguished;

Barq-ha raqseid gird-e-hasilam;

rehzannan bordand kalaey dillam.

[Meyrey khirman kay gird bijliyan
raqs karti rehein aur
inn rehzunon ney meyrey dil ki doulat loot lee.]
Lightnings danced about my harvest;
my hearts store of merchandise
by highwaymen was plundered.

Ein sharab az shishah-e-jaanam naraikht;

ein zar-e-saar az damaanam naraikht.

[Magar iss tamanna ki sharab

meyri jan kay jaam sey nah nikal saki;

yeh zar-e-khalis meyrey daaman mein mehfooz raha.]
Yet this draught was spilled not from the goblet of my soul,
this gold refined not scattered from my skirt.

Aql-e-Azar paishah-um zonnar bast;

naqsh-e-oo dar kishwar-e-jaanam nishast.

[Meyri aql-e-Azar paishah ney zonnar baandha;

aur meyri jan ki walayat mein oss ka naqsh baithh gaya.]
My reason diabolical resolved to wear the Magian girdle;
its impress stamped oer my spirits furrows.

Saalha boodam gariftar-e-shakay;

az damagh-e-khoshk layunfikay.

[Kaeyi baras takk mien shakook mein griftar raha;

aur yeh shakook meyrey khoshk damagh ka
jozv-e-layuonfik bun gaya.]
Many years I was doubts prisoner,
inseparable from my too arid brain.


Harfay az ilm-ul-yaqin nakhwandaheyi;
dar gomaan abad-e-hikmat

[Meyrey damagh ney ilm-ul-yaqin ka koeyi harf nah parrha;

woh falsafay kay goman abad he mein bhhatakta raha.]
I had not read one letter of true knowledge,
and abode still in philosophys conjecture-land;

Zolmatam az taab-e-Haq beganah bood;

az noor-e-shafaq beganah bood.

[Meyrey damagh ki siyahi

Haq ki roshani sey na-ashna thhi;

meyri shaam noor-e-shafaq sey beganah thhi.]
My darkness was a stranger to the light of God,
my dusk knew not the glow of dawn.

Ein tamanna dar dillam khwbidah manad;

dar sadaf misl-e-gauhar poshidah manad.

[Magar yeh tamanna meyrey dil mein khwabidah rehi;

aur sadaf mein moti ki tarah poshidah rehi.]
And yet this yearning slumbered in my heart,

close-shrouded as the pearl within the shell;

Aakhar az paimanah-e-chashmam chakeid;

dar zamir-e-mun nawa-ha aafrid.

[Aakhar yeh meyri aankhhon kay paimaney sey chhalak parri

aur oss ney meyrey zamir kay andar sey naghmay paida kiay.]
But lastly from the goblet of mine eye it slowly trickled,
and within my mind created melodies.

Ay z-yaad-e-ghair tou jaanam tehi;
ber labbash aaram agar farman dehi.


) ) (

[Meyri jan Aap (S.A.W.) ki yaad kay alawah
kissi aur ki yaad sey khaali hai
(meyrey dil mein sirf Aap (S.A.W.) he bastay hein)
agar ijazat ho tuo mien woh aarzoo labbon takk ley aaon.]
And now my soul is emptied of all memories but thee;
I will be bold to speak of my desire, if thou wilt give me leave.

Zindagi ra az amal samaan nabood;
ein aarzoo shayan
pas mera


[Mien jaanta hon keh meyri zindagi mein

amal ka koeyi samaan naheen
iss leay mojhey yeh aarzoo zeb naheen deyti.]
My life hath been unfurnished in good works,
and therefore I might not aspire to worthiness of this;

Sharam az azhaar-e-oo ayad mera;

) (
shafqat-e-tou juraat afzaid mera.

[Iss kay azhaar sey mein sharam mehsoos karta hon,

laikan Aap (S.A.W.) ki shafqat meyra houslah barrhti hai.]
Which to reveal I am too much ashamed;
yet thy compassion maketh me more bold.

Hust shan-e-rehmatat geeti nawaz;
daaram keh meeram dar Hijaz.

) (

[Aap (S.A.W.) ki shan-e-rehmat eik zamaney ko nawazti hai,

meyri yeh aarzoo hai keh meyra aakhari waqt Hijaz mein aaey.]
The honey of thy mercy comforteth the whole round world;
and this my yearning is that I be granted in Hijaz to die!

Moslimay az masawa beganaheyi;
taa koja zonnari-e- bottkhanaheyi.

[Woh Moslim jo ghair Allah sey beganah hai;
kabb takk bottkhaney ka zonnari rehey.]
A Muslim, stranger to all else but God
How long shall he the heathen girdle wear and keep the temple?

Haif choon oo ra sarayad rozgar;

paikarash ra dir geerad dar kinar.

[Sadd haif keh jabb oss ka aakhari waqt aaey

tuo oss kay badan ko
bottkhanah apney pehloo mein jagah dey.]
O the bitter shame if, when his earthly days are at an end,
a pagan shrine receives his mortal bones.

Az darat khaizad agar ajzaey mun;

( ) ( )

waaey imrozam khosha fardaey mun.

[(Laikan) agar meyrey badan kay ajza

Aap (S.A.W.) kay dar-e-mobarak sey othhein;

tuo agarchih meyra imroz achha naheen
(magar) meyra kall mobarak ho jaaey.]
If from thy door my scattered parts arise,
woe to this day, that morrow how sublime!


Forkha sheharey keh tou boodi dar aan;


) (

ay khonak khakey keh aswadi dar aan.

[Mobarak hai woh shehar jahan

Aap (S.A.W.) tashrif farma hein;

kaya thhandi hai woh khak jiss mein

Aap (S.A.W.) araam farma rehey hein.]
O happy city that thy dwelling was,
thrice-blessed earth wherein thou dost repose!

Maskan-e-yar ast-o-shehar-e-shah-e-mun;
paish-e-ashiq ein bood hobb-al-watan.



[Yeh hamarey shah ka shehar

aur hamarey mehboob ka maskan hai;

ashiqon kay han yehi hobb-ul-watani hai.]
My friends abode, the city of my king
True patriotism, the lovers creed.

Kaukabam ra deidah-e-bidaar bakhsh;

marqaday dar sayah-e-diwaar bakhsh.


[Meyri qismat kay sitarey ko bhi

deidah-e-bidaar ataa farmaiay

(meyri qismat bhi chamak othhay)
apni diwar kay saaey mein mojhey marqad nasib farmaiay.]
Give to my star an even-wakeful eye,
and in the shadow of the wall a place to slumber,

Taa biyasaid dil-e-bitaab-e-mun;
bastgi paida
konad seimaab-e-mun.

[Ta-keh meyrey dil-e-bidaar ko sakoon nasib ho

aur meyra dil jo seimaab ki tarah moztarib hai
ossey qarar aa-jaey.]
That my spirits quicksilver be stilled;

Ba falak goeyam keh araamam niggar;

deidaheyi aaghazam, anjamam niggar.

[Aur mien falak sey kaeh sakon

keh meyri aakhari aaramgah deikhh;

tou ney meyra aaghaz bhi deikhha thha
abb meyra anjaam bhi deikhh.]
That I may say unto the skies, Behold me, tranquil;
ye who looked upon my first beginning, witness now my close.

[Translated by A.J. Arberry]

26th April, 2014


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