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Dewi rhomila
Email : dewirhomilaoffb@gmail.com

The occurrence of global warming caused by an increase in greenhouse emissions

gas by cfc, smoke factory vehicles smoke bernotor and others. This will affect
against climate change that will cause the various kinds of disease To that writing
is aimed to know a disease arising due to global warming and handle it. Diseases
caused such as diarrhea scarlatina, ispa, skin cancer and etc. Efforts to
penagulagan harvesting grk ch4, , national movement, and international reduce
fuel, planting and do development insightful environments life.
Keywords. Global warming, climate change, disease.
Global warming is the incident, a rise in average temperature of the atmosphere
marine and landlocked the earth. Global warming or global warming happening as
a result of an increase in levels of greenhouse gases ( greenhauses gases ) in layers
troposphere ( biosfer ) as of CO2 water vapor, metan, nitrous oxide, a halocarbon
and other. Which causes an increase of the average global temperature at the
surface either of sea mainland, the sea and air biosfer ( gatut, 2007 ).
Global warming caused the temperature at the surface of the earth rose it will
impact to changes in weather and climate, for example the rain comes prolonged
causing the occurrence of floods of dryness and a rise in the sea level due to
menncairnya ice dikutub north and south. Besides the presence of global warming
causing the occurrence of a forest fire.
The occurrence of floods will bring seed of diarrhea as korela where flood causing
a diminution the quality of clean water and food that is less hegines ( seodjajadi,
2007 ). In addition to the occurrence of a forest fire cause many patients ispa
located in riau for people suffer from a disease of smoke and ispa due to the
decrease in the quality of the air ( fathurrohman, 2013 ), and still more diseases
caused by the presence of global warming.

The Cause of Global Warming

the moment as we know temperature earth is increasing this have from the
absence of global warming .menurut ippc 2001 suggests that the temperature of
the earth surface is projected to increase between 1,4oc 5,8oc as the range of
global average, from 1990 until 2010 ( the ipcc 2001,a)
Global warming happening as a result of the greenhouse effect.
Greenhouse gases arises naturally, due to activity indistri and human activity. The
natural process just as there are volcanic eruption this issue of dust and natural an
aerosol that may be floated into the atmosphere, if dust and aerosols is still falling
kebumi after a week hence range of this that can result in a global warming
because dust over the earth and the can 't reflected back out space discharge metan
of the process of fermentation anarobic garbage of organic substances etc. and
human activity as use of fuel oil for transport issue, because gas co no, so and the
presence of forest fire, logging and smoke from factories, ( cfc and other
wisnu2010 )
Global Warming Effect on Human Health
according to the world health organisation ( who ) in the annual meeting
in geneva said that the various infectious disease arising identified related to
environmental changes that drastically(teams sos 2011). Damage the forest, the
expansion of the city clearing land to farm, mining, and damage ecosystem in
coastal areas in triggering the emergence of pathogenic old and new. First, various
diseases caused increasing especially in the region of often hit drought and flood.
Malnutrition resulting in death 3,7 million people per year, diarrhea 1.9 million
inhabitants, resulting in death and malaria 0.9 million inhabitants, resulting in
death and heightened also affect on food production, the availability of water, and
the spread of a vector diseases ( ridad 1998 ). The existence of such dryness in the
province of east java as Trenggalek, Tulungagung, unfortunate, Blitar, Ponorogo,

Madiun, Pacitan, Bojonegoro, Jombang, Nganjuk, Magetan, Ngawi, Situbondo,

Lumajang, Stone, Bondowoso, Gresik, Lamongan, Tuban, Sumenep, And
Pamekasan. In 21 areas drought covering 417 village spread in 136 sub-district
( asnawi 2013 ). This incident will decrease effect of crop production that will
result in crop failure.
Under this is the table natural disasters and death victim.

From the table above is a table kind of the disasters that occurred in
indonesia as well as the number of victims who died the world, for example, a
forest fire takes a victim helpdown 34 thousand and bajir 136 thousand. Second: is
a forest fire, ecosystem, can touch the earth produce greenhouse gasses that cause
global warming. The smoke of her black disrupt directly human life, smoke
containing a fine dust and various oxide of carbon it is causing respiratory
disorders and acute respiratory tract infection ( ispa ) as happened in riau patients
ispa for residents while in indonesia based on the results of research basic health
(riskesdas 2007 ), show; the prevalence of national ispa: 25.5 % ( 16 provinces ),
on the national figures in pain ( morbidity ) pneumonia in baby: 2.2 % Toddlers: 3
%, the number of deaths ( mortalitas ) on the baby 23.8 %, and babies 15.5 %,
kemenkes. According to riskesdas 2007, pneumonia is still the case of the largest
in the country. ( bje, 2010 ) the prevalence of to the case of ispa and pneumonia in
jambi namely $ 22.65 % and 1.29 %. ( riskesdas, 2007 ). Besides ispa also the
occurrence of asthma, bronkhitis bronkhitis to chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease ( copd ) ( kartika 2012 ). Smoke is also bring poison dioksin that can

cause lung cancer and a disorder of pregnancy and barrenness in women. Three: a
shift ecosystem can give the impact on the spread of disease by water
( waterborne diseases ) or the spread of diseases through a vector ( vector-borne
diseases ) ( kartika 2012 ). As an increase in the incident scarlatina because of the
emergence of a room ( ecosystem ) new to nyamuk breeds. By the presence of
climate change, that there are several species of a vector diseases ( eq aedes
agipty), a virus, bacteria, a plasmodium become more resistant to certain drugs
that target his is the organisms. Besides that can be predicted right that there is
some species of which naturally will terseleksi or extinct because perbuhan
ecosystem ekstreem this. Four: the impact of global warming also affect depletion
of ozone as, among others, the increase of ultra violet which reached the earth
surface at health, causing disorder as of skin cancer, cataract a decrease in
durability of the body, and growth of genetic mutations. Common, exacerbating
the ills of asthma and allergies ( kartika 2012 ).
The Act of Reducing Global Warming
The actions that can be done as follows ( wisnu, 2010 ): 1) Harvesting GRK CH4,
this: the harvesters by means of organic waste accommodated inside digester after
decay CH4, channeled into the tank gas to be used as fuel, or managed to
fertilizers, organic. 2) Bare heights, greening land with the increase in the levels
of oxygen in the air environment and repair is the ozone hole can happen. 3) The
replacement of fuels with alternative energy, such as energy ai tides; of energy
heat sea etc,Depending on geography. 4) Do developed sightful environments
alive. 5) A national movement and international planting a tree, as 1000 blue sky
and urged emis developed countries to reduce greenhouse gases 25 / 40 %.
Global warming that caused by rise green house effect that,got from cfc,
many polution from factories and transportation. That will caese climate anomali
and weather indenfinitively, for the example the happening of endless rain, the
impact of it make flood and flood bring germdisease of diarrhoea. and then the
forest fire make smoke,so that will distup respiration system or ISPA and many

more. So to cope with it is replacement of fuel, can be done national movement,

and international greening harvesting grk ch4, as well as conduct development
vision on the environment. Therefore the act of it, the act of reducing should run
and continue to be improved.
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