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The Shop at Bromsberrow

Newsletter for February 2016

From Monica Butler: FUTURE EVENTS
item 1: First Aid. On Saturday 12th March there will be an emergency first aid course
run by the Red Cross. This will be in the Shop from 2 to 4pm. So far a dozen people
have put their names forward to come and others are welcome if we have room. Thank
you James for initiating this free event. This will bring useful knowledge to our village.
Item 2: Bromsberrow Big Brunch. We are again holding our popular Big
Breakfast/Brunch, this year from 10.00am on Saturday 19th March There will be a wide
selection of eggs, bacon, sausages, mushrooms, hash browns, and other delicious
treats, followed by chocolate pancakes! Divine Chocolate will be providing free samples
and recipes. There will be more details in the March newsletter.
From Judith Britton: Bromsberrow Gardening and Social Club
At our January meeting on the 14th we welcomed Bob Skelt as our speaker.
Bob was a former radio operator in the RN, then spent 38yrs at GCHQ. He has also worked as
a tour guide at Bletchley Park. Bob gave us a fascinating glimpse into the wartime history of
Bletchley Park, firstly about the houses original owners and their fascination with different
architectural styles. These styles were then commissioned to further enhance the property. We
then learnt how on their passing, the property was obtained by the Government Code and
Cypher School. The secret team of scholars turned Code Breakers used their skill to crack the
Nazi code and ciphers, the most famous code being the Enigma. The story continued with Bob
relating the story of Tommy Flowers and the invention of Colossus the worlds first computer.
Such was the interest in the subject members have expressed a wish to visit Bletchley Park.
Any interested people wanting to visit Bletchley Park please contact us. Our next meeting is on
Thursday February 11th at 7.30pm in Bromsberrow Village Hall something quite different on this
occasion. Duncan Coombes a well-known horticultural lecturer will speak on Japan in the
Spring. We will again meet in the small committee room much cosier and with improved
acoustics. There will be a raffle. New members and/or visitors will be assured of a warm

From Jackie Tweedale: A big thank you to The Shop for letting The Moment
Centenary Project have the recent daffodil workshop there. It was a very successful
morning with 32 people attending and making 30 daffodils to add to our 'daffodil field'.
Our youngest participant was 4 years old and we had a young lady celebrating her 14th
birthday with her family who had travelled from Westbury on Severn! There was a really
good atmosphere and we had a lot of very positive feedback. Everyone enjoyed the
experience and asked if we could do more events like this! Refreshments were bought
and several people browsed around the shop and made positive comments about the
range of products in the shop. We must thank Sarah Williams from Eastnor Pottery and
the many other supporters who gave their time to support the event.

The Moment Centenary Project is aiming to celebrate the history of the area
during the years 1914 to 1918 and we would love to hear your family memories of that
time, collate a history of local events and people and gather them together. As a part of
this the daffodil project was created to remember those who lost their lives in WW1 and
to celebrate the heritage of our area. On 2 dates in March we will be displaying all the
daffodils that you have made - on Saturday, 19th March at Kempley (at the church or by
the memorial on Kempley Green), and on Saturday, 26th March at Dymock on Wintours
Green. On the last weekend you will be able to come and collect your daffodil at
Dymock at 4.30 pm. If you are unable to attend I have all your contact details so I will be
able to get your daffodil back to you
For more information about the scheme contact: info@themoment.press
Or telephone 01531 890385

From Dot and Mavis: Part 2

Well Mavis, I had a look at the Shepherds House books at the back of the shop and
found a cook book by that nice Gary Rhodeswill that help? No- Dot, No, we have to
do it properly. Ive done the paper spreadsheet now you have to help me putting it all
into the computer.oh dear Mavis you know me and computersyes I do (I thought)!
Anyway Dot, we have to make a good job of it this month, so that we can have the
figures audited. Ok, Mavis, audited eh? That sounds clever.
Yes Dot, do you feel clever today? Oh dear, never mind!
Next months instalment: Mavis and Dot are audited !
From Jan Long: Returning from Newcastle upon Tyne where I had taken time to visit
friends living in Tynemouth, including a very bracing walk along the sandy beach, I was
struck by the change in temperature, it is so much warmer here in Bromsberrow Heath!
I was also delighted to see the daffodils flowering and those in the village making such
an effort to have these pretty flowers brightening up house frontages and in our tubs at
the Shop a real sign of spring in February! We learn that there could soon be another
new neighbour in the Business Park. The far corner unit, (which used to house the firm
that manufactured frames and windows for shops and other properties), is being
purchased by a building services company. This is good news and will see a vibrant
area developing for the village community.
We are so pleased that 2 more members of the community have joined the team of
volunteers at the Shop. Volunteers are the lifeblood of the Shop and should be valued
for the precious resource that they are; we certainly appreciate everyone who helps to
provide a vital service to all those who use our Community Shop.
A reminder: Our Outreach Post Office operates within the Shop from 10.00 until 12.00 each
Tuesday and Thursday, for all your usual post office services.
Contact details for the Shop at Bromsberrow: Telephone: 01531 650744Website:
Www.theshopatbromsberrow.co.uk E-mail: info@theshopatbromsberrow.co.uk

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