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Scoring Guide for Multimodal Research Project

Total Possible Points: 100

Excellent: A-B+ Good: B Satisfactory: C+-C Inadequate: D+-F

SUBJECT • Demonstrates a full • Demonstrates • Demonstrates partial • Attempts to

understanding of the understanding in understanding in demonstrate an
KNOWLEDGE subject in sophisticated language appropriate for mostly clear language. understanding in
language and explanations. the audience and in clear • Uses a few passages to language that is not
AND EVIDENCE • Uses specific passages and explanations. support the thesis. always clear.
information to fully and • Uses numerous • Uses examples that fail
15 convincingly support thesis. passages and to support the thesis.
information to support
the thesis.
ARGUMENT AND • Develops an interesting and • Develops a valid • Presents an argument • Discusses the subject
plausible argument about argument about the and vaguely connects without a clear
KNOWLEDGE OF the subject, using scholarly subject, using the source information. connection to the
articles and multimedia to sources to support it. • Asserts an idea of the sources.
SOURCES develop the argument. • Argues a clear idea of meaning of the • May suggest an idea of
• Argues with conviction a the argument and the sources. the meaning of the
20 clear idea of the argument’s sources. sources.
main ideas.
TEXT • Presents the text discussion • Presents the text • Presents the text • Presentation is marred
using the highest quality of discussion using good discussion in a by mechanical and
PRESENTATION rhetorical, grammatical, and rhetorical, grammatical, competent and grammatical errors
stylistic features. and stylistic features. appropriate manner, and lacks a coherent
AND • Provides a correct MLA • Provides an MLA Works making only occasional style.
Works Cited. Cited with only minor errors. • No MLA Works Cited
CORRECTNESS errors, such as in • Provides some provided.
punctuation. bibliographical
information for
sources without
adhering to MLA Style.
CHOICE OF • Contents create a distinct • Contents create an • An attempt was • Little or no attempt to
atmosphere or tone that atmosphere or tone made to use contents use contents to
MULTIMEDIA matches different parts of that matches some to create an create an
CONTENT the argument. parts of the argument. atmosphere/tone but appropriate
10 • The content may support • The content may it needed more work. atmosphere/tone.
or disagree with the support or disagree • Content choice is • Multimedia content
argument. with the argument. logical, but not well has no apparent
connected to the text relation to the
argument. argument.
ACADEMIC • Images and/or video is of • Images and/or video • An attempt was • Little or no attempt
the highest academic were of academic made to use images was made to
QUALITY OF quality for the topic of the quality to match the and/or video to match connect images
IMAGES OR argument. tone of the argument. the argument, but and/or video to the
VIDEO better choices could argument.
have been made.
COVER LETTER  Cover Letter: Write a letter, from you to me, single-spaced, of no more than 2 pages, that describes the process you went through
to arrive at your final draft. Discuss what worked and what didn't work, making specific reference to any included pieces in the
20 portfolio and to any other work done in the class that may have contributed to your writing. Finally, discuss what you may have
learned about yourself as a writer. I look forward to this letter as a good discussion of the composition of the paper I am about to
read. For me, it's like looking over your shoulder; for you it's an opportunity to find out about yourself as a writer. This letter carries a
lot of weight in the portfolio grade, because it often makes sense of something you did in the paper, allowing me to understand
mistakes as well as successes. Seeing that you understand what you have done allows me to be more forgiving of your mistakes.
The purpose of such description and analysis is for you to slow down and think about how you compose.
 Letter is evaluated on writer's ability to express writing process that led to final draft, ability to analyze development of writing
process and express insights about such development. Please use a letter format.

DRAFTS (OF TEXT  1st draft from peer reviews. This draft must indicate where you made revisions with highlighting and comments. Save the draft with
a good filename, like smithtextdraft1.doc.
COMPONENTS — Writer uses highlighting and marginal or intertextual comments to show revising choices. Shows willingness to take risks
ONLY) with early drafts.

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