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Rad No 2015-200-002125-2

.,41 Fecha 20111/201504:30:22 p.m.




La Embajada de la Repblica de Corea saluda muy atentamente al

Honorable Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de la Repblica de Colombia
Direccin de Cooperacin Internacional y se permite informar que Colombia ha
sido elegido como pas candidato para implementar el programa "Korean
Agricultural Policy Experiences for Food Security (KAPEX) para los aos 2017 y
El mencionado programa, fue fundado por el Ministerio de Agricultura,
Alimentos y Asuntos Rurales de la Repblica de Corea e implementando por el
Instituto Econmico Rural de Corea (KREI) y tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de
un marco para mejorar la seguridad alimentaria de los pases socios. Por lo
anterior, la Embajada solicita el envo de las propuestas para nuevos proyectos
KAPEX las cuales sern evaluadas para escoger las propuestas finales, a ms
tardar el viernes 11 de diciembre del presente ao.
La Embajada de la Repblica de Corea hace propicia la ocasin para
reiterar al Honorable Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de la Repblica de
Colombia las seguridades de su ms alta y distinguida consideracin.

Bogot D.C., 19 de noviembre de 2015.

Adjunto: Carta oficial, informacin del programa y formato de aplicacin.

Al Honorable
Direccin de Cooperacin Internacional
C.C: Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Direccin de Asia, frica y Oceana.
Agencia Presidencial de Cooperacin Internacional Direccin de Coordinacin
Ministerio de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural Oficina Asesora de Asuntos Internacionales

Embajada de la Repblica de Corea - Calle 94 No. 9 - 39 - Tel.: 616 72 00 - Fax: 610 03 38

Korea Rural Economic Institute


601, Bitgaram-ro, Naju-si, Jeollanam-do. 58217, Korea

Tel.: +82-1833-5500, Fax.: +82-61-820-2211, www.krei.re.kr

To: Experts on International Cooperation

Subject: Cali for Proposal for the Korean Agricultural Policy Experiences for Food
Security (KAPEX) 2017/2018 Program
Dear Sir/Ma'am
The Korean Agricultural Policy Experiences for Food Security (KAPEX) Program, funded by
the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (MAFRA) of the Republic of Korea and
implemented by the Korea Rural Economic Institute (KRE1), aims at developing a framework
for improving food security of partner countries. The program assists them to deal more
effectively with their food security and agricultural and rural development issues through joint
research, training programs and roundtable policy workshops. For the year of 2013, three
countries (Ethiopia, Cambodia and Lao PDR) were selected as partner countries. For the
second year of 2014, Myanmar, Uganda and Vietnam became new partner countries; and
Paraguay, Rwanda and the Philippines are our partners for the 2015 KAPEX Program.
As mentioned aboye, we, on behalf of MAFRA, would like to request you to fill in and
submit officially the attached project proposal for 2017 and 2018 KAPEX Program until
December 16, 2015 through the Korean Embassy in your country. The project proposal will
serve as basis for validity evaluation of a proposal.
For more information, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Kim, Jong-sun, Research Fellow
of KREI, Email: sun589krei.re.kr, Tel: +82-61-820-2210

Yours sincerely,

Dr, Jang Heo

Center for International Agricultural Partnership (C1AP)
Korea Rural Economic Institute
601, Bitgaram-ro, Naju-si, Jeollanam-do, 58217, Korea
Office: +82-61-820-2357

inis1ng of Agricultura,
Food and Rural Affaire

Korea Rural Economic Institute

Korean Agricultural Policy Experiences for Food Security (KAPEX)

Introduction of the KAPEX Program
With approximately 850 million people undernourished around the globe, the problem of food insecurity
persists, despite technological advances in food production. To transfer the policy experiences of Korea
in agriculture and rural sectors, with a special attention to food security issues, to partner countries may
bring good opportunities to "watch and learn" in this context. It is because that, during the past four
decades, Korea has very quickly achieved the status of advanced country and introduced various policies
to those sectors as well, which will presumably provide excellent cases for benchmarking for developing
Under such circumstances, the government of the Republic of Korea desired to develop a program
framework for improving food security situations of developing countries. This proposed program aims
to assist developing countries, at the national leve], to deal more effectively with food security issues by
utilizing the framework.
Therefore, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (MAFRA) of the Republic of Korea
initiated a new program called "Korean Agricultura] Policy Experiences for Food Security (KAPEX)" for
three selected partner countries (Ethiopia, Cambodia and Lao PDR) in 2013. For the second year of 2014,
Myanmar, Uganda and Vietnam became new partner countries. Paraguay, Rwanda and the Philippines are
our partners for the 2015 KAPEX Program.
Program activities
The KAPEX program is to develop a policy framework for improving food security of developing
countries. Focused on the selected topic, it will assist, at the national leve], to deal more effectively with
food security issues through i) "Joint Research", ji) "KAPEX Academy (short-terrn training program)" in
Korea and the partner country, iii) "KAPEX Academy Visiting Program" and iv) "KAPEX
Workshop" in Korea and the partner country. The topic of the KAPEX program is decided upon the
demand of each partner country as well . as in-depth study on its agricultura] and rural development
With the outcomes of the "Joint Research", key ateas of problems or policy issues need to be identified in
more details for the partner country; "KAPEX Academy" (twice; once in Korea, once in each partner
country) is for sharing agricultural policy experiences of Korea and enhancing participants' knowledge on
the topic; "KAPEX Academy Visiting Program" is to strengthen policy development capabilities for a
Director-leve] government officials through mid-term training program; and the "KAPEX Workshop"
(twice; once in Korea, once in each partner country) is for presenting program outcomes and discussing
subjects which require future collaboration.
Throughout the program, practica] ODA project proposal(s) of each partner country would be planned out.
Therefore, unlike other technical cooperation program, this program is basically oriented toward building
capacity of public officials and experts of partner countries and hammering out documents for ODA
2.1. Joint Research
II is to identify the most critical areas for food security enhancement, to implement extensive surveys and

-to-derive issues and problems, and to find out ways to initiate policy programs to solve them. For
tie project, a Joint Research team, consisting of experts of Korea and the partner country, would be
formed and conduct surveys for key arcas or in-depth research based on demand and necessity from each
partner country. The information and statistics would be accumulated for future collaborative works.
The Joint Research team will be asked to make reports to both parties al the initial, mid-tenn, and final
stage and KAPEX Workshops will work as a venue for public presentation of the output. Joint Research
results will be utilized for concretizing further collaborative projects through providing baseline data and
2.2. "KAPEX Academy"
Relevant government officials and other personnel, preferably Director Generals al the central
government or those at the same or higher level in the public sector, will be invited to Korea to learn from
Korean agricultura] policy experiences on the topic. The basic objective of the program is to build
capacity for designing and implementing concrete policies and strategies.
The learning program is consisted of a series of lectures, workshop and discussions, and on-site visiting.
The training will be about one week long, and approximately ten (10) people are invited. Besides, about
one-week-long training course will be organized in each partner country for about twenty (20) public
officials working al the practica! positions. Lectures, group discussions, and model policy-making are the
majar components.
2.3. "KAPEX Academy Usiling Program"
This newly introduced program aims to enhance policy development capabilities of high-level public
official from each partner country through six-month-long (five-month-long in 2014) customized course.
Participants also have an opportunity to share the experience of their countries with Korean experts and
learn lessons from agricultural development experiences of Korea.
Its main components are i ) "KAPEX Academy Lectures," ) on-site visiting, and iii) academic
advising by KREI experts. At the end of the program, each participant of the "KAPEX Academy
Visiting Program" is required to submit a final paper to KREI on their main interest.
2.4. KAPEX Workshops
Based on the Joint Research and KAPEX Academy outcomes, and other related activities, both gov
ernments would hold two times of policy workshops, one in Korea and the other in each partner
During the workshops, which will be a roundtable formal in which all participants are actively engaged,
the results of the Joint Research as well as KAPEX Academy and experiences of Korea and partner
countries in the related field will be shared. Moreover, workshops in each partner country are desired to
be a forum where the experiences of other donor and international organizations are to be shared.
Representatives from other donor and international organizations will be invited to share their ideas and
experiences and introduce best practices among the projects implemented by each organization. In
addition, specific ODA projects will be identified and discussed for the future collaborative project if
3. KAPEX Promotion Working Group
The KAPEX program is implemented by the KAPEX Promotion Working Group. The Group consists of
two Co-Chairs, severa] Co-Vice Chairs and members. Co-Chairs are preferably the Director-General of

Republic of Korea and the Director-General of the Ministry of Agriculture, each partner
country; Co-Vice Chairs are composed of the Vice Director of MAFRA and the Project Manager of the
Korea Rural Economic Institute (KREI), Republic of Korea as wel I as the Vice Director of the MOA and
the counterpart Project Manager of partner countries; Members, who are experts, program officers and
administrative staffs, are virtual ly planning and implementing the KAPEX program.
4. Financial sources
Basically, the Korean govemment bears the costs that would occur during the implementation of the
KAPEX program. Details are encouraged to be discussed between two parties during policy meetings.
The budget is provided by MAFRA, Republic of Korea. KREI, a government-sponsored research
institute under the Prime Minister's Office of Korea, is the implementing agency of the program.

For further information, please contact:


Dr. Heo, Jang (Research Director, KREI), +82.61.820.2357, heoiangekrei.re.kr

Dr. Kim, long-sun (Research Fellow, KREI), +82.61.820.2210, sun5890krei.re,lu.

The candidate country should fill in all the blanks ir, detail to be reviewed by the
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and the Korea Rural Economic
Institute, which is the implementing agency. The Project Pro_posal should be
submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs via official
diplomatic channel. As soon as it is submitted, the Korean government will select the
partner country based on the contents of the project proposal, particularly importance
to food security of the partner country and the applicability of Korea's agricultura]
policy experience.

There must be one executing agency which will be in charge of the
entire project, manage and monitor the program progress, and sign on
the Record of Diseussion.
There must be one implementing agency which will manase project
staff and funds and carry out the program activities, acting as the
coordinator and the counterpart. The contact person, who will be a
partner with the Korean counterpart and work on arranging the matters
between the partner country and the Korea Rural Economia Institute,
must be selected from the implementing agency.
On Background and Justification, please indicate the detailed
background and rationale for proposing the topics. If possible, please
attach the relevant references for better understanding of the
On Key Adivines by Program Componen& please refer to "Program
Activities" of the "Program Description of KAPEX".
On Linkages, picase describe whether diere are linkages to country
program, project activities and to other ODA Projects planned.
For further information, picase contact to:
Dr. HEO, Jang (Rcsearch Director, KRE1), +82.61.820.2357, heoiang@kreise.kr
Ms. LEE, Yoonjung (Researcher, KRE1), +82.61.820.2033y jlee401@krei.rc.kr

Project Title: (e.g. "Lao PDR Agricultura! Cooperantes Policies')

Partner Country

Lao People's Democratic Republic (Lao PDR)

Executing Agency:

Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Foresto, (MAF), Lao

Implementing Agency:

To be filled out

Focal Point in Partner::

Name, Position, Organization, Email, Phone Number

Background ami Justification:

Direct and lndirect Target Group:


Key Activities by Program Component:

Expected Outputs/Achievements:


Indiestwe Budget ,

(e.g. "Improving agricultural distribution and

marketing system in Mongolia')
Survey Res earch

55,200 $ for all training and workshops

Total Estimated Budget


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