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Phone Hacking Scandal
Aired July 18, 2011 - 16:00:00 ET
BECKY ANDERSON, HOST: Britain's top police chief gone. Scotland Yard's head of counterterrorism gone. And now the force itself will be investigated in the ever-widening phone hacking
Tuesday, the world's attention turns to the Murdochs.
But just how much can they tell British lawmakers about what went on?
Plus, as Mandela turns 93, we look at some of the world's most celebrated faces what the African
icon means to them.
A dramatic World Cup win.
A very good evening.
Tonight, the phone hacking scandal which has rocked a media empire takes another turn. This time,
investigations now focus on the police. That in just a moment.
First up, we're hearing reports that a former "News of the World" reporter has been found dead.
Our senior international correspondent, Matthew Chance, has more on this part of the story for us -Matthew.
His name is Sean Hoare. Sean Hoare. He's the former show biz correspondent of the "News of the
World." He's obviously in a good position to know about the ins and outs of what went on at that now
defunct newspaper. According to a statement from the police, a body was found at 10:40 this
morning local time in Britain, at his home in -- in Watford. The death is not being considered by the
police to be suspicious, but the explain -- the cause of death has not yet been explained. But we'll get
that detail when the coroners have reached some kind of a verdict.
But this is important, because Sean Hoare was the main whistleblower on this story. He was the first
named journalist to make the accusation that Andy Coulson, who is the former editor of the "News of
the World," and, of course, the former press secretary of the British prime minister, David Cameron,
to make the accusation that not only did he know about phone tapping going on at the "News of the

World," but he actually approved of it and actually encouraged journalists to take part in that excuse
to try and get exclusives.
He also came back into the -- the headlines a few weeks ago giving an interview to the "New York
Times," saying that "News of the World" journalists had access to sensitive police technology to
pinpoint individuals they were looking for in exchange for cash payments.
So he really was a whistleblower -- Becky.
ANDERSON: All right, Matthew Chance with part of the story for you.
Further shocking developments in this phone hacking scandal earlier, which tonight, taking it from
the shadows of Fleet Street to the doorstep of U.K. police headquarters.
CNN's Atika Shubert that's a look at the resignations of Britain's two top cops, both gone in the past
24 hours, and how this focus in this case is now shifting to links between the police and the
journalists they were supposed to be investigating.
ATIKA SHUBERT, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Former senior police officer, John Yates, is
the latest head to roll, now under investigation for his failed review of the police phone hacking
investigation. And according to the Independent Police Complaints Commission, allegations of
inappropriately securing employment for the daughter of a friend.
Yates resigned on Monday, before the investigation was announced. In a statement to the press, he
said though he regrets some decisions, his conscience is clear.
recently, it is a matter of great personal regret that those potentially affected by phone hacking were
not dealt with appropriately. Sadly, there continues to be a huge amount of inaccurate, ill-informed,
and, on occasions, downright malicious gossip being published about me personally.
SHUBERT: On Sunday, his boss and Britain's top cop, Paul Stephenson, also resigned. He is now
under scrutiny for his role in overseeing the phone hacking investigation.
(on camera): But just how cozy was the relationship between British police and News International?
Were police paid and did police look the other way when it came to phone hacking?
(voice-over): According to police documents from News International, showed what appears to be,
quote, "inappropriate payments" made to police officers between 2003 and 2007. And, in fact,
Rebekah Brooks, former "News of the World" editor, bluntly admitted as much to lawmakers in
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's just the one element of whether you ever pay the police for information?
REBEKAH BROOKS: We have paid the police for information in the past.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And will you do it in the future?

BROOKS: It depends on...

SHUBERT: Fellow executive, Andy Coulson, quickly added that the payments were within the law,
but just how far do such payments go? last week, lawmakers grilled Andy Hayman, the former senior
police officer responsible for the initial failed investigation into phone hacking. They asked him had
he ever received payments.
And this was his answer.
Absolutely not. I can't believe you suggested that.
SHUBERT: However, after Hayman resigned in 2007, he became and remains a paid columnist for
News International. And parliament came and brushed off suggestions the job was, in effect, a
(on camera): A poll for the "Sunday Mirror" and "The Independent on Sunday" carried out by
Conrad's found that 63 percent of respondents said they trust the police less as a result of these
On Tuesday, both Stephenson and Yates will face yet another grilling from lawmakers determined to
find out just how far the corruption goes.
Atika Shubert, CNN, London.
ANDERSON: All right, well, for more on this story, let's bring in the man who hopes it will now be no
more business as usual for the British police force.
Former Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott is also an alleged phone hacking victim.
And he joins me now from Westminster here in London.
John, it was a friendship with the former "News of the World" deputy editor, Neil Wallis, that
ultimately led to the resignation -- the unprecedented resignation of two of Britain's top police chiefs
earlier on today. It has never happened in the history of the force. Neither of these men, though,
alleged to have taken bribes, we must say.
Were you surprised to -- can you hear me, John?
I'm going to come back to John Prescott, who appears to be having problems with us with his
ANDERSON: Let's -- let's just move on for -- for a short point of time and see if we can get him back.
The story is already complex here, but the fallout stretches across the Atlantic. News Corp could be
facing legal battles in the U.S. if allegations of criminal activity can be proven.

Well, the connections in the spotlight run all the way to the top. We know two past editors of the
now defunct "News of the World" have been arrested and bailed during these latest phone hacking
investigations. Rebekah Brooks, of course, who was the former News International chief executive -you saw her in Atika's package there -- was released on Sunday following a nine hour interview with
police. Her lawyer has stated she is not guilty of any of these criminal activities.
Well, let's get more on what sort of investigations are going on right now in the United States,
including how the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act could be brought into this case.
CNN's Richard Roth is with us from New York.
What have you got on that side of the pond -- Richard?
of legislation the average American is not exactly talking about at their dinner table, the Foreign
Corrupt Practices Act. And it looms in situations like this.
It's illegal to bribe officials overseas if you're a U.S. firm and News Corp is here and traded on the
New York Stock Exchange.
What's going on in London right now is the subject of a preliminary investigation by the FBI. It was
announced last week. And today, an FBI spokesperson saying nothing really more, but adding that:
"We are aware of the allegations of the phone hacking scandal as it relates to the 9/11 victims and
we're looking into it."
Nothing proven yet, whether there was any hacking done to anyone, a family member of those killed
in the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
Now the 9/11 families, some of them have issued a letter today. Their lawyer saying that they're
ready to cooperate with any investigation by the FBI or anyone regarding the alleged phone hacking
and the scandal that ensures there.
Now, wants to pone business law professor at Butler University in Indiana who described it: "Right
now, what seems in focus and under threat is News Corp itself, besides its individuals who run it.
liability you need the FCPA for the acts of any of its employees. From an individual standpoint, the
question, though, is going to be, what did the executive know and when did they know it?
Did they authorize any of these payments at issue?
Did they participate in any of the payments at issue or did they somehow know of them but failed to
put a stop to them?
So that is the key question that will be asked in terms of any individual liability.
ROTH: Even just paying one police official or police officer could bring someone subject to this

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. And then underneath the legislation, it starts to broaden out as to -as the professor was pointing out -- who exactly knew of this.
Now, the government has ramped up involvement, Becky, in this Foreign Corrupt Practices Act,
stepping up investigations so something like 15 to maybe 70 cases last year. And the U.K. law
regarding bribery of foreign officials has also been expanded, starting on July 1st, though they differ
in terms of its depth. But they have similar goals and it still is an open question whether News Corp
or its individual officials violated any of these acts -- Becky.
All right, Richard, thank you for that.
And News Corp shareholders have every reason to be concerned. Share prices sank again today in
Sydney, even falling to a two year low. The Acar (ph) shares in New York are currently off more than
3 percent. In less than two weeks, they've fallen around 17 percent. Altogether, more than $7 billion
has been wiped off the company's value.
Let's bring it back to the U.K. and to a man who, today, has said that he hopes it will be no more
business as usual for the British police force.
Let me remind you what we've been talking about today. Two of Britain's top policemen have fallen
on their sword over this phone hacking scandal. They've gone. They've resigned in the past 24 hours,
Paul Stephenson and John Yates. Yates of the Yard, as he was often known here in the UK.
John Prescott joins me now.
He's the former deputy prime minister, also an alleged victim of hacking, it's got to be said.
It was a friendship with the former deputy editor of the "News of the World," Mr. Wallace, Neil
Wallace, that ultimately led to the two resignations of two top British cops today. Neither are being
accused or alleged to have taken bribes.
But were you surprised they've gone?
PRESCOTT: No, I'm not. I've been calling for them to go for -- for a while. If you take the
Sir Paul, he, in fact, has been actively involved with the Murdoch press and this man since 2006. He
was even dining and whining with them when there was an actual investigation going into the
criminal acts of the Murdoch operation. And that was close with the police. And that's what makes it
very suspicious.
But he also blamed an officer. He said this officer hadn't told him, because one of the cries in all this
is, I didn't know, god. Everybody says, from Murdoch down, I never knew.
But in this case, the man who had the evidence was, indeed, Mr. Yates, who constantly told me my
phone had not been hacked into. The second inquiry forced by my interven -- intervention with a
court showed this had been done 44 times.
He then admitted, quite recently -- and it only came out just recently -- that he had 10 bags of

evidence that he didn't feel would have to go into. Now, if that was what he knew, what did he tell
the commissioner when the commissioner tried...
ANDERSON: Right...
PRESCOTT: -- to quieten the garden -- "Guardian," who had exposed all this?
It is this incestuous relationship between the press and, indeed, the police and in the background is
the BSky bid, where they want to give it to Fox News. And if you wonder what's going to happen
here with Murdoch, if he have got his way, we'd have had a Fox News, not something I'm very happy
ANDERSON: All right. John, the mayor of London said today -- with reference to the two
resignations, both of which he had to accept in his position, there is -- and I quote -- "absolutely
nothing that has been proven against the probity or the professionalism of either man. But in both
cases, we have to recognize that the nexus of questions about the relationship between the Met" -that is, the Metropolitan Police Force -- "and the "News of the World" was likely to be distracting to
both offices in the run-up to the Olympic Games."
Now, this is an effort, of course, to try and restore the Met's reputation.
Will it work at this point?
PRESCOTT: It's not the Met's reputation he's worried about, it's his. He's in an election as an mayor.
And he is the man, when it first came out, when a handful of us were trying to say, during the last
three years, there's something rotten in our state between the police and the press and a very close
relationship with politicians, he described that as a Labour fix. He said it was a load of gods wallop.
Now, of course, he's desperately trying to show that he wants to clean the act up. He should have
been doing that when it mattered.
ANDERSON: Former Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott joining us on what is the top story of the
day today, the resignation in the past 24 hours of two of Britain's top policemen.
Well, as the phone hacking scandal deepens, many are anxious to hear testimony from the head of
News Corp himself and his top executives. A look ahead to tomorrow's proceedings in about five
minutes time.
Well, then a global icon turns a year older -- what Nelson Mandela wants you to do on his birthday.
Plus, we'll ask one of Africa's most popular singers about his legacy.
But first, NATO's new commander in Kabul and why the hand-over comes at a critical time.
ANDERSON: A very warm welcome back.
You're watching CONNECT THE WORLD here on CNN.
I'm Becky Anderson.

Sixteen minutes past 9:00 in London for you.

There are the other stories that we are following for you this hour.
Five months into Libya's war, a government spokesman says that Libyan and American officials held
direct, face-to-face talks in Tunisia over the weekend. The spokesman for Libyan leader Moammar
Gadhafi tells CNN, quote, "This is a first step" and that the regime welcomes any further steps.
A U.S. source tells CNN the meeting was intended to deliver a clear message that Gadhafi must step
Well, the announcement comes three days after the U.S. officially recognized rebel leaders as the
legitimate government of Libya.
Well, together we will prevail -- the words of NATO's new commander in Afghanistan. John Allen
officially took over this Monday from General David Petraeus. He inherits a force that's coming
under renewed attack. Three international soldiers were killed today in Eastern Afghanistan.
Well, for his part, General Petraeus is leaving Kabul and the military to return to the U.S. as CIA
director -- but not before he offered his thanks.
GEN. DAVID PETRAEUS, OUTGOING COMMANDER, ISAF: It has, again, been the greatest of
honors to serve here, to witness the skill and valor of our troopers and to see the courage and
commitment of Afghan leaders, Afghan forces and the Afghan people.
ANDERSON: Well, Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi is due back in court three months from
now. Earlier today, a judge rejected all of the defense motions in his trial, among them, a request to
move the trial out of Milan and closer to his personal residence. Berlusconi is accused of paying for
sex with a 17 -year-old girl dancer best known by her stage name, "Ruby the Heart Stealer".
Well, in Indonesia, volcanic rumblings turn into new eruptions. Two of them occurring within 10
minutes of each other. Well, earlier today, Mount Lokon in northwestern Sulawesi Province spit out
ash clouds as high as 600 meters. Authorities worry that smoke could affect flights at nearby
airports. The eruptions began last Thursday. Since then, thousands of villagers have rushed to
emergency shelters.
You're watching CONNECT THE WORLD here on CNN.
I'm Becky Anderson in London.
Up next, Britain's parliament gears up to grill the major players in what is a ballooning scandal
surrounding Rupert Murdoch and his media empire.
ANDERSON: A warm welcome back.

Twenty minutes past 9:00 in London.

Tonight, Britain expects answers and the world is watching.
Who knew what when in the ballooning phone hacking and bribery scandal surrounding Rupert
Murdoch, his son James and the former "News of the World" editor, Rebekah Brooks.
Well, British lawmakers hope to get closer to some answers tomorrow, Tuesday, when the key
players face their first public grilling.
My colleague, Dan Rivers, tells us what's at stake.
DAN RIVERS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: (voice-over): When Big Ben strikes 2:30 in London, the bell
will be tolling for Rupert Murdoch, his son James and former chief executive, Rebekah Brooks.
Their appearance before a British parliamentary committee may be the most important hour of their
entire careers. And the big political beasts in this building are smelling blood, even if Rebekah
Brooks' arrest may mean she's unable to shed light on what really happened.
Hacking victims like former Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott think Rupert Murdoch's got a lot to
answer for.
PRESCOTT: Everybody on him is scared to death to do anything that he doesn't like. So he's the
spider in the middle of this web. And it's about time we took him on.
RIVERS: The chairman who will be in charge of the grilling is keen to hear why the company
previously told him phone hacking was just the work of a rogue reporter, then later admitted that
wasn't true.
senior executives of News International. And James Murdoch has now publicly stated that
parliament was misled.
Now, parliament takes that very seriously. And so we want to ask him why he has discovered that we
have been misled, who misled us and how long he's known about that.
RIVERS (on camera): For Rupert Murdoch, this isn't a court appearance, but it may feel like he's on
(on camera): For years, Rupert Murdoch has been behind numerous cruel tabloid headlines. Now,
suddenly, he's on the front page himself. And that's a pretty awkward place for a press baron to be -suddenly the target of what they call in Britain, the gutter press.
Dan Rivers, CNN, London.
ANDERSON: Well, apart from Tuesday's hearing in parliament, there are several investigations
underway in the U.K. into this phone hacking scandal. It's fairly complicated stuff, but these are

official investigations.
The London police have launched operating -- Operation Weeting; and that is about the phone
hacking scandal. And Operation Elveden, which is into police corruption. There's also a police review
board that has been announced. That was announced by the home secretary earlier today, that the
police review board will also investigate allegations of corruption.
And this -- earlier this month, Prime Minister David Cameron announced a judge-led inquiry to
investigate the hacking allegations and the relationship of politicians, the police and the press.
Well, amid all the probes, apologies and resignations, what should Rupert Murdoch be doing next?
We're discussing crisis management with media lawyer tonight, Mark Stephens, and Allyson
Stewart-Allen, who runs International Marketing Partners, both with me in the studio.
We were -- were trying to work out tonight, is given that those investigations are ongoing at the
moment, what is it that Rupert Murdoch, his son and Rebekah Brooks, who are scheduled to appear
in front of the parliamentary Select Committee tomorrow, what is it that they can say?
MARK STEPHENS, MEDIA LAWYER: They can say anything that doesn't tend to incriminate them.
Otherwise, they have to take the Fifth, the prevailing against self-incrimination. And they will have
an absolute retinue of lawyers sitting with them, the lead lawyer sitting next to them and the -- the
Sarid (ph) ranks behind who will be advising them in relation to each and every question that is
asked, just how far they can go and what they can answer.
ANDERSON: This has been an absolutely mess. I think everybody would admit to that, and I'm sure
Rupert Murdoch would, too, if he were here tonight.
But this -- this has been a crisis which has been about mishandled as crisis you could possibly
What is it, so far as their marketing and P.R. is concerned tomorrow that they can do to improve
LTD.: be specific. Tell people the actions that have been taken. Tell people about the capability of
the leadership internally. And tell people about what changes and safeguards are going to be put in
place so that this sort of unethical activity can't ever happen again.
But people need the reassurance and they need the communication.
ANDERSON: Some questions -- sorry, Mark.
But some questions now, which many will want answers to, but as we've been talking about, can
they or will they be allowed to give answers to -- to these?
So let's go through a couple of them, Mark, that -- that people have suggested to me may be asked
For example, what responsibility did News International and its parent company, News Corp, have
in allowing a newsroom culture to develop where it was considered justifiable to hack into the phone

of a kidnapped school girl or the phone of 07/07 victims or those of families of soldiers killed in Iraq
and Afghanistan?
That's a question that -- that all of it may be asked.
STEPHENS: That's quite a nice question, actually, because it allows you to get into the human
interest side, the fact that it allows Rupert Murdoch himself to say, I completely abhor what's gone
on and to say I relied on my lieutenants and all the rest of it.
So he has the ability to answer that question pretty fully, pretty robustly, but without causing him
any difficulty.
He's going to have much more difficulty if -- with someone like James Murdoch having to answer
questions about how and why were parliament misled on the previous occasion?
How was it that policemen have been paid money?
Was that a breach of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act?
All of those kinds of questions are going to lead him down a path which is going to be inexorably
more and more difficult to extricate himself from and ultimately the -- you come to a position where
they have to declare themselves to be knaves or fools.
ANDERSON: What about this one, Allyson?
In March, 2003, Rebekah Brooks told the Culture Committee that we -- and I -- I quote her here. "We
have paid the police for information in the past."
The question, I guess, did that not alert you to the possibility that something might be wrong?
How does she answer a question about that tomorrow?
STEWART-ALLEN: Well, it's very hard to defend that sort of behavior and that sort of action. You've
already admitted once that you have paid the police. What I think people in the public will be
expecting, and probably the parliamentarians, is some evidence that says, and since then, here are
some things we've done internally to change the place so this doesn't happen again.
But we want to know, I think, that things are different now.
ANDERSON: I guess the question that they will be asking themselves tonight -- and it appears that
the two Murdochs will be appearing together and then it will be Rebekah Brooks afterwards -- is
how do we -- how do we answer questions without impeding a political investigation that might be
going on, but we need to say enough so that we don't look as if we're hiding things?
STEPHENS: Well, I think that the -- there's no duty on the Murdochs not to impede a -- a police
investigation, nor on Rebekah Brooks. She's given such evidence as she wishes to, to the police, over
this last weekend, when she was arrested.
So in those circumstances, it is absolutely free reign for these MPs to ask any and every question

that they can think of.

Of course, the difference here is that they won't have the advice and assistance of lawyers. It will
just be the solid ranks of lawyers on the defense. There will be no lawyers of offense.
But the -- the problem here is that they can ask all the questions, but I would think that the lawyers
are going to be whispering in the air, saying, don't answer that or I would avoid answering that in -or I'd answer that in this way.
So I think what we're going to get is a fairly stilted performance tomorrow.
ANDERSON: The world -- the world's eyes, though, will be on them, Allyson.
STEWART-ALLEN: Very much so. And the world is expecting some contrition and some evidence
that says we're on top of this, here are some specific actions we're taking, here's how we plan to get
our leadership house in order and here's how we plan to get our culture changed inside the business
internationally. This isn't just a U.K. issue. The company trades all over the world.
So whatever ha -- is decided here is going to affect the businesses, presumably, everywhere.
ANDERSON: With that, we're going to leave it there.
Go on, Mark.
The last -- the last word.
STEPHENS: Well, I -- I was going to say, I think that the legal and the reputation management do
intercede there, because shareholders from across the planet will be looking really carefully. And
that's who Mr. Murdoch has to win over tomorrow, not the MPs.
ANDERSON: Interesting.
Thank you both for joining us.
STEPHENS: Thank you.
ANDERSON: You're watching CONNECT THE WORLD here on CNN.
It's just before half past 9:00 in London.
So it's all about Tuesday. CNN will have live coverage of the testimony of Rupert Murdoch and his
son James, along with former News International executive, Rebekah Brooks, to British parliament.
That's all tomorrow afternoon, starting at half past two in London here on CNN.
Well, this is CNN with me, Becky Anderson, in London.
Up ahead, Japan is over the moon after its winning football team delivers World Cup glory. The stars
of the hour are on their way home, and we'll preview that welcome in just about five minutes time.
Stay with us.

ANDERSON: A very warm welcome back, this is CONNECT THE WORLD. Before we move on, let's
get you a check of the headlines here on CNN this hour.
British media reporting that a former "News of the World" reporter has been found dead. You see
him here in a photo that we have just received. Sean Hoare is credited as being the first named
journalist to expose phone hacking at the newspaper. The press association says that the death is
not being treated as suspicious.
The changing of the guard in Afghanistan as General David Petraeus hands over command of NATO
forces to US Marine General John Allen. Petraeus is set to become director of the CIA in September.
A spokesman for Moammar Gadhafi's regime says US and Libyan officials engaged in direct talks
over the weekend. A US source tells CNN the Americans were delivering a clear message that
Gadhafi must step down.
A lawyer for Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi calls it "shameful" after a judge rejected
defense motion in a hearing for Mr. Berlusconi's trial on sex charged and he paid for sex with a
minor. Berlusconi's attorney says it will be impossible for his client to get a fair trial.
Gold prices touched a new record this Monday. They topped $1600 an ounce, driven by debt worries
in the US and in Europe. Many consider gold a safe haven during times of uncertainty.
And those are your headlines this hour.
Joy to Japan. The devastated country finally has something to cheer about. And this is why.
ANNOUNCER: It is Japan's World Cup!

ANDERSON: Japan got the ball high into the net to seal its victory over the US in the women's World
Cup final in Germany during the small hours of Monday morning.
Japan can't get enough of its star team. The players are on their way home. Japan has had precious
little to cheer about, of course, over the past four months. It's still trying to come back from the
March earthquake and tsunami that left tens of thousands dead and sparked a nuclear emergency.
And a fairytale ending for the winner of the British Open golf championship, 42-year-old Darren
Clarke had pretty much been written off by almost everyone, and then he won the first major of his

My colleague, Patrick Snell, joins me now from CNN Center to talk about these new heroes of sport.
Let's kick off with the golf and then move back to the football. Darren Clarke. I mean over 40, hasn't
won anything significant in years, how does he do it?
PATRICK SNELL, CNN SPORTS CORRESPONDENT: Quite incredible, Becky, 42 years of age,
Darren Clarke, a very popular winner, no doubt about it. And what an incredible success sequence,
that golfers from Northern Ireland in particular have had, it really is quite incredible.
You're absolutely right, Darren Clarke had been in golfing limbo, if you like, over a number of years.
He did have one tour victory a few months ago, but nothing that would indicate, Becky, what was to
come over the weekend at the British Open at Royal St. Georges down there in southern England.
It was a phenomenal performance, he was as cool as you like, and it's first slam. And at 42, you
know, why not? He'll feel he's got maybe a couple more.
Let's just show you the sequence, though, of Irish golfers, particularly from Northern Ireland. We did
have Paddy Harrington, of course, from Ireland who got three majors to his name before the
Northern Irish set came along. That was the first.
Graeme McDowell, winning the 2010 US Open out in California. He won that title age 30, his first
And then, just a couple of weeks or so ago, 22-year-old Rory McIlroy from Hollywood, Northern
Ireland, Becky, producing a blockbuster of a performance. He dominated, he led wire to wire
throughout all four rounds, and he won his first major at 22.
And then -- then comes along another Northern Irish golfer. That man, Clarke, he shoots up the
world rankings. He's gone from outside the top 100 -- he was something like 113, I think -- he's up to
30, now, and he is looking really good. And no wonder Irish eyes, Becky, are smiling so brightly, so
intensely right now.
ANDERSON: As are Japanese. I mean, you couldn't have made this headline up, really. They may not
have set out as the favorites in the women's World Cup, but boy doesn't the country need some
success like this?
SNELL: Absolutely. The nation of Japan -- I think it's fair to say the neutrals out there would have
been rooting for Japan when you particularly go back in your mind what happened to that country
earlier this year, the devastation wreaked.
This was a superb performance. It was a performance, Becky, of defiance against all the odds. And
every time they went behind in the game, they just refused to accept defeat. They were never
And I like their ice-cool nerves when it came to that penalty shoot out. I thought the USA women
started to show shades of nerves and tension. The Japanese kept cool.
And I hope the USA didn't underestimate them. I don't think they did. But Japan had proved already
in the tournament they were not to be trifled with. They put the Germans out of the tournament
earlier, that was a shock, they got rid of the hosts.
And then, they got rid of the traditional power house from Sweden, as well. This is a fabulous

achievement for Japanese soccer. It's their first major title in footballing terms, as well, and they've
upstaged their male counterparts -ANDERSON: Yes, haven't they?
SNELL: -- as well, Becky. Well, I'm going to move it on to some other headlines from the world of
sports. Particularly in the Copa America, big one over the weekend. Let's start right there, in fact, in
South America.
You may recall Argentina's shock loss in the quarterfinals of La Copa. While, Brazil now following
suit, going out much earlier than most would have predicted after losing to Paraguay in dramatic
fashion Sunday.
Their opponents hadn't managed a single shot on target during this game. Well, not only did
Paraguay win the shoot out, but Brazil didn't hit the back of the net once. Not once. Not only that,
they didn't even hit the target with three of their four kicks.
Elano, Andre Santos, Fred, all completely missing, and Thiago Silva's penalty was saved crucially,
and this completes the weekend of upsets at the Copa. The hosts Argentina also sent packing, as
well. It's quite amazing what we're seeing at the Copa America.
Meantime, some big news, potentially, concerning Carlos Tevez, the Argentine. He could be on his
way back to Brazil soon. Man City, his club in England, confirming they've accepted an offer from
Corinthians for the striker, but Corinthians themselves saying, for now at least, no deal has yet been
Tevez has been unsettled for some time and has been reportedly seeking a move back to South
America for what he calls family reasons.
He spent two very successful seasons with Corinthians before moving to England some five years
ago to first West Ham, then Manchester United, where he helped the club win the 2008 European
Cup. So, we're watching the Tevez situation very closely, indeed.
Do make sure you join me for "World Sport" in less than an hour's time, at the bottom of the next
hour. Which reminds me, I must get going and finish off preparing that show.
We'll be reflecting a lot more on Japan's historic triumph at the women's World Cup. They're in the
air right now, Becky, preparing, getting close to landing at Tokyo International Airport there, Narita.
Back to you.
ANDERSON: Good stuff. There's going to be a real celebration there when they arrive. Patrick,
thank you. Patrick Snell with your sports news this evening.
Now, he is one of the world's most adored and respected men, and today he turns 93. Ahead, we talk
about Nelson Mandela's legacy with singing sensation Angelique Kidjo. She's just one of his many
ALAN RICKMAN, ACTOR: You're not alone. It's like the whole world takes one look at that face, that
history, and that story and you feel about the size of a gnat. And why is that? Because of his -- never

mind his courage and endurance, but his continuing humanity. A very happy birthday, Mr. Mandela.
MORGAN FREEMAN, ACTOR: Having met him some years ago in order to get to know him well
enough to play him in a movie, I learned the peace of his being. My dear friend, (singing) happy
birthday to you, happy birthday.
(Speaking) Happy birthday, Madiba.

GROUP OF SCHOOL CHILDREN (singing): Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy
birthday dear Tata, happy birthday to you.
ANDERSON: In South Africa, about 12 million students sang happy birthday to Nelson Mandela in
unison before starting their lesson. You can hear them calling the former South African president
and anti-apartheid icon "Tata," which means "father" in Xhosa.
Well, Mandela, who's also affectionately known by his clan name Madiba, is spending the day with
family members in Qunu. That is the village in South Africa's eastern cape where he grew up.
He rarely appears in public these days, last seen at the closing ceremony of the FIFA World Cup in
South Africa last year. In January, he was briefly hospitalized for an acute respiratory infection. He
continues to receive medical care at home.
But he spent 27 years in prison for his fight against apartheid, and his life has become a lesson in
forgiveness. The UN has named July the 18th Nelson Mandela International Day, and his foundation
is encouraging everyone to devote 67 minutes to helping others, one minute for every year of
Mandela's service to humanity.
Robin Curnow is at CNN in Johannesburg for you this evening. Robin?
ROBIN CURNOW, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Hi there, Becky. Well, you can't really overestimate just
how much Mandela means to South Africans. Everybody here, including myself, gets quite, sort of
mushy when you talk about a man on a day like today.
Look at the headlines. "Madiba a giant among men." Another one from this morning's paper,
"Madiba's magnificent 93." Really, there is a deep emotional thankfulness, I think, for what kind of
sacrifices Mandela made for South Africans.

On a day like today, when it's his birthday, when you hear all of that singing, I think many South
Africans very briefly take an hour or even a little bit less or a little bit longer just to say thanks for a
man who, like you said, was not just about forgiveness, but also about sacrifice.
And I think today, urging people to volunteer just a little bit of their time to help the greater good
brought together South Africans from all walks of life. And in a way, that perhaps was the best
birthday gift for him. Take a look at this.
CURNOW (voice-over): Revved up and ready to spread a message of change. These are the unlikely
road warriors for Nelson Mandela. A multiracial, multilingual group of South Africans, they've
ridden the highways and byways of the country for the past week doing good along the way,
stopping off in forgotten little towns, honoring the most vulnerable with their time.
UNIDENTIFED MALE: We're going to painting also a wall here.
CURNOW: Their gift to Nelson Mandela for his birthday.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is how you paint a wall.
CURNOW: On this stop, the bikers are painting a small orphanage in a small town called Harrismith.
Brightening up walls, adding a little color, a little hope to the kids' lives, just like Nelson Mandela
would do.
demonstrates to him that people are passionate about his legacy.
CURNOW: Mandela's now 93, too frail for public appearances, his memory is going, and he battles
with the health problems that come with old age. But many in South Africa want to remind him and
others that his sacrifices, his extraordinary life journey is not forgotten and still relevant to the
ordinary person.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He's opening up my views, you know? When it comes to helping, it's a
selfless act.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We've come here, we've made a change, we've painted this jungle gym, so
there's concrete evidence that we were here, so then this can be an example for others in the
community that we leave behind to actually do the same as we have done.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Madiba's legacy is about people enjoying each other's company and having
fun providing service.
CURNOW: Mandela's birthday on July 18 has been branded Mandela Day. His image is emblazoned
across the national airline. And on the powerful motorbikes that have crisscrossed the country to
remind people that Mandela's most enduring legacy is to give a little of yourself for the greater
CURNOW: Now, Becky, as you know, Mandela's always led by example. He's seen by many here to

be sort of a glue to differences, a bridge builder.

And today, just that reminder again of just how far South Africa has come and how much -- a big
role, a critical role that Mandela played in that journey, and I think South Africans, it's good for
them to remind themselves about that.
ANDERSON: Yes, absolutely. Robin, thank you for that. And the best, of course, from us here at
South Africa could not -- or could have been turned into a bloody and ugly place, but Nelson
Mandela was all about forgiveness and togetherness. That message from Grammy award-winning
singer and UNICEF goodwill ambassador Angelique Kidjo, who calls Madiba her inspiration, and she
joins us now from Molde in western Norway.
Just part of what you wrote when you saw him coming out of prison all those years ago. How did you
feel, Angelique, when you first met him? Where was it?
ANGELIQUE KIDJO, SINGER: The first time I met Nelson Mandela, I was - - when we did the first
concert of 46664. And he took the time, really, to get out to everybody, and we went to Robben
Island together to visit his cell.
And he gave me the feeling of surpassing myself, and we all can do that. He's such a wonderful
human being, of forgiveness, not only, but compassion and reaching out to people, as you said
earlier, to build bridges among people.
And we can all do that. It's not -- it's something that he always says to us. "Do the best you can. You
only can do the best you can," and that's what Nelson Mandela is about.
ANDERSON: I know we've got some pictures of you with him as we speak. What is his legacy, do you
think? I mean, he's 93 years old, he's not in great health, but he's still with us. But let's talk while
he's still here about what his legacy may be.
KIDJO: His legacy to the world is, for me, peace, love, and understanding. And for us to lead to
understand that living together is the only solution for peace on earth. And if you can do that by
spending 67 minutes trying to help somebody, that will be great.
And what I would like to ask and urge the leaders of the world to do, including the leaders in Africa,
is to take example from Nelson Mandela. Sometime you have to put aside your political party and for
the greater good of the people.
The leaders of Africa have to take example from their son, Mandela, and think about the greater
good of the people, especially what is going on in the whole of Africa today.
Half a million of children will be dying if we don't do something within a couple of days. We cannot
sit down and back and see that, and Nelson Mandela children.
And the way he approached every single person made you feel protected, loved by your father or
your grandfather. Doesn't matter where you come from, what skin color you have, what language
you speak.
If Nelson Mandela was able to forgive 27 years in jail, how can -- why can't we do that and move on

together and just leave division and hate and pain and fear aside?
ANDERSON: You make some very good points, Angelique, as we look at pictures of Nelson Mandela
pretty much with children around the world. And I know 12 million young voices singing him "Happy
Birthday" earlier on today. What's your message to him?
KIDJO: Happy birthday, Madiba. Every year I sing, this year I'm touring, I don't know if you get my
message, but you know what? You know it, I don't have to say it again, as you said. Every time I
come to the 46664 concert, you always tell me, "Now that you're here, everything's going to be fine."
Just stay here with me, because every time I think about you, my life gets better. And I love you. I
love him so much, and he for me say manhood. For me, say every leader in the world and give me
hope in the capacity that we have as human beings to love one another.
ANDERSON: Angelique, you make a very good point.
KIDJO: Happy birthday!
ANDERSON: There you go. Happy Birthday from Angelique Kidjo and from us at CNN. It's very late
on now in the evening in South Africa, but Madiba's 93rd birthday today.
Coming up on CONNECT THE WORLD, inspired to make a change.
JOHN HARDY, FOUNDER, THE GREEN SCHOOL: I have four children, and when I saw this, I
thought, oh, God, I can't leave them with this mess.
ANDERSON: Find out why this businessman decided to dedicate the rest of his life to creating a
greener future.
ANDERSON: Welcome back. Imagine a school where lessons are held outside and the topics include
learning to plant rice.
Well, this green school actually exists. It's in Bali, and the man behind it is one of CNN's green
pioneers. People who are tackling tough environmental challenges in innovative ways. It's a special
series of reports this week, and Andrew Stevens kicks it off.
ANDREW STEVENS, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Making music with bamboo sticks and
used water bottles. Learning Shakespeare under a thatched roof in a building made almost entirely
of bamboo.
The Green School is like no other. The idea came to its founder, John Hardy, after retiring from his
successful jewelry business in 2007.

HARDY: I didn't really know how to be retired, but my wife Cynthia took me to a movie. It was "The
Inconvenient Truth." And Mr. Gore ruined my life. Because I have four children, and when I saw this,
I thought, oh, God, I can't leave them with this mess.
And so, I decided I'd dedicate the rest of my life to doing whatever I could to make their lot better.
STEVENS: At this school, students from nursery to grade 8 get what Hardy calls a holistic education,
well-rounded with a special on emphasis on the environment.
UNIDENTIFIED CHILD: It's the beauty of us feeding the Earth, right?
STEVENS: This grade two class is learning how to plant rice and understand the food cycle.
HARDY: Because the whole idea of sustainability and holism, which the school is based on, is that
you don't dig everything up and spend it, and you don't live outside your means. You live inside your
environmental means, inside your ecological means.
STEVENS: The goal, he says, is to decrease the school's carbon footprint even more. Organic
vegetables grow in the garden. Waste from livestock is turned to bio gas for cooking.
HARDY: This is the future!
STEVENS: Power is generated by this hydro-electric vortex. Soon, solar panels will be installed to
take the school completely off the grid.
HARDY: These are where the solar panels will go.
STEVENS: Hardy, though, isn't without his critics. The Green School is an international school that
charged steep fees. Most of its students are foreigners. Only 20 percent are Indonesians who are
mostly on scholarship.
HARDY: We haven't been entirely successful at getting local parents with the means to send their
children international school to come to Green School.
STEVENS: Still the school is expanding. It had 98 children when it first opened in 2008. They expect
300 students to enroll this year.
STEVENS (on camera): John Hardy's vision has grown since he first saw Al Gore's "An Inconvenient
Truth." The Green School, he says, is now just the anchor, the beginnings of what he hopes will truly
be a green community.
STEVENS (voice-over): Just over half a mile from the school is what he called the Green Village.
HARDY: Having to put kids in public transport or cars every morning is silly, so the kids from Green
Village, it's 900 meters to Green School, they'll be able to walk through the Balinese fields to the
STEVENS: Helping Hardy develop this unique housing enclave is his 30- year-old daughter Elora.
She gave up a high profile graphic designing job in New York and put her skills to work in Bali. Like
the Green School, these houses are made mostly from bamboo.

ELORA HARDY, IBUKU COMMUNITY: Bamboo just grows in the jungle, in the rivers. From a
resource point of view, bamboo is incredibly green, and I think that the spaces that we're making
have the effect when people go inside of feeling connected to nature.
STEVENS: Some of these homes cost up to half a million dollars. Most are owned by wealthy families
whose children go to Green School, trading their city lives for greener lifestyles.
J. HARDY: And she's creating the future.
STEVENS: Hardy takes much pride from his daughter's choice to join him in what he describes as an
amazing journey.
HARDY: We really have to develop the world into a sustainable system in a sustainable place so that
the grandchildren can go, "Oh. We were headed for the abyss, but Dad and Mom and Grandpa put
the brakes on, and now we're -- things are looking good."
STEVENS: Andrew Stevens, CNN, Bali.
ANDERSON: And tune into CONNECT THE WORLD all this week. Each day, we'll preview a pioneer
creating a change by making a difference. That is all week right here on CNN.
Your Parting Shots this evening, an emotional farewell. The Space Shuttle "Atlantis" team hug the
International Space Station crew good-bye. "Atlantis" wrapping up NASA's final Shuttle mission.
This video, you can see the team closing the hatch between the shuttle and the orbiting outpost for
the very last time. The shuttle is scheduled to return to Florida's Kennedy Space Station on Thursday
in what is sure to be a bittersweet homecoming.
I'm Becky Anderson, that is your world connected, thank you for watching. The world headlines and
"BackStory" will follow this short break. And if the pictures are still there for you, let's take a look at
what the shuttle crew are up to in "Atlantis" this evening.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Return again someday to Earth by astronauts that came up on an American
spacecraft. Its journey will not end there. Its journey will continue.

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